// This is The function that is called by the Main program to initialize
//the input controller, which in this case is a generic Linux Joystick object
// For a few of them we will try to detect which one it is and map the buttons
// and axes...
void JoystickInputController::Init(void)
    g_BodyYOffset = 0;
    g_BodyYShift = 0;
    GPSeq = 0;                                    // init to something...

    ControlMode = WALKMODE;
    HeightSpeedMode = NORM_NORM;
    DoubleTravelOn = false;
    WalkMethod = false;


// If both PS2 and XBee are defined then we will become secondary to the xbee
void CommanderInputController::Init(void)
    //  DBGSerial.println("Init Commander Start");
    g_BodyYOffset = 0;
    g_BodyYShift = 0;
    command.begin(szDevice, B38400);
    GPSeq = 0;                                    // init to something...

    ControlMode = WALKMODE;
    HeightSpeedMode = NORM_NORM;
    //    DoubleHeightOn = false;
    DoubleTravelOn = false;
    WalkMethod = false;
    //  DBGSerial.println("Init Commander End");


// This is The main code to input function to read inputs from the Commander and then
//process any commands.
void CommanderInputController::ControlInput(void)
    // See if we have a new command available...
    if(command.ReadMsgs() > 0)
        // If we receive a valid message than turn robot on...
        g_InControlState.fRobotOn = true;

        // Experimenting with trying to detect when IDLE.  maybe set a state of
        // of no button pressed and all joysticks are in the DEADBAND area...
        g_InControlState.fControllerInUse = command.buttons
            || (abs(command.leftH) >= cTravelDeadZone)
            || (abs(command.leftV) >= cTravelDeadZone)
            || (abs(command.rightH) >= cTravelDeadZone)
            || (abs(command.rightV) >= cTravelDeadZone);
        // [SWITCH MODES]

        // Cycle through modes...
        if ((command.buttons & BUT_LT) && !(buttonsPrev & BUT_LT))
            if (++ControlMode >= MODECNT)
                ControlMode = WALKMODE;           // cycled back around...
                MSound( 2, 50, 2000, 50, 3000);
                MSound( 1, 50, 2000);


        //[Common functions]
        //Switch Balance mode on/off
        if ((command.buttons & BUT_L4) && !(buttonsPrev & BUT_L4))
            g_InControlState.BalanceMode = !g_InControlState.BalanceMode;
            if (g_InControlState.BalanceMode)
                MSound( 1, 250, 1500);
                MSound( 2, 100, 2000, 50, 4000);

        //Stand up, sit down
        if ((command.buttons & BUT_L5) && !(buttonsPrev & BUT_L5))
            if (g_BodyYOffset>0)
                g_BodyYOffset = 0;
                g_BodyYOffset = 35;

        // We will use L6 with the Right joystick to control both body offset as well as Speed...
        // We move each pass through this by a percentage of how far we are from center in each direction
        // We get feedback with height by seeing the robot move up and down.  For Speed, I put in sounds
        // which give an idea, but only for those whoes robot has a speaker
        if (command.buttons & BUT_L6 )
        	printf("L6 down\n\r");
            // raise or lower the robot on the joystick up /down
            // Maybe should have Min/Max
            g_BodyYOffset += command.rightV/25;
            if (abs(command.rightV)>= 25)
            	printf("%d %d", g_BodyYOffset, command.rightV);

            // Likewise for Speed control
            int dspeed = command.rightH / 16;      //
            if ((dspeed < 0) && g_InControlState.SpeedControl)
                if ((word)(-dspeed) <  g_InControlState.SpeedControl)
                    g_InControlState.SpeedControl += dspeed;
                    g_InControlState.SpeedControl = 0;
                MSound( 1, 50, 1000+g_InControlState.SpeedControl);
            if ((dspeed > 0) && (g_InControlState.SpeedControl < 2000))
                g_InControlState.SpeedControl += dspeed;
                if (g_InControlState.SpeedControl > 2000)
                    g_InControlState.SpeedControl = 2000;
                MSound( 1, 50, 1000+g_InControlState.SpeedControl);

            command.rightH = 0;                    // don't walk when adjusting the speed here...

        //[Walk functions]
        if (ControlMode == WALKMODE)
            //Switch gates
            if (((command.buttons & BUT_R1) && !(buttonsPrev & BUT_R1))
                                                  //No movement
                && abs(g_InControlState.TravelLength.x)<cTravelDeadZone
                && abs(g_InControlState.TravelLength.z)<cTravelDeadZone
                && abs(g_InControlState.TravelLength.y*2)<cTravelDeadZone  )
                                                  // Go to the next gait...
                g_InControlState.GaitType = g_InControlState.GaitType+1;
                                                  // Make sure we did not exceed number of gaits...
                if (g_InControlState.GaitType<NUM_GAITS)
#ifndef OPT_ESPEAK
                    MSound( 1, 50, 2000);
                    MSound (2, 50, 2000, 50, 2250);
                    g_InControlState.GaitType = 0;

            //Double leg lift height
            if ((command.buttons & BUT_RT) && !(buttonsPrev & BUT_RT))
                MSound( 1, 50, 2000);
                                                  // wrap around mode
                HeightSpeedMode = (HeightSpeedMode + 1) & 0x3;
                DoubleTravelOn = HeightSpeedMode & 0x1;
                if ( HeightSpeedMode & 0x2)
                    g_InControlState.LegLiftHeight = 80;
                    g_InControlState.LegLiftHeight = 50;

            // Switch between Walk method 1 && Walk method 2
            if ((command.buttons & BUT_R2) && !(buttonsPrev & BUT_R2))
                MSound (1, 50, 2000);
                WalkMethod = !WalkMethod;

            if (WalkMethod)                       //(Walk Methode)
                                                  //Right Stick Up/Down
                g_InControlState.TravelLength.z = (command.rightV);

                g_InControlState.TravelLength.x = -command.leftH;
                g_InControlState.TravelLength.z = command.leftV;

            if (!DoubleTravelOn)                  //(Double travel length)
                g_InControlState.TravelLength.x = g_InControlState.TravelLength.x/2;
                g_InControlState.TravelLength.z = g_InControlState.TravelLength.z/2;

                                                  //Right Stick Left/Right
            g_InControlState.TravelLength.y = -(command.rightH)/4;

        //[Translate functions]
        g_BodyYShift = 0;
        if (ControlMode == TRANSLATEMODE)
            g_InControlState.BodyPos.x =  SmoothControl(((command.leftH)*2/3), g_InControlState.BodyPos.x, SmDiv);
            g_InControlState.BodyPos.z =  SmoothControl(((command.leftV)*2/3), g_InControlState.BodyPos.z, SmDiv);
            g_InControlState.BodyRot1.y = SmoothControl(((command.rightH)*2), g_InControlState.BodyRot1.y, SmDiv);

            //      g_InControlState.BodyPos.x = (command.leftH)/2;
            //      g_InControlState.BodyPos.z = -(command.leftV)/3;
            //      g_InControlState.BodyRot1.y = (command.rightH)*2;
            g_BodyYShift = (-(command.rightV)/2);

        //[Rotate functions]
        if (ControlMode == ROTATEMODE)
            g_InControlState.BodyRot1.x = (command.leftV);
            g_InControlState.BodyRot1.y = (command.rightH)*2;
            g_InControlState.BodyRot1.z = (command.leftH);
            g_BodyYShift = (-(command.rightV)/2);
        //[GPPlayer functions]
        if (ControlMode == GPPLAYERMODE)
            // Lets try some speed control... Map all values if we have mapped some before
            // or start mapping if we exceed some minimum delta from center
            // Have to keep reminding myself that commander library already subtracted 128...
            if (g_ServoDriver.FIsGPSeqActive() )
                if ((g_sGPSMController != 32767)
                    || (command.rightV > 16) || (command.rightV < -16))
                    // We are in speed modify mode...
                    if (command.rightV >= 0)
                        g_sGPSMController = map(command.rightV, 0, 127, 0, 200);
                        g_sGPSMController = map(command.rightV, -127, 0, -200, 0);

            //Switch between sequences
            if ((command.buttons & BUT_R1) && !(buttonsPrev & BUT_R1))
                if (!g_ServoDriver.FIsGPSeqActive() )
                    if (GPSeq < 5)                //Max sequence
                        MSound (1, 50, 1500);
                        GPSeq = GPSeq+1;
                        MSound (2, 50, 2000, 50, 2250);
            //Start Sequence
            if ((command.buttons & BUT_R2) && !(buttonsPrev & BUT_R2))
                if (!g_ServoDriver.FIsGPSeqActive() )
                    g_sGPSMController = 32767;    // Say that we are not in Speed modify mode yet... valid ranges are 50-200 (both postive and negative...
                                                  // tell the GP system to abort if possible...
                    MSound (2, 50, 2000, 50, 2000);

#endif                                    // OPT_GPPLAYER

        //Calculate walking time delay
        g_InControlState.InputTimeDelay = 128 - max(max(abs(command.leftH), abs(command.leftV)), abs(command.rightH));

        //Calculate g_InControlState.BodyPos.y
        g_InControlState.BodyPos.y = max(g_BodyYOffset + g_BodyYShift,  0);

        // Save away the buttons state as to not process the same press twice.
        buttonsPrev = command.buttons;
        extPrev = command.ext;
        g_ulLastMsgTime = millis();
        // We did not receive a valid packet.  check for a timeout to see if we should turn robot off...
        if (g_InControlState.fRobotOn)
            if ((millis() - g_ulLastMsgTime) > ARBOTIX_TO)
	        g_InControlState.fControllerInUse = true;	// make sure bypass is not used.
// This is The main code to input function to read inputs from the Joystick and then
//process any commands.
void JoystickInputController::ControlInput(void)
    // See if we have a new command available...
    if(ljoy.readMsgs() > 0)
       boolean fAdjustLegPositions = false;
        short sLegInitXZAdjust = 0;
        short sLegInitAngleAdjust = 0;

        // See if this is the first message we have received
        if (g_ulLastMsgTime == (unsigned long)-1)
            // First valid message see if we can figure out what it is from...
            printf("Firt JS0 even: %d axes %d buttons Name: %s\n", ljoy.joystickAxisCount(), 
            if ((ljoy.joystickAxisCount() == 27) && (ljoy.joystickButtonCount() == 19))
            else if ((ljoy.joystickAxisCount() == 8) && (ljoy.joystickButtonCount() == 14))
        // Save message time so we may detect timeouts.
        g_ulLastMsgTime = millis();

        // We have a message see if we have turned the robot on or not...
        if (ljoy.buttonPressed(JOYSTICK_BUTTONS::START_SHARE)) 
            if (!g_InControlState.fRobotOn)
                // Turn it on
                g_InControlState.fRobotOn = true;
                fAdjustLegPositions = true;
                printf("Turn Robot on: %d %d : %d %d\n", 
                        ljoy.axis(JOYSTICK_AXES::LX), ljoy.axis(JOYSTICK_AXES::LY),
                        ljoy.axis(JOYSTICK_AXES::RX), ljoy.axis(JOYSTICK_AXES::RY));

        // Few of the buttons we may process even when off...
        if (ljoy.buttonPressed(JOYSTICK_BUTTONS::L3))
            g_fDebugOutput = !g_fDebugOutput;   // toggle debug on and off

        // If robot is not on, lets bail from here...
        if ( !g_InControlState.fRobotOn)
        // In some cases we update values as to keep other places to use the values
        // So we create a local copy we use through this function.
        int axes_rx = ljoy.axis(JOYSTICK_AXES::RX);
        int axes_ry = ljoy.axis(JOYSTICK_AXES::RY);
        int axes_lx = ljoy.axis(JOYSTICK_AXES::LX);
        int axes_ly = ljoy.axis(JOYSTICK_AXES::LY);
        // Experimenting with trying to detect when IDLE.  maybe set a state of
        // of no button pressed and all joysticks are in the DEADBAND area...
        g_InControlState.fControllerInUse = ljoy.buttons()
            || (abs((axes_lx/256)) >= cTravelDeadZone)
            || (abs((axes_ly/256)) >= cTravelDeadZone)
            || (abs((axes_rx/256)) >= cTravelDeadZone)
            || (abs((axes_ry/256)) >= cTravelDeadZone);
        // [SWITCH MODES]

        // Cycle through modes...
        // May break this up, like PS2...
        if (ljoy.buttonPressed(JOYSTICK_BUTTONS::R1))
            if (++ControlMode >= MODECNT)
                ControlMode = WALKMODE;           // cycled back around...
                MSound( 2, 50, 2000, 50, 3000);
                MSound( 1, 50, 2000);
        // Hack make easy to get back to standard mode...
        if (ljoy.buttonPressed(JOYSTICK_BUTTONS::PS))
            ControlMode = WALKMODE;           // cycled back around...
            MSound( 2, 50, 2000, 50, 3000);

        //[Common functions]
        //Switch Balance mode on/off
        if (ljoy.buttonPressed(JOYSTICK_BUTTONS::SQUARE))
            g_InControlState.BalanceMode = !g_InControlState.BalanceMode;
            if (g_InControlState.BalanceMode)
                MSound( 1, 250, 1500);
                MSound( 2, 100, 2000, 50, 4000);

        //Stand up, sit down
        if (ljoy.buttonPressed(JOYSTICK_BUTTONS::TRI))
            if (g_BodyYOffset>0)
                g_BodyYOffset = 0;
                g_BodyYOffset = 35;
            fAdjustLegPositions = true;
            g_fDynamicLegXZLength = false;

        // We will use L1 with the Right joystick to control both body offset as well as Speed...
        // We move each pass through this by a percentage of how far we are from center in each direction
        // We get feedback with height by seeing the robot move up and down.  For Speed, I put in sounds
        // which give an idea, but only for those whoes robot has a speaker
        if (ljoy.button(JOYSTICK_BUTTONS::L1))
            // raise or lower the robot on the joystick up /down
            int delta = (axes_ry/256)/25;   
            if (delta) {
                g_BodyYOffset = max(min(g_BodyYOffset + delta, MAX_BODY_Y), 0);
                fAdjustLegPositions = true;

            // Likewise for Speed control
            int dspeed = (axes_rx/256) / 16;      //
            if ((dspeed < 0) && g_InControlState.SpeedControl)
                if ((word)(-dspeed) <  g_InControlState.SpeedControl)
                    g_InControlState.SpeedControl += dspeed;
                    g_InControlState.SpeedControl = 0;
                MSound( 1, 50, 1000+g_InControlState.SpeedControl);
            if ((dspeed > 0) && (g_InControlState.SpeedControl < 2000))
                g_InControlState.SpeedControl += dspeed;
                if (g_InControlState.SpeedControl > 2000)
                    g_InControlState.SpeedControl = 2000;
                MSound( 1, 50, 1000+g_InControlState.SpeedControl);

            // Likewise we use the left Joystick to control Postion of feet
            sLegInitXZAdjust = axes_lx/(256*10);        // play with this.
            sLegInitAngleAdjust = axes_ly/(256*8);
            // Make sure other areas of code below does not use some of the joystick values
            axes_lx = 0;
            axes_ly = 0;
            axes_rx = 0;                    // don't walk when adjusting the speed here...

        //[Walk functions]
        if (ControlMode == WALKMODE)
            //Switch gates
            if ((ljoy.buttonPressed(JOYSTICK_BUTTONS::SELECT_OPT))
                                                  //No movement
                && abs(g_InControlState.TravelLength.x)<cTravelDeadZone
                && abs(g_InControlState.TravelLength.z)<cTravelDeadZone
                && abs(g_InControlState.TravelLength.y*2)<cTravelDeadZone  )
                                                  // Go to the next gait...
                g_InControlState.GaitType = g_InControlState.GaitType+1;
                                                  // Make sure we did not exceed number of gaits...
                if (g_InControlState.GaitType<NUM_GAITS)
#ifndef OPT_ESPEAK
                    MSound( 1, 50, 2000);
                    MSound (2, 50, 2000, 50, 2250);
                    g_InControlState.GaitType = 0;

            //Double leg lift height
            if (ljoy.buttonPressed(JOYSTICK_BUTTONS::R2))
                MSound( 1, 50, 2000);
                                                  // wrap around mode
                HeightSpeedMode = (HeightSpeedMode + 1) & 0x3;
                DoubleTravelOn = HeightSpeedMode & 0x1;
                if ( HeightSpeedMode & 0x2)
                    g_InControlState.LegLiftHeight = 80;
                    g_InControlState.LegLiftHeight = 50;

            // Switch between Walk method 1 && Walk method 2
            if (ljoy.buttonPressed(JOYSTICK_BUTTONS::R3))
                MSound (1, 50, 2000);
                WalkMethod = !WalkMethod;

            if (WalkMethod)                       //(Walk Methode)
                                                  //Right Stick Up/Down
                g_InControlState.TravelLength.z = ((axes_ry/256));

                g_InControlState.TravelLength.x = -(axes_lx/256);
                g_InControlState.TravelLength.z = (axes_ly/256);

            if (!DoubleTravelOn)                  //(Double travel length)
                g_InControlState.TravelLength.x = g_InControlState.TravelLength.x/2;
                g_InControlState.TravelLength.z = g_InControlState.TravelLength.z/2;

                                                  //Right Stick Left/Right
            g_InControlState.TravelLength.y = -((axes_rx/256))/4;

        //[Translate functions]
        g_BodyYShift = 0;
        if (ControlMode == TRANSLATEMODE)
            g_InControlState.BodyPos.x =  SmoothControl((((axes_lx/256))*2/3), g_InControlState.BodyPos.x, SmDiv);
            g_InControlState.BodyPos.z =  SmoothControl((((axes_ly/256))*2/3), g_InControlState.BodyPos.z, SmDiv);
            g_InControlState.BodyRot1.y = SmoothControl((((axes_rx/256))*2), g_InControlState.BodyRot1.y, SmDiv);
            g_BodyYShift = (-((axes_ry/256))/2);

        //[Rotate functions]
        if (ControlMode == ROTATEMODE)
            g_InControlState.BodyRot1.x = ((axes_ly/256));
            g_InControlState.BodyRot1.y = ((axes_rx/256))*2;
            g_InControlState.BodyRot1.z = ((axes_lx/256));
            g_BodyYShift = (-((axes_ry/256))/2);

        //Calculate walking time delay
        g_InControlState.InputTimeDelay = 128 - max(max(abs((axes_lx/256)), abs((axes_ly/256))), abs((axes_rx/256)));

        //Calculate g_InControlState.BodyPos.y
        g_InControlState.BodyPos.y = max(g_BodyYOffset + g_BodyYShift,  0);
        // Add Dynamic leg position and body height code
        if (sLegInitXZAdjust || sLegInitAngleAdjust)
            // User asked for manual leg adjustment - only do when we have finished any previous adjustment
            if (!g_InControlState.ForceGaitStepCnt) 
                if (sLegInitXZAdjust)
                    g_fDynamicLegXZLength = true;

                sLegInitXZAdjust += GetLegsXZLength();  // Add on current length to our adjustment...

                // Handle maybe change angles...
#ifdef ADJUSTABLE_LEG_ANGLES                
                if (sLegInitAngleAdjust) 
                // Give system time to process previous calls

        if (fAdjustLegPositions && !g_fDynamicLegXZLength)
            AdjustLegPositionsToBodyHeight();    // Put main workings into main program file
        // We did not receive a valid packet.  check for a timeout to see if we should turn robot off...
        if (g_InControlState.fRobotOn)
            if (! ljoy.connected())  // See if controller is still connected?
                g_InControlState.fControllerInUse = true;	// make sure bypass is not used.