Ejemplo n.º 1
/** Attempt to set up all actions in the action list with the given parm
  * If an action cannot be set up skip it.
int ActionList::SetupActions(Topology **ParmAddress) {
  if (actionlist_.empty()) return 0;
  Topology *OriginalParm = *ParmAddress;
  mprintf("ACTION SETUP FOR PARM '%s' (%zu actions):\n",(*ParmAddress)->c_str(),actionlist_.size());
  if (actionsAreSilent_) SetWorldSilent( true );
  unsigned int actnum = 0;
  for (Aarray::iterator act = actionlist_.begin(); act != actionlist_.end(); ++act)
    // Only attempt to set up action if active 
    if (actionstatus_[actnum] != INACTIVE) {
      mprintf("  %u: [%s]\n", actnum, actioncmd_[actnum].c_str());
      actionstatus_[actnum] = SETUP;
      Action::RetType err = (*act)->Setup(*ParmAddress, ParmAddress);
      if (err == Action::ERR) {
        mprintf("Warning: Setup failed for [%s]: Skipping\n",
        // Reset action status to INIT (pre-setup)
        actionstatus_[actnum] = INIT;
      } else if (err == Action::USEORIGINALFRAME) {
        *ParmAddress = OriginalParm;
  if (actionsAreSilent_) SetWorldSilent( false );

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// ActionList::AddAction()
int ActionList::AddAction(DispatchObject::DispatchAllocatorType Alloc, ArgList& argIn,
                          TopologyList* PFL, DataSetList* DSL, DataFileList* DFL)
  int err = 0;
  if (actionsAreSilent_) SetWorldSilent( true );
  Action* act = (Action*)Alloc();
  // Attempt to initialize action
  if ( act->Init( argIn, PFL, DSL, DFL, debug_ ) != Action::OK ) {
    mprinterr("Error: Could not initialize action [%s]\n", argIn.Command());
    delete act;
    err = 1;
  } else {
    actionlist_.push_back( act );
    actioncmd_.push_back( argIn.ArgLine() );
    actionAlloc_.push_back( Alloc );
    actionstatus_.push_back( INIT );
    if (argIn.CheckForMoreArgs()) err = 1;
  if (actionsAreSilent_) SetWorldSilent( false );
  return err;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/** Process a mask from the command line. */
int Cpptraj::ProcessMask( Sarray const& topFiles, Sarray const& refFiles,
                          std::string const& maskexpr,
                          bool verbose, bool residue ) const
  if (topFiles.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: No topology file specified.\n");
    return 1;
  ParmFile pfile;
  Topology parm;
  if (pfile.ReadTopology(parm, topFiles[0], State_.Debug())) return 1;
  if (!refFiles.empty()) {
    DataSet_Coords_REF refCoords;
    if (refCoords.LoadRefFromFile( refFiles[0], parm, State_.Debug())) return 1;
    parm.SetDistMaskRef( refCoords.RefFrame() );
  if (!verbose) {
    AtomMask tempMask( maskexpr );
    if (parm.SetupIntegerMask( tempMask )) return 1;
    if (residue) {
      int res = -1;
      for (AtomMask::const_iterator atom = tempMask.begin(); 
                                    atom != tempMask.end(); ++atom)
        if (parm[*atom].ResNum() > res) {
          loudPrintf(" %i", parm[*atom].ResNum()+1);
          res = parm[*atom].ResNum();
    } else
      for (AtomMask::const_iterator atom = tempMask.begin();
                                    atom != tempMask.end(); ++atom)
        loudPrintf(" %i", *atom + 1);
  } else {
    if (residue)
      parm.PrintResidueInfo( maskexpr );
      parm.PrintAtomInfo( maskexpr );
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/** Read command line args. */
Cpptraj::Mode Cpptraj::ProcessCmdLineArgs(int argc, char** argv) {
  bool hasInput = false;
  bool interactive = false;
  Sarray inputFiles;
  Sarray topFiles;
  Sarray trajinFiles;
  Sarray trajoutFiles;
  Sarray refFiles;
  for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
    std::string arg(argv[i]);
    if ( arg == "--help" || arg == "-h" ) {
      // --help, -help: Print usage and exit
      return QUIT;
    if ( arg == "-V" || arg == "--version" ) {
      // -V, --version: Print version number and exit
      SetWorldSilent( true );
      loudPrintf("CPPTRAJ: Version %s\n", CPPTRAJ_VERSION_STRING);
      return QUIT;
    if ( arg == "--internal-version" ) {
      // --internal-version: Print internal version number and quit.
      SetWorldSilent( true );
      loudPrintf("CPPTRAJ: Internal version # %s\n", CPPTRAJ_INTERNAL_VERSION);
      return QUIT;
    if ( arg == "--defines" ) {
      // --defines: Print information on compiler defines used and exit
      SetWorldSilent( true );
      loudPrintf("Compiled with:");
      loudPrintf("%s\n", Cpptraj::Defines().c_str());
      return QUIT;
    if (arg == "-tl") {
      // -tl: Trajectory length
      if (topFiles.empty()) {
        mprinterr("Error: No topology file specified.\n");
        return ERROR;
      SetWorldSilent( true );
      if (State_.TrajLength( topFiles[0], trajinFiles )) return ERROR;
      return QUIT;
    if ( arg == "--interactive" )
      interactive = true;
    else if ( arg == "-debug" && i+1 != argc) {
      // -debug: Set overall debug level
      ArgList dbgarg( argv[++i] );
      State_.SetListDebug( dbgarg );
    } else if ( arg == "--log" && i+1 != argc)
      // --log: Set up log file for interactive mode
      logfilename_ = argv[++i];
    else if ( arg == "-p" && i+1 != argc) {
      // -p: Topology file
      topFiles.push_back( argv[++i] );
    } else if ( arg == "-y" && i+1 != argc) {
      // -y: Trajectory file in
      trajinFiles.push_back( argv[++i] );
    } else if ( arg == "-x" && i+1 != argc) {
      // -x: Trajectory file out
      trajoutFiles.push_back( argv[++i] );
    } else if ( arg == "-c" && i+1 != argc) {
      // -c: Reference file
      refFiles.push_back( argv[++i] );
    } else if (arg == "-i" && i+1 != argc) {
      // -i: Input file(s)
      inputFiles.push_back( argv[++i] );
    } else if (arg == "-ms" && i+1 != argc) {
      // -ms: Parse mask string, print selected atom #s
      if (ProcessMask( topFiles, refFiles, std::string(argv[++i]), false, false )) return ERROR;
      return QUIT;
    } else if (arg == "-mr" && i+1 != argc) {
      // -mr: Parse mask string, print selected res #s
      if (ProcessMask( topFiles, refFiles, std::string(argv[++i]), false, true )) return ERROR;
      return QUIT;
    } else if (arg == "--mask" && i+1 != argc) {
      // --mask: Parse mask string, print selected atom details
      if (ProcessMask( topFiles, refFiles, std::string(argv[++i]), true, false )) return ERROR;
      return QUIT;
    } else if (arg == "--resmask" && i+1 != argc) {
      // --resmask: Parse mask string, print selected residue details
      if (ProcessMask( topFiles, refFiles, std::string(argv[++i]), true, true )) return ERROR;
      return QUIT;
    } else if ( i == 1 ) {
      // For backwards compatibility with PTRAJ; Position 1 = TOP file
      topFiles.push_back( argv[i] );
    } else if ( i == 2 ) {
      // For backwards compatibility with PTRAJ; Position 2 = INPUT file
      inputFiles.push_back( argv[i] );
    } else {
      // Unrecognized
      mprintf("  Unrecognized input on command line: %i: %s\n", i,argv[i]);
      return ERROR;
  // Add all topology files specified on command line.
  for (Sarray::const_iterator topFilename = topFiles.begin();
                              topFilename != topFiles.end();
    if (State_.AddTopology( *topFilename, ArgList() )) return ERROR;
  // Add all reference trajectories specified on command line.
  for (Sarray::const_iterator refName = refFiles.begin();
                              refName != refFiles.end();
    if (State_.AddReference( *refName )) return ERROR;
  // Add all input trajectories specified on command line.
  for (Sarray::const_iterator trajinName = trajinFiles.begin();
                              trajinName != trajinFiles.end();
    if (State_.AddTrajin( *trajinName )) return ERROR;
  // Add all output trajectories specified on command line.
  if (!trajoutFiles.empty()) {
    hasInput = true; // This allows direct traj conversion with no other input 
    for (Sarray::const_iterator trajoutName = trajoutFiles.begin();
                                trajoutName != trajoutFiles.end();
      if (State_.AddOutputTrajectory( *trajoutName )) return ERROR;
  // Process all input files specified on command line.
  if ( !inputFiles.empty() ) {
    hasInput = true;
    for (Sarray::const_iterator inputFilename = inputFiles.begin();
                                inputFilename != inputFiles.end();
      Command::RetType c_err = Command::ProcessInput( State_, *inputFilename );
      if (c_err == Command::C_ERR && State_.ExitOnError()) return ERROR;
      if (c_err == Command::C_QUIT) return QUIT;
  // Determine whether to enter interactive mode
  if (!hasInput || interactive) {
    // Test if input is really from a console
    if ( isatty(fileno(stdin)) )
      return INTERACTIVE;
    else {
      // "" means read from STDIN
      Command::RetType c_err = Command::ProcessInput( State_, "" ); 
      if (c_err == Command::C_ERR && State_.ExitOnError()) return ERROR;
      if (c_err == Command::C_QUIT) return QUIT;
  return BATCH;
Ejemplo n.º 5
// ----- M A I N ---------------------------------------------------------------
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  SetWorldSilent(true); // No STDOUT output from cpptraj routines.
  std::string topname, crdname, title, bres, pqr, sybyltype, writeconect;
  std::string aatm(" pdbatom"), ter_opt(" terbyres"), box(" sg \"P 1\"");
  TrajectoryFile::TrajFormatType fmt = TrajectoryFile::PDBFILE;
  bool ctr_origin = false;
  bool useExtendedInfo = false;
  int res_offset = 0;
  int debug = 0;
  int numSoloArgs = 0;
  for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
    std::string arg( argv[i] );
    if (arg == "-p" && i+1 != argc && topname.empty()) // Topology
      topname = std::string( argv[++i] );
    else if (arg == "-c" && i+1 != argc && crdname.empty()) // Coords
      crdname = std::string( argv[++i] );
    else if (arg == "-tit" && i+1 != argc && title.empty()) // Title
      title = " title " + std::string( argv[++i] );
    else if (arg == "-offset" && i+1 != argc) // Residue # offset
      res_offset = convertToInteger( argv[++i] );
    else if ((arg == "-d" || arg == "--debug") && i+1 != argc) // Debug level
      debug = convertToInteger( argv[++i] );
    else if (arg == "-h" || arg == "--help") { // Help
      Help(argv[0], true);
      return 0;
    } else if (arg == "-v" || arg == "--version") { // Version info
      return 0;
    } else if (arg == "-aatm") // Amber atom names, include extra pts
      aatm.assign(" include_ep");
    else if (arg == "-sybyl") // Amber atom types to SYBYL
      sybyltype.assign(" sybyltype");
    else if (arg == "-conect") // Write CONECT records from bond info
      writeconect.assign(" conect");
    else if (arg == "-ep") // PDB atom names, include extra pts
      aatm.append(" include_ep");
    else if (arg == "-bres") // PDB residue names
      bres.assign(" pdbres");
    else if (arg == "-ext") // Use extended PDB info from Topology
      useExtendedInfo = true;
    else if (arg == "-ctr")  // Center on origin
      ctr_origin = true;
    else if (arg == "-noter") // No TER cards
      ter_opt.assign(" noter");
    else if (arg == "-nobox") // No CRYST1 record
      box.assign(" nobox");
    else if (arg == "-pqr") { // Charge/Radii in occ/bfactor cols
      pqr.assign(" dumpq");
    } else if (arg == "-mol2") { // output as mol2
      fmt = TrajectoryFile::MOL2FILE;
    } else if (Unsupported(arg)) {
      mprinterr("Error: Option '%s' is not yet supported.\n\n", arg.c_str());
      return 1;
    } else {
      mprinterr("Error: Unrecognized option '%s'\n", arg.c_str());
      Help(argv[0], false);
      return 1;
  if (debug > 0) WriteVersion();
  // Check command line for errors.
  if (topname.empty()) topname.assign("prmtop");
  if (debug > 0 && crdname.empty())
    mprinterr("| Reading Amber restart from STDIN\n");
  if (numSoloArgs > 1) {
    mprinterr("Error: Only one alternate output format option may be specified (found %i)\n",
    Help(argv[0], true);
    return 1;
  if (!sybyltype.empty() && fmt != TrajectoryFile::MOL2FILE) {
    mprinterr("Warning: -sybyl is only valid for MOL2 file output.\n");
  if (debug > 0) {
    mprinterr("Warning: debug is %i; debug info will be written to STDOUT.\n", debug);
  // Topology
  ParmFile pfile;
  Topology parm;
  if (pfile.ReadTopology(parm, topname, debug)) {
    if (topname == "prmtop") Help(argv[0], false);
    return 1;
  if (!useExtendedInfo)
  if (res_offset != 0)
    for (int r = 0; r < parm.Nres(); r++)
      parm.SetRes(r).SetOriginalNum( parm.Res(r).OriginalResNum() + res_offset );
  ArgList trajArgs;
  // Input coords
  Frame TrajFrame;
  CoordinateInfo cInfo;
  if (!crdname.empty()) {
    Trajin_Single trajin;
    if (trajin.SetupTrajRead(crdname, trajArgs, &parm)) return 1;
    cInfo = trajin.TrajCoordInfo();
    TrajFrame.SetupFrameV(parm.Atoms(), cInfo);
    if (trajin.ReadTrajFrame(0, TrajFrame)) return 1;
  } else {
    // Assume Amber restart from STDIN
    // Check that input is from a redirect.
    if ( isatty(fileno(stdin)) ) {
      mprinterr("Error: No coordinates specified with '-c' and no STDIN '<'.\n");
      return 1;
    Traj_AmberRestart restartIn;
    restartIn.SetDebug( debug );
    //restartIn.processReadArgs( trajArgs );
    int total_frames = restartIn.setupTrajin("", &parm);
    if (total_frames < 1) return 1;
    cInfo = restartIn.CoordInfo();
    TrajFrame.SetupFrameV(parm.Atoms(), cInfo);
    if (restartIn.openTrajin()) return 1;
    if (restartIn.readFrame(0, TrajFrame)) return 1;
  if (ctr_origin) 
  // Output coords
  Trajout_Single trajout;
  trajArgs.SetList( aatm + bres + pqr + title + ter_opt + box + sybyltype + writeconect, " " );
  if ( trajout.PrepareStdoutTrajWrite(trajArgs, &parm, cInfo, 1, fmt) ) return 1;
  trajout.WriteSingle(0, TrajFrame);
  return 0;