void WorkspaceWork::DoMove(int b, bool drag) { int fi = filelist.GetCursor(); if(fi < 0 || fi >= fileindex.GetCount()) return; int a = fileindex[fi]; if(a < 0 || b < 0 || a >= actual.file.GetCount() || (drag ? b > actual.file.GetCount() : b >= actual.file.GetCount())) return; int s = filelist.GetSbPos(); ShowFile(a); ShowFile(b); if(drag) { actual.file.Move(a, b); if(b >= a) b--; } else Swap(actual.file[a], actual.file[b]); ShowFile(a); ShowFile(b); SavePackage(); LoadActualPackage(); filelist.SetSbPos(s); for(int i = 0; i < fileindex.GetCount(); i++) if(fileindex[i] == b) { filelist.SetCursor(i); break; } filelist.Sync(); }
/** \fn GalleryView::ItemSelected(MythUIButtonListItem *) * \brief A new MythUIButtonListItem has been selected * \param item The given button item that has been selected * \return void */ void GalleryView::ItemSelected(MythUIButtonListItem *item) { if (!item) return; ImageMetadata *dm = GetImageMetadataFromButton(item); if (!dm) return; switch (dm->m_type) { case kSubDirectory: DirSelectDown(); break; case kUpDirectory: DirSelectUp(); break; case kImageFile: ShowFile(); break; case kVideoFile: ShowFile(); break; default: break; }; }
void __fastcall TForm1::Image1DblClick(TObject *Sender) { myThreadShow->ShowFile("S:\\IMG_5733.JPG"); return; ShowFile("S:\\IMG_5435.JPG"); }
/** \fn GalleryView::ShowFiles() * \brief Starts a slideshow with the images in normal order * \return void */ void GalleryView::ShowFiles() { GalleryWidget *widget = ShowFile(); if (widget) widget->StartNormalSlideShow(); }
/** \fn GalleryView::FileDetails() * \brief Shows details about the single file * \return void */ void GalleryView::FileDetails() { GalleryWidget *widget = ShowFile(); if (widget) widget->ShowFileDetails(); }
/** \fn GalleryView::ShowRandomFiles() * \brief Starts a slide show with the images in random order * \return void */ void GalleryView::ShowRandomFiles() { GalleryWidget *widget = ShowFile(); if (widget) widget->StartRandomSlideShow(); }
bool QuickView::UpdateIfChanged(bool Idle) { if (IsVisible() && !strCurFileName.empty() && Directory==2) { string strViewName = strCurFileName; ShowFile(strViewName, m_TemporaryFile, nullptr); return true; } return false; }
static void CatalogPage(FILE *ifile, unsigned short page) { TCatalog catalog; int i, k, fpos; fpos = page * PAGE_LENGTH; fseek (ifile, fpos, SEEK_SET); k = fread (catalog.page, 1, PAGE_LENGTH, ifile); for (i = 0; i < FILEMAP_LENGTH; i++) { ShowFile(ifile, catalog.filemap[i]); } }
void __fastcall TForm1::Image1Click(TObject *Sender) { if (random(2)==0) { myThreadShow->ShowFile("S:\\IMG_6344.JPG"); } else { myThreadShow->ShowFile("S:\\IMG_5435.JPG"); } return; ShowFile("S:\\IMG_5733.JPG"); return; this->ShowNextImage(Image1); }
void ScreenRecoveryUI::ShowFile(const char* filename) { FILE* fp = fopen_path(filename, "re"); if (fp == nullptr) { Print(" Unable to open %s: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno)); return; } char** old_text = text_; size_t old_text_col = text_col_; size_t old_text_row = text_row_; size_t old_text_top = text_top_; // Swap in the alternate screen and clear it. text_ = file_viewer_text_; ClearText(); ShowFile(fp); fclose(fp); text_ = old_text; text_col_ = old_text_col; text_row_ = old_text_row; text_top_ = old_text_top; }
VirtScreen::VirtScreen(World * const world_, Player * const player_) : w(world_), player(player_), settings(home_path + "freg.ini", QSettings::IniFormat), previousCommand(settings.value("last_command", "moo").toString()) { connect( w, SIGNAL(Notify(QString)), SLOT(Notify(QString)), Qt::DirectConnection); connect(player, SIGNAL(Notify(QString)), SLOT(Notify(QString)), Qt::DirectConnection); connect(player, SIGNAL(ShowFile(QString)), SLOT(DisplayFile(QString))); connect(player, SIGNAL(GetFocus(int *, int *, int *)), SLOT(ActionXyz(int *, int *, int *)), Qt::DirectConnection); connect( w, SIGNAL(GetString(QString &)), SLOT(PassString(QString &)), Qt::DirectConnection); connect(player, SIGNAL(GetString(QString &)), SLOT(PassString(QString &)), Qt::DirectConnection); connect(player, SIGNAL(Updated()), SLOT(UpdatePlayer()), Qt::DirectConnection); connect(w, SIGNAL(UpdatedAll()), SLOT(UpdateAll()), Qt::DirectConnection); connect(w, SIGNAL(Moved(int)), SLOT(Move(int)), Qt::DirectConnection); connect(w, SIGNAL(Updated(int, int, int)), SLOT(Update(int, int, int)), Qt::DirectConnection); connect(w, SIGNAL(UpdatedAround(int, int, int, int)), SLOT(UpdateAround(int, int, int, int)), Qt::DirectConnection); connect(w, SIGNAL(UpdatesEnded()), SLOT(UpdatesEnd()), Qt::DirectConnection); connect(player, SIGNAL(Destroyed()), SLOT(DeathScreen()), Qt::DirectConnection ); }
static byte InitTextBox(void) { return ShowFile() && InitButtons(" EXIT ", NULL); }