bool ImageBox::SetProperty(UIProperty::Enum prop, const char* val) { switch (prop) { case UIProperty::TEXTUREATLAS: { mTextureAtlasFile = val; return true; } break; case UIProperty::REGION: { mStrRegion = val; if (mTextureAtlasFile.empty()){ mTextureAtlasFile = "data/textures/gameui.xml"; } SetTextureAtlasRegion(mTextureAtlasFile.c_str(), val); return true; } break; case UIProperty::REGIONS: { mStrRegions = val; if (mTextureAtlasFile.empty()){ mTextureAtlasFile = "data/textures/gameui.xml"; } mAnimation = true; auto useNumberData = Split(val, ":"); if (useNumberData.size() >= 2) { auto fromtoData = Split(useNumberData[1], ","); fromtoData[0] = StripBoth(fromtoData[0].c_str()); fromtoData[1] = StripBoth(fromtoData[1].c_str()); unsigned from = StringConverter::ParseUnsignedInt(fromtoData[0].c_str()); unsigned to = StringConverter::ParseUnsignedInt(fromtoData[1].c_str()); assert(to > from); std::vector<std::string> data; char buf[256]; for (unsigned i = from; i <= to; i++) { sprintf_s(buf, "%s%u", useNumberData[0].c_str(), i); data.push_back(buf); } SetTextureAtlasRegions(mTextureAtlasFile.c_str(), data); } else { auto data = Split(val, ","); for (auto& str : data) { str = StripBoth(str.c_str()); } SetTextureAtlasRegions(mTextureAtlasFile.c_str(), data); } if (!mAtlasRegions.empty()) { Vec2 texcoords[4]; mAtlasRegions[mCurFrame]->GetQuadUV(texcoords); mUIObject->SetTexCoord(texcoords, 4); } return true; } break; case UIProperty::FPS: { mSecPerFrame = 1.0f / StringConverter::ParseReal(val); return true; } break; case UIProperty::TEXTURE_FILE: { SetTexture(val); return true; } case UIProperty::KEEP_IMAGE_RATIO: { SetKeepImageRatio(StringConverter::ParseBool(val, true)); return true; } case UIProperty::FRAME_IMAGE: { mStrFrameImage = val; if (!mFrameImage) { mFrameImage = CreateChildImageBox(); } mFrameImage->SetTextureAtlasRegion(mTextureAtlasFile.c_str(), val); if (strlen(val) == 0) { mFrameImage->SetVisible(false); } else { mFrameImage->SetVisible(true); } return true; } case UIProperty::IMAGE_COLOR_OVERLAY: { mColorOveraySet = true; Color color = Color(val); if (mUIObject) { mUIObject->GetMaterial()->SetDiffuseColor(color.GetVec4()); } return true; } case UIProperty::IMAGE_FIXED_SIZE: { mImageFixedSize = StringConverter::ParseBool(val); if (mTexture || mAtlasRegion) { DrawAsFixedSize(); } return true; } case UIProperty::IMAGE_ROTATE: { SetUVRot(mImageRot); return true; } case UIProperty::IMAGE_LINEAR_SAMPLER: { mLinearSampler = StringConverter::ParseBool(val); if (mUIObject){ mUIObject->EnableLinearSampler(mLinearSampler); } return true; } } return __super::SetProperty(prop, val); }
/* Функция загрузки геометрического объекта. * АРГУМЕНТЫ: * - геометрический объект: * vg4GEOM *G; * - имя файла материалов: * CHAR *FileName; * ВОЗВРАЩАЕМОЕ ЗНАЧЕНИЕ: * (BOOL) TRUE при успехе. */ BOOL VG4_GeomLoad( vg4GEOM *G, CHAR *FileName ) { INT vn = 0, vtn = 0, vnn = 0, fn = 0, pn = 0, size, i, p; FILE *F; /* читаемые данные */ VEC *ReadV, *ReadN; vg4UV *ReadUV; INT (*ReadF)[3]; /* хранение примитивов */ struct { INT First, Last, /* первый и последний номера вершин примитива */ Mtl; /* материал примитива */ } *PrimInfo; memset(G, 0, sizeof(vg4GEOM)); /* разбиваем имя на части и открываем файл */ _splitpath(FileName, ModelDrive, ModelDir, ModelFileName, ModelFileExt); if ((F = fopen(FileName, "rt")) == NULL) return FALSE; /* считаем количества */ while (fgets(Buf, sizeof(Buf), F) != NULL) if (Buf[0] == 'v' && Buf[1] == ' ') vn++; else if (Buf[0] == 'v' && Buf[1] == 't') vtn++; else if (Buf[0] == 'v' && Buf[1] == 'n') vnn++; else if (Buf[0] == 'f' && Buf[1] == ' ') fn += Split() - 3; else if (strncmp(Buf, "usemtl", 6) == 0) pn++; if (pn == 0) pn = 1; /* материалы не использовались */ /* загружаем: * вершины vn * нормали vvn * текстурные координаты vtn * треугольники fn * примитивы pn * дополнительно: * индексы (Vv, Vn, Vt) <- новые номера вершин ? (vn + vt + vnn) * ??? * начальные индексы vn */ /* выделяем память под вспомогательные данные */ size = sizeof(VEC) * vn + /* вершины vn */ sizeof(VEC) * vnn + /* нормали vnn */ sizeof(vg4UV) * vtn + /* текстурные координаты vtn */ sizeof(INT [3]) * fn + /* треугольники fn */ sizeof(PrimInfo[0]) * pn + /* примитивы pn */ sizeof(VertexRefs[0]) * (vn + vtn + vnn) + /* индексы (Vv, Vn, Vt) (vn + vt + vnn) */ sizeof(INT) * vn; /* начальные индексы vn */ if ((ReadV = malloc(size)) == NULL) { fclose(F); return FALSE; } memset(ReadV, 0, size); /* расставляем указатели */ ReadN = ReadV + vn; ReadUV = (vg4UV *)(ReadN + vnn); ReadF = (INT (*)[3])(ReadUV + vtn); VertexRefsStart = (INT *)(ReadF + fn); PrimInfo = (VOID *)(VertexRefsStart + vn); VertexRefs = (VOID *)(PrimInfo + pn); NumOfAllocedVertexRefs = vn + vtn + vnn; NumOfVertexRefs = 0; /* начала списка индексов вершин ==> -1 */ memset(VertexRefsStart, 0xFF, sizeof(INT) * vn); memset(VertexRefs, 0xFF, sizeof(VertexRefs[0]) * NumOfAllocedVertexRefs); /* второй проход - читаем геометрию */ rewind(F); vn = 0; vtn = 0; vnn = 0; fn = 0; pn = 0; PrimInfo[0].First = 0; /* считаем количества */ while (fgets(Buf, sizeof(Buf), F) != NULL) if (Buf[0] == 'v' && Buf[1] == ' ') { FLT x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; sscanf(Buf + 2, "%f%f%f", &x, &y, &z); ReadV[vn++] = VecSet(x, y, z); } else if (Buf[0] == 'v' && Buf[1] == 't') { FLT u = 0, v = 0; sscanf(Buf + 3, "%f%f", &u, &v); ReadUV[vtn++] = VG4_UVSet(u, v); } else if (Buf[0] == 'v' && Buf[1] == 'n') { FLT nx = 0, ny = 0, nz = 0; sscanf(Buf + 3, "%f%f%f", &nx, &ny, &nz); ReadN[vnn++] = VecNormalize(VecSet(nx, ny, nz)); } else if (Buf[0] == 'f' && Buf[1] == ' ') { INT n0[3], n1[3], n[3], r0, r1, r; Split(); SCANF3(Parts[1], n0); r0 = GetVertexNo(n0[0], n0[1], n0[2]); SCANF3(Parts[2], n1); r1 = GetVertexNo(n1[0], n1[1], n1[2]); for (i = 3; i < NumOfParts; i++) { SCANF3(Parts[i], n); r = GetVertexNo(n[0], n[1], n[2]); ReadF[fn][0] = r0; ReadF[fn][1] = r1; ReadF[fn][2] = r; r1 = r; fn++; } } else if (strncmp(Buf, "usemtl", 6) == 0) { Split(); /* запоминаем номер последней грани */ if (pn != 0) PrimInfo[pn - 1].Last = fn - 1; /* ищем материал */ for (i = 0; i < G->NumOfMtls; i++) if (strcmp(Parts[1], G->Mtls[i].Name) == 0) break; if (i == G->NumOfMtls) PrimInfo[pn].Mtl = -1; else PrimInfo[pn].Mtl = i; PrimInfo[pn].First = fn; pn++; } else if (strncmp(Buf, "mtllib ", 7) == 0) { Split(); LoadMaterials(G, Parts[1]); } /* у последнего примитива запоминаем номер последней грани */ if (pn == 0) { PrimInfo[0].Last = fn - 1; PrimInfo[0].Mtl = -1; } else PrimInfo[pn - 1].Last = fn - 1; fclose(F); /* Формируем примитивы из прочитанных данных */ VG4_DefaultColor = ColorSet(1, 1, 1); for (p = 0; p < pn; p++) { INT minv, maxv, j; vg4PRIM prim; minv = maxv = ReadF[PrimInfo[p].First][0]; for (i = PrimInfo[p].First; i <= PrimInfo[p].Last; i++) for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (minv > ReadF[i][j]) minv = ReadF[i][j]; if (maxv < ReadF[i][j]) maxv = ReadF[i][j]; } vn = maxv - minv + 1; fn = PrimInfo[p].Last - PrimInfo[p].First + 1; VG4_PrimCreate(&prim, VG4_PRIM_TRIMESH, vn, fn * 3); /* копируем вершины */ for (i = 0; i < vn; i++) { INT n; prim.V[i].P = ReadV[VertexRefs[minv + i].Nv]; if ((n = VertexRefs[minv + i].Nn) != -1) prim.V[i].N = ReadN[n]; if ((n = VertexRefs[minv + i].Nt) != -1) prim.V[i].T = ReadUV[n]; } /* копируем грани */ for (i = 0; i < fn; i++) for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) prim.I[i * 3 + j] = ReadF[PrimInfo[p].First + i][j] - minv; prim.Mtl = PrimInfo[p].Mtl; VG4_GeomAddPrim(G, &prim); } /* освобождаем память из-под прочитанных данных */ free(ReadV); return TRUE; } /* End of 'VG4_GeomLoad' function */
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CPoisonProjectile::Create(EERIE_3D _eSrc, float _fBeta) { int i; SetDuration(ulDuration); SetAngle(_fBeta); eSrc.x = _eSrc.x; eSrc.y = _eSrc.y; eSrc.z = _eSrc.z; fSize = 1; bDone = true; bOk = false; eTarget.x = eSrc.x - fBetaRadSin * 850; eTarget.y = eSrc.y; eTarget.z = eSrc.z + fBetaRadCos * 850; eMove.x = - fBetaRadSin * 2; eMove.y = 0; eMove.z = + fBetaRadCos * 2; EERIE_3D s, e, h; s.x = eSrc.x; s.y = eSrc.y; s.z = eSrc.z; e.x = eSrc.x; e.y = eSrc.y; e.z = eSrc.z; i = 0; while (Visible(&s, &e, NULL, &h) && i < 20) { e.x -= fBetaRadSin * 50; e.z += fBetaRadCos * 50; i++; } e.y += 0.f; pathways[0].sx = eSrc.x; pathways[0].sy = eSrc.y; pathways[0].sz = eSrc.z; pathways[9].sx = e.x; pathways[9].sy = e.y; pathways[9].sz = e.z; Split(pathways, 0, 9, 10 * fBetaRadCos, 10, 10, 10, 10 * fBetaRadSin, 10); if (0) for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (pathways[i].sy >= eSrc.y + 150) { pathways[i].sy = eSrc.y + 150; } if (pathways[i].sy <= eSrc.y + 50) { pathways[i].sy = eSrc.y + 50; } } fTrail = -1; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // système de partoches CParticleParams cp; cp.iNbMax = 5; cp.fLife = 2000; cp.fLifeRandom = 1000; cp.p3Pos.x = 0; cp.p3Pos.y = 0; cp.p3Pos.z = 0; cp.p3Direction.x = -eMove.x; cp.p3Direction.y = -eMove.y; cp.p3Direction.z = -eMove.z; cp.fAngle = 0; cp.fSpeed = 10; cp.fSpeedRandom = 10; cp.p3Gravity.x = 0; cp.p3Gravity.y = 0; cp.p3Gravity.z = 0; cp.fFlash = 21; cp.fRotation = 80; cp.bRotationRandomDirection = true; cp.bRotationRandomStart = true; cp.fStartSize = 5; cp.fStartSizeRandom = 3; cp.fStartColor[0] = 0; cp.fStartColor[1] = 50; cp.fStartColor[2] = 0; cp.fStartColor[3] = 40; cp.fStartColorRandom[0] = 0; cp.fStartColorRandom[1] = 100; cp.fStartColorRandom[2] = 0; cp.fStartColorRandom[3] = 50; cp.bStartLock = false; cp.fEndSize = 8; cp.fEndSizeRandom = 13; cp.fEndColor[0] = 0; cp.fEndColor[1] = 60; cp.fEndColor[2] = 0; cp.fEndColor[3] = 40; cp.fEndColorRandom[0] = 0; cp.fEndColorRandom[1] = 100; cp.fEndColorRandom[2] = 0; cp.fEndColorRandom[3] = 50; cp.bEndLock = false; cp.iBlendMode = 5; pPS.SetParams(cp); pPS.ulParticleSpawn = 0; pPS.SetTexture("graph\\particles\\big_greypouf.bmp", 0, 200); pPS.fParticleFreq = -1; pPS.bParticleFollow = true; pPS.SetPos(eSrc); pPS.Update(0); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CIncinerate::Create(Vec3f _eSrc, float _fBeta) { SetDuration(ulDuration); SetAngle(_fBeta); eSrc.x = _eSrc.x; eSrc.y = _eSrc.y - 20; eSrc.z = _eSrc.z; eTarget.x = eSrc.x - fBetaRadSin * 500; eTarget.y = eSrc.y; eTarget.z = eSrc.z + fBetaRadCos * 500; fSize = 1; iMax = iNumber; Vec3f s, e, h; s.x = eSrc.x; s.y = eSrc.y - 20; s.z = eSrc.z; e.x = eSrc.x; e.y = eSrc.y - 20; e.z = eSrc.z; e.x = s.x - fBetaRadSin * 900; e.y = s.y; e.z = s.z + fBetaRadCos * 900; float fd; if (!Visible(&s, &e, NULL, &h)) { e.x = h.x + fBetaRadSin * 20; e.y = h.y; e.z = h.z - fBetaRadCos * 20; } fd = fdist(s, e); float fDur = ulDuration * (fd / 900.0f); SetDuration(checked_range_cast<unsigned long>(fDur)); float fCalc = (fd / 900.0f) * iMax; iNumber = checked_range_cast<int>(fCalc); int end = 40; tv1a[0].p.x = s.x; tv1a[0].p.y = s.y; tv1a[0].p.z = s.z; tv1a[end].p.x = e.x; tv1a[end].p.y = e.y; tv1a[end].p.z = e.z; Split(tv1a, 0, end, 10, 1, 0, 1, 10, 1); ParticleParams cp; cp.iNbMax = 250; cp.fLife = 1000; cp.fLifeRandom = 500; cp.p3Pos.x = 0; cp.p3Pos.y = 10; cp.p3Pos.z = 0; cp.p3Direction.x = + fBetaRadSin * 4; cp.p3Direction.y = 0; cp.p3Direction.z = - fBetaRadCos * 4; cp.fAngle = radians(1); cp.fSpeed = 0; cp.fSpeedRandom = 20; cp.p3Gravity.x = 0; cp.p3Gravity.y = 0; cp.p3Gravity.z = 0; cp.fFlash = 0; cp.fRotation = 0; cp.bRotationRandomDirection = false; cp.bRotationRandomStart = false; cp.fStartSize = 5; cp.fStartSizeRandom = 5; cp.fStartColor[0] = 80; cp.fStartColor[1] = 80; cp.fStartColor[2] = 0; cp.fStartColor[3] = 20; cp.fStartColorRandom[0] = 81; cp.fStartColorRandom[1] = 81; cp.fStartColorRandom[2] = 51; cp.fStartColorRandom[3] = 51; cp.bStartLock = true; cp.fEndSize = 1; cp.fEndSizeRandom = 5; cp.fEndColor[0] = 50; cp.fEndColor[1] = 0; cp.fEndColor[2] = 0; cp.fEndColor[3] = 20; cp.fEndColorRandom[0] = 50; cp.fEndColorRandom[1] = 50; cp.fEndColorRandom[2] = 50; cp.fEndColorRandom[3] = 20; cp.bEndLock = true; cp.bTexLoop = true; cp.iBlendMode = 3; pPSStream.SetParams(cp); pPSStream.ulParticleSpawn = 0; pPSStream.SetTexture("graph/particles/smallfire", 4, 10); pPSStream.fParticleFreq = 250; pPSStream.bParticleFollow = false; pPSStream.SetPos(eSrc); pPSStream.Update(0); // Hit cp.iNbMax = 150; cp.fLife = 2000; cp.fLifeRandom = 1000; cp.p3Pos.x = 80; cp.p3Pos.y = 10; cp.p3Pos.z = 80; cp.p3Direction.x = 0; cp.p3Direction.y = 2; cp.p3Direction.z = 0; cp.fAngle = 0; cp.fSpeed = 0; cp.fSpeedRandom = 0; cp.p3Gravity.x = 0; cp.p3Gravity.y = 0; cp.p3Gravity.z = 0; cp.fFlash = 0; cp.fRotation = 0; cp.bRotationRandomDirection = false; cp.bRotationRandomStart = false; cp.fStartSize = 10; cp.fStartSizeRandom = 3; cp.fStartColor[0] = 25; cp.fStartColor[1] = 25; cp.fStartColor[2] = 25; cp.fStartColor[3] = 50; cp.fStartColorRandom[0] = 51; cp.fStartColorRandom[1] = 51; cp.fStartColorRandom[2] = 51; cp.fStartColorRandom[3] = 101; cp.bStartLock = false; cp.fEndSize = 10; cp.fEndSizeRandom = 3; cp.fEndColor[0] = 25; cp.fEndColor[1] = 25; cp.fEndColor[2] = 25; cp.fEndColor[3] = 50; //0 cp.fEndColorRandom[0] = 0; cp.fEndColorRandom[1] = 0; cp.fEndColorRandom[2] = 0; cp.fEndColorRandom[3] = 100; //0 cp.bEndLock = false; cp.bTexLoop = true; cp.iBlendMode = 0; pPSHit.SetParams(cp); pPSHit.ulParticleSpawn = 0; pPSHit.SetTexture("graph/particles/firebase", 4, 100); pPSHit.fParticleFreq = -1; pPSHit.SetPos(eSrc); pPSHit.Update(0); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CPoisonProjectile::Create(Vec3f _eSrc, float _fBeta) { int i; SetDuration(ulDuration); SetAngle(_fBeta); eSrc = _eSrc; bOk = false; eMove = Vec3f(-fBetaRadSin * 2, 0.f, fBetaRadCos * 2); Vec3f s, e, h; s = eSrc; e = eSrc; i = 0; while (Visible(&s, &e, NULL, &h) && i < 20) { e.x -= fBetaRadSin * 50; e.z += fBetaRadCos * 50; i++; } e.y += 0.f; pathways[0].p = eSrc; pathways[9].p = e; Split(pathways, 0, 9, 10 * fBetaRadCos, 10, 10, 10, 10 * fBetaRadSin, 10); if (0) for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (pathways[i].p.y >= eSrc.y + 150) { pathways[i].p.y = eSrc.y + 150; } if (pathways[i].p.y <= eSrc.y + 50) { pathways[i].p.y = eSrc.y + 50; } } fTrail = -1; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // système de partoches ParticleParams cp; cp.iNbMax = 5; cp.fLife = 2000; cp.fLifeRandom = 1000; cp.p3Pos = Vec3f::ZERO; cp.p3Direction = -eMove; cp.fAngle = 0; cp.fSpeed = 10; cp.fSpeedRandom = 10; cp.p3Gravity = Vec3f::ZERO; cp.fFlash = 21; cp.fRotation = 80; cp.bRotationRandomDirection = true; cp.bRotationRandomStart = true; cp.fStartSize = 5; cp.fStartSizeRandom = 3; cp.fStartColor[0] = 0; cp.fStartColor[1] = 50; cp.fStartColor[2] = 0; cp.fStartColor[3] = 40; cp.fStartColorRandom[0] = 0; cp.fStartColorRandom[1] = 100; cp.fStartColorRandom[2] = 0; cp.fStartColorRandom[3] = 50; cp.bStartLock = false; cp.fEndSize = 8; cp.fEndSizeRandom = 13; cp.fEndColor[0] = 0; cp.fEndColor[1] = 60; cp.fEndColor[2] = 0; cp.fEndColor[3] = 40; cp.fEndColorRandom[0] = 0; cp.fEndColorRandom[1] = 100; cp.fEndColorRandom[2] = 0; cp.fEndColorRandom[3] = 50; cp.bEndLock = false; cp.iBlendMode = 5; pPS.SetParams(cp); pPS.ulParticleSpawn = 0; pPS.SetTexture("graph/particles/big_greypouf", 0, 200); pPS.fParticleFreq = -1; pPS.bParticleFollow = true; pPS.SetPos(eSrc); pPS.Update(0); }
Vector String::Split(const string &delimiter) const { Vector splitted; Split(delimiter, splitted); return splitted; }
void Navigator::Search() { sortitems.Check(sorting); int sc = scope.GetScroll(); String key = scope.GetKey(); String s = TrimBoth(~search); String search_name, search_nest; bool wholeclass = false; bool both = false; navigator_global = false; if(s.Find('.') >= 0) { Vector<String> h = Split((String)~search, '.'); if(*s.Last() == '.') search_nest = Join(h, "::"); else { search_name = h.Pop(); if(h.GetCount()) search_nest = Join(h, "::"); } wholeclass = *s == '.' && search_nest.GetCount(); } else { search_name = search_nest = ~search; both = true; } s = Join(Split(s, '.'), "::") + (s.EndsWith(".") ? "::" : ""); int lineno = StrInt(s); gitem.Clear(); nitem.Clear(); if(IsNull(theide->editfile)) return; int fileii = GetSourceFileIndex(theide->editfile); if(!IsNull(lineno)) { NavItem& m = nitem.Add(); m.type = "Go to line " + AsString(lineno); m.kind = KIND_LINE; m.line = lineno; gitem.Add(Null).Add(&m); } else if(IsNull(s) && !sorting) { const CppBase& b = CodeBase(); for(int i = 0; i < b.GetCount(); i++) { String nest = b.GetKey(i); const Array<CppItem>& ci = b[i]; for(int j = 0; j < ci.GetCount(); j++) { const CppItem& m = ci[j]; if(m.file == fileii) { NavItem& n = nitem.Add(); n.Set(m); n.nest = nest; n.decl_line = m.line; n.decl_file = m.file; n.decl = !m.impl; NavLine& l = n.linefo.Add(); l.impl = m.impl; l.file = m.file; l.line = m.line; } } } Sort(nitem, FieldRelation(&NavItem::line, StdLess<int>())); NavGroup(true); } else { navigator_global = true; const CppBase& b = CodeBase(); String usearch_nest = ToUpper(search_nest); String usearch_name = ToUpper(search_name); ArrayMap<String, NavItem> imap; bool local = sorting && IsNull(s); VectorMap<String, int> nest_pass; for(int pass = -1; pass < 2; pass++) { for(int i = 0; i < b.GetCount(); i++) { String nest = b.GetKey(i); bool foundnest = (wholeclass ? pass < 0 ? false : pass ? ToUpper(nest) == usearch_nest : nest == search_nest : pass < 0 ? nest == search_nest : (pass ? ToUpper(nest).Find(usearch_nest) >= 0 : nest.StartsWith(search_nest))) && nest.Find('@') < 0; if(local || foundnest || both) { const Array<CppItem>& ci = b[i]; for(int j = 0; j < ci.GetCount(); j++) { const CppItem& m = ci[j]; if(local ? m.file == fileii : m.uname.Find('@') < 0 && (pass < 0 ? == search_name : pass ? m.uname.Find(usearch_name) >= 0 : || both && foundnest) { String key = nest + '\1' + m.qitem; int q = nest_pass.Find(nest); int p = pass; if(q < 0) // We do not want classes to be split based on pass nest_pass.Add(nest, pass); else p = nest_pass[q]; q = imap.Find(key); if(q < 0) { NavItem& ni = imap.Add(key); ni.Set(m); ni.nest = nest; ni.decl_line = ni.line; ni.decl_file = ni.file; ni.decl = !ni.impl; ni.pass = p; NavLine& l = ni.linefo.Add(); l.impl = m.impl; l.file = m.file; l.line = m.line; } else { NavItem& mm = imap[q]; if(!m.impl && (!mm.decl || CombineCompare(mm.decl_file, m.file)(mm.decl_line, m.line) < 0)) { mm.decl = true; mm.decl_line = m.line; mm.decl_file = m.file; mm.natural = m.natural; } NavLine& l = mm.linefo.Add(); l.impl = m.impl; l.file = m.file; l.line = m.line; } } } } } } nitem = imap.PickValues(); NavGroup(false); SortByKey(gitem); Vector<String> keys = gitem.PickKeys(); Vector<Vector<NavItem *> > values = gitem.PickValues(); IndexSort(keys, values); for(int i = 0; i < keys.GetCount(); i++) keys[i].Remove(0); VectorMap<String, Vector<NavItem *> > h(pick(keys), pick(values)); gitem = pick(h); for(int i = 0; i < gitem.GetCount(); i++) Sort(gitem[i], sorting ? SortByNames : SortByLines); } scope.Clear(); scope.Add(Null); Index<String> done; for(int i = 0; i < gitem.GetCount(); i++) { String s = gitem.GetKey(i); if(done.Find(s) < 0) { done.Add(s); scope.Add(s); } } scope.ScrollTo(sc); if(!navigator_global || !scope.FindSetCursor(key)) scope.GoBegin(); }
int CIniFile::SetComPort( LPCTSTR filename, HANDLE file ) { CStr port = filename; CValue *comData; int timeout, rate, bits, parity, stopBit, flow; port.MakeUpper(); if ( Variables.Lookup( L"[Port_" + port + L"]", comData ) ) { CStrArray data; CStr dataString; dataString = (CStr)*comData; Split( dataString, L"\n", data ); timeout = _wtol( data[0] ); rate = _wtol( data[1] ); parity = _wtol( data[2] ); bits = _wtol( data[3] ); stopBit = _wtol( data[4] ); flow = _wtol( data[5] ); //MessageBox( NULL, comData, L"Debug", MB_OK ); } else { timeout = 10000; rate = 4800; parity = NOPARITY; bits = 8; stopBit = ONESTOPBIT; flow = 0; } DCB PortDCB; ZeroMemory (&PortDCB, sizeof(PortDCB)); PortDCB.DCBlength = sizeof(DCB); GetCommState( file, &PortDCB ); // Change the DCB structure settings. PortDCB.BaudRate = rate; // Current baud PortDCB.fBinary = TRUE; // ASCII mode PortDCB.fParity = TRUE; // Enable parity checking PortDCB.fOutxCtsFlow = (flow==1); // CTS output flow control PortDCB.fOutxDsrFlow = FALSE; // DSR output flow control PortDCB.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE; // DTR flow control type PortDCB.fDsrSensitivity = FALSE; // DSR sensitivity PortDCB.fTXContinueOnXoff = TRUE; // XOFF continues Tx PortDCB.fOutX = (flow==2); // XON/XOFF out flow control PortDCB.fInX = (flow==2); // XON/XOFF in flow control PortDCB.fErrorChar = FALSE; // Disable error replacement PortDCB.fNull = TRUE; // Enable null stripping PortDCB.fRtsControl = (flow==1) ? RTS_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE : RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE; // RTS flow control PortDCB.fAbortOnError = FALSE; // Do not abort reads/writes on // error PortDCB.ByteSize = bits; // Number of bits/byte, 4-8 PortDCB.Parity = parity; // 0-4=no,odd,even,mark,space PortDCB.StopBits = stopBit; // 0,1,2 = 1, 1.5, 2 //CStr msg; //msg.Format( L"BaudRate: %d\nByteSize: %d\nStopBits: %d\nParity: %d\nfOutX: %d\nfInX: %d\nfOutxCtsFlow: %d\nfRtsControl: %d\nfDsrSensitivity: %d", // PortDCB.BaudRate, // PortDCB.ByteSize, // PortDCB.StopBits, // PortDCB.Parity, // PortDCB.fOutX, // PortDCB.fInX, // PortDCB.fOutxCtsFlow, // PortDCB.fRtsControl, // PortDCB.fDsrSensitivity ); //MessageBox( NULL, L"Port-Info: " + msg, L"Port-Info", MB_OK|MB_SETFOREGROUND ); // Configure the port according to the specifications of the DCB // structure. SetCommState( file, &PortDCB ); // Retrieve the time-out parameters for all read and write operations // on the port. COMMTIMEOUTS CommTimeouts; GetCommTimeouts( file, &CommTimeouts); // Change the COMMTIMEOUTS structure settings. CommTimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = MAXDWORD; CommTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = MAXDWORD; CommTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = timeout; CommTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 10; CommTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 1000; // Set the time-out parameters for all read and write operations // on the port. SetCommTimeouts( file, &CommTimeouts); EscapeCommFunction( file, SETDTR ); EscapeCommFunction( file, SETRTS ); return timeout; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CIceProjectile::Create(Vec3f aeSrc, float afBeta) { SetDuration(ulDuration); SetAngle(afBeta); fSize = 1; float xmin, ymin, zmin; Vec3f s, e, h; s.x = aeSrc.x; s.y = aeSrc.y - 100; s.z = aeSrc.z; float fspelldist = static_cast<float>(iMax * 15); fspelldist = min(fspelldist, 200.0f); fspelldist = max(fspelldist, 450.0f); e.x = aeSrc.x - fBetaRadSin * fspelldist; e.y = aeSrc.y - 100; e.z = aeSrc.z + fBetaRadCos * fspelldist; float fd; if (!Visible(&s, &e, NULL, &h)) { e.x = h.x + fBetaRadSin * 20; e.y = h.y; e.z = h.z - fBetaRadCos * 20; } fd = fdist(s, e); float fCalc = ulDuration * (fd / fspelldist); SetDuration(checked_range_cast<unsigned long>(fCalc)); float fDist = (fd / fspelldist) * iMax ; iNumber = checked_range_cast<int>(fDist); int end = iNumber / 2; tv1a[0].p = s + Vec3f(0.f, 100.f, 0.f); tv1a[end].p = e + Vec3f(0.f, 100.f, 0.f); Split(tv1a, 0, end, 80, 0.5f, 0, 1, 80, 0.5f); for (int i = 0; i < iNumber; i++) { float t = rnd(); if (t < 0.5f) tType[i] = 0; else tType[i] = 1; tSize[i] = Vec3f::ZERO; tSizeMax[i] = randomVec() + Vec3f(0.f, 0.2f, 0.f); if (tType[i] == 0) { xmin = 1.2f; ymin = 1; zmin = 1.2f; } else { xmin = 0.4f; ymin = 0.3f; zmin = 0.4f; } if (tSizeMax[i].x < xmin) tSizeMax[i].x = xmin; if (tSizeMax[i].y < ymin) tSizeMax[i].y = ymin; if (tSizeMax[i].z < zmin) tSizeMax[i].z = zmin; int iNum = static_cast<int>(i / 2); if (tType[i] == 0) { tPos[i].x = tv1a[iNum].p.x + frand2() * 80; tPos[i].y = tv1a[iNum].p.y; tPos[i].z = tv1a[iNum].p.z + frand2() * 80; } else { tPos[i].x = tv1a[iNum].p.x + frand2() * 40; tPos[i].y = tv1a[iNum].p.y; tPos[i].z = tv1a[iNum].p.z + frand2() * 40; } long ttt = ARX_DAMAGES_GetFree(); if(ttt != -1) { damages[ttt].pos = tPos[i]; damages[ttt].radius = 60.f; damages[ttt].damages = 0.1f * spells[spellinstance].caster_level; damages[ttt].area = DAMAGE_FULL; damages[ttt].duration = ulDuration; damages[ttt].source = spells[spellinstance].caster; damages[ttt].flags = DAMAGE_FLAG_DONT_HURT_SOURCE; damages[ttt].type = DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGICAL | DAMAGE_TYPE_COLD; damages[ttt].exist = true; } } fColor = 1; }
Vector<String> Split(const char *s, const char *text, bool ignoreempty) { return Split(INT_MAX, s, text, ignoreempty); }
void SpellHit(Unit* /*caster*/, const SpellInfo* spell) { if (spell->Id == SPELL_DISPERSE) Split(); }
Vector<String> Split(const char *s, int chr, bool ignoreempty) { return Split(INT_MAX, s, chr, ignoreempty); }
Vector<String> Split(const char *s, int (*filter)(int), bool ignoreempty) { return Split(INT_MAX, s, filter, ignoreempty); }
Vector<String> Split(const char *s, const char * (*text_filter)(const char *), bool ignoreempty) { return Split(INT_MAX, s, text_filter, ignoreempty); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Split a single Triangle and link it into the mesh. // Will correctly force-split diamonds. // void Patch::Split(TriTreeNode* tri) { // We are already split, no need to do it again. if (!tri->IsLeaf()) return; // If this triangle is not in a proper diamond, force split our base neighbor if (tri->BaseNeighbor && (tri->BaseNeighbor->BaseNeighbor != tri)) Split(tri->BaseNeighbor); // Create children and link into mesh CTriNodePool* pool = CTriNodePool::GetPool(); tri->LeftChild = pool->AllocateTri(); tri->RightChild = pool->AllocateTri(); // If creation failed, just exit. if (!tri->IsBranch()) return; // Fill in the information we can get from the parent (neighbor pointers) tri->LeftChild->BaseNeighbor = tri->LeftNeighbor; tri->LeftChild->LeftNeighbor = tri->RightChild; tri->RightChild->BaseNeighbor = tri->RightNeighbor; tri->RightChild->RightNeighbor = tri->LeftChild; // Link our Left Neighbor to the new children if (tri->LeftNeighbor != NULL) { if (tri->LeftNeighbor->BaseNeighbor == tri) tri->LeftNeighbor->BaseNeighbor = tri->LeftChild; else if (tri->LeftNeighbor->LeftNeighbor == tri) tri->LeftNeighbor->LeftNeighbor = tri->LeftChild; else if (tri->LeftNeighbor->RightNeighbor == tri) tri->LeftNeighbor->RightNeighbor = tri->LeftChild; else ;// Illegal Left Neighbor! } // Link our Right Neighbor to the new children if (tri->RightNeighbor != NULL) { if (tri->RightNeighbor->BaseNeighbor == tri) tri->RightNeighbor->BaseNeighbor = tri->RightChild; else if (tri->RightNeighbor->RightNeighbor == tri) tri->RightNeighbor->RightNeighbor = tri->RightChild; else if (tri->RightNeighbor->LeftNeighbor == tri) tri->RightNeighbor->LeftNeighbor = tri->RightChild; else ;// Illegal Right Neighbor! } // Link our Base Neighbor to the new children if (tri->BaseNeighbor != NULL) { if (tri->BaseNeighbor->IsBranch()) { tri->BaseNeighbor->LeftChild->RightNeighbor = tri->RightChild; tri->BaseNeighbor->RightChild->LeftNeighbor = tri->LeftChild; tri->LeftChild->RightNeighbor = tri->BaseNeighbor->RightChild; tri->RightChild->LeftNeighbor = tri->BaseNeighbor->LeftChild; } else { Split(tri->BaseNeighbor); // Base Neighbor (in a diamond with us) was not split yet, so do that now. } } else { // An edge triangle, trivial case. tri->LeftChild->RightNeighbor = NULL; tri->RightChild->LeftNeighbor = NULL; } }
static bool Explore(count iregion, cSamples *samples, cint depth, cint flags) { #define SPLICE (flags & 1) #define HAVESAMPLES (flags & 2) TYPEDEFREGION; count n, dim, comp, maxcomp; Extrema extrema[NCOMP]; Result *r; real *x, *f; real halfvol, maxerr; Region *region; Bounds *bounds; Result *result; /* needed as of gcc 3.3 to make gcc correctly address region #@$&! */ sizeof(*region); if( SPLICE ) { if( nregions_ == size_ ) { size_ += CHUNKSIZE; ReAlloc(voidregion_, size_*sizeof(Region)); } VecCopy(region_[nregions_].bounds, region_[iregion].bounds); iregion = nregions_++; } region = ®ion_[iregion]; bounds = region->bounds; result = region->result; for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp ) { Extrema *e = &extrema[comp]; e->fmin = INFTY; e->fmax = -INFTY; e->xmin = e->xmax = NULL; } if( !HAVESAMPLES ) { real vol = 1; for( dim = 0; dim < ndim_; ++dim ) { cBounds *b = &bounds[dim]; vol *= b->upper - b->lower; } region->vol = vol; for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp ) { Result *r = &result[comp]; r->fmin = INFTY; r->fmax = -INFTY; } x = xgiven_; f = fgiven_; n = ngiven_; if( nextra_ ) n += SampleExtra(bounds); for( ; n; --n ) { for( dim = 0; dim < ndim_; ++dim ) { cBounds *b = &bounds[dim]; if( x[dim] < b->lower || x[dim] > b->upper ) goto skip; } for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp ) { Extrema *e = &extrema[comp]; creal y = f[comp]; if( y < e->fmin ) e->fmin = y, e->xmin = x; if( y > e->fmax ) e->fmax = y, e->xmax = x; } skip: x += ldxgiven_; f += ncomp_; } samples->sampler(samples, bounds, vol); } x = samples->x; f = samples->f; for( n = samples->n; n; --n ) { for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp ) { Extrema *e = &extrema[comp]; creal y = *f++; if( y < e->fmin ) e->fmin = y, e->xmin = x; if( y > e->fmax ) e->fmax = y, e->xmax = x; } x += ndim_; } neval_opt_ -= neval_; halfvol = .5*region->vol; maxerr = -INFTY; maxcomp = -1; for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp ) { Extrema *e = &extrema[comp]; Result *r = &result[comp]; real xtmp[NDIM], ftmp, err; if( e->xmin ) { /* not all NaNs */ selectedcomp_ = comp; sign_ = 1; VecCopy(xtmp, e->xmin); ftmp = FindMinimum(bounds, xtmp, e->fmin); if( ftmp < r->fmin ) { r->fmin = ftmp; VecCopy(r->xmin, xtmp); } sign_ = -1; VecCopy(xtmp, e->xmax); ftmp = -FindMinimum(bounds, xtmp, -e->fmax); if( ftmp > r->fmax ) { r->fmax = ftmp; VecCopy(r->xmax, xtmp); } } r->avg = samples->avg[comp]; r->err = samples->err[comp]; r->spread = halfvol*(r->fmax - r->fmin); err = r->spread/Max(fabs(r->avg), NOTZERO); if( err > maxerr ) { maxerr = err; maxcomp = comp; } } neval_opt_ += neval_; if( maxcomp == -1 ) { /* all NaNs */ region->depth = 0; return false; } region->cutcomp = maxcomp; r = ®ion->result[maxcomp]; if( halfvol*(r->fmin + r->fmax) > r->avg ) { region->fminor = r->fmin; region->fmajor = r->fmax; region->xmajor = r->xmax - (real *)region->result; } else { region->fminor = r->fmax; region->fmajor = r->fmin; region->xmajor = r->xmin - (real *)region->result; } region->depth = IDim(depth); if( !HAVESAMPLES ) { if( samples->weight*r->spread < r->err || r->spread < totals_[maxcomp].secondspread ) region->depth = 0; if( region->depth == 0 ) for( comp = 0; comp < ncomp_; ++comp ) totals_[comp].secondspread = Max(totals_[comp].secondspread, result[comp].spread); } if( region->depth ) Split(iregion, region->depth); return true; }
void BaseMesh::Split(Plane &p, BaseMesh &M1, BaseMesh &M2) { BaseMeshPlane = p; Split(BaseMeshPlaneFunction, M1, M2); }
void CPoisonProjectile::Create(Vec3f _eSrc, float _fBeta) { SetDuration(ulDuration); float fBetaRad = glm::radians(_fBeta); fBetaRadCos = glm::cos(fBetaRad); fBetaRadSin = glm::sin(fBetaRad); eSrc = _eSrc; bOk = false; eMove = Vec3f(-fBetaRadSin * 2, 0.f, fBetaRadCos * 2); Vec3f tempHit; Vec3f dest = eSrc; int i = 0; while(Visible(eSrc, dest, &tempHit) && i < 20) { dest.x -= fBetaRadSin * 50; dest.z += fBetaRadCos * 50; i++; } dest.y += 0.f; pathways[0] = eSrc; pathways[9] = dest; Split(pathways, 0, 9, Vec3f(10 * fBetaRadCos, 10, 10 * fBetaRadSin)); fTrail = -1; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // système de partoches ParticleParams cp = ParticleParams(); cp.m_nbMax = 5; cp.m_life = 2000; cp.m_lifeRandom = 1000; cp.m_pos = Vec3f_ZERO; cp.m_direction = -eMove * 0.1f; cp.m_angle = 0; cp.m_speed = 10; cp.m_speedRandom = 10; cp.m_gravity = Vec3f_ZERO; cp.m_flash = 21 * (1.f/100); cp.m_rotation = 1.0f / (101 - 80); cp.m_rotationRandomDirection = true; cp.m_rotationRandomStart = true; cp.m_startSegment.m_size = 5; cp.m_startSegment.m_sizeRandom = 3; cp.m_startSegment.m_color = Color(0, 50, 0, 40).to<float>(); cp.m_startSegment.m_colorRandom = Color(0, 100, 0, 50).to<float>(); cp.m_endSegment.m_size = 8; cp.m_endSegment.m_sizeRandom = 13; cp.m_endSegment.m_color = Color(0, 60, 0, 40).to<float>(); cp.m_endSegment.m_colorRandom = Color(0, 100, 0, 50).to<float>(); cp.m_blendMode = RenderMaterial::Screen; cp.m_freq = -1; cp.m_texture.set("graph/particles/big_greypouf", 0, 200); cp.m_spawnFlags = 0; pPS.SetParams(cp); pPS.SetPos(eSrc); pPS.Update(0); }
// // Specialization of Split that returns the right side of the split // WString WString::SplitRight ( const WString& strDelim, WString* pstrLeft, int iIndex ) const { WString strRight; Split ( strDelim, pstrLeft, &strRight, iIndex ); return strRight; }
void StdStringTest::testStdString() { //GetAnsiString std::string strAnsi = GetAnsiString(L"hello"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(strAnsi == "hello"); strAnsi = GetAnsiString(L""); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(strAnsi == ""); //GetWideString std::wstring strWide = GetWideString("hello"); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(strWide == L"hello"); strWide = GetWideString(L""); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(strWide == L""); //GetCStyleAnsiString char szBuf[64] = {0}; const char* pTmp = GetCStyleAnsiString("hello", szBuf); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, lstrcmpA(pTmp, "hello")); pTmp = GetCStyleAnsiString("", szBuf); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, lstrlenA(pTmp)); //GetCStyleWideString wchar_t szBuf2[64] = {0}; const wchar_t* pTmp2 = GetCStyleWideString(L"hello", szBuf2); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, lstrcmpW(pTmp2, L"hello")); pTmp2 = GetCStyleWideString(L"", szBuf2); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, lstrlenW(pTmp2)); //Split std::string strDel = " \t"; strAnsi = " a\t hello world "; std::list<std::string> rgpRet; int nVal = Split(strAnsi, strDel, rgpRet); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(3 == nVal); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(3u == rgpRet.size()); std::list<std::string>::iterator iter = rgpRet.begin(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(*iter == "a"); iter++; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(*iter == "hello"); iter++; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(*iter == "world"); //Trim strAnsi = " \t a evil world \t "; strAnsi = TrimLeft(strAnsi, strDel); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(strAnsi == "a evil world \t "); strAnsi = " \t a evil world \t "; strAnsi = TrimRight(strAnsi, strDel); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(strAnsi == " \t a evil world"); strAnsi = " \t a evil world \t "; strAnsi = Trim(strAnsi, strDel); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(strAnsi == "a evil world"); //StartsWith strAnsi = "this is a world"; strDel = "this"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(StartsWith(strAnsi, strDel)); strDel = "his"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!StartsWith(strAnsi, strDel)); //EndsWith strDel = "world"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(EndsWith(strAnsi, strDel)); strDel = "his"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!EndsWith(strAnsi, strDel)); //Contains strDel = "is"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(Contains(strAnsi, strDel)); strDel = "his name"; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!Contains(strAnsi, strDel)); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSummonCreature::Create(Vec3f aeSrc, float afBeta) { int i; TexturedVertex target; SetDuration(ulDurationIntro, ulDurationRender, ulDurationOuttro); eSrc.x = aeSrc.x; eSrc.y = aeSrc.y - 50; eSrc.z = aeSrc.z; fBeta = afBeta; fBetaRad = radians(fBeta); fBetaRadCos = (float) cos(fBetaRad); fBetaRadSin = (float) sin(fBetaRad); sizeF = 0; fSizeIntro = 0.0f; fTexWrap = 0; fRand = (float) rand(); end = 40 - 1; bIntro = true; for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) { tfRaysa[i] = 0.4f * rnd(); tfRaysb[i] = 0.4f * rnd(); } target.p.x = eSrc.x - 100; target.p.y = eSrc.y; target.p.z = eSrc.z; v1a[0].p.x = eSrc.x; v1a[0].p.y = eSrc.y - 100; v1a[0].p.z = eSrc.z; v1a[end].p.x = eSrc.x; v1a[end].p.y = eSrc.y + 100; v1a[end].p.z = eSrc.z; v1b[0].p.x = v1a[0].p.x; v1b[0].p.y = v1a[0].p.y; v1b[0].p.z = v1a[0].p.z; v1b[end].p.x = v1a[end].p.x; v1b[end].p.y = v1a[end].p.y; v1b[end].p.z = v1a[end].p.z; sizeF = 200; Split(v1a, 0, end, 20); Split(v1b, 0, end, -20); sizeF = 200; Split(v1a, 0, end, 80); Split(v1b, 0, end, -80); // check de la conformité du split // sinon recalc de l'un de l'autre ou des deux // espace min for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) { if (v1a[i].p.x > v1b[i].p.x) { float fTemp = v1a[i].p.x; v1a[i].p.x = v1b[i].p.x; v1b[i].p.x = fTemp; } if (v1a[i].p.z > v1b[i].p.z) { float fTemp = v1a[i].p.z; v1a[i].p.z = v1b[i].p.z; v1b[i].p.z = fTemp; } if ((v1b[i].p.x - v1a[i].p.x) > 20) { v1b[i].p.x = v1a[i].p.x + rnd() * 20.0f; } if ((v1b[i].p.z - v1a[i].p.z) > 20) { v1b[i].p.z = v1a[i].p.z + rnd() * 20.0f; } } for (i = 0; i <= end; i++) { va[i].p.x = eSrc.x; va[i].p.y = eSrc.y; va[i].p.z = eSrc.z; vb[i].p.x = eSrc.x; vb[i].p.y = eSrc.y; vb[i].p.z = eSrc.z; } sizeF = 0; }
void TreeSocket::ProcessLine(std::string &line) { std::string prefix; std::string command; parameterlist params; ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_RAWIO, "S[%d] I %s", this->GetFd(), line.c_str()); Split(line, prefix, command, params); if (command.empty()) return; switch (this->LinkState) { case WAIT_AUTH_1: /* * State WAIT_AUTH_1: * Waiting for SERVER command from remote server. Server initiating * the connection sends the first SERVER command, listening server * replies with theirs if its happy, then if the initiator is happy, * it starts to send its net sync, which starts the merge, otherwise * it sends an ERROR. */ if (command == "PASS") { /* * Ignore this silently. Some services packages insist on sending PASS, even * when it is not required (i.e. by us). We have to ignore this here, otherwise * as it's an unknown command (effectively), it will cause the connection to be * closed, which probably isn't what people want. -- w00t */ } else if (command == "SERVER") { this->Inbound_Server(params); } else if (command == "ERROR") { this->Error(params); } else if (command == "USER") { this->SendError("Client connections to this port are prohibited."); } else if (command == "CAPAB") { this->Capab(params); } else { this->SendError("Invalid command in negotiation phase: " + command); } break; case WAIT_AUTH_2: /* * State WAIT_AUTH_2: * We have sent SERVER to the other side of the connection. Now we're waiting for them to start BURST. * The other option at this stage of things, of course, is for them to close our connection thanks * to invalid credentials.. -- w */ if (command == "SERVER") { /* * Connection is either attempting to re-auth itself (stupid) or sending netburst without sending BURST. * Both of these aren't allowable, so block them here. -- w */ this->SendError("You may not re-authenticate or commence netburst without sending BURST."); } else if (command == "BURST") { if (params.size()) { time_t them = ConvToInt(params[0]); time_t delta = them - ServerInstance->Time(); if ((delta < -600) || (delta > 600)) { ServerInstance->SNO->WriteGlobalSno('l',"\2ERROR\2: Your clocks are out by %ld seconds (this is more than five minutes). Link aborted, \2PLEASE SYNC YOUR CLOCKS!\2",labs((long)delta)); SendError("Your clocks are out by "+ConvToStr(labs((long)delta))+" seconds (this is more than five minutes). Link aborted, PLEASE SYNC YOUR CLOCKS!"); return; } else if ((delta < -30) || (delta > 30)) { ServerInstance->SNO->WriteGlobalSno('l',"\2WARNING\2: Your clocks are out by %ld seconds. Please consider synching your clocks.", labs((long)delta)); } } // Check for duplicate server name/sid again, it's possible that a new // server was introduced while we were waiting for them to send BURST. // (we do not reserve their server name/sid when they send SERVER, we do it now) if (!CheckDuplicate(capab->name, capab->sid)) return; FinishAuth(capab->name, capab->sid, capab->description, capab->hidden); } else if (command == "ERROR") { this->Error(params); } else if (command == "CAPAB") { this->Capab(params); } break; case CONNECTING: /* * State CONNECTING: * We're connecting (OUTGOING) to another server. They are in state WAIT_AUTH_1 until they verify * our credentials, when they proceed into WAIT_AUTH_2 and send SERVER to us. We then send BURST * + our netburst, which will put them into CONNECTED state. -- w */ if (command == "SERVER") { // Our credentials have been accepted, send netburst. (this puts US into the CONNECTED state) this->Outbound_Reply_Server(params); } else if (command == "ERROR") { this->Error(params); } else if (command == "CAPAB") { this->Capab(params); } break; case CONNECTED: /* * State CONNECTED: * Credentials have been exchanged, we've gotten their 'BURST' (or sent ours). * Anything from here on should be accepted a little more reasonably. */ this->ProcessConnectedLine(prefix, command, params); break; case DYING: break; } }
void RichEdit::TableProps() { if(IsSelection() || cursorp.table == 0) return; RichEditTableProperties dlg; dlg.Breaker(dlg.destroy, IDNO); RichTable::Format fmt = text.GetTableFormat(cursorp.table); String ratios; for(int i = 0; i < fmt.column.GetCount(); i++) { if(i) ratios << ':'; ratios << "1"; } dlg.ratios.SetFilter(CharFilterEqualize); dlg.ratios <<= ratios; CtrlRetriever r; Advn(r, dlg.before.SetUnit(unit), fmt.before); Advn(r, dlg.after.SetUnit(unit), fmt.after); Advn(r, dlg.lm.SetUnit(unit), fmt.lm); Advn(r, dlg.rm.SetUnit(unit), fmt.rm); Advn(r, dlg.frame.SetUnit(unit), fmt.frame); r(dlg.framecolor, fmt.framecolor); Advn(r, dlg.grid.SetUnit(unit), fmt.grid); Advn(r, dlg.header, fmt.header); Advn(r, dlg.keep, fmt.keep); Advn(r, dlg.newpage, fmt.newpage); Advn(r, dlg.newhdrftr, fmt.newhdrftr); dlg.header_qtf = fmt.header_qtf; dlg.footer_qtf = fmt.footer_qtf; r(dlg.gridcolor, fmt.gridcolor); dlg.SyncHdrFtr(); dlg.newhdrftr.Enable(cursorp.level == 1); dlg.hdrftr.Enable(cursorp.level == 1); for(;;) { switch(dlg.Run()) { case IDCANCEL: return; case IDNO: NextUndo(); DestroyTable(); return; default: r.Retrieve(); if(dlg.newhdrftr) { fmt.header_qtf = dlg.header_qtf; fmt.footer_qtf = dlg.footer_qtf; } else fmt.header_qtf = fmt.footer_qtf = Null; const RichTable& tbl = text.GetConstTable(cursorp.table); bool valid = true; Point violator(0, 0); int vspan = 0; for(int rw = 0; valid && rw < fmt.header && rw < tbl.GetRows(); rw++) for(int co = 0; valid && co < tbl.GetColumns(); co++) if(tbl(rw, co) && (vspan = tbl[rw][co].vspan) + rw > fmt.header) { valid = false; violator.x = co; violator.y = rw; break; } if(!valid) { Exclamation(NFormat(t_("Invalid header row count %d, cell at rw %d, co %d has vspan = %d."), fmt.header, violator.y + 1, violator.x + 1, vspan)); continue; } NextUndo(); SaveTableFormat(cursorp.table); if(dlg.equalize) { Vector<String> r = Split((String)~dlg.ratios, ':'); for(int i = 0; i < fmt.column.GetCount(); i++) fmt.column[i] = i < r.GetCount() ? max(atoi(r[i]), 1) : 1; } text.SetTableFormat(cursorp.table, fmt); Finish(); return; } } }
String CppMacro::Expand(const Vector<String>& p, const Vector<String>& ep) const { String r; const char *s = body; String pp = param; bool variadic = false; if(*pp.Last() == '.') { variadic = true; pp.Trim(pp.GetCount() - 1); } Index<String> param(Split(pp, ',')); static String VA_ARGS("__VA_ARGS__"); // static - Speed optimization while(*s) { if(IsAlpha(*s) || *s == '_') { const char *b = s; s++; while(IsAlNum(*s) || *s == '_') s++; String id(b, s); const char *ss = b; bool cat = false; while(ss > ~body && ss[-1] == ' ') ss--; if(ss >= ~body + 2 && ss[-1] == '#' && ss[-2] == '#') cat = true; ss = s; while(*ss && *ss == ' ') ss++; if(ss[0] == '#' && ss[1] == '#') cat = true; if(id == VA_ARGS) { bool next = false; for(int i = param.GetCount(); i < ep.GetCount(); i++) { if(next) r.Cat(", "); r.Cat((cat ? p : ep)[i]); next = true; } } else { int q = param.Find(id); if(q >= 0) { if(q < ep.GetCount()) r.Cat((cat ? p : ep)[q]); } else r.Cat(id); } continue; } if(s[0] == '#' && s[1] == '#') { int q = r.GetLength(); while(q > 0 && IsSpc(r[q - 1])) q--; r.Trim(q); s += 2; while((byte)*s <= ' ') s++; continue; } if(*s == '#') { const char *ss = s + 1; while(IsSpc(*ss)) ss++; if(IsAlpha(*ss) || *ss == '_') { const char *b = ss; ss++; while(IsAlNum(*ss) || *ss == '_') ss++; String id(b, ss); int q = param.Find(id); if(q >= 0) { if(q <= p.GetCount()) { if(q < p.GetCount()) r.Cat(AsCString(p[q])); s = ss; continue; } } r.Cat(String(s, ss)); s = ss; continue; } } r.Cat(*s++); } return r; }
Vector<String> String::Split(const Vector<char>& delimiter, StringSplitOptions splitOptions) const { return Split(delimiter, _length, splitOptions); }
void MXTree::Split(GiSTnode **node, const GiSTentry& entry) { double radii[2], dist, *dists = new double[(*node)->NumEntries()*2]; int pageNums[2], cands[2]; vector<vector<int>> vec(2); ((MXTnode *)(*node))->TestPromotion(radii, &dist, pageNums, cands, dists, vec); if (Trade((*node)->Path().IsRoot(), radii, dist, pageNums, ((MXTnode *)(*node))->GetPageNum()+1, (*node)->NumEntries())) { // don't split now delete[] dists; GiSTpath oldPath = (*node)->Path(); int startPage = ((*node)->Path().IsRoot() ? rootPage : (*node)->Path().Page()); int pageNum = ((MXTnode *)(*node))->GetPageNum(); ((MXTfile *)store)->Deallocate(startPage, pageNum); startPage = ((MXTfile *)store)->Allocate(++pageNum); (*node)->Path().MakeSibling(startPage); rootPage = ((*node)->Path().IsRoot() ? startPage : rootPage); ((MXTnode *)(*node))->SetPageNum(pageNum); WriteNode(*node); if (!(*node)->Path().IsRoot() && startPage != oldPath.Page()) { GiSTpath parentPath = oldPath; parentPath.MakeParent(); GiSTnode *parentNode = ReadNode(parentPath); GiSTentry *e = parentNode->SearchPtr(oldPath.Page()); assert(e != NULL); int pos = e->Position(); e->SetPtr(startPage); parentNode->DeleteEntry(pos); parentNode->InsertBefore(*e, pos); WriteNode(parentNode); delete parentNode; delete e; } } else { // split now bool bLeft = false, bNewRoot = false; if ((*node)->Path().IsRoot()) { bNewRoot = true; (*node)->Path().MakeChild(rootPage); rootPage = store->Allocate(); } int oldPageNum = ((MXTnode *)(*node))->GetPageNum(); GiSTnode *node2 = ((MXTnode *)(*node))->PickSplit(cands, dists, vec); delete[] dists; int curPageNum = ((MXTnode *)(*node))->GetPageNum(); assert(oldPageNum >= curPageNum); if (oldPageNum > curPageNum) { ((MXTfile *)store)->Deallocate((*node)->Path().Page()+curPageNum, oldPageNum-curPageNum); } node2->Path().MakeSibling(((MXTfile *)store)->Allocate(((MXTnode *)node2)->GetPageNum())); WriteNode(*node); WriteNode(node2); GiSTentry *e = (*node)->SearchPtr(entry.Ptr()); if (e != NULL) { bLeft = true; delete e; } GiSTentry *e1 = (*node)->Union(); GiSTentry *e2 = node2->Union(); e1->SetPtr((*node)->Path().Page()); e2->SetPtr(node2->Path().Page()); // Create new root if root is being split if (bNewRoot) { GiSTnode *root = NewNode(this); root->SetLevel((*node)->Level() + 1); root->InsertBefore(*e1, 0); root->InsertBefore(*e2, 1); root->Path().MakeRoot(); WriteNode(root); delete root; } else { // Insert entry for N' in parent GiSTpath parentPath = (*node)->Path(); parentPath.MakeParent(); GiSTnode *parent = ReadNode(parentPath); // Find the entry for N in parent GiSTentry *e = parent->SearchPtr((*node)->Path().Page()); assert(e != NULL); // Insert the new entry right after it int pos = e->Position(); parent->DeleteEntry(pos); parent->InsertBefore(*e1, pos); parent->InsertBefore(*e2, pos+1); delete e; if (!parent->IsOverFull(*store)) { WriteNode(parent); } else { Split(&parent, bLeft? *e1: *e2); // parent is the node which contains the entry inserted GiSTpage page = (*node)->Path().Page(); (*node)->Path() = parent->Path(); // parent's path may change (*node)->Path().MakeChild(page); page = node2->Path().Page(); node2->Path() = (*node)->Path(); node2->Path().MakeSibling(page); } delete parent; } if (!bLeft) { delete *node; *node = node2; // return it } else { delete node2; } delete e1; delete e2; } }
void GiST::Split(GiSTnode **node, const GiSTentry& entry) { int went_left=0, new_root=0; if((*node)->Path().IsRoot()) { new_root=1; (*node)->Path().MakeChild(store->Allocate()); } GiSTnode *node2=(*node)->PickSplit(); node2->Path().MakeSibling(store->Allocate()); GiSTentry *e=(*node)->SearchPtr(entry.Ptr()); if(e!=NULL) { went_left=1; delete e; } node2->SetSibling((*node)->Sibling()); (*node)->SetSibling(node2->Path().Page()); WriteNode(*node); WriteNode(node2); GiSTentry *e1=(*node)->Union(); GiSTentry *e2=node2->Union(); e1->SetPtr((*node)->Path().Page()); e2->SetPtr(node2->Path().Page()); // Create new root if root is being split if (new_root) { GiSTnode *root=NewNode(this); root->SetLevel((*node)->Level()+1); root->InsertBefore(*e1, 0); root->InsertBefore(*e2, 1); root->Path().MakeRoot(); WriteNode(root); delete root; } else { // Insert entry for N' in parent GiSTpath parent_path=(*node)->Path(); parent_path.MakeParent(); GiSTnode *parent=ReadNode(parent_path); // Find the entry for N in parent GiSTentry *e=parent->SearchPtr((*node)->Path().Page()); assert(e!=NULL); // Insert the new entry right after it int pos=e->Position(); parent->DeleteEntry(pos); parent->InsertBefore(*e1, pos); parent->InsertBefore(*e2, pos+1); delete e; if(!parent->IsOverFull(*store)) WriteNode(parent); else { Split(&parent, went_left? *e1: *e2); GiSTpage page=(*node)->Path().Page(); (*node)->Path()=parent->Path(); (*node)->Path().MakeChild(page); page=node2->Path().Page(); node2->Path()=(*node)->Path(); node2->Path().MakeSibling(page); } delete parent; } if(!went_left) { delete *node; *node=node2; } else delete node2; delete e1; delete e2; }
/* ==================== idSurface_Polytope::SplitPolytope ==================== */ int idSurface_Polytope::SplitPolytope( const idPlane &plane, const float epsilon, idSurface_Polytope **front, idSurface_Polytope **back ) const { int side, i, j, s, v0, v1, v2, edgeNum; idSurface *surface[2]; idSurface_Polytope *polytopeSurfaces[2], *surf; int *onPlaneEdges[2]; onPlaneEdges[0] = (int *) _alloca( indexes.Num() / 3 * sizeof( int ) ); onPlaneEdges[1] = (int *) _alloca( indexes.Num() / 3 * sizeof( int ) ); side = Split( plane, epsilon, &surface[0], &surface[1], onPlaneEdges[0], onPlaneEdges[1] ); *front = polytopeSurfaces[0] = new (TAG_IDLIB_SURFACE) idSurface_Polytope; *back = polytopeSurfaces[1] = new (TAG_IDLIB_SURFACE) idSurface_Polytope; for ( s = 0; s < 2; s++ ) { if ( surface[s] ) { polytopeSurfaces[s] = new idSurface_Polytope( *surface[s] ); delete surface[s]; surface[s] = NULL; } } *front = polytopeSurfaces[0]; *back = polytopeSurfaces[1]; if ( side != SIDE_CROSS ) { return side; } // add triangles to close off the front and back polytope for ( s = 0; s < 2; s++ ) { surf = polytopeSurfaces[s]; edgeNum = surf->edgeIndexes[onPlaneEdges[s][0]]; v0 = surf->edges[abs(edgeNum)].verts[INT32_SIGNBITSET(edgeNum)]; v1 = surf->edges[abs(edgeNum)].verts[INT32_SIGNBITNOTSET(edgeNum)]; for ( i = 1; onPlaneEdges[s][i] >= 0; i++ ) { for ( j = i+1; onPlaneEdges[s][j] >= 0; j++ ) { edgeNum = surf->edgeIndexes[onPlaneEdges[s][j]]; if ( v1 == surf->edges[abs(edgeNum)].verts[INT32_SIGNBITSET(edgeNum)] ) { v1 = surf->edges[abs(edgeNum)].verts[INT32_SIGNBITNOTSET(edgeNum)]; SwapValues( onPlaneEdges[s][i], onPlaneEdges[s][j] ); break; } } } for ( i = 2; onPlaneEdges[s][i] >= 0; i++ ) { edgeNum = surf->edgeIndexes[onPlaneEdges[s][i]]; v1 = surf->edges[abs(edgeNum)].verts[INT32_SIGNBITNOTSET(edgeNum)]; v2 = surf->edges[abs(edgeNum)].verts[INT32_SIGNBITSET(edgeNum)]; surf->indexes.Append( v0 ); surf->indexes.Append( v1 ); surf->indexes.Append( v2 ); } surf->GenerateEdgeIndexes(); } return side; }
/* Функция загрузки материала. * АРГУМЕНТЫ: * - геометрический объект: * as4GEOM *G; * - имя файла материалов: * CHAR *FileName; * ВОЗВРАЩАЕМОЕ ЗНАЧЕНИЕ: Нет. */ static VOID LoadMaterials( as4GEOM *G, CHAR *FileName ) { FILE *F; as4MATERIAL DefMat, Mat; static CHAR FName[_MAX_PATH]; _makepath(FName, ModelDrive, ModelDir, FileName, ""); if ((F = fopen(FName, "r")) == NULL) return; DefMat.Ka = VecSet(0.1, 0.1, 0.1); DefMat.Kd = VecSet(0.9, 0.9, 0.9); DefMat.Ks = VecSet(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); DefMat.Phong = 30; DefMat.TexNo = 0; DefMat.Trans = 1; strcpy(DefMat.Name, "Default Material SPR 2014"); DefMat.MapD[0] = 0; Mat = DefMat; /* считываем все сроки */ while (fgets(Buf, sizeof(Buf), F) != NULL) { Split(); if (NumOfParts > 1) if (strcmp(Parts[0], "Ka") == 0) { sscanf(Parts[1], "%f", &Mat.Ka.x); sscanf(Parts[2], "%f", &Mat.Ka.y); sscanf(Parts[3], "%f", &Mat.Ka.z); } else if (strcmp(Parts[0], "Kd") == 0) { sscanf(Parts[1], "%f", &Mat.Kd.x); sscanf(Parts[2], "%f", &Mat.Kd.y); sscanf(Parts[3], "%f", &Mat.Kd.z); } else if (strcmp(Parts[0], "Ks") == 0) { sscanf(Parts[1], "%f", &Mat.Ks.x); sscanf(Parts[2], "%f", &Mat.Ks.y); sscanf(Parts[3], "%f", &Mat.Ks.z); } else if (strcmp(Parts[0], "Ns") == 0) sscanf(Parts[1], "%f", &Mat.Phong); else if (strcmp(Parts[0], "D") == 0 || strcmp(Parts[0], "d") == 0 || strcmp(Parts[0], "Tr") == 0) sscanf(Parts[1], "%f", &Mat.Trans); else if (strcmp(Parts[0], "map_Kd") == 0) { _splitpath(Parts[NumOfParts - 1], TexDrive, TexDir, TexFileName, TexFileExt); _makepath(Mat.MapD, ModelDrive, ModelDir, TexFileName, ".bmp"); } else if (strcmp(Parts[0], "newmtl") == 0) { AS4_GeomAddMaterial(G, &Mat); Mat = DefMat; strncpy(Mat.Name, Parts[1], sizeof(Mat.Name) - 1); } } AS4_GeomAddMaterial(G, &Mat); fclose(F); } /* End of 'LoadMaterials' function */
/************************************************************************* * Receive_secure() - receive a secure transfer *************************************************************************/ int Receive_secure( int *sock, char *input ) { char *printername; char error[SMALLBUFFER]; /* error message */ char *authtype; char *cf, *s; char *jobsize = 0; char *user = 0; int tempfd = -1; int ack, status, from_server; struct line_list args, header_info, info; struct stat statb; char *tempfile = 0; const struct security *security = 0; Name = "RCVSEC"; memset( error, 0, sizeof(error)); ack = 0; status = 0; DEBUGF(DRECV1)("Receive_secure: input line '%s'", input ); Init_line_list( &args ); Init_line_list( &header_info ); Init_line_list( &info ); Split(&args,input+1,Whitespace,0,0,0,0,0,0); DEBUGFC(DRECV1)Dump_line_list("Receive_secure - input", &args); if( args.count != 5 && args.count != 4 ){ plp_snprintf( error+1, sizeof(error)-1, _("bad command line '%s'"), input ); ack = ACK_FAIL; /* no retry, don't send again */ status = JFAIL; goto error; } Check_max(&args,1); args.list[args.count] = 0; /* * \REQ_SECUREprintername C/F user authtype jobsize\n - receive a job * 0 1 2 3 4 */ printername = args.list[0]; cf = args.list[1]; user = args.list[2]; /* user is escape encoded */ Unescape(user); authtype = args.list[3]; Unescape(authtype); jobsize = args.list[4]; setproctitle( "lpd %s '%s'", Name, printername ); Perm_check.authtype = authtype; from_server = 0; if( *cf == 'F' ){ from_server = 1; } /* set up the authentication support information */ if( Is_clean_name( printername ) ){ plp_snprintf( error+1, sizeof(error)-1, _("bad printer name '%s'"), input ); ack = ACK_FAIL; /* no retry, don't send again */ status = JFAIL; goto error; } Set_DYN(&Printer_DYN,printername); if( Setup_printer( printername, error+1, sizeof(error)-1, 0 ) ){ if( jobsize ){ plp_snprintf( error+1, sizeof(error)-1, _("bad printer '%s'"), printername ); ack = ACK_FAIL; /* no retry, don't send again */ status = JFAIL; goto error; } } else { int db, dbf; db = Debug; dbf = DbgFlag; s = Find_str_value(&Spool_control,DEBUG); if(!s) s = New_debug_DYN; Parse_debug( s, 0 ); if( !(DRECVMASK & DbgFlag) ){ Debug = db; DbgFlag = dbf; } else { int tdb, tdbf; tdb = Debug; tdbf = DbgFlag; Debug = db; DbgFlag = dbf; if( Log_file_DYN ){ tempfd = Checkwrite( Log_file_DYN, &statb,0,0,0); if( tempfd > 0 && tempfd != 2 ){ dup2(tempfd,2); close(tempfd); } tempfd = -1; } Debug = tdb; DbgFlag = tdbf; LOGDEBUG("Receive_secure: socket fd %d", *sock); Dump_line_list("Receive_secure - input", &args); } DEBUGF(DRECV1)("Receive_secure: debug '%s', Debug %d, DbgFlag 0x%x", s, Debug, DbgFlag ); } if( !(security = Fix_receive_auth(authtype, &info)) ){ plp_snprintf( error+1, sizeof(error)-1, _("unsupported authentication '%s'"), authtype ); ack = ACK_FAIL; /* no retry, don't send again */ status = JFAIL; goto error; } if( !security->server_receive ){ plp_snprintf( error+1, sizeof(error)-1, _("no receive method supported for '%s'"), authtype ); ack = ACK_FAIL; /* no retry, don't send again */ status = JFAIL; goto error; } if( jobsize ){ double read_len; read_len = strtod(jobsize,0); DEBUGF(DRECV2)("Receive_secure: spooling_disabled %d", Sp_disabled(&Spool_control) ); if( Sp_disabled(&Spool_control) ){ plp_snprintf( error+1, sizeof(error)-1, _("%s: spooling disabled"), Printer_DYN ); ack = ACK_RETRY; /* retry */ status = JFAIL; goto error; } if( Max_job_size_DYN > 0 && (read_len+1023)/1024 > Max_job_size_DYN ){ plp_snprintf( error+1, sizeof(error)-1, _("%s: job size %0.0f is larger than %d K"), Printer_DYN, read_len, Max_job_size_DYN ); ack = ACK_RETRY; status = JFAIL; goto error; } else if( !Check_space( read_len, Minfree_DYN, Spool_dir_DYN ) ){ plp_snprintf( error+1, sizeof(error)-1, _("%s: insufficient file space"), Printer_DYN ); ack = ACK_RETRY; status = JFAIL; goto error; } } tempfd = Make_temp_fd(&tempfile); close(tempfd); tempfd = -1; DEBUGF(DRECV1)("Receive_secure: sock %d, user '%s', jobsize '%s'", *sock, user, jobsize ); status = security->server_receive( sock, Send_job_rw_timeout_DYN, user, jobsize, from_server, authtype, &info, error+1, sizeof(error)-1, &header_info, security, tempfile, Do_secure_work); error: DEBUGF(DRECV1)("Receive_secure: status %d, ack %d, error '%s'", status, ack, error+1 ); if( status ){ if( ack == 0 ) ack = ACK_FAIL; error[0] = ack; DEBUGF(DRECV1)("Receive_secure: sending '%s'", error ); (void)Link_send( ShortRemote_FQDN, sock, Send_query_rw_timeout_DYN, error, safestrlen(error), 0 ); Errorcode = JFAIL; } Free_line_list( &args ); Free_line_list( &header_info ); Free_line_list( &info ); close( *sock ); *sock = -1; Remove_tempfiles(); if( status == 0 && jobsize ){ /* start a new server */ DEBUGF(DRECV1)("Receive_secure: starting server"); if( Server_queue_name_DYN ){ Do_queue_jobs( Server_queue_name_DYN, 0 ); } else { Do_queue_jobs( Printer_DYN, 0 ); } } cleanup(0); }