Ejemplo n.º 1
bool Plane::Intersects(const Triangle &triangle) const
    float a = SignedDistance(triangle.a);
    float b = SignedDistance(triangle.b);
    float c = SignedDistance(triangle.c);
    return (a*b <= 0.f || a*c <= 0.f);
Ejemplo n.º 2
vec Plane::Mirror(const vec &point) const
	float signedDistance = SignedDistance(point);
	assume2(normal.IsNormalized(), normal.SerializeToCodeString(), normal.Length());
	vec reflected = point - 2.f * (point.Dot(normal) - d) * normal;
	mathassert(EqualAbs(signedDistance, -SignedDistance(reflected), 1e-2f));
	return reflected;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void Plane::Set(const vec &point, const vec &normal_)
	normal = normal_;
	assume2(normal.IsNormalized(), normal.SerializeToCodeString(), normal.Length());
	d = point.Dot(normal);

	assert1(EqualAbs(SignedDistance(point), 0.f, 0.01f), SignedDistance(point));
	assert1(EqualAbs(SignedDistance(point + normal_), 1.f, 0.01f), SignedDistance(point + normal_));
Ejemplo n.º 4
int Plane::ExamineSide(const Triangle &triangle) const
	float a = SignedDistance(triangle.a);
	float b = SignedDistance(triangle.b);
	float c = SignedDistance(triangle.c);
	const float epsilon = 1e-4f; // Allow a small epsilon amount for tests for floating point inaccuracies.
	if (a >= -epsilon && b >= -epsilon && c >= -epsilon)
		return 1;
	if (a <= epsilon && b <= epsilon && c <= epsilon)
		return -1;
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
// Construct a Matrix from a plane
// note: this function is experimental
inline void PolyPlane::MatrixFromPlane( Mat44 &mat, Vec3 &p2 )
	Vec3 P;
	Vec3 N = Vec3( a, b, c );

	// find signed distance of zerovector
	float di = SignedDistance( ZERO_VECTOR );

	( di > epsilon ? 
	  P = N * (-d) :     // zero vector is in front of plane in same direction as normal.
	  P = N * (d) );     // zero vector is in opposite direction of normal

	Vec3 R = Vec3( p2 - P );
	Vec3 U;
	Cross( U, R, N );

	mat.Set( R, U, N, P );
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool Plane::CollidesWith (Line& line, Vector* vIntersection)
	//compute the intersection of the plane with the infinite line containing the line segment
	if (vIntersection)
		Vector lineSegment = line.vEnd - line.vBegin;		//represents the direction + magnitude of the line segment
		float distance = SignedDistance (line.vBegin);
		float ratio = -distance / (lineSegment * vNormal);
		*vIntersection = line.vBegin + lineSegment * ratio;

	//failure if both points are on the same side of the plane
	if (HalfSpaceTest (line.vBegin) == HalfSpaceTest (line.vEnd))
		return false;

	//success otherwise
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
	neBool TestFace(s32 face0Index, neBool & assigned)
		assigned = false;

		_visited[face0Index] = true;

		Face face0 = objA.GetFace(face0Index);

		neByte _indexB = objB.GetSupportPoint(face0.normal);

		neV3 vertB;

		vertB = objB.GetNegVertWorld(_indexB);

		Face newFace;

		f32 d = SignedDistance(face0, vertB, newFace);

		if (d >= 0.0f)
			return false;

		if (d <= dMax)
			return true;

		dMax = d;

		typeA = SearchResult::FACE;

		typeB = SearchResult::VERTEX;

		indexA = face0Index;

		indexB = _indexB;

		face = newFace;

		assigned = true;


		return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
bool Plane::Clip(vec &a, vec &b) const
	float t;
	bool intersects = IntersectLinePlane(normal, d, a, b-a, t);
	if (!intersects || t <= 0.f || t >= 1.f)
		if (SignedDistance(a) <= 0.f)
			return false; // Discard the whole line segment, it's completely behind the plane.
			return true; // The whole line segment is in the positive halfspace. Keep all of it.
	vec pt = a + (b-a) * t; // The intersection point.
	// We are either interested in the line segment [a, pt] or the segment [pt, b]. Which one is in the positive side?
	if (IsOnPositiveSide(a))
		b = pt;
		a = pt;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 9
int Plane::Clip(const Line &line, Ray &outRay) const
	float t;
	bool intersects = IntersectLinePlane(normal, d, line.pos, line.dir, t);
	if (!intersects)
		if (SignedDistance(line.pos) <= 0.f)
			return 0; // Discard the whole line, it's completely behind the plane.
			return 2; // The whole line is in the positive halfspace. Keep all of it.

	outRay.pos = line.pos + line.dir * t; // The intersection point
	if (Dot(line.dir, normal) >= 0.f)
		outRay.dir = line.dir;
		outRay.dir = -line.dir;

	return 1; // Clipping resulted in a ray being generated.
Ejemplo n.º 10
bool Plane::HalfSpaceTest (Vector& point)
	return SignedDistance (point) >= 0.0f;
Ejemplo n.º 11
	void Plane< PointT >::Project(const PointType &p, PointType *s) const
		*s = p - SignedDistance(p) * _normal;
Ejemplo n.º 12
	typename Plane< PointT >::ScalarType Plane< PointT >::Intersect(
		const PointType &p, const PointType &r) const
		return -SignedDistance(p) / (_normal * r);
Ejemplo n.º 13
float Plane::Distance(const float3 &point) const
    return Abs(SignedDistance(point));
Ejemplo n.º 14
// Inline Methods
inline bool PolyPlane::InFrontOfPlane( const Vec3& point ) 
	return IsPositive( SignedDistance(point) );
Ejemplo n.º 15
bool Plane::IsOnPositiveSide(const float3 &point) const
    return SignedDistance(point) >= 0.f;
Ejemplo n.º 16
bool Plane::AreOnSameSide(const float3 &p1, const float3 &p2) const
    return SignedDistance(p1) * SignedDistance(p2) >= 0.f;
Ejemplo n.º 17
// Add ghost cells
void MeshAddGhostCells(const string& GridType, cart2d& cart2dinfo,
		       int& numpts, int& numtri, int& numghost, int& num_ext_node,
		       point*& p, triangle*& t, double*& area, double*& cdual, 
		       int*& ghost_link, int*& proper_ghostcell,
		       int*& ext_node_link,
		       double (*SignedDistance)(point))
  int i,j;
  int k = 0;
  int mfound = 0;
  int jstore[4];
  double x,y;
  int tmp[4];
  point ptmp;
  point A,B,C,nvec,Anew,v12,v23,v31;
  double BCnorm,nvec_norm;
  int tmps,temp,kcheck;
  point alpha,beta;
  double alpha_norm,beta_norm,theta_alpha,theta_beta;
  int jopp;
  point pnew[2*numpts];
  triangle tnew[2*numtri];
  double area_new[2*numtri];
  double cdual_new[2*numpts];
  int ghost_link_new[2*numtri];
  int numghost_new = 0;
  int numpts_new = numpts;
  int numtri_new = numtri;
  int ext_new[2*numtri];
  int num_ext = 0;

  // for periodic boundary conditions
  int* centers_index_tmp = new int[2*numtri];
  double* centers_xy_tmp = new double[2*numtri];
  int num_centers = 0;
  const double olx = 1.0/(cart2dinfo.xhigh-cart2dinfo.xlow);
  const double oly = 1.0/(cart2dinfo.yhigh-cart2dinfo.ylow);

  // Compute the minimal distance parameter hmin
  double min_parea = 1.0e10;
  for (i=0; i<numtri; i++)
      if (min_parea > area[i])
	{ min_parea = area[i]; }
  double hmin = sqrt(2.0*min_parea)/5.0e0;

  // Store old t,area,p,cdual in new versions of each
  for (i=0; i<numtri; i++)
      tnew[i].n1 = t[i].n1;
      tnew[i].n2 = t[i].n2;
      tnew[i].n3 = t[i].n3;
      area_new[i] = area[i];

  for (i=0; i<numpts; i++)
      pnew[i].x = p[i].x;
      pnew[i].y = p[i].y;

      cdual_new[i] = cdual[i];

  // Loop over every element in order to determine
  // if a ghost cell should be created
  for (i=0; i<numtri; i++)
      mfound = 0;
      jstore[1] = 0;
      jstore[2] = 0;
      jstore[3] = 0;

      // Look at ith element
      tmp[1] = t[i].n1;
      tmp[2] = t[i].n2;
      tmp[3] = t[i].n3;

      // Check how many nodes of ith element lie on the boundary (either 0, 1, 2, or 3)
      // If there are 0 or 1 nodes on the bnd, then do nothing and proceed to next element
      for (j=1; j<=3; j++)
	  ptmp.x = p[tmp[j]].x;
	  ptmp.y = p[tmp[j]].y;
	  if (fabs(SignedDistance(ptmp))<=hmin)
	      mfound = mfound + 1;
	      jstore[mfound] = j;
	      A.x = ptmp.x;
	      A.y = ptmp.y;
	      jopp = tmp[j];

      // Exactly three nodes of a triangle are on the boundary
      // NOTE: 3 nodes on boundary <==> exactly two edges are boundary edges
      //   (assuming the mesh has more than 1 element and these elements are connected)
      if (mfound==3)
	  kcheck = 0;

	  // check if edge 12 is on the boundary
	  ptmp.x = 0.5*( p[tmp[1]].x + p[tmp[2]].x );
	  ptmp.y = 0.5*( p[tmp[1]].y + p[tmp[2]].y );

	  if (fabs(SignedDistance(ptmp))<=hmin)
	      jstore[1] = 1;
	      jstore[2] = 2;
	      jstore[3] = 3;

	      A.x = p[tmp[jstore[3]]].x;
	      A.y = p[tmp[jstore[3]]].y;
	      B.x = p[tmp[jstore[1]]].x;
	      B.y = p[tmp[jstore[1]]].y;
	      C.x = p[tmp[jstore[2]]].x;
	      C.y = p[tmp[jstore[2]]].y;

	      Anew.x = B.x + C.x - A.x;
	      Anew.y = B.y + C.y - A.y;
	      // Add new node and corresponding new element
	      numtri_new = numtri_new+1;
	      numpts_new = numpts_new+1;
	      pnew[numpts_new-1].x = Anew.x;
	      pnew[numpts_new-1].y = Anew.y;
	      tnew[numtri_new-1].n1 = tmp[jstore[1]];
	      tnew[numtri_new-1].n2 = tmp[jstore[2]];
	      tnew[numtri_new-1].n3 = numpts_new-1;

	      // New node link to old node
	      num_ext = num_ext+1;
	      ext_new[num_ext-1] = tmp[jstore[3]];
	      // Add ghost index;
	      numghost_new = numghost_new+1;
	      ghost_link_new[numghost_new-1] = i;

	      // Center information - to be used for periodic BCs
	      num_centers = num_centers + 1;
	      centers_index_tmp[num_centers-1] = i;
	      double x1 = A.x;
	      double x2 = B.x;
	      double x3 = C.x;
	      double y1 = A.y;
	      double y2 = B.y;
	      double y3 = C.y;
	      centers_xy_tmp[num_centers-1] = olx*(onethird*(x1+x2+x3)-cart2dinfo.xlow)
		+ 1000.0*oly*(onethird*(y1+y2+y3)-cart2dinfo.ylow);	      
	      // Compute signed element area, change orientation if necessary
	      v12.x = pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n2].x - pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n1].x;
	      v12.y = pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n2].y - pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n1].y;
	      v23.x = pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n3].x - pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n2].x;
	      v23.y = pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n3].y - pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n2].y;
	      v31.x = pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n1].x - pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n3].x;
	      v31.y = pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n1].y - pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n3].y;
	      area_new[numtri_new-1] = .5*(pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n1].x * 
					    -pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n3].y) + 
					   pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n2].x * 
					    -pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n1].y) +
					   pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n3].x * 

	      if (area_new[numtri_new-1] < 0.0)
		  temp = tnew[numtri_new-1].n2;
		  tnew[numtri_new-1].n2 = tnew[numtri_new-1].n3;
		  tnew[numtri_new-1].n3 = temp;
		  area_new[numtri_new-1] = fabs(area_new[numtri_new-1]);

	      // Add element area to the appropriate dual cell area
	      cdual_new[tnew[numtri_new-1].n1] += (area_new[numtri_new-1]/3.0);
	      cdual_new[tnew[numtri_new-1].n2] += (area_new[numtri_new-1]/3.0);
	      cdual_new[tnew[numtri_new-1].n3] += (area_new[numtri_new-1]/3.0);

	  // check if edge 13 is on the boundary
	  ptmp.x = 0.5*( p[tmp[1]].x + p[tmp[3]].x );
	  ptmp.y = 0.5*( p[tmp[1]].y + p[tmp[3]].y );

	  if (fabs(SignedDistance(ptmp))<=hmin)
	      jstore[1] = 3;
	      jstore[2] = 1;
	      jstore[3] = 2;

	      A.x = p[tmp[jstore[3]]].x;
	      A.y = p[tmp[jstore[3]]].y;
	      B.x = p[tmp[jstore[1]]].x;
	      B.y = p[tmp[jstore[1]]].y;
	      C.x = p[tmp[jstore[2]]].x;
	      C.y = p[tmp[jstore[2]]].y;

	      Anew.x = B.x + C.x - A.x;
	      Anew.y = B.y + C.y - A.y;
	      // Add new node and corresponding new element
	      numtri_new = numtri_new+1;
	      numpts_new = numpts_new+1;
	      pnew[numpts_new-1].x = Anew.x;
	      pnew[numpts_new-1].y = Anew.y;
	      tnew[numtri_new-1].n1 = tmp[jstore[1]];
	      tnew[numtri_new-1].n2 = tmp[jstore[2]];
	      tnew[numtri_new-1].n3 = numpts_new-1;

	      // New node link to old node
	      num_ext = num_ext+1;
	      ext_new[num_ext-1] = tmp[jstore[3]];
	      // Add ghost index;
	      numghost_new = numghost_new+1;
	      ghost_link_new[numghost_new-1] = i;

	      // Center information - to be used for periodic BCs
	      num_centers = num_centers + 1;
	      centers_index_tmp[num_centers-1] = i;
	      double x1 = A.x;
	      double x2 = B.x;
	      double x3 = C.x;
	      double y1 = A.y;
	      double y2 = B.y;
	      double y3 = C.y;
	      centers_xy_tmp[num_centers-1] = olx*(onethird*(x1+x2+x3)-cart2dinfo.xlow)
		+ 1000.0*oly*(onethird*(y1+y2+y3)-cart2dinfo.ylow);
	      // Compute signed element area, change orientation if necessary
	      v12.x = pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n2].x - pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n1].x;
	      v12.y = pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n2].y - pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n1].y;
	      v23.x = pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n3].x - pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n2].x;
	      v23.y = pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n3].y - pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n2].y;
	      v31.x = pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n1].x - pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n3].x;
	      v31.y = pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n1].y - pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n3].y;
	      area_new[numtri_new-1] = .5*(pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n1].x * 
					    -pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n3].y) + 
					   pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n2].x * 
					    -pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n1].y) +
					   pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n3].x * 

	      if (area_new[numtri_new-1] < 0.0)
		  temp = tnew[numtri_new-1].n2;
		  tnew[numtri_new-1].n2 = tnew[numtri_new-1].n3;
		  tnew[numtri_new-1].n3 = temp;
		  area_new[numtri_new-1] = fabs(area_new[numtri_new-1]);

	      // Add element area to the appropriate dual cell area
	      cdual_new[tnew[numtri_new-1].n1] += (area_new[numtri_new-1]/3.0);
	      cdual_new[tnew[numtri_new-1].n2] += (area_new[numtri_new-1]/3.0);
	      cdual_new[tnew[numtri_new-1].n3] += (area_new[numtri_new-1]/3.0);

	  // check if edge 23 is on the boundary
	  ptmp.x = 0.5*( p[tmp[2]].x + p[tmp[3]].x );
	  ptmp.y = 0.5*( p[tmp[2]].y + p[tmp[3]].y );

	  if (fabs(SignedDistance(ptmp))<=hmin)

	      jstore[1] = 2;
	      jstore[2] = 3;
	      jstore[3] = 1;

	      A.x = p[tmp[jstore[3]]].x;
	      A.y = p[tmp[jstore[3]]].y;
	      B.x = p[tmp[jstore[1]]].x;
	      B.y = p[tmp[jstore[1]]].y;
	      C.x = p[tmp[jstore[2]]].x;
	      C.y = p[tmp[jstore[2]]].y;

	      Anew.x = B.x + C.x - A.x;
	      Anew.y = B.y + C.y - A.y;
	      // Add new node and corresponding new element
	      numtri_new = numtri_new+1;
	      numpts_new = numpts_new+1;
	      pnew[numpts_new-1].x = Anew.x;
	      pnew[numpts_new-1].y = Anew.y;
	      tnew[numtri_new-1].n1 = tmp[jstore[1]];
	      tnew[numtri_new-1].n2 = tmp[jstore[2]];
	      tnew[numtri_new-1].n3 = numpts_new-1;

	      // New node link to old node
	      num_ext = num_ext+1;
	      ext_new[num_ext-1] = tmp[jstore[3]];
	      // Add ghost index;
	      numghost_new = numghost_new+1;
	      ghost_link_new[numghost_new-1] = i;

	      // Center information - to be used for periodic BCs
	      num_centers = num_centers + 1;
	      centers_index_tmp[num_centers-1] = i;
	      double x1 = A.x;
	      double x2 = B.x;
	      double x3 = C.x;
	      double y1 = A.y;
	      double y2 = B.y;
	      double y3 = C.y;
	      centers_xy_tmp[num_centers-1] = olx*(onethird*(x1+x2+x3)-cart2dinfo.xlow)
		+ 1000.0*oly*(onethird*(y1+y2+y3)-cart2dinfo.ylow);
	      // Compute signed element area, change orientation if necessary
	      v12.x = pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n2].x - pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n1].x;
	      v12.y = pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n2].y - pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n1].y;
	      v23.x = pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n3].x - pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n2].x;
	      v23.y = pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n3].y - pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n2].y;
	      v31.x = pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n1].x - pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n3].x;
	      v31.y = pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n1].y - pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n3].y;
	      area_new[numtri_new-1] = .5*(pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n1].x * 
					    -pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n3].y) + 
					   pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n2].x * 
					    -pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n1].y) +
					   pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n3].x * 

	      if (area_new[numtri_new-1] < 0.0)
		  temp = tnew[numtri_new-1].n2;
		  tnew[numtri_new-1].n2 = tnew[numtri_new-1].n3;
		  tnew[numtri_new-1].n3 = temp;
		  area_new[numtri_new-1] = fabs(area_new[numtri_new-1]);

	      // Add element area to the appropriate dual cell area
	      cdual_new[tnew[numtri_new-1].n1] += (area_new[numtri_new-1]/3.0);
	      cdual_new[tnew[numtri_new-1].n2] += (area_new[numtri_new-1]/3.0);
	      cdual_new[tnew[numtri_new-1].n3] += (area_new[numtri_new-1]/3.0);

	  if (kcheck!=2)
	      cout << endl;
	      cout << " ERROR in MeshAddGhostCells.cpp: " << endl; 
	      cout << "       Found a triangle with 3 nodes on the boundary." << endl;
	      cout << "       This triangle should have exactly 2 edges on the boundary," << endl;
	      cout << "         but in fact it has " << kcheck << endl;
	      cout << endl;
      // Exactly two nodes of a triangle are on the boundary
      // NOTE: 2 nodes on boundary  <==> either exactly one edge is a boundary edge  -or-
      //                                 near a corner and exactly zero edges are a bnd edge
      else if (mfound==2)

	  // Compute edge midpoint
	  ptmp.x = 0.5*( p[tmp[jstore[1]]].x + p[tmp[jstore[2]]].x );
	  ptmp.y = 0.5*( p[tmp[jstore[1]]].y + p[tmp[jstore[2]]].y );

	  // Proceed if edge midpoint is also on the bnd <==> exactly one edge is a bnd edge
	  if (fabs(SignedDistance(ptmp))<=hmin)
	      if (jstore[1]>jstore[2])
		  tmps = jstore[2];
		  jstore[2] = jstore[1];
		  jstore[1] = tmps;
	      B.x = p[tmp[jstore[1]]].x;
	      B.y = p[tmp[jstore[1]]].y;
	      C.x = p[tmp[jstore[2]]].x;
	      C.y = p[tmp[jstore[2]]].y;

	      Anew.x = B.x + C.x - A.x;
	      Anew.y = B.y + C.y - A.y;
	      // Add new node and corresponding new element
	      numtri_new = numtri_new+1;
	      numpts_new = numpts_new+1;
	      pnew[numpts_new-1].x = Anew.x;
	      pnew[numpts_new-1].y = Anew.y;
	      tnew[numtri_new-1].n1 = tmp[jstore[1]];
	      tnew[numtri_new-1].n2 = tmp[jstore[2]];
	      tnew[numtri_new-1].n3 = numpts_new-1;
	      // New node link to old node
	      num_ext = num_ext+1;
	      ext_new[num_ext-1] = jopp;// tmp[jstore[3]];

	      // Add ghost index;
	      numghost_new = numghost_new+1;
	      ghost_link_new[numghost_new-1] = i;

	      // Center information - to be used for periodic BCs
	      num_centers = num_centers + 1;
	      centers_index_tmp[num_centers-1] = i;
	      double x1 = A.x;
	      double x2 = B.x;
	      double x3 = C.x;
	      double y1 = A.y;
	      double y2 = B.y;
	      double y3 = C.y;
	      centers_xy_tmp[num_centers-1] = olx*(onethird*(x1+x2+x3)-cart2dinfo.xlow)
		+ 1000.0*oly*(onethird*(y1+y2+y3)-cart2dinfo.ylow);
	      // Compute signed element area, change orientation if necessary
	      v12.x = pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n2].x - pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n1].x;
	      v12.y = pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n2].y - pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n1].y;
	      v23.x = pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n3].x - pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n2].x;
	      v23.y = pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n3].y - pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n2].y;
	      v31.x = pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n1].x - pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n3].x;
	      v31.y = pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n1].y - pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n3].y;
	      area_new[numtri_new-1] = .5*(pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n1].x * 
					    -pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n3].y) + 
					   pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n2].x * 
					    -pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n1].y) +
					   pnew[tnew[numtri_new-1].n3].x * 

	      if (area_new[numtri_new-1] < 0.0)
		  temp = tnew[numtri_new-1].n2;
		  tnew[numtri_new-1].n2 = tnew[numtri_new-1].n3;
		  tnew[numtri_new-1].n3 = temp;
		  area_new[numtri_new-1] = fabs(area_new[numtri_new-1]);

	      // Add element area to the appropriate dual cell area
	      cdual_new[tnew[numtri_new-1].n1] += (area_new[numtri_new-1]/3.0);
	      cdual_new[tnew[numtri_new-1].n2] += (area_new[numtri_new-1]/3.0);
	      cdual_new[tnew[numtri_new-1].n3] += (area_new[numtri_new-1]/3.0);

  // Resize all appropriate vectors
  delete[] p;
  delete[] t;
  delete[] area;
  delete[] cdual;

  numpts = numpts_new;
  numtri = numtri_new;
  numghost = numghost_new;
  num_ext_node = num_ext;

  p = new point[numpts];
  t = new triangle[numtri];
  area = new double[numtri];
  cdual = new double[numpts];
  ghost_link = new int[numghost];
  proper_ghostcell = new int[numghost];
  ext_node_link = new int[num_ext];

  for (i=0; i<numtri; i++)
      t[i].n1 = tnew[i].n1;
      t[i].n2 = tnew[i].n2;
      t[i].n3 = tnew[i].n3;

      area[i] = area_new[i];

  for (i=0; i<numpts; i++)
      p[i].x = pnew[i].x;
      p[i].y = pnew[i].y;

      cdual[i] = cdual_new[i];

  for (i=0; i<numghost; i++)
      ghost_link[i] = ghost_link_new[i];

  for (i=0; i<numghost; i++)
      proper_ghostcell[i] = 1;

  for (i=0; i<num_ext; i++)
      ext_node_link[i] = ext_new[i];

  // Apply periodic boundary conditions
  int*  centers_index = new int[num_centers];
  double*  centers_xy = new double[num_centers];
  bool* centers_found = new bool[num_centers];
  for (i=0; i<num_centers; i++)
      centers_index[i] = centers_index_tmp[i];
      centers_xy[i]    = centers_xy_tmp[i];
      centers_found[i] = 0;
  delete[] centers_index_tmp;
  delete[] centers_xy_tmp;

  const double lx = (cart2dinfo.xhigh-cart2dinfo.xlow);
  const double ly = (cart2dinfo.yhigh-cart2dinfo.ylow);

  for (i=0; i<numghost; i++)
      int n1 = t[numtri-numghost+i].n1;
      int n2 = t[numtri-numghost+i].n2;
      int n3 = t[numtri-numghost+i].n3;
      double x1 = p[n1].x;
      double y1 = p[n1].y;
      double x2 = p[n2].x;
      double y2 = p[n2].y;
      double x3 = p[n3].x;
      double y3 = p[n3].y;
      double xc = modxy(onethird*(x1+x2+x3),cart2dinfo.xlow,cart2dinfo.xhigh,lx);
      double yc = modxy(onethird*(y1+y2+y3),cart2dinfo.ylow,cart2dinfo.yhigh,ly);
      double cent = olx*(xc-cart2dinfo.xlow) + 1000.0*oly*(yc-cart2dinfo.ylow);

      ghost_link[i] = find_center(num_centers,centers_index,centers_xy,cent);

Ejemplo n.º 18
// Inline Methods
inline bool PolyPlane::BehindPlane( const Vec3& point ) 
	return IsNegative( SignedDistance(point) );
Ejemplo n.º 19
int checkCollide(glm::vec3 N,glm::vec3 p,glm::vec3 vel, glm::vec3 ta, glm::vec3 tb, glm::vec3 tc, glm::vec3 &result, float &distance){

	// Figure out two times, t0 and t1. 
	// By finding the signed distance to the plane at two places.
	// We want to know if a) it intersects the plane of the triangle
	// b) if it is within the bounds of the triangle (ta/tb/tc)
	// c) or if it's on the edges / points of the triangles. 
	// This function returns 1 if it does intersect, or 0 otherwise. 
	// get interval of intersection
	float t0, t1;
	bool embedded = false;
	// calc distance
	float distToPlane = SignedDistance(N,p,ta);
	float nDvel = glm::dot(N,vel);
	if (nDvel < 0.0f){
		if (fabs(distToPlane) >= 1.0f){
			return 0;
		else {
		embedded = true;
		t0 = 0.0;
		t1 = 1.0;
		t0 = (-1.0-distToPlane)/nDvel;
		t1 = (1.0 - distToPlane)/nDvel;
		if (t0 > t1){
			float temp = t1;
			t1 = t0;
			t0 = temp;
		if (t0>1.0f || t1< 0.0f){
			return 0;
		if (t0<0.0) t0 = 0.0;
		if (t1<0.0) t1 = 0.0;
		if (t0>1.0) t0 = 1.0;
		if (t1>1.0) t1 = 1.0;
	glm::vec3 colPoint;
	bool foundCol = false;
	float t = 1.0;
	glm::vec3 planeIntersect = (p-N + t0*vel);
	if (!embedded){
		if(checkPointInTriangle(planeIntersect, ta, tb, tc)){
			foundCol = true;
			t = t0;
			colPoint = planeIntersect;
			distance = t*glm::length(vel);
			result = colPoint;
			return 1;
		return 0;
	/// VERY IMPORTANT. This is where it checks for intersection in the area of the triangle.
	else {
		if(checkPointInTriangle(planeIntersect, ta, tb, tc)){
			foundCol = true;
			t = t0;
			colPoint = planeIntersect;
			distance = t*glm::length(vel);
			result = colPoint;
			return 1;
	if (foundCol ==false){
		glm::vec3 base = p;
		float velSquared = SquaredLength(vel);
		float a,b,c;
		float newT;
		a = velSquared;
		// for ta
		b = 2.0f*glm::dot(vel,base-ta);
		c = SquaredLength(ta - base) -1.0;
		if (getLowestRoot(a,b,c,t, &newT)){
			t = newT;
			foundCol = true;
			colPoint = ta;
			distance = t*glm::length(vel);
			result = colPoint;
			return 1;
		// for tb
		b = 2.0f*glm::dot(vel,base-tb);
		c = SquaredLength(tb - base) -1.0;
		if (getLowestRoot(a,b,c,t, &newT)){
			t = newT;
			foundCol = true;
			colPoint = tb;
			distance = t*glm::length(vel);
			result = colPoint;
			return 1;
		// for tc
		b = 2.0f*glm::dot(vel,base-tc);
		c = SquaredLength((tc - base)) -1.0;
		if (getLowestRoot(a,b,c,t, &newT)){
			t = newT;
			foundCol = true;
			colPoint = tc;
			distance = t*glm::length(vel);
			result = colPoint;
			return 1;
		// now edges
		// ta -> tb
		glm::vec3 edge = tb-ta;
		glm::vec3 baseToVertex = ta - base;
		float edgeSquared = SquaredLength(edge);
		float edgeDotVel = glm::dot(edge, vel);
		float edgeDotBaseToVert = glm::dot(edge, baseToVertex);
		a = edgeSquared*-velSquared + edgeDotVel*edgeDotVel;
		b = edgeSquared*(2*glm::dot(vel,baseToVertex))-2.0*edgeDotVel*edgeDotBaseToVert;
		c = edgeSquared*(1-SquaredLength(baseToVertex))+edgeDotBaseToVert*edgeDotBaseToVert;
		if (getLowestRoot(a,b,c,t,&newT)){
			float f = (edgeDotVel*newT - edgeDotBaseToVert)/edgeSquared;
			if(f>=0.0 && f<=1.0){
				t = newT;
				foundCol = true;
				colPoint = ta + f*edge;
				distance = t*glm::length(vel);
				result = colPoint;
				return 1;
		// tb -> tc
		edge = tc-tb;
		baseToVertex = tb - base;
		edgeSquared = SquaredLength(edge);
		edgeDotVel = glm::dot(edge, vel);
		edgeDotBaseToVert = glm::dot(edge,baseToVertex);
		a = edgeSquared*-velSquared + edgeDotVel*edgeDotVel;
		b = edgeSquared*(2*glm::dot(vel,baseToVertex))-2.0*edgeDotVel*edgeDotBaseToVert;
		c = edgeSquared*(1-SquaredLength(baseToVertex))+edgeDotBaseToVert*edgeDotBaseToVert;
		if (getLowestRoot(a,b,c,t,&newT)){
			float f = (edgeDotVel*newT - edgeDotBaseToVert)/edgeSquared;
			if(f>=0.0 && f<=1.0){
				t = newT;
				foundCol = true;
				colPoint =tb + f*edge;
				distance = t*glm::length(vel);
				result = colPoint;
				return 1;
		// tc -> ta
		edge = ta-tc;
		baseToVertex = tc - base;
		edgeSquared = SquaredLength(edge);
		edgeDotVel = glm::dot(edge, vel);
		edgeDotBaseToVert = glm::dot(edge,baseToVertex);
		a = edgeSquared*-velSquared + edgeDotVel*edgeDotVel;
		b = edgeSquared*(2*glm::dot(vel,baseToVertex))-2.0*edgeDotVel*edgeDotBaseToVert;
		c = edgeSquared*(1-SquaredLength(baseToVertex))+edgeDotBaseToVert*edgeDotBaseToVert;
		if (getLowestRoot(a,b,c,t,&newT)){
			float f = (edgeDotVel*newT - edgeDotBaseToVert)/edgeSquared;
			if(f>=0.0 && f<=1.0){
				t = newT;
				foundCol = true;
				colPoint =tc + f*edge;
				distance = t*glm::length(vel);
				result = colPoint;
				return 1;
	distance = t*glm::length(vel);
	return 0;

Ejemplo n.º 20
// Inline Methods
inline bool PolyPlane::PointOnPlane(const Vec3& point) 
	return SignedDistance(point) == 0.0f; // should use eps
Ejemplo n.º 21
float Plane::Intersect(const Vec3f &p, const Vec3f &r) const
	return -SignedDistance(p) / (m_normal.dot(r));
Ejemplo n.º 22
PlaneGeometry::DistanceFromPlane( const Point3D &pt3d_mm ) const
  return fabs(SignedDistance( pt3d_mm ));
Ejemplo n.º 23
Vec3f Plane::ClosestPoint(const Vec3f &Point)
    return (Point - Normal() * SignedDistance(Point));