Ejemplo n.º 1
void ChannelData::handleChannels(int id, QValueList<ChanInfo> *chanlist)
    QString fileprefix = SetupIconCacheDirectory();


    fileprefix += "/";

    QValueList<ChanInfo>::iterator i = chanlist->begin();
    for (; i != chanlist->end(); i++)
        QString localfile = "";

        if ((*i).iconpath != "")
            QDir remotefile = QDir((*i).iconpath);
            QString filename = remotefile.dirName();

            localfile = fileprefix + filename;
            QFile actualfile(localfile);
            if (!actualfile.exists())
                QString command = QString("wget ") + (*i).iconpath;

        MSqlQuery query(MSqlQuery::InitCon());

        QString querystr;

        if ((*i).old_xmltvid != "")
            querystr.sprintf("SELECT xmltvid FROM channel WHERE xmltvid = '%s'",

            if (query.isActive() && query.size() > 0)
                VERBOSE(VB_GENERAL, QString("Converting old xmltvid (%1) to "
                                            "new (%2)")

                query.exec(QString("UPDATE channel SET xmltvid = '%1' WHERE xmltvid = '%2';")

                if (!query.numRowsAffected())
                    MythContext::DBError("xmltvid conversion",query);

        querystr.sprintf("SELECT chanid,name,callsign,channum,finetune,"
                         "icon,freqid,tvformat FROM channel WHERE "
                         "xmltvid = '%s' AND sourceid = %d;", 
                         (*i).xmltvid.ascii(), id); 

        if (query.isActive() && query.size() > 0)

            QString chanid = query.value(0).toString();
            if (interactive)
                QString name     = QString::fromUtf8(query.value(1).toString());
                QString callsign = QString::fromUtf8(query.value(2).toString());
                QString chanstr  = QString::fromUtf8(query.value(3).toString());
                QString finetune = QString::fromUtf8(query.value(4).toString());
                QString icon     = QString::fromUtf8(query.value(5).toString());
                QString freqid   = QString::fromUtf8(query.value(6).toString());
                QString tvformat = QString::fromUtf8(query.value(7).toString());

                cout << "### " << endl;
                cout << "### Existing channel found" << endl;
                cout << "### " << endl;
                cout << "### xmltvid  = " << (*i).xmltvid.local8Bit() << endl;
                cout << "### chanid   = " << chanid.local8Bit()       << endl;
                cout << "### name     = " << name.local8Bit()         << endl;
                cout << "### callsign = " << callsign.local8Bit()     << endl;
                cout << "### channum  = " << chanstr.local8Bit()      << endl;
                if (channel_preset)
                    cout << "### freqid   = " << freqid.local8Bit()   << endl;
                cout << "### finetune = " << finetune.local8Bit()     << endl;
                cout << "### tvformat = " << tvformat.local8Bit()     << endl;
                cout << "### icon     = " << icon.local8Bit()         << endl;
                cout << "### " << endl;

                (*i).name = name;
                (*i).callsign = callsign;
                (*i).chanstr  = chanstr;
                (*i).finetune = finetune;
                (*i).freqid = freqid;
                (*i).tvformat = tvformat;

                promptForChannelUpdates(i, atoi(chanid.ascii()));

                if ((*i).callsign == "")
                    (*i).callsign = chanid;

                if (name     != (*i).name ||
                    callsign != (*i).callsign ||
                    chanstr  != (*i).chanstr ||
                    finetune != (*i).finetune ||
                    freqid   != (*i).freqid ||
                    icon     != localfile ||
                    tvformat != (*i).tvformat)
                    MSqlQuery subquery(MSqlQuery::InitCon());
                    subquery.prepare("UPDATE channel SET chanid = :CHANID, "
                                     "name = :NAME, callsign = :CALLSIGN, "
                                     "channum = :CHANNUM, finetune = :FINE, "
                                     "icon = :ICON, freqid = :FREQID, "
                                     "tvformat = :TVFORMAT "
                                     " WHERE xmltvid = :XMLTVID "
                                     "AND sourceid = :SOURCEID;");
                    subquery.bindValue(":CHANID", chanid);
                    subquery.bindValue(":NAME", (*i).name.utf8());
                    subquery.bindValue(":CALLSIGN", (*i).callsign.utf8());
                    subquery.bindValue(":CHANNUM", (*i).chanstr);
                    subquery.bindValue(":FINE", (*i).finetune.toInt());
                    subquery.bindValue(":ICON", localfile);
                    subquery.bindValue(":FREQID", (*i).freqid);
                    subquery.bindValue(":TVFORMAT", (*i).tvformat);
                    subquery.bindValue(":XMLTVID", (*i).xmltvid);
                    subquery.bindValue(":SOURCEID", id);

                    if (!subquery.exec())
                        VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, QString("DB Error: Channel "
                                            "update failed, SQL query was: %1")
                        cout << "### " << endl;
                        cout << "### Change performed" << endl;
                        cout << "### " << endl;
                    cout << "### " << endl;
                    cout << "### Nothing changed" << endl;
                    cout << "### " << endl;
                if (!non_us_updating && localfile != "")
                    MSqlQuery subquery(MSqlQuery::InitCon());
                    subquery.prepare("UPDATE channel SET icon = :ICON WHERE "
                                     "chanid = :CHANID;");
                    subquery.bindValue(":ICON", localfile);
                    subquery.bindValue(":CHANID", chanid);

                    if (!subquery.exec())
                        MythContext::DBError("Channel icon change", subquery);
            int major, minor;
            long long freq;
            get_atsc_stuff((*i).chanstr, id, (*i).freqid.toInt(), major, minor, freq);

            if (interactive && ((minor == 0) || (freq > 0)))
                cout << "### " << endl;
                cout << "### New channel found" << endl;
                cout << "### " << endl;
                cout << "### name     = " << (*i).name.local8Bit()     << endl;
                cout << "### callsign = " << (*i).callsign.local8Bit() << endl;
                cout << "### channum  = " << (*i).chanstr.local8Bit()  << endl;
                if (channel_preset)
                    cout << "### freqid   = " << (*i).freqid.local8Bit() << endl;
                cout << "### finetune = " << (*i).finetune.local8Bit() << endl;
                cout << "### tvformat = " << (*i).tvformat.local8Bit() << endl;
                cout << "### icon     = " << localfile.local8Bit()     << endl;
                cout << "### " << endl;

                uint chanid = promptForChannelUpdates(i,0);

                if ((*i).callsign == "")
                    (*i).callsign = QString::number(chanid);

                int mplexid = 0;
                if ((chanid > 0) && (minor > 0))
                    mplexid = ChannelUtil::CreateMultiplex(id,   "atsc",
                                                           freq, "8vsb");

                if (((mplexid > 0) || ((minor == 0) && (chanid > 0))) &&
                        mplexid,          id,               chanid,
                        (*i).callsign,    (*i).name,        (*i).chanstr,
                        0 /*service id*/, major,            minor,
                        false /*use on air guide*/, false /*hidden*/,
                        false /*hidden in guide*/,
                        (*i).freqid,      localfile,        (*i).tvformat,
                    cout << "### " << endl;
                    cout << "### Channel inserted" << endl;
                    cout << "### " << endl;
                    cout << "### " << endl;
                    cout << "### Channel skipped" << endl;
                    cout << "### " << endl;
            else if (!non_us_updating && ((minor == 0) || (freq > 0)))
                // We only do this if we are not asked to skip it with the
                // --updating flag.
                int mplexid = 0, chanid = 0;
                if (minor > 0)
                    mplexid = ChannelUtil::CreateMultiplex(
                        id, "atsc", freq, "8vsb");

                if ((mplexid > 0) || (minor == 0))
                    chanid = ChannelUtil::CreateChanID(id, (*i).chanstr);

                if ((*i).callsign.isEmpty())
                    QStringList words = QStringList::split(" ",(*i).name.simplifyWhiteSpace().upper());
                    QString callsign = "";
                    QString w1 = words.size() > 0 ? words[0] : QString();
                    QString w2 = words.size() > 1 ? words[1] : QString();
                    if (w1.isEmpty())
                        callsign = QString::number(chanid);
                    else if (w2.isEmpty())
                        callsign = words[0].left(5);
                        callsign = w1.left(w2.length() == 1 ? 4:3);
                        callsign += w2.left(5 - callsign.length());
                    (*i).callsign = callsign;

                if (chanid > 0)
                    QString cstr = QString((*i).chanstr);
                    if(channel_preset && cstr.isEmpty())
                        cstr = QString::number(chanid % 1000);

                        mplexid,          id,        chanid,
                        (*i).callsign,    (*i).name, cstr,
                        0 /*service id*/, major,     minor,
                        false /*use on air guide*/,  false /*hidden*/,
                        false /*hidden in guide*/,
                        (*i).freqid,      localfile, (*i).tvformat,
Ejemplo n.º 2
void ChannelData::handleChannels(int id, QList<ChanInfo> *chanlist)
    QString fileprefix = SetupIconCacheDirectory();


    fileprefix += "/";

    QList<ChanInfo>::iterator i = chanlist->begin();
    for (; i != chanlist->end(); ++i)
        QString localfile;

        if (!(*i).iconpath.isEmpty())
            QDir remotefile = QDir((*i).iconpath);
            QString filename = remotefile.dirName();

            localfile = fileprefix + filename;
            QFile actualfile(localfile);
            if (!actualfile.exists() &&
                !HttpComms::getHttpFile(localfile, (*i).iconpath))
                LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR,
                    QString("Failed to fetch icon from '%1'")

        MSqlQuery query(MSqlQuery::InitCon());

        if (!(*i).old_xmltvid.isEmpty())
                "SELECT xmltvid "
                "FROM channel "
                "WHERE xmltvid = :XMLTVID");
            query.bindValue(":XMLTVID", (*i).old_xmltvid);

            if (!query.exec())
                MythDB::DBError("xmltvid conversion 1", query);
            else if (query.next())
                LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_INFO,
                    QString("Converting old xmltvid (%1) to new (%2)")

                query.prepare("UPDATE channel "
                              "SET xmltvid = :NEWXMLTVID"
                              "WHERE xmltvid = :OLDXMLTVID");
                query.bindValue(":NEWXMLTVID", (*i).xmltvid);
                query.bindValue(":OLDXMLTVID", (*i).old_xmltvid);

                if (!query.exec())
                    MythDB::DBError("xmltvid conversion 2", query);

            "SELECT chanid,   name, callsign, channum, "
            "       finetune, icon, freqid,   tvformat "
            "FROM channel "
            "WHERE xmltvid  = :XMLTVID AND "
            "      sourceid = :SOURCEID");
        query.bindValue(":XMLTVID",  (*i).xmltvid);
        query.bindValue(":SOURCEID", id);

        if (!query.exec())
            MythDB::DBError("handleChannels", query);
        else if (query.next())
            QString chanid = query.value(0).toString();
            if (interactive)
                QString name     = query.value(1).toString();
                QString callsign = query.value(2).toString();
                QString chanstr  = query.value(3).toString();
                QString finetune = query.value(4).toString();
                QString icon     = query.value(5).toString();
                QString freqid   = query.value(6).toString();
                QString tvformat = query.value(7).toString();

                cout << "### " << endl;
                cout << "### Existing channel found" << endl;
                cout << "### " << endl;
                cout << "### xmltvid  = "
                     << (*i).xmltvid.toLocal8Bit().constData() << endl;
                cout << "### chanid   = "
                     << chanid.toLocal8Bit().constData()       << endl;
                cout << "### name     = "
                     << name.toLocal8Bit().constData()         << endl;
                cout << "### callsign = "
                     << callsign.toLocal8Bit().constData()     << endl;
                cout << "### channum  = "
                     << chanstr.toLocal8Bit().constData()      << endl;
                if (channel_preset)
                    cout << "### freqid   = "
                         << freqid.toLocal8Bit().constData()   << endl;
                cout << "### finetune = "
                     << finetune.toLocal8Bit().constData()     << endl;
                cout << "### tvformat = "
                     << tvformat.toLocal8Bit().constData()     << endl;
                cout << "### icon     = "
                     << icon.toLocal8Bit().constData()         << endl;
                cout << "### " << endl;

                (*i).name = name;
                (*i).callsign = callsign;
                (*i).chanstr  = chanstr;
                (*i).finetune = finetune;
                (*i).freqid = freqid;
                (*i).tvformat = tvformat;

                promptForChannelUpdates(i, chanid.toUInt());

                if ((*i).callsign.isEmpty())
                    (*i).callsign = chanid;

                if (name     != (*i).name ||
                    callsign != (*i).callsign ||
                    chanstr  != (*i).chanstr ||
                    finetune != (*i).finetune ||
                    freqid   != (*i).freqid ||
                    icon     != localfile ||
                    tvformat != (*i).tvformat)
                    MSqlQuery subquery(MSqlQuery::InitCon());
                    subquery.prepare("UPDATE channel SET chanid = :CHANID, "
                                     "name = :NAME, callsign = :CALLSIGN, "
                                     "channum = :CHANNUM, finetune = :FINE, "
                                     "icon = :ICON, freqid = :FREQID, "
                                     "tvformat = :TVFORMAT "
                                     " WHERE xmltvid = :XMLTVID "
                                     "AND sourceid = :SOURCEID;");
                    subquery.bindValue(":CHANID", chanid);
                    subquery.bindValue(":NAME", (*i).name);
                    subquery.bindValue(":CALLSIGN", (*i).callsign);
                    subquery.bindValue(":CHANNUM", (*i).chanstr);
                    subquery.bindValue(":FINE", (*i).finetune.toInt());
                    subquery.bindValue(":ICON", localfile);
                    subquery.bindValue(":FREQID", (*i).freqid);
                    subquery.bindValue(":TVFORMAT", (*i).tvformat);
                    subquery.bindValue(":XMLTVID", (*i).xmltvid);
                    subquery.bindValue(":SOURCEID", id);

                    if (!subquery.exec())
                        MythDB::DBError("update failed", subquery);
                        cout << "### " << endl;
                        cout << "### Change performed" << endl;
                        cout << "### " << endl;
                    cout << "### " << endl;
                    cout << "### Nothing changed" << endl;
                    cout << "### " << endl;
                if (!non_us_updating && !localfile.isEmpty())
                    MSqlQuery subquery(MSqlQuery::InitCon());
                    subquery.prepare("UPDATE channel SET icon = :ICON WHERE "
                                     "chanid = :CHANID;");
                    subquery.bindValue(":ICON", localfile);
                    subquery.bindValue(":CHANID", chanid);

                    if (!subquery.exec())
                        MythDB::DBError("Channel icon change", subquery);
        else if (insert_chan(id)) // Only insert channels for non-scannable sources
            int major, minor = 0;
            long long freq = 0;
            get_atsc_stuff((*i).chanstr, id, (*i).freqid.toInt(), major, minor, freq);

            if (interactive && ((minor == 0) || (freq > 0)))
                cout << "### " << endl;
                cout << "### New channel found" << endl;
                cout << "### " << endl;
                cout << "### name     = "
                     << (*i).name.toLocal8Bit().constData()     << endl;
                cout << "### callsign = "
                     << (*i).callsign.toLocal8Bit().constData() << endl;
                cout << "### channum  = "
                     << (*i).chanstr.toLocal8Bit().constData()  << endl;
                if (channel_preset)
                    cout << "### freqid   = "
                         << (*i).freqid.toLocal8Bit().constData() << endl;
                cout << "### finetune = "
                     << (*i).finetune.toLocal8Bit().constData() << endl;
                cout << "### tvformat = "
                     << (*i).tvformat.toLocal8Bit().constData() << endl;
                cout << "### icon     = "
                     << localfile.toLocal8Bit().constData()     << endl;
                cout << "### " << endl;

                uint chanid = promptForChannelUpdates(i,0);

                if ((*i).callsign.isEmpty())
                    (*i).callsign = QString::number(chanid);

                int mplexid = 0;
                if ((chanid > 0) && (minor > 0))
                    mplexid = ChannelUtil::CreateMultiplex(id,   "atsc",
                                                           freq, "8vsb");

                if (((mplexid > 0) || ((minor == 0) && (chanid > 0))) &&
                        mplexid,          id,               chanid,
                        (*i).callsign,    (*i).name,        (*i).chanstr,
                        0 /*service id*/, major,            minor,
                        false /*use on air guide*/, false /*hidden*/,
                        false /*hidden in guide*/,
                        (*i).freqid,      localfile,        (*i).tvformat,
                    cout << "### " << endl;
                    cout << "### Channel inserted" << endl;
                    cout << "### " << endl;
                    cout << "### " << endl;
                    cout << "### Channel skipped" << endl;
                    cout << "### " << endl;
            else if (!non_us_updating && ((minor == 0) || (freq > 0)))
                // We only do this if we are not asked to skip it with the
                // --updating flag.
                int mplexid = 0, chanid = 0;
                if (minor > 0)
                    mplexid = ChannelUtil::CreateMultiplex(
                        id, "atsc", freq, "8vsb");

                if ((mplexid > 0) || (minor == 0))
                    chanid = ChannelUtil::CreateChanID(id, (*i).chanstr);

                if ((*i).callsign.isEmpty())
                    QStringList words = (*i).name.simplified().toUpper()
                        .split(" ");
                    QString callsign = "";
                    QString w1 = words.size() > 0 ? words[0] : QString();
                    QString w2 = words.size() > 1 ? words[1] : QString();
                    if (w1.isEmpty())
                        callsign = QString::number(chanid);
                    else if (w2.isEmpty())
                        callsign = words[0].left(5);
                        callsign = w1.left(w2.length() == 1 ? 4:3);
                        callsign += w2.left(5 - callsign.length());
                    (*i).callsign = callsign;

                if (chanid > 0)
                    QString cstr = QString((*i).chanstr);
                    if(channel_preset && cstr.isEmpty())
                        cstr = QString::number(chanid % 1000);

                    bool retval = ChannelUtil::CreateChannel(
                                                     mplexid, id,
                                                     (*i).name, cstr,
                                                     0 /*service id*/,
                                                     major, minor,
                                                     false /*use on air guide*/,
                                                     false /*hidden*/,
                                                     false /*hidden in guide*/,
                    if (!retval)
                        cout << "Channel " << chanid << " creation failed"
                             << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void ChannelData::handleChannels(int id, ChannelInfoList *chanlist)
    if (m_guideDataOnly)
        LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_NOTICE, "Skipping Channel Updates");

    ChannelList existingChannels = channelList(id);
    QString fileprefix = SetupIconCacheDirectory();


    fileprefix += "/";

    bool insertChan = insert_chan(id);  // unscannable source

    ChannelInfoList::iterator i = chanlist->begin();
    for (; i != chanlist->end(); ++i)
        if ((*i).xmltvid.isEmpty())

        QString localfile;

        if (!(*i).icon.isEmpty())
            QDir remotefile = QDir((*i).icon);
            QString filename = remotefile.dirName();

            localfile = fileprefix + filename;
            QFile actualfile(localfile);
            if (!actualfile.exists() &&
                !GetMythDownloadManager()->download((*i).icon, localfile))
                LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR,
                    QString("Failed to fetch icon from '%1'")

            localfile = filename;

        MSqlQuery query(MSqlQuery::InitCon());

        if (!(*i).old_xmltvid.isEmpty())
                "SELECT xmltvid "
                "FROM channel "
                "WHERE xmltvid = :XMLTVID");
            query.bindValue(":XMLTVID", (*i).old_xmltvid);

            if (!query.exec())
                MythDB::DBError("xmltvid conversion 1", query);
            else if (query.next())
                LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_INFO,
                    QString("Converting old xmltvid (%1) to new (%2)")

                query.prepare("UPDATE channel "
                              "SET xmltvid = :NEWXMLTVID"
                              "WHERE xmltvid = :OLDXMLTVID");
                query.bindValue(":NEWXMLTVID", (*i).xmltvid);
                query.bindValue(":OLDXMLTVID", (*i).old_xmltvid);

                if (!query.exec())
                    MythDB::DBError("xmltvid conversion 2", query);

        ChannelInfo dbChan = FindMatchingChannel(*i, existingChannels);
        if (dbChan.chanid > 0) // Channel exists, updating
                    QString("Match found for xmltvid %1 to channel %2 (%3)")
            if (m_interactive)

                cout << "### " << endl;
                cout << "### Existing channel found" << endl;
                cout << "### " << endl;
                cout << "### xmltvid  = "
                     << (*i).xmltvid.toLocal8Bit().constData()        << endl;
                cout << "### chanid   = "
                     << dbChan.chanid                                 << endl;
                cout << "### name     = "
                     << dbChan.name.toLocal8Bit().constData()         << endl;
                cout << "### callsign = "
                     << dbChan.callsign.toLocal8Bit().constData()     << endl;
                cout << "### channum  = "
                     << dbChan.channum.toLocal8Bit().constData()      << endl;
                if (m_channelPreset)
                    cout << "### freqid   = "
                         << dbChan.freqid.toLocal8Bit().constData()   << endl;
                cout << "### finetune = "
                     << dbChan.finetune                               << endl;
                cout << "### tvformat = "
                     << dbChan.tvformat.toLocal8Bit().constData()     << endl;
                cout << "### icon     = "
                     << dbChan.icon.toLocal8Bit().constData()         << endl;
                cout << "### " << endl;

                // The only thing the xmltv data supplies here is the icon
                (*i).name = dbChan.name;
                (*i).callsign = dbChan.callsign;
                (*i).channum  = dbChan.channum;
                (*i).finetune = dbChan.finetune;
                (*i).freqid = dbChan.freqid;
                (*i).tvformat = dbChan.tvformat;

                promptForChannelUpdates(i, dbChan.chanid);

                if ((*i).callsign.isEmpty())
                    (*i).callsign = dbChan.name;

                if (dbChan.name     != (*i).name ||
                    dbChan.callsign != (*i).callsign ||
                    dbChan.channum  != (*i).channum ||
                    dbChan.finetune != (*i).finetune ||
                    dbChan.freqid   != (*i).freqid ||
                    dbChan.icon     != localfile ||
                    dbChan.tvformat != (*i).tvformat)
                    MSqlQuery subquery(MSqlQuery::InitCon());
                    subquery.prepare("UPDATE channel SET chanid = :CHANID, "
                                     "name = :NAME, callsign = :CALLSIGN, "
                                     "channum = :CHANNUM, finetune = :FINE, "
                                     "icon = :ICON, freqid = :FREQID, "
                                     "tvformat = :TVFORMAT "
                                     " WHERE xmltvid = :XMLTVID "
                                     "AND sourceid = :SOURCEID;");
                    subquery.bindValue(":CHANID", dbChan.chanid);
                    subquery.bindValue(":NAME", (*i).name);
                    subquery.bindValue(":CALLSIGN", (*i).callsign);
                    subquery.bindValue(":CHANNUM", (*i).channum);
                    subquery.bindValue(":FINE", (*i).finetune);
                    subquery.bindValue(":ICON", localfile);
                    subquery.bindValue(":FREQID", (*i).freqid);
                    subquery.bindValue(":TVFORMAT", (*i).tvformat);
                    subquery.bindValue(":XMLTVID", (*i).xmltvid);
                    subquery.bindValue(":SOURCEID", id);

                    if (!subquery.exec())
                        MythDB::DBError("update failed", subquery);
                        cout << "### " << endl;
                        cout << "### Change performed" << endl;
                        cout << "### " << endl;
                    cout << "### " << endl;
                    cout << "### Nothing changed" << endl;
                    cout << "### " << endl;
            else if ((dbChan.icon != localfile) ||
                     (dbChan.xmltvid != (*i).xmltvid))
                LOG(VB_XMLTV, LOG_NOTICE, QString("Updating channel %1 (%2)")

                if (localfile.isEmpty())
                    localfile = dbChan.icon;

                if (dbChan.xmltvid != (*i).xmltvid)
                    MSqlQuery subquery(MSqlQuery::InitCon());

                    subquery.prepare("UPDATE channel SET icon = :ICON "
                            ", xmltvid:= :XMLTVID WHERE "
                                     "chanid = :CHANID;");
                    subquery.bindValue(":ICON", localfile);
                    subquery.bindValue(":XMLTVID", (*i).xmltvid);
                    subquery.bindValue(":CHANID", dbChan.chanid);

                    if (!subquery.exec())
                        MythDB::DBError("Channel icon change", subquery);
                    MSqlQuery subquery(MSqlQuery::InitCon());
                    subquery.prepare("UPDATE channel SET icon = :ICON WHERE "
                                     "chanid = :CHANID;");
                    subquery.bindValue(":ICON", localfile);
                    subquery.bindValue(":CHANID", dbChan.chanid);

                    if (!subquery.exec())
                        MythDB::DBError("Channel icon change", subquery);

        else if (insertChan) // Only insert channels for non-scannable sources
            int major, minor = 0;
            long long freq = 0;
            get_atsc_stuff((*i).channum, id, (*i).freqid.toInt(), major, minor, freq);

            if (m_interactive && ((minor == 0) || (freq > 0)))
                cout << "### " << endl;
                cout << "### New channel found" << endl;
                cout << "### " << endl;
                cout << "### name     = "
                     << (*i).name.toLocal8Bit().constData()     << endl;
                cout << "### callsign = "
                     << (*i).callsign.toLocal8Bit().constData() << endl;
                cout << "### channum  = "
                     << (*i).channum.toLocal8Bit().constData()  << endl;
                if (m_channelPreset)
                    cout << "### freqid   = "
                         << (*i).freqid.toLocal8Bit().constData() << endl;
                cout << "### finetune = "
                     << (*i).finetune                           << endl;
                cout << "### tvformat = "
                     << (*i).tvformat.toLocal8Bit().constData() << endl;
                cout << "### icon     = "
                     << localfile.toLocal8Bit().constData()     << endl;
                cout << "### " << endl;

                uint chanid = promptForChannelUpdates(i,0);

                if ((*i).callsign.isEmpty())
                    (*i).callsign = QString::number(chanid);

                int mplexid = 0;
                if ((chanid > 0) && (minor > 0))
                    mplexid = ChannelUtil::CreateMultiplex(id,   "atsc",
                                                           freq, "8vsb");

                if (((mplexid > 0) || ((minor == 0) && (chanid > 0))) &&
                        mplexid,          id,               chanid,
                        (*i).callsign,    (*i).name,        (*i).channum,
                        0 /*service id*/, major,            minor,
                        false /*use on air guide*/, false /*hidden*/,
                        false /*hidden in guide*/,
                        (*i).freqid,      localfile,        (*i).tvformat,
                    cout << "### " << endl;
                    cout << "### Channel inserted" << endl;
                    cout << "### " << endl;
                    cout << "### " << endl;
                    cout << "### Channel skipped" << endl;
                    cout << "### " << endl;
            else if ((minor == 0) || (freq > 0))
                // We only do this if we are not asked to skip it with the
                // --update-guide-only (formerly --update) flag.
                int mplexid = 0, chanid = 0;
                if (minor > 0)
                    mplexid = ChannelUtil::CreateMultiplex(
                        id, "atsc", freq, "8vsb");

                if ((mplexid > 0) || (minor == 0))
                    chanid = ChannelUtil::CreateChanID(id, (*i).channum);

                if ((*i).callsign.isEmpty())
                    QStringList words = (*i).name.simplified().toUpper()
                        .split(" ");
                    QString callsign = "";
                    QString w1 = words.size() > 0 ? words[0] : QString();
                    QString w2 = words.size() > 1 ? words[1] : QString();
                    if (w1.isEmpty())
                        callsign = QString::number(chanid);
                    else if (w2.isEmpty())
                        callsign = words[0].left(5);
                        callsign = w1.left(w2.length() == 1 ? 4:3);
                        callsign += w2.left(5 - callsign.length());
                    (*i).callsign = callsign;

                if (chanid > 0)
                    QString cstr = QString((*i).channum);
                    if(m_channelPreset && cstr.isEmpty())
                        cstr = QString::number(chanid % 1000);

                    bool retval = ChannelUtil::CreateChannel(
                                                     mplexid, id,
                                                     (*i).name, cstr,
                                                     0 /*service id*/,
                                                     major, minor,
                                                     false /*use on air guide*/,
                                                     false /*hidden*/,
                                                     false /*hidden in guide*/,
                    if (!retval)
                        cout << "Channel " << chanid << " creation failed"
                             << endl;