Ejemplo n.º 1
 * @brief Finds all Nodes that fall within the polygon
 * Finds all Nodes that fall within the polygon by searching the Nodes
 * in a Quadtree.
 * @param root The highest level of the Quadtree to search
 * @param polyLine A list of points that define an arbitrarily shaped polygon
 * @return A list of Nodes that fall within the polygon
std::vector<Node*> PolygonSearch::FindNodes(branch *root, std::vector<Point> polyLine)
	polygonPoints = polyLine;



	return fullNodes;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * @brief Recursively searches through the branch for Nodes that may be part of the selection
 * Recursively searches through the branch for Nodes that may be part of the selection. Nodes
 * that are guaranteed to fall inside of the rectangle are added to the fullNodes list. Nodes
 * that could possibly fall inside of the rectangle are added to the partialNodes list.
 * @param currBranch The branch through which recursion will take place
void RectangleSearch::SearchNodes(branch *currBranch)
	int branchCornersInsideRectange = CountCornersInsideRectangle(currBranch);
	if (branchCornersInsideRectange == 4)
	else if (branchCornersInsideRectange != 0 ||
		for (int i=0; i<4; ++i)
			if (currBranch->branches[i])
			if (currBranch->leaves[i])
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * @brief Recursively searches through the branch for Nodes that may be part of the selection
 * Recursively searches through the branch for Nodes that may be part of the selection. Nodes
 * that are guaranteed to fall inside of the polygon are added to the fullNodes list. Nodes
 * that could possibly fall inside of the polygon are added to the partialNodes list.
 * @param currBranch The branch through which recursion will take place
void PolygonSearch::SearchNodes(branch *currBranch)
	int branchCornersInsidePolygon = CountCornersInsidePolygon(currBranch);
	if (branchCornersInsidePolygon == 4)
	else if (branchCornersInsidePolygon != 0 ||
		 PolygonHasPointsInside(currBranch) ||
		for (int i=0; i<4; ++i)
			if (currBranch->branches[i])
			if (currBranch->leaves[i])
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * @brief Finds all Nodes that fall within a rectangle
 * Finds all Nodes that fall within a rectangle by searching the Nodes
 * in a Quadtree.
 * @param root The highest level of the Quadtree to search
 * @param l The left bound of the rectangle
 * @param r The right bound of the rectangle
 * @param b The bottom bound of the rectangle
 * @param t The top bound of the rectangle
 * @return A list of Nodes that fall within the rectangle
std::vector<Node*> RectangleSearch::FindNodes(branch *root, float l, float r, float b, float t)
	this->l = l;
	this->r = r;
	this->b = b;
	this->t = t;



	return fullNodes;
void TurretManager::AddTurretButtons()
	if (UI == false)
		towers[0]->transform.SetPosition(pmath::Vec2f(-524.f, -100.f));
		towers[1]->transform.SetPosition(pmath::Vec2f(-524.f, -50.f));
		towers[2]->transform.SetPosition(pmath::Vec2f(-524.f, 0.f));
		towers[3]->transform.SetPosition(pmath::Vec2f(-524.f, 50.f));
		towers[4]->transform.SetPosition(pmath::Vec2f(-524.f, 100.f));
		towers[5]->transform.SetPosition(pmath::Vec2f(-524.f, 150.f));

		for (auto t : towers)

		cancel->transform.SetPosition(-524.f, 200.f);


Ejemplo n.º 6
** Highlight the selected track by drawing it thicker
void ShowSelectedTrack(StdHepWindow *window)
    SpinSegment seg;
    short x1, y1, x2, y2;
    Arg wargs[2];
    double length;
    PhaseParticle *particle;
    nodehep *seln1, *seln2, *htop;
    int n, i, *list;
    Widget highnode;
    PhaseWindow *winp = (PhaseWindow *) window;
    SpaceWindow *wins = (SpaceWindow *) window;
    SpaceVertex *vert;
    /* Widget spin = window->spin; Causes Ultrix cc to "schain botch 3" */
    Display *display = XtDisplay(window->spin);
    Window spinWindow = XtWindow(window->spin);
    if ((window->selectedTrack == NO_TRACK) &&
        (window->selnodeNumTrack <= 0)) return;
    if (window->selectedTrack != NO_TRACK) {
      particle = &window->event.particles[window->selectedTrack];
      if (ParticleVisible(window, particle->id, particle->stable)) {
	if (window->type == STDHEP_PHASE ) 
	  ParticleToSegment(winp, particle, &seg, &length);
	else if (window->type == STDHEP_PARA) { 
	  ParticleToParaSegment((ParaWindow *) wins, particle, &seg, &length);
	   } else {
        vert = wins->vertices; vert += window->selectedTrack;
	   TrackToSegment(wins, particle, vert, &seg, &length);
	SpinTransformPoint(window->spin, seg.x1, seg.y1, seg.z1, &x1, &y1);
	SpinTransformPoint(window->spin, seg.x2, seg.y2, seg.z2, &x2, &y2);
	XSetForeground(display, window->highlightGC, seg.pixel);
	XDrawLine(display, spinWindow, window->highlightGC, x1, y1, x2, y2);
     if ((window->dtree != NULL) && (window->treehead !=NULL)) {
	/* If previous select, set the node to normal shadow value */
	/* located the node, and heighlight it.. if different from 
		the one already selected, to avoid flashing  */
            htop = (nodehep *) window->treehead;
	    seln1 = SearchNodes(htop, window->selectedTrack);
	    seln2 = NULL;
	    if (window->selectedNode != NULL) {
	     seln2 = (nodehep *)  window->selectedNode;
	     if (seln1 !=seln2) { 
	       highnode = (Widget) *(seln2->stwidget);
               XtSetArg(wargs[0], XmNshadowThickness, 2);
	       XtSetValues(highnode, wargs, 1);
	   if ((seln1 != NULL) && (seln1 != seln2)) {
	     window->selectedNode = (int *) seln1;
	     highnode = (Widget)  *(seln1->stwidget);
             XtSetArg(wargs[0], XmNshadowThickness, 5);
	     XtSetValues(highnode, wargs, 1);
    if ( window->selnodeNumTrack > 0) {
     list = window->selnodeTracks; 
      for (i=0; i < window->selnodeNumTrack; i++, list++) {
        particle = &window->event.particles[*list];
        if (ParticleVisible(window, particle->id, particle->stable)) {
	 if (window->type == STDHEP_PHASE ) 
	   ParticleToSegment(winp, particle, &seg, &length);
	 else if (window->type == STDHEP_PARA) {
	   ParticleToParaSegment((ParaWindow *) wins, particle, &seg, &length);
	   } else {
            vert = wins->vertices; vert += (*list);
	   TrackToSegment(wins, particle, vert, &seg, &length);
	 SpinTransformPoint(window->spin, seg.x1, seg.y1, seg.z1, &x1, &y1);
	 SpinTransformPoint(window->spin, seg.x2, seg.y2, seg.z2, &x2, &y2);
	 XSetForeground(display, window->highlightGC, seg.pixel);
	 XDrawLine(display, spinWindow, window->highlightGC, x1, y1, x2, y2);
Ejemplo n.º 7
void AStarInfo::calculatePath(Node* pCurNode)
    PathItem* pStartNode = getFromSearchList(_nStartX, _nStartY);
    PathItem* pEndNode = getFromSearchList(_nEndX, _nEndY);

    if (pStartNode == nullptr)
        Vec2 startPos = this->getMinPath(Vec2(_nStartX, _nStartY),pCurNode);
        _nStartX = startPos.x;
        _nStartY= startPos.y;
        pStartNode = getFromSearchList(_nStartX, _nStartY);

    //因为是开始点 把到起始点的距离设为0, F值也为0
    pStartNode->_fDisToStart = 0;
    pStartNode->_fFValue = 0;

    _aSearchArr[_nStartX][_nStartY] = nullptr;

    PathItem* pNode = nullptr;
    while (true)
        //得到离起始点最近的点(如果是第一次执行, 得到的是起点)
        pNode = getMinPath();
        if (!pNode)

        int nX = pNode->_nX;
        int nY = pNode->_nY;

        if (nX == _nEndX && nY == _nEndY)

        PathItem* pSideNode = getFromSearchList(nX + 1, nY + 1);
        SearchNodes(pNode, pSideNode, pEndNode);

        pSideNode = getFromSearchList(nX + 1, nY);
        SearchNodes(pNode, pSideNode, pEndNode);

        pSideNode = getFromSearchList(nX + 1, nY - 1);
        SearchNodes(pNode, pSideNode, pEndNode);

        pSideNode = getFromSearchList(nX, nY - 1);
        SearchNodes(pNode, pSideNode, pEndNode);

        pSideNode = getFromSearchList(nX - 1, nY - 1);
        SearchNodes(pNode, pSideNode, pEndNode);

        pSideNode = getFromSearchList(nX - 1, nY);
        SearchNodes(pNode, pSideNode, pEndNode);

        pSideNode = getFromSearchList(nX - 1, nY + 1);
        SearchNodes(pNode, pSideNode, pEndNode);

        pSideNode = getFromSearchList(nX, nY + 1);
        SearchNodes(pNode, pSideNode, pEndNode);


    while (pNode)
        _vPathList.insert(0, pNode);
        pNode = pNode->_pParentPath;