SoapResponse* WsmResponseEncoder::encodeWsenEnumerateResponse( WsenEnumerateResponse* response, Uint32& numDataItemsEncoded) { AutoPtr<SoapResponse> soapResponse(new SoapResponse(response)); Buffer headers; if (response->requestedItemCount()) { WsmWriter::appendStartTag( headers, WsmNamespaces::WS_MAN, STRLIT("TotalItemsCountEstimate")); WsmWriter::append(headers, response->getItemCount()); WsmWriter::appendEndTag( headers, WsmNamespaces::WS_MAN, STRLIT("TotalItemsCountEstimate")); } if (!_encodeEnumerationData( *soapResponse.get(), headers, WS_ENUMERATION_ENUMERATE, response->getEnumerationContext(), response->isComplete(), response->getEnumerationData(), numDataItemsEncoded, response->getResourceUri())) { soapResponse.reset(_buildEncodingLimitFault(response)); } return soapResponse.release(); }
SoapResponse* WsmResponseEncoder::_encodeWsenEnumerateResponse( WsenEnumerateResponse* response) { SoapResponse* soapResponse = new SoapResponse(response); Buffer headers; if (response->requestedItemCount()) { WsmWriter::appendStartTag( headers, WsmNamespaces::WS_MAN, STRLIT("TotalItemsCountEstimate")); WsmWriter::append(headers, response->getItemCount()); WsmWriter::appendEndTag( headers, WsmNamespaces::WS_MAN, STRLIT("TotalItemsCountEstimate")); } if (!_encodeEnumerationData( *soapResponse, headers, WS_ENUMERATION_ENUMERATE, response->getEnumerationContext(), response->isComplete(), response->getEnumerationData(), response->getResourceUri())) { delete soapResponse; return _encodeEncodingLimitFault(response); } return soapResponse; }
/* purecov: begin deadcode */ char *dbg_node_address(node_address n) { GET_NEW_GOUT; STRLIT("node_address "); PTREXP(n.address); STRLIT(n.address); STRLIT(" "); RET_GOUT; }
void SCMOInternalXmlEncoder::_appendValueReferenceElement( Buffer& out, const SCMOInstance& ref) { out << STRLIT("<VALUE.REFERENCE>\n"); SCMOXmlWriter::appendInstanceNameElement(out, ref); out << STRLIT("</VALUE.REFERENCE>\n"); }
SoapResponse* WsmResponseEncoder::_encodeWxfPutResponse( WxfPutResponse* response) { SoapResponse* soapResponse = new SoapResponse(response); Buffer headers; // DSP0226 R6.5-1: A service receiving a message that contains the // wsman:RequestEPR header block should return a response that contains // a wsman:RequestedEPR header block. This block contains the most recent // EPR of the resource being accessed or a status code if the service // cannot determine or return the EPR. This EPR reflects any identity // changes that may have occurred as a result of the current operation, as // set forth in the following behavior. The header block in the // corresponding response message has the following format: // <wsman:RequestedEPR...> // [ <wsa:EndpointReference> // wsa:EndpointReferenceType // </wsa:EndpointReference> | // <wsman:EPRInvalid/> | // <wsman:EPRUnknown/> ] // </wsman:RequestedEPR> if (response->getRequestedEPR()) { WsmWriter::appendStartTag( headers, WsmNamespaces::WS_MAN, STRLIT("RequestedEPR")); WsmWriter::appendStartTag( headers, WsmNamespaces::WS_ADDRESSING, STRLIT("EndpointReference")); WsmWriter::appendEPRElement(headers, response->getEPR()); WsmWriter::appendEndTag( headers, WsmNamespaces::WS_ADDRESSING, STRLIT("EndpointReference")); WsmWriter::appendEndTag( headers, WsmNamespaces::WS_MAN, STRLIT("RequestedEPR")); } if (soapResponse->appendHeader(headers)) { return soapResponse; } else { delete soapResponse; return _encodeUnreportableSuccess(response); } }
void WsmResponseEncoder::_encodeWxfCreateResponse(WxfCreateResponse* response) { SoapResponse soapResponse(response); Buffer body; WsmWriter::appendStartTag( body, WsmNamespaces::WS_TRANSFER, STRLIT("ResourceCreated")); WsmWriter::appendEPRElement(body, response->getEPR()); WsmWriter::appendEndTag( body, WsmNamespaces::WS_TRANSFER, STRLIT("ResourceCreated")); if (soapResponse.appendBodyContent(body)) { _sendResponse(&soapResponse); } else { _sendUnreportableSuccess(response); } }
SoapResponse* WsmResponseEncoder::_encodeWxfCreateResponse( WxfCreateResponse* response) { SoapResponse* soapResponse = new SoapResponse(response); Buffer body; WsmWriter::appendStartTag( body, WsmNamespaces::WS_TRANSFER, STRLIT("ResourceCreated")); WsmWriter::appendEPRElement(body, response->getEPR()); WsmWriter::appendEndTag( body, WsmNamespaces::WS_TRANSFER, STRLIT("ResourceCreated")); if (soapResponse->appendBodyContent(body)) { return soapResponse; } else { delete soapResponse; return _encodeUnreportableSuccess(response); } }
static void task_queue_debug(task_queue *q) { int i; GET_GOUT; STRLIT("task_queue_debug "); for (i = 1; i <= q->curn; i++) { NDBG(i, d); PTREXP(q->x[i]); STREXP(q->x[i]->name); NDBG(q->x[i]->heap_pos, d); NDBG(q->x[i]->terminate, d); NDBG(q->x[i]->time, f); } PRINT_GOUT; FREE_GOUT; }
/* Basic operations on tasks */ static task_env *activate(task_env *t) { if (t) { MAY_DBG(FN; STRLIT("activating task "); PTREXP(t); STREXP(t->name); NDBG(t->heap_pos, d); NDBG(t->time, f); ); assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.type == type_hash("task_env")); if (t->heap_pos) task_queue_remove(&task_time_q, t->heap_pos); link_into(&t->l, &tasks); t->time = 0.0; t->heap_pos = 0; assert(ash_nazg_gimbatul.type == type_hash("task_env")); }
static void _checkInstance(WsmInstance& inst, const char* text) { Buffer out; _appendSoapEnvelopeStart(out); WsmWriter::appendInstanceElement(out, WSM_RESOURCEURI_CIMSCHEMAV2, inst, PEGASUS_INSTANCE_NS, false); WsmWriter::appendEndTag( out, WsmNamespaces::SOAP_ENVELOPE, STRLIT("Envelope")); WsmInstance inst1; XmlEntry entry; WsmReader reader((char*)out.getData()); reader.expectStartTag(entry, WsmNamespaces::SOAP_ENVELOPE, "Envelope"); reader.getInstanceElement(inst1); reader.expectEndTag(WsmNamespaces::SOAP_ENVELOPE, "Envelope"); if (!_compareInstances(inst, inst1)) throw Exception(text); }
/* Remove any element from the heap */ static task_env *task_queue_remove(task_queue *q, int i) { task_env * tmp = q->x[i]; /* Will return this */ assert(q->curn); /* assert(is_heap(q)); */ MAY_DBG(FN; STRLIT("task_queue_remove "); NDBG(i, d)); /* task_queue_debug(q); */ TASK_MOVE(i, q->curn); /* Fill the hole */ q->curn--; /* Heap is now smaller */ /* Re-establish heap property */ if (q->curn) { int p = i / 2; if (p && q->x[p]->time > q->x[i]->time) task_queue_siftup(q, i); else task_queue_siftdown(q, i, q->curn); } /* task_queue_debug(q); */ /* assert(is_heap(q)); */ tmp->heap_pos = 0; return task_unref(tmp); }
static void _appendSoapEnvelopeStart(Buffer& out) { out << STRLIT("<"); out << WsmNamespaces::supportedNamespaces[ WsmNamespaces::SOAP_ENVELOPE].localName; out << STRLIT(":Envelope"); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < WsmNamespaces::LAST; i++) { out << STRLIT(" xmlns:"); out << WsmNamespaces::supportedNamespaces[i].localName; out << STRLIT("=\""); out << WsmNamespaces::supportedNamespaces[i].extendedName; out << STRLIT("\""); } out << STRLIT(">"); }
Boolean WsmResponseEncoder::_encodeEnumerationData( SoapResponse& soapResponse, Buffer& headers, WsmOperationType operation, Uint64 contextId, Boolean isComplete, WsenEnumerationData& data, const String& resourceUri) { Buffer bodyHeader, bodyTrailer; PEGASUS_ASSERT(operation == WS_ENUMERATION_ENUMERATE || operation == WS_ENUMERATION_PULL); WsmWriter::appendStartTag( bodyHeader, WsmNamespaces::WS_ENUMERATION, operation == WS_ENUMERATION_ENUMERATE ? STRLIT("EnumerateResponse") : STRLIT("PullResponse")); #if defined(PEGASUS_BUILD_SCX) // WINRM rejects empty EnumerationContext elements. WsmWriter::appendStartTag( bodyHeader, WsmNamespaces::WS_ENUMERATION, STRLIT("EnumerationContext")); WsmWriter::append(bodyHeader, contextId); WsmWriter::appendEndTag( bodyHeader, WsmNamespaces::WS_ENUMERATION, STRLIT("EnumerationContext")); #else /* defined(PEGASUS_BUILD_SCX) */ if (!isComplete) { WsmWriter::appendStartTag( bodyHeader, WsmNamespaces::WS_ENUMERATION, STRLIT("EnumerationContext")); WsmWriter::append(bodyHeader, contextId); WsmWriter::appendEndTag( bodyHeader, WsmNamespaces::WS_ENUMERATION, STRLIT("EnumerationContext")); } else { WsmWriter::appendEmptyTag( bodyHeader, WsmNamespaces::WS_ENUMERATION, STRLIT("EnumerationContext")); } #endif /* !defined(PEGASUS_BUILD_SCX) */ if (data.getSize() > 0) { WsmWriter::appendStartTag( bodyHeader, operation == WS_ENUMERATION_ENUMERATE ? WsmNamespaces::WS_MAN : WsmNamespaces::WS_ENUMERATION, STRLIT("Items")); WsmWriter::appendEndTag( bodyTrailer, operation == WS_ENUMERATION_ENUMERATE ? WsmNamespaces::WS_MAN : WsmNamespaces::WS_ENUMERATION, STRLIT("Items")); } Uint32 eosPos = bodyTrailer.size(); Uint32 eosSize = 0; if (isComplete) { WsmWriter::appendEmptyTag( bodyTrailer, operation == WS_ENUMERATION_ENUMERATE ? WsmNamespaces::WS_MAN : WsmNamespaces::WS_ENUMERATION, STRLIT("EndOfSequence")); eosSize = bodyTrailer.size() - eosPos; } WsmWriter::appendEndTag( bodyTrailer, WsmNamespaces::WS_ENUMERATION, operation == WS_ENUMERATION_ENUMERATE ? STRLIT("EnumerateResponse") : STRLIT("PullResponse")); // Fault the request if it can't be encoded within the limits if (!soapResponse.appendHeader(headers) || !soapResponse.appendBodyHeader(bodyHeader) || !soapResponse.appendBodyTrailer(bodyTrailer)) { return false; } // Now add the list of items Uint32 i = 0; if (data.enumerationMode == WSEN_EM_OBJECT) { for (i = 0; i < data.instances.size(); i++) { Buffer body; if (data.polymorphismMode == WSMB_PM_EXCLUDE_SUBCLASS_PROPERTIES) { // The response does not contain the subclass properties, but // the class name is still that of the subclass. // Replace it here. data.instances[i].setClassName( WsmToCimRequestMapper::convertResourceUriToClassName( data.classUri).getString()); } WsmWriter::appendInstanceElement(body, resourceUri, data.instances[i], PEGASUS_INSTANCE_NS, false); if (!soapResponse.appendBodyContent(body)) { break; } } } else if (data.enumerationMode == WSEN_EM_EPR) { for (i = 0; i < data.eprs.size(); i++) { Buffer body; WsmWriter::appendStartTag( body, WsmNamespaces::WS_ADDRESSING, STRLIT("EndpointReference")); WsmWriter::appendEPRElement(body, data.eprs[i]); WsmWriter::appendEndTag( body, WsmNamespaces::WS_ADDRESSING, STRLIT("EndpointReference")); if (!soapResponse.appendBodyContent(body)) { break; } } } else if (data.enumerationMode == WSEN_EM_OBJECT_AND_EPR) { for (i = 0; i < data.instances.size(); i++) { Buffer body; WsmWriter::appendStartTag( body, WsmNamespaces::WS_MAN, STRLIT("Item")); if (data.polymorphismMode == WSMB_PM_EXCLUDE_SUBCLASS_PROPERTIES) { // The response does not contain the subclass properties, but // the class name is still that of the subclass. // Replace it here. data.instances[i].setClassName( WsmToCimRequestMapper::convertResourceUriToClassName( data.classUri).getString()); } WsmWriter::appendInstanceElement(body, resourceUri, data.instances[i], PEGASUS_INSTANCE_NS, false); WsmWriter::appendStartTag( body, WsmNamespaces::WS_ADDRESSING, STRLIT("EndpointReference")); WsmWriter::appendEPRElement(body, data.eprs[i]); WsmWriter::appendEndTag( body, WsmNamespaces::WS_ADDRESSING, STRLIT("EndpointReference")); WsmWriter::appendEndTag( body, WsmNamespaces::WS_MAN, STRLIT("Item")); if (!soapResponse.appendBodyContent(body)) { break; } } } else { PEGASUS_ASSERT(0); } // If the list is not empty, but none of the items have been successfully // added to the soapResponse, fault the request because it cannot be // encoded within the specified limits. if (data.getSize() > 0 && i == 0) { return false; } // Remove the items we processed. The rest will be added back // to the context if (i != 0) { data.remove(0, i); } // The request is complete but could not be encoded with MaxEnvelopeSize. // Clear EndOfSequence tag. if (isComplete && data.getSize() > 0) { soapResponse.getBodyTrailer().remove(eosPos, eosSize); } return true; }
static void _testResponseFormatting(void) { ContentLanguageList contentLanguage; Buffer body, header, out; const char expectedHttpHeader[] = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/soap+xml;charset=UTF-8" "\r\ncontent-length: 0000000000\r\nSOAPAction: " "\r\n\r\n"; // Create FaultTo header WsmWriter::appendStartTag( header, WsmNamespaces::WS_ADDRESSING, STRLIT("FaultTo")); WsmWriter::appendTagValue(header, WsmNamespaces::WS_ADDRESSING, STRLIT("Address"), ""); WsmWriter::appendEndTag( header, WsmNamespaces::WS_ADDRESSING, STRLIT("FaultTo")); // Create an instance for Soap body WsmInstance inst("testClass"); WsmValue val("value"); inst.addProperty(WsmProperty("property", val)); WsmWriter::appendInstanceElement(body, WSM_RESOURCEURI_CIMSCHEMAV2, inst, PEGASUS_INSTANCE_NS, false); String messageId = WsmUtils::getMessageId(); WxfGetRequest request(messageId, WsmEndpointReference()); WxfGetResponse response(inst, &request, contentLanguage); SoapResponse soapResponse(&response); soapResponse.appendHeader(header); soapResponse.appendBodyContent(body); out = soapResponse.getResponseContent(); char* ptr = (char*) out.getData(); if (strncmp(ptr, expectedHttpHeader, sizeof(expectedHttpHeader)-1) != 0) throw Exception("HTTP header incorrect"); ptr += sizeof(expectedHttpHeader)-1; WsmReader reader(ptr); const char* xmlVersion = 0; const char* xmlEncoding = 0; reader.getXmlDeclaration(xmlVersion, xmlEncoding); if (strcmp(xmlVersion, "1.0") != 0 || strcmp(xmlEncoding, "utf-8") != 0) throw Exception("XML version or encoding incorrect"); XmlEntry entry; reader.expectStartTag(entry, WsmNamespaces::SOAP_ENVELOPE, "Envelope"); String wsaMessageId; String wsaAction; String wsaFrom; String wsaReplyTo; String wsaFaultTo; WsmEndpointReference epr; Uint32 wsmMaxEnvelopeSize = 0; AcceptLanguageList wsmLocale; Boolean wsmRequestEpr = false; Boolean wsmRequestItemCount = false; reader.decodeRequestSoapHeaders( wsaMessageId, epr.address, wsaAction, wsaFrom, wsaReplyTo, wsaFaultTo, epr.resourceUri, *epr.selectorSet, wsmMaxEnvelopeSize, wsmLocale, wsmRequestEpr, wsmRequestItemCount); if (epr.address != WSM_ADDRESS_ANONYMOUS || wsaAction != WSM_ACTION_GET_RESPONSE || wsaFrom != String::EMPTY || wsaReplyTo != String::EMPTY || wsaMessageId != response.getMessageId() || wsaFaultTo != "" || epr.resourceUri != String::EMPTY || wsmMaxEnvelopeSize != 0 || wsmRequestEpr != false) throw Exception("Invalid Soap headers"); // Read and verify the instance in Soap body. WsmInstance inst1; reader.expectStartTag(entry, WsmNamespaces::SOAP_ENVELOPE, "Body"); reader.getInstanceElement(inst1); if (!_compareInstances(inst, inst1)) throw Exception("Instances do not compare"); reader.expectEndTag(WsmNamespaces::SOAP_ENVELOPE, "Body"); reader.expectEndTag(WsmNamespaces::SOAP_ENVELOPE, "Envelope"); }
Boolean WsmResponseEncoder::_encodeEnumerationData( SoapResponse& soapResponse, Buffer& headers, WsmOperationType operation, Uint64 contextId, Boolean isComplete, WsenEnumerationData& data, Uint32& numDataItemsEncoded, const String& resourceUri) { Buffer bodyHeader, bodyTrailer; PEGASUS_ASSERT(operation == WS_ENUMERATION_ENUMERATE || operation == WS_ENUMERATION_PULL); numDataItemsEncoded = 0; WsmWriter::appendStartTag( bodyHeader, WsmNamespaces::WS_ENUMERATION, operation == WS_ENUMERATION_ENUMERATE ? STRLIT("EnumerateResponse") : STRLIT("PullResponse")); // Include an EnumerationContext in the response. If this response // completes the enumeration, this element will be modified/removed below. Uint32 ecPos = bodyHeader.size(); WsmWriter::appendStartTag( bodyHeader, WsmNamespaces::WS_ENUMERATION, STRLIT("EnumerationContext")); WsmWriter::append(bodyHeader, contextId); WsmWriter::appendEndTag( bodyHeader, WsmNamespaces::WS_ENUMERATION, STRLIT("EnumerationContext")); Uint32 ecSize = bodyHeader.size() - ecPos; if (data.getSize() > 0) { WsmWriter::appendStartTag( bodyHeader, operation == WS_ENUMERATION_ENUMERATE ? WsmNamespaces::WS_MAN : WsmNamespaces::WS_ENUMERATION, STRLIT("Items")); WsmWriter::appendEndTag( bodyTrailer, operation == WS_ENUMERATION_ENUMERATE ? WsmNamespaces::WS_MAN : WsmNamespaces::WS_ENUMERATION, STRLIT("Items")); } Uint32 eosPos = bodyTrailer.size(); Uint32 eosSize = 0; if (isComplete) { // Write an EndOfSequence element with the expectation that all the // elements fit within MaxEnvelopeSize. This element will be removed // below if the assumption proves untrue. This element is written // up front before all the response data was included, because adding // the EndOfSequence element later might push the response size past // the MaxEnvelopeSize. WsmWriter::appendEmptyTag( bodyTrailer, operation == WS_ENUMERATION_ENUMERATE ? WsmNamespaces::WS_MAN : WsmNamespaces::WS_ENUMERATION, STRLIT("EndOfSequence")); eosSize = bodyTrailer.size() - eosPos; } WsmWriter::appendEndTag( bodyTrailer, WsmNamespaces::WS_ENUMERATION, operation == WS_ENUMERATION_ENUMERATE ? STRLIT("EnumerateResponse") : STRLIT("PullResponse")); // Fault the request if it can't be encoded within the limits if (!soapResponse.appendHeader(headers) || !soapResponse.appendBodyHeader(bodyHeader) || !soapResponse.appendBodyTrailer(bodyTrailer)) { return false; } // Now add the list of items Uint32 i = 0; if (data.enumerationMode == WSEN_EM_OBJECT) { for (i = 0; i < data.instances.size(); i++) { Buffer body; if (data.polymorphismMode == WSMB_PM_EXCLUDE_SUBCLASS_PROPERTIES) { // The response does not contain the subclass properties, but // the class name is still that of the subclass. // Replace it here. data.instances[i].setClassName( WsmToCimRequestMapper::convertResourceUriToClassName( data.classUri).getString()); } WsmWriter::appendInstanceElement(body, resourceUri, data.instances[i], PEGASUS_INSTANCE_NS, false); if (!soapResponse.appendBodyContent(body)) { break; } } } else if (data.enumerationMode == WSEN_EM_EPR) { for (i = 0; i < data.eprs.size(); i++) { Buffer body; WsmWriter::appendStartTag( body, WsmNamespaces::WS_ADDRESSING, STRLIT("EndpointReference")); WsmWriter::appendEPRElement(body, data.eprs[i]); WsmWriter::appendEndTag( body, WsmNamespaces::WS_ADDRESSING, STRLIT("EndpointReference")); if (!soapResponse.appendBodyContent(body)) { break; } } } else if (data.enumerationMode == WSEN_EM_OBJECT_AND_EPR) { for (i = 0; i < data.instances.size(); i++) { Buffer body; WsmWriter::appendStartTag( body, WsmNamespaces::WS_MAN, STRLIT("Item")); if (data.polymorphismMode == WSMB_PM_EXCLUDE_SUBCLASS_PROPERTIES) { // The response does not contain the subclass properties, but // the class name is still that of the subclass. // Replace it here. data.instances[i].setClassName( WsmToCimRequestMapper::convertResourceUriToClassName( data.classUri).getString()); } WsmWriter::appendInstanceElement(body, resourceUri, data.instances[i], PEGASUS_INSTANCE_NS, false); WsmWriter::appendStartTag( body, WsmNamespaces::WS_ADDRESSING, STRLIT("EndpointReference")); WsmWriter::appendEPRElement(body, data.eprs[i]); WsmWriter::appendEndTag( body, WsmNamespaces::WS_ADDRESSING, STRLIT("EndpointReference")); WsmWriter::appendEndTag( body, WsmNamespaces::WS_MAN, STRLIT("Item")); if (!soapResponse.appendBodyContent(body)) { break; } } } else { PEGASUS_ASSERT(0); } numDataItemsEncoded = i; // If the list is not empty, but none of the items have been successfully // added to the soapResponse, fault the request because it cannot be // encoded within the specified limits. if (data.getSize() > 0 && numDataItemsEncoded == 0) { return false; } if (isComplete) { if (data.getSize() > numDataItemsEncoded) { // The request is complete but could not be encoded within // MaxEnvelopeSize. Clear EndOfSequence tag. soapResponse.getBodyTrailer().remove(eosPos, eosSize); } else { // All the enumeration results were written. Update the // EnumerationContext element. if (operation == WS_ENUMERATION_ENUMERATE) { // DSP0226 R8.2.3-5: A conformant service that supports // optimized enumeration and has not returned all items of the // enumeration sequence in the wsen:EnumerateResponse message // shall return a wsen:EnumerationContext element that is // initialized such that a subsequent wsen:Pull message will // return the set of items after those returned in the // wsen:EnumerateResponse. If all items of the enumeration // sequence have been returned in the wsen:EnumerateResponse // message, the service should return an empty // wsen:EnumerationContext element and shall return the // wsman:EndOfSequence element in the response. Buffer emptyEc(50); WsmWriter::appendEmptyTag( emptyEc, WsmNamespaces::WS_ENUMERATION, STRLIT("EnumerationContext")); soapResponse.getBodyHeader().remove(ecPos, ecSize); soapResponse.getBodyHeader().insert( ecPos, emptyEc.getData(), emptyEc.size()); } else { // DSP0226 R8.4-8: If the wsen:EndOfSequence marker occurs in // the wsen:PullResponse message, the wsen:EnumerationContext // element shall be omitted, as the enumeration has completed. // The client cannot subsequently issue a wsen:Release message. soapResponse.getBodyHeader().remove(ecPos, ecSize); } } } return true; }
#include <base/find.h> #include <base/str.h> #include <base/path.h> #include <base/file.h> #include <base/format.h> #include <base/http.h> #include <base/plugininfo.h> #include <base/shlib.h> #include <base/log.h> #include <plugins/odata/odataplugin.h> static PluginInfo _builtinPlugin0 = { "Default", PHIT_METHOD_GET, STRLIT("/"), NULL, 0, &__defaultPlugin }; static PluginInfo _builtinPlugin1 = { "Default", PHIT_METHOD_GET, STRLIT("/files/*"), NULL, 0, &__defaultPlugin };
void PostWebPage( PHIT_Plugin* plugin, PHIT_Context* context) { Buf out = BUF_INITIALIZER; BufCatShareFile(&out, "preamble.html"); BufCat(&out, STRLIT("<h1>ODataLite Plugin</h1>")); BufCat(&out, STRLIT("<hr>")); /* Providers */ { size_t i; BufCat(&out, STRLIT("<h2>Providers:</h2>")); BufCat(&out, STRLIT( "<table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5>")); BufCat(&out, STRLIT("<tr bgcolor=#777777>")); HTMLPutTH(&out, "URIs"); HTMLPutTH(&out, "Library"); HTMLPutTH(&out, "Query Options"); BufCat(&out, STRLIT("</tr>")); for (i = 0; i < __entriesSize; i++) { const ProviderEntry* p = __entries[i]; if (p) { BufFmt(&out, "<tr valign=top bgcolor=\"%s\">", (i % 2) ? "#DDDDDDDD" : "lightyellow"); /* URIs */ { size_t j; BufCat(&out, STRLIT("<td>")); for (j = 0; j < p->paths.size; j++) { BufFmt(&out, "<a " "href=\"javascript:void(0);\" " "onClick=\"GetPage('odata%s'); \">" "<u>%s</u>" "</a><br>\n", p->[j].path, p->[j].path); } BufCat(&out, STRLIT("</td>")); } /* Library */ HTMLPutTD(&out, p->libname); /* Query Options */ BufCat(&out, STRLIT("<td>")); { unsigned int bit; /* Test each bit */ for (bit = 0; bit < 32; bit++) { unsigned int mask = 1 << bit; if (mask & p->queryOptions) { BufCatStr(&out, QueryOptionToStr(mask)); BufCat(&out, STRLIT(" ")); } } } BufCat(&out, STRLIT("</td>")); BufCat(&out, STRLIT("</tr>")); } } BufCat(&out, STRLIT("</table>")); } /* Plain-text query field */ BufCatShareFile(&out, "odata.html"); /* Providers.conf */ { BufCat(&out, STRLIT("<h2>Files:</h2>")); BufFmt(&out, "<li><a href=\"/odata/%s\">%s</a></li>", "providers.conf", "providers.conf"); } /* HTML Postamble */ BufCatShareFile(&out, "postamble.html"); BufCatCh(&out, '\0'); /* Post the response */ PHIT_Context_PostStatusLine( context, PHIT_STATUSCODE_200_OK, PHIT_STATUSMSG_200_OK); PHIT_Context_PostHeader(context, "Content-Type", "text/html"); PHIT_Context_PostHeader(context, "Cache-Control", "no-cache"); PHIT_Context_PostEOH(context); PHIT_Context_PostContent(context,, out.size-1); PHIT_Context_PostEOC(context); BufDestroy(&out); }
Buffer& operator<<(Buffer& out, const AcceptLanguageList& al) { XmlGenerator::append(out, LanguageParser::buildAcceptLanguageHeader(al)); return out; } Buffer& operator<<(Buffer& out, const ContentLanguageList& cl) { XmlGenerator::append(out, LanguageParser::buildContentLanguageHeader(cl)); return out; } const StrLit XmlGenerator::_XmlWriterTypeStrings[17] = { STRLIT("TYPE=\"boolean\""), STRLIT("TYPE=\"uint8\""), STRLIT("TYPE=\"sint8\""), STRLIT("TYPE=\"uint16\""), STRLIT("TYPE=\"sint16\""), STRLIT("TYPE=\"uint32\""), STRLIT("TYPE=\"sint32\""), STRLIT("TYPE=\"uint64\""), STRLIT("TYPE=\"sint64\""), STRLIT("TYPE=\"real32\""), STRLIT("TYPE=\"real64\""), STRLIT("TYPE=\"char16\""), STRLIT("TYPE=\"string\""), STRLIT("TYPE=\"datetime\""), STRLIT("TYPE=\"reference\""), STRLIT("TYPE=\"object\""), STRLIT("TYPE=\"instance\"") }; const StrLit XmlGenerator::_XmlWriterKeyTypeStrings[17] = { STRLIT("boolean"), STRLIT("numeric"), STRLIT("numeric"), STRLIT("numeric"), STRLIT("numeric"), STRLIT("numeric"),