Ejemplo n.º 1
// argv[1] must be one of the following flags:
//  '/p' -> argv[3] is the HardwareId and argv[4] is the full path to the INF
//          Call UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices to install drivers on a PnP
//          device.  Also check if any of the devices are currently phantoms and
//          if so mark them for reinstall so they will get their drivers installed
//          when they are reconnected to the machine.
//  '/i' -> argv[3] is the full path to the INF.
//          This preforms an INF install only by calling SetupCopyOEMInf.
//  '/r' -> argv[3] is the HardwareId and argv[4] is the full path to the INF
//          This option is used for root enumerated devices.  This api will first check
//          if there is a root enumerated device that matches the given HardwareId.  If
//          there is then it will simply update the drivers on that device by calling
//          UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices.  If it is not present yet it will create
//          the root enumerated device first and then call UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices
//          to install the drivers on it.
//  '/s' -> argv[3] is the full path to the service binary to install or update.
//          This option is used to install the xensvc service or to update its
//          configuration.
//  '/d' -> arg[3] is the full path to the INF file and argv[4] is the service section
//          to install from the INF file.
//          This option is used to install a driver service from a specified INF file.
int _cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int res = 0;
    BOOL DelayInstall = FALSE;
    HWND hWnd = NULL;

    if (argc < 2) {
        MessageBox(hWnd, "Invalid number of parameters passed in", "Error", MB_OK);
        return 1;

    hWnd = (HWND)(ULONG_PTR)atoi(argv[2]);

    if (!lstrcmpi(argv[1], "/p")) {
        DelayInstall = (BOOL)atoi(argv[5]);
        res = InstallPnPDriver(hWnd, argv[3], argv[4], DelayInstall, FALSE);
    } else if (!lstrcmpi(argv[1], "/u")) {
        DelayInstall = (BOOL)atoi(argv[5]);
        res = InstallPnPDriver(hWnd, argv[3], argv[4], DelayInstall, TRUE);
    } else if (!lstrcmpi(argv[1], "/r")) {
        res = InstallRootEnumeratedDriver(hWnd, argv[3], argv[4]);
    } else if (!lstrcmpi(argv[1], "/i")) {
        res = InstallINF(hWnd, argv[3]);
    } else if (!lstrcmpi(argv[1], "/s")) {
        res = ServiceInstall(hWnd, argv[3]);
    } else if (!lstrcmpi(argv[1], "/d")) {
        res = PreInstallFromInf(hWnd, argv[3], argv[4], argv[5]);
    }else {
        MessageBox(hWnd, "Invalid device install type passed in", "Error", MB_OK);
        return 1;
    return res;
Ejemplo n.º 2
SaneWinMain( argc, argv )
   // doesn't matter...
	if( argc > (1) && StrCaseCmp( argv[1], WIDE("install") ) == 0 )
		ServiceInstall( GetProgramName() );
		return 0;
	if( argc > (1) && StrCaseCmp( argv[1], WIDE("uninstall") ) == 0 )
		ServiceUninstall( GetProgramName() );
		return 0;

	if( LoadPrivateFunction( WIDE("sack.msgsvr.service.plugin"), NULL ) )
		SetupService( (TEXTSTR)GetProgramName(), Start );
		lprintf( WIDE("Failed to load message core service.\n") );
   return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {

	int ret = 0;
	struct a6o_report report = {0};
	PVOID OldValue = NULL;

	if (argc >= 2 && strncmp(argv[1],"--conf",6) == 0 ) {

		// TODO :: https://msdn.microsoft.com/fr-fr/library/windows/desktop/ms724072%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
		//conf_poc_windows( );

		return 0;

	// Only for test purposes (command line)
	if (argc >= 2 && strncmp(argv[1], "--disable_rt", 12) == 0) {
		//disable_onaccess( );
		return EXIT_SUCCESS;

	if (argc >= 2 && strncmp(argv[1], "--notify", 8) == 0) {

		a6o_notify(NOTIF_INFO,"Service started!");
		a6o_notify(NOTIF_WARNING,"Malware detected :: [%s]","TrojanFake");
		a6o_notify(NOTIF_ERROR,"An error occured during scan !!");
		return EXIT_SUCCESS;

	// Only for test purposes (command line) complete test = GUI + driver.
	if ( argc >=2 && strncmp(argv[1],"--testGUI",9) == 0 ){



		if (Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection(&OldValue) == FALSE) {
			return -1;

		/* (FD) added to get all log messages */
		a6o_log_set_handler(ARMADITO_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, a6o_log_default_handler, NULL);
		ret = LaunchCmdLineService(GUI_ONLY);

		if (Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection(OldValue) == FALSE ){
			//  Failure to re-enable redirection should be considered
			//  a criticial failure and execution aborted.
			return -2;

		if (ret < 0) {
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
		return EXIT_SUCCESS;


	// Only for test purposes (command line) complete test = GUI + driver.
	if ( argc >=2 && strncmp(argv[1],"--test",6) == 0 ){

		DisplayBanner( );


		ret = LaunchCmdLineService(SVC_MODE);
		if (ret < 0) {
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
		return EXIT_SUCCESS;



	// Only for test purposes (command line)
	if ( argc >=2 && strncmp(argv[1],"--register",10) == 0 ){

#if 0
		ret = register_av( );
		if (ret < 0) {
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
		return EXIT_SUCCESS;


	// Only for test purposes (command line)
	if ( argc >=2 && strncmp(argv[1],"--crypt",7) == 0 ){

#if 0
		if (argv[2] == NULL) {
			printf("[-] Error :: --crypt option ::  missing parameter [filename]\n");
			return EXIT_FAILURE;

		ret = verify_file_signature(argv[2],SIGNATURE_FILE);
		if (ret < 0) {
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
		return EXIT_SUCCESS;


	// Only for test purposes (command line)
	if ( argc >=3 && strncmp(argv[1],"--quarantine",11) == 0 ){

#if 0
		ret = MoveFileInQuarantine(argv[2], report);
		if (ret < 0) {
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
		return EXIT_SUCCESS;

	if ( argc >=2 && strncmp(argv[1],"--quarantine",11) == 0 ){

#if 0
		ret = EnumQuarantine();
		if (ret < 0) {
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
		return EXIT_SUCCESS;

	if ( argc >=2 && strncmp(argv[1],"--restore",9) == 0 ){
#if 0
		ret = ui_restore_quarantine_file(argv[1]);
		if (ret < 0) {
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
		return EXIT_SUCCESS;


	if ( argc >=3 && strncmp(argv[1],"--restore",9) == 0 ){
#if 0
		ret = RestoreFileFromQuarantine(argv[2]);
		if (ret < 0) {
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
		return EXIT_SUCCESS;


	if ( argc >=2 && strncmp(argv[1],"--updatedb",10) == 0 ){

		DisplayBanner( );
		return EXIT_SUCCESS;

	if ( argc >=2 && strncmp(argv[1],"--info",6) == 0 ){
		if (get_av_info() < 0) {
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
		return EXIT_SUCCESS;

	if (argc >= 2 && strncmp(argv[1], "--installboot", 13) == 0){


		ret = ServiceInstall(SERVICE_AUTO_START);
		if (ret < 0) {
			return EXIT_FAILURE;

		return EXIT_SUCCESS;


	// command line parameter "--install", install the service.
	if ( argc >=2 && strncmp(argv[1],"--install",9) == 0 ){

		DisplayBanner( );

		ret = ServiceInstall(SERVICE_DEMAND_START);
		if (ret < 0) {
			return EXIT_FAILURE;

		return EXIT_SUCCESS;



	// command line parameter "--uninstall", uninstall the service.
	if ( argc >=2 && strncmp(argv[1],"--uninstall",11) == 0 ){
		DisplayBanner( );

		ret = ServiceRemove( );

		return EXIT_SUCCESS;

	// command line parameter "--remove", delete the service.
	if ( argc >=2 && strncmp(argv[1],"--stop",6) == 0 ){
		return EXIT_SUCCESS;

	if ( argc >=2 && strncmp(argv[1],"--start",7) == 0 ){
		ServiceLaunch( );
		return EXIT_SUCCESS;

	if ( argc >=2 && strncmp(argv[1],"--pause",7) == 0 ){
		ServicePause( );
		return EXIT_SUCCESS;
	if ( argc >=2 && strncmp(argv[1],"--continue",10) == 0 ){
		ServiceContinue( );
		return EXIT_SUCCESS;

	//ServiceLaunchAction( );
	// put this part in ServiceLaunchAction function.
	SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY DispatchTable[] = 
        { SVCNAME, (LPSERVICE_MAIN_FUNCTION) ServiceMain }, 
        { NULL, NULL } 

	// This call returs when the service has stopped.
	if (!StartServiceCtrlDispatcher(DispatchTable)) {
		//printf("[i] StartServiceCtrlDispatcher :: %d\n",GetLastError());


Ejemplo n.º 4
SaneWinMain( argc, argv )
		if( argc > 1 )
			hModule = LoadFunction( libname = argv[1], NULL );
			if( hModule )

		if( !hModule )
			hModule = LoadFunction( libname = _WIDE(LOAD_LIBNAME), NULL );
			if( !hModule )
#ifndef UNDER_CE
				lprintf( WIDE("error: (%")_32fs WIDE(")%s")
						 , GetLastError()
						 , strerror(GetLastError()) );
				return 0;
				arg_offset = 0;
			lprintf( WIDE("strerror(This is NOT right... what's the GetStrError?): (%ld)%s")
					 , GetLastError()
					 , strerror(GetLastError()) );
			return 0;
		my_argc = argc;
		my_argv = argv;

			// look through command line, and while -L options exist, use thsoe to load more libraries
			// then pass the final remainer to the proc (if used)
#ifdef _WIN32
			for( ; arg_offset < argc; arg_offset++ )
				if( StrCaseCmp( argv[arg_offset], WIDE("install") ) == 0 )
					ServiceInstall( GetProgramName() );
					return 0;
				if( StrCaseCmp( argv[arg_offset], WIDE("uninstall") ) == 0 )
					ServiceUninstall( GetProgramName() );
					return 0;
			// need to do this before windows are created?
			xlprintf(2400)( WIDE("Go To Service. %s"), GetProgramName() );
			SetupServiceThread( (TEXTSTR)GetProgramName(), DoStart2, 0 );
			xlprintf(2400)( WIDE("Go To Service. %s"), GetProgramName() );
			SetupService( (TEXTSTR)GetProgramName(), DoStart2 );

			Main = (MainFunction)LoadFunction( libname, WIDE( "_Main" ) );
			if( !Main )
				Main = (MainFunction)LoadFunction( libname, WIDE( "Main" ) );
			if( !Main )
				Main = (MainFunction)LoadFunction( libname, WIDE( "Main_" ) );
			if( Main )
				Main( argc-arg_offset, argv+arg_offset, MODE );
				Begin = (BeginFunction)LoadFunction( libname, WIDE( "_Begin" ) );
				if( !Begin )
					Begin = (BeginFunction)LoadFunction( libname, WIDE( "Begin" ) );
				if( !Begin )
					Begin = (BeginFunction)LoadFunction( libname, WIDE( "Begin_" ) );
				if( Begin )
					int xlen, ofs, arg;
					for( arg = arg_offset, xlen = 0; arg < argc; arg++, xlen += snprintf( NULL, 0, WIDE( "%s%s" ), arg?WIDE( " " ):WIDE( "" ), argv[arg] ) );
					x = (TEXTCHAR*)malloc( ++xlen );
					for( arg = arg_offset, ofs = 0; arg < argc; arg++, ofs += snprintf( (TEXTCHAR*)x + ofs, xlen - ofs, WIDE( "%s%s" ), arg?WIDE( " " ):WIDE( "" ), argv[arg] ) );
					Begin( x, MODE ); // pass console defined in Makefile
					free( x );
					Start = (StartFunction)LoadFunction( libname, WIDE( "_Start" ) );
					if( !Start )
						Start = (StartFunction)LoadFunction( libname, WIDE( "Start" ) );
					if( !Start )
						Start = (StartFunction)LoadFunction( libname, WIDE( "Start_" ) );
					if( Start )
						Start( );
	return 0;