Ejemplo n.º 1
// Looks up the pixels to set when writing ascii character
void ASCII(char x, char y, int color, int background, char letter, char size) {
    char data;
    char q = 0;
    char z = 0;
    char d = 0;
    char b = 0;

    for (q = 0; q < 5; q++) {
        data = font[letter][q];
        for (z = 0; z < 8 * size; z++) {
            if ((data & 1) != 0) {
                for (d = 0; d < size; d++) {
                    for (b = 0; b < size; b++) {
                        SetPix(x + (q * size) + d, y + (z * size) + b, color);
            } else {
                for (d = 0; d < size; d++) {
                    for (b = 0; b < size; b++) {
                        SetPix(x + (q * size) + d, y + (z * size) + b, background);
            data >>= 1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void C4MapCreator::DrawLayer(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t size, BYTE col)
	int32_t cnt,cnt2;
	for (cnt=0; cnt<size; cnt++)
		x+=Random(9)-4; y+=Random(3)-1;
		for (cnt2=Random(3); cnt2<5; cnt2++)
			{ SetPix(x+cnt2,y,col); SetPix(x+cnt2+1,y+1,col); }
Ejemplo n.º 3
void CSurface8::Circle(int x, int y, int r, BYTE col) {
  for (int ycnt = -r; ycnt < r; ycnt++) {
    int lwdt = (int)sqrt(float(r * r - ycnt * ycnt));
    for (int xcnt = 2 * lwdt - 1; xcnt >= 0; xcnt--)
      SetPix(x - lwdt + xcnt, y + ycnt, col);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void C4MapCreator::ValidateTextureIndices(C4TextureMap &rTextureMap)
	int32_t iX,iY;
	for (iY=0; iY<MapHgt; iY++)
		for (iX=0; iX<MapWdt; iX++)
			if (!rTextureMap.GetEntry(GetPix(iX,iY)))
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool CSurface8::Read(CStdStream &hGroup)
	int cnt,lcnt;
	C4BMP256Info BitmapInfo;
	// read bmpinfo-header
	if (!hGroup.Read(&BitmapInfo,sizeof(C4BMPInfo))) return false;
	// is it 8bpp?
	if (BitmapInfo.Info.biBitCount == 8)
		if (!hGroup.Read(((BYTE *) &BitmapInfo)+sizeof(C4BMPInfo),sizeof(BitmapInfo)-sizeof(C4BMPInfo))) return false;
		if (!hGroup.Advance(BitmapInfo.FileBitsOffset())) return false;
		// read 24bpp
		if (BitmapInfo.Info.biBitCount != 24) return false;
		if (!hGroup.Advance(((C4BMPInfo) BitmapInfo).FileBitsOffset())) return false;

	// Create and lock surface
	if (!Create(BitmapInfo.Info.biWidth,BitmapInfo.Info.biHeight)) return false;

	if (BitmapInfo.Info.biBitCount == 8)
		// Copy palette
		for (cnt=0; cnt<256; cnt++)
			pPal->Colors[cnt] = C4RGB(BitmapInfo.Colors[cnt].rgbRed,

	// create line buffer
	int iBufSize=DWordAligned(BitmapInfo.Info.biWidth*BitmapInfo.Info.biBitCount/8);
	BYTE *pBuf = new BYTE[iBufSize];
	// Read lines
	for (lcnt=Hgt-1; lcnt>=0; lcnt--)
		if (!hGroup.Read(pBuf, iBufSize))
			{ Clear(); delete [] pBuf; return false; }
		BYTE *pPix=pBuf;
		for (int x=0; x<BitmapInfo.Info.biWidth; ++x)
			switch (BitmapInfo.Info.biBitCount)
			case 8:
				SetPix(x, lcnt, *pPix++);
			case 24:
				return false;
	// free buffer again
	delete [] pBuf;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: C4Map.cpp Proyecto: ev1313/yaC
void C4MapCreator::SetSpot(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t rad, BYTE col) {
  int32_t ycnt, xcnt, lwdt, dpy;
  for (ycnt = -rad; ycnt <= rad; ycnt++) {
    lwdt = (int32_t)sqrt(double(rad * rad - ycnt * ycnt));
    dpy = y + ycnt;
    for (xcnt = -lwdt; xcnt < lwdt + (lwdt == 0); xcnt++)
      SetPix(x + xcnt, dpy, col);
Ejemplo n.º 7
//altered --> https://bitbucket.org/xerpi
void rectfill(u8* screen, int x, int y, int w, int h, u32 colour)
	int i, j;
	for (i = 0; i < w; ++i) {
		for (j = 0; j < h; ++j) {
			SetPix(screen, x+i, y+j, colour);
Ejemplo n.º 8
//#define Circle(screen, cx, cy, radius, colour) (Ellipse(screen, cx, cy, radius, radius, 0, colour));
//not at all happy with LCD output, too be nixxed &or deprecated for floodfill
void CircleFill(u8* screen, int xCen, int yCen, int radius, u32 colour)
	Circle(screen, xCen, yCen, radius, colour);
	int x,y;
	for(y = -radius;y <= radius;y++){
		for(x = -radius;x <= radius;x++)
			if(x*x + y*y <= radius*radius + radius * .8f)
				SetPix(screen, xCen + x, yCen + y, colour);
Ejemplo n.º 9
//Revised --> http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Bitmap/Bresenham%27s_line_algorithm#C
void line(u8* screen, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, u32 colour) {
  int dx = abs(x1-x0), sx = x0<x1 ? 1 : -1;
  int dy = abs(y1-y0), sy = y0<y1 ? 1 : -1; 
  int err = (dx>dy ? dx : -dy)/2, e2;
    if (x0==x1 && y0==y1) break;
    e2 = err;
    if (e2 >-dx) { err -= dy; x0 += sx; }
    if (e2 < dy) { err += dx; y0 += sy; }
Ejemplo n.º 10
void CSurface8::AllowColor(BYTE iRngLo, BYTE iRngHi, BOOL fAllowZero) {
  // change colors
  int xcnt, ycnt;
  if (iRngHi < iRngLo) return;
  for (ycnt = 0; ycnt < Hgt; ycnt++) {
    for (xcnt = 0; xcnt < Wdt; xcnt++) {
      BYTE px = GetPix(xcnt, ycnt);
      if (px || !fAllowZero)
        if ((px < iRngLo) || (px > iRngHi))
          SetPix(xcnt, ycnt, iRngLo + px % (iRngHi - iRngLo + 1));
Ejemplo n.º 11
void CSurface8::HLine(int iX, int iX2, int iY, int iCol)
	for (int cx=iX; cx<=iX2; cx++) SetPix(cx,iY,iCol);
Ejemplo n.º 12
void CSurface8::MapBytes(BYTE *bpMap)
	if (!bpMap) return;
	for (int cnt=0; cnt<Wdt*Hgt; cnt++) SetPix(cnt%Wdt, cnt/Wdt, bpMap[GetPix(cnt%Wdt, cnt/Wdt)]);
Ejemplo n.º 13
int main()
        gfxSet3D(true); // uncomment if using stereoscopic 3D


        transparent = BLACK;
	 gfxSetScreenFormat(GFX_TOP, GSP_BGR8_OES);
	 gfxSetScreenFormat(GFX_BOTTOM, GSP_BGR8_OES);
	ParxLeft = gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_TOP, GFX_LEFT, NULL, NULL); 
	ParxRight = gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_TOP, GFX_RIGHT, NULL, NULL); 
	ParxBot = gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_BOTTOM, GFX_LEFT, NULL, NULL); 

	ClrParx(ParxLeft, BLACK); 
	ClrParx(ParxRight, BLACK); 
	ClrParx(ParxBot, BLACK);

	char* str[256];
        int l, k, j, i=20, posx = 100, posy = 100;
        TBGR rgbsam;
        TBGR rgb;
	u64 time; 

	// Main loop
	while (aptMainLoop())
//		gspWaitForVBlank();

//		  	ParxLeft = gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_TOP, GFX_LEFT, NULL, NULL); 
//			ParxRight = gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_TOP, GFX_RIGHT, NULL, NULL); 
//			ParxBot = gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_BOTTOM, GFX_LEFT, NULL, NULL); 

		u32 kDown = hidKeysHeld();

		if (kDown & KEY_START)
			break; // break in order to return to hbmenu
                if (kDown & KEY_A)
                          CanvasString(ParxBot, CopyRight(), 10,10, LIGHT_GREEN);
                if (kDown & KEY_B)
                          time= osGetTime();
			rgb.r= 0xCC;
			rgb.g= 0x33;
			rgb.b= 0xCC;
                        for (k=0;k<400;k++)
                          for (l=0;l<240;l++)
  SetPixL(k,l,rgb); //TopLCD
  if (k<320) SetPixB(k,l,rgb); //BotLCD

time = osGetTime() - time; 
sprintf(str, "%i:ms ParxPro SetPix L/R/B,kdl", time);
CanvasString(ParxBot, str, 10,10, GREEN);  

                if (kDown & KEY_X)
                if (kDown & KEY_Y)
//			  PasBotfill(ParxBot);
			rgb.r= 0xFF;
			rgb.g= 0x00;
			rgb.b= 0x8F;
			  PasClrSrc(ParxBot, rgb);
			  CanvasString(ParxBot, "InitParx", 10,10, GREEN);  
                if(kDown & KEY_CPAD_DOWN)
			rgb.r= 0x00;
			rgb.g= 0x00;
			rgb.b= 0XFF;
			PasTopfill(ParxLeft, rgb);
			PasTopfill(ParxRight, rgb);

                if(kDown & KEY_CPAD_UP) 
			rgb.r= 0xFF;
			rgb.g= 0x00;
			rgb.b= 0x00;		
			PasTopfill(ParxLeft, rgb);
			PasTopfill(ParxRight, rgb);
                if(kDown & KEY_CPAD_RIGHT) 
			rgb.r= 0x00;
			rgb.g= 0xFF;
			rgb.b= 0x00;
time= osGetTime();
			PasTopfill(ParxLeft, rgb);
			PasTopfill(ParxRight, rgb);

time = osGetTime() - time; 
sprintf(str, "%i:ms L&R BGRTop,kdl", time);
CanvasString(ParxBot, str, 10,10, GREEN);  

                if(kDown & KEY_CPAD_LEFT)
			rgb.r= 0x00;
			rgb.g= 0x11;
			rgb.b= 0x00;
time= osGetTime();					

time = osGetTime() - time; 
sprintf(str, "%i:ms L&R TopMapLED,kdl", time);
CanvasString(ParxBot, str, 10,10, GREEN);  
                if(kDown & KEY_R)
                              //  ClrParx(ParxBot, BLACK);
                               // sprintf(str, "Dergibal Rad:%i  X:%i  Y:%i", i, posx, posy);
			//	CanvasString(ParxBot, str, 0, 0, RED);

                if(kDown & KEY_L) 
                             //   ClrParx(ParxBot, BLACK);
                              //  sprintf(str, "Dergibal Rad:%i  X:%i  Y:%i", i, posx, posy);
			//	CanvasString(ParxBot, str, 0, 0, RED);
                if(kDown & KEY_DUP)
                        for (k=0;k<400;k++)
                          for (l=0;l<240;l++)
  if (k<320) PSetPixT(ParxRight,k,l, GetPixB(k,l));


                if(kDown & KEY_DDOWN)
time= osGetTime();
			rgb.r= 0xCC;
			rgb.g= 0x11;
			rgb.b= 0xCC;
                        for (k=0;k<400;k++)
                          for (l=0;l<240;l++)
  PSetPixT(ParxRight,k,l, rgb); //TopLCD
  PSetPixT(ParxLeft,k,l, rgb);
  if (k<320) PSetPixB(ParxBot,k,l, rgb); //BotLCD

time = osGetTime() - time; 
sprintf(str, "%i:ms ParxPro,kdl", time);
CanvasString(ParxBot, str, 10,10, GREEN);  
		if(kDown & KEY_DRIGHT)

                         ClrParx(ParxBot, BLACK);    
			rgb.r= 0xEE;
			rgb.g= 0x00;
			rgb.b= 0xCC;
time= osGetTime();			
                       for (k=0;k<400;k++)
                          for (l=0;l<240;l++) SetPixL(k,l,rgb); //TopLCD
time = osGetTime() - time; 
sprintf(str, "Left %i:ms ParxPro,kdl", time);
CanvasString(ParxBot, str, 10,10, LIGHT_GREEN); 

time= osGetTime();			
                       for (k=0;k<400;k++)
                          for (l=0;l<240;l++) SetPixR(k,l,rgb);                       
time = osGetTime() - time; 
sprintf(str, "Right %i:ms ParxPro,kdl", time);
CanvasString(ParxBot, str, 10,20, LIGHT_GREEN); 

                if(kDown & KEY_DLEFT)
                     //   SetTopFramebuffers(0);  
time= osGetTime();
                        for (k=0;k<400;k++)
                          for (l=0;l<240;l++)
  if (k<320) SetPix(ParxBot,k,l,BLACK);

time = osGetTime() - time; 
sprintf(str, "%i:ms Parx-GDI,kdl", time);
CanvasString(ParxBot, str, 10,10, GREEN);  
//gfxString(ParxRight, str, 30,30, 3, rgb); 
//gfxString(ParxLeft, str, 30,30, 3, rgb);   
//for (l=1;l<16;l++) print3d(rgb,10*l,10*l,l-1,3,str);

		//render rainbow
//		renderEffect();
		//copy buffer to lower screen (don't have to do it every frame)
//		memcpy(gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_BOTTOM, GFX_BOTTOM, NULL, NULL), buffer, size);
		//wait & swap
//		gfxSwapBuffersGpu();
//		gspWaitForEvent(GSPGPU_EVENT_VBlank0, false);

		// Flush and swap framebuffers
	//	gfxFlushBuffers();
	//	gfxSwapBuffers();
		//Wait for VBlank

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 14
// Takes ownership of the pix and destroys it.
ImageData::ImageData(bool vertical, Pix* pix)
  : page_number_(0), vertical_text_(vertical) {
Ejemplo n.º 15
int main()
        gfxSet3D(true); // uncomment if using stereoscopic 3D


        transparent = BLACK;
	 gfxSetScreenFormat(GFX_TOP, GSP_BGR8_OES);
	 gfxSetScreenFormat(GFX_BOTTOM, GSP_BGR8_OES);
	ParxLeft = gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_TOP, GFX_LEFT, NULL, NULL); 
	ParxRight = gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_TOP, GFX_RIGHT, NULL, NULL); 
	ParxBot = gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_BOTTOM, GFX_LEFT, NULL, NULL); 

	ClrParx(ParxLeft, BLACK); 
	ClrParx(ParxRight, BLACK); 
	ClrParx(ParxBot, BLACK);

	char* str[256];
        int l, k, j, i=20, posx = 100, posy = 100;
        TBGR rgbsam;
        TBGR rgb;
	u64 time; 
	u8* tempScr;
	bool Dbuf;	
	circlePosition pos;
	touchPosition touch;

	// Main loop
	while (aptMainLoop())
//		gspWaitForVBlank();

//		  	ParxLeft = gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_TOP, GFX_LEFT, NULL, NULL); 
//			ParxRight = gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_TOP, GFX_RIGHT, NULL, NULL); 
//			ParxBot = gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_BOTTOM, GFX_LEFT, NULL, NULL); 

		u32 kDown = hidKeysHeld();

		//Read the CirclePad position

		//Print the CirclePad position
//-		printf("\x1b[2;0H%04d; %04d", pos.dx, pos.dy);

		//Read the touch screen coordinates
		//Print the touch screen coordinates
//		printf("\x1b[2;0H%03d; %03d", touch.px, touch.py);

		if (kDown & KEY_START)
			break; // break in order to return to hbmenu
                if (kDown & KEY_A)
                          CanvasString(ParxBot, CopyRight(), 10,10, LIGHT_GREEN);
                if (kDown & KEY_B)
                          time= osGetTime();
			rgb.r= 0xCC;
			rgb.g= 0x33;
			rgb.b= 0xCC;
                        for (k=0;k<400;k++)
                          for (l=0;l<240;l++)
  SetPixL(k,l,rgb); //TopLCD
  if (k<320) SetPixB(k,l,rgb); //BotLCD

time = osGetTime() - time; 
sprintf(str, "%i:ms ParxPro SetPix L/R/B,kdl", time);
CanvasString(ParxBot, str, 10,10, GREEN);  

                if (kDown & KEY_X)
                if (kDown & KEY_Y)
//			  PasBotfill(ParxBot);
			rgb.r= 0xFF;
			rgb.g= 0x00;
			rgb.b= 0x8F;
			  PasClrSrc(ParxBot, rgb);
			  CanvasString(ParxBot, "InitParx", 10,10, GREEN);  
                if(kDown & KEY_CPAD_DOWN)
			rgb.r= 0x00;
			rgb.g= 0x00;
			rgb.b= 0XFF;
			PasTopfill(ParxLeft, rgb);
			PasTopfill(ParxRight, rgb);

                if(kDown & KEY_CPAD_UP) 
			rgb.r= 0xFF;
			rgb.g= 0x00;
			rgb.b= 0x00;		
			PasTopfill(ParxLeft, rgb);
			PasTopfill(ParxRight, rgb);
                if(kDown & KEY_CPAD_RIGHT) 
			rgb.r= 0x00;
			rgb.g= 0xFF;
			rgb.b= 0x00;
time= osGetTime();
			PasTopfill(ParxLeft, rgb);
			PasTopfill(ParxRight, rgb);

time = osGetTime() - time; 
sprintf(str, "%i:ms L&R BGRTop,kdl", time);
CanvasString(ParxBot, str, 10,10, GREEN);  

                if(kDown & KEY_CPAD_LEFT)
			rgb.r= 0x00;
			rgb.g= 0x11;
			rgb.b= 0x00;
time= osGetTime();					

time = osGetTime() - time; 
sprintf(str, "%i:ms L&R TopMapLED,kdl", time);
CanvasString(ParxBot, str, 10,10, GREEN);  
                if(kDown & KEY_R)
                                ClrParx(ParxBot, BLACK);
                                //i of linearSpaceFree(); //no effect
                                //i of vramSpaceFree(); //reads as Zero 
                                //i of mappableSpaceFree(); //no change in alloc & free 
                                sprintf(str, "v:%i  m:%i  l:%i", vramSpaceFree, mappableSpaceFree, linearSpaceFree);
				CanvasString(ParxBot, str, 0, 10, RED);
                                sprintf(str, "v:%i  m:%i  l:%i", vramSpaceFree, mappableSpaceFree, linearSpaceFree);
				CanvasString(ParxBot, str, 0, 20, RED);
                               // Topfill3;
                               // sprintf(str, "Topfill3 Free :%i", vramSpaceFree);
				//CanvasString(ParxBot, str, 0, 40, RED);
                                //sprintf(str, "Topfill3 Free :%i", );
				//CanvasString(ParxBot, str, 0, 40, RED);

                if(kDown & KEY_L) 
                        	if (Dbuf) InitBufDub(BLACK); else InitBufSingle(BLACK);		
                                ClrParx(ParxBot, BLACK);
                              //  sprintf(str, "Dergibal Rad:%i  X:%i  Y:%i", i, posx, posy);
                        	if (Dbuf) CanvasString(ParxBot, "InitBufDub", 0, 40, RED); else
                        	CanvasString(ParxBot, "InitBufSingle", 0, 40, RED); (BLACK);	
                        	Dbuf = !Dbuf;
                if(kDown & KEY_DUP)
                        for (k=0;k<400;k++)
                          for (l=0;l<240;l++)
  if (k<320) PSetPixT(ParxRight,k,l, GetPixB(k,l));


                if(kDown & KEY_DDOWN)
time= osGetTime();
			rgb.r= 0xCC;
			rgb.g= 0x11;
			rgb.b= 0xCC;
                        for (k=0;k<400;k++)
                          for (l=0;l<240;l++)
  PSetPixT(ParxRight,k,l, rgb); //TopLCD
  PSetPixT(ParxLeft,k,l, rgb);
  if (k<320) PSetPixB(ParxBot,k,l, rgb); //BotLCD

time = osGetTime() - time; 
sprintf(str, "%i:ms ParxPro,kdl", time);
CanvasString(ParxBot, str, 10,10, GREEN);  
		if(kDown & KEY_DRIGHT)

                         ClrParx(ParxBot, BLACK);    
			rgb.r= 0xEE;
			rgb.g= 0x00;
			rgb.b= 0xCC;
time= osGetTime();			
                       for (k=0;k<400;k++)
                          for (l=0;l<240;l++) SetPixL(k,l,rgb); //TopLCD
time = osGetTime() - time; 
sprintf(str, "Left %i:ms ParxPro,kdl", time);
CanvasString(ParxBot, str, 10,10, LIGHT_GREEN); 

time= osGetTime();				
//ParxLeft = GetSrcL(-1); // good!!			
//tempScr = GetSrcL(0); // good!!	
//tempScr = GetSrcL(1); // good!!
//                       for (k=0;k<400;k++)
//                        { 
//                            ParxLeft = GetSrcL(-1); // good!!
//                          for (l=0;l<80;l++) PSetPixT(ParxRight,k,l, GetPixL(k,l)); // 
//       			    ParxLeft = GetSrcL(0); // good!!
//                          for (l=80;l<160;l++) PSetPixT(ParxRight,k,l, GetPixL(k,l));   		
//     			    ParxLeft = GetSrcL(1); // good!!
//                          for (l=160;l<240;l++) PSetPixT(ParxRight,k,l, GetPixL(k,l)); 
//                          //assignment to eg PSetPixT(GetSrcR(-1),k,l, GetPixL(k,l)) poops out                      
//                        }  
time = osGetTime() - time; 
sprintf(str, "ParxLeft = GetSrcL(-1&0&1); %i:ms ,kdl", time);
CanvasString(ParxBot, str, 10,20, LIGHT_GREEN); 

time= osGetTime();			
//SetSrcR(0,tempScr);	// No Good 

//SetSrcL(-1,ParxLeft);	// 
//sprintf(str, "SetSrcL(-1,ParxLeft); %i:ms ,kdl", time);
//CanvasString(ParxBot, str, 10,40, LIGHT_GREEN); 


//SetSrcL(-1,ParxLeft);	// 
sprintf(str, "SetSrcL(1,ParxLeft); %i:ms ,kdl", time);
CanvasString(ParxBot, str, 10,50, LIGHT_GREEN); 
//SetSrcR(0,ParxRight);	//
//sprintf(str, "SetSrcR(0,ParxRight) %i:ms ,kdl", time);
//CanvasString(ParxBot, str, 10,60, LIGHT_GREEN); 

                    //   for (k=0;k<400;k++)
                    //      for (l=0;l<240;l++) PSetPixT(GetSrcR(0),k,l,rgb); //GetSrcR(0) works                      
time = osGetTime() - time; 
sprintf(str, "SetSrc L&R(-1,(ParxLeft & ParxRight); %i:ms ,kdl", time);
CanvasString(ParxBot, str, 10,30, LIGHT_GREEN); 

                if(kDown & KEY_DLEFT)
                     //   SetTopFramebuffers(0);  
time= osGetTime();
                        for (k=0;k<400;k++)
                          for (l=0;l<240;l++)
  if (k<320) SetPix(ParxBot,k,l,BLACK);

time = osGetTime() - time; 
sprintf(str, "%i:ms Parx-GDI,kdl", time);
CanvasString(ParxBot, str, 10,10, GREEN);  
//gfxString(ParxRight, str, 30,30, 3, rgb); 
//gfxString(ParxLeft, str, 30,30, 3, rgb);   
//for (l=1;l<16;l++) print3d(rgb,10*l,10*l,l-1,3,str);

		//render rainbow
//		renderEffect();
		//copy buffer to lower screen (don't have to do it every frame)
//		memcpy(gfxGetFramebuffer(GFX_BOTTOM, GFX_BOTTOM, NULL, NULL), buffer, size);
		//wait & swap
//		gfxSwapBuffersGpu();
//		gspWaitForEvent(GSPGPU_EVENT_VBlank0, false);

		// Flush and swap framebuffers
	//	gfxFlushBuffers();
	//	gfxSwapBuffers();
		//Wait for VBlank

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 16
void CSurface8::Wipe() {
  for (int i = 0; i < Wdt * Hgt; ++i) SetPix(i % Wdt, i / Wdt, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 17
bool CSurface8::Read(CStdStream &hGroup, bool fOwnPal) {
  int cnt, lcnt, iLineRest;
  CBitmap256Info BitmapInfo;
  // read bmpinfo-header
  if (!hGroup.Read(&BitmapInfo, sizeof(CBitmapInfo))) return FALSE;
  // is it 8bpp?
  if (BitmapInfo.Info.biBitCount == 8) {
    if (!hGroup.Read(((BYTE *)&BitmapInfo) + sizeof(CBitmapInfo),
                     sizeof(BitmapInfo) - sizeof(CBitmapInfo)))
      return FALSE;
    if (!hGroup.Advance(BitmapInfo.FileBitsOffset())) return FALSE;
  } else {
    // read 24bpp
    if (BitmapInfo.Info.biBitCount != 24) return FALSE;
    if (!hGroup.Advance(((CBitmapInfo)BitmapInfo).FileBitsOffset()))
      return FALSE;
  // no 8bpp-surface in newgfx!
  // needs to be kept for some special surfaces
  // f8BitSfc=false;

  // Create and lock surface
  if (!Create(BitmapInfo.Info.biWidth, BitmapInfo.Info.biHeight, fOwnPal))
    return FALSE;

  if (BitmapInfo.Info.biBitCount == 8) {
    if (HasOwnPal()) {
      // Copy palette
      for (cnt = 0; cnt < 256; cnt++) {
        pPal->Colors[cnt * 3 + 0] = BitmapInfo.Colors[cnt].rgbRed;
        pPal->Colors[cnt * 3 + 1] = BitmapInfo.Colors[cnt].rgbGreen;
        pPal->Colors[cnt * 3 + 2] = BitmapInfo.Colors[cnt].rgbBlue;
        pPal->Alpha[cnt] = 0;

  // create line buffer
  int iBufSize =
      DWordAligned(BitmapInfo.Info.biWidth * BitmapInfo.Info.biBitCount / 8);
  BYTE *pBuf = new BYTE[iBufSize];
  // Read lines
  iLineRest = DWordAligned(BitmapInfo.Info.biWidth) - BitmapInfo.Info.biWidth;
  for (lcnt = Hgt - 1; lcnt >= 0; lcnt--) {
    if (!hGroup.Read(pBuf, iBufSize)) {
      delete[] pBuf;
      return FALSE;
    BYTE *pPix = pBuf;
    for (int x = 0; x < BitmapInfo.Info.biWidth; ++x)
      switch (BitmapInfo.Info.biBitCount) {
        case 8:
          SetPix(x, lcnt, *pPix++);
        case 24:
          return false;
  // free buffer again
  delete[] pBuf;

  return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 18
void CSurface8::Polygon(int iNum, int *ipVtx, int iCol) {
  // Variables for polygon drawer
  int c, x1, x2, y;
  int top = INT_MAX;
  int bottom = INT_MIN;
  int *i1, *i2;
  CPolyEdge *edge, *next_edge, *edgebuf;
  CPolyEdge *active_edges = NULL;
  CPolyEdge *inactive_edges = NULL;
  BOOL use_qpb = FALSE;

  // Poly Buf
  if (iNum <= QuickPolyBufSize) {
    edgebuf = QuickPolyBuf;
    use_qpb = TRUE;
  } else if (!(edgebuf = new CPolyEdge[iNum])) {

  // Fill the edge table
  edge = edgebuf;
  i1 = ipVtx;
  i2 = ipVtx + (iNum - 1) * 2;
  for (c = 0; c < iNum; c++) {
    if (i1[1] != i2[1]) {
      fill_edge_structure(edge, i1, i2);
      if (edge->bottom >= edge->y) {
        if (edge->y < top) top = edge->y;
        if (edge->bottom > bottom) bottom = edge->bottom;
        inactive_edges = add_edge(inactive_edges, edge, FALSE);
    i2 = i1;
    i1 += 2;

  // For each scanline in the polygon...
  for (c = top; c <= bottom; c++) {
    // Check for newly active edges
    edge = inactive_edges;
    while ((edge) && (edge->y == c)) {
      next_edge = edge->next;
      inactive_edges = remove_edge(inactive_edges, edge);
      active_edges = add_edge(active_edges, edge, TRUE);
      edge = next_edge;

    // Draw horizontal line segments
    edge = active_edges;
    while ((edge) && (edge->next)) {
      x1 = edge->x >> POLYGON_FIX_SHIFT;
      x2 = (edge->next->x + edge->next->w) >> POLYGON_FIX_SHIFT;
      y = c;
      // Fix coordinates
      if (x1 > x2) Swap(x1, x2);
      // Set line
      for (int xcnt = x2 - x1; xcnt >= 0; xcnt--) SetPix(x1 + xcnt, y, iCol);
      edge = edge->next->next;

    // Update edges, sorting and removing dead ones
    edge = active_edges;
    while (edge) {
      next_edge = edge->next;
      if (c >= edge->bottom) {
        active_edges = remove_edge(active_edges, edge);
      } else {
        edge->x += edge->dx;
        while ((edge->prev) &&
               (edge->x + edge->w / 2 < edge->prev->x + edge->prev->w / 2)) {
          if (edge->next) edge->next->prev = edge->prev;
          edge->prev->next = edge->next;
          edge->next = edge->prev;
          edge->prev = edge->prev->prev;
          edge->next->prev = edge;
          if (edge->prev)
            edge->prev->next = edge;
            active_edges = edge;
      edge = next_edge;

  // Clear scratch memory
  if (!use_qpb) delete[] edgebuf;
Ejemplo n.º 19
// Takes ownership of the pix and destroys it.
ImageData::ImageData(Pix* pix) : page_number_(0), partial_boxes_(false) {
Ejemplo n.º 20
Archivo: C4Map.cpp Proyecto: ev1313/yaC
void C4MapCreator::Create(CSurface8 *sfcMap, C4SLandscape &rLScape,
                          C4TextureMap &rTexMap, BOOL fLayers,
                          int32_t iPlayerNum) {
  double fullperiod = 20.0 * pi;
  BYTE ccol;
  int32_t cx, cy;

  // Safeties
  if (!sfcMap) return;
  iPlayerNum = BoundBy<int32_t>(iPlayerNum, 1, C4S_MaxPlayer);

  // Set creator variables
  MapBuf = sfcMap;
  MapWdt = MapBuf->Wdt;
  MapHgt = MapBuf->Hgt;

  // Reset map (0 is sky)
  MapBuf->ClearBox8Only(0, 0, MapBuf->Wdt, MapBuf->Hgt);

  // Surface
  ccol = rTexMap.GetIndexMatTex(rLScape.Material, "Smooth") + MapIFT;
  float amplitude = (float)rLScape.Amplitude.Evaluate();
  float phase = (float)rLScape.Phase.Evaluate();
  float period = (float)rLScape.Period.Evaluate();
  if (rLScape.MapPlayerExtend)
    period *= Min(iPlayerNum, C4S_MaxMapPlayerExtend);
  float natural = (float)rLScape.Random.Evaluate();
  int32_t level0 = Min(MapWdt, MapHgt) / 2;
  int32_t maxrange = level0 * 3 / 4;
  double cy_curve, cy_natural;  // -1.0 - +1.0 !

  double rnd_cy, rnd_tend;  // -1.0 - +1.0 !
  rnd_cy = (double)(Random(2000 + 1) - 1000) / 1000.0;
  rnd_tend = (double)(Random(200 + 1) - 100) / 20000.0;

  for (cx = 0; cx < MapWdt; cx++) {
    rnd_cy += rnd_tend;
    rnd_tend += (double)(Random(100 + 1) - 50) / 10000;
    if (rnd_tend > +0.05) rnd_tend = +0.05;
    if (rnd_tend < -0.05) rnd_tend = -0.05;
    if (rnd_cy < -0.5) rnd_tend += 0.01;
    if (rnd_cy > +0.5) rnd_tend -= 0.01;

    cy_natural = rnd_cy * natural / 100.0;
    cy_curve = sin(fullperiod * period / 100.0 * (float)cx / (float)MapWdt +
                   2.0 * pi * phase / 100.0) *
               amplitude / 100.0;

    cy = level0 + BoundBy((int32_t)((float)maxrange * (cy_curve + cy_natural)),
                          -maxrange, +maxrange);

    SetPix(cx, cy, ccol);

  // Raise bottom to surface
  for (cx = 0; cx < MapWdt; cx++)
    for (cy = MapHgt - 1; (cy >= 0) && !GetPix(cx, cy); cy--)
      SetPix(cx, cy, ccol);
  // Raise liquid level
  Exclusive = 0;
  ccol = rTexMap.GetIndexMatTex(rLScape.Liquid, "Smooth");
  int32_t wtr_level = rLScape.LiquidLevel.Evaluate();
  for (cx = 0; cx < MapWdt; cx++)
    for (cy = MapHgt * (100 - wtr_level) / 100; cy < MapHgt; cy++)
      SetPix(cx, cy, ccol);
  Exclusive = -1;

  // Layers
  if (fLayers) {
    // Base material
    Exclusive = rTexMap.GetIndexMatTex(rLScape.Material, "Smooth") + MapIFT;

    int32_t cnt, clayer, layer_num, sptx, spty;

    // Process layer name list
    for (clayer = 0; clayer < C4MaxNameList; clayer++)
      if (rLScape.Layers.Name[clayer][0]) {
        // Draw layers
        ccol = rTexMap.GetIndexMatTex(rLScape.Layers.Name[clayer], "Rough") +
        layer_num = rLScape.Layers.Count[clayer];
        layer_num = layer_num * MapWdt * MapHgt / 15000;
        for (cnt = 0; cnt < layer_num; cnt++) {
          // Place layer
          sptx = Random(MapWdt);
          for (spty = 0; (spty < MapHgt) && (GetPix(sptx, spty) != Exclusive);
          spty += 5 + Random((MapHgt - spty) - 10);
          DrawLayer(sptx, spty, Random(15), ccol);

    Exclusive = -1;