Ejemplo n.º 1
void _3dfx_DrawFlatShadedPoly( g3ds_tmap *Tmap1, unsigned long argb )
   GrVertex a, b, c;
   int      i;
   float    lowest_y = 10000, highest_y = 0;
   float    lowest_x = 10000, highest_x = 0;

   for ( i = 0; i < Tmap1->nv; i++ )
      float x = SNAP( Tmap1->verts[i].x2d ) * fix_to_float;
      float y = SNAP( Tmap1->verts[i].y2d ) * fix_to_float;

      if ( x < lowest_x ) lowest_x = x;
      if ( x > highest_x ) highest_x = x;
      if ( y < lowest_y ) lowest_y = y;
      if ( y > highest_y ) highest_y = y;

   if ( highest_x < 0 || highest_y < 0 || lowest_x > 639 || lowest_y > 479 )
      mprintf( ( 0, "3dfx - rejecting fspoly way off screen\n" ) );

   guColorCombineFunction( GR_COLORCOMBINE_CCRGB );
   grConstantColorValue( argb );

   a.x = SNAP( Tmap1->verts[0].x2d ) * fix_to_float;
   a.y = SNAP( Tmap1->verts[0].y2d ) * fix_to_float;

   for ( i = 1; i < Tmap1->nv - 1; i++ )
      b.x   = SNAP( Tmap1->verts[i].x2d ) * fix_to_float;
      b.y   = SNAP( Tmap1->verts[i].y2d ) * fix_to_float;
      c.x   = SNAP( Tmap1->verts[i+1].x2d ) * fix_to_float;
      c.y   = SNAP( Tmap1->verts[i+1].y2d ) * fix_to_float;

      grDrawTriangle( &a, &b, &c );
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: P3.c Proyecto: Solln/CS210
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
    int nQs,nAs,verbose;
    /* The following (compile time) calculations of the number of questions
     * (nQs) and the number of possible answers (nAs) allows the program to
     * adjust itself automatically to the size of the data set.
     * Note: the -1 allows for the fact that as a defensive measure the 0th
     * array elements aren't counted thus allowing the indices into arrays to
     * be in the range 1 to nQs and 1 to nAs respectively. I.e. we consider
     * the arrays to have a lower bound of 1 rather than a lower bound of 0.
     * I.e. this give a more intuitive mapping of the question answers, for
     * example, where A -> 1, B -> 2, etc.
    nQs = (int)(sizeof(questions)/sizeof(questions[0]))-1;
    nAs = (int)(sizeof(questions[0].pAnswers)/sizeof(questions[0].pAnswers[0]))-1;
    printf("Number of questions is: %d\n",nQs);
    printf("Number of answers is: %d\n",nAs);
    printf("%s",questions[0].pQuestion); /* 0th 'question' is the preamble */
    GetAnswer("Y");   /* Wait for a response - any, in fact, will do! */
    printf("\nThere are %d questions in this test. Good luck!\n\n",nQs);
    Countdown(3);     /* Output some typical Brain Trainer eye candy! */
    questions[0].aTime = SNAP(); /* Record the start time of the test */
    AskQuestions(questions,nQs,nAs); /* Self-explanatory I trust! */
    SHOT();                        /* Record the end time of the test */
    printf("\nThanks for taking Darren's LLP Brain Trainer Test!\n"
           "You completed the test in %d seconds\n",(int)ELAPSED());
    printf("Would you like the verbose version of your results? [Y/N]: ");
    verbose = (GetAnswer("NY") == 1);   /* Wait for a response */
    MarkAnswers(questions,nQs,options,verbose); /* Report the test results */
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* Unroll loop. */
static void loop_unroll(jit_State *J)
  IRRef1 phi[LJ_MAX_PHI];
  uint32_t nphi = 0;
  IRRef1 *subst;
  SnapNo onsnap;
  SnapShot *osnap, *loopsnap;
  SnapEntry *loopmap, *psentinel;
  IRRef ins, invar;

  /* Use temp buffer for substitution table.
  ** Only non-constant refs in [REF_BIAS,invar) are valid indexes.
  ** Caveat: don't call into the VM or run the GC or the buffer may be gone.
  invar = J->cur.nins;
  subst = (IRRef1 *)lj_str_needbuf(J->L, &G(J->L)->tmpbuf,
				   (invar-REF_BIAS)*sizeof(IRRef1)) - REF_BIAS;
  subst[REF_BASE] = REF_BASE;

  /* LOOP separates the pre-roll from the loop body. */
  emitir_raw(IRTG(IR_LOOP, IRT_NIL), 0, 0);

  /* Grow snapshot buffer and map for copy-substituted snapshots.
  ** Need up to twice the number of snapshots minus #0 and loop snapshot.
  ** Need up to twice the number of entries plus fallback substitutions
  ** from the loop snapshot entries for each new snapshot.
  ** Caveat: both calls may reallocate J->cur.snap and J->cur.snapmap!
  onsnap = J->cur.nsnap;
  lj_snap_grow_buf(J, 2*onsnap-2);
  lj_snap_grow_map(J, J->cur.nsnapmap*2+(onsnap-2)*J->cur.snap[onsnap-1].nent);

  /* The loop snapshot is used for fallback substitutions. */
  loopsnap = &J->cur.snap[onsnap-1];
  loopmap = &J->cur.snapmap[loopsnap->mapofs];
  /* The PC of snapshot #0 and the loop snapshot must match. */
  psentinel = &loopmap[loopsnap->nent];
  lua_assert(*psentinel == J->cur.snapmap[J->cur.snap[0].nent]);
  *psentinel = SNAP(255, 0, 0);  /* Replace PC with temporary sentinel. */

  /* Start substitution with snapshot #1 (#0 is empty for root traces). */
  osnap = &J->cur.snap[1];

  /* Copy and substitute all recorded instructions and snapshots. */
  for (ins = REF_FIRST; ins < invar; ins++) {
    IRIns *ir;
    IRRef op1, op2;

    if (ins >= osnap->ref)  /* Instruction belongs to next snapshot? */
      loop_subst_snap(J, osnap++, loopmap, subst);  /* Copy-substitute it. */

    /* Substitute instruction operands. */
    ir = IR(ins);
    op1 = ir->op1;
    if (!irref_isk(op1)) op1 = subst[op1];
    op2 = ir->op2;
    if (!irref_isk(op2)) op2 = subst[op2];
    if (irm_kind(lj_ir_mode[ir->o]) == IRM_N &&
	op1 == ir->op1 && op2 == ir->op2) {  /* Regular invariant ins? */
      subst[ins] = (IRRef1)ins;  /* Shortcut. */
    } else {
      /* Re-emit substituted instruction to the FOLD/CSE/etc. pipeline. */
      IRType1 t = ir->t;  /* Get this first, since emitir may invalidate ir. */
      IRRef ref = tref_ref(emitir(ir->ot & ~IRT_ISPHI, op1, op2));
      subst[ins] = (IRRef1)ref;
      if (ref != ins) {
	IRIns *irr = IR(ref);
	if (ref < invar) {  /* Loop-carried dependency? */
	  /* Potential PHI? */
	  if (!irref_isk(ref) && !irt_isphi(irr->t) && !irt_ispri(irr->t)) {
	    if (nphi >= LJ_MAX_PHI)
	      lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_PHIOV);
	    phi[nphi++] = (IRRef1)ref;
	  /* Check all loop-carried dependencies for type instability. */
	  if (!irt_sametype(t, irr->t)) {
	    if (irt_isinteger(t) && irt_isinteger(irr->t))
	    else if (irt_isnum(t) && irt_isinteger(irr->t))  /* Fix int->num. */
	      ref = tref_ref(emitir(IRTN(IR_CONV), ref, IRCONV_NUM_INT));
	    else if (irt_isnum(irr->t) && irt_isinteger(t))  /* Fix num->int. */
	      ref = tref_ref(emitir(IRTGI(IR_CONV), ref,
	      lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_TYPEINS);
	    subst[ins] = (IRRef1)ref;
	    irr = IR(ref);
	    goto phiconv;
	} else if (ref != REF_DROP && irr->o == IR_CONV &&
		   ref > invar && irr->op1 < invar) {
	  /* May need an extra PHI for a CONV. */
	  ref = irr->op1;
	  irr = IR(ref);
	  if (ref < invar && !irref_isk(ref) && !irt_isphi(irr->t)) {
	    if (nphi >= LJ_MAX_PHI)
	      lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_PHIOV);
	    phi[nphi++] = (IRRef1)ref;
  if (!irt_isguard(J->guardemit))  /* Drop redundant snapshot. */
    J->cur.nsnapmap = (uint16_t)J->cur.snap[--J->cur.nsnap].mapofs;
  lua_assert(J->cur.nsnapmap <= J->sizesnapmap);
  *psentinel = J->cur.snapmap[J->cur.snap[0].nent];  /* Restore PC. */

  loop_emit_phi(J, subst, phi, nphi, onsnap);