Ejemplo n.º 1
void FontPage::Load( const FontPageSettings &cfg )
	m_sTexturePath = cfg.m_sTexturePath;

	// load texture
	RageTextureID ID1( m_sTexturePath );
	if( cfg.m_sTextureHints != "default" )
		ID1.AdditionalTextureHints = cfg.m_sTextureHints;

	m_FontPageTextures.m_pTextureMain = TEXTUREMAN->LoadTexture( ID1 );
	ASSERT( m_FontPageTextures.m_pTextureMain != NULL );

	RageTextureID ID2 = ID1;
	/* "arial 20 16x16 [main].png" => "arial 20 16x16 [main-stroke].png" */
	if( ID2.filename.find("]") != string::npos )
		ID2.filename.Replace( "]", "-stroke]" );
		if( IsAFile(ID2.filename) )
			m_FontPageTextures.m_pTextureStroke = TEXTUREMAN->LoadTexture( ID2 );
			ASSERT( m_FontPageTextures.m_pTextureStroke != NULL );
			ASSERT_M( m_FontPageTextures.m_pTextureMain->GetSourceFrameWidth() == m_FontPageTextures.m_pTextureStroke->GetSourceFrameWidth(), ssprintf("'%s' and '%s' must have the same frame widths", ID1.filename.c_str(), ID2.filename.c_str()) );
			ASSERT_M( m_FontPageTextures.m_pTextureMain->GetNumFrames() == m_FontPageTextures.m_pTextureStroke->GetNumFrames(), ssprintf("'%s' and '%s' must have the same frame dimensions", ID1.filename.c_str(), ID2.filename.c_str()) );

	// load character widths
	vector<int> aiFrameWidths;

	int default_width = m_FontPageTextures.m_pTextureMain->GetSourceFrameWidth();
	if( cfg.m_iDefaultWidth != -1 )
		default_width = cfg.m_iDefaultWidth;

	// Assume each character is the width of the frame by default.
	for( int i=0; i<m_FontPageTextures.m_pTextureMain->GetNumFrames(); i++ )
		map<int,int>::const_iterator it = cfg.m_mapGlyphWidths.find(i);
		if( it != cfg.m_mapGlyphWidths.end() )
			aiFrameWidths.push_back( it->second );
			aiFrameWidths.push_back( default_width );

	if( cfg.m_iAddToAllWidths )
		for( int i=0; i<m_FontPageTextures.m_pTextureMain->GetNumFrames(); i++ )
			aiFrameWidths[i] += cfg.m_iAddToAllWidths;

	if( cfg.m_fScaleAllWidthsBy != 1 )
		for( int i=0; i<m_FontPageTextures.m_pTextureMain->GetNumFrames(); i++ )
			aiFrameWidths[i] = lrintf( aiFrameWidths[i] * cfg.m_fScaleAllWidthsBy );

	m_iCharToGlyphNo = cfg.CharToGlyphNo;

	m_iLineSpacing = cfg.m_iLineSpacing;
	if( m_iLineSpacing == -1 )
		m_iLineSpacing = m_FontPageTextures.m_pTextureMain->GetSourceFrameHeight();

	int iBaseline=0;
	/* If we don't have a top and/or baseline, assume we're centered in the
	 * frame, and that LineSpacing is the total height. */
	iBaseline = cfg.m_iBaseline;
	if( iBaseline == -1 )
		float center = m_FontPageTextures.m_pTextureMain->GetSourceFrameHeight()/2.0f;
		iBaseline = int( center + m_iLineSpacing/2 );

	int iTop = cfg.m_iTop;
	if( iTop == -1 )
		float center = m_FontPageTextures.m_pTextureMain->GetSourceFrameHeight()/2.0f;
		iTop = int( center - m_iLineSpacing/2 );
	m_iHeight = iBaseline - iTop;
	m_iDrawExtraPixelsLeft = cfg.m_iDrawExtraPixelsLeft;
	m_iDrawExtraPixelsRight = cfg.m_iDrawExtraPixelsRight;

	/* Shift the character up so the top will be rendered at the baseline. */
	m_fVshift = (float) -iBaseline;

	SetTextureCoords( aiFrameWidths, cfg.m_iAdvanceExtraPixels );
	SetExtraPixels( cfg.m_iDrawExtraPixelsLeft, cfg.m_iDrawExtraPixelsRight );

//	LOG->Trace("Font %s: height %i, baseline %i ( == top %i)",
//		   m_sTexturePath.c_str(), height, baseline, baseline-height);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void FontPage::Load( FontPageSettings cfg )
	m_sTexturePath = cfg.m_sTexturePath;

	// load texture
	RageTextureID ID( m_sTexturePath );
	if( cfg.m_sTextureHints != "default" )
		ID.AdditionalTextureHints = cfg.m_sTextureHints;
		ID.AdditionalTextureHints = "16bpp";

	m_pTexture = TEXTUREMAN->LoadTexture( ID );
	ASSERT( m_pTexture != NULL );

	// load character widths
	vector<int> aiFrameWidths;

	int default_width = m_pTexture->GetSourceFrameWidth();
	if( cfg.m_iDefaultWidth != -1 )
		default_width = cfg.m_iDefaultWidth;

	// Assume each character is the width of the frame by default.
	for( int i=0; i<m_pTexture->GetNumFrames(); i++ )
		map<int,int>::const_iterator it = cfg.m_mapGlyphWidths.find(i);
		if( it != cfg.m_mapGlyphWidths.end() )
			aiFrameWidths.push_back( it->second );
			aiFrameWidths.push_back( default_width );

	if( cfg.m_iAddToAllWidths )
		for( int i=0; i<m_pTexture->GetNumFrames(); i++ )
			aiFrameWidths[i] += cfg.m_iAddToAllWidths;

	if( cfg.m_fScaleAllWidthsBy != 1 )
		for( int i=0; i<m_pTexture->GetNumFrames(); i++ )
			aiFrameWidths[i] = int(roundf( aiFrameWidths[i] * cfg.m_fScaleAllWidthsBy ));

	m_iCharToGlyphNo = cfg.CharToGlyphNo;

	m_iLineSpacing = cfg.m_iLineSpacing;
	if( m_iLineSpacing == -1 )
		m_iLineSpacing = m_pTexture->GetSourceFrameHeight();

	int iBaseline=0;
	/* If we don't have a top and/or baseline, assume we're centered in the
	 * frame, and that LineSpacing is the total height. */
	if( cfg.m_iBaseline == -1 )
		float center = m_pTexture->GetSourceFrameHeight()/2.0f;
		cfg.m_iBaseline = int( center + m_iLineSpacing/2 );

	if( cfg.m_iTop == -1 )
		float center = m_pTexture->GetSourceFrameHeight()/2.0f;
		cfg.m_iTop = int( center - m_iLineSpacing/2 );
	iBaseline = cfg.m_iBaseline;
	m_iHeight = iBaseline - cfg.m_iTop;
	m_iDrawExtraPixelsLeft = cfg.m_iDrawExtraPixelsLeft;
	m_iDrawExtraPixelsRight = cfg.m_iDrawExtraPixelsRight;

	/* Shift the character up so the top will be rendered at the baseline. */
	m_fVshift = (float) -iBaseline;

	SetTextureCoords( aiFrameWidths, cfg.m_iAdvanceExtraPixels );
	SetExtraPixels( cfg.m_iDrawExtraPixelsLeft, cfg.m_iDrawExtraPixelsRight );

//	LOG->Trace("Font %s: height %i, baseline %i ( == top %i)",
//		   m_sTexturePath.c_str(), height, baseline, baseline-height);