Ejemplo n.º 1
FGradientStopMark SColorGradientEditor::AddStop( const FVector2D& Position, const FGeometry& MyGeometry, bool bColorStop )
	FScopedTransaction AddStopTrans( LOCTEXT("AddGradientStop", "Add Gradient Stop") );


	FTrackScaleInfo ScaleInfo(ViewMinInput.Get(),  ViewMaxInput.Get(), 0.0f, 1.0f, MyGeometry.Size);

	FVector2D LocalPos = MyGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal( Position );

	float NewStopTime = ScaleInfo.LocalXToInput( LocalPos.X );
	TArray<FRichCurveEditInfo> Curves = CurveOwner->GetCurves();

	FGradientStopMark NewStop;
	NewStop.Time = NewStopTime;

	if( bColorStop )
		FRichCurve* RedCurve = Curves[0].CurveToEdit;
		FRichCurve* GreenCurve = Curves[1].CurveToEdit;
		FRichCurve* BlueCurve = Curves[2].CurveToEdit;
		NewStop.RedKeyHandle = RedCurve->AddKey( NewStopTime, LastModifiedColor.R );
		NewStop.GreenKeyHandle = GreenCurve->AddKey( NewStopTime, LastModifiedColor.G );
		NewStop.BlueKeyHandle = BlueCurve->AddKey( NewStopTime, LastModifiedColor.B );
		FRichCurve* AlphaCurve = Curves[3].CurveToEdit;
		NewStop.AlphaKeyHandle = AlphaCurve->AddKey( NewStopTime, LastModifiedColor.A );

	return NewStop;
Ejemplo n.º 2
FReply SColorGradientEditor::OnMouseMove( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent )
	if( HasMouseCapture() && IsEditingEnabled.Get() == true )
		DistanceDragged += FMath::Abs( MouseEvent.GetCursorDelta().X );
		if( MouseEvent.IsMouseButtonDown( EKeys::LeftMouseButton ) && SelectedStop.IsValid( *CurveOwner ) )
			const float DragThresholdDist = 5.0f;
			if( !bDraggingStop )
				if( DistanceDragged >= DragThresholdDist )
					// Start a transaction, we just started dragging a stop
					bDraggingStop = true;
					GEditor->BeginTransaction( LOCTEXT("MoveGradientStop", "Move Gradient Stop") );

				return FReply::Handled();
				// Already dragging a stop, move it
				FTrackScaleInfo ScaleInfo(ViewMinInput.Get(),  ViewMaxInput.Get(), 0.0f, 1.0f, MyGeometry.Size);
				float MouseTime = ScaleInfo.LocalXToInput( MyGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal( MouseEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition() ).X );
				MoveStop( SelectedStop, MouseTime );

				return FReply::Handled();

	return FReply::Unhandled();
Ejemplo n.º 3
int32 SAnimCurveEd::OnPaint(const FPaintArgs& Args, const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled) const
	int32 NewLayerId = SCurveEditor::OnPaint(Args, AllottedGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, LayerId, InWidgetStyle, bParentEnabled) + 1;

	float Value = 0.f;

		Value = OnGetScrubValue.Execute();

	FPaintGeometry MyGeometry = AllottedGeometry.ToPaintGeometry();

	// scale info
	FTrackScaleInfo ScaleInfo(ViewMinInput.Get(), ViewMaxInput.Get(), 0.f, 0.f, AllottedGeometry.Size);
	float XPos = ScaleInfo.InputToLocalX(Value);

	TArray<FVector2D> LinePoints;
	LinePoints.Add(FVector2D(XPos-1, 0.f));
	LinePoints.Add(FVector2D(XPos+1, AllottedGeometry.Size.Y));


	// now draw scrub with new layer ID + 1;
	return NewLayerId;
Ejemplo n.º 4
Sprite::Sprite(void) :
	m_scale			= ScaleInfo(1.f, 1.f);
	m_angle			= AV_DI(0);
	m_anchorPoint	= D3DXVECTOR2( 0.0f, 0.0f );

	m_isUse		= true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
FVector2D STrackNode::GetOffsetRelativeToParent(const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry) const
	FTrackScaleInfo ScaleInfo(ViewInputMin.Get(), ViewInputMax.Get(), 0, 0, AllottedGeometry.Size);

		FVector2D Size = GetSizeRelativeToParent(AllottedGeometry);

		return FVector2D( ScaleInfo.InputToLocalX(DataStartPos.Get()) - (Size.X/2.f) , 0);

	return FVector2D( ScaleInfo.InputToLocalX(DataStartPos.Get()) , 0);
Ejemplo n.º 6
FGradientStopMark SColorGradientEditor::GetGradientStopAtPoint( const FVector2D& MousePos, const FGeometry& MyGeometry )
	FGeometry ColorMarkAreaGeometry = GetColorMarkAreaGeometry( MyGeometry );
	FGeometry AlphaMarkAreaGeometry = GetAlphaMarkAreaGeometry( MyGeometry );

	FTrackScaleInfo ScaleInfo(ViewMinInput.Get(),  ViewMaxInput.Get(), 0.0f, 1.0f, MyGeometry.Size);

	if( ColorMarkAreaGeometry.IsUnderLocation( MousePos ) || AlphaMarkAreaGeometry.IsUnderLocation( MousePos ) )
		TArray<FGradientStopMark> ColorMarks;
		TArray<FGradientStopMark> AlphaMarks;
		GetGradientStopMarks( ColorMarks, AlphaMarks );

		// See if any color stops are under the mouse
		for( int32 ColorIndex = 0; ColorIndex < ColorMarks.Num(); ++ColorIndex )
			const FGradientStopMark& Mark = ColorMarks[ColorIndex];

			// Convert the time to a screen coordinate
			float XVal = ScaleInfo.InputToLocalX( Mark.Time );

			if( XVal >= 0 )
				FGeometry MarkGeometry = ColorMarkAreaGeometry.MakeChild( FVector2D( XVal-HandleRect.Left, HandleRect.Top ), FVector2D( HandleRect.Right, HandleRect.Bottom ) );
				if( MarkGeometry.IsUnderLocation( MousePos ) )
					return Mark;

		// See if any color stops are under the mouse
		for( int32 ColorIndex = 0; ColorIndex < AlphaMarks.Num(); ++ColorIndex )
			const FGradientStopMark& Mark = AlphaMarks[ColorIndex];

			float XVal = ScaleInfo.InputToLocalX( Mark.Time );

			if( XVal >= 0 )
				FGeometry MarkGeometry = AlphaMarkAreaGeometry.MakeChild( FVector2D( XVal-HandleRect.Left, HandleRect.Top ), FVector2D( HandleRect.Right, HandleRect.Bottom ) );
				if( MarkGeometry.IsUnderLocation( MousePos ) )
					return Mark;

	return FGradientStopMark();
Ejemplo n.º 7
FVector2D STrackNode::GetSizeRelativeToParent(const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry) const
	if(DataLength.Get() > 0.f)
		// Scale us by data size
		FTrackScaleInfo ScaleInfo(ViewInputMin.Get(), ViewInputMax.Get(), 0, 0, AllottedGeometry.Size);
		return FVector2D( ScaleInfo.InputToLocalX(ViewInputMin.Get() + DataLength.Get()) , STrackDefaultHeight);
		// Use default hardcoded "knob" size
		return FVector2D(NodeHandleWidth, NodeHandleHeight);
Ejemplo n.º 8
FReply SAnimTrackPanel::OnMouseMove( const FGeometry& InMyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& InMouseEvent )
	const bool bRightMouseButtonDown = InMouseEvent.IsMouseButtonDown(EKeys::RightMouseButton);

	// When mouse moves, if we are moving a key, update its 'input' position
		if( !bPanning )
			PanningDistance += FMath::Abs(InMouseEvent.GetCursorDelta().X);
			if ( PanningDistance > FSlateApplication::Get().GetDragTriggerDistance() )
				bPanning = true;
				UE_LOG(LogAnimation, Log, TEXT("MouseMove (Capturing Mouse) %d, %0.5f"), bPanning, PanningDistance);
				return FReply::Handled().CaptureMouse(SharedThis(this));
			FTrackScaleInfo ScaleInfo(ViewInputMin.Get(),  ViewInputMax.Get(), 0.f, 0.f, InMyGeometry.Size);
			FVector2D ScreenDelta = InMouseEvent.GetCursorDelta();
			FVector2D InputDelta;
			InputDelta.X = ScreenDelta.X/ScaleInfo.PixelsPerInput;
			InputDelta.Y = -ScreenDelta.Y/ScaleInfo.PixelsPerOutput;

			float NewViewInputMin = ViewInputMin.Get() - InputDelta.X;
			float NewViewInputMax = ViewInputMax.Get() - InputDelta.X;
			// we'd like to keep  the range if outside when panning
			if ( NewViewInputMin < InputMin.Get() )
				NewViewInputMin = InputMin.Get();
				NewViewInputMax = ScaleInfo.ViewInputRange;
			else if ( NewViewInputMax > InputMax.Get() )
				NewViewInputMax = InputMax.Get();
				NewViewInputMin = NewViewInputMax - ScaleInfo.ViewInputRange;

			OnSetInputViewRange.Execute(NewViewInputMin, NewViewInputMax);

			UE_LOG(LogAnimation, Log, TEXT("MouseMove (Panning) %0.2f, %0.2f"), ViewInputMin.Get(), ViewInputMax.Get());
			return FReply::Handled();

	return FReply::Unhandled();
Ejemplo n.º 9
void ScrollWindow::show() {
	if (_visible) {

	if (_screenItem == nullptr) {
		CelInfo32 celInfo;
		celInfo.type = kCelTypeMem;
		celInfo.bitmap = _bitmap;

		_screenItem = new ScreenItem(_plane, celInfo, _position, ScaleInfo());

	Plane *plane = g_sci->_gfxFrameout->getPlanes().findByObject(_plane);

	if (plane == nullptr) {
		error("[ScrollWindow::show]: Plane %04x:%04x not found", PRINT_REG(_plane));


	_visible = true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
void SAnimTrackPanel::PanInputViewRange(int32 ScreenDelta, FVector2D ScreenViewSize)
	FTrackScaleInfo ScaleInfo(ViewInputMin.Get(),  ViewInputMax.Get(), 0.f, 0.f, ScreenViewSize);

	float InputDeltaX = ScreenDelta/ScaleInfo.PixelsPerInput;

	float NewViewInputMin = ViewInputMin.Get() + InputDeltaX;
	float NewViewInputMax = ViewInputMax.Get() + InputDeltaX;

	// we'd like to keep  the range if outside when panning
	float SequenceLength = GetSequenceLength();
	if ( NewViewInputMin < 0.f )
		NewViewInputMin = 0.f;
		NewViewInputMax = ScaleInfo.ViewInputRange;
	else if ( NewViewInputMax >SequenceLength )
		NewViewInputMax = SequenceLength;
		NewViewInputMin = NewViewInputMax - ScaleInfo.ViewInputRange;

	OnSetInputViewRange.Execute(NewViewInputMin, NewViewInputMax);
Ejemplo n.º 11
FReply FVisualLoggerTimeSliderController::OnMouseMove( TSharedRef<SWidget> WidgetOwner, const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent )
	if ( WidgetOwner->HasMouseCapture() )
		if (MouseEvent.IsMouseButtonDown(EKeys::RightMouseButton))
			if (!bPanning)
				DistanceDragged += FMath::Abs( MouseEvent.GetCursorDelta().X );
				if ( DistanceDragged > FSlateApplication::Get().GetDragTriggerDistance() )
					SoftwareCursorPosition = MyGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal(MouseEvent.GetLastScreenSpacePosition());
					bPanning = true;
				SoftwareCursorPosition = MyGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal(MouseEvent.GetLastScreenSpacePosition());

				TRange<float> LocalViewRange = TimeSliderArgs.ViewRange.Get();
				float LocalViewRangeMin = LocalViewRange.GetLowerBoundValue();
				float LocalViewRangeMax = LocalViewRange.GetUpperBoundValue();

				FScrubRangeToScreen ScaleInfo( LocalViewRange, MyGeometry.Size );
				FVector2D ScreenDelta = MouseEvent.GetCursorDelta();
				FVector2D InputDelta;
				InputDelta.X = ScreenDelta.X/ScaleInfo.PixelsPerInput;

				float NewViewOutputMin = LocalViewRangeMin - InputDelta.X;
				float NewViewOutputMax = LocalViewRangeMax - InputDelta.X;

				float LocalClampMin = TimeSliderArgs.ClampRange.Get().GetLowerBoundValue();
				float LocalClampMax = TimeSliderArgs.ClampRange.Get().GetUpperBoundValue();

				// Clamp the range
				if ( NewViewOutputMin < LocalClampMin )
					NewViewOutputMin = LocalClampMin;
				if ( NewViewOutputMax > LocalClampMax )
					NewViewOutputMax = LocalClampMax;

				TimeSliderArgs.OnViewRangeChanged.ExecuteIfBound(TRange<float>(NewViewOutputMin, NewViewOutputMax), EViewRangeInterpolation::Immediate, false);
				if (Scrollbar.IsValid())
					float InOffsetFraction = (NewViewOutputMin - LocalClampMin) / (LocalClampMax - LocalClampMin);
					float InThumbSizeFraction = (NewViewOutputMax - NewViewOutputMin) / (LocalClampMax - LocalClampMin);
					Scrollbar->SetState(InOffsetFraction, InThumbSizeFraction);

				if( !TimeSliderArgs.ViewRange.IsBound() )
					// The  output is not bound to a delegate so we'll manage the value ourselves
					TimeSliderArgs.ViewRange.Set( TRange<float>( NewViewOutputMin, NewViewOutputMax ) );
		else if (MouseEvent.IsMouseButtonDown( EKeys::LeftMouseButton ))
			if ( !bDraggingScrubber )
				DistanceDragged += FMath::Abs( MouseEvent.GetCursorDelta().X );
				if ( DistanceDragged > 0/*FSlateApplication::Get().GetDragTriggerDistance()*/ )
					bDraggingScrubber = true;
				FScrubRangeToScreen RangeToScreen( TimeSliderArgs.ViewRange.Get(), MyGeometry.Size );
				FVector2D CursorPos = MyGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal( MouseEvent.GetLastScreenSpacePosition() );
				float NewValue = RangeToScreen.LocalXToInput( CursorPos.X );

				float LocalClampMin = TimeSliderArgs.ClampRange.Get().GetLowerBoundValue();
				float LocalClampMax = TimeSliderArgs.ClampRange.Get().GetUpperBoundValue();

				if (NewValue < LocalClampMin)
					NewValue = LocalClampMin;

				if (NewValue > LocalClampMax)
					NewValue = LocalClampMax;

				CommitScrubPosition(NewValue, /*bIsScrubbing=*/true);
		return FReply::Handled();

	return FReply::Unhandled();
FReply FSequencerTimeSliderController::OnMouseMove( SWidget& WidgetOwner, const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent )
	if ( WidgetOwner.HasMouseCapture() )
		if (MouseEvent.IsMouseButtonDown( EKeys::RightMouseButton ))
			if (!bPanning)
				DistanceDragged += FMath::Abs( MouseEvent.GetCursorDelta().X );
				if ( DistanceDragged > FSlateApplication::Get().GetDragTriggerDistance() )
					bPanning = true;
				TRange<float> LocalViewRange = TimeSliderArgs.ViewRange.Get();
				float LocalViewRangeMin = LocalViewRange.GetLowerBoundValue();
				float LocalViewRangeMax = LocalViewRange.GetUpperBoundValue();

				FScrubRangeToScreen ScaleInfo( LocalViewRange, MyGeometry.Size );
				FVector2D ScreenDelta = MouseEvent.GetCursorDelta();
				FVector2D InputDelta;
				InputDelta.X = ScreenDelta.X/ScaleInfo.PixelsPerInput;

				float NewViewOutputMin = LocalViewRangeMin - InputDelta.X;
				float NewViewOutputMax = LocalViewRangeMax - InputDelta.X;

				ClampViewRange(NewViewOutputMin, NewViewOutputMax);
				SetViewRange(NewViewOutputMin, NewViewOutputMax, EViewRangeInterpolation::Immediate);
		else if (MouseEvent.IsMouseButtonDown( EKeys::LeftMouseButton ))
			TRange<float> LocalViewRange = TimeSliderArgs.ViewRange.Get();
			DistanceDragged += FMath::Abs( MouseEvent.GetCursorDelta().X );

			if ( MouseDragType == DRAG_NONE )
				if ( DistanceDragged > FSlateApplication::Get().GetDragTriggerDistance() )
					FScrubRangeToScreen RangeToScreen(LocalViewRange, MyGeometry.Size);
					const float ScrubPosition = TimeSliderArgs.ScrubPosition.Get();

					TRange<float> PlaybackRange = TimeSliderArgs.PlaybackRange.Get();
					float LocalMouseDownPos = RangeToScreen.InputToLocalX(MouseDownRange[0]);

					// Favor dragging the end position
					if (HitTestPlaybackEnd(RangeToScreen, PlaybackRange, LocalMouseDownPos, ScrubPosition))
						MouseDragType = DRAG_END_RANGE;
					else if (HitTestPlaybackStart(RangeToScreen, PlaybackRange, LocalMouseDownPos, ScrubPosition))
						MouseDragType = DRAG_START_RANGE;
					else if (FSlateApplication::Get().GetModifierKeys().AreModifersDown(EModifierKey::Control))
						MouseDragType = DRAG_SETTING_RANGE;
						MouseDragType = DRAG_SCRUBBING_TIME;
				FScrubRangeToScreen RangeToScreen( TimeSliderArgs.ViewRange.Get(), MyGeometry.Size );
				FVector2D CursorPos = MyGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal( MouseEvent.GetLastScreenSpacePosition() );
				float NewValue = RangeToScreen.LocalXToInput( CursorPos.X );

				// Set the start range time?
				if (MouseDragType == DRAG_START_RANGE)
					if (TimeSliderArgs.Settings->GetIsSnapEnabled())
						NewValue = TimeSliderArgs.Settings->SnapTimeToInterval(NewValue);

				// Set the end range time?
				else if(MouseDragType == DRAG_END_RANGE)
					if (TimeSliderArgs.Settings->GetIsSnapEnabled())
						NewValue = TimeSliderArgs.Settings->SnapTimeToInterval(NewValue);
				else if (MouseDragType == DRAG_SCRUBBING_TIME)
					if ( TimeSliderArgs.Settings->GetIsSnapEnabled() && TimeSliderArgs.Settings->GetSnapPlayTimeToInterval() )
						NewValue = TimeSliderArgs.Settings->SnapTimeToInterval(NewValue);
					// Delegate responsibility for clamping to the current viewrange to the client
					CommitScrubPosition( NewValue, /*bIsScrubbing=*/true );
				else if (MouseDragType == DRAG_SETTING_RANGE)
					MouseDownRange[1] = NewValue;
		return FReply::Handled();

	return FReply::Unhandled();
Ejemplo n.º 13
void STimingTrack::OnArrangeChildren(const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, FArrangedChildren& ArrangedChildren) const
	// To make this track look nice and have no overlapping nodes we're going to 
	// treat this as a 1D collision problem and build/resolve islands until everything 
	// is nicely resolved (or until we hit an upper limit as it can't be solved)

	// Helper holding info about a single node
	struct NodeData
		NodeData(TSharedRef<STrackNode>& NodeRef, const FGeometry& Geometry)
			: Node(NodeRef)
			// Separation of the nodes on the track
			const float NodeSeparation = 3.0f;

			FVector2D Offset = Node->GetOffsetRelativeToParent(Geometry);
			FVector2D Size = Node->GetSizeRelativeToParent(Geometry);

			Offset.Y += (Geometry.GetLocalSize().Y - Size.Y) * 0.5f;

			ActualRect = FBox2D(Offset, Offset + Size);
			QueryRect = FBox2D(Offset - FVector2D(NodeSeparation, 0.0f), Offset + Size + FVector2D(NodeSeparation, 0.0f));

		TSharedRef<STrackNode> Node;	// The node widget
		FBox2D ActualRect;				// The actual render rect of the widget
		FBox2D QueryRect;				// An expanded rect used to detect collisions

	// Helper holding list of overlapping nodes
	struct NodeIsland
		TArray<NodeData*> Nodes;

	int32 NumNodes = TrackNodes.Num();

	TArray<NodeData> SortedNodeData;

	// List of collision islands
	TArray<NodeIsland> Islands;
	// Scaling info to translate between local positions and data values
	FTrackScaleInfo ScaleInfo(ViewInputMin.Get(), ViewInputMax.Get(), 0, 0, AllottedGeometry.Size);

	for(int32 TrackIndex = 0; TrackIndex < NumNodes; ++TrackIndex)
		TSharedRef<STrackNode> TrackNode = (TrackNodes[TrackIndex]);

		SortedNodeData.Add(NodeData(TrackNode, AllottedGeometry));

	const static int32 MaxRetries = 5;
	int32 Retries = 0;
	bool bResolved = true;

	while(bResolved && Retries < MaxRetries)
		bResolved = false;

		for(int32 NodeIdx = 0; NodeIdx < NumNodes; ++NodeIdx)
			NodeData& CurrentNode = SortedNodeData[NodeIdx];
			// Island generation
			NodeIsland* CurrentIsland = nullptr;
			CurrentIsland = &Islands[Islands.AddZeroed()];

			int32 Direction = -1;
			int32 Next = NodeIdx + 1;
			int32 HighestNode = NodeIdx;
			FBox2D& CurrentRect = CurrentNode.ActualRect;
			FBox2D CurrentQueryRect = CurrentNode.QueryRect;


			// Walk Nodes
			while(Next >= 0 && Next < NumNodes)
				NodeData& NextNode = SortedNodeData[Next];
				FBox2D& NextRect = NextNode.ActualRect;
				FBox2D& NextQueryRect = NextNode.QueryRect;
					// Add to island
					HighestNode = Next;

					// Expand the current query
					CurrentQueryRect.Max = NextQueryRect.Max;
					// No island, next node


			// Skip processed nodes (those already in islands)
			NodeIdx = HighestNode;

		// Separation of the nodes on the track
		const float NodeSeparation = 3.0f;

		for(NodeIsland& Island : Islands)
			if(Island.Nodes.Num() == 1)
				// Keep single nodes on the data track range but skip everything else
				FBox2D& NodeBox = Island.Nodes[0]->ActualRect;
				FBox2D& NodeQueryRect = Island.Nodes[0]->QueryRect;
				float Offset = 0.0f;
				float Begin = ScaleInfo.LocalXToInput(NodeBox.Min.X);
				float End = ScaleInfo.LocalXToInput(NodeBox.Max.X);
				if(Begin < 0)
					Offset = ScaleInfo.InputToLocalX(-Begin);
				else if(End > TrackMaxValue.Get())
					Offset = ScaleInfo.InputToLocalX(TrackMaxValue.Get() - End);

				if(Offset != 0.0f)
					NodeBox.Min.X += Offset;
					NodeBox.Max.X += Offset;
					NodeQueryRect.Min.X = NodeBox.Min.X - NodeSeparation;
					NodeQueryRect.Max.X = NodeBox.Max.X + NodeSeparation;


			bResolved = true;
			// Island resolution
			int32 NumIslandNodes = Island.Nodes.Num();
			float Width = FMath::Max<float>((NumIslandNodes - 1), 0.0f) * NodeSeparation;
			float Centre = 0.0f;

			for(NodeData* Node : Island.Nodes)
				Width += Node->ActualRect.GetSize().X;
				Centre += Node->ActualRect.GetCenter().X;
			Centre /= NumIslandNodes;

			// Make sure the group stays on the track
			float Begin = Centre - Width / 2.0f;
			float WidthAsInput = Width / ScaleInfo.PixelsPerInput;
			float BeginAsInput = FMath::Clamp(ScaleInfo.LocalXToInput(Begin), 0.0f, TrackMaxValue.Get() - WidthAsInput);
			Begin = ScaleInfo.InputToLocalX(BeginAsInput);
			for(int32 NodeIdx = 0 ; NodeIdx < NumIslandNodes ; ++NodeIdx)
				FBox2D& NodeBox = Island.Nodes[NodeIdx]->ActualRect;
				float NodeWidth = NodeBox.GetSize().X;
				float SeparationOffset = NodeIdx * NodeSeparation;
				float PositionOffset = 0.0f;
				for(int32 PositionNodeIdx = 0 ; PositionNodeIdx < NodeIdx ; ++PositionNodeIdx)
					PositionOffset += Island.Nodes[PositionNodeIdx]->ActualRect.GetSize().X;
				FBox2D& OriginalRect = Island.Nodes[NodeIdx]->ActualRect;
				OriginalRect.Min.X = Begin + PositionOffset + SeparationOffset;
				OriginalRect.Max.X = OriginalRect.Min.X + NodeWidth;
				// Alter Query rect for next pass
				FBox2D& NodeQueryRect = Island.Nodes[NodeIdx]->QueryRect;
				NodeQueryRect.Min = OriginalRect.Min - FVector2D(NodeSeparation, 0.0f);
				NodeQueryRect.Max = OriginalRect.Max + FVector2D(NodeSeparation, 0.0f);

	for(int32 TrackIndex = 0; TrackIndex < NumNodes; ++TrackIndex)
		TSharedRef<STrackNode> TrackNode = (SortedNodeData[TrackIndex].Node);

		FBox2D& Rect = SortedNodeData[TrackIndex].ActualRect;

		ArrangedChildren.AddWidget(AllottedGeometry.MakeChild(TrackNode, Rect.Min, Rect.GetSize()));
Ejemplo n.º 14
FReply FSequencerTimeSliderController::OnMouseMove( TSharedRef<SWidget> WidgetOwner, const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent )
	if ( WidgetOwner->HasMouseCapture() )
		if (MouseEvent.IsMouseButtonDown( EKeys::RightMouseButton ))
			if (!bPanning)
				DistanceDragged += FMath::Abs( MouseEvent.GetCursorDelta().X );
				if ( DistanceDragged > FSlateApplication::Get().GetDragTriggerDistance() )
					bPanning = true;
				TRange<float> LocalViewRange = TimeSliderArgs.ViewRange.Get();
				float LocalViewRangeMin = LocalViewRange.GetLowerBoundValue();
				float LocalViewRangeMax = LocalViewRange.GetUpperBoundValue();

				FScrubRangeToScreen ScaleInfo( LocalViewRange, MyGeometry.Size );
				FVector2D ScreenDelta = MouseEvent.GetCursorDelta();
				FVector2D InputDelta;
				InputDelta.X = ScreenDelta.X/ScaleInfo.PixelsPerInput;

				float NewViewOutputMin = LocalViewRangeMin - InputDelta.X;
				float NewViewOutputMax = LocalViewRangeMax - InputDelta.X;

				SetViewRange(NewViewOutputMin, NewViewOutputMax, EViewRangeInterpolation::Immediate);
		else if (MouseEvent.IsMouseButtonDown( EKeys::LeftMouseButton ))
			if ( !bDraggingScrubber )
				DistanceDragged += FMath::Abs( MouseEvent.GetCursorDelta().X );
				if ( DistanceDragged > FSlateApplication::Get().GetDragTriggerDistance() )
					bDraggingScrubber = true;
				FScrubRangeToScreen RangeToScreen( TimeSliderArgs.ViewRange.Get(), MyGeometry.Size );
				FVector2D CursorPos = MyGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal( MouseEvent.GetLastScreenSpacePosition() );
				float NewValue = RangeToScreen.LocalXToInput( CursorPos.X );

				const USequencerSettings* Settings = GetDefault<USequencerSettings>();
				if ( Settings->GetIsSnapEnabled() && Settings->GetSnapPlayTimeToInterval() )
					NewValue = Settings->SnapTimeToInterval(NewValue);

				CommitScrubPosition( NewValue, /*bIsScrubbing=*/true );
		return FReply::Handled();

	return FReply::Unhandled();
Ejemplo n.º 15
/** Returns Local cordinate X to Data (Time, etc) */
float STrack::LocalToDataX( float Input, const FGeometry& MyGeometry ) const
	FTrackScaleInfo ScaleInfo(ViewInputMin.Get(), ViewInputMax.Get(), 0, 0, MyGeometry.Size);
	return ScaleInfo.LocalXToInput(Input);
Ejemplo n.º 16
/** Returns Data (Time, etc) to Local cordinate X */
float STrack::DataToLocalX( float Data, const FGeometry& MyGeometry ) const
	FTrackScaleInfo ScaleInfo(ViewInputMin.Get(), ViewInputMax.Get(), 0, 0, MyGeometry.Size);
	return ScaleInfo.InputToLocalX(Data);
Ejemplo n.º 17
reg_t GfxControls32::kernelEditText(const reg_t controlObject) {
	SegManager *segMan = _segMan;

	TextEditor editor;
	reg_t textObject = readSelector(_segMan, controlObject, SELECTOR(text));
	editor.text = _segMan->getString(textObject);
	editor.foreColor = readSelectorValue(_segMan, controlObject, SELECTOR(fore));
	editor.backColor = readSelectorValue(_segMan, controlObject, SELECTOR(back));
	editor.skipColor = readSelectorValue(_segMan, controlObject, SELECTOR(skip));
	editor.fontId = readSelectorValue(_segMan, controlObject, SELECTOR(font));
	editor.maxLength = readSelectorValue(_segMan, controlObject, SELECTOR(width));
	editor.bitmap = readSelector(_segMan, controlObject, SELECTOR(bitmap));
	editor.cursorCharPosition = 0;
	editor.cursorIsDrawn = false;
	editor.borderColor = readSelectorValue(_segMan, controlObject, SELECTOR(borderColor));

	reg_t titleObject = readSelector(_segMan, controlObject, SELECTOR(title));

	int16 titleHeight = 0;
	GuiResourceId titleFontId = readSelectorValue(_segMan, controlObject, SELECTOR(titleFont));
	if (!titleObject.isNull()) {
		GfxFont *titleFont = _gfxCache->getFont(titleFontId);
		titleHeight += _gfxText32->scaleUpHeight(titleFont->getHeight()) + 1;
		if (editor.borderColor != -1) {
			titleHeight += 2;

	int16 width = 0;
	int16 height = titleHeight;

	GfxFont *editorFont = _gfxCache->getFont(editor.fontId);
	height += _gfxText32->scaleUpHeight(editorFont->getHeight()) + 1;
	int16 emSize = _gfxText32->getCharWidth('M', true);
	width += editor.maxLength * emSize + 1;
	if (editor.borderColor != -1) {
		width += 4;
		height += 2;

	Common::Rect editorPlaneRect(width, height);
	editorPlaneRect.translate(readSelectorValue(_segMan, controlObject, SELECTOR(x)), readSelectorValue(_segMan, controlObject, SELECTOR(y)));

	reg_t planeObj = readSelector(_segMan, controlObject, SELECTOR(plane));
	Plane *sourcePlane = g_sci->_gfxFrameout->getVisiblePlanes().findByObject(planeObj);
	if (sourcePlane == nullptr) {
		sourcePlane = g_sci->_gfxFrameout->getPlanes().findByObject(planeObj);
		if (sourcePlane == nullptr) {
			error("Could not find plane %04x:%04x", PRINT_REG(planeObj));
	editorPlaneRect.translate(sourcePlane->_gameRect.left, sourcePlane->_gameRect.top);

	editor.textRect = Common::Rect(2, titleHeight + 2, width - 1, height - 1);
	editor.width = width;

	if (editor.bitmap.isNull()) {
		TextAlign alignment = (TextAlign)readSelectorValue(_segMan, controlObject, SELECTOR(mode));

		if (titleObject.isNull()) {
			bool dimmed = readSelectorValue(_segMan, controlObject, SELECTOR(dimmed));
			editor.bitmap = _gfxText32->createFontBitmap(width, height, editor.textRect, editor.text, editor.foreColor, editor.backColor, editor.skipColor, editor.fontId, alignment, editor.borderColor, dimmed, true, false);
		} else {
			error("Titled bitmaps are not known to be used by any game. Please submit a bug report with details about the game you were playing and what you were doing that triggered this error. Thanks!");


	Plane *plane = new Plane(editorPlaneRect, kPlanePicTransparent);

	CelInfo32 celInfo;
	celInfo.type = kCelTypeMem;
	celInfo.bitmap = editor.bitmap;

	ScreenItem *screenItem = new ScreenItem(plane->_object, celInfo, Common::Point(), ScaleInfo());

	// frameOut must be called after the screen item is
	// created, and before it is updated at the end of the
	// event loop, otherwise it has both created and updated
	// flags set which crashes the engine (it runs updates
	// before creations)

	EventManager *eventManager = g_sci->getEventManager();
	bool clearTextOnInput = true;
	bool textChanged = false;
	for (;;) {
		// We peek here because the last event needs to be allowed to
		// dispatch a second time to the normal event handling system.
		// In the actual engine, the event is always consumed and then
		// the last event just gets posted back to the event manager for
		// reprocessing, but instead, we only remove the event from the
		// queue *after* we have determined it is not a defocusing event
		const SciEvent event = eventManager->getSciEvent(SCI_EVENT_ANY | SCI_EVENT_PEEK);

		bool focused = true;
		// Original engine did not have a QUIT event but we have to handle it
		if (event.type == SCI_EVENT_QUIT) {
			focused = false;
		} else if (event.type == SCI_EVENT_MOUSE_PRESS && !editorPlaneRect.contains(event.mousePosSci)) {
			focused = false;
		} else if (event.type == SCI_EVENT_KEYBOARD) {
			switch (event.character) {
			case SCI_KEY_ESC:
			case SCI_KEY_UP:
			case SCI_KEY_DOWN:
			case SCI_KEY_TAB:
			case SCI_KEY_ENTER:
				focused = false;

		if (!focused) {

		// Consume the event now that we know it is not one of the
		// defocusing events above
		if (event.type != SCI_EVENT_NONE)

		// NOTE: In the original engine, the font and bitmap were
		// reset here on each iteration through the loop, but it
		// doesn't seem like this should be necessary since
		// control is not yielded back to the VM until input is
		// received, which means there is nothing that could modify
		// the GfxText32's state with a different font in the
		// meantime

		bool shouldDeleteChar = false;
		bool shouldRedrawText = false;
		uint16 lastCursorPosition = editor.cursorCharPosition;
 		if (event.type == SCI_EVENT_KEYBOARD) {
			switch (event.character) {
			case SCI_KEY_LEFT:
				clearTextOnInput = false;
				if (editor.cursorCharPosition > 0) {

			case SCI_KEY_RIGHT:
				clearTextOnInput = false;
				if (editor.cursorCharPosition < editor.text.size()) {

			case SCI_KEY_HOME:
				clearTextOnInput = false;
				editor.cursorCharPosition = 0;

			case SCI_KEY_END:
				clearTextOnInput = false;
				editor.cursorCharPosition = editor.text.size();

				clearTextOnInput = false;
				// Redrawing also changes the cursor rect to
				// reflect the new insertion mode
				shouldRedrawText = true;
				_overwriteMode = !_overwriteMode;

				clearTextOnInput = false;
				if (editor.cursorCharPosition < editor.text.size()) {
					shouldDeleteChar = true;

				clearTextOnInput = false;
				shouldDeleteChar = true;
				if (editor.cursorCharPosition > 0) {

			case SCI_KEY_ETX:
				editor.cursorCharPosition = 0;
				shouldRedrawText = true;

			default: {
				if (event.character >= 20 && event.character < 257) {
					if (clearTextOnInput) {
						clearTextOnInput = false;

					if (
						(_overwriteMode && editor.cursorCharPosition < editor.maxLength) ||
						(editor.text.size() < editor.maxLength && _gfxText32->getCharWidth(event.character, true) + _gfxText32->getStringWidth(editor.text) < editor.textRect.width())
					) {
						if (_overwriteMode && editor.cursorCharPosition < editor.text.size()) {
							editor.text.setChar(event.character, editor.cursorCharPosition);
						} else {
							editor.text.insertChar(event.character, editor.cursorCharPosition);

						shouldRedrawText = true;

		if (shouldDeleteChar) {
			shouldRedrawText = true;
			if (editor.cursorCharPosition < editor.text.size()) {

		if (shouldRedrawText) {
			_gfxText32->erase(editor.textRect, true);
			textChanged = true;
			screenItem->_updated = g_sci->_gfxFrameout->getScreenCount();
		} else if (editor.cursorCharPosition != lastCursorPosition) {
			screenItem->_updated = g_sci->_gfxFrameout->getScreenCount();
		} else {
			screenItem->_updated = g_sci->_gfxFrameout->getScreenCount();


	if (readSelectorValue(segMan, controlObject, SELECTOR(frameOut))) {


	if (textChanged) {
		SciArray &string = *_segMan->lookupArray(textObject);

	return make_reg(0, textChanged);
Ejemplo n.º 18
FReply FSequencerTimeSliderController::OnMouseMove( TSharedRef<SWidget> WidgetOwner, const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent )
	if ( WidgetOwner->HasMouseCapture() )
		if (MouseEvent.IsMouseButtonDown( EKeys::RightMouseButton ))
			if (!bPanning)
				DistanceDragged += FMath::Abs( MouseEvent.GetCursorDelta().X );
				if ( DistanceDragged > FSlateApplication::Get().GetDragTriggerDistnace() )
					bPanning = true;
				TRange<float> LocalViewRange = TimeSliderArgs.ViewRange.Get();
				float LocalViewRangeMin = LocalViewRange.GetLowerBoundValue();
				float LocalViewRangeMax = LocalViewRange.GetUpperBoundValue();

				FScrubRangeToScreen ScaleInfo( LocalViewRange, MyGeometry.Size );
				FVector2D ScreenDelta = MouseEvent.GetCursorDelta();
				FVector2D InputDelta;
				InputDelta.X = ScreenDelta.X/ScaleInfo.PixelsPerInput;

				float NewViewOutputMin = LocalViewRangeMin - InputDelta.X;
				float NewViewOutputMax = LocalViewRangeMax - InputDelta.X;

				TOptional<float> LocalClampMin = TimeSliderArgs.ClampMin.Get();
				TOptional<float> LocalClampMax = TimeSliderArgs.ClampMax.Get();

				// Clamp the range if clamp values are set
				if ( LocalClampMin.IsSet() && NewViewOutputMin < LocalClampMin.GetValue() )
					NewViewOutputMin = LocalClampMin.GetValue();
				if ( LocalClampMax.IsSet() && NewViewOutputMax > LocalClampMax.GetValue() )
					NewViewOutputMax = LocalClampMax.GetValue();

				TimeSliderArgs.OnViewRangeChanged.ExecuteIfBound(TRange<float>(NewViewOutputMin, NewViewOutputMax));

				if( !TimeSliderArgs.ViewRange.IsBound() )
					// The  output is not bound to a delegate so we'll manage the value ourselves
					TimeSliderArgs.ViewRange.Set( TRange<float>( NewViewOutputMin, NewViewOutputMax ) );
		else if (MouseEvent.IsMouseButtonDown( EKeys::LeftMouseButton ))
			if ( !bDraggingScrubber )
				DistanceDragged += FMath::Abs( MouseEvent.GetCursorDelta().X );
				if ( DistanceDragged > FSlateApplication::Get().GetDragTriggerDistnace() )
					bDraggingScrubber = true;
				FScrubRangeToScreen RangeToScreen( TimeSliderArgs.ViewRange.Get(), MyGeometry.Size );
				FVector2D CursorPos = MyGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal( MouseEvent.GetLastScreenSpacePosition() );
				float NewValue = RangeToScreen.LocalXToInput( CursorPos.X );

				const USequencerSnapSettings* SnapSettings = GetDefault<USequencerSnapSettings>();
				if ( SnapSettings->GetIsSnapEnabled() && SnapSettings->GetSnapPlayTimeToInterval() )
					NewValue = SnapSettings->SnapToInterval(NewValue);

				CommitScrubPosition( NewValue, /*bIsScrubbing=*/true );
		return FReply::Handled();

	return FReply::Unhandled();
Ejemplo n.º 19
FReply SScrubWidget::OnMouseMove( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent )
	// Bar Dragging
		// Update bar if we are dragging
		FVector2D CursorPos = MyGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal( MouseEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition() );
		FTrackScaleInfo ScaleInfo(ViewInputMin.Get(),  ViewInputMax.Get(), 0.f, 0.f, MyGeometry.Size);
		float NewDataPos = FMath::Clamp( ScaleInfo.LocalXToInput(CursorPos.X), ViewInputMin.Get(), ViewInputMax.Get() );
		OnBarDrag.ExecuteIfBound(DraggableBarIndex, NewDataPos);
		// Update what bar we are hovering over
		FVector2D CursorPos = MyGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal(MouseEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition());
		FTrackScaleInfo ScaleInfo(ViewInputMin.Get(),  ViewInputMax.Get(), 0.f, 0.f, MyGeometry.Size);
		DraggableBarIndex = INDEX_NONE;
		if ( DraggableBars.IsBound() )
			const TArray<float>& DraggableBarsVal = DraggableBars.Get();
			for ( int32 I=0; I < DraggableBarsVal.Num(); I++ )
				if( FMath::Abs( ScaleInfo.InputToLocalX(DraggableBarsVal[I]) - CursorPos.X ) < 10 )
					DraggableBarIndex = I;

	if ( this->HasMouseCapture() )
		if (MouseEvent.IsMouseButtonDown( EKeys::RightMouseButton ) && bPanning)
			FTrackScaleInfo ScaleInfo(ViewInputMin.Get(),  ViewInputMax.Get(), 0.f, 0.f, MyGeometry.Size);
			FVector2D ScreenDelta = MouseEvent.GetCursorDelta();
			float InputDeltaX = ScreenDelta.X/ScaleInfo.PixelsPerInput;

			bMouseMovedDuringPanning |= !ScreenDelta.IsNearlyZero(0.001f);

			float NewViewInputMin = ViewInputMin.Get() - InputDeltaX;
			float NewViewInputMax = ViewInputMax.Get() - InputDeltaX;
			// we'd like to keep  the range if outside when panning
			if ( NewViewInputMin < 0.f )
				NewViewInputMin = 0.f;
				NewViewInputMax = ScaleInfo.ViewInputRange;
			else if ( NewViewInputMax > SequenceLength.Get() )
				NewViewInputMax = SequenceLength.Get();
				NewViewInputMin = NewViewInputMax - ScaleInfo.ViewInputRange;

			OnSetInputViewRange.ExecuteIfBound(NewViewInputMin, NewViewInputMax);
		else if (!bDragging)
			DistanceDragged += FMath::Abs(MouseEvent.GetCursorDelta().X);
			if ( DistanceDragged > FSlateApplication::Get().GetDragTriggerDistance() )
				bDragging = true;
			if( bDragging )
		else if (bDragging)
			FTrackScaleInfo TimeScaleInfo(ViewInputMin.Get(), ViewInputMax.Get(), 0.f, 0.f, MyGeometry.Size);
			FVector2D CursorPos = MyGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal(MouseEvent.GetLastScreenSpacePosition());
			float NewValue = TimeScaleInfo.LocalXToInput(CursorPos.X);

			CommitValue( NewValue, true, false );
		return FReply::Handled();


	return FReply::Unhandled();
Ejemplo n.º 20
int32 SColorGradientEditor::OnPaint( const FPaintArgs& Args, const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled ) const
	const TSharedRef< FSlateFontMeasure > FontMeasureService = FSlateApplication::Get().GetRenderer()->GetFontMeasureService();

	if( CurveOwner )
		// Split the geometry into areas for stops and the gradient
		FGeometry ColorMarkAreaGeometry = GetColorMarkAreaGeometry( AllottedGeometry );
		FGeometry AlphaMarkAreaGeometry = GetAlphaMarkAreaGeometry( AllottedGeometry );

		FGeometry GradientAreaGeometry = AllottedGeometry.MakeChild( FVector2D(0.0f, 16.0f), FVector2D( AllottedGeometry.Size.X, AllottedGeometry.Size.Y - 30.0f ) );

		bool bEnabled = ShouldBeEnabled( bParentEnabled );
		ESlateDrawEffect::Type DrawEffects = bEnabled ? ESlateDrawEffect::None : ESlateDrawEffect::DisabledEffect;

		// Pixel to value input converter
		FTrackScaleInfo ScaleInfo(ViewMinInput.Get(),  ViewMaxInput.Get(), 0.0f, 1.0f, GradientAreaGeometry.Size);

		// The start and end location in slate units of the area to draw
		int32 Start = 0;
		int32 Finish = FMath::TruncToInt( AllottedGeometry.Size.X );

		TArray<FSlateGradientStop> Stops;

		// If no alpha keys are available, treat the curve as being completely opaque for drawing purposes
		bool bHasAnyAlphaKeys = CurveOwner->HasAnyAlphaKeys(); 

		// If any transpareny (A < 1) is found, we'll draw a checkerboard to visualize the color with alpha
		bool bHasTransparency = false;

		// Sample the curve every 2 units.  THe curve could be non-linear so sampling at each stop would display an incorrect gradient
		for( int32 CurrentStep = Start; CurrentStep < Finish; CurrentStep+=2 )
			// Figure out the time from the current screen unit
			float Time = ScaleInfo.LocalXToInput(CurrentStep);

			// Sample the curve
			FLinearColor Color = CurveOwner->GetLinearColorValue( Time );
			if( !bHasAnyAlphaKeys )
				// Only show alpha if there is at least one key.  For some curves, alpha may not be important
				Color.A = 1.0f;
				bHasTransparency = false;
				bHasTransparency |= (Color.A < 1.0f);
			Stops.Add( FSlateGradientStop( FVector2D( CurrentStep, 0.0f ), Color ) );

		if( Stops.Num() > 0 )
			if( bHasTransparency )
				// Draw a checkerboard behind there is any transparency visible

			// Draw the color gradient

		// Get actual editable stop marks
		TArray<FGradientStopMark> ColorMarks;
		TArray<FGradientStopMark> AlphaMarks;
		GetGradientStopMarks( ColorMarks, AlphaMarks );

		// Draw each color stop
		for( int32 ColorIndex = 0; ColorIndex < ColorMarks.Num(); ++ColorIndex )
			const FGradientStopMark& Mark = ColorMarks[ColorIndex];

			float XVal = ScaleInfo.InputToLocalX( Mark.Time );

			// Dont draw stops which are not visible
			if( XVal >= 0 && XVal <= ColorMarkAreaGeometry.Size.X )
				FLinearColor Color = CurveOwner->GetLinearColorValue( Mark.Time );
				Color.A = 1.0f;
				DrawGradientStopMark( Mark, ColorMarkAreaGeometry, XVal, Color, OutDrawElements, LayerId, MyClippingRect, DrawEffects, true, InWidgetStyle );


		// Draw each alpha stop
		for( int32 ColorIndex = 0; ColorIndex < AlphaMarks.Num(); ++ColorIndex )
			const FGradientStopMark& Mark = AlphaMarks[ColorIndex];

			float XVal = ScaleInfo.InputToLocalX( Mark.Time );
			// Dont draw stops which are not visible
			if( XVal >= 0 && XVal <= AlphaMarkAreaGeometry.Size.X )
				float Alpha = CurveOwner->GetLinearColorValue( Mark.Time ).A;
				DrawGradientStopMark( Mark, AlphaMarkAreaGeometry, XVal, FLinearColor( Alpha, Alpha, Alpha, 1.0f ), OutDrawElements, LayerId, MyClippingRect, DrawEffects, false, InWidgetStyle );


		// Draw some hint messages about how to add stops if no stops exist
		if( ColorMarks.Num() == 0 && AlphaMarks.Num() == 0 && IsEditingEnabled.Get() == true )
			static FString GradientColorMessage( LOCTEXT("ClickToAddColorStop", "Click in this area add color stops").ToString() );
			static FString GradientAlphaMessage( LOCTEXT("ClickToAddAlphaStop", "Click in this area add opacity stops").ToString() );
			// Draw the text centered in the color region
				FVector2D StringSize = FontMeasureService->Measure( GradientColorMessage, FSlateFontInfo( FPaths::EngineContentDir() / TEXT("Slate/Fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf"), 8 ) );
				FPaintGeometry PaintGeom = ColorMarkAreaGeometry.ToPaintGeometry(FSlateLayoutTransform(FVector2D((ColorMarkAreaGeometry.Size.X - StringSize.X) * 0.5f, 1.0f)));

					FSlateFontInfo( FPaths::EngineContentDir() / TEXT("Slate/Fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf"), 8 ),
					FLinearColor( .5f, .5f, .5f, .85f )

			// Draw the text centered in the alpha region
				FVector2D StringSize = FontMeasureService->Measure( GradientAlphaMessage, FSlateFontInfo( FPaths::EngineContentDir() / TEXT("Slate/Fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf"), 8 ) );
				FPaintGeometry PaintGeom = AlphaMarkAreaGeometry.ToPaintGeometry(FSlateLayoutTransform(FVector2D((AlphaMarkAreaGeometry.Size.X - StringSize.X) * 0.5f, 1.0f)));

					FSlateFontInfo( FPaths::EngineContentDir() / TEXT("Slate/Fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf"), 8 ),
					FLinearColor( .5f, .5f, .5f, .85f )

	return LayerId;