Ejemplo n.º 1
static inline bool is_cubic_nearly_quadratic(const Sk2f& p0, const Sk2f& p1, const Sk2f& p2,
                                             const Sk2f& p3, const Sk2f& tan0, const Sk2f& tan1,
                                             Sk2f* c) {
    Sk2f c1 = SkNx_fma(Sk2f(1.5f), tan0, p0);
    Sk2f c2 = SkNx_fma(Sk2f(-1.5f), tan1, p3);
    *c = (c1 + c2) * .5f; // Hopefully optimized out if not used?
    return ((c1 - c2).abs() <= 1).allTrue();
Ejemplo n.º 2
void GrCCPathParser::parsePath(const SkMatrix& m, const SkPath& path, SkRect* devBounds,
                               SkRect* devBounds45) {
    const SkPoint* pts = SkPathPriv::PointData(path);
    int numPts = path.countPoints();
    SkASSERT(numPts + 1 <= fLocalDevPtsBuffer.count());

    if (!numPts) {
        this->parsePath(path, nullptr);

    // m45 transforms path points into "45 degree" device space. A bounding box in this space gives
    // the circumscribing octagon's diagonals. We could use SK_ScalarRoot2Over2, but an orthonormal
    // transform is not necessary as long as the shader uses the correct inverse.
    SkMatrix m45;
    m45.setSinCos(1, 1);

    // X,Y,T are two parallel view matrices that accumulate two bounding boxes as they map points:
    // device-space bounds and "45 degree" device-space bounds (| 1 -1 | * devCoords).
    //                                                          | 1  1 |
    Sk4f X = Sk4f(m.getScaleX(), m.getSkewY(), m45.getScaleX(), m45.getSkewY());
    Sk4f Y = Sk4f(m.getSkewX(), m.getScaleY(), m45.getSkewX(), m45.getScaleY());
    Sk4f T = Sk4f(m.getTranslateX(), m.getTranslateY(), m45.getTranslateX(), m45.getTranslateY());

    // Map the path's points to device space and accumulate bounding boxes.
    Sk4f devPt = SkNx_fma(Y, Sk4f(pts[0].y()), T);
    devPt = SkNx_fma(X, Sk4f(pts[0].x()), devPt);
    Sk4f topLeft = devPt;
    Sk4f bottomRight = devPt;

    // Store all 4 values [dev.x, dev.y, dev45.x, dev45.y]. We are only interested in the first two,
    // and will overwrite [dev45.x, dev45.y] with the next point. This is why the dst buffer must
    // be at least one larger than the number of points.

    for (int i = 1; i < numPts; ++i) {
        devPt = SkNx_fma(Y, Sk4f(pts[i].y()), T);
        devPt = SkNx_fma(X, Sk4f(pts[i].x()), devPt);
        topLeft = Sk4f::Min(topLeft, devPt);
        bottomRight = Sk4f::Max(bottomRight, devPt);

    SkPoint topLeftPts[2], bottomRightPts[2];
    devBounds->setLTRB(topLeftPts[0].x(), topLeftPts[0].y(), bottomRightPts[0].x(),
    devBounds45->setLTRB(topLeftPts[1].x(), topLeftPts[1].y(), bottomRightPts[1].x(),

    this->parsePath(path, fLocalDevPtsBuffer.get());
Ejemplo n.º 3
inline void GrCCFillGeometry::appendQuadratics(const Sk2f& p0, const Sk2f& p1, const Sk2f& p2) {
    Sk2f tan0 = p1 - p0;
    Sk2f tan1 = p2 - p1;

    // This should almost always be this case for well-behaved curves in the real world.
    if (is_convex_curve_monotonic(p0, tan0, p2, tan1)) {
        this->appendMonotonicQuadratic(p0, p1, p2);

    // Chop the curve into two segments with equal curvature. To do this we find the T value whose
    // tangent angle is halfway between tan0 and tan1.
    Sk2f n = normalize(tan0) - normalize(tan1);

    // The midtangent can be found where (dQ(t) dot n) = 0:
    //   0 = (dQ(t) dot n) = | 2*t  1 | * | p0 - 2*p1 + p2 | * | n |
    //                                    | -2*p0 + 2*p1   |   | . |
    //                     = | 2*t  1 | * | tan1 - tan0 | * | n |
    //                                    | 2*tan0      |   | . |
    //                     = 2*t * ((tan1 - tan0) dot n) + (2*tan0 dot n)
    //   t = (tan0 dot n) / ((tan0 - tan1) dot n)
    Sk2f dQ1n = (tan0 - tan1) * n;
    Sk2f dQ0n = tan0 * n;
    Sk2f t = (dQ0n + SkNx_shuffle<1,0>(dQ0n)) / (dQ1n + SkNx_shuffle<1,0>(dQ1n));
    t = Sk2f::Min(Sk2f::Max(t, 0), 1); // Clamp for FP error.

    Sk2f p01 = SkNx_fma(t, tan0, p0);
    Sk2f p12 = SkNx_fma(t, tan1, p1);
    Sk2f p012 = lerp(p01, p12, t);

    this->appendMonotonicQuadratic(p0, p01, p012);
    this->appendMonotonicQuadratic(p012, p12, p2);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void GrCCFillGeometry::cubicTo(const SkPoint P[4], float inflectPad, float loopIntersectPad) {
    SkASSERT(P[0] == fPoints.back());

    // Don't crunch on the curve or inflate geometry if it is nearly flat (or just very small).
    // Flat curves can break the math below.
    if (are_collinear(P)) {
        Sk2f p0 = Sk2f::Load(P);
        Sk2f p3 = Sk2f::Load(P+3);
        this->appendLine(p0, p3);

    Sk2f p0 = Sk2f::Load(P);
    Sk2f p1 = Sk2f::Load(P+1);
    Sk2f p2 = Sk2f::Load(P+2);
    Sk2f p3 = Sk2f::Load(P+3);

    // Also detect near-quadratics ahead of time.
    Sk2f tan0, tan1, c;
    get_cubic_tangents(p0, p1, p2, p3, &tan0, &tan1);
    if (is_cubic_nearly_quadratic(p0, p1, p2, p3, tan0, tan1, &c)) {
        this->appendQuadratics(p0, c, p3);

    double tt[2], ss[2], D[4];
    fCurrCubicType = SkClassifyCubic(P, tt, ss, D);
    Sk2f t = Sk2f(static_cast<float>(tt[0]), static_cast<float>(tt[1]));
    Sk2f s = Sk2f(static_cast<float>(ss[0]), static_cast<float>(ss[1]));

    ExcludedTerm skipTerm = (std::abs(D[2]) > std::abs(D[1]))
                                    ? ExcludedTerm::kQuadraticTerm
                                    : ExcludedTerm::kLinearTerm;
    Sk2f C0 = SkNx_fma(Sk2f(3), p1 - p2, p3 - p0);
    Sk2f C1 = (ExcludedTerm::kLinearTerm == skipTerm
                       ? SkNx_fma(Sk2f(-2), p1, p0 + p2)
                       : p1 - p0) * 3;
    Sk2f C0x1 = C0 * SkNx_shuffle<1,0>(C1);
    float Cdet = C0x1[0] - C0x1[1];

    SkSTArray<4, float> chops;
    if (SkCubicType::kLoop != fCurrCubicType) {
        find_chops_around_inflection_points(inflectPad, t, s, C0, C1, skipTerm, Cdet, &chops);
    } else {
        find_chops_around_loop_intersection(loopIntersectPad, t, s, C0, C1, skipTerm, Cdet, &chops);
    if (4 == chops.count() && chops[1] >= chops[2]) {
        // This just the means the KLM roots are so close that their paddings overlap. We will
        // approximate the entire middle section, but still have it chopped midway. For loops this
        // chop guarantees the append code only sees convex segments. Otherwise, it means we are (at
        // least almost) a cusp and the chop makes sure we get a sharp point.
        Sk2f ts = t * SkNx_shuffle<1,0>(s);
        chops[1] = chops[2] = (ts[0] + ts[1]) / (2*s[0]*s[1]);

#ifdef SK_DEBUG
    for (int i = 1; i < chops.count(); ++i) {
        SkASSERT(chops[i] >= chops[i - 1]);
    this->appendCubics(AppendCubicMode::kLiteral, p0, p1, p2, p3, chops.begin(), chops.count());
Ejemplo n.º 5
// Finds where to chop a non-loop around its intersection point. The resulting cubic segments will
// be chopped such that a box of radius 'padRadius', centered at any point along the curve segment,
// is guaranteed to not cross the tangent lines at the intersection point (a.k.a lines L & M).
// 'chops' will be filled with 0, 2, or 4 T values. The segments between T0..T1 and T2..T3 must be
// drawn with quadratic splines instead of cubics.
// A loop intersection falls at two different T values, so this method takes Sk2f and computes the
// padding for both in SIMD.
static inline void find_chops_around_loop_intersection(float padRadius, Sk2f t2, Sk2f s2,
                                                       const Sk2f& C0, const Sk2f& C1,
                                                       ExcludedTerm skipTerm, float Cdet,
                                                       SkSTArray<4, float>* chops) {
    SkASSERT(padRadius >= 0);

    padRadius /= std::abs(Cdet); // Scale this single value rather than all of C^-1 later on.

    // The parametric functions for distance from lines L & M are:
    //     l(T) = (T - Td)^2 * (T - Te)
    //     m(T) = (T - Td) * (T - Te)^2
    // See "Resolution Independent Curve Rendering using Programmable Graphics Hardware",
    // 4.3 Finding klmn:
    // https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2005/01/p1000-loop.pdf
    Sk2f T2 = t2/s2; // T2 is the double root of l(T).
    Sk2f T1 = SkNx_shuffle<1,0>(T2); // T1 is the other root of l(T).

    // Convert l(T), m(T) to power-basis form:
    //                                      |  1   1 |
    //    |l(T)  m(T)| = |T^3  T^2  T  1| * | l2  m2 |
    //                                      | l1  m1 |
    //                                      | l0  m0 |
    // From here on we use Sk2f with "L" names, but the second lane will be for line M.
    Sk2f l2 = SkNx_fma(Sk2f(-2), T2, -T1);
    Sk2f l1 = T2 * SkNx_fma(Sk2f(2), T1, T2);
    Sk2f l0 = -T2*T2*T1;

    // The equation for line L can be found as follows:
    //     L = C^-1 * (l excluding skipTerm)
    // (See comments for GrPathUtils::calcCubicInverseTransposePowerBasisMatrix.)
    // We are only interested in the normal to L, so only need the upper 2x2 of C^-1. And rather
    // than divide by determinant(C) here, we have already performed this divide on padRadius.
    Sk2f l2or1 = (ExcludedTerm::kLinearTerm == skipTerm) ? l2 : l1;
    Sk2f Lx = -C0[1]*l2or1 + C1[1]; // l3 is always 1.
    Sk2f Ly =  C0[0]*l2or1 - C1[0];

    // A box of radius "padRadius" is touching line L if "center dot L" is less than the Manhattan
    // with of L. (See rationale in are_collinear.)
    Sk2f Lwidth = Lx.abs() + Ly.abs();
    Sk2f pad = Lwidth * padRadius;

    // Is l(T=0) outside the padding around line L?
    Sk2f lT0 = l0; // l(T=0) = |0  0  0  1| dot |1  l2  l1  l0| = l0
    Sk2f outsideT0 = lT0.abs() - pad;

    // Is l(T=1) outside the padding around line L?
    Sk2f lT1 = (Sk2f(1) + l2 + l1 + l0).abs(); // l(T=1) = |1  1  1  1| dot |1  l2  l1  l0|
    Sk2f outsideT1 = lT1.abs() - pad;

    // Values for solving the cubic.
    Sk2f p, q, qqq, discr, numRoots, D;
    bool hasDiscr = false;

    // Values for calculating one root (rarely needed).
    Sk2f R, QQ;
    bool hasOneRootVals = false;

    // Values for calculating three roots.
    Sk2f P, cosTheta3;
    bool hasThreeRootVals = false;

    // Solve for the T values where l(T) = +pad and m(T) = -pad.
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
        float T = T2[i]; // T is the point we are chopping around.
        if ((T < 0 && outsideT0[i] >= 0) || (T > 1 && outsideT1[i] >= 0)) {
            // The padding around T is completely out of range. No point solving for it.

        if (!hasDiscr) {
            p = Sk2f(+.5f, -.5f) * pad;
            q = (1.f/3) * (T2 - T1);
            qqq = q*q*q;
            discr = qqq*p*2 + p*p;
            numRoots = (discr < 0).thenElse(3, 1);
            D = T2 - q;
            hasDiscr = true;

        if (1 == numRoots[i]) {
            if (!hasOneRootVals) {
                Sk2f r = qqq + p;
                Sk2f s = r.abs() + discr.sqrt();
                R = (r > 0).thenElse(-s, s);
                QQ = q*q;
                hasOneRootVals = true;

            float A = cbrtf(R[i]);
            float B = A != 0 ? QQ[i]/A : 0;
            // When there is only one root, ine L chops from root..1, line M chops from 0..root.
            if (1 == i) {
            chops->push_back(A + B + D[i]);
            if (0 == i) {

        if (!hasThreeRootVals) {
            P = q.abs() * -2;
            cosTheta3 = (q >= 0).thenElse(1, -1) + p / qqq.abs();
            hasThreeRootVals = true;

        static constexpr float k2PiOver3 = 2 * SK_ScalarPI / 3;
        float theta = std::acos(cosTheta3[i]) * (1.f/3);
        float roots[3] = {P[i] * std::cos(theta) + D[i],
                          P[i] * std::cos(theta + k2PiOver3) + D[i],
                          P[i] * std::cos(theta - k2PiOver3) + D[i]};

        // Sort the three roots.
        swap_if_greater(roots[0], roots[1]);
        swap_if_greater(roots[1], roots[2]);
        swap_if_greater(roots[0], roots[1]);

        // Line L chops around the first 2 roots, line M chops around the second 2.
        chops->push_back_n(2, &roots[i]);
Ejemplo n.º 6
template<int N> static inline SkNx<N,float> lerp(const SkNx<N,float>& a, const SkNx<N,float>& b,
                                                 const SkNx<N,float>& t) {
    return SkNx_fma(t, b - a, a);