Ejemplo n.º 1
// Test if a message comes from the SpaceNavigator device. If yes, dispatch
// it appropriately and return true. Otherwise, do nothing and return false.
static bool ProcessSpaceNavigatorMsg(MSG *msg) {
    if(SpaceNavigator == SI_NO_HANDLE) return false;

    SiGetEventData sged;
    SiSpwEvent sse;

    SiGetEventWinInit(&sged, msg->message, msg->wParam, msg->lParam);
    int ret = SiGetEvent(SpaceNavigator, 0, &sged, &sse);
    if(ret == SI_NOT_EVENT) return false;
    // So the device is a SpaceNavigator event, or a SpaceNavigator error.

    if(ret == SI_IS_EVENT) {
        if(sse.type == SI_MOTION_EVENT) {
            // The Z axis translation and rotation are both
            // backwards in the default mapping.
            double tx =  sse.u.spwData.mData[SI_TX]*1.0,
                   ty =  sse.u.spwData.mData[SI_TY]*1.0,
                   tz = -sse.u.spwData.mData[SI_TZ]*1.0,
                   rx =  sse.u.spwData.mData[SI_RX]*0.001,
                   ry =  sse.u.spwData.mData[SI_RY]*0.001,
                   rz = -sse.u.spwData.mData[SI_RZ]*0.001;
            SS.GW.SpaceNavigatorMoved(tx, ty, tz, rx, ry, rz,
                !!(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000));
        } else if(sse.type == SI_BUTTON_EVENT) {
            int button;
            button = SiButtonReleased(&sse);
            if(button == SI_APP_FIT_BUTTON) SS.GW.SpaceNavigatorButtonUp();
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* translates a Win32 event to a SPW_InputEvent. */
int SPW_TranslateEventWin32(MSG * msg, SPW_InputEvent * sbEvent)
  SiSpwEvent spwEvent;
  SiGetEventData eventdata;

  if (Spw_DeviceHandle != SI_NO_HANDLE) {

    SiGetEventWinInit (&eventdata, msg->message, msg->wParam, msg->lParam);
    if (SiGetEvent (Spw_DeviceHandle, 0, &eventdata, &spwEvent) == SI_IS_EVENT) {

      int i;
      switch(spwEvent.type) {
        case SI_MOTION_EVENT:
          sbEvent->type = SPW_InputMotionEvent;      
          for(i=0; i<6; i++) {
            sbEvent->sData[i] = (short)spwEvent.u.spwData.mData[i];
        case SI_BUTTON_EVENT:
          sbEvent->type = SPW_InputButtonPressEvent;
          sbEvent->buttonState.pressed = (SiButtonPressed(&spwEvent) != SI_NO_BUTTON);
          sbEvent->buttonState.released = (SiButtonReleased(&spwEvent) != SI_NO_BUTTON);
      return TRUE;
  return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Function: DispatchLoopNT()
 * Description:
 *    This function contains the main message loop which constantly checks for
 *    SpaceBall Events and handles them apropriately.
 * Args: None
 * Return Value:
 *    int  msg.wparam                  // event passed to window
    int            num;      /* number of button pressed */
    MSG            msg;      /* incoming message to be evaluated */
    BOOL           handled;  /* is message handled yet */
    SiSpwEvent     Event;    /* SpaceWare Event */
    SiGetEventData EData;    /* SpaceWare Event Data */

    handled = SPW_FALSE;     /* init handled */

    /* start message loop */
    while ( GetMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0 ) )
        handled = SPW_FALSE;

        /* init Window platform specific data for a call to SiGetEvent */
        SiGetEventWinInit(&EData, msg.message, msg.wParam, msg.lParam);

        /* check whether msg was a Spaceball event and process it */
        if (SiGetEvent (devHdl, 0, &EData, &Event) == SI_IS_EVENT)
            if (Event.type == SI_MOTION_EVENT)
                SbMotionEvent(&Event);        /* process Spaceball motion event */
            if (Event.type == SI_ZERO_EVENT)
                SbZeroEvent();                /* process Spaceball zero event */
            if (Event.type == SI_BUTTON_EVENT)
                if ((num = SiButtonPressed (&Event)) != SI_NO_BUTTON)
                    SbButtonPressEvent(num);        /* process Spaceball button event */
                if ((num = SiButtonReleased (&Event)) != SI_NO_BUTTON)
                    SbButtonReleaseEvent(num);        /* process Spaceball button event */

            handled = SPW_TRUE;              /* spaceball event handled */

        /* not a Spaceball event, let windows handle it */
        if (handled == SPW_FALSE)
            TranslateMessage( &msg );
            DispatchMessage( &msg );

    return( msg.wParam );
Ejemplo n.º 4
SbButtonEvent(SiOpenData *pOData, SiGetEventData *pEData,
              SiSpwEvent *pEvent, void *pUData)

  int button;

  if ((button = SiButtonReleased (pEvent)) != SI_NO_BUTTON)
    SbButtonReleaseEvent(button, pUData);

  if ((button = SiButtonPressed (pEvent)) != SI_NO_BUTTON)
    SbButtonPressEvent(button, pUData);

  return (0);
