Ejemplo n.º 1
// renderSelectionHUD
void GaGameUnit::renderSelectionHUD( ScnCanvasComponentRef Canvas, BcFixed TimeFraction, BcU32 TeamID )
	if( Behaviour_ != BEHAVIOUR_DEAD )
		BcU32 TextureIdx = Desc_.Type_;
		BcFixedVec2d GamePosition( getInterpolatedPosition( TimeFraction ) );
		const BcReal ScaleFactor = 32.0f;
		BcVec2d Position( GamePosition.x(), GamePosition.y() );
		BcVec2d Size( Desc_.Size_.x(), Desc_.Size_.y() );

		Position *= ScaleFactor;
		Size *= ScaleFactor;

		BcVec2d PositionA( Position + ( BcVec2d( -Size.x(), -Size.y() ) * 0.45f ) );
		BcVec2d PositionB( Position + ( BcVec2d(  Size.x(), -Size.y() ) * 0.45f ) );
		BcVec2d PositionC( Position + ( BcVec2d(  Size.x(),  Size.y() ) * 0.45f ) );
		BcVec2d PositionD( Position + ( BcVec2d( -Size.x(),  Size.y() ) * 0.45f ) );
		BcVec2d SizeA( BcVec2d(  16.0f,  16.0f ) );
		BcVec2d SizeB( BcVec2d( -16.0f,  16.0f ) );
		BcVec2d SizeC( BcVec2d( -16.0f, -16.0f ) );
		BcVec2d SizeD( BcVec2d(  16.0f, -16.0f ) );

		// Draw selection marker.
		RsColour MarkerColour = TeamID == TeamID_ ? ( RsColour::WHITE ) : ( RsColour::RED ) * RsColour( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.75f );
		Canvas->drawSpriteCentered( PositionA, SizeA, 2, MarkerColour, 3 );
		Canvas->drawSpriteCentered( PositionB, SizeB, 2, MarkerColour, 3 );
		Canvas->drawSpriteCentered( PositionC, SizeC, 2, MarkerColour, 3 );
		Canvas->drawSpriteCentered( PositionD, SizeD, 2, MarkerColour, 3 );
Ejemplo n.º 2
PaperFormat GetPaperFormat(SizeD size)
    SizeD sizeP = size.dx < size.dy ? size : SizeD(size.dy, size.dx);
    // common ISO 216 formats (metric)
    if (limitValue(sizeP.dx, 8.26, 8.28) == sizeP.dx && limitValue(sizeP.dy, 11.68, 11.70) == sizeP.dy)
        return Paper_A4;
    if (limitValue(sizeP.dx, 11.68, 11.70) == sizeP.dx && limitValue(sizeP.dy, 16.53, 16.55) == sizeP.dy)
        return Paper_A3;
    if (limitValue(sizeP.dx, 5.82, 5.85) == sizeP.dx && limitValue(sizeP.dy, 8.26, 8.28) == sizeP.dy)
        return Paper_A5;
    // common US/ANSI formats (imperial)
    if (limitValue(sizeP.dx, 8.49, 8.51) == sizeP.dx && limitValue(sizeP.dy, 10.99, 11.01) == sizeP.dy)
        return Paper_Letter;
    if (limitValue(sizeP.dx, 8.49, 8.51) == sizeP.dx && limitValue(sizeP.dy, 13.99, 14.01) == sizeP.dy)
        return Paper_Legal;
    if (limitValue(sizeP.dx, 10.99, 11.01) == sizeP.dx && limitValue(sizeP.dy, 16.99, 17.01) == sizeP.dy)
        return Paper_Tabloid;
    if (limitValue(sizeP.dx, 5.49, 5.51) == sizeP.dx && limitValue(sizeP.dy, 8.49, 8.51) == sizeP.dy)
        return Paper_Statement;
    return Paper_Other;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// format page size according to locale (e.g. "29.7 x 21.0 cm" or "11.69 x 8.27 in")
// Caller needs to free the result
static WCHAR *FormatPageSize(BaseEngine *engine, int pageNo, int rotation)
    RectD mediabox = engine->PageMediabox(pageNo);
    SizeD size = engine->Transform(mediabox, pageNo, 1.0f / engine->GetFileDPI(), rotation).Size();

    const WCHAR *formatName = L"";
    SizeD sizeP = size.dx < size.dy ? size : SizeD(size.dy, size.dx);
    // common ISO 216 formats (metric)
    if (limitValue(sizeP.dx, 8.26, 8.28) == sizeP.dx && limitValue(sizeP.dy, 11.68, 11.70) == sizeP.dy)
        formatName = L" (A4)";
    else if (limitValue(sizeP.dx, 11.68, 11.70) == sizeP.dx && limitValue(sizeP.dy, 16.53, 16.55) == sizeP.dy)
        formatName = L" (A3)";
    else if (limitValue(sizeP.dx, 5.82, 5.85) == sizeP.dx && limitValue(sizeP.dy, 8.26, 8.28) == sizeP.dy)
        formatName = L" (A5)";
    // common US/ANSI formats (imperial)
    else if (limitValue(sizeP.dx, 8.49, 8.51) == sizeP.dx && limitValue(sizeP.dy, 10.99, 11.01) == sizeP.dy)
        formatName = L" (Letter)";
    else if (limitValue(sizeP.dx, 8.49, 8.51) == sizeP.dx && limitValue(sizeP.dy, 13.99, 14.01) == sizeP.dy)
        formatName = L" (Legal)";
    else if (limitValue(sizeP.dx, 10.99, 11.01) == sizeP.dx && limitValue(sizeP.dy, 16.99, 17.01) == sizeP.dy)
        formatName = L" (Tabloid)";

    WCHAR unitSystem[2];
    GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_IMEASURE, unitSystem, dimof(unitSystem));
    bool isMetric = unitSystem[0] == '0';
    double unitsPerInch = isMetric ? 2.54 : 1.0;
    const WCHAR *unit = isMetric ? L"cm" : L"in";

    double width = size.dx * unitsPerInch;
    double height = size.dy * unitsPerInch;
    if (((int)(width * 100)) % 100 == 99)
        width += 0.01;
    if (((int)(height * 100)) % 100 == 99)
        height += 0.01;

    ScopedMem<WCHAR> strWidth(str::FormatFloatWithThousandSep(width));
    ScopedMem<WCHAR> strHeight(str::FormatFloatWithThousandSep(height));

    return str::Format(L"%s x %s %s%s", strWidth, strHeight, unit, formatName);
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void GeomTest()
    PointD ptD(12.4, -13.6);
    utassert(ptD.x == 12.4 && ptD.y == -13.6);
    PointI ptI = ptD.ToInt();
    utassert(ptI.x == 12 && ptI.y == -14);
    ptD = ptI.Convert<double>();
    utassert(PointD(12, -14) == ptD);
    utassert(PointD(12.4, -13.6) != ptD);

    SizeD szD(7.7, -3.3);
    utassert(szD.dx == 7.7 && szD.dy == -3.3);
    SizeI szI = szD.ToInt();
    utassert(szI.dx == 8 && szI.dy == -3);
    szD = szI.Convert<double>();
    utassert(SizeD(8, -3) == szD);

    utassert(!szD.IsEmpty() && !szI.IsEmpty());
    utassert(SizeI().IsEmpty() && SizeD().IsEmpty());

    struct SRIData {
        int     x1s, x1e, y1s, y1e;
        int     x2s, x2e, y2s, y2e;
        bool    intersect;
        int     i_xs, i_xe, i_ys, i_ye;
        int     u_xs, u_xe, u_ys, u_ye;
    } testData[] = {
        { 0,10, 0,10,   0,10, 0,10,  true,  0,10, 0,10,  0,10, 0,10 }, /* complete intersect */
        { 0,10, 0,10,  20,30,20,30,  false, 0, 0, 0, 0,  0,30, 0,30 }, /* no intersect */
        { 0,10, 0,10,   5,15, 0,10,  true,  5,10, 0,10,  0,15, 0,10 }, /* { | } | */
        { 0,10, 0,10,   5, 7, 0,10,  true,  5, 7, 0,10,  0,10, 0,10 }, /* { | | } */
        { 0,10, 0,10,   5, 7, 5, 7,  true,  5, 7, 5, 7,  0,10, 0,10 },
        { 0,10, 0,10,   5, 15,5,15,  true,  5,10, 5,10,  0,15, 0,15 },

    for (size_t i = 0; i < dimof(testData); i++) {
        struct SRIData *curr = &testData[i];

        RectI rx1(curr->x1s, curr->y1s, curr->x1e - curr->x1s, curr->y1e - curr->y1s);
        RectI rx2 = RectI::FromXY(curr->x2s, curr->y2s, curr->x2e, curr->y2e);
        RectI isect = rx1.Intersect(rx2);
        if (curr->intersect) {
            utassert(isect.x == curr->i_xs && isect.y == curr->i_ys);
            utassert(isect.x + isect.dx == curr->i_xe && isect.y + isect.dy == curr->i_ye);
        else {
        RectI urect = rx1.Union(rx2);
        utassert(urect.x == curr->u_xs && urect.y == curr->u_ys);
        utassert(urect.x + urect.dx == curr->u_xe && urect.y + urect.dy == curr->u_ye);

        /* if we swap rectangles, the results should be the same */
        std::swap(rx1, rx2);
        isect = rx1.Intersect(rx2);
        if (curr->intersect) {
            utassert(isect.x == curr->i_xs && isect.y == curr->i_ys);
            utassert(isect.x + isect.dx == curr->i_xe && isect.y + isect.dy == curr->i_ye);
        else {
        urect = rx1.Union(rx2);
        utassert(RectI::FromXY(curr->u_xs, curr->u_ys, curr->u_xe, curr->u_ye) == urect);

        utassert(!rx1.Contains(PointI(-2, -2)));
        utassert(!rx1.Contains(PointI(rx1.x, INT_MAX)));
        utassert(!rx1.Contains(PointI(INT_MIN, rx1.y)));