Ejemplo n.º 1
// static
void Sandbox::initialize(const QString& permissionsFile) {
    QMutexLocker locker(&s_mutex);
    s_pSandboxPermissions = new ConfigObject<ConfigValue>(permissionsFile);

#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
    // If we are running on at least 10.7.0 and have the com.apple.security.app-sandbox
    // entitlement, we are in a sandbox
    SInt32 version = 0;
    Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, &version);
    SecCodeRef secCodeSelf;
    if (version >= 0x1070 && SecCodeCopySelf(kSecCSDefaultFlags, &secCodeSelf) == errSecSuccess) {
        SecRequirementRef sandboxReq;
        CFStringRef entitlement = CFSTR("entitlement [\"com.apple.security.app-sandbox\"]");
        if (SecRequirementCreateWithString(entitlement, kSecCSDefaultFlags,
                                           &sandboxReq) == errSecSuccess) {
            if (SecCodeCheckValidity(secCodeSelf, kSecCSDefaultFlags,
                                     sandboxReq) == errSecSuccess) {
                s_bInSandbox = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Produce an OSXCode for the currently running application.
// Note that we don't build the CFBundleRef here; we defer this to when we
// really need it for something more interesting than the base or executable paths.
// This is important because OSXCode::main() is called from various initialization
// scenarios (out of the securityd client layer), and CFBundle calls into some
// bizarrely high-level APIs to complete CFBundleGetMainBundle. Until that is fixed
// (if it ever is), this particular instance of laziness is mandatory.
RefPointer<OSXCode> OSXCode::main()
	// return a code signing-aware OSXCode subclass if possible
	CFRef<SecCodeRef> me;
	if (!SecCodeCopySelf(kSecCSDefaultFlags, &me.aref()))
		return new OSXCodeWrap(me);

	// otherwise, follow the legacy path precisely - no point in messing with this, is there?
	Boolean isRealBundle;
	string path = cfStringRelease(_CFBundleCopyMainBundleExecutableURL(&isRealBundle));
	if (isRealBundle) {
		const char *cpath = path.c_str();
		if (const char *slash = strrchr(cpath, '/'))
			if (const char *contents = strstr(cpath, "/Contents/MacOS/"))
				if (contents + 15 == slash)
					return new Bundle(path.substr(0, contents-cpath).c_str());
		secdebug("bundle", "OSXCode::main(%s) not recognized as bundle (treating as tool)", cpath);
	return new ExecutableTool(path.c_str());
Ejemplo n.º 3
QSettingsPrivate *QSettingsPrivate::create(QSettings::Format format,
                                           QSettings::Scope scope,
                                           const QString &organization,
                                           const QString &application)
    static bool useAppLocalStorage = false;
    static bool initialized = false;

    if (!initialized) {
        bool inSandbox = false;

        // If we are running on at least 10.7.0 and have the com.apple.security.app-sandbox
        // entitlement, we are in a sandbox
        SInt32 version = 0;
        Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, &version);
        SecCodeRef secCodeSelf;
        if (version >= 0x1070 && SecCodeCopySelf(kSecCSDefaultFlags, &secCodeSelf) == errSecSuccess) {
            SecRequirementRef sandboxReq;
            CFStringRef entitlement = CFSTR("entitlement [\"com.apple.security.app-sandbox\"]");
            if (SecRequirementCreateWithString(entitlement, kSecCSDefaultFlags, &sandboxReq) == errSecSuccess) {
                if (SecCodeCheckValidity(secCodeSelf, kSecCSDefaultFlags, sandboxReq) == errSecSuccess)
                    inSandbox = true;

        bool forAppStore = false;
        if (!inSandbox) {
            CFTypeRef val = CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey(CFBundleGetMainBundle(), CFSTR("ForAppStore"));
            forAppStore = (val &&
                           CFGetTypeID(val) == CFStringGetTypeID() &&
                           CFStringCompare(CFStringRef(val), CFSTR("yes"), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive) == 0);

        useAppLocalStorage = inSandbox || forAppStore;
        initialized = true;

    if (useAppLocalStorage) {
        // Ensure that the global and app-local settings go to the same file, since that's
        // what we really want
        if (organization == QLatin1String("Trolltech") ||
                organization.isEmpty() ||
                (organization == qApp->organizationDomain() && application == qApp->applicationName()) ||
                (organization == qApp->organizationName()) && application == qApp->applicationName())
            CFStringRef bundleIdentifier = CFBundleGetIdentifier(CFBundleGetMainBundle());
            if (!bundleIdentifier) {
                qWarning("QSettingsPrivate::create: You must set the bundle identifier when using ForAppStore");
            } else {
                QSettingsPrivate* settings = new QMacSettingsPrivate(bundleIdentifier);
                if (organization == QLatin1String("Trolltech"))
                return settings;

    if (format == QSettings::NativeFormat) {
        return new QMacSettingsPrivate(scope, organization, application);
    } else {
        return new QConfFileSettingsPrivate(format, scope, organization, application);