Ejemplo n.º 1
// create symtrack object with basic parameters
//  _ftype  : filter type (e.g. LIQUID_FIRFILT_RRC)
//  _k      : samples per symbol
//  _m      : filter delay (symbols)
//  _beta   : filter excess bandwidth
//  _ms     : modulation scheme (e.g. LIQUID_MODEM_QPSK)
SYMTRACK() SYMTRACK(_create)(int          _ftype,
                             unsigned int _k,
                             unsigned int _m,
                             float        _beta,
                             int          _ms)
    // validate input
    if (_k < 2) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: symtrack_%s_create(), filter samples/symbol must be at least 2\n", EXTENSION_FULL);
    } else if (_m == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: symtrack_%s_create(), filter delay must be greater than zero\n", EXTENSION_FULL);
    } else if (_beta <= 0.0f || _beta > 1.0f) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: symtrack_%s_create(), filter excess bandwidth must be in (0,1]\n", EXTENSION_FULL);
    } else if (_ms == LIQUID_MODEM_UNKNOWN || _ms >= LIQUID_MODEM_NUM_SCHEMES) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: symtrack_%s_create(), invalid modulation scheme\n", EXTENSION_FULL);

    // allocate memory for main object
    SYMTRACK() q = (SYMTRACK()) malloc( sizeof(struct SYMTRACK(_s)) );

    // set input parameters
    q->filter_type = _ftype;
    q->k           = _k;
    q->m           = _m;
    q->beta        = _beta;
    q->mod_scheme  = _ms == LIQUID_MODEM_UNKNOWN ? LIQUID_MODEM_BPSK : _ms;

    // create automatic gain control
    q->agc = AGC(_create)();
    // create symbol synchronizer (output rate: 2 samples per symbol)
    if (q->filter_type == LIQUID_FIRFILT_UNKNOWN)
        q->symsync = SYMSYNC(_create_kaiser)(q->k, q->m, 0.9f, 16);
        q->symsync = SYMSYNC(_create_rnyquist)(q->filter_type, q->k, q->m, q->beta, 16);
    SYMSYNC(_set_output_rate)(q->symsync, 2);

    // create equalizer as default low-pass filter with integer symbol delay (2 samples/symbol)
    q->eq_len = 2 * 4 + 1;
    q->eq = EQLMS(_create_lowpass)(q->eq_len,0.45f);

    // nco and phase-locked loop
    q->nco = NCO(_create)(LIQUID_VCO);

    // demodulator
    q->demod = MODEM(_create)(q->mod_scheme);

    // set default bandwidth
    SYMTRACK(_set_bandwidth)(q, 0.9f);

    // reset and return main object
    return q;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// create square-root Nyquist symbol synchronizer
//  _type   : filter type (e.g. LIQUID_RNYQUIST_RRC)
//  _k      : samples/symbol
//  _m      : symbol delay
//  _beta   : rolloff factor (0 < beta <= 1)
//  _M      : number of filters in the bank
SYMSYNC() SYMSYNC(_create_rnyquist)(int          _type,
                                    unsigned int _k,
                                    unsigned int _m,
                                    float        _beta,
                                    unsigned int _M)
    // validate input
    if (_k < 2) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: symsync_%s_create_rnyquist(), samples/symbol must be at least 2\n", EXTENSION_FULL);
    } else if (_m == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: symsync_%s_create_rnyquist(), filter delay (m) must be greater than zero\n", EXTENSION_FULL);
    } else if (_beta < 0.0f || _beta > 1.0f) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: symsync_%s_create_rnyquist(), filter excess bandwidth must be in [0,1]\n", EXTENSION_FULL);

    // allocate memory for filter coefficients
    unsigned int H_len = 2*_M*_k*_m + 1;
    float Hf[H_len];

    // design square-root Nyquist pulse-shaping filter
    liquid_firdes_rnyquist(_type, _k*_M, _m, _beta, 0, Hf);

    // copy coefficients to type-specific array
    TC H[H_len];
    unsigned int i;
    for (i=0; i<H_len; i++)
        H[i] = Hf[i];

    // create object and return
    return SYMSYNC(_create)(_k, _M, H, H_len);
Ejemplo n.º 3
// create symsync using Kaiser filter interpolator; useful
// when the input signal has matched filter applied already
//  _k      : input samples/symbol
//  _m      : symbol delay
//  _beta   : rolloff factor, beta in (0,1]
//  _M      : number of filters in the bank
SYMSYNC() SYMSYNC(_create_kaiser)(unsigned int _k,
                                  unsigned int _m,
                                  float        _beta,
                                  unsigned int _M)
    // validate input
    if (_k < 2) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: symsync_%s_create_kaiser(), samples/symbol must be at least 2\n", EXTENSION_FULL);
    } else if (_m == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: symsync_%s_create_kaiser(), filter delay (m) must be greater than zero\n", EXTENSION_FULL);
    } else if (_beta < 0.0f || _beta > 1.0f) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: symsync_%s_create_kaiser(), filter excess bandwidth must be in [0,1]\n", EXTENSION_FULL);

    // allocate memory for filter coefficients
    unsigned int H_len = 2*_M*_k*_m + 1;
    float Hf[H_len];

    // design interpolating filter whose bandwidth is outside the cut-off
    // frequency of input signal
    // TODO: use _beta to compute more accurate cut-off frequency
    float fc = 0.75f;   // filter cut-off frequency (nominal)
    float As = 40.0f;   // filter stop-band attenuation
    liquid_firdes_kaiser(H_len, fc / (float)(_k*_M), As, 0.0f, Hf);

    // copy coefficients to type-specific array, adjusting to relative
    // filter gain
    unsigned int i;
    TC H[H_len];
    for (i=0; i<H_len; i++)
        H[i] = Hf[i] * 2.0f * fc;

    // create object and return
    return SYMSYNC(_create)(_k, _M, H, H_len);
Ejemplo n.º 4
// create synchronizer object from external coefficients
//  _k      : samples per symbol
//  _M      : number of filters in the bank
//  _h      : matched filter coefficients
//  _h_len  : length of matched filter
SYMSYNC() SYMSYNC(_create)(unsigned int _k,
                           unsigned int _M,
                           TC *         _h,
                           unsigned int _h_len)
    // validate input
    if (_k < 2) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: symsync_%s_create(), input sample rate must be at least 2\n", EXTENSION_FULL);
    } else if (_h_len == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: symsync_%s_create(), filter length must be greater than zero\n", EXTENSION_FULL);
    } else if (_M == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: symsync_%s_create(), number of filter banks must be greater than zero\n", EXTENSION_FULL);

    SYMSYNC() q = (SYMSYNC()) malloc(sizeof(struct SYMSYNC(_s)));
    q->k = _k;

    q->M = _M;
    q->tau = 0.0f;
    q->bf  = 0.0f;
    q->b   = 0;

    // set output rate (nominally 1, full decimation)
    SYMSYNC(_set_output_rate)(q, 1);

    // TODO: validate length
    q->h_len = (_h_len-1)/q->M;
    // compute derivative filter
    TC dh[_h_len];
    float hdh_max = 0.0f;
    unsigned int i;
    for (i=0; i<_h_len; i++) {
        if (i==0) {
            dh[i] = _h[i+1] - _h[_h_len-1];
        } else if (i==_h_len-1) {
            dh[i] = _h[0]   - _h[i-1];
        } else {
            dh[i] = _h[i+1] - _h[i-1];

        // find maximum of h*dh
        if ( fabsf(_h[i]*dh[i]) > hdh_max || i==0 )
            hdh_max = fabsf(_h[i]*dh[i]);

    // apply scaling factor for normalized response
    // TODO: scale to 1.0 for consistency
    for (i=0; i<_h_len; i++)
        dh[i] *= 0.06f / hdh_max;
    q->mf  = FIRPFB(_create)(q->M, _h, _h_len);
    q->dmf = FIRPFB(_create)(q->M, dh, _h_len);

    // reset state and initialize loop filter
    q->A[0] = 1.0f;     q->B[0] = 0.0f;
    q->A[1] = 0.0f;     q->B[1] = 0.0f;
    q->A[2] = 0.0f;     q->B[2] = 0.0f;
    q->pll = iirfiltsos_rrrf_create(q->B, q->A);
    SYMSYNC(_set_lf_bw)(q, 0.01f);

    // set output rate nominally at 1 sample/symbol (full decimation)
    SYMSYNC(_set_output_rate)(q, 1);

    // unlock loop control

    q->debug_del   = windowf_create(DEBUG_BUFFER_LEN);
    q->debug_tau   = windowf_create(DEBUG_BUFFER_LEN);
    q->debug_bsoft = windowf_create(DEBUG_BUFFER_LEN);
    q->debug_b     = windowf_create(DEBUG_BUFFER_LEN);
    q->debug_q_hat = windowf_create(DEBUG_BUFFER_LEN);

    // return main object
    return q;
Ejemplo n.º 5
#define DEBUG_SYMSYNC           0
#define DEBUG_SYMSYNC_FILENAME  "symsync_internal_debug.m"
#define DEBUG_BUFFER_LEN        (1024)

// forward declaration of internal methods

// step synchronizer
//  _q      : symsync object
//  _x      : input sample
//  _y      : output sample array pointer
//  _ny     : number of output samples written
void SYMSYNC(_step)(SYMSYNC()      _q,
                    TI             _x,
                    TO *           _y,
                    unsigned int * _ny);

// advance synchronizer's internal loop filter
//  _q      : synchronizer object
//  _mf     : matched-filter output
//  _dmf    : derivative matched-filter output
void SYMSYNC(_advance_internal_loop)(SYMSYNC() _q,
                                     TO        _mf,
                                     TO        _dmf);

// print results to output debugging file
//  _q          : synchronizer object
//  _filename   : output filename
Ejemplo n.º 6
    float Hf[H_len];

    // design square-root Nyquist pulse-shaping filter
    liquid_firdes_rnyquist(_type, _k*_npfb, _m, _beta, 0, Hf);

    // copy coefficients to type-specific array
    TC H[H_len];
    unsigned int i;
    for (i=0; i<H_len; i++)
        H[i] = Hf[i];

    // create object and return
    return SYMSYNC(_create)(_k, _npfb, H, H_len);

void SYMSYNC(_destroy)(SYMSYNC() _q)
    // output debugging file
    SYMSYNC(_output_debug_file)(_q, DEBUG_SYMSYNC_FILENAME);

    // destroy internal window objects

    // destroy filterbank objects