Ejemplo n.º 1
  void Mistress::opLoad()
    beginOperation( Operation_Load );

    void* buffer;
    uint16_t length;

    DEBUG( "Loading graphs from flash" );
    mMemory.readSector( Memory::Sector_Graphs, buffer, length );
    if ( length > 0 )
      JsonValue value;
      JsonAllocator allocator;
      JsonParseStatus status = jsonParse( (char*)buffer, &value, allocator );
      SPARK_ASSERT( status == JSON_PARSE_OK );
      mGraphs.fromJSON( value );
      free( buffer );

    DEBUG( "Loading vibrators from flash" );
    mMemory.readSector( Memory::Sector_Vibrators, buffer, length );
    if ( length > 0 )
      JsonValue value;
      JsonAllocator allocator;
      JsonParseStatus status = jsonParse( (char*)buffer, &value, allocator );
      SPARK_ASSERT( status == JSON_PARSE_OK );
      mVibrators.fromJSON( value );
      free( buffer );

    endOperation( Operation_Load );
Ejemplo n.º 2
  void Graph::fromJSON( const JsonValue& root )
    if ( !mSections.empty() )

    SPARK_ASSERT( root.getTag() == JSON_TAG_OBJECT );

    JsonNode* node = root.toNode();
    while ( node )
      if ( strcmp( node->key, cGraphSections ) == 0 )
        SPARK_ASSERT( node->value.getTag() == JSON_TAG_ARRAY );
        JsonNode* sections = node->value.toNode();
        while ( sections )
          GraphSection* section = new GraphSection();
          section->fromJSON( sections->value );
          mSections.push_back( section );
          sections = sections->next;
      node = node->next;
Ejemplo n.º 3
uint8_t SystemControlInterface::fetchRequestResult(HAL_USB_SetupRequest* req) {
  SPARK_ASSERT(req->bmRequestTypeDirection == 1); // Device to host
  if (!usbReq_.ready) {
    return 1; // No reply data available
  if (usbReq_.req.type != (USBRequestType)req->wIndex) {
    return 1; // Unexpected request type
  if (usbReq_.result != USB_REQUEST_RESULT_OK) {
    return 1; // Request has failed (TODO: Reply with a result code?)
  if (req->wLength > 0) {
    if (!usbReq_.req.data) {
      return 1; // Initialization error
    if (req->wLength < usbReq_.req.reply_size) {
      return 1; // Too large reply
    if (req->wLength <= 64) {
      if (!req->data) {
        return 1; // Invalid request info
      memcpy(req->data, usbReq_.req.data, usbReq_.req.reply_size);
    } else {
      req->data = (uint8_t*)usbReq_.req.data; // Provide buffer with reply data
    req->wLength = usbReq_.req.reply_size;
  usbReq_.active = false;
  // FIXME: Don't invalidate reply data for now (simplifies testing with usbtool)
  // usbReq_.ready = false;
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
uint8_t SystemControlInterface::enqueueRequest(HAL_USB_SetupRequest* req, DataFormat fmt) {
  SPARK_ASSERT(req->bmRequestTypeDirection == 0); // Host to device
  if (usbReq_.active && !usbReq_.ready) {
    return 1; // // There is an active request already
  if (req->wLength > 0) {
    if (!usbReq_.req.data) {
      return 1; // Initialization error
    if (req->wLength > USB_REQUEST_BUFFER_SIZE) {
      return 1; // Too large request
    if (req->wLength <= 64) {
      if (!req->data) {
        return 1; // Invalid request info
      memcpy(usbReq_.req.data, req->data, req->wLength);
    } else if (!req->data) {
      req->data = (uint8_t*)usbReq_.req.data; // Provide buffer for request data
      return 0; // OK
  // Schedule request for processing in the system thread's context
  if (!SystemISRTaskQueue.enqueue(processSystemRequest, &usbReq_.req)) {
    return 1;
  usbReq_.req.type = (USBRequestType)req->wIndex;
  usbReq_.req.request_size = req->wLength;
  usbReq_.req.reply_size = 0;
  usbReq_.req.format = fmt;
  usbReq_.ready = false;
  usbReq_.active = true;
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 void Mistress::beginOperation( const Operation op )
   SPARK_ASSERT( !mOperating );
   mOperating = true;
   RGB.control( true );
   RGB.color( 255, 0, 115 );
   RGB.brightness( 192 );
Ejemplo n.º 6
void SystemControlInterface::processAppRequest(void* data) {
  // FIXME: Request leak may occur if underlying asynchronous event cannot be queued
  USBRequest* req = static_cast<USBRequest*>(data);
  SPARK_ASSERT(usbReqAppHandler); // Checked in processSystemRequest()
  if (!usbReqAppHandler(req, nullptr)) {
    setRequestResult(req, USB_REQUEST_RESULT_ERROR);
Ejemplo n.º 7
  void GraphManager::fromJSON( const JsonValue& root )
    SPARK_ASSERT( root.getTag() == JSON_TAG_ARRAY );

    JsonNode* node = root.toNode();
    while ( node )
      Graph* graph = new Graph();
      graph->fromJSON( node->value );
      mGraphs.push_back( graph );
      node = node->next;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  void GraphSection::fromJSON( const JsonValue& root )
    SPARK_ASSERT( root.getTag() == JSON_TAG_OBJECT );

    JsonNode* node = root.toNode();
    while ( node )
      if ( strcmp( node->key, cSectionType ) == 0 )
        SPARK_ASSERT( node->value.getTag() == JSON_TAG_STRING );
        for ( int i = 0; i < Interp_MAX; i++ )
          if ( strcmp( node->value.toString(), cInterpolationMethods[i] ) == 0 )
            mInterpolation = (Interpolation)i;
      else if ( strcmp( node->key, cSectionData ) == 0 )
        SPARK_ASSERT( node->value.getTag() == JSON_TAG_ARRAY );
        int i = 0;
        JsonNode* data = node->value.toNode();
        while ( data )
          SPARK_ASSERT( data->value.getTag() == JSON_TAG_NUMBER );
          if ( i == 0 )
            mBegin = data->value.toNumber();
          else if ( i == 1 )
            mEnd = data->value.toNumber();
          else if ( i == 2 )
            mLength = data->value.toNumber();
          data = data->next;
      node = node->next;
 * @brief  The handler for Interrupt that is generated on SPI at the end of DMA
 * @param  None
 * @retval None
void SPI_DMA_IntHandler(void)
	unsigned long ucTxFinished, ucRxFinished;
	unsigned short data_to_recv = 0;

	ucTxFinished = DMA_GetFlagStatus(CC3000_SPI_TX_DMA_TCFLAG );
	ucRxFinished = DMA_GetFlagStatus(CC3000_SPI_RX_DMA_TCFLAG );
	  // Both Done
          if (ucTxFinished && ucRxFinished)
                  /* Clear SPI_DMA Interrupt Pending Flags */
                  DMA_ClearFlag(CC3000_SPI_TX_DMA_TCFLAG | CC3000_SPI_RX_DMA_TCFLAG);

                  sSpiInformation.ulSpiState = eSPI_STATE_READ_PROCEED;

                  uint16_t *pnetlen = (uint16_t *) &sSpiInformation.pRxPacket[READ_OFFSET_TO_LENGTH];
                  data_to_recv = ntohs(*pnetlen);
                  if (data_to_recv)
                       /* We will read ARRAY_SIZE(spi_readCommand) + data_to_recv. is it odd? */

                       if ((data_to_recv +  arraySize(spi_readCommand)) & 1)
                           /* Odd so make it even */


                       /* Read the whole payload in at the beginning of the buffer
                        * Will it fit?
                       SPARK_ASSERT(data_to_recv <= arraySize(wlan_rx_buffer));
                       SpiIO(eRead,sSpiInformation.pRxPacket,data_to_recv, FALSE);

          // All the data was read - finalize handling by switching to the task
          // and calling from task Event Handler
          if (ucRxFinished)
                  /* Clear SPI_DMA Interrupt Pending Flags */
                  DMA_ClearFlag(CC3000_SPI_TX_DMA_TCFLAG | CC3000_SPI_RX_DMA_TCFLAG);

                  SetState(eSPI_STATE_IDLE, eDeAssert);
                  WARN("CC3000 DmaHandler release read spi bus");
                  // Call out to the Unsolicited handler
                  // It will handle the event or leave it there for an outstanding opcode
                  // It it handles it the it Will resume the SPI ISR
                  // It it dose not handles it and there are not outstanding Opcodes the it Will resume the SPI ISR


          if (ucTxFinished)
                  /* Loop until SPI busy */
                  while (SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus(CC3000_SPI, SPI_I2S_FLAG_BSY ) != RESET)

                  /* Clear SPI_DMA Interrupt Pending Flags */
                  DMA_ClearFlag(CC3000_SPI_TX_DMA_TCFLAG | CC3000_SPI_RX_DMA_TCFLAG);

                  if ( sSpiInformation.ulSpiState == eSPI_STATE_FIRST_WRITE)
                      sSpiInformation.ulSpiState = eSPI_STATE_WRITE_PROCEED;
                      SetState(eSPI_STATE_IDLE, eDeAssert);
                      WARN("CC3000 DmaHandler release write spi bus");


Ejemplo n.º 10
 void Mistress::endOperation( const Operation op )
   SPARK_ASSERT( mOperating );
   RGB.control( false );
   mOperating = false;