Ejemplo n.º 1
 * \brief Try to move push-wall.
 * \param[in] x coordinates in tile map.
 * \param[in] y coordinates in tile map.
 * \param[in] dir Direction in which push-wall is intended to move.
 * \return Returns true if push successful, otherwise false.
 * \note Called whenever someone tries to push a secret wall.
PUBLIC _boolean PushWall_Push( int x, int y, dir4type dir )
	int dx, dy;

	if( PWall.active )
		return false; // another PWall is moving [only one at a time!]

	dx = dx4dir[ dir ];
	dy = dy4dir[ dir ];

	if( r_world->tilemap[ x + dx ][ y + dy ] & (SOLID_TILE | DOOR_TILE) )
	{ // noway (smth is blocking)
		return true;

// remove secret flag & make everything needed when pushwall used!
	r_world->tilemap[ x ][ y ] &= (~SECRET_TILE);
	r_world->tilemap[ x ][ y ] &= (~WALL_TILE);
	r_world->tilemap[ x ][ y ] |= PUSHWALL_TILE;

	Com_Printf( "You have found a secret!\n" );


	if( g_version->value == SPEAROFDESTINY )
		Sound_StartSound( NULL, 1, CHAN_AUTO, Sound_RegisterSound( "sfx/030.wav" ), 1, ATTN_STATIC, 0 );
		Sound_StartSound( NULL, 1, CHAN_AUTO, Sound_RegisterSound( "sfx/034.wav" ), 1, ATTN_STATIC, 0 );

// good way to avoid stuckness; [un]comment one more down!
// it makes a tile behind pushwall unpassable

	r_world->tilemap[ x + dx ][ y + dy ] |= PUSHWALL_TILE;
	r_world->wall_tex_x[ x + dx ][ y + dy ] = r_world->wall_tex_x[ x ][ y ];
	r_world->wall_tex_y[ x + dx ][ y + dy ] = r_world->wall_tex_y[ x ][ y ];

// write down PWall info
	PWall.active = true;
	PWall.PWtilesmoved = PWall.PWpointsmoved = 0;
	PWall.dir = dir;
	PWall.x = x; PWall.y = y;
	PWall.dx = dx; PWall.dy = dy;

	PWall.tex_x = r_world->wall_tex_x[ x ][ y ];
	PWall.tex_y = r_world->wall_tex_y[ x ][ y ];

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 Function: PushWall_Push() -Try to move push-wall. 
 Parameters: x, y -[in] Coordinates in tilemap.
			 dir -[in] Direction in which push-wall is intended to move.
 Returns: true if push successful, otherwise false.
 Notes: Called whenever someone tries to push a secret wall.

PUBLIC _boolean PushWall_Push( int x, int y, dir4type dir )
	int dx, dy;

	if( PWall.active ) 
		return false; // another PWall is moving [only one at a time!]

	dx = dx4dir[ dir ];
	dy = dy4dir[ dir ];

	if( r_world->tilemap[ x + dx ][ y + dy ] & (SOLID_TILE | DOOR_TILE) )
	{ // noway (smth is blocking)
		return true;
// remove secret flag & make everything needed when pushwall used!
	r_world->tilemap[ x ][ y ] &= (~SECRET_TILE);
	r_world->tilemap[ x ][ y ] &= (~WALL_TILE);
	r_world->tilemap[ x ][ y ] |= PUSHWALL_TILE;
	if ( ++levelstate.found_secrets == levelstate.total_secrets ) {
		iphoneSetNotifyText( "You found the last secret!" );
	} else {
		iphoneSetNotifyText( "You found a secret!" );

	if( g_version->value == SPEAROFDESTINY && currentMap.episode >= 6 && currentMap.episode < 9)//added the episode check... gsh ).. TODO: fix sfx and other media
		Sound_StartSound( NULL, 1, CHAN_AUTO, Sound_RegisterSound( "sfx/030.wav" ), 1, ATTN_STATIC, 0 );
		Sound_StartSound( NULL, 1, CHAN_AUTO, Sound_RegisterSound( "sfx/034.wav" ), 1, ATTN_STATIC, 0 );

// good way to avoid stuckness; [un]comment one more down!
// it makes a tile behind pushwall unpassable
	r_world->tilemap[ x + dx ][ y + dy ] |= PUSHWALL_TILE;
	r_world->wall_tex_x[ x + dx ][ y + dy ] = r_world->wall_tex_x[ x ][ y ];
	r_world->wall_tex_y[ x + dx ][ y + dy ] = r_world->wall_tex_y[ x ][ y ];

// write down PWall info
	PWall.active = true;
	PWall.PWtilesmoved = PWall.PWpointsmoved = 0;
	PWall.dir = dir;
	PWall.x = x; PWall.y = y;
	PWall.dx = dx; PWall.dy = dy;
	PWall.tex_x = r_world->wall_tex_x[ x ][ y ];
	PWall.tex_y = r_world->wall_tex_y[ x ][ y ];

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * \brief Called when a player pressed the USE button
 * \param[in] self Player
 * \param[in] lvl Level data structure
 * \return true if player used something, otherwise false
PRIVATE _boolean PL_Use( player_t *self, LevelData_t *lvl )
	int x, y, dir;

    dir = Get4dir( self->position.angle );
	x = self->tilex + dx4dir[ dir ];
	y = self->tiley + dy4dir[ dir ];

	if( lvl->tilemap[ x ][ y ] & DOOR_TILE )
        Door_Use( &lvl->Doors.DoorMap[ x ][ y ], Player.items );
		return true;

	if( lvl->tilemap[ x ][ y ] & SECRET_TILE )
		return PushWall_Push( x, y, dir );

	if( lvl->tilemap[ x ][ y ] & ELEVATOR_TILE )
		int newtex;

		switch( dir )
			case dir4_east:
			case dir4_west:
				newtex = lvl->wall_tex_x[ x ][ y ] += 2;

			case dir4_north:
			case dir4_south:
				return false; // don't allow to press elevator rails

		if( lvl->tilemap[ self->tilex ][ self->tiley ] & SECRETLEVEL_TILE )
			self->playstate = ex_secretlevel;
            elevatorSwitchTime = ClientStatic.realtime;
			self->playstate = ex_complete;
            elevatorSwitchTime = ClientStatic.realtime;
		Sound_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_BODY, Sound_RegisterSound( "lsfx/040.wav" ), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0 );

		return true;

	//Sound_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_BODY, Sound_RegisterSound( "lsfx/020.wav" ), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0 );
	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4

PUBLIC void fire_hit( player_t *self )
	entity_t *closest;
	int dist, d1, n, shot_dist, damage;

	Sound_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_WEAPON, Sound_RegisterSound( "lsfx/023.wav" ), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0 );

// actually fire
	dist = 0x7fffffff;
	closest = NULL;

	for( n = 0 ; n < NumGuards ; ++n )
		if( Guards[ n ].flags & FL_SHOOTABLE ) // && Guards[n].flags&FL_VISABLE
			shot_dist = Point2LineDist( Guards[ n ].x - self->position.origin[ 0 ], Guards[ n ].y - self->position.origin[ 1 ], self->position.angle );
			if( shot_dist > (2 * TILEGLOBAL / 3) ) 
				continue; // miss
			d1 = LineLen2Point( Guards[ n ].x - self->position.origin[ 0 ], Guards[ n ].y - self->position.origin[ 1 ], self->position.angle );
			if( d1 < 0 || d1 > dist ) 
			if( ! Level_CheckLine( Guards[ n ].x, Guards[ n ].y, Player.position.origin[0], Player.position.origin[1], r_world ) )
			//if( ! CheckLine( &Guards[ n ] ) ) 
				continue; // obscured

			dist = d1;
			closest = &Guards[ n ];

	if( ! closest || dist > TILE2POS( 1 ) ) 
		return; // missed if further than 1.5 tiles

	damage = US_RndT() >> 4;

	A_DamageActor( closest, damage ); // hit something
Ejemplo n.º 5
 Returns: 1 if powerup is picked up, otherwise 0.

PRIVATE int Pow_Give( pow_t type )
	static const char *keynames[] = { "Gold", "Silver", "?", "?" };

	switch( type )
// Keys
		case pow_key1:
		case pow_key2:
		case pow_key3:
		case pow_key4:
			type -= pow_key1;
			PL_GiveKey( &Player, type );
			Sound_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_ITEM, Sound_RegisterSound( "lsfx/012.wav" ), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0 );
			iphoneSetNotifyText( "%s key\n", keynames[ type ] );
// Treasure
		case pow_cross:
			PL_GiveHealth( &Player, 1, 150 );	// iphone -- trasure acts as health crumbs
			PL_GivePoints( &Player, 100 );
			Sound_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_ITEM, Sound_RegisterSound( "lsfx/035.wav" ), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0 );
			if ( ++levelstate.found_treasure == levelstate.total_treasure ) {
				iphoneSetNotifyText( "You found the last treasure!" );

		case pow_chalice:
			PL_GiveHealth( &Player, 1, 150 );	// iphone -- trasure acts as health crumbs
			PL_GivePoints( &Player, 500 );
			Sound_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_ITEM, Sound_RegisterSound( "lsfx/036.wav" ), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0 );
			if ( ++levelstate.found_treasure == levelstate.total_treasure ) {
				iphoneSetNotifyText( "You found the last treasure!" );

		case pow_bible:
			PL_GiveHealth( &Player, 1, 150 );	// iphone -- trasure acts as health crumbs
			PL_GivePoints( &Player, 1000 );
			Sound_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_ITEM, Sound_RegisterSound( "lsfx/037.wav" ), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0 );
			if ( ++levelstate.found_treasure == levelstate.total_treasure ) {
				iphoneSetNotifyText( "You found the last treasure!" );

		case pow_crown:
			PL_GiveHealth( &Player, 1, 150 );	// iphone -- trasure acts as health crumbs
			PL_GivePoints( &Player, 5000 );
			Sound_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_ITEM, Sound_RegisterSound( "lsfx/045.wav" ), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0 );
			if ( ++levelstate.found_treasure == levelstate.total_treasure ) {
				iphoneSetNotifyText( "You found the last treasure!" );

// Health
		case pow_gibs:
			if( ! PL_GiveHealth( &Player, 1, 11 ) )
				return 0;
			Sound_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_ITEM, Sound_RegisterSound( "lsfx/061.wav" ), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0 );

		case pow_alpo:
			if( ! PL_GiveHealth( &Player, 4, 0 ) )
				return 0;
			Sound_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_ITEM, Sound_RegisterSound( "lsfx/033.wav" ), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0 );

		case pow_food:
			if( ! PL_GiveHealth( &Player, 10, 0 ) ) 
				return 0;
			Sound_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_ITEM, Sound_RegisterSound( "lsfx/033.wav" ), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0 );

		case pow_firstaid:
			if( ! PL_GiveHealth( &Player, 25, 0 ) )
				return 0;
			Sound_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_ITEM, Sound_RegisterSound( "lsfx/034.wav" ), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0 );

// Weapon & Ammo
		case pow_clip:
			if( ! PL_GiveAmmo( &Player, AMMO_BULLETS, 8 ) ) 
				return 0;
			Sound_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_ITEM, Sound_RegisterSound( "lsfx/031.wav" ), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0 );

		case pow_clip2:
			if( ! PL_GiveAmmo( &Player, AMMO_BULLETS, 4 ) ) 
				return 0;
			Sound_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_ITEM, Sound_RegisterSound( "lsfx/031.wav" ), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0 );

		case pow_25clip:
			if( ! PL_GiveAmmo( &Player, AMMO_BULLETS, 25 ) ) 
				return 0;
			Sound_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_ITEM, Sound_RegisterSound( "lsfx/064.wav" ), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0 );

		case pow_machinegun:
			PL_GiveWeapon( &Player, WEAPON_AUTO );
			Sound_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_ITEM, Sound_RegisterSound( "lsfx/030.wav" ), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0 );
			iphoneSetNotifyText( "Machinegun" );

		case pow_chaingun:
			PL_GiveWeapon( &Player, WEAPON_CHAIN );
			Sound_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_ITEM, Sound_RegisterSound( "lsfx/038.wav" ), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0 );
			iphoneSetNotifyText( "Chaingun" );

			Player.facecount = -100;
			Player.face_gotgun = true;

// Artifacts
		case pow_fullheal:
			PL_GiveHealth( &Player, 999, 0 );
			PL_GiveAmmo( &Player, AMMO_BULLETS, 25 );
			PL_GiveLife( &Player );
			if ( ++levelstate.found_treasure == levelstate.total_treasure ) {
				iphoneSetNotifyText( "You found the last treasure!" );
			} else {
				iphoneSetNotifyText( "Full Heal" );
			// no extra lives on iPhone			Com_Printf( "Extra life!\n" );

		case pow_spear:
			char szTextMsg[ 256 ];

			Sound_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_ITEM, Sound_RegisterSound( "sodsfx/109.wav" ), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0 );
			iphoneSetNotifyText( "Spear of Destiny" );

			my_snprintf( szTextMsg, sizeof( szTextMsg ), 
				"loading ; map s%.2d.map\n", 20 );
			Cbuf_AddText( szTextMsg );

			Com_DPrintf( "Warning: Unknown item type: %d\n", type );

	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * \brief Doors to process
 * \param[in] lvldoors Doors to process
 * \param[in] t_tk Clock tics
PUBLIC void Door_Process( LevelDoors_t *lvldoors, int t_tk )
	int n;

	for( n = 0 ; n < lvldoors->doornum ; ++n )
		switch( lvldoors->Doors[ n ]->action )
			case dr_closed: // this door is closed!

			case dr_opening:
				if( lvldoors->Doors[ n ]->ticcount >= DOOR_FULLOPEN ) // door fully opened!
					lvldoors->Doors[ n ]->action = dr_open;
					lvldoors->Doors[ n ]->ticcount = 0;
				else // opening!
					if( lvldoors->Doors[ n ]->ticcount == 0 )
					{ // door is just starting to open, so connect the areas
						Areas_Join( lvldoors->Doors[ n ]->area1, lvldoors->Doors[ n ]->area2 );
						Areas_Connect( Player.areanumber );
						if( areabyplayer[ lvldoors->Doors[ n ]->area1 ] ) // Door Opening sound!
							Sound_StartSound( NULL, 1, CHAN_AUTO, Sound_RegisterSound( "sfx/010.wav" ), 1, ATTN_STATIC, 0 );

					lvldoors->Doors[n]->ticcount += t_tk;

					if( lvldoors->Doors[ n ]->ticcount > DOOR_FULLOPEN )
						lvldoors->Doors[ n ]->ticcount = DOOR_FULLOPEN;

			case dr_closing:
				if( lvldoors->Doors[ n ]->ticcount <= 0 ) // door fully closed! disconnect areas!
					Areas_Disconnect( lvldoors->Doors[ n ]->area1, lvldoors->Doors[ n ]->area2 );
					Areas_Connect( Player.areanumber );
					lvldoors->Doors[ n ]->ticcount = 0;
					lvldoors->Doors[ n ]->action = dr_closed;
				else // closing!
					if( lvldoors->Doors[ n ]->ticcount == DOOR_FULLOPEN )
						if( areabyplayer[ lvldoors->Doors[ n ]->area1 ] ) // Door Closing sound!
							Sound_StartSound( NULL, 1, CHAN_AUTO, Sound_RegisterSound( "sfx/007.wav" ), 1, ATTN_STATIC, 0 );
					lvldoors->Doors[ n ]->ticcount -= t_tk;
					if( lvldoors->Doors[ n ]->ticcount < 0 )
						lvldoors->Doors[ n ]->ticcount = 0;

			case dr_open:
				if( lvldoors->Doors[ n ]->ticcount > DOOR_MINOPEN )
				{ // If player or something is in door do not close it!
					if( ! CanCloseDoor( lvldoors->Doors[ n ]->tilex, lvldoors->Doors[ n ]->tiley, lvldoors->Doors[ n ]->vertical ) )
						lvldoors->Doors[ n ]->ticcount = DOOR_MINOPEN; // do not close door immediately!
				if( lvldoors->Doors[ n ]->ticcount >= DOOR_TIMEOUT )
				{ // Door timeout, time to close it!
					lvldoors->Doors[ n ]->action = dr_closing;
					lvldoors->Doors[ n ]->ticcount = DOOR_FULLOPEN;
				{ // Increase timeout!
					lvldoors->Doors[ n ]->ticcount += t_tk;

		} // End switch lvldoors->Doors[ n ].action

	} // End for n = 0 ; n < lvldoors->doornum ; ++n

Ejemplo n.º 7

PUBLIC void fire_lead( player_t *self )
	entity_t *closest;
	int damage;
	int dx, dy, dist;
	int d1, shot_dist, n;

	switch( self->weapon )
			Sound_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_WEAPON, Sound_RegisterSound( "sfx/012.wav" ), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0 );

			Sound_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_WEAPON, Sound_RegisterSound( "sfx/011.wav" ), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0 );

			Sound_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_WEAPON, Sound_RegisterSound( "sfx/013.wav" ), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0 );
	self->madenoise = true;

	dist = 0x7fffffffl;
	closest = NULL;

	for( n = 0 ; n < NumGuards; ++n )
		if( Guards[ n ].flags & FL_SHOOTABLE ) // && Guards[n].flags&FL_VISABLE
			shot_dist = Point2LineDist( Guards[ n ].x - self->position.origin[ 0 ], Guards[ n ].y - self->position.origin[ 1 ], self->position.angle );			
			if( shot_dist > (2 * TILEGLOBAL / 3) )
				continue; // miss

			d1 = LineLen2Point( Guards[ n ].x - self->position.origin[ 0 ], Guards[ n ].y - self->position.origin[ 1 ], self->position.angle );
			if( d1 < 0 || d1 > dist )
			if( ! Level_CheckLine( Guards[ n ].x, Guards[ n ].y, Player.position.origin[0], Player.position.origin[1], r_world ) )
			//if( ! CheckLine( &Guards[ n ] ) )
				continue; // obscured

			dist = d1;
			closest = &Guards[ n ];

	if( ! closest ) // missed
		r_trace_t trace;

		trace.a = NormalizeAngle( self->position.angle - DEG2FINE( 2 ) + rand() % (DEG2FINE( 4 ) ) );
		trace.x = self->position.origin[ 0 ];
		trace.y = self->position.origin[ 1 ];
		trace.flags = TRACE_BULLET;
		trace.tile_vis = NULL;
		R_Trace( &trace, r_world );

		if( trace.flags & TRACE_HIT_DOOR )
			Sound_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_AUTO, Sound_RegisterSound( "lsfx/028.wav" ), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0 );

// hit something
	dx = ABS( closest->tilex - self->tilex );
	dy = ABS( closest->tiley - self->tiley );
	dist = max_of_2( dx, dy );

	if( dist < 2 )
		damage = US_RndT() / 4;
	else if( dist < 4 )
		damage = US_RndT() / 6;
		if( US_RndT() / 12 < dist ) 
			return; // missed

		damage = US_RndT() / 6;

	A_DamageActor( closest, damage );
Ejemplo n.º 8

void T_BJYell( entity_t *Guard )
	Sound_StartSound( NULL, 0, CHAN_VOICE, Sound_RegisterSound( "sfx/082.wav" ), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0 );