Ejemplo n.º 1
int main()
    int aliveLed = 0;
    static int BlinkCount = 0;
    if(SetupPeripherals() != XST_SUCCESS)
    	return -1;

    if ( Chilipepper_Initialize() != 0 )
    	return -1;

    Chilipepper_SetPA( 1 );
    Chilipepper_SetTxRxSw( 1 ); // 0- transmit, 1-receive
    while (1)
	   Chilipepper_ControlAgc(); //update the Chilipepper AGC
	   BlinkCount += 1;
	   if (BlinkCount > 500000)
		 if (aliveLed == 0)
			aliveLed = 1;
			aliveLed = 0;
		 BlinkCount = 1;
		 XGpio_DiscreteWrite(&gpio_blinky, 2, aliveLed);  //blink LEDs
		 XGpio_DiscreteWrite(&gpio_blinky, 1, ~aliveLed);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main ( void )
    /** pin buttons locals */
    volatile bool regPinButton1;
    volatile bool regPinButton2;
    /** speed local */
    short iRefSpeed;
    // Configure Oscillator to operate the device at 40Mhz
    // Fosc= Fin*M/(N1*N2), Fcy=Fosc/2
    // Fosc= 8*40/(2*2)= 80Mhz for 8M input clock
    PLLFBD = 38;                // M=40
    CLKDIVbits.PLLPOST = 0;     // N1=2
    CLKDIVbits.PLLPRE = 0;      // N2=2
//    while(OSCCONbits.LOCK != 1) {};     // Wait for PLL to loc
    /** setup dsPIC ports */
    /** init user parameters */
    /** init user specified parms and stop on error */
    if( SetupPeripherals() )
        /* Error */
        return 0;
    uGF.Word = 0;                   // clear flags
        // init Mode
        eStateControl = CNTRL_STOP;
        iLockLoopCnt = 0;
        /** clear the variables other than STOP command */
        uGF.bit.TLock = 0;
        uGF.bit.Btn1Pressed = 0;
        uGF.bit.Btn2Pressed = 0;
        uGF.bit.DoSnap = 0;
        uGF.bit.SnapDone = 0;
        /** ============= Open Loop ======================*/
        OpenLoopParm.qVelMech = dqOL_VelMech;    
        CtrlParm.qVelRef = OpenLoopParm.qVelMech;
        iRefSpeed = CtrlParm.qVelRef;
        /** Inital offsets for currents */
        InitMeasCompCurr( 450, 730 );  
        // init board
        // Enable ADC interrupt and begin main loop timing
        IFS0bits.AD1IF = 0; 
        IEC0bits.AD1IE = 1;
        /** Initialize private variables used by CalcVelIrp. */
        /** Initialize private variables used by CurrModel */
        // zero out i sums 
        PIParmD.qdSum = 0;
        PIParmQ.qdSum = 0;
        PIParmQref.qdSum = 0;
        // zero out i out 
        PIParmD.qOut = 0;
        PIParmQ.qOut = 0;
        PIParmQref.qOut = 0;
        /** if state is stop */
        if(eStateControl == CNTRL_STOP)
            //wait here until button 1 is pressed or stop time elapsed
                /** make sure that the STOP do not occur due to this loop */
                iStopLoopCnt = 0;
                // Start offset accumulation    
                //and accumulate current offset while waiting
            while(pinButton1);                  //when button 1 is released 
            eStateControl = CNTRL_OPEN_LOOP;    //then start motor in open loop
        // Run the motor
        uGF.bit.ChangeMode = 1;
        // Enable the driver IC on the motor control PCB
        pinPWMOutputEnable_ = 0;
        //Run Motor loop
            /** algorithm was stopped before*/
                /* break the while */
            /* for logic of this application 2 buttons are used
               S3 and S6. If both buttons are pressed the state of
               the application is commuted between OPEN_LOOP,
               CLOSED_LOOP and CLOSED_LOOP_DOUBLE_SPEED. The touch
               of only one button will increase the speed in one
               of the states enumerated above */
            /* read the buttons state */
            /* while no buttons are pushed */
                regPinButton1 = pinButton1;     /* pin button 1 */
                /* retain if pressed */
                if(regPinButton1 == 1)
                regPinButton2 = pinButton2;     /* pin button 2 */
                /* retain if pressed */
                if(regPinButton2 == 1)
                /** make sure that the STOP do not occur due to this loop */
                iStopLoopCnt = 0;
            /* while buttons are released */
                regPinButton1 = pinButton1;     /* pin button 1 */
                /* retain if pressed */
                if(regPinButton1 == 1)
                regPinButton2 = pinButton2;     /* pin button 2 */
                /* retain if pressed */
                if(regPinButton2 == 1)
            /** the counter for STOP is cleared - if buttons released */
            iStopLoopCnt = 0;
            /* check if one of the buttons is pressed */
            /* check if both buttons are pressed */
            if ((uGF.bit.Btn1Pressed)&&(uGF.bit.Btn2Pressed))
                /* if yes */
                /* clear both flags indicating the buttons were pressed */
                uGF.bit.Btn1Pressed = 0;
                uGF.bit.Btn2Pressed = 0;
                /* and command not locked */
                /* check if command not locked */
                    /* lock command for Tlock_multiple */
                    uGF.bit.TLock = 1;      /* command locked */
                    iLockLoopCnt = 0;       /* reset counter */
                    /* state machine for control algorithm */
                        /* the previous state was STOP */
                        case CNTRL_OPEN_LOOP:
                            /* swich the state machine */
                            eStateControl = CNTRL_CLOSED_LOOP;
                            /* first switch the global flag */
                            uGF.bit.ChangeMode = 1;
                        case CNTRL_CLOSED_LOOP:
                            /* double the speed of the motor */
                            /* and swich the state machine */
                            eStateControl = CNTRL_CLOSED_LOOP_DBL_SPEED;
                            /* double the speed */
                            iRefSpeed += iRefSpeed;
                            #ifdef SNAPSHOT
                                uGF.bit.DoSnap = 1;
                                SnapCount = 0;
                        case CNTRL_CLOSED_LOOP_DBL_SPEED:
                            /* divide by 2 the speed of the motor */
                            /* and swich the state machine */
                            eStateControl = CNTRL_CLOSED_LOOP;
                            /* divide the speed by 2 */
                            iRefSpeed -= iRefSpeed/2;
                            #ifdef SNAPSHOT
                                uGF.bit.DoSnap = 1;
                                SnapCount = 0;
                            /* undefined state, stop */
                            eStateControl = CNTRL_STOP;
                            /* disable the PWM module */
                            pinPWMOutputEnable_ = 1;
            /* check which button was pressed */
            /* perhaps button 1 was the one */
            else if(uGF.bit.Btn1Pressed)
                /* if yes */
                /* clear the button flag for future usage */
                uGF.bit.Btn1Pressed = 0;
                /* and command not locked */
                /* check if command not locked */
                    /* lock command for Tlock_multiple */
                    uGF.bit.TLock = 1;        /* command locked */
                    iLockLoopCnt = 0;         /* reset counter */
                    /* increase speed with SPEED_STEP */
                    iRefSpeed += SPEED_STEP;
            /* it was button 2, but checking */
            else if(uGF.bit.Btn2Pressed)
                /* if yes */
                /* clear the button flag for future usage */
                uGF.bit.Btn2Pressed = 0;
                /* and command not locked */
                /* check if command not locked */
                    /* lock command for Tlock_multiple */
                    uGF.bit.TLock = 1;        /* command locked */
                    iLockLoopCnt = 0;         /* reset counter */
                    /* decrease speed with SPEED_STEP */
                    iRefSpeed -= SPEED_STEP;
            /** limit the reference to 60Hz */
            if( iRefSpeed > MAX_SPEED_UP )
                iRefSpeed = MAX_SPEED_UP;
            /** limit the reference to 60Hz */
            if((signed short)iRefSpeed < (signed short)MAX_SPEED_DOWN )
                iRefSpeed = MAX_SPEED_DOWN;
            /** update the global speed reference */
            CtrlParm.qVelRef = iRefSpeed;
            if( uGF.bit.SnapDone )
        }   // End of Run Motor loop
    } // End of Main loop
    // should never get here
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main()
	int sentCount;
	int aliveLed = 0;
	int numBytes;
	int currentGain;
	unsigned char id, prevId;
	int sw, i1;
    int success;
    int pa, prevPa;
	static int testBlinkCount;
	int txCount = 0, txTryCount = 0, txSuccess;
	unsigned char numUartRead, curValue;
	unsigned char rxBuf[256], txBuf[256];


    if(SetupPeripherals() != XST_SUCCESS)
    	return -1;

	if ( Chilipepper_Initialize() != 0 )
		return -1;

	// by default we are in receive
	Chilipepper_SetPA( 1 );
	Chilipepper_SetTxRxSw( 1 ); // 0- transmit, 1-receive

	// enable the Chilipepper LED to indicate we are operational
	Chilipepper_SetLed( 1 );

	xil_printf("\r\n\r\nWelcome to Toyon's Chilipepper QPSK demo. This demo was written in MATLAB using Mathworks HDL Coder.\r\n\r\n");
	//Chilipepper_SetRxGain( 20 );
	prevPa = 0;
	prevId = 0;
    while (1)
		currentGain = Chilipepper_ControlAgc();
    	WriteLedGain( currentGain );
    	pa = XGpio_DiscreteRead(&gpio_sw_tx_pa, 1);
    	if (pa != prevPa)
    		Chilipepper_SetTxGain( pa );
    	prevPa = pa;
        sw = XGpio_DiscreteRead(&gpio_sw_test, 1);
    	switch (sw)
    	case 0: // normal operation
    		// during normal operation adjust the AGC

        	// main priority is to parse OTA packets
    		numBytes = Chilipepper_ReadPacket( rxBuf, &id );

    		if (numBytes > 0)
    			XGpio_DiscreteWrite(&gpio_blinky, 1, 1);

    		// if ID is zero then this is an ACK - should never see this here
    		// if ID is not zero we need to send a packet back with the payload being the ID

    		// Here we've received the same packet as last time. This means the sender must not
    		// have gotten the ACK we sent. So, let's just send the ACK again, but don't write to UART.
    		if (id != 0 && numBytes > 0 && id == prevId)
				// received the same packet again so transmitter must not have gotten ACK
				Chilipepper_WriteAckPacket( txBuf, id );
    			XGpio_DiscreteWrite(&gpio_blinky, 1, 0);
    		// This is a normal receive situation. We get a packet, write it to UART, and send ACK
    		else if ( id != 0 && numBytes > 0)
                // first thing we need to do if ID is not zero is send back ACK with payload
                // being id
                Chilipepper_WriteAckPacket( txBuf, id );

    			sentCount = 0;
    			while (sentCount < numBytes)
    				curValue = rxBuf[sentCount+4];
    				sentCount += XUartPs_Send(&uartPs, &curValue, 1);

    			prevId = id;
    			XGpio_DiscreteWrite(&gpio_blinky, 1, 0);

			// now that we've gotten the radio stuff out of the way, let's parse things coming over the UART
    			numUartRead = XUartPs_Recv(&uartPs, &txBuf[txCount+4], 1);
				if (numUartRead == 1)
    		} while(numUartRead == 1);

			// only attempt to send something if we have something to send
			if (txCount > 0)
    			XGpio_DiscreteWrite(&gpio_blinky, 1, 1);
				if (txCount >= 10 || txTryCount > 100000)
					txSuccess = Chilipepper_WritePacketWithAck( txBuf, txCount, rxBuf );
					if (txSuccess == 1)
		    			XGpio_DiscreteWrite(&gpio_blinky, 1, 0);
	    			txCount = 0;
	    			txTryCount = 0;
	    	// flip the LED1 so the user knows the processor is alive
			testBlinkCount += 1;
	    	if (testBlinkCount > 100000)
	    		if (aliveLed == 0)
	    			aliveLed = 1;
	    			aliveLed = 0;
	    		testBlinkCount = 1;
	    		XGpio_DiscreteWrite(&gpio_blinky, 2, aliveLed);
    	case 1: // continuously send out packets
    		// do it once and then stall for a bit
    		for (i1=0; i1<5000; i1++)
    			if (i1 == 0)
    				XGpio_DiscreteWrite(&gpio_blinky, 1, 1);
    				Chilipepper_WriteTestPacket( 1 );
    				XGpio_DiscreteWrite(&gpio_blinky, 1, 0);
        	// flip the LED1 so the user knows the processor is alive
    		testBlinkCount += 1;
        	if (testBlinkCount > 2000)
        		if (aliveLed == 0)
        			aliveLed = 1;
        			aliveLed = 0;
        		testBlinkCount = 1;
        		XGpio_DiscreteWrite(&gpio_blinky, 2, aliveLed);
    	case 2: // initiate packet transmission with a button press
        	// flip the LED1 so the user knows the processor is alive
    		testBlinkCount += 1;
        	if (testBlinkCount > 200000)
        		if (aliveLed == 0)
        			aliveLed = 1;
        			aliveLed = 0;
        		testBlinkCount = 1;
        		XGpio_DiscreteWrite(&gpio_blinky, 2, aliveLed);

        	if (DebouncButton() == 0)

			XGpio_DiscreteWrite(&gpio_blinky, 1, 1);
        	success = Chilipepper_WriteTestPacketWithAck( rxBuf );
        	if (success == 1)
				XGpio_DiscreteWrite(&gpio_blinky, 1, 0);


    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int main()
	int sentCount;
	int aliveLed = 0, statusLed = 0;
	int numBytes;
	int sw, i1;
	static int BlinkCount;
	int txCount = 0, txTryCount = 0;
	unsigned char numUartRead, curValue, id;
	unsigned char rxBuf[256], txBuf[256];


	if(SetupPeripherals() != XST_SUCCESS)
		return -1;

	if ( Chilipepper_Initialize() != 0 )
		return -1;

	// by default we are in receive
	Chilipepper_SetPA( 1 );
	Chilipepper_SetTxRxSw( 1 ); // 0- transmit, 1-receive
	Chilipepper_SetDCOC(1);		// enable dc offset correction

	// enable the Chilipepper LED to indicate we are operational
	Chilipepper_SetLed( 1 );

	Chilipepper_printf(&uartPs, "\r\n\r\nWelcome to Toyon's Chilipepper QPSK demo. This demo was written in MATLAB using Mathworks HDL Coder.\r\n\r\n");

	while (1)
		// main priority is to parse OTA packets
		numBytes = Chilipepper_ReadPacket( rxBuf, &id );

		// This is a normal receive situation.
		// We get a packet, write it to UART.
		if (numBytes > 0)
			sentCount = 0;
			while (sentCount < numBytes)
				curValue = rxBuf[sentCount+4];
				sentCount += XUartPs_Send(&uartPs, &curValue, 1);
			statusLed = ~statusLed;
			XGpio_DiscreteWrite(&gpio_blinky, 1, statusLed);

		// flip the LED1 so the user knows the processor is alive
		BlinkCount += 1;
		if (BlinkCount > 200000)
			aliveLed = ~aliveLed;
			BlinkCount = 1;
			XGpio_DiscreteWrite(&gpio_blinky, 2, aliveLed);


	return 0;