int Si1147_MeasureUVAndObjectPresent(I2C_TypeDef *i2c, uint8_t addr, uint16_t *uvIndex, int *objectDetect)
  uint16_t data;
  int      retval = 0;
  int      gestureMode;
  *objectDetect       = 0;
  si114x_handle->addr = addr;
  si114x_handle->i2c  = i2c;
  if ( !gestureMode ) /* Force only if not already running swipe detection. */
    while ((Si114xReadFromRegister(si114x_handle, REG_IRQ_STATUS) & 1) == 0)
    ;                                                           /*wait for measurement data */
  data  = Si114xReadFromRegister(si114x_handle, REG_AUX_DATA0); /*read sample data from si114x */
  data |= Si114xReadFromRegister(si114x_handle, REG_AUX_DATA1) << 8;
  /*round to nearest*/
  *uvIndex  = data + 50;
  *uvIndex /= 100;

  if ( !gestureMode ) /* Check for object only if not already running swipe detection. */
    data  = Si114xReadFromRegister(si114x_handle, REG_PS1_DATA0); /*read sample data from si114x */
    data |= Si114xReadFromRegister(si114x_handle, REG_PS1_DATA1) << 8;
    if (data > PS_HOVER_THRESHOLD)
      *objectDetect = 1;
  /*clear irq*/
  Si114xWriteToRegister(si114x_handle, REG_IRQ_STATUS, 0xff);

  return retval;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * @brief
  *  Reads the UV index measurement data from the
  *  Si114x.
 * @param[out] uvIndex
 *   The UV index read from the sensor
 * @return
 *   Returns 0.
int Si114x_MeasureUVIndex(u16 *uvIndex)
  u16 data;
  volatile u8 regval;
  int      retval = 0;

  regval = Si114xReadFromRegister(si114x_handle, REG_AUX_DATA0); /*read sample data from si114x */
  data = regval;
  regval = Si114xReadFromRegister(si114x_handle, REG_AUX_DATA1);
  data |= regval << 8;

  //check for saturation after the forced measurement and clear it if found
  //otherwise the next si114x cmd will not be performed.  Also this must be
  //done after reading the AUX_DATA register
  regval = Si114xReadFromRegister(si114x_handle, REG_RESPONSE);
  while((regval & 0x80) != 0)	   //response == 0x8x means saturation occured
  {	  // Send the NOP Command to clear the error...we cannot use Si114xNop()
	  // because it first checks if REG_RESPONSE < 0 and if so it does not
	  // perform the cmd. Since we have a saturation REG_RESPONSE will be <0
	  Si114xWriteToRegister(si114x_handle, REG_COMMAND, 0x00);
	  regval = Si114xReadFromRegister(si114x_handle, REG_RESPONSE);


  /*round to nearest*/
  *uvIndex  = data + 50;
  *uvIndex /= 100;
  /*clear irq*/

  if(*uvIndex > 10)
	  *uvIndex  = data + 50;
  Si114xWriteToRegister(si114x_handle, REG_IRQ_STATUS, 0xff);
  return retval;
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: main.c Proyecto: IceyP/DECA
int main()
	// variable declarations
	int usr_sel;
	int s16_current = 0x0bbb;
	int s16_tasklist = -1;
	int s16_measrate = 0x84;
	int gest_cnt = 0;
	s16 SI114x_ret_val = -1;
	u8 SI114x_write_val;
	u8 SI114x_ret_val_array[8];
	u8* SI114x_ptr = &SI114x_ret_val_array;

	// data structure declarations
	SI114X_IRQ_SAMPLE  samples;
	gesture_t  gest = NONE;
	HANDLE si114x_handle;
	si114x_handle = 0;

	// main program
	printf("\nGesture Sensor program starting... Please wait...\n\n");
	// initializing the I2C bus @ addr = I2C_OPENCORES_0_BASE
	printf("Initializing I2C bus...\n");
	I2C_init(I2C_OPENCORES_0_BASE, (alt_32) 50000000, (alt_32) 200000);
	// reset the Si1143 Gesture IC
	printf("Resetting Si1143 Gesture Sensor...\n");
	SI114x_ret_val = Si114xReset(si114x_handle);
	if ( SI114x_ret_val != 0 )	// if reset is successful...
		printf("Si1143 Reset completed successfully!\n");
		// set IR LED current values to a default level
		printf("Setting LED current values...\n");
		u8 i21, i3;
		i21 = 0xbb; // current = LEDI_202;
		i3  = 0x0b;
		SI114x_ret_val+=Si114xWriteToRegister(si114x_handle, REG_PS_LED21, i21);
		SI114x_ret_val+=Si114xWriteToRegister(si114x_handle, REG_PS_LED3 , i3);
	else	// if reset fails, exit
		printf("Si1143 Reset failed... Exiting...\n");
		return -1;
	// gesture recognition loop
	printf("Entering main loop...\n Loop exits after 32 gestures are recognized.\n");
	// have Si1143 measure all three proximity channels, the visual channel, and the IR channel
	s16_tasklist = PS1_TASK + PS2_TASK + PS3_TASK + ALS_VIS_TASK + ALS_IR_TASK;
	SI114x_ret_val+=Si114xParamSet(si114x_handle, PARAM_CH_LIST, s16_tasklist);

	while ( gest_cnt <= 32 ){
		// make measurement
		SI114x_ret_val = Si114xPsAlsForce(si114x_handle);
		//usleep(10000);	// uncomment if you need a pause in measurements
		if ( SI114x_ret_val > 0 ){	// if measurement is successful...
			// retrieve data from sensor and put it in struct "samples"
			DECA_si1143_irq_pop(si114x_handle, &samples);
			// process data in gesture algorithm
			gest = ProcessSi1143Samples(&samples);
			// report the gesture and increment counter
			if ( gest != NONE ) gest_cnt++;
			if ( gest == UP ) printf("UP swipe detected!\n");
			if ( gest == DOWN ) printf("DOWN swipe detected!\n");
			if ( gest == LEFT ) printf("LEFT swipe detected!\n");
			if ( gest == RIGHT ) printf("RIGHT swipe detected!\n");
			if ( gest == TAP ) printf("TAP detected!\n");
		else printf("Unable to force measurement...\n");

	return 0;