Ejemplo n.º 1
CTEST2(ccp, partition_1d)
  /* foreach test */
  for(idx_t t=0; t < NUM_CCP_TESTS; ++t) {
    idx_t * const restrict weights = data->ptrs[t];

    idx_t bneck = partition_1d(weights, data->N, data->parts, data->P);

    /* check bounds */
    ASSERT_EQUAL(0, data->parts[0]);
    ASSERT_EQUAL(data->N, data->parts[data->P]);

    /* check non-overlapping partitions */
    for(idx_t p=0; p < data->P; ++p) {
      /* if N < P, someone will have no work */
      if(data->parts[p] > data->parts[p+1]) {

    /* check that bneck is not surpassed */
    for(idx_t p=0; p < data->P; ++p) {
      idx_t const left = SS_MIN(data->parts[p], data->N-1);
      /* -1 because exclusive bound */
      idx_t const right = SS_MIN(data->parts[p+1]-1, data->N-1);
      if(weights[right] - weights[left] > bneck) {

    /* check actual optimality */
    bool success;
    success = lprobe(weights, data->N, data->parts, data->P, bneck);
    ASSERT_EQUAL(true, success);
    success = lprobe(weights, data->N, data->parts, data->P, bneck-1);
    ASSERT_EQUAL(false, success);

  } /* end foreach test */
Ejemplo n.º 2
idx_t * tt_densetile(
  sptensor_t * const tt,
  idx_t const * const tile_dims)

  idx_t const nmodes = tt->nmodes;

   * Count tiles and compute their dimensions.
  idx_t ntiles = 1;
  for(idx_t m=0; m < nmodes; ++m) {
    ntiles *= tile_dims[m];
  /* the actual number of indices to place in each tile */
  idx_t tsizes[MAX_NMODES];
  for(idx_t m=0; m < nmodes; ++m) {
    tsizes[m] = SS_MAX(tt->dims[m] / tile_dims[m], 1);

  /* We'll copy the newly tiled non-zeros into this one, then copy back */
  sptensor_t * newtt = tt_alloc(tt->nnz, tt->nmodes);

   * Count of non-zeros per tile. We use +1 because after a prefix sum, this
   * becomes a pointer into the non-zeros for each tile (e.g., csr->row_ptr).
  idx_t * tcounts_global = splatt_malloc((ntiles+1) * sizeof(*tcounts_global));
  for(idx_t t=0; t < ntiles+1; ++t) {
    tcounts_global[t] = 0;

   * A matrix of thread-local counters.
  int const nthreads = splatt_omp_get_max_threads();
  idx_t * * tcounts_thread = splatt_malloc(
      (nthreads+1) * sizeof(*tcounts_thread));

  /* After the prefix sum, the global counter will have the sum of all nnz in
   * each tile (across threads), and thus can be returned. */
  tcounts_thread[nthreads] = tcounts_global;

  /* partition the non-zeros */
  idx_t * thread_parts = partition_simple(tt->nnz, nthreads);

  #pragma omp parallel
    int const tid = splatt_omp_get_thread_num();
    idx_t const nnz_start = thread_parts[tid];
    idx_t const nnz_end   = thread_parts[tid+1];

    /* allocate / initialize thread-local counters */
    tcounts_thread[tid] = splatt_malloc(ntiles * sizeof(**tcounts_thread));
    for(idx_t tile=0; tile < ntiles; ++tile) {
      tcounts_thread[tid][tile] = 0;
    #pragma omp barrier

    /* offset by 1 to make prefix sum easy */
    idx_t * tcounts_local = tcounts_thread[tid+1];

    /* count tile sizes (in nnz) */
    idx_t coord[MAX_NMODES];
    for(idx_t x=nnz_start; x < nnz_end; ++x) {
      for(idx_t m=0; m < nmodes; ++m) {
        /* capping at dims-1 fixes overflow when dims don't divide evenly */
        coord[m] = SS_MIN(tt->ind[m][x] / tsizes[m], tile_dims[m]-1);
      idx_t const id = get_tile_id(tile_dims, nmodes, coord);
      assert(id < ntiles);

    #pragma omp barrier
    #pragma omp single
      /* prefix sum for each tile */
      for(idx_t tile=0; tile < ntiles; ++tile) {
        for(int thread=0; thread < nthreads; ++thread) {
          tcounts_thread[thread+1][tile] += tcounts_thread[thread][tile];

        /* carry over to next tile */
        if(tile < (ntiles-1)) {
          tcounts_thread[0][tile+1] += tcounts_thread[nthreads][tile];
    } /* implied barrier */

    /* grab my starting indices now */
    tcounts_local = tcounts_thread[tid];

     * Rearrange old tensor into new tiled one.
    for(idx_t x=nnz_start; x < nnz_end; ++x) {
      for(idx_t m=0; m < nmodes; ++m) {
        coord[m] = SS_MIN(tt->ind[m][x] / tsizes[m], tile_dims[m]-1);
      /* offset by 1 to make prefix sum easy */
      idx_t const id = get_tile_id(tile_dims, nmodes, coord);
      assert(id < ntiles);

      idx_t const newidx = tcounts_local[id]++;
      newtt->vals[newidx] = tt->vals[x];
      for(idx_t m=0; m < nmodes; ++m) {
        newtt->ind[m][newidx] = tt->ind[m][x];

  } /* end omp parallel */

  /* copy tiled data into old struct */
  par_memcpy(tt->vals, newtt->vals, tt->nnz * sizeof(*tt->vals));
  for(idx_t m=0; m < nmodes; ++m) {
    par_memcpy(tt->ind[m], newtt->ind[m], tt->nnz * sizeof(**tt->ind));

  /* shift counts to the right by 1 to make proper pointer */
  memmove(tcounts_global+1, tcounts_global, ntiles * sizeof(*tcounts_global));
  tcounts_global[0] = 0;
  assert(tcounts_global[ntiles] == tt->nnz);


  return tcounts_global;