Ejemplo n.º 1
	void SolarSimulation::runSimulation ( ) throw (SimulationInvalidScenarioException, SimulationException)
		SolarScenario *scen = getSolarScenario();

		std::vector<GFX::Vertex *> verts = figure.getVertices();
		if ( verts.size() < 1 ) {
			throw SimulationException();
		std::vector<GFX::Vertex *>::iterator vi;
		double thetaRes = input.getAzimuthResolution() * PI / 180.0;
		double phiRes = input.getZenithResolution() * PI / 180.0;

		try {
			int timesteps = radTran->initialize();
			while ( radTran->getNextTimeStep() ) {
				int i = 0;
				for ( vi = verts.begin(); vi != verts.end(); vi++ ) {

					if ( scen->getDiffuse() ) {
						traceDiffuse(*vi, thetaRes, phiRes);
					if ( scen->getDirect() ) {

					// stub for new reflective component, not yet implemented
					if ( CFG::InternalConfig::ENABLE_REFLECTIVE ) {
						if ( scen->getReflective() ) {
							traceReflective(*vi, scen->getReflectiveGround());

					percentComplete = static_cast<double>(++i) / verts.size();
			normalizeVertices(verts, 1.0 / timesteps);

		} catch ( SimulationException &e ) {

		// TODO move this somewhere more... appropriate
		std::ofstream of("log/verts.csv");
		for ( vi = verts.begin(); vi != verts.end(); ++vi ) {
			std::map<const unsigned int, double> irrad = (*vi)->getIrradiance();
			std::map<const unsigned int, double>::const_iterator mi;
			for ( mi = irrad.begin(); mi != irrad.end(); ++mi ) {
				of << (*mi).second << ",";
			of << std::endl;

		percentComplete = 1.0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
score EvaluationModule::aimAtTeamMate(Robot::robotID shootingRobotID, Robot::robotID goalRobotID, double * rotationToTarget){
	GameStatePtr gameState( new GameState() );

	if( video.updateGameState( gameState ) < 0){
		std::ostringstream s;
		throw SimulationException( s.str() );

	score score_ = 0;

	Pose shootingRobotPose=gameState->getRobotPos( shootingRobotID );
	Pose goalRobotPose=gameState->getRobotPos( goalRobotID );

	//obliczam wspolrzedna srodka robota do ktorego kierowane jest podanie w ukladzie wsp zw z robotem strzelajacym
	RotationMatrix rm( shootingRobotPose.get<2>() );

	Pose recvPassRelPos = goalRobotPose.transform( shootingRobotPose.getPosition() , rm );

	if( rotationToTarget )
		*rotationToTarget = calculateProperAngleToTarget( shootingRobotPose, goalRobotPose );

	//jesli wsp x jest bliska 0 i roboty maja przeciwna rotace to mozna zrealizowac podanie
	if( pow(recvPassRelPos.get<0>(),2) < 0.05*recvPassRelPos.get<1>() ){
		//roboty maja rotacje odpowiednia do siebie gdy roznica jest rowna -M_PI
		//double deviation = pow(  fabs( shootingRobotPose.get<2>() - goalRobotPose.get<2>() )  - M_PI, 2 ) ;
		double deviation = fabs( shootingRobotPose.get<2>() - goalRobotPose.get<2>() )  - M_PI ;

		double threshold = 0.1*recvPassRelPos.get<1>();
		if( deviation < threshold   ){// 4 stopnie
			LOG_DEBUG( log," mozna podac deviation="<<deviation<<" threshold "<<threshold );
			//std::cout<<" mozna podac deviation="<<deviation<<std::endl;
			score_ = 1.0 - deviation;
			LOG_INFO(log, "deviation "<<deviation );
			LOG_INFO(log, "shootingRobotPose.get<2>() "<<shootingRobotPose.get<2>()<<" goalRobotPose.get<2>() "<< goalRobotPose.get<2>() );
			LOG_INFO(log, "!!!!!!!!! bad recvPassRelPos "<<recvPassRelPos<<" rotationToTarget "<<*rotationToTarget<<" currRotation "<<shootingRobotPose.get<2>() );
			LOG_INFO(log, "!!!!!!!!! bad recvPassRelPos "<<recvPassRelPos<<" currRotation "<<shootingRobotPose.get<2>() )

	return score_;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void FollowLine::execute(void *){

	LOG_INFO(log,"create start FollowLine tactic. Line "<<p1<<" "<<p2);

	Task::status taskStatus = Task::not_completed;

    Pose goalPose = Pose(this->p1,0);
    Pose nextGoalPose = Pose(this->p2,0);

    //znajdz punkt na odcinku (p1,p2) bedacy najblizej pilki
    //i nie nalezacy do zadnej przeszkody

    //r-nie prostej przechodzacej przez P1 i P2
  //  double a = -( p2.y - p1.y )/( p2.x - p1.x );
 //   double b = 1;
 //   double c = (-1)*p1.x * a - p1.y;

    GameStatePtr gameState ( new GameState() );
    if( Videoserver::getInstance().updateGameState( gameState ) < 0 )
    	throw SimulationException("FollowLine::execute");

    	LockGuard l(this->mutex);
	   taskStatus = Task::not_completed;

	   if( Videoserver::getInstance().updateGameState( gameState ) < 0)
		   throw SimulationException("FollowLine::execute");

	   Pose currPose = gameState->getRobotPos(this->robot.getRobotID());
	   Vector2D diff = currPose.getPosition() - goalPose.getPosition();

	   //podazaj do kranca zdefiniowanego odcinka
	   if( ( fabs(diff.x) < 0.05 ) && ( fabs(diff.y) < 0.05 ) ){
		   Pose tmp = goalPose;
		   goalPose = nextGoalPose;
		   nextGoalPose = tmp;

		Vector2D robotCurrentGlobalVel=gameState->getRobotGlobalVelocity( robot.getRobotID() );

		//robotNewVel=calculateVelocity( robotCurrentVel, Pose(targetRelPosition.x,targetRelPosition.y,0));

		bool haveBall= false;
		Vector2D robotNewGlobalVel=this->robot.calculateVelocity( robotCurrentGlobalVel, currPose, goalPose, haveBall );
		//double w = robot->calculateAngularVel(*currGameState,robot->getRobotID(), goalPose);
		double w = robot.calculateAngularVel( gameState->getRobotPos( robot.getRobotID() ), goalPose, gameState->getSimTime(), haveBall );

	   //this->robot.setRelativeSpeed( Vector2D( 1.0,0.0 ) * sgn( diff.x ) ,0 );
	   this->robot.setGlobalSpeed( robotNewGlobalVel ,w , currPose.get<2>());

	   while( ( fabs(diff.x) > 0.05 ) && ( fabs(diff.y) > 0.05 ) ){
		  // newTask = this->currentTask->nextTask();

		   if( diff.x < 0 )
			   this->robot.setRelativeSpeed( Vector(1.0,0.0),0 );
				this->currentTask = TaskSharedPtr( newTask );
    this->finished = false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
BallState::ballState EvaluationModule::getBallState(Robot::robotID id, bool * iAmCloserToBall ){

	GameStatePtr gameState( new GameState() );

	if( video.updateGameState( gameState ) < 0){
		std::ostringstream s;
		throw SimulationException( s.str() );

    const std::vector<std::string> blueTeam=Config::getInstance().getBlueTeam();
    BallState::ballState bs=BallState::free;
    BallState::ballState ballState_=BallState::free;

    Pose p;
    Pose ballPose = gameState->getBallPos();

    //pobierz ostatni stan z servera wideo,
    //wazne w przypadku autu badz zdobycia bramki
    ballState_ = gameState->getBallState();//getBallState( ballPose.getPosition() );
    if( ballState_ != BallState::free){
    	//LOG_FATAL( log,"Ball state is  "<<ballState_ );
    	LOG_FATAL( log,"Ball 123position is  "<<ballPose<<" ballState "<<ballState_ );
    	return ballState_;

    if( Robot::isBlue( id ) ){
    	bs = BallState::occupied_our;
    	bs = BallState::occupied_theirs;

    double distanceToBall;
    double angleToBall;

	//dla kazdego robota z naszej druzyny sprawdz czy nie jest posiadaczem pilki
	//dla kazdego robota z druzyny przeciwnej sprawdz czy nie jest posiadaczem pilki

    //odleglosc najblizszego robota do pilki
    double shortestDistance = numeric_limits<double>::max( );
    Robot::robotID closerToBallRobotID;

    Robot::robotID robotID;
	BOOST_FOREACH(std::string modelName,blueTeam){
		robotID = Robot::getRobotID( modelName);
		p = gameState->getRobotPos( robotID );

		//if( p.distance(ballPose) < ( Config::getInstance().getRobotMainCylinderRadious() + 0.04 ) ){
		if( this->isRobotOwnedBall( Robot::getRobotID( modelName ), gameState , distanceToBall, angleToBall ) ){
			ballState_ = bs;
			if( Robot::getRobotID( modelName) == id )
				return BallState::mine;
				return ballState_;
		if( distanceToBall < shortestDistance ){
			closerToBallRobotID = robotID;
