Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Creates a diff of the changes between the streams @a pLeft and @a pRight.
 * This currently only implements the simplest diff format, so no contexts.
 * Also, note that we won't detect differences in the final newline of the
 * streams.
 * @returns The number of differences.
 * @param   pszFilename         The filename.
 * @param   pLeft               The left side stream.
 * @param   pRight              The right side stream.
 * @param   fIgnoreEol          Whether to ignore end of line markers.
 * @param   fIgnoreLeadingWhite Set if leading white space should be ignored.
 * @param   fIgnoreTrailingWhite  Set if trailing white space should be ignored.
 * @param   fSpecialChars       Whether to print special chars in a human
 *                              readable form or not.
 * @param   cchTab              The tab size.
 * @param   pDiff               Where to write the diff.
size_t ScmDiffStreams(const char *pszFilename, PSCMSTREAM pLeft, PSCMSTREAM pRight, bool fIgnoreEol,
                      bool fIgnoreLeadingWhite, bool fIgnoreTrailingWhite, bool fSpecialChars,
                      size_t cchTab, PRTSTREAM pDiff)
#ifdef RT_STRICT

     * Set up the diff state.
    State.cDiffs                = 0;
    State.pszFilename           = pszFilename;
    State.pLeft                 = pLeft;
    State.pRight                = pRight;
    State.fIgnoreEol            = fIgnoreEol;
    State.fIgnoreLeadingWhite   = fIgnoreLeadingWhite;
    State.fIgnoreTrailingWhite  = fIgnoreTrailingWhite;
    State.fSpecialChars         = fSpecialChars;
    State.cchTab                = cchTab;
    State.pDiff                 = pDiff;

     * Compare them line by line.
    const char *pchLeft;
    const char *pchRight;

    for (;;)
        SCMEOL  enmEolLeft;
        size_t  cchLeft;
        pchLeft  = ScmStreamGetLine(pLeft,  &cchLeft,  &enmEolLeft);

        SCMEOL  enmEolRight;
        size_t  cchRight;
        pchRight = ScmStreamGetLine(pRight, &cchRight, &enmEolRight);
        if (!pchLeft || !pchRight)

        if (!scmDiffCompare(&State, pchLeft, cchLeft, enmEolLeft, pchRight, cchRight, enmEolRight))
            scmDiffSynchronize(&State, 3);

     * Deal with any remaining differences.
    if (pchLeft)
        scmDiffReport(&State, 0, ScmStreamTellLine(pLeft) - 1, ~(size_t)0, ScmStreamTellLine(pRight), 0);
    else if (pchRight)
        scmDiffReport(&State, 0, ScmStreamTellLine(pLeft), 0, ScmStreamTellLine(pRight) - 1, ~(size_t)0);

     * Report any errors.
    if (RT_FAILURE(ScmStreamGetStatus(pLeft)))
        RTMsgError("Left diff stream error: %Rrc\n", ScmStreamGetStatus(pLeft));
    if (RT_FAILURE(ScmStreamGetStatus(pRight)))
        RTMsgError("Right diff stream error: %Rrc\n", ScmStreamGetStatus(pRight));

    return State.cDiffs;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Queries the value of an SVN property.
 * This will automatically adjust for scheduled changes.
 * @returns IPRT status code.
 * @retval  VERR_INVALID_STATE if not a SVN WC file.
 * @retval  VERR_NOT_FOUND if the property wasn't found.
 * @param   pState              The rewrite state to work on.
 * @param   pszName             The property name.
 * @param   ppszValue           Where to return the property value.  Free this
 *                              using RTStrFree.  Optional.
int ScmSvnQueryProperty(PSCMRWSTATE pState, const char *pszName, char **ppszValue)
     * Look it up in the scheduled changes.
    size_t i = pState->cSvnPropChanges;
    while (i-- > 0)
        if (!strcmp(pState->paSvnPropChanges[i].pszName, pszName))
            const char *pszValue = pState->paSvnPropChanges[i].pszValue;
            if (!pszValue)
                return VERR_NOT_FOUND;
            if (ppszValue)
                return RTStrDupEx(ppszValue, pszValue);
            return VINF_SUCCESS;

    int rc;
    if (g_enmSvnVersion < kScmSvnVersion_1_7)
         * Hack: Read the .svn/props/<file>.svn-work file exists.
        char szPath[RTPATH_MAX];
        rc = scmSvnConstructName(pState, ".svn/props/", ".svn-work", szPath);
        if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && !RTFileExists(szPath))
            rc = scmSvnConstructName(pState, ".svn/prop-base/", ".svn-base", szPath);
        if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
            SCMSTREAM Stream;
            rc = ScmStreamInitForReading(&Stream, szPath);
            if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                 * The current format is K len\n<name>\nV len\n<value>\n" ... END.
                rc = VERR_NOT_FOUND;
                size_t const    cchName = strlen(pszName);
                SCMEOL          enmEol;
                size_t          cchLine;
                const char     *pchLine;
                while ((pchLine = ScmStreamGetLine(&Stream, &cchLine, &enmEol)) != NULL)
                     * Parse the 'K num' / 'END' line.
                    if (   cchLine == 3
                        && !memcmp(pchLine, "END", 3))
                    size_t cchKey;
                    if (   cchLine < 3
                        || pchLine[0] != 'K'
                        || pchLine[1] != ' '
                        || !scmSvnReadNumber(&pchLine[2], cchLine - 2, &cchKey)
                        || cchKey == 0
                        || cchKey > 4096)
                        RTMsgError("%s:%u: Unexpected data '%.*s'\n", szPath, ScmStreamTellLine(&Stream), cchLine, pchLine);
                        rc = VERR_PARSE_ERROR;

                     * Match the key and skip to the value line.  Don't bother with
                     * names containing EOL markers.
                    size_t const offKey = ScmStreamTell(&Stream);
                    bool fMatch = cchName == cchKey;
                    if (fMatch)
                        pchLine = ScmStreamGetLine(&Stream, &cchLine, &enmEol);
                        if (!pchLine)
                        fMatch = cchLine == cchName
                              && !memcmp(pchLine, pszName, cchName);

                    if (RT_FAILURE(ScmStreamSeekAbsolute(&Stream, offKey + cchKey)))
                    if (RT_FAILURE(ScmStreamSeekByLine(&Stream, ScmStreamTellLine(&Stream) + 1)))

                     * Read and Parse the 'V num' line.
                    pchLine = ScmStreamGetLine(&Stream, &cchLine, &enmEol);
                    if (!pchLine)
                    size_t cchValue;
                    if (   cchLine < 3
                        || pchLine[0] != 'V'
                        || pchLine[1] != ' '
                        || !scmSvnReadNumber(&pchLine[2], cchLine - 2, &cchValue)
                        || cchValue > _1M)
                        RTMsgError("%s:%u: Unexpected data '%.*s'\n", szPath, ScmStreamTellLine(&Stream), cchLine, pchLine);
                        rc = VERR_PARSE_ERROR;

                     * If we have a match, allocate a return buffer and read the
                     * value into it.  Otherwise skip this value and continue
                     * searching.
                    if (fMatch)
                        if (!ppszValue)
                            rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
                            char *pszValue;
                            rc = RTStrAllocEx(&pszValue, cchValue + 1);
                            if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                                rc = ScmStreamRead(&Stream, pszValue, cchValue);
                                if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
                                    *ppszValue = pszValue;

                    if (RT_FAILURE(ScmStreamSeekRelative(&Stream, cchValue)))
                    if (RT_FAILURE(ScmStreamSeekByLine(&Stream, ScmStreamTellLine(&Stream) + 1)))

                if (RT_FAILURE(ScmStreamGetStatus(&Stream)))
                    rc = ScmStreamGetStatus(&Stream);
                    RTMsgError("%s: stream error %Rrc\n", szPath, rc);

        if (rc == VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
            rc = VERR_NOT_FOUND;
        const char *apszArgs[] = { g_szSvnPath, "propget", "--strict", pszName, pState->pszFilename, NULL };
        char       *pszValue;
        rc = scmSvnRunAndGetOutput(pState, apszArgs, false, &pszValue);
        if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
            if (pszValue && *pszValue)
                if (ppszValue)
                    *ppszValue = pszValue;
                    pszValue = NULL;
                rc = VERR_NOT_FOUND;
    return rc;

    return VERR_NOT_FOUND;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Resynchronize the two streams and reports the difference.
 * Upon return, the streams will be positioned after the block of @a cMatches
 * lines where it resynchronized them.
 * @returns pState->cDiffs (just so we can use it in a return statement).
 * @param   pState              The state.
 * @param   cMatches            The number of lines that needs to match for the
 *                              stream to be considered synchronized again.
static size_t scmDiffSynchronize(PSCMDIFFSTATE pState, size_t cMatches)
    size_t const iStartLeft  = ScmStreamTellLine(pState->pLeft)  - 1;
    size_t const iStartRight = ScmStreamTellLine(pState->pRight) - 1;
    Assert(cMatches > 0);

     * Compare each new line from each of the streams will all the preceding
     * ones, including iStartLeft/Right.
    for (size_t iRange = 1; ; iRange++)
         * Get the next line in the left stream and compare it against all the
         * preceding lines on the right side.
        SCMEOL      enmEol;
        size_t      cchLine;
        const char *pchLine = ScmStreamGetLineByNo(pState->pLeft, iStartLeft + iRange, &cchLine, &enmEol);
        if (!pchLine)
            return scmDiffReport(pState, 0, iStartLeft, ~(size_t)0, iStartRight, ~(size_t)0);

        for (size_t iRight = cMatches - 1; iRight < iRange; iRight++)
            SCMEOL      enmEolRight;
            size_t      cchRight;
            const char *pchRight = ScmStreamGetLineByNo(pState->pRight, iStartRight + iRight,
                                                        &cchRight, &enmEolRight);
            if (   scmDiffCompare(pState, pchLine, cchLine, enmEol, pchRight, cchRight, enmEolRight)
                && scmDiffCompareLines(pState,
                                       iStartLeft  + iRange + 1 - cMatches,
                                       iStartRight + iRight + 1 - cMatches,
                                       cMatches - 1)
                return scmDiffReport(pState, cMatches,
                                     iStartLeft,  iRange + 1 - cMatches,
                                     iStartRight, iRight + 1 - cMatches);

         * Get the next line in the right stream and compare it against all the
         * lines on the right side.
        pchLine = ScmStreamGetLineByNo(pState->pRight, iStartRight + iRange, &cchLine, &enmEol);
        if (!pchLine)
            return scmDiffReport(pState, 0, iStartLeft, ~(size_t)0, iStartRight, ~(size_t)0);

        for (size_t iLeft = cMatches - 1; iLeft <= iRange; iLeft++)
            SCMEOL      enmEolLeft;
            size_t      cchLeft;
            const char *pchLeft = ScmStreamGetLineByNo(pState->pLeft, iStartLeft + iLeft,
                                                       &cchLeft, &enmEolLeft);
            if (    scmDiffCompare(pState, pchLeft, cchLeft, enmEolLeft, pchLine, cchLine, enmEol)
                && scmDiffCompareLines(pState,
                                       iStartLeft  + iLeft  + 1 - cMatches,
                                       iStartRight + iRange + 1 - cMatches,
                                       cMatches - 1)
                return scmDiffReport(pState, cMatches,
                                     iStartLeft,  iLeft  + 1 - cMatches,
                                     iStartRight, iRange + 1 - cMatches);