Ejemplo n.º 1
BOOL InfFile::UninstallFiles(const char *pFilesSection) const
  if (!pPath)
    return FALSE;

  int res;
  HINF hInf;

  do {
    res = IDCONTINUE;

    UINT errLine;
    hInf = SetupOpenInfFile(pPath, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, &errLine);

      res = ShowLastError(MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE, "SetupOpenInfFile(%s) on line %u", pPath, errLine);
  } while (res == IDTRYAGAIN);

  if (res != IDCONTINUE)
    return FALSE;

  do {
    res = IDCONTINUE;

    HSPFILEQ hFileQueue = SetupOpenFileQueue();

    if (hFileQueue != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
      if (SetupQueueDeleteSection(hFileQueue, hInf, NULL, pFilesSection)) {
        PVOID pContext = SetupInitDefaultQueueCallback(NULL);

        if (pContext) {
          if(!SetupCommitFileQueue(NULL, hFileQueue, FileCallback, pContext))
            res = ShowLastError(MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE, "SetupCommitFileQueue()");

        } else {
          res = ShowLastError(MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE, "SetupInitDefaultQueueCallback()");
      } else {
        res = ShowLastError(MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE, "SetupQueueDeleteSection(%s)", pFilesSection);

    } else {
      res = ShowLastError(MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE, "SetupOpenFileQueue()");
  } while (res == IDTRYAGAIN);


  if (res != IDCONTINUE)
    return FALSE;

  return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int PASCAL WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,LPTSTR lpCmdLine,int nCmdShow)
    if (!InitializeOptions(lpCmdLine))
        if (!OptionSilent)
            MessageBox(NULL, "Please specify the correct parameters:\r\n" \
                       "/path <Full path to the INF>\r\n" \
                       "/path:relative <Relative path to the INF from the current directory>\r\n" \
                       "/ddinstall <DDInstall section name to be processed>\r\n" \
                       "/os <Expected OS version in the form of x.y where x is MajorVersion, y is Minor version, ie 5.0 for Windows 2000>\r\n" \
                       "/buildnumber <Expected OS build number, ie 2195 for Windows 2000>\r\n" \
                       "/sp <Expected OS service pack number>\r\n",


        return ERR_FAIL;

    if ((OptionOsVersionCheck) || (OptionOsBuildNumberCheck) || (OptionOsServicePackCheck))
        OSVERSIONINFO OsVersionInfo;
        OsVersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);

        if (GetVersionEx(&OsVersionInfo))
            if (OptionOsVersionCheck)
                CHAR Version[32];

                sprintf(Version, "%d.%d", OsVersionInfo.dwMajorVersion, OsVersionInfo.dwMinorVersion);

                if (_stricmp(Version, ExpectedOsVersion))
                    if (!OptionSilent)
                        CHAR ErrorMsg[256];
                        sprintf(ErrorMsg, "OS version %s doesn't match the expected %s", Version, ExpectedOsVersion);

                        MessageBox(NULL, ErrorMsg, "Pre-Installer", MB_OK);

                    return ERR_FAIL;

            if (OptionOsBuildNumberCheck)
                if (OsVersionInfo.dwBuildNumber != ExpectedOsBuildNumber)
                    if (!OptionSilent)
                        CHAR ErrorMsg[256];
                        sprintf(ErrorMsg, "OS build number %d doesn't match the expected %d", OsVersionInfo.dwBuildNumber, ExpectedOsBuildNumber);

                        MessageBox(NULL, ErrorMsg, "Pre-Installer", MB_OK);

                    return ERR_FAIL;

            if (OptionOsServicePackCheck)
                CHAR ServicePack[32];

                sprintf(ServicePack, "Service Pack %d", ExpectedOsServicePack);

                if (_stricmp(OsVersionInfo.szCSDVersion, ServicePack))
                    if (!OptionSilent)
                        CHAR ErrorMsg[256];
                        sprintf(ErrorMsg, "OS %s doesn't match the expected %s", OsVersionInfo.szCSDVersion, ServicePack);

                        MessageBox(NULL, ErrorMsg, "Pre-Installer", MB_OK);

                    return ERR_FAIL;
            return ERR_FAIL;

    HINF InfHandle = SetupOpenInfFile(InfPath, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4 , NULL);	// Get INF Handle

    if (InfHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        HSPFILEQ QueueHandle = SetupOpenFileQueue();

        if (QueueHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
            SetupInstallFilesFromInfSection(InfHandle, NULL, QueueHandle, DDInstallSection, NULL, SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER);
            //Copies the files

            PVOID Context = SetupInitDefaultQueueCallback(NULL);

            if (Context)
                SetupCommitFileQueue(NULL, QueueHandle, FileCallback, Context);



        // Do not do the following as we do not want to install the drivers yet. When the device is turned on,
        // Windows PnP will take care of the rest of the installation process.
#if 0
        CHAR DDInstallServicesSection[MAX_PATH];

        strcpy(DDInstallServicesSection, DDInstallSection);
        strcat(DDInstallServicesSection, ".Services");

        SetupInstallServicesFromInfSection(InfHandle, DDInstallServicesSection, SPSVCINST_TAGTOFRONT);

        HKEY RegKey = SetupDiOpenClassRegKey((LPGUID)&CLSID_MEDIA, KEY_ALL_ACCESS);

        if (RegKey != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
            SetupInstallFromInfSection(NULL, InfHandle, DDInstallSection, SPINST_REGISTRY, RegKey, NULL, NULL,
                                       NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);		// Does the AddReg, Del Reg Stuff

#endif // 0


    if (SetupCopyOEMInf(InfPath, NULL, SPOST_PATH, NULL, NULL ,0, NULL, NULL))
        return SUCCESS;
        DWORD err = GetLastError();

        return ERR_FAIL;