Ejemplo n.º 1

This is also used for spectator spawns
void FindIntermissionPoint() 
	// find the intermission spot
	GameEntity *ent = G_Find (NULL, FOFS(classname_), "info_player_intermission");
	if ( !ent ) 
		// the map creator forgot to put in an intermission point...
		SelectSpawnPoint ( vec3_origin, theLevel.intermission_origin_, theLevel.intermission_angle_, -1 );
		VectorCopy( ent->s.origin, theLevel.intermission_origin_ );
		VectorCopy( ent->s.angles, theLevel.intermission_angle_ );
		// if it has a target, look towards it
		if ( ent->target_ ) 
			GameEntity *target = G_PickTarget( ent->target_ );
			if ( target ) 
				vec3_t		dir;
				VectorSubtract( target->s.origin, theLevel.intermission_origin_, dir );
				vectoangles( dir, theLevel.intermission_angle_ );
Ejemplo n.º 2

Try to find a spawn point marked 'initial', otherwise
use normal spawn selection.
gentity_t *SelectInitialSpawnPoint( vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles, qboolean isbot ) {
    gentity_t	*spot;

    spot = NULL;

    while ((spot = G_Find (spot, FOFS(classname), "info_player_deathmatch")) != NULL)
        if(((spot->flags & FL_NO_BOTS) && isbot) ||
                ((spot->flags & FL_NO_HUMANS) && !isbot))

        if((spot->spawnflags & 0x01))

    if (!spot || SpotWouldTelefrag(spot))
        return SelectSpawnPoint(vec3_origin, origin, angles, isbot);

    VectorCopy (spot->s.origin, origin);
    origin[2] += 9;
    VectorCopy (spot->s.angles, angles);

    return spot;
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: ball.c Proyecto: yquake2/rogue
DBall_SelectSpawnPoint(edict_t *ent, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles)
	edict_t *bestspot;
	float bestdistance, bestplayerdistance;
	edict_t *spot;
	char *spottype;
	char skin[512];

	if (!ent)

	strcpy(skin, Info_ValueForKey(ent->client->pers.userinfo, "skin"));

	if (!strcmp(dball_team1_skin->string, skin))
		spottype = "dm_dball_team1_start";
	else if (!strcmp(dball_team2_skin->string, skin))
		spottype = "dm_dball_team2_start";
		spottype = "info_player_deathmatch";

	spot = NULL;
	bestspot = NULL;
	bestdistance = 0;

	while ((spot = G_Find(spot, FOFS(classname), spottype)) != NULL)
		bestplayerdistance = PlayersRangeFromSpot(spot);

		if (bestplayerdistance > bestdistance)
			bestspot = spot;
			bestdistance = bestplayerdistance;

	if (bestspot)
		VectorCopy(bestspot->s.origin, origin);
		origin[2] += 9;
		VectorCopy(bestspot->s.angles, angles);

	/* if we didn't find an appropriate spawnpoint,
	   just call the standard one. */
	SelectSpawnPoint(ent, origin, angles);
Ejemplo n.º 4

gentity_t *SelectSiegeSpawnPoint ( int siegeClass, team_t team, int teamstate, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles ) {
	gentity_t	*spot;

	spot = SelectRandomTeamSpawnPoint ( teamstate, team, siegeClass );

	if (!spot) {
		return SelectSpawnPoint( vec3_origin, origin, angles, team );

	VectorCopy (spot->s.origin, origin);
	origin[2] += 9;
	VectorCopy (spot->s.angles, angles);

	return spot;
Ejemplo n.º 5

gentity_t *SelectCTFSpawnPoint ( team_t team, int teamstate, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles, qboolean isbot ) {
	gentity_t	*spot;

	spot = SelectRandomTeamSpawnPoint ( teamstate, team );

	if (!spot) {
		return SelectSpawnPoint( vec3_origin, origin, angles, isbot );

	VectorCopy (spot->s.origin, origin);
	origin[2] += 9;
	VectorCopy (spot->s.angles, angles);

	return spot;
Ejemplo n.º 6

gentity_t *SelectCTFSpawnPoint ( team_t team, int teamstate, bvec3_t origin, avec3_t angles ) {
	gentity_t	*spot;

	spot = SelectRandomTeamSpawnPoint ( teamstate, team );

	if (!spot) {
		return SelectSpawnPoint( bvec3_origin, origin, angles );

	VectorCopy (spot->s.origin, origin);
	origin[2] += BFIXED(9,0);
	VectorCopy (spot->s.angles, angles);

	return spot;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * Select a spawn point for a player
 * @author: Nico
static gentity_t *SelectPlayerSpawnPoint(team_t team, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles, int spawnObjective) {
	gentity_t *spot;

	spot = SelectRandomTeamSpawnPoint(team, spawnObjective);

	if (!spot) {
		return SelectSpawnPoint(vec3_origin, origin, angles);

	VectorCopy(spot->s.origin, origin);
	origin[2] += 9;
	VectorCopy(spot->s.angles, angles);

	return spot;
Ejemplo n.º 8

gentity_t *SelectCTFSpawnPoint ( team_t team, int teamstate, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles ) {
	gentity_t	*spot;

	spot = SelectRandomTeamSpawnPoint ( teamstate, team );

	if (!spot) {
		G_Printf( S_COLOR_RED "Couldn't find a team spawn point!\n" );
		return SelectSpawnPoint( vec3_origin, origin, angles );

	VectorCopy (spot->s.origin, origin);
	origin[2] += 9;
	VectorCopy (spot->s.angles, angles);

	return spot;
Ejemplo n.º 9

gentity_t *SelectCTFSpawnPoint ( team_t team, int teamstate, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles, qboolean isbot ) {
	gentity_t	*spot;

	spot = SelectRandomTeamSpawnPoint ( teamstate, team );

	// TODO: don't look for info_player_deathmatch, exit with a meaningful msg instead
	if (!spot) {
		return SelectSpawnPoint( vec3_origin, origin, angles, isbot );

	VectorCopy (spot->s.origin, origin);
	origin[2] += 9;
	VectorCopy (spot->s.angles, angles);

	return spot;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 * SelectCTFSpawnPoint
Gentity *
SelectCTFSpawnPoint(Team team, int teamstate, Vec3 origin, Vec3 angles,
		    qbool isbot)
	Gentity *spot;

	spot = SelectRandomTeamSpawnPoint (teamstate, team);

		return SelectSpawnPoint(vec3_origin, origin, angles, isbot);

	copyv3 (spot->s.origin, origin);
	origin[2] += 9;
	copyv3 (spot->s.angles, angles);

	return spot;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void Tag_PostInitSetup (void)
	edict_t		*e;
	vec3_t		origin, angles;

	// automatic spawning of tag token if one is not present on map.
	e = G_Find (NULL, FOFS(classname), "dm_tag_token");
	if(e == NULL)
		e = G_Spawn();
		e->classname = "dm_tag_token";

		SelectSpawnPoint (e, origin, angles);
		VectorCopy(origin, e->s.origin);
		VectorCopy(origin, e->s.old_origin);
		VectorCopy(angles, e->s.angles);
		SP_dm_tag_token (e);
Ejemplo n.º 12

Try to find a spawn point marked 'initial', otherwise
use normal spawn selection.
gentity_t *SelectInitialSpawnPoint( vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles ) {
	gentity_t	*spot;

	spot = NULL;
	while ((spot = G_Find (spot, FOFS(classname), "info_player_deathmatch")) != NULL) {
		if ( spot->spawnflags & 1 ) {

	if ( !spot || SpotWouldTelefrag( spot ) ) {
		return SelectSpawnPoint( vec3_origin, origin, angles );

	VectorCopy (spot->s.origin, origin);
	origin[2] += 9;
	VectorCopy (spot->s.angles, angles);

	return spot;

This is also used for spectator spawns
void FindIntermissionPoint( void ) {
	gentity_t	*ent, *target;
	vec3_t		dir;

	// find the intermission spot
	ent = G_Find (NULL, FOFS(classname), "info_player_intermission");
	if ( !ent ) {	// the map creator forgot to put in an intermission point...
		SelectSpawnPoint ( vec3_origin, level.intermission_origin, level.intermission_angle, qfalse );
	} else {
		VectorCopy (ent->s.origin, level.intermission_origin);
		VectorCopy (ent->s.angles, level.intermission_angle);
		// if it has a target, look towards it
		if ( ent->target ) {
			target = G_PickTarget( ent->target );
			if ( target ) {
				VectorSubtract( target->s.origin, level.intermission_origin, dir );
				vectoangles( dir, level.intermission_angle );

Ejemplo n.º 14
Archivo: p_client.c Proyecto: ZwS/qudos

Called when a player connects to a server or respawns in
a deathmatch.
void PutClientInServer (edict_t *ent)
	  vec3_t	mins = {-16, -16, -24};
	  vec3_t	maxs = {16, 16, 32};
	int		index;
	vec3_t	spawn_origin, spawn_angles;
	gclient_t	*client;
	int		i;
	client_persistant_t	saved;
	client_respawn_t	resp;

	// find a spawn point
	// do it before setting health back up, so farthest
	// ranging doesn't count this client
	SelectSpawnPoint (ent, spawn_origin, spawn_angles);

	index = ent-g_edicts-1;
	client = ent->client;

	// deathmatch wipes most client data every spawn
	if (deathmatch->value)
		char		userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];

		resp = client->resp;
		memcpy (userinfo, client->pers.userinfo, sizeof(userinfo));
		InitClientPersistant (client);
		ClientUserinfoChanged (ent, userinfo);
	else if (coop->value)
		int			n;
		char		userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];

		resp = client->resp;
		memcpy (userinfo, client->pers.userinfo, sizeof(userinfo));
		// this is kind of ugly, but it's how we want to handle keys in coop
		for (n = 0; n < MAX_ITEMS; n++)
			if (itemlist[n].flags & IT_KEY)
				resp.coop_respawn.inventory[n] = client->pers.inventory[n];
		client->pers = resp.coop_respawn;
		ClientUserinfoChanged (ent, userinfo);
		if (resp.score > client->pers.score)
			client->pers.score = resp.score;
		memset (&resp, 0, sizeof(resp));

	// clear everything but the persistant data
	saved = client->pers;
	memset (client, 0, sizeof(*client));
	client->pers = saved;
	if (client->pers.health <= 0)
	else if (Q_stricmp(level.mapname, "zboss") == 0)
		char		userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];

		int health = client->pers.health;
		memcpy (userinfo, client->pers.userinfo, sizeof(userinfo));
		ClientUserinfoChanged (ent, userinfo);
		client->pers.health = health;
	client->resp = resp;

	// copy some data from the client to the entity
	FetchClientEntData (ent);

	// clear entity values
	ent->groundentity = NULL;
	ent->client = &game.clients[index];
	ent->takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM;
	ent->movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK;
	ent->viewheight = 22;
	ent->inuse = true;
	ent->classname = "player";
	ent->mass = 200;
	ent->solid = SOLID_BBOX;
	ent->deadflag = DEAD_NO;
	ent->air_finished = level.time + 12;
	ent->clipmask = MASK_PLAYERSOLID;
	ent->model = "players/male/tris.md2";
	ent->pain = player_pain;
	ent->die = player_die;
	ent->waterlevel = 0;
	ent->watertype = 0;
	ent->flags &= ~FL_NO_KNOCKBACK;
	ent->svflags &= ~SVF_DEADMONSTER;
	ent->is_bot = false;
	ent->last_node = -1;
	ent->is_jumping = false;
	VectorCopy (mins, ent->mins);
	VectorCopy (maxs, ent->maxs);
	VectorClear (ent->velocity);

	// clear playerstate values
	memset (&ent->client->ps, 0, sizeof(client->ps));

	client->ps.pmove.origin[0] = spawn_origin[0]*8;
	client->ps.pmove.origin[1] = spawn_origin[1]*8;
	client->ps.pmove.origin[2] = spawn_origin[2]*8;

	if (deathmatch->value && ((int)dmflags->value & DF_FIXED_FOV))
		client->ps.fov = 90;
		client->ps.fov = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(client->pers.userinfo, "fov"));
		if (client->ps.fov < 1)
			client->ps.fov = 90;
		else if (client->ps.fov > 160)
			client->ps.fov = 160;

	client->ps.gunindex = gi.modelindex(client->pers.weapon->view_model);

	// clear entity state values
	ent->s.effects = 0;
	ent->s.skinnum = ent - g_edicts - 1;
	ent->s.modelindex = 255;		// will use the skin specified model
	ent->s.modelindex2 = 255;		// custom gun model
	ent->s.frame = 0;
	ent->last_insult = level.time;
 	ent->last_taunt = level.time;
 	ent->last_chat = level.time;
	VectorCopy (spawn_origin, ent->s.origin);
	ent->s.origin[2] += 1;	// make sure off ground
	VectorCopy (ent->s.origin, ent->s.old_origin);

	// set the delta angle
	for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
		client->ps.pmove.delta_angles[i] = ANGLE2SHORT(spawn_angles[i] - client->resp.cmd_angles[i]);

	ent->s.angles[PITCH] = 0;
	ent->s.angles[YAW] = spawn_angles[YAW];
	ent->s.angles[ROLL] = 0;
	VectorCopy (ent->s.angles, client->ps.viewangles);
	VectorCopy (ent->s.angles, client->v_angle);

	if (!KillBox (ent))
	{	// could't spawn in?

	gi.linkentity (ent);

	// force the current weapon up
	client->newweapon = client->pers.weapon;
	ChangeWeapon (ent);
Ejemplo n.º 15
* G_ClientRespawn
void G_ClientRespawn( edict_t *self, bool ghost )
	int i;
	edict_t *spawnpoint;
	vec3_t hull_mins, hull_maxs;
	vec3_t spawn_origin, spawn_angles;
	gclient_t *client;
	int old_team;

	G_DeathAwards( self );

	G_SpawnQueue_RemoveClient( self );

	self->r.svflags &= ~SVF_NOCLIENT;

	//if invalid be spectator
	if( self->r.client->team < 0 || self->r.client->team >= GS_MAX_TEAMS )
		self->r.client->team = TEAM_SPECTATOR;

	// force ghost always to true when in spectator team
	if( self->r.client->team == TEAM_SPECTATOR )
		ghost = true;

	old_team = self->s.team;
	if( self->r.client->teamstate.is_coach )
		ghost = true;

	GClip_UnlinkEntity( self );

	client = self->r.client;

	memset( &client->resp, 0, sizeof( client->resp ) );
	memset( &client->ps, 0, sizeof( client->ps ) );
	client->resp.timeStamp = level.time;
	client->ps.playerNum = PLAYERNUM( self );

	// clear entity values
	memset( &self->snap, 0, sizeof( self->snap ) );
	memset( &self->s, 0, sizeof( self->s ) );
	memset( &self->olds, 0, sizeof( self->olds ) );
	memset( &self->invpak, 0, sizeof( self->invpak ) );

	self->s.number = self->olds.number = ENTNUM( self );

	// relink client struct
	self->r.client = &game.clients[PLAYERNUM( self )];

	// update team
	self->s.team = client->team;

	self->deadflag = DEAD_NO;
	self->s.type = ET_PLAYER;
	self->groundentity = NULL;
	self->takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM;
	self->think = player_think;
	self->pain = player_pain;
	self->die = player_die;
	self->viewheight = playerbox_stand_viewheight;
	self->r.inuse = true;
	self->mass = PLAYER_MASS;
	self->air_finished = level.time + ( 12 * 1000 );
	self->r.clipmask = MASK_PLAYERSOLID;
	self->waterlevel = 0;
	self->watertype = 0;
	self->flags &= ~FL_NO_KNOCKBACK;
	self->r.svflags &= ~SVF_CORPSE;
	self->enemy = NULL;
	self->r.owner = NULL;
	self->max_health = 100;
	self->health = self->max_health;

	if( AI_GetType( self->ai ) == AI_ISBOT )
		self->think = NULL;
		self->classname = "bot";
	else if( self->r.svflags & SVF_FAKECLIENT )
		self->classname = "fakeclient";
		self->classname = "player";

	VectorCopy( playerbox_stand_mins, self->r.mins );
	VectorCopy( playerbox_stand_maxs, self->r.maxs );
	VectorClear( self->velocity );
	VectorClear( self->avelocity );

	VectorCopy( self->r.mins, hull_mins );
	VectorCopy( self->r.maxs, hull_maxs );
	trap_CM_RoundUpToHullSize( hull_mins, hull_maxs, NULL );
	if( self->r.maxs[2] > hull_maxs[2] )
		self->viewheight -= (self->r.maxs[2] - hull_maxs[2]);

	client->ps.POVnum = ENTNUM( self );

	// set movement info
	client->ps.pmove.stats[PM_STAT_MAXSPEED] = (short)DEFAULT_PLAYERSPEED;
	client->ps.pmove.stats[PM_STAT_JUMPSPEED] = (short)DEFAULT_JUMPSPEED;
	client->ps.pmove.stats[PM_STAT_DASHSPEED] = (short)DEFAULT_DASHSPEED;

	if( ghost )
		self->r.solid = SOLID_NOT;
		self->movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP;
		if( self->s.team == TEAM_SPECTATOR )
			self->r.svflags |= SVF_NOCLIENT;
		self->r.client->resp.takeStun = true;
		self->r.solid = SOLID_YES;
		self->movetype = MOVETYPE_PLAYER;
		client->ps.pmove.stats[PM_STAT_FEATURES] = static_cast<unsigned short>(PMFEAT_DEFAULT);
		if( !g_allow_bunny->integer )

	ClientUserinfoChanged( self, client->userinfo );

	if( old_team != self->s.team )

	SelectSpawnPoint( self, &spawnpoint, spawn_origin, spawn_angles );
	VectorCopy( spawn_origin, client->ps.pmove.origin );
	VectorCopy( spawn_origin, self->s.origin );
	VectorCopy( self->s.origin, self->s.old_origin );

	// set angles
	self->s.angles[PITCH] = 0;
	self->s.angles[YAW] = anglemod( spawn_angles[YAW] );
	self->s.angles[ROLL] = 0;
	VectorCopy( self->s.angles, client->ps.viewangles );

	// set the delta angle
	for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
		client->ps.pmove.delta_angles[i] = ANGLE2SHORT( client->ps.viewangles[i] ) - client->ucmd.angles[i];

	// don't put spectators in the game
	if( !ghost )
		if( KillBox( self ) )

	self->s.attenuation = ATTN_NORM;

	self->s.teleported = true;

	// hold in place briefly
	client->ps.pmove.pm_flags = PMF_TIME_TELEPORT;
	client->ps.pmove.pm_time = 14;
	client->ps.pmove.stats[PM_STAT_NOAUTOATTACK] = 1000;

	// set race stats to invisible
	client->ps.stats[STAT_TIME_SELF] = STAT_NOTSET;
	client->ps.stats[STAT_TIME_BEST] = STAT_NOTSET;
	client->ps.stats[STAT_TIME_RECORD] = STAT_NOTSET;
	client->ps.stats[STAT_TIME_ALPHA] = STAT_NOTSET;
	client->ps.stats[STAT_TIME_BETA] = STAT_NOTSET;

	BOT_Respawn( self );


	G_UseTargets( spawnpoint, self );

	GClip_LinkEntity( self );

	// let the gametypes perform their changes
	if( game.asEngine != NULL )
		GT_asCallPlayerRespawn( self, old_team, self->s.team );
		G_Gametype_GENERIC_ClientRespawn( self, old_team, self->s.team );
Ejemplo n.º 16

Called every time a client is placed fresh in the world:
after the first ClientBegin, and after each respawn
Initializes all non-persistant parts of playerState
void ClientSpawn(gentity_t *ent) {
	int		index;
	vec3_t	spawn_origin, spawn_angles;
	gclient_t	*client;
	int		i;
	clientPersistant_t	saved;
	clientSession_t		savedSess;
	int		persistant[MAX_PERSISTANT];
	gentity_t	*spawnPoint;
	int		flags;
	int		savedPing;
//	char	*savedAreaBits;
	int		accuracy_hits, accuracy_shots;
	int		eventSequence;
	char	userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];

	index = ent - g_entities;
	client = ent->client;

	// find a spawn point
	// do it before setting health back up, so farthest
	// ranging doesn't count this client
	if ( client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
		spawnPoint = SelectSpectatorSpawnPoint ( 
						spawn_origin, spawn_angles);
	} else {
		do {
			// the first spawn should be at a good looking spot
			if ( !client->pers.initialSpawn && client->pers.localClient ) {
				client->pers.initialSpawn = qtrue;
				spawnPoint = SelectInitialSpawnPoint( spawn_origin, spawn_angles );
			} else {
				// don't spawn near existing origin if possible
				spawnPoint = SelectSpawnPoint ( 
					spawn_origin, spawn_angles);

			// Tim needs to prevent bots from spawning at the initial point
			// on q3dm0...
			if ( ( spawnPoint->flags & FL_NO_BOTS ) && ( ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT ) ) {
				continue;	// try again
			// just to be symetric, we have a nohumans option...
			if ( ( spawnPoint->flags & FL_NO_HUMANS ) && !( ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT ) ) {
				continue;	// try again


		} while ( 1 );
	client->pers.teamState.state = TEAM_ACTIVE;

	// always clear the kamikaze flag
//	ent->s.eFlags &= ~EF_KAMIKAZE;

	// toggle the teleport bit so the client knows to not lerp
	// and never clear the voted flag
	flags = ent->s.eFlags & (EF_TELEPORT_BIT | EF_VOTED | EF_TEAMVOTED);
	flags ^= EF_TELEPORT_BIT;

	// clear everything but the persistant data

	saved = client->pers;
	savedSess = client->sess;
	savedPing = client->ps.ping;
//	savedAreaBits = client->areabits;
	accuracy_hits = client->accuracy_hits;
	accuracy_shots = client->accuracy_shots;

	Com_Memset (client, 0, sizeof(*client));

	client->ps.stats[STAT_ATTACKERCLIENT] = -1;
	client->ps.stats[STAT_INFOCLIENT] = -1;

	client->pers = saved;
	client->sess = savedSess;
	client->ps.ping = savedPing;
//	client->areabits = savedAreaBits;
	client->accuracy_hits = accuracy_hits;
	client->accuracy_shots = accuracy_shots;
	client->lastkilled_client = -1;

	client->airOutTime = level.time + 12000;

	trap_GetUserinfo( index, userinfo, sizeof(userinfo) );
	// set max health
	client->pers.maxHealth = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "handicap" ) );
	if ( client->pers.maxHealth < 1 || client->pers.maxHealth > 100 ) {
		client->pers.maxHealth = 100;
	// clear entity values
	client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] = client->pers.maxHealth;
	ent->s.eFlags = flags;

	ent->s.groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE;
	ent->client = &level.clients[index];
	ent->takedamage = qtrue;
	ent->inuse = qtrue;
	ent->classname = "player";
	ent->r.contents = CONTENTS_BODY;
	ent->clipmask = MASK_PLAYERSOLID;
	ent->die = player_die;
	ent->waterlevel = 0;
	ent->watertype = 0;
	ent->flags = 0;
	VectorCopy (playerMins, ent->r.mins);
	VectorCopy (playerMaxs, ent->r.maxs);

	client->ps.clientNum = index;

	// health will count down towards max_health
	ent->health = client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] = client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] + 25;

	G_SetOrigin( ent, spawn_origin );
	VectorCopy( spawn_origin, client->ps.origin );

	// the respawned flag will be cleared after the attack and jump keys come up
	client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_RESPAWNED;

	trap_GetUsercmd( client - level.clients, &ent->client->pers.cmd );
	SetClientViewAngle( ent, spawn_angles );

	if ( ent->client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {

	} else {
		G_KillBox( ent );
		trap_LinkEntity (ent);



	// don't allow full run speed for a bit
	client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK;
	client->ps.pm_time = 100;

	client->respawnTime = level.time;
	client->inactivityTime = level.time + g_inactivity.integer * 1000;
	client->latched_buttons = 0;

	if ( level.intermissiontime ) {
		MoveClientToIntermission( ent );
	} else {
		// fire the targets of the spawn point
		G_UseTargets( spawnPoint, ent );


	// run a client frame to drop exactly to the floor,
	// initialize animations and other things
	client->ps.commandTime = level.time - 100;
	ent->client->pers.cmd.serverTime = level.time;
	ClientThink( ent-g_entities );

	// positively link the client, even if the command times are weird
	if ( ent->client->sess.sessionTeam != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
		BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &client->ps, &ent->s, qtrue );
		VectorCopy( ent->client->ps.origin, ent->r.currentOrigin );
		trap_LinkEntity( ent );

	// run the presend to set anything else
	ClientEndFrame( ent );

	// clear entity state values
	BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &client->ps, &ent->s, qtrue );

	ent->s.modelindex = G_ModelIndex("models/human/coxswain.tik");
Ejemplo n.º 17
void M_default_Spawn (void)
	edict_t	*ent;
	vec3_t	spawn_origin, spawn_angles;//spawn at a spawnpoint
	vec3_t	mins = {-15, -15, -24};
	vec3_t	maxs = {15, 15, 32};

	ent = G_Spawn();

	G_SpawnAI (ent); //jabot092(2)

	//spawn at a spawnpoint
	SelectSpawnPoint (ent, spawn_origin, spawn_angles);
	spawn_origin[2] += 8;


	// clear entity values
	ent->groundentity = NULL;
	ent->takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM;
	ent->movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK;
	ent->viewheight = 22;
	ent->inuse = true;

	ent->classname = "monster";

	ent->mass = 200;
	ent->solid = SOLID_BBOX;
	ent->deadflag = DEAD_NO;
	ent->air_finished = level.time + 12;
	ent->clipmask = MASK_MONSTERSOLID;
	//ent->model = "models/monsters/infantry/tris.md2";//jalfixme
	ent->waterlevel = 0;
	ent->watertype = 0;
	ent->flags &= ~FL_NO_KNOCKBACK;

	ent->pain = M_default_pain;
	ent->die = M_default_die;

	VectorCopy (mins, ent->mins);
	VectorCopy (maxs, ent->maxs);
	VectorClear (ent->velocity);

	ent->s.modelindex = gi.modelindex("models/monsters/infantry/tris.md2");

	// clear entity state values
	ent->s.effects = 0;
	ent->s.frame = 0;

	VectorCopy (spawn_origin, ent->s.origin);
	VectorCopy (ent->s.origin, ent->s.old_origin);

	ent->s.angles[PITCH] = 0;
	ent->s.angles[YAW] = spawn_angles[YAW];
	ent->s.angles[ROLL] = 0;

	if (!KillBox (ent))
	{	// could't spawn in?
	gi.linkentity (ent);

Ejemplo n.º 18

Events will be passed on to the clients for presentation,
but any server game effects are handled here
void ClientEvents(gentity_t * ent, int oldEventSequence)
	int i, j;
	int event;
	gclient_t *client;
	int damage;
//	vec3_t dir;
	vec3_t origin, angles;
	gitem_t *item;
	gentity_t *drop;

	client = ent->client;

	if (oldEventSequence < client->ps.eventSequence - MAX_PS_EVENTS) {
		oldEventSequence = client->ps.eventSequence - MAX_PS_EVENTS;
	for (i = oldEventSequence; i < client->ps.eventSequence; i++) {
		event = client->ps.events[i & (MAX_PS_EVENTS - 1)];

		switch (event) {
		case EV_FALL_FAR:

			if (ent->s.eType != ET_PLAYER) {
				break;	// not in the player model
			if (g_dmflags.integer & DF_NO_FALLING) {
// JBravo: fix falling pain during lca
			if (g_gametype.integer >= GT_TEAM && level.lights_camera_action) {

			damage = ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_FALLDAMAGE];
//			VectorSet(dir, 0, 0, 1);
			ent->pain_debounce_time = level.time + 200;	// no normal pain sound
			//Elder: added so we can trigger AQ2 pain blends
			ent->client->ps.damageCount += damage;
			if (ent->client->lasthurt_mod != 0) {
					//Blaze: Print out some debug info
					if (&g_entities[ent->client->lasthurt_client] == NULL) G_Printf("Ln 0748\n");

					G_Damage(ent, &g_entities[ent->client->lasthurt_client],
					 &g_entities[ent->client->lasthurt_client], NULL, NULL, damage, 0, MOD_FALLING);
			} else {
				G_Damage(ent, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, damage, 0, MOD_FALLING);



			if (ent->s.eType != ET_PLAYER) {
				break;	// not in the player model
			if (g_dmflags.integer & DF_NO_FALLING) {
// JBravo: fix falling pain during lca again
			if (g_gametype.integer >= GT_TEAM && level.lights_camera_action) {

			damage = ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_FALLDAMAGE];
//			VectorSet(dir, 0, 0, 1);
			ent->pain_debounce_time = level.time + 200;	// no normal pain sound
			//Elder: added so we can trigger AQ2 pain blends
			ent->client->ps.damageCount += damage;
			if (ent->client->lasthurt_mod != 0) {
				//Blaze: Print out some debug info
				if (&g_entities[ent->client->lasthurt_client] == NULL) G_Printf("Ln 0779\n");

				G_Damage(ent, &g_entities[ent->client->lasthurt_client],
					 &g_entities[ent->client->lasthurt_client], NULL, NULL, damage, 0, MOD_FALLING);
			} else {
				G_Damage(ent, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, damage, 0, MOD_FALLING);


			ReloadWeapon(ent, 1);
			ReloadWeapon(ent, 2);

			//Elder: not a good place to put stuff

		case EV_USE_ITEM1:	// teleporter
			// drop flags in CTF
			item = NULL;
			j = 0;

			if (ent->client->ps.powerups[PW_REDFLAG]) {
				item = BG_FindItemForPowerup(PW_REDFLAG);
				j = PW_REDFLAG;
			} else if (ent->client->ps.powerups[PW_BLUEFLAG]) {
				item = BG_FindItemForPowerup(PW_BLUEFLAG);
				j = PW_BLUEFLAG;
			} else if (ent->client->ps.powerups[PW_NEUTRALFLAG]) {
				item = BG_FindItemForPowerup(PW_NEUTRALFLAG);

			if (item) {
				drop = Drop_Item(ent, item, 0);
				// decide how many seconds it has left
				drop->count = (ent->client->ps.powerups[j] - level.time) / 1000;
				if (drop->count < 1) {
					drop->count = 1;

				ent->client->ps.powerups[j] = 0;

			SelectSpawnPoint(ent->client->ps.origin, origin, angles);
			TeleportPlayer(ent, origin, angles);

		case EV_USE_ITEM2:	// medkit
			ent->health = 125;	//ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] + 25;



Ejemplo n.º 19

Called every time a client is placed fresh in the world:
after the first ClientBegin, and after each respawn
Initializes all non-persistant parts of playerState
void ClientSpawn(gentity_t *ent) {
	int		index;
	vec3_t	spawn_origin, spawn_angles;
	gclient_t	*client;
	int		i;
	clientPersistant_t	saved;
	clientSession_t		savedSess;
	int		persistant[MAX_PERSISTANT];
	gentity_t	*spawnPoint;
	int		flags;
	int		savedPing;
//	char	*savedAreaBits;
	int		accuracy_hits, accuracy_shots;
	int		eventSequence;
//	char	userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
	forcedata_t			savedForce;
	void		*ghoul2save;
	int		saveSaberNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE;
	int		wDisable = 0;

	index = ent - g_entities;
	client = ent->client;

	if (client->ps.fd.forceDoInit)
	{ //force a reread of force powers
		WP_InitForcePowers( ent );
		client->ps.fd.forceDoInit = 0;
	// find a spawn point
	// do it before setting health back up, so farthest
	// ranging doesn't count this client
	if ( client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
		spawnPoint = SelectSpectatorSpawnPoint ( 
						spawn_origin, spawn_angles);
	} else if (g_gametype.integer == GT_CTF || g_gametype.integer == GT_CTY) {
		// all base oriented team games use the CTF spawn points
		spawnPoint = SelectCTFSpawnPoint ( 
						spawn_origin, spawn_angles);
	else if (g_gametype.integer == GT_SAGA)
		spawnPoint = SelectSagaSpawnPoint ( 
						spawn_origin, spawn_angles);
	else {
		do {
			// the first spawn should be at a good looking spot
			if ( !client->pers.initialSpawn && client->pers.localClient ) {
				client->pers.initialSpawn = qtrue;
				spawnPoint = SelectInitialSpawnPoint( spawn_origin, spawn_angles );
			} else {
				// don't spawn near existing origin if possible
				spawnPoint = SelectSpawnPoint ( 
					spawn_origin, spawn_angles);

			// Tim needs to prevent bots from spawning at the initial point
			// on q3dm0...
			if ( ( spawnPoint->flags & FL_NO_BOTS ) && ( ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT ) ) {
				continue;	// try again
			// just to be symetric, we have a nohumans option...
			if ( ( spawnPoint->flags & FL_NO_HUMANS ) && !( ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT ) ) {
				continue;	// try again


		} while ( 1 );
	client->pers.teamState.state = TEAM_ACTIVE;

	// toggle the teleport bit so the client knows to not lerp
	// and never clear the voted flag
	flags = ent->client->ps.eFlags & (EF_TELEPORT_BIT | EF_VOTED | EF_TEAMVOTED);
	flags ^= EF_TELEPORT_BIT;

	// clear everything but the persistant data

	saved = client->pers;
	savedSess = client->sess;
	savedPing = client->ps.ping;
//	savedAreaBits = client->areabits;
	accuracy_hits = client->accuracy_hits;
	accuracy_shots = client->accuracy_shots;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_PERSISTANT ; i++ ) {
		persistant[i] = client->ps.persistant[i];
	eventSequence = client->ps.eventSequence;

	savedForce = client->ps.fd;

	ghoul2save = client->ghoul2;

	saveSaberNum = client->ps.saberEntityNum;

	memset (client, 0, sizeof(*client)); // bk FIXME: Com_Memset?

	//rww - Don't wipe the ghoul2 instance or the animation data
	client->ghoul2 = ghoul2save;

	//or the saber ent num
	client->ps.saberEntityNum = saveSaberNum;

	client->ps.fd = savedForce;

	client->ps.duelIndex = ENTITYNUM_NONE;

	client->pers = saved;
	client->sess = savedSess;
	client->ps.ping = savedPing;
//	client->areabits = savedAreaBits;
	client->accuracy_hits = accuracy_hits;
	client->accuracy_shots = accuracy_shots;
	client->lastkilled_client = -1;

	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_PERSISTANT ; i++ ) {
		client->ps.persistant[i] = persistant[i];
	client->ps.eventSequence = eventSequence;
	// increment the spawncount so the client will detect the respawn
	client->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] = client->sess.sessionTeam;

	client->airOutTime = level.time + 12000;

//	trap_GetUserinfo( index, userinfo, sizeof(userinfo) );
	// set max health
	client->pers.maxHealth = 100;//atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "handicap" ) );
	if ( client->pers.maxHealth < 1 || client->pers.maxHealth > 100 ) {
		client->pers.maxHealth = 100;
	// clear entity values
	client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] = client->pers.maxHealth;
	client->ps.eFlags = flags;

	ent->s.groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE;
	ent->client = &level.clients[index];
	ent->takedamage = qtrue;
	ent->inuse = qtrue;
	ent->classname = "player";
	ent->r.contents = CONTENTS_BODY;
	ent->clipmask = MASK_PLAYERSOLID;
	ent->die = player_die;
	ent->waterlevel = 0;
	ent->watertype = 0;
	ent->flags = 0;
	VectorCopy (playerMins, ent->r.mins);
	VectorCopy (playerMaxs, ent->r.maxs);

	client->ps.clientNum = index;
	//give default weapons
	client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] = ( 1 << WP_NONE );

	if (g_gametype.integer == GT_HOLOCRON)
		//always get free saber level 1 in holocron
		client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] |= ( 1 << WP_SABER );	//these are precached in g_items, ClearRegisteredItems()
		if (client->ps.fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_SABERATTACK])
			client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] |= ( 1 << WP_SABER );	//these are precached in g_items, ClearRegisteredItems()
		{ //if you don't have saber attack rank then you don't get a saber
			client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] |= (1 << WP_STUN_BATON);

	if (g_gametype.integer == GT_TOURNAMENT)
		wDisable = g_duelWeaponDisable.integer;
		wDisable = g_weaponDisable.integer;

	if (!wDisable || !(wDisable & (1 << WP_BRYAR_PISTOL)))
		client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] |= ( 1 << WP_BRYAR_PISTOL );
	else if (g_gametype.integer == GT_JEDIMASTER)
		client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] |= ( 1 << WP_BRYAR_PISTOL );

	if (g_gametype.integer == GT_JEDIMASTER)
		client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] &= ~(1 << WP_SABER);
		client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] |= (1 << WP_STUN_BATON);

	if (client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & (1 << WP_BRYAR_PISTOL))
		client->ps.weapon = WP_BRYAR_PISTOL;
	else if (client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & (1 << WP_SABER))
		client->ps.weapon = WP_SABER;
		client->ps.weapon = WP_STUN_BATON;

	client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] |= ( 1 << HI_BINOCULARS );

	client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] = 0;
	client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM] = 0;

	if ( client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR )
		client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] = 0;
		client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] = 0;
		client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM] = 0;

	client->ps.ammo[AMMO_BLASTER] = 100; //ammoData[AMMO_BLASTER].max; //100 seems fair.
//	client->ps.ammo[AMMO_POWERCELL] = ammoData[AMMO_POWERCELL].max;
//	client->ps.ammo[AMMO_FORCE] = ammoData[AMMO_FORCE].max;
//	client->ps.ammo[AMMO_METAL_BOLTS] = ammoData[AMMO_METAL_BOLTS].max;
//	client->ps.ammo[AMMO_ROCKETS] = ammoData[AMMO_ROCKETS].max;
	client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] = ( 1 << WP_BRYAR_PISTOL);
	if ( g_gametype.integer == GT_TEAM ) {
		client->ps.ammo[WP_BRYAR_PISTOL] = 50;
	} else {
		client->ps.ammo[WP_BRYAR_PISTOL] = 100;
	client->ps.rocketLockIndex = MAX_CLIENTS;
	client->ps.rocketLockTime = 0;

	//rww - Set here to initialize the circling seeker drone to off.
	//A quick note about this so I don't forget how it works again:
	//ps.genericEnemyIndex is kept in sync between the server and client.
	//When it gets set then an entitystate value of the same name gets
	//set along with an entitystate flag in the shared bg code. Which
	//is why a value needs to be both on the player state and entity state.
	//(it doesn't seem to just carry over the entitystate value automatically
	//because entity state value is derived from player state data or some
	client->ps.genericEnemyIndex = -1;

	client->ps.isJediMaster = qfalse;

	client->ps.fallingToDeath = 0;

	//Do per-spawn force power initialization
	WP_SpawnInitForcePowers( ent );

	// health will count down towards max_health
	ent->health = client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] = client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH];// * 1.25;		Boot - no extra 25 hp on start.

	// Start with a small amount of armor as well.
	client->ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR] = client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] * 0.25;

	G_SetOrigin( ent, spawn_origin );
	VectorCopy( spawn_origin, client->ps.origin );

	// the respawned flag will be cleared after the attack and jump keys come up
	client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_RESPAWNED;

	trap_GetUsercmd( client - level.clients, &ent->client->pers.cmd );
	SetClientViewAngle( ent, spawn_angles );

	if ( ent->client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {

	} else {
		G_KillBox( ent );
		trap_LinkEntity (ent);

		// force the base weapon up
		client->ps.weapon = WP_BRYAR_PISTOL;
		client->ps.weaponstate = FIRST_WEAPON;


	// don't allow full run speed for a bit
	client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK;
	client->ps.pm_time = 100;

	client->respawnTime = level.time;
	client->inactivityTime = level.time + g_inactivity.integer * 1000;
	client->latched_buttons = 0;

	// set default animations
	client->ps.torsoAnim = WeaponReadyAnim[client->ps.weapon];
	client->ps.legsAnim = WeaponReadyAnim[client->ps.weapon];

	if ( level.intermissiontime ) {
		MoveClientToIntermission( ent );
	} else {
		// fire the targets of the spawn point
		G_UseTargets( spawnPoint, ent );

		// select the highest weapon number available, after any
		// spawn given items have fired
		client->ps.weapon = 1;
		for ( i = WP_NUM_WEAPONS - 1 ; i > 0 ; i-- ) {
			if ( client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & ( 1 << i ) ) {
				client->ps.weapon = i;

	// run a client frame to drop exactly to the floor,
	// initialize animations and other things
	client->ps.commandTime = level.time - 100;
	ent->client->pers.cmd.serverTime = level.time;
	ClientThink( ent-g_entities );

	// positively link the client, even if the command times are weird
	if ( ent->client->sess.sessionTeam != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
		BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &client->ps, &ent->s, qtrue );
		VectorCopy( ent->client->ps.origin, ent->r.currentOrigin );
		trap_LinkEntity( ent );

	if (g_spawnInvulnerability.integer)
		ent->client->ps.eFlags |= EF_INVULNERABLE;
		ent->client->invulnerableTimer = level.time + g_spawnInvulnerability.integer;

	// run the presend to set anything else
	ClientEndFrame( ent );

	// clear entity state values
	BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &client->ps, &ent->s, qtrue );
Ejemplo n.º 20
 * Called when a player connects to
 * a server or respawns in a deathmatch.
PutClientInServer(edict_t *ent)
	char userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];

	if (!ent)

	vec3_t mins = {-16, -16, -24};
	vec3_t maxs = {16, 16, 32};
	int index;
	vec3_t spawn_origin, spawn_angles;
	gclient_t *client;
	int i;
	client_persistant_t saved;
	client_respawn_t resp;

	/* find a spawn point do it before setting
	   health back up, so farthest ranging
	   doesn't count this client */
	SelectSpawnPoint(ent, spawn_origin, spawn_angles);

	index = ent - g_edicts - 1;
	client = ent->client;

	/* deathmatch wipes most client data every spawn */
	if (deathmatch->value)
		resp = client->resp;
		memcpy(userinfo, client->pers.userinfo, sizeof(userinfo));
		ClientUserinfoChanged(ent, userinfo);
	else if (coop->value)
		resp = client->resp;
		memcpy(userinfo, client->pers.userinfo, sizeof(userinfo));
		resp.coop_respawn.game_helpchanged = client->pers.game_helpchanged;
		resp.coop_respawn.helpchanged = client->pers.helpchanged;
		client->pers = resp.coop_respawn;
		ClientUserinfoChanged(ent, userinfo);

		if (resp.score > client->pers.score)
			client->pers.score = resp.score;
		memset(&resp, 0, sizeof(resp));

	memcpy(userinfo, client->pers.userinfo, sizeof(userinfo));
	ClientUserinfoChanged(ent, userinfo);

	/* clear everything but the persistant data */
	saved = client->pers;
	memset(client, 0, sizeof(*client));
	client->pers = saved;

	if (client->pers.health <= 0)

	client->resp = resp;

	/* copy some data from the client to the entity */

	/* clear entity values */
	ent->groundentity = NULL;
	ent->client = &game.clients[index];
	ent->takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM;
	ent->movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK;
	ent->viewheight = 22;
	ent->inuse = true;
	ent->classname = "player";
	ent->mass = 200;
	ent->solid = SOLID_BBOX;
	ent->deadflag = DEAD_NO;
	ent->air_finished = level.time + 12;
	ent->clipmask = MASK_PLAYERSOLID;
	ent->model = "players/male/tris.md2";
	ent->pain = player_pain;
	ent->die = player_die;
	ent->waterlevel = 0;
	ent->watertype = 0;
	ent->flags &= ~FL_NO_KNOCKBACK;
	ent->svflags = 0;

	VectorCopy(mins, ent->mins);
	VectorCopy(maxs, ent->maxs);

	/* clear playerstate values */
	memset(&ent->client->ps, 0, sizeof(client->ps));

	client->ps.pmove.origin[0] = spawn_origin[0] * 8;
	client->ps.pmove.origin[1] = spawn_origin[1] * 8;
	client->ps.pmove.origin[2] = spawn_origin[2] * 8;

	if (deathmatch->value && ((int)dmflags->value & DF_FIXED_FOV))
		client->ps.fov = 90;
		client->ps.fov = (int)strtol(Info_ValueForKey(client->pers.userinfo, "fov"), (char **)NULL, 10);

		if (client->ps.fov < 1)
			client->ps.fov = 90;
		else if (client->ps.fov > 160)
			client->ps.fov = 160;

	client->ps.gunindex = gi.modelindex(client->pers.weapon->view_model);

	/* clear entity state values */
	ent->s.effects = 0;
	ent->s.modelindex = 255; /* will use the skin specified model */
	ent->s.modelindex2 = 255; /* custom gun model */

	/* sknum is player num and weapon number
	   weapon number will be added in changeweapon */
	ent->s.skinnum = ent - g_edicts - 1;

	ent->s.frame = 0;
	VectorCopy(spawn_origin, ent->s.origin);
	ent->s.origin[2] += 1;  /* make sure off ground */
	VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, ent->s.old_origin);

	/* set the delta angle */
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		client->ps.pmove.delta_angles[i] = ANGLE2SHORT(
				spawn_angles[i] - client->resp.cmd_angles[i]);

	ent->s.angles[PITCH] = 0;
	ent->s.angles[YAW] = spawn_angles[YAW];
	ent->s.angles[ROLL] = 0;
	VectorCopy(ent->s.angles, client->ps.viewangles);
	VectorCopy(ent->s.angles, client->v_angle);

	/* spawn a spectator */
	if (client->pers.spectator)
		client->chase_target = NULL;

		client->resp.spectator = true;

		ent->movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP;
		ent->solid = SOLID_NOT;
		ent->svflags |= SVF_NOCLIENT;
		ent->client->ps.gunindex = 0;
		client->resp.spectator = false;

	if (!KillBox(ent))
		/* could't spawn in? */


	/* force the current weapon up */
	client->newweapon = client->pers.weapon;
Ejemplo n.º 21

Called every time a client is placed fresh in the world:
after the first ClientBegin, and after each respawn
Initializes all non-persistant parts of playerState
void ClientSpawn(gentity_t *ent) {
	int		index;
	vec3_t	spawn_origin, spawn_angles;
	gclient_t	*client;
	int		i;
	clientPersistant_t	saved;
	clientSession_t		savedSess;
	int		persistant[MAX_PERSISTANT];
	gentity_t	*spawnPoint;
	int		flags;
	int		savedPing;
//	char	*savedAreaBits;
	int		accuracy_hits, accuracy_shots;
	int		eventSequence;
	char	userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
	int		weapon;

	index = ent - g_entities;
	client = ent->client;

	// find a spawn point
	// do it before setting health back up, so farthest
	// ranging doesn't count this client
	if ( client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
		spawnPoint = SelectSpectatorSpawnPoint ( 
						spawn_origin, spawn_angles);
	} else if (g_gametype.integer >= GT_CTF ) {
		// all base oriented team games use the CTF spawn points
		spawnPoint = SelectCTFSpawnPoint ( 
						spawn_origin, spawn_angles);
	} else {
		do {
			// the first spawn should be at a good looking spot
			if ( !client->pers.initialSpawn && client->pers.localClient ) {
				client->pers.initialSpawn = qtrue;
				spawnPoint = SelectInitialSpawnPoint( spawn_origin, spawn_angles );
			} else {
				// don't spawn near existing origin if possible
				spawnPoint = SelectSpawnPoint ( 
					spawn_origin, spawn_angles);

			// Tim needs to prevent bots from spawning at the initial point
			// on q3dm0...
			if ( ( spawnPoint->flags & FL_NO_BOTS ) && ( ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT ) ) {
				continue;	// try again
			// just to be symetric, we have a nohumans option...
			if ( ( spawnPoint->flags & FL_NO_HUMANS ) && !( ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT ) ) {
				continue;	// try again


		} while ( 1 );
	client->pers.teamState.state = TEAM_ACTIVE;

	// always clear the kamikaze flag
	ent->s.eFlags &= ~EF_KAMIKAZE;

	// toggle the teleport bit so the client knows to not lerp
	// and never clear the voted flag
	flags = ent->client->ps.eFlags & (EF_TELEPORT_BIT | EF_VOTED | EF_TEAMVOTED);
	flags ^= EF_TELEPORT_BIT;

	// clear everything but the persistant data

	saved = client->pers;
	savedSess = client->sess;
	savedPing = client->ps.ping;
//	savedAreaBits = client->areabits;
	accuracy_hits = client->accuracy_hits;
	accuracy_shots = client->accuracy_shots;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_PERSISTANT ; i++ ) {
		persistant[i] = client->ps.persistant[i];
	eventSequence = client->ps.eventSequence;

	memset (client, 0, sizeof(*client)); // bk FIXME: Com_Memset?

	client->pers = saved;
	client->sess = savedSess;
	client->ps.ping = savedPing;
//	client->areabits = savedAreaBits;
	client->accuracy_hits = accuracy_hits;
	client->accuracy_shots = accuracy_shots;
	client->lastkilled_client = -1;

	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_PERSISTANT ; i++ ) {
		client->ps.persistant[i] = persistant[i];
	client->ps.eventSequence = eventSequence;
	// increment the spawncount so the client will detect the respawn
	client->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] = client->sess.sessionTeam;

	client->airOutTime = level.time + 12000;

	trap_GetUserinfo( index, userinfo, sizeof(userinfo) );
	// set max health
	client->pers.maxHealth = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "handicap" ) );
	if ( client->pers.maxHealth < 1 || client->pers.maxHealth > 100 ) {
		client->pers.maxHealth = 100;
	// clear entity values
	client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] = client->pers.maxHealth;
	client->ps.eFlags = flags;

	ent->s.groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE;
	ent->client = &level.clients[index];
	ent->takedamage = qtrue;
	ent->inuse = qtrue;
	ent->classname = "player";
	ent->r.contents = CONTENTS_BODY;
	ent->clipmask = MASK_PLAYERSOLID;
	ent->die = player_die;
	ent->waterlevel = 0;
	ent->watertype = 0;
	ent->flags = 0;
	VectorCopy (playerMins, ent->r.mins);
	VectorCopy (playerMaxs, ent->r.maxs);

	client->ps.clientNum = index;

	if (IsBot(client->ps.clientNum)) {
		weapon = WP_LIGHTNING;
		client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] = ( 1 << weapon );
		client->ps.ammo[weapon] = -1;
	} else {
		weapon = WP_MACHINEGUN;
		client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] = ( 1 << weapon );
		client->ps.ammo[weapon] = 100;

		client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] |= ( 1 << WP_GAUNTLET );
		client->ps.ammo[WP_GAUNTLET] = -1;
		client->ps.ammo[WP_GRAPPLING_HOOK] = -1;

	// health will count down towards max_health
	ent->health = client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] = client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] + 25;

	G_SetOrigin( ent, spawn_origin );
	VectorCopy( spawn_origin, client->ps.origin );

	// the respawned flag will be cleared after the attack and jump keys come up
	client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_RESPAWNED;

	trap_GetUsercmd( client - level.clients, &ent->client->pers.cmd );
	SetClientViewAngle( ent, spawn_angles );

	if ( ent->client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {

	} else {
		G_KillBox( ent );
		trap_LinkEntity (ent);

		// force the base weapon up
		client->ps.weapon = weapon;
		client->ps.weaponstate = WEAPON_READY;


	// don't allow full run speed for a bit
	client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK;
	client->ps.pm_time = 100;

	client->respawnTime = level.time;
	client->inactivityTime = level.time + g_inactivity.integer * 1000;
	client->latched_buttons = 0;

	// set default animations
	client->ps.torsoAnim = TORSO_STAND;
	client->ps.legsAnim = LEGS_IDLE;

	if ( level.intermissiontime ) {
		MoveClientToIntermission( ent );
	} else {
		// fire the targets of the spawn point
		G_UseTargets( spawnPoint, ent );

		// select the highest weapon number available, after any
		// spawn given items have fired
		client->ps.weapon = weapon;
		for ( i = WP_NUM_WEAPONS - 1 ; i > 0 ; i-- ) {
			if ( client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & ( 1 << i ) ) {
				client->ps.weapon = i;

	// run a client frame to drop exactly to the floor,
	// initialize animations and other things
	client->ps.commandTime = level.time - 100;
	ent->client->pers.cmd.serverTime = level.time;
	ClientThink( ent-g_entities );

	// positively link the client, even if the command times are weird
	if ( ent->client->sess.sessionTeam != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
		BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &client->ps, &ent->s, qtrue );
		VectorCopy( ent->client->ps.origin, ent->r.currentOrigin );
		trap_LinkEntity( ent );

	// run the presend to set anything else
	ClientEndFrame( ent );

	// clear entity state values
	BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &client->ps, &ent->s, qtrue );
Ejemplo n.º 22

Called every time a player is placed fresh in the world:
after the first PlayerBegin, and after each respawn
Initializes all non-persistant parts of playerState
void PlayerSpawn(gentity_t *ent) {
	int		index;
	vec3_t	spawn_origin, spawn_angles;
	gplayer_t	*player;
	int		i;
	playerPersistant_t	saved;
	playerSession_t		savedSess;
	int		persistant[MAX_PERSISTANT];
	gentity_t	*spawnPoint;
	gentity_t *tent;
	int		flags;
	int		savedPing;
//	char	*savedAreaBits;
	int		accuracy_hits, accuracy_shots;
	int		eventSequence;
	int 	startWeapon, startAmmo;

	index = ent - g_entities;
	player = ent->player;


	// find a spawn point
	// do it before setting health back up, so farthest
	// ranging doesn't count this player
	if ( player->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
		spawnPoint = SelectSpectatorSpawnPoint ( 
						spawn_origin, spawn_angles);
	} else if (g_gametype.integer >= GT_CTF ) {
		// all base oriented team games use the CTF spawn points
		spawnPoint = SelectCTFSpawnPoint ( 
						spawn_origin, spawn_angles,
						!!(ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT));
		// the first spawn should be at a good looking spot
		if ( player->pers.initialSpawn && player->pers.localClient )
			spawnPoint = SelectInitialSpawnPoint(spawn_origin, spawn_angles,
							     !!(ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT));
			// don't spawn near existing origin if possible
			spawnPoint = SelectSpawnPoint ( 
				spawn_origin, spawn_angles, !!(ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT));
	player->pers.teamState.state = TEAM_ACTIVE;

	// always clear the kamikaze flag
	ent->s.eFlags &= ~EF_KAMIKAZE;

	// toggle the teleport bit so the client knows to not lerp
	// and never clear the voted flag
	flags = ent->player->ps.eFlags & (EF_TELEPORT_BIT | EF_VOTED | EF_TEAMVOTED);
	flags ^= EF_TELEPORT_BIT;

	// clear everything but the persistant data

	saved = player->pers;
	savedSess = player->sess;
	savedPing = player->ps.ping;
//	savedAreaBits = player->areabits;
	accuracy_hits = player->accuracy_hits;
	accuracy_shots = player->accuracy_shots;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_PERSISTANT ; i++ ) {
		persistant[i] = player->ps.persistant[i];
	eventSequence = player->ps.eventSequence;

	Com_Memset (player, 0, sizeof(*player));

	player->pers = saved;
	player->sess = savedSess;
	player->ps.ping = savedPing;
//	player->areabits = savedAreaBits;
	player->accuracy_hits = accuracy_hits;
	player->accuracy_shots = accuracy_shots;
	player->lastkilled_player = -1;

	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_PERSISTANT ; i++ ) {
		player->ps.persistant[i] = persistant[i];
	player->ps.eventSequence = eventSequence;
	// increment the spawncount so the client will detect the respawn
	player->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] = player->sess.sessionTeam;

	player->airOutTime = level.time + 12000;

	// set max health
	player->pers.maxHealth = PlayerHandicap( player );
	// clear entity values
	player->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] = player->pers.maxHealth;
	player->ps.eFlags = flags;
	player->ps.contents = CONTENTS_BODY;
	player->ps.collisionType = ( g_playerCapsule.integer == 1 ) ? CT_CAPSULE : CT_AABB;

	ent->s.groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE;
	ent->player = &level.players[index];
	ent->takedamage = qtrue;
	ent->inuse = qtrue;
	ent->classname = "player";
	ent->clipmask = MASK_PLAYERSOLID;
	ent->die = player_die;
	ent->waterlevel = 0;
	ent->watertype = 0;
	ent->flags = 0;
	ent->player->headless = qfalse;
	VectorCopy (playerMins, player->ps.mins);
	VectorCopy (playerMaxs, player->ps.maxs);

	player->ps.playerNum = index;

	if ( g_instaGib.integer == 1 ) {
		startWeapon = WP_RAILGUN;
		startAmmo = 50;
	} else if ( g_instaGib.integer == 2 ) {
		startWeapon = WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER;
		startAmmo = 50;
	} else {
		startWeapon = WP_MACHINEGUN;
		startAmmo = 100;

	player->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] = ( 1 << startWeapon );

	player->ps.ammo[startWeapon] = startAmmo;

	player->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] |= ( 1 << WP_GAUNTLET );
	player->ps.ammo[WP_GAUNTLET] = -1;
	player->ps.ammo[WP_GRAPPLING_HOOK] = -1;

	// health will count down towards max_health
	ent->health = player->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] = player->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] = MAX_HEALTH;

	G_SetOrigin( ent, spawn_origin );
	VectorCopy( spawn_origin, player->ps.origin );

	// the respawned flag will be cleared after the attack and jump keys come up
	player->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_RESPAWNED;

	trap_GetUsercmd( player - level.players, &ent->player->pers.cmd );
	SetPlayerViewAngle( ent, spawn_angles );
	// don't allow full run speed for a bit
	player->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK;
	player->ps.pm_time = 100;

	player->respawnTime = level.time;
	player->inactivityTime = level.time + g_inactivity.integer * 1000;
	player->latched_buttons = 0;

	// set default animations
	player->ps.torsoAnim = TORSO_STAND;
	player->ps.legsAnim = LEGS_IDLE;

	if (!level.intermissiontime) {
		if (ent->player->sess.sessionTeam != TEAM_SPECTATOR) {
			// force the base weapon up
			player->ps.weapon = startWeapon;
			player->ps.weaponstate = WEAPON_READY;
			// fire the targets of the spawn point
			G_UseTargets(spawnPoint, ent);
			// select the highest weapon number available, after any spawn given items have fired
			player->ps.weapon = 1;

			for (i = WP_NUM_WEAPONS - 1 ; i > 0 ; i--) {
				if (player->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & (1 << i)) {
					player->ps.weapon = i;
			// positively link the player, even if the command times are weird
			VectorCopy(ent->player->ps.origin, ent->r.currentOrigin);

			tent = G_TempEntity(ent->player->ps.origin, EV_PLAYER_TELEPORT_IN);
			tent->s.playerNum = ent->s.playerNum;

			trap_LinkEntity (ent);
	} else {
		// move players to intermission
	// run a player frame to drop exactly to the floor,
	// initialize animations and other things
	player->ps.commandTime = level.time - 100;
	ent->player->pers.cmd.serverTime = level.time;
	PlayerThink( ent-g_entities );
	// run the presend to set anything else, follow spectators wait
	// until all players have been reconnected after map_restart
	if ( ent->player->sess.spectatorState != SPECTATOR_FOLLOW ) {
		PlayerEndFrame( ent );

	// clear entity state values
	BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &player->ps, &ent->s, qtrue );

	// we don't want players being backward-reconciled to the place they died
	G_ResetHistory( ent );
Ejemplo n.º 23
// Modified version of id's code
void ACESP_PutClientInServer(edict_t *bot, qboolean respawn, int team)
	vec3_t	mins = {-16, -16, -24};
	vec3_t	maxs = {16, 16, 32};
	int		index;
	vec3_t	spawn_origin, spawn_angles;
	gclient_t	*client;
	client_persistant_t	saved;
	client_respawn_t	resp;
	char *s;
	int			spawn_style;
	int			spawn_health;

	// find a spawn point
	// do it before setting health back up, so farthest
	// ranging doesn't count this client
	SelectSpawnPoint (bot, spawn_origin, spawn_angles, &spawn_style, &spawn_health);
	index = bot-g_edicts-1;
	client = bot->client;

	// deathmatch wipes most client data every spawn
	if (deathmatch->value)
		char userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];

		resp = bot->client->resp;
		memcpy (userinfo, client->pers.userinfo, sizeof(userinfo));
		InitClientPersistant (client, spawn_style);
		ClientUserinfoChanged (bot, userinfo);
		memset(&resp, 0, sizeof(resp));
	// clear everything but the persistant data
	saved = client->pers;
	memset(client, 0, sizeof(*client));
	client->pers = saved;
	client->resp = resp;
	// copy some data from the client to the entity
	FetchClientEntData (bot);
	// clear entity values
	bot->groundentity = NULL;
	bot->client = &game.clients[index];
	bot->takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM;
	bot->movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK;
	bot->viewheight = 24;
	bot->classname = "bot";
	bot->mass = 200;
	bot->solid = SOLID_BBOX;
	bot->deadflag = DEAD_NO;
	bot->air_finished = level.time + 12;
	bot->clipmask = MASK_PLAYERSOLID;
	bot->model = "players/male/tris.md2";
	bot->pain = player_pain;
	bot->die = player_die;
	bot->waterlevel = 0;
	bot->watertype = 0;
	bot->flags &= ~FL_NO_KNOCKBACK;
	bot->svflags &= ~SVF_DEADMONSTER;
	bot->is_jumping = false;
	if (ctf->value)
		client->resp.ctf_team = team;
		client->resp.ctf_state = CTF_STATE_START;
		s = Info_ValueForKey(client->pers.userinfo, "skin");
		CTFAssignSkin(bot, s);

	VectorCopy(mins, bot->mins);
	VectorCopy(maxs, bot->maxs);

	// clear playerstate values
	memset(&bot->client->ps, 0, sizeof(client->ps));
	client->ps.pmove.origin[0] = spawn_origin[0]*8;
	client->ps.pmove.origin[1] = spawn_origin[1]*8;
	client->ps.pmove.origin[2] = spawn_origin[2]*8;

	client->ps.pmove.pm_flags &= ~PMF_NO_PREDICTION;

	if (deathmatch->value && ((int)dmflags->value & DF_FIXED_FOV))
		client->ps.fov = 90;
		client->ps.fov = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(client->pers.userinfo, "fov"));
		if (client->ps.fov < 1)
			client->ps.fov = 90;
		else if (client->ps.fov > 160)
			client->ps.fov = 160;

	// Knightmare- fix for null model?
	if (client->pers.weapon && client->pers.weapon->view_model)
		client->ps.gunindex = gi.modelindex(client->pers.weapon->view_model);

	// clear entity state values
	bot->s.effects = 0;
	bot->s.skinnum = bot - g_edicts - 1;
	bot->s.modelindex = MAX_MODELS-1;		// will use the skin specified model
	bot->s.modelindex2 = MAX_MODELS-1;		// custom gun model
	bot->s.frame = 0;
	VectorCopy(spawn_origin, bot->s.origin);
	bot->s.origin[2] += 1;	// make sure off ground

	// set the delta angle
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		client->ps.pmove.delta_angles[i] = ANGLE2SHORT(spawn_angles[i] - client->resp.cmd_angles[i]);

	bot->s.angles[PITCH] = 0;
	bot->s.angles[YAW] = spawn_angles[YAW];
	bot->s.angles[ROLL] = 0;
	VectorCopy(bot->s.angles, client->ps.viewangles);
	VectorCopy(bot->s.angles, client->v_angle);
	// force the current weapon up
	client->newweapon = client->pers.weapon;
	ChangeWeapon (bot);

	bot->enemy = NULL;
	bot->movetarget = NULL; 
	bot->state = STATE_MOVE;

	// Set the current node
	bot->current_node = ACEND_FindClosestReachableNode(bot,NODE_DENSITY, NODE_ALL);
	bot->goal_node = bot->current_node;
	bot->next_node = bot->current_node;
	bot->next_move_time = level.time;		
	bot->suicide_timeout = level.time + 15.0;

	// If we are not respawning hold off for up to three seconds before releasing into game
    if (!respawn)
		bot->think = ACESP_HoldSpawn;
		//bot->nextthink = level.time + 0.1; //mxd
		bot->nextthink = level.time + random()*3.0f; // up to three seconds
		if (!KillBox(bot))
		{	// could't spawn in?


		bot->think = ACEAI_Think;
		bot->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME;

		// send effect
		gi.multicast(bot->s.origin, MULTICAST_PVS);
Ejemplo n.º 24
Called every time a client is placed fresh in the world:
after the first ClientBegin, and after each respawn
Initializes all non-persistant parts of playerState
void ClientSpawn(gentity_t *ent)
	int		index;
	vec3_t	spawn_origin, spawn_angles;
	gclient_t	*client;
	clientPersistant_t	saved;
	clientSession_t		savedSess;
	int				persistant[MAX_PERSISTANT];
	gentity_t		*spawnPoint;
	gentity_t		*tent;
	int		flags;
	int		eventSequence;
	char	userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];

	index = ent - g_entities;
	client = ent->client;

	// follow other players when eliminated
	if (!level.warmupTime && g_gametype.integer == GT_ELIMINATION
		&& client->sess.sessionTeam != TEAM_SPECTATOR)
		if (level.roundStarted) {
			client->sess.spectatorState = SPECTATOR_FREE;
			client->eliminated = qtrue;
		} else {
			client->sess.spectatorState = SPECTATOR_NOT;
			client->eliminated = qfalse;


	// find a spawn point
	// do it before setting health back up, so farthest
	// ranging doesn't count this client
	if (client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR) {
		SelectSpectatorSpawnPoint(spawn_origin, spawn_angles);
	} else if (g_gametype.integer == GT_DEFRAG) {
		spawnPoint = SelectDefragSpawnPoint(spawn_origin, spawn_angles);
	} else if (g_gametype.integer == GT_CTF) {
		spawnPoint = SelectCTFSpawnPoint(client->sess.sessionTeam,
			spawn_origin, spawn_angles, !!(ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT));
	} else if (client->pers.lastKiller) {
		spawnPoint = SelectSpawnPoint(client->pers.lastKiller->ps.origin, spawn_origin,
			spawn_angles, ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT);
	} else {
		spawnPoint = SelectSpawnPoint(client->ps.origin, spawn_origin,
			spawn_angles, ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT);

	if (!spawnPoint) {
		G_Error("Cannot find a spawn point.\n");

	// toggle the teleport bit so the client knows to not lerp
	flags = ent->client->ps.eFlags & (EF_TELEPORT_BIT);
	flags ^= EF_TELEPORT_BIT;

	// unlagged - backward reconciliation #3
	// we don't want players being backward-reconciled to the place they died
	G_ResetHistory( ent );
	// and this is as good a time as any to clear the saved state
	ent->client->saved.leveltime = 0;

	// clear everything but the persistant data

	saved = client->pers;
	savedSess = client->sess;
	eventSequence = client->ps.eventSequence;
	Com_Memcpy(persistant, client->ps.persistant, sizeof persistant);

	Com_Memset(client, 0, sizeof(*client));

	client->pers = saved;
	client->sess = savedSess;
	client->ps.eventSequence = eventSequence;
	Com_Memcpy(client->ps.persistant, persistant, sizeof client->ps.persistant);

	// increment the spawncount so the client will detect the respawn
	client->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] = client->sess.sessionTeam;

	client->airOutTime = level.time + 12000;

	trap_GetUserinfo(index, userinfo, sizeof(userinfo));
	// set max health
	client->pers.maxHealth = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(userinfo, "handicap"));
	if (client->pers.maxHealth < 1 || client->pers.maxHealth > 100) {
		client->pers.maxHealth = 100;
	// clear entity values
	client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] = client->pers.maxHealth;
	client->ps.eFlags = flags;

	ent->s.groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE;
	ent->client = &level.clients[index];
	ent->takedamage = qtrue;
	ent->inuse = qtrue;
	ent->classname = "player";
	ent->r.contents = CONTENTS_BODY;
	ent->clipmask = MASK_PLAYERSOLID;
	ent->die = player_die;
	ent->waterlevel = 0;
	ent->watertype = 0;
	ent->flags &= ~FL_NO_KNOCKBACK;
	ent->flags &= ~FL_FORCE_GESTURE;

	VectorCopy(playerMins, ent->r.mins);
	VectorCopy(playerMaxs, ent->r.maxs);

	client->ps.clientNum = index;


	if (g_gametype.integer == GT_ELIMINATION) {
		client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] = client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] * 2;
		client->ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR] = client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] * 1.5;
	} else {
		client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] = client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] + 25;
	ent->health = client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH];

	G_SetOrigin(ent, spawn_origin);
	VectorCopy(spawn_origin, client->ps.origin);

	// the respawned flag will be cleared after the attack and jump keys come up
	client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_RESPAWNED;

	trap_GetUsercmd(client - level.clients, &ent->client->pers.cmd);
	SetClientViewAngle(ent, spawn_angles);
	// don't allow full run speed for a bit
	client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK;
	client->ps.pm_time = 100;

	client->respawnTime = level.time;
	client->inactivityTime = level.time + g_inactivity.integer * 1000;
	client->latched_buttons = 0;

	// set default animations
	client->ps.torsoAnim = TORSO_STAND;
	client->ps.legsAnim = LEGS_IDLE;

	if (level.intermissiontime) {
		// move players to intermission
	} else if (ent->client->sess.sessionTeam != TEAM_SPECTATOR) {

		// fire the targets of the spawn point
		G_UseTargets(spawnPoint, ent);

		// positively link the client, even if the command times are weird
		VectorCopy(ent->client->ps.origin, ent->r.currentOrigin);

		tent = G_TempEntity(ent->client->ps.origin, EV_PLAYER_TELEPORT_IN);
		tent->s.clientNum = ent->s.clientNum;

		trap_LinkEntity (ent);

	// run a client frame to drop exactly to the floor,
	// initialize animations and other things
	client->ps.commandTime = level.totalTime - 100;
	client->pers.cmd.serverTime = level.totalTime;
	// run the presend to set anything else, follow spectators wait
	// until all clients have been reconnected after map_restart
	if (ent->client->sess.spectatorState != SPECTATOR_FOLLOW) {

	// clear entity state values
	BG_PlayerStateToEntityState(&client->ps, &ent->s, qtrue);