Ejemplo n.º 1
Bool MPMCheck(void)
    CHECKL(sizeof(Word) * CHAR_BIT == MPS_WORD_WIDTH);
    /* Check that trace ids will fit in the TraceId type. */
    /* Check that there are enough bits in */
    /* a TraceSet to store all possible trace ids. */
    CHECKL(sizeof(TraceSet) * CHAR_BIT >= TraceLIMIT);

    CHECKL((SizeAlignUp(0, 2048) == 0));
    CHECKL(!SizeIsAligned(64, (unsigned) -1));
    CHECKL(SizeIsAligned(0, 32));
    CHECKL((SizeAlignUp(1024, 16) == 1024));
    /* .prime: 31051 is prime */
    CHECKL(SizeIsAligned(SizeAlignUp(31051, 256), 256));
    CHECKL(SizeIsAligned(SizeAlignUp(31051, 512), 512));
    CHECKL(!SizeIsAligned(31051, 1024));
    CHECKL(SizeLog2((Size)1) == 0);
    CHECKL(SizeLog2((Size)256) == 8);
    CHECKL(SizeLog2((Size)65536) == 16);
    CHECKL(SizeLog2((Size)131072) == 17);

    /* .check.writef: We check that various types will fit in a Word; */
    /* See .writef.check.  Don't need to check WriteFS or WriteFF as they */
    /* should not be cast to Word. */
    CHECKL(sizeof(WriteFA) <= sizeof(Word));
    CHECKL(sizeof(WriteFP) <= sizeof(Word));
    CHECKL(sizeof(WriteFW) <= sizeof(Word)); /* Should be trivial*/
    CHECKL(sizeof(WriteFU) <= sizeof(Word));
    CHECKL(sizeof(WriteFB) <= sizeof(Word));
    CHECKL(sizeof(WriteFC) <= sizeof(Word));
    /* .check.write.double: See .write.double.check */
        int e, DBL_EXP_DIG = 1;
        for (e = DBL_MAX_10_EXP; e > 0; e /= 10)
        CHECKL(-(DBL_MIN_10_EXP) <= DBL_MAX_10_EXP);

    return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Res ChunkInit(Chunk chunk, Arena arena, Addr base, Addr limit, Size reserved,
              BootBlock boot)
  Size size;
  Count pages;
  Shift pageShift;
  Size pageTableSize;
  Addr allocBase;
  void *p;
  Res res;

  /* chunk is supposed to be uninitialized, so don't check it. */
  AVERT(Arena, arena);
  AVER(base != NULL);
  AVER(AddrIsAligned(base, ArenaGrainSize(arena)));
  AVER(base < limit);
  AVER(AddrIsAligned(limit, ArenaGrainSize(arena)));
  AVERT(BootBlock, boot);

  chunk->serial = (arena->chunkSerial)++;
  chunk->arena = arena;

  chunk->pageSize = ArenaGrainSize(arena);
  chunk->pageShift = pageShift = SizeLog2(chunk->pageSize);
  chunk->base = base;
  chunk->limit = limit;
  chunk->reserved = reserved;
  size = ChunkSize(chunk);

  /* .overhead.pages: Chunk overhead for the page allocation table. */
  chunk->pages = pages = size >> pageShift;
  res = BootAlloc(&p, boot, (size_t)BTSize(pages), MPS_PF_ALIGN);
  if (res != ResOK)
    goto failAllocTable;
  chunk->allocTable = p;

  pageTableSize = SizeAlignUp(pages * sizeof(PageUnion), chunk->pageSize);
  chunk->pageTablePages = pageTableSize >> pageShift;

  res = Method(Arena, arena, chunkInit)(chunk, boot);
  if (res != ResOK)
    goto failClassInit;

  /* @@@@ Is BootAllocated always right? */
  /* Last thing we BootAlloc'd is pageTable.  We requested pageSize */
  /* alignment, and pageTableSize is itself pageSize aligned, so */
  /* BootAllocated should also be pageSize aligned. */
  AVER(AddrIsAligned(BootAllocated(boot), chunk->pageSize));
  chunk->allocBase = (Index)(BootAllocated(boot) >> pageShift);

  /* Init allocTable after class init, because it might be mapped there. */
  BTResRange(chunk->allocTable, 0, pages);

  /* Check that there is some usable address space remaining in the chunk. */
  allocBase = PageIndexBase(chunk, chunk->allocBase);
  AVER(allocBase < chunk->limit);

  /* Add the chunk's free address space to the arena's freeLand, so that
     we can allocate from it. */
  if (arena->hasFreeLand) {
    res = ArenaFreeLandInsert(arena, allocBase, chunk->limit);
    if (res != ResOK)
      goto failLandInsert;


  chunk->sig = ChunkSig;
  AVERT(Chunk, chunk);

  ArenaChunkInsert(arena, chunk);

  return ResOK;

  Method(Arena, arena, chunkFinish)(chunk);
  /* .no-clean: No clean-ups needed past this point for boot, as we will
     discard the chunk. */
  return res;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static Res MVTInit(Pool pool, Arena arena, PoolClass klass, ArgList args)
  Size align = MVT_ALIGN_DEFAULT;
  Size minSize = MVT_MIN_SIZE_DEFAULT;
  Size meanSize = MVT_MEAN_SIZE_DEFAULT;
  Size maxSize = MVT_MAX_SIZE_DEFAULT;
  Count reserveDepth = MVT_RESERVE_DEPTH_DEFAULT;
  Count fragLimit = MVT_FRAG_LIMIT_DEFAULT;
  Size reuseSize, fillSize;
  Count abqDepth;
  MVT mvt;
  Res res;
  ArgStruct arg;

  AVER(pool != NULL);
  AVERT(Arena, arena);
  AVERT(ArgList, args);
  UNUSED(klass); /* used for debug pools only */

  if (ArgPick(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_ALIGN))
    align = arg.val.align;
  if (ArgPick(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_MIN_SIZE))
    minSize = arg.val.size;
  if (ArgPick(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_MEAN_SIZE))
    meanSize = arg.val.size;
  if (ArgPick(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_MAX_SIZE))
    maxSize = arg.val.size;
  if (ArgPick(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_MVT_RESERVE_DEPTH))
    reserveDepth = arg.val.count;
  if (ArgPick(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_MVT_FRAG_LIMIT)) {
    /* pending complete fix for job003319 */
    AVER(0 <= arg.val.d);
    AVER(arg.val.d <= 1);
    fragLimit = (Count)(arg.val.d * 100);

  AVERT(Align, align);
  /* This restriction on the alignment is necessary because of the use
     of a Freelist to store the free address ranges in low-memory
     situations. <design/freelist#.impl.grain.align>. */
  AVER(AlignIsAligned(align, FreelistMinimumAlignment));
  AVER(align <= ArenaGrainSize(arena));
  AVER(0 < minSize);
  AVER(minSize <= meanSize);
  AVER(meanSize <= maxSize);
  AVER(reserveDepth > 0);
  AVER(fragLimit <= 100);
  /* TODO: More parameter checks possible? */

  /* see <design/poolmvt#.arch.parameters> */
  fillSize = SizeArenaGrains(maxSize, arena);
  /* see <design/poolmvt#.arch.fragmentation.internal> */
  reuseSize = 2 * fillSize;
  abqDepth = (reserveDepth * meanSize + reuseSize - 1) / reuseSize;
  /* keep the abq from being useless */
  if (abqDepth < 3)
    abqDepth = 3;

  res = NextMethod(Pool, MVTPool, init)(pool, arena, klass, args);
  if (res != ResOK)
    goto failNextInit;
  mvt = CouldBeA(MVTPool, pool);

  res = LandInit(MVTFreePrimary(mvt), CLASS(CBSFast), arena, align, mvt,
  if (res != ResOK)
    goto failFreePrimaryInit;
  res = LandInit(MVTFreeSecondary(mvt), CLASS(Freelist), arena, align,
                 mvt, mps_args_none);
  if (res != ResOK)
    goto failFreeSecondaryInit;
  MPS_ARGS_BEGIN(foArgs) {
    MPS_ARGS_ADD(foArgs, FailoverPrimary, MVTFreePrimary(mvt));
    MPS_ARGS_ADD(foArgs, FailoverSecondary, MVTFreeSecondary(mvt));
    res = LandInit(MVTFreeLand(mvt), CLASS(Failover), arena, align, mvt,
  } MPS_ARGS_END(foArgs);
  if (res != ResOK)
    goto failFreeLandInit;

  res = ABQInit(arena, MVTABQ(mvt), (void *)mvt, abqDepth, sizeof(RangeStruct));
  if (res != ResOK)
    goto failABQInit;

  pool->alignment = align;
  pool->alignShift = SizeLog2(pool->alignment);
  mvt->reuseSize = reuseSize;
  mvt->fillSize = fillSize;
  mvt->abqOverflow = FALSE;
  mvt->minSize = minSize;
  mvt->meanSize = meanSize;
  mvt->maxSize = maxSize;
  mvt->fragLimit = fragLimit;
  mvt->splinter = FALSE;
  mvt->splinterBase = (Addr)0;
  mvt->splinterLimit = (Addr)0;
  /* accounting */
  mvt->size = 0;
  mvt->allocated = 0;
  mvt->available = 0;
  mvt->availLimit = 0;
  mvt->unavailable = 0;
  /* meters*/
  METER_INIT(mvt->segAllocs, "segment allocations", (void *)mvt);
  METER_INIT(mvt->segFrees, "segment frees", (void *)mvt);
  METER_INIT(mvt->bufferFills, "buffer fills", (void *)mvt);
  METER_INIT(mvt->bufferEmpties, "buffer empties", (void *)mvt);
  METER_INIT(mvt->poolFrees, "pool frees", (void *)mvt);
  METER_INIT(mvt->poolSize, "pool size", (void *)mvt);
  METER_INIT(mvt->poolAllocated, "pool allocated", (void *)mvt);
  METER_INIT(mvt->poolAvailable, "pool available", (void *)mvt);
  METER_INIT(mvt->poolUnavailable, "pool unavailable", (void *)mvt);
  METER_INIT(mvt->poolUtilization, "pool utilization", (void *)mvt);
  METER_INIT(mvt->finds, "ABQ finds", (void *)mvt);
  METER_INIT(mvt->overflows, "ABQ overflows", (void *)mvt);
  METER_INIT(mvt->underflows, "ABQ underflows", (void *)mvt);
  METER_INIT(mvt->refills, "ABQ refills", (void *)mvt);
  METER_INIT(mvt->refillPushes, "ABQ refill pushes", (void *)mvt);
  METER_INIT(mvt->returns, "ABQ returns", (void *)mvt);
  METER_INIT(mvt->perfectFits, "perfect fits", (void *)mvt);
  METER_INIT(mvt->firstFits, "first fits", (void *)mvt);
  METER_INIT(mvt->secondFits, "second fits", (void *)mvt);
  METER_INIT(mvt->failures, "failures", (void *)mvt);
  METER_INIT(mvt->emergencyContingencies, "emergency contingencies",
             (void *)mvt);
             "fragmentation limit contingencies", (void *)mvt);
  METER_INIT(mvt->contingencySearches, "contingency searches", (void *)mvt);
             "contingency hard searches", (void *)mvt);
  METER_INIT(mvt->splinters, "splinters", (void *)mvt);
  METER_INIT(mvt->splintersUsed, "splinters used", (void *)mvt);
  METER_INIT(mvt->splintersDropped, "splinters dropped", (void *)mvt);
  METER_INIT(mvt->sawdust, "sawdust", (void *)mvt);
  METER_INIT(mvt->exceptions, "exceptions", (void *)mvt);
  METER_INIT(mvt->exceptionSplinters, "exception splinters", (void *)mvt);
  METER_INIT(mvt->exceptionReturns, "exception returns", (void *)mvt);

  SetClassOfPoly(pool, CLASS(MVTPool));
  mvt->sig = MVTSig;
  AVERC(MVT, mvt);
  EVENT6(PoolInitMVT, pool, minSize, meanSize, maxSize,
               reserveDepth, fragLimit);

  return ResOK;

  NextMethod(Inst, MVTPool, finish)(MustBeA(Inst, pool));
  AVER(res != ResOK);
  return res;