Ejemplo n.º 1
void Init(HWND hwnd)
	// Create our double buffering
	CreateDoubleBuffering(&gBuffer, hwnd);

	// Load the monster
	LoadSprite(&gMonster, "monster.bmp", MONSTER_WIDTH, MONSTER_HEIGHT, MONSTER_FRAMES);
	// Set the sprites position
	SetSpritePosition(&gMonster, 100, 200);
	// Set the direction of the sprite
	SetSpriteState(&gMonster, EAST);
	// Set the X and Y speed of the monster
	SetSpriteSpeed(&gMonster, 8, 12);

	// Load the background image
	hBackground = LoadABitmap("background.bmp");
	// Set the backbuffer to white first (This clears the backbuffer)
	ClearScreen(gBuffer.hdcBack, gBuffer.scrnRect, WHITE_BRUSH);			

	// Display the background image
	DisplayBitmap(&gBuffer, hBackground, 0, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void LoadSprite(SPRITE *pSprite, LPSTR szFileName, int width, int height, int lastFrame)
	char szBuffer[255];
	int i = 0;

	// Set the sprites bitmapCount so it knows when to start over when animating
	pSprite->lastFrame = lastFrame - 1;

	// Initialize the currentFrame to 0 (start at the first frame)
	pSprite->currentFrame= 0;

	// Set the sprite animation to the first state (NORTH)
	SetSpriteState(pSprite, NORTH);

	// Set the sprites speed to default
	SetSpriteSpeed(pSprite, 5, 5);

	// Call our load bitmap function and pass in the bitmap to load
	pSprite->hBitmap = LoadABitmap(szFileName);

	// If we didn't receive a valid HBITMAP back, it didn't find the bitmap name
		// Store the bitmap file name in a buffer with a sentence to display
		sprintf(szBuffer, "Can't find the bitmap: %s!", szFileName);

		// Display a dialog box that says the error message and file name
		MessageBox(NULL, szBuffer, "Error!", MB_OK);
		// Quit the program

	// Set the width and height of the sprite
	pSprite->width = width;
	pSprite->height = height;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void LoadSprite(SPRITE *pSprite, LPSTR szFileName, int width, int height, int lastFrame)
	char szBuffer[255];
	int i = 0;

	// Set the sprites bitmapCount so it knows when to start over when animating
	pSprite->lastFrame = lastFrame - 1;

	// Initialize the currentFrame to 0 (start at the first frame)
	pSprite->currentFrame= 0;

	// Set the sprite animation to the first state (NORTH)
	SetSpriteState(pSprite, NORTH);

	// Set the sprites speed to default
	SetSpriteSpeed(pSprite, 5, 5);

	// Call our load bitmap function and pass in the bitmap to load
	pSprite->hBitmap = LoadABitmap(szFileName);

	// Set the width and height of the sprite
	pSprite->width = width;
	pSprite->height = height;