Ejemplo n.º 1
 * @brief Play a sound on the client side
 * @param[in] self Pointer to the event structure that is currently executed
 * @param[in] msg holds the network data
 * @sa EV_SOUND
 * @note if the last character of the sound file string that was sent by the
 * server is a '+', we will select a random sound file by replacing the '+'
 * character with a number between 01..99
void CL_SoundEvent (const eventRegister_t* self, dbuffer* msg)
	char sound[MAX_QPATH];
	vec3_t origin;
	int number;
	int step;

	/* read data */
	NET_ReadFormat(msg, self->formatString, &number, &origin, &step, &sound, sizeof(sound));

	le_t* le = LE_Get(number);
	if (le) {
		if (LE_IsLivingActor(le) && le->team != cls.team) {
			/** @todo render */
		} else if (LE_IsDoor(le) || LE_IsBreakable(le)) {
			/** @todo render */

	const char* file = CL_ConvertSoundFromEvent(sound, sizeof(sound));
	Com_DPrintf(DEBUG_SOUND, "Play network sample %s at (%f:%f:%f)\n", file, origin[0], origin[1], origin[2]);
	if (step >= 0 && step < MAX_ROUTE) {
		le_t* closest = CL_ActorGetClosest(origin, cls.team);
		if (closest != nullptr) {
			vec3_t tmp;
			VectorCopy(cl.cam.camorg, tmp);
			VectorCopy(closest->origin, cl.cam.camorg);
			S_LoadAndPlaySample(file, origin, SOUND_ATTN_NORM, SND_VOLUME_DEFAULT);
			VectorCopy(tmp, cl.cam.camorg);
	S_LoadAndPlaySample(file, origin, SOUND_ATTN_NORM, SND_VOLUME_DEFAULT);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * @note Think function
static void LET_Projectile (le_t* le)
	if (cl.time >= le->endTime) {
		vec3_t impact;
		VectorCopy(le->origin, impact);
		/* don't run the think function again */
		le->inuse = false;
		if (Q_strvalid(le->ref1)) {
			VectorCopy(le->ptl->s, impact);
			le->ptl = CL_ParticleSpawn(le->ref1, 0, impact, bytedirs[le->angle]);
			VecToAngles(bytedirs[le->state], le->ptl->angles);
		if (Q_strvalid(le->ref2)) {
			S_LoadAndPlaySample(le->ref2, impact, le->fd->impactAttenuation, SND_VOLUME_WEAPONS);
		if (le->ref3) {
			/* Spawn blood particles (if defined) if actor(-body) was hit. Even if actor is dead. */
			/** @todo Special particles for stun attack (mind you that there is
			 * electrical and gas/chemical stunning)? */
			if (le->fd->obj->dmgtype != csi.damStunGas)
				LE_ActorBodyHit(le->ref3, impact, le->angle);
			CL_ActorPlaySound(le->ref3, SND_HURT);
	} else if (CL_OutsideMap(le->ptl->s, UNIT_SIZE * 10)) {
		le->endTime = cl.time;
		/* don't run the think function again */
		le->inuse = false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * @brief Throw item with actor.
 * @param[in] self Pointer to the event structure that is currently executed
 * @param[in] msg The netchannel message
void CL_ActorDoThrow (const eventRegister_t *self, dbuffer *msg)
	vec3_t muzzle, v0;
	int flags;
	int dtime;
	int objIdx;
	weaponFireDefIndex_t weapFdsIdx;
	fireDefIndex_t fdIdx;

	/* read data */
	NET_ReadFormat(msg, self->formatString, &dtime, &objIdx, &weapFdsIdx, &fdIdx, &flags, &muzzle, &v0);

	/* get the fire def */
	const objDef_t *obj = INVSH_GetItemByIDX(objIdx);
	const fireDef_t *fd = FIRESH_GetFiredef(obj, weapFdsIdx, fdIdx);

	/* add effect le (local entity) */
	/** @todo add victim support for blood and hurt sounds */
	LE_AddGrenade(fd, flags, muzzle, v0, dtime, nullptr);

	/* start the sound */
	if (fd->fireSound != nullptr && !(flags & SF_BOUNCED)) {
		S_LoadAndPlaySample(fd->fireSound, muzzle, SOUND_ATTN_IDLE, SND_VOLUME_DEFAULT);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void CL_InvReload (const eventRegister_t* self, dbuffer* msg)
	int		number;
	int		ammo, type, x, y;
	containerIndex_t container;

	NET_ReadFormat(msg, self->formatString, &number, &ammo, &type, &container, &x, &y);

	le_t* le = LE_Get(number);
	if (!le)

	if (le->team != cls.team)

	assert(container >= 0);
	assert(container < MAX_INVDEFS);
	Item* ic = le->inv.getItemAtPos(INVDEF(container), x, y);
	if (!ic)

	S_LoadAndPlaySample(ic->def()->reloadSound, le->origin, ic->def()->reloadAttenuation, SND_VOLUME_WEAPONS);

	/* if the displaced clip had any remaining bullets
	 * store them as loose, unless the removed clip was full */
	equipDef_t* ed = GAME_GetEquipmentDefinition();
	if (ed && ic->getAmmoLeft() > 0 && ic->getAmmoLeft() != ic->def()->ammo) {
		assert(ammo == ic->def()->ammo);
		/* Accumulate loose ammo into clips (only accessible post-mission) */

	/* set new ammo */

	if (le == selActor)
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void LE_PlayFootStepSound (le_t* le)
	if (Q_strvalid(le->teamDef->footstepSound)) {
		S_LoadAndPlaySample(le->teamDef->footstepSound, le->origin, SOUND_ATTN_NORM, SND_VOLUME_FOOTSTEPS);
	/* walking in water will not play the normal footstep sounds */
	if (!le->pathContents[le->pathPos]) {
		vec3_t from, to;

		/* prepare trace vectors */
		PosToVec(le->pos, from);
		VectorCopy(from, to);
		/* we should really hit the ground with this */
		to[2] -= UNIT_HEIGHT;

		const trace_t trace = CL_Trace(Line(from, to), AABB::EMPTY, nullptr, nullptr, MASK_SOLID, cl_worldlevel->integer);
		if (trace.surface)
			LE_PlaySoundFileAndParticleForSurface(le, trace.surface->name);
	} else
		LE_PlaySoundFileForContents(le, le->pathContents[le->pathPos]);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * @brief Plays step sounds and draw particles for different terrain types
 * @param[in] le The local entity to play the sound and draw the particle for
 * @param[in] textureName The name of the texture the actor is standing on
 * @sa LET_PathMove
static void LE_PlaySoundFileAndParticleForSurface (le_t* le, const char* textureName)
	const terrainType_t* t = Com_GetTerrainType(textureName);
	if (!t)

	/* origin might not be up-to-date here - but pos should be */
	vec3_t origin;
	PosToVec(le->pos, origin);

	/** @todo use the Grid_Fall method (ACTOR_SIZE_NORMAL) to ensure, that the particle is
	 * drawn at the ground (if needed - maybe the origin is already ground aligned)*/
	if (t->particle) {
		/* check whether actor is visible */
		if (!LE_IsStunned(le) && LE_IsLivingAndVisibleActor(le))
			CL_ParticleSpawn(t->particle, 0, origin);
	if (t->footstepSound) {
		Com_DPrintf(DEBUG_SOUND, "LE_PlaySoundFileAndParticleForSurface: volume %.2f\n", t->footstepVolume);
		S_LoadAndPlaySample(t->footstepSound, origin, SOUND_ATTN_STATIC, t->footstepVolume);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * @brief Play a sound on the client side
 * @param[in] self Pointer to the event structure that is currently executed
 * @param[in] msg holds the network data
 * @sa EV_SOUND
 * @note if the last character of the sound file string that was sent by the
 * server is a '+', we will select a random sound file by replacing the '+'
 * character with a number between 01..99
void CL_SoundEvent (const eventRegister_t *self, struct dbuffer *msg)
	char sound[MAX_QPATH];
	vec3_t origin;
	int number;
	le_t *le;
	size_t length;

	/* read data */
	NET_ReadFormat(msg, self->formatString, &number, &origin, &sound, sizeof(sound));

	le = LE_Get(number);
	if (le) {
		if (LE_IsLivingActor(le) && le->team != cls.team) {
			/** @todo render */
		} else if (LE_IsDoor(le) || LE_IsBreakable(le)) {
			/** @todo render */

	length = strlen(sound) - 1;
	if (sound[length] == '+') {
		int i;

		sound[length] = '\0';
		for (i = 1; i <= 99; i++) {
			if (FS_CheckFile("sounds/%s%02i", sound, i) == -1)

		Com_sprintf(sound + length, sizeof(sound) - length, "%02i", rand() % i + 1);

	Com_DPrintf(DEBUG_SOUND, "Play network sample %s at (%f:%f:%f)\n", sound, origin[0], origin[1], origin[2]);
	S_LoadAndPlaySample(sound, origin, SOUND_ATTN_NORM, SND_VOLUME_DEFAULT);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * @brief Shoot with weapon.
 * @sa CL_ActorShoot
 * @sa CL_ActorShootHidden
 * @todo Improve detection of left- or right animation.
void CL_ActorDoShoot (const eventRegister_t* self, dbuffer* msg)
	vec3_t muzzle, impact;
	int flags, normal, shooterEntnum, victimEntnum;
	int objIdx;
	int first;
	weaponFireDefIndex_t weapFdsIdx;
	fireDefIndex_t fdIdx;
	int surfaceFlags;
	shoot_types_t shootType;

	/* read data */
	NET_ReadFormat(msg, self->formatString, &shooterEntnum, &victimEntnum, &first, &objIdx, &weapFdsIdx, &fdIdx, &shootType, &flags, &surfaceFlags, &muzzle, &impact, &normal);

	le_t* leVictim;
	if (victimEntnum != SKIP_LOCAL_ENTITY) {
		leVictim = LE_Get(victimEntnum);
		if (!leVictim)
	} else {
		leVictim = nullptr;

	/* get shooter le */
	le_t* leShooter = LE_Get(shooterEntnum);

	/* get the fire def */
	const objDef_t* obj = INVSH_GetItemByIDX(objIdx);
	const fireDef_t* fd = FIRESH_GetFiredef(obj, weapFdsIdx, fdIdx);

	CL_ActorGetMuzzle(leShooter, muzzle, shootType);

	/* add effect le */
	LE_AddProjectile(fd, flags, muzzle, impact, normal, leVictim);

	/* start the sound */
	if ((first || !fd->soundOnce) && fd->fireSound != nullptr && !(flags & SF_BOUNCED))
		S_LoadAndPlaySample(fd->fireSound, muzzle, fd->fireAttenuation, SND_VOLUME_WEAPONS);

	/* do actor related stuff */
	if (!leShooter)
		return; /* maybe hidden or inuse is false? */

	if (!LE_IsActor(leShooter))
		Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Can't shoot, LE not an actor (type: %i)", leShooter->type);

	/* no animations for hidden actors */
	if (leShooter->type == ET_ACTORHIDDEN)

	if (LE_IsDead(leShooter)) {
		Com_DPrintf(DEBUG_CLIENT, "Can't shoot, actor dead or stunned.\n");

	/* Animate - we have to check if it is right or left weapon usage. */
	if (IS_SHOT_RIGHT(shootType)) {
		R_AnimChange(&leShooter->as, leShooter->model1, LE_GetAnim("shoot", leShooter->right, leShooter->left, leShooter->state));
		R_AnimAppend(&leShooter->as, leShooter->model1, LE_GetAnim("stand", leShooter->right, leShooter->left, leShooter->state));
	} else if (IS_SHOT_LEFT(shootType)) {
		R_AnimChange(&leShooter->as, leShooter->model1, LE_GetAnim("shoot", leShooter->left, leShooter->right, leShooter->state));
		R_AnimAppend(&leShooter->as, leShooter->model1, LE_GetAnim("stand", leShooter->left, leShooter->right, leShooter->state));
	} else if (IS_SHOT_HEADGEAR(shootType)) {
		if (fd->irgoggles) {
			leShooter->state |= RF_IRGOGGLESSHOT;
			if (LE_IsSelected(leShooter))
				refdef.rendererFlags |= RDF_IRGOGGLES;
	} else {
		/* no animation for headgear (yet) */
		Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "CL_ActorDoShoot: Invalid shootType given (entnum: %i, shootType: %i).\n", shootType, shooterEntnum);
Ejemplo n.º 9
void LE_AddProjectile (const fireDef_t* fd, int flags, const vec3_t muzzle, const vec3_t impact, int normal, le_t* leVictim)
	/* add le */
	le_t* le = LE_Add(0);
	if (!le)
	/* bind particle */
	le->ptl = CL_ParticleSpawn(fd->projectile, 0, muzzle);
	if (!le->ptl) {
		le->inuse = false;

	/* calculate parameters */
	vec3_t delta;
	VectorSubtract(impact, muzzle, delta);
	const float dist = VectorLength(delta);

	VecToAngles(delta, le->ptl->angles);
	/* direction - bytedirs index */
	le->angle = normal;
	le->fd = fd;

	/* infinite speed projectile? */
	if (!fd->speed) {
		le->inuse = false;
		le->ptl->size[0] = dist;
		VectorMA(muzzle, 0.5, delta, le->ptl->s);
		if ((flags & (SF_IMPACT | SF_BODY)) || (fd->splrad && !fd->bounce)) {
			ptl_t* ptl = nullptr;
			const float* dir = bytedirs[le->angle];
			if (flags & SF_BODY) {
				if (fd->hitBodySound != nullptr) {
					S_LoadAndPlaySample(fd->hitBodySound, le->origin, le->fd->impactAttenuation, SND_VOLUME_WEAPONS);
				if (fd->hitBody != nullptr)
					ptl = CL_ParticleSpawn(fd->hitBody, 0, impact, dir);

				/* Spawn blood particles (if defined) if actor(-body) was hit. Even if actor is dead. */
				/** @todo Special particles for stun attack (mind you that there is
				 * electrical and gas/chemical stunning)? */
				if (leVictim) {
					if (fd->obj->dmgtype != csi.damStunGas)
						LE_ActorBodyHit(leVictim, impact, le->angle);
					if (fd->damage[0] >= 0)
						CL_ActorPlaySound(leVictim, SND_HURT);
			} else {
				if (fd->impactSound != nullptr) {
					S_LoadAndPlaySample(fd->impactSound, le->origin, le->fd->impactAttenuation, SND_VOLUME_WEAPONS);
				if (fd->impact != nullptr)
					ptl = CL_ParticleSpawn(fd->impact, 0, impact, dir);
			if (ptl)
				VecToAngles(dir, ptl->angles);
	/* particle properties */
	VectorScale(delta, fd->speed / dist, le->ptl->v);
	le->endTime = cl.time + 1000 * dist / fd->speed;

	/* think function */
	if (flags & SF_BODY) {
		le->ref1 = fd->hitBody;
		le->ref2 = fd->hitBodySound;
		le->ref3 = leVictim;
	} else if ((flags & SF_IMPACT) || (fd->splrad && !fd->bounce)) {
		le->ref1 = fd->impact;
		le->ref2 = fd->impactSound;
	} else {
		le->ref1 = nullptr;
		if (flags & SF_BOUNCING)
			le->ref2 = fd->bounceSound;

	LE_SetThink(le, LET_Projectile);