Ejemplo n.º 1
void KeyAddDialog::addFile()
	QString file = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( this, windowTitle(),
		QDesktopServices::storageLocation( QDesktopServices::DocumentsLocation ),
		tr("Certificates (*.pem *.cer *.crt)") );
	if( file.isEmpty() )

	QFile f( file );
	if( !f.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
		QMessageBox::warning( this, windowTitle(), tr("Failed to open certifiacte") );

	CKey k( QSslCertificate( &f, QSsl::Pem ) );
	if( k.cert.isNull() )
		k.setCert( QSslCertificate( &f, QSsl::Der ) );
	if( k.cert.isNull() )
		QMessageBox::warning( this, windowTitle(), tr("Failed to read certificate") );
	else if( !SslCertificate( k.cert ).keyUsage().contains( SslCertificate::DataEncipherment ) )
		QMessageBox::warning( this, windowTitle(), tr("This certificate is not usable for crypting") );
		addKeys( QList<CKey>() << k );

Ejemplo n.º 2
void KeyModel::load( const QList<CKey> &result )
	Q_FOREACH( const CKey &k, result )
		if( SslCertificate( k.cert ).keyUsage().contains( SslCertificate::DataEncipherment ) )
			skKeys << k;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void SettingsDialog::updateCert()
	QSslCertificate c = AccessCert::cert();
	if( !c.isNull() )
		d->p12Error->setText( tr("Issued to: %1<br />Valid to: %2 %3")
			.arg( SslCertificate(c).subjectInfo( QSslCertificate::CommonName ) )
			.arg( c.expiryDate().toString("dd.MM.yyyy") )
			.arg( !c.isValid() ? "<font color='red'>(" + tr("expired") + ")</font>" : "" ) );
		d->p12Error->setText( "<b>" + tr("Server access certificate is not installed.") + "</b>" );
	d->showP12Cert->setEnabled( !c.isNull() );
	d->showP12Cert->setProperty( "cert", QVariant::fromValue( c ) );
Ejemplo n.º 4
QPKCS11::PinStatus QPKCS11::login( const TokenData &_t )
	if( !d->pslot || (d->err = d->f->C_GetTokenInfo( *(d->pslot), &token )) != CKR_OK )
		return PinUnknown;

	if( !(token.flags & CKF_LOGIN_REQUIRED) )
		return PinOK;

	TokenData t = _t;
	if( token.flags & CKF_SO_PIN_COUNT_LOW || token.flags & CKF_USER_PIN_COUNT_LOW )
		t.setFlag( TokenData::PinCountLow );
	if( token.flags & CKF_SO_PIN_FINAL_TRY || token.flags & CKF_USER_PIN_FINAL_TRY )
		t.setFlag( TokenData::PinFinalTry );
	if( token.flags & CKF_SO_PIN_LOCKED || token.flags & CKF_USER_PIN_LOCKED )
		t.setFlag( TokenData::PinLocked );

	if( d->session )
		d->err = d->f->C_CloseSession( d->session );
	d->session = 0;
	if( (d->err = d->f->C_OpenSession( *(d->pslot), CKF_SERIAL_SESSION, 0, 0, &d->session )) != CKR_OK )
		return PinUnknown;

	bool pin2 = SslCertificate( t.cert() ).keyUsage().keys().contains( SslCertificate::NonRepudiation );
		PinDialog p( pin2 ? PinDialog::Pin2PinpadType : PinDialog::Pin1PinpadType, t, qApp->activeWindow() );
		QPKCS11Thread t( d );
		connect( &t, SIGNAL(started()), &p, SIGNAL(startTimer()) );
		d->err = t.waitForDone();
		PinDialog p( pin2 ? PinDialog::Pin2Type : PinDialog::Pin1Type, t, qApp->activeWindow() );
		if( !p.exec() )
			return PinCanceled;
		QByteArray pin = p.text().toUtf8();
		d->err = d->f->C_Login( d->session, CKU_USER, (unsigned char*)pin.constData(), pin.size() );

	switch( d->err )
	case CKR_OK: return PinOK;
	case CKR_FUNCTION_CANCELED: return PinCanceled;
	case CKR_PIN_INCORRECT: return PinIncorrect;
	case CKR_PIN_LOCKED: return PinLocked;
	default: return PinUnknown;
Ejemplo n.º 5
QVariant KeyModel::data( const QModelIndex &index, int role ) const
	if( !index.isValid() && index.row() >= skKeys.count() )
		return QVariant();

	CKey k = skKeys[index.row()];
	switch( role )
	case Qt::DisplayRole:
		switch( index.column() )
		case 0: return k.recipient;
		case 1: return k.cert.issuerInfo( QSslCertificate::CommonName );
		case 2: return k.cert.expiryDate().toLocalTime().toString( "dd.MM.yyyy" );
		default: break;
	case Qt::UserRole:
		return SslCertificate( k.cert ).isTempel();
	default: break;
	return QVariant();
Ejemplo n.º 6
void KeyAddDialog::on_add_clicked()
	if( !skView->selectionModel()->hasSelection() )

	QList<CKey> keys;
	Q_FOREACH( const QModelIndex &index, skView->selectionModel()->selectedRows() )
		const CKey k = keyModel->key( index );
		keys << k;
		if( usedView->findItems( k.recipient, Qt::MatchExactly ).isEmpty() )
			QTreeWidgetItem *i = new QTreeWidgetItem( usedView );
			i->setText( 0, k.recipient );
			i->setText( 1, k.cert.issuerInfo( "CN" ) );
			i->setText( 2, k.cert.expiryDate().toLocalTime().toString( "dd.MM.yyyy" ) );
			i->setData( 0, Qt::UserRole, SslCertificate( k.cert ).isTempel() );
			usedView->addTopLevelItem( i );
	addKeys( keys );

Ejemplo n.º 7
bool AccessCert::download( bool noCard )
	if( noCard )
		QDesktopServices::openUrl( QUrl( tr("http://www.id.ee/kehtivuskinnitus") ) );
		return false;

	QMessageBox d( QMessageBox::Information, tr("Server access certificate"),
		tr("Hereby I agree to terms and conditions of validity confirmation service and "
		   "will use the service in extent of 10 signatures per month. If you going to "
		   "exceed the limit of 10 signatures per month or/and will use the service for "
		   "commercial purposes, please refer to IT support of your company. Additional "
		   "information is available from <a href=\"%1\">%1</a> or phone 1777")
			.arg( tr("http://www.id.ee/kehtivuskinnitus") ),
		QMessageBox::Help, m_parent );
	d.addButton( tr("Agree"), QMessageBox::AcceptRole );
	if( QLabel *label = d.findChild<QLabel*>() )
		label->setOpenExternalLinks( true );
	if( d.exec() == QMessageBox::Help )
		QDesktopServices::openUrl( QUrl( tr("http://www.id.ee/kehtivuskinnitus") ) );
		return false;

	QSigner *s = qApp->signer();
	QPKCS11 *p = s->handle();
	TokenData token;
	bool retry = false;
		retry = false;
		token = p->selectSlot( s->token().card(), SslCertificate::DataEncipherment );
		QPKCS11::PinStatus status =  p->login( token );
		switch( status )
		case QPKCS11::PinOK: break;
		case QPKCS11::PinCanceled:
			return false;
		case QPKCS11::PinIncorrect:
			showWarning( QPKCS11::errorString( status ) );
			retry = true;
			showWarning( tr("Error downloading server access certificate!") + "\n" + QPKCS11::errorString( status ) );
			return false;
	while( retry );

	QScopedPointer<SSLConnect> ssl( new SSLConnect );
	ssl->setToken( token.cert(), p->key() );
	QByteArray result = ssl->getUrl( SSLConnect::AccessCert );
	if( !ssl->errorString().isEmpty() )
		showWarning( tr("Error downloading server access certificate!") + "\n" + ssl->errorString() );
		return false;

	if( result.isEmpty() )
		showWarning( tr("Empty result!") );
		return false;

	QString status, cert, pass, message;
	QXmlStreamReader xml( result );
	while( xml.readNext() != QXmlStreamReader::Invalid )
		if( !xml.isStartElement() )
		if( xml.name() == "StatusCode" )
			status = xml.readElementText();
		else if( xml.name() == "MessageToDisplay" )
			message = xml.readElementText();
		else if( xml.name() == "TokenData" )
			cert = xml.readElementText();
		else if( xml.name() == "TokenPassword" )
			pass = xml.readElementText();

	if( status.isEmpty() )
		showWarning( tr("Error parsing server access certificate result!") );
		return false;

	switch( status.toInt() )
	case 1: //need to order cert manually from SK web
		QDesktopServices::openUrl( QUrl( tr("http://www.id.ee/kehtivuskinnitus") ) );
		return false;
	case 2: //got error, show message from MessageToDisplay element
		showWarning( tr("Error downloading server access certificate!\n%1").arg( message ) );
		return false;
	default: break; //ok

	if ( cert.isEmpty() )
		showWarning( tr("Error reading server access certificate - empty content!") );
		return false;

	QString path = QDesktopServices::storageLocation( QDesktopServices::DataLocation );
	if ( !QDir( path ).exists() )
		QDir().mkpath( path );

	QFile f( QString( "%1/%2.p12" ).arg( path,
		SslCertificate( qApp->signer()->token().cert() ).subjectInfo( "serialNumber" ) ) );
	if ( !f.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly|QIODevice::Truncate ) )
		showWarning( tr("Failed to save server access certificate file to %1!\n%2")
			.arg( f.fileName() )
			.arg( f.errorString() ) );
		return false;
	f.write( QByteArray::fromBase64( cert.toLatin1() ) );

	Application::setConfValue( Application::PKCS12Cert, m_cert = QDir::toNativeSeparators( f.fileName() ) );
	Application::setConfValue( Application::PKCS12Pass, m_pass = pass );
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
bool AccessCert::download( bool noCard )
	if( noCard )
		QDesktopServices::openUrl( QUrl( tr("http://www.sk.ee/toend/") ) );
		return false;

	SslCertificate tempel( qApp->signer()->tokensign().cert() );
	if( tempel.type() & SslCertificate::TempelType )
		setIcon( Information );
		setText( tr("For getting server access certificate to Tempel contact <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]\">[email protected]</a>") );
		return false;

	setIcon( Information );
		tr("Hereby I agree to terms and conditions of validity confirmation service and "
		   "will use the service in extent of 10 signatures per month. If you going to "
		   "exceed the limit of 10 signatures per month or/and will use the service for "
		   "commercial purposes, please refer to IT support of your company. Additional "
		   "information is available from <a href=\"%1\">%1</a> or phone 1777")
			.arg( tr("http://www.id.ee/kehtivuskinnitus") ) );
	setStandardButtons( Help );
	QPushButton *agree = addButton( tr("Agree"), AcceptRole );
	if( exec() == Help )
		QDesktopServices::openUrl( QUrl( tr("http://www.id.ee/kehtivuskinnitus") ) );
		return false;
	removeButton( agree );

	QSigner *s = qApp->signer();
	QPKCS11 *p = qobject_cast<QPKCS11*>(reinterpret_cast<QObject*>(s->handle()));
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
	QCNG *c = qobject_cast<QCNG*>(reinterpret_cast<QObject*>(s->handle()));
	if( !p && !c )
		return false;

	Qt::HANDLE key = 0;
	TokenData token;
	if( p )
		bool retry = false;
			retry = false;
			token.setCard( s->tokensign().card() );
			Q_FOREACH( const TokenData &t, p->tokens() )
				if( token.card() == t.card() && SslCertificate( t.cert() ).enhancedKeyUsage().contains( SslCertificate::ClientAuth ) )
					token.setCert( t.cert() );

			QPKCS11::PinStatus status = p->login( token );
			switch( status )
			case QPKCS11::PinOK: break;
			case QPKCS11::PinCanceled:
				return false;
			case QPKCS11::PinIncorrect:
				showWarning( QPKCS11::errorString( status ) );
				retry = true;
				showWarning( tr("Error downloading server access certificate!") + "\n" + QPKCS11::errorString( status ) );
				return false;
		while( retry );
		key = p->key();
Ejemplo n.º 9
SignatureDialog::SignatureDialog( const DigiDocSignature &signature, QWidget *parent )
:	QDialog( parent )
,	s( signature )
,	d( new SignatureDialogPrivate )
	d->setupUi( this );
	setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );

	const SslCertificate c = s.cert();
#define addCertButton(cert, button) if(!cert.isNull()) \
	d->buttonBox->addButton(button, QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole)->setProperty("cert", QVariant::fromValue(cert));
	addCertButton(s.cert(), tr("Show signer's certificate"));
	addCertButton(s.ocspCert(), tr("Show OCSP certificate"));
	addCertButton(s.tsaCert(), tr("Show TSA certificate"));
	addCertButton(qApp->confValue( Application::TSLCert ).value<QSslCertificate>(), tr("Show TSL certificate"));

	QString status;
	switch( s.validate() )
	case DigiDocSignature::Valid:
		status = tr("Signature is valid");
	case DigiDocSignature::Warning:
		status = QString("%1 (%2)").arg( tr("Signature is valid"), tr("Warnings") );
		if( !s.lastError().isEmpty() )
			d->error->setPlainText( s.lastError() );
		if( s.warning() & DigiDocSignature::WrongNameSpace )
			d->info->setText( tr(
				"This Digidoc document has not been created according to specification, "
				"but the digital signature is legally valid. Please inform the document creator "
				"of this issue. <a href='http://www.id.ee/?id=36511'>Additional information</a>.") );
		if( s.warning() & DigiDocSignature::DigestWeak )
			d->info->setText( tr(
				"The current BDOC container uses weaker encryption method than officialy accepted in Estonia.") );
	case DigiDocSignature::Test:
		status = QString("%1 (%2)").arg( tr("Signature is valid"), tr("Test signature") );
		if( !s.lastError().isEmpty() )
			d->error->setPlainText( s.lastError() );
		d->info->setText( tr(
			"Test signature is signed with test certificates that are similar to the "
			"certificates of real tokens, but digital signatures with legal force cannot "
			"be given with them as there is no actual owner of the card. "
			"<a href='http://www.id.ee/index.php?id=30494'>Additional information</a>.") );
	case DigiDocSignature::Invalid:
		status = tr("Signature is not valid");
		d->error->setPlainText( s.lastError().isEmpty() ? tr("Unknown error") : s.lastError() );
		d->info->setText( tr(
			"This is an invalid signature or malformed digitally signed file. The signature is not valid.") );
	case DigiDocSignature::Unknown:
		status = tr("Signature status unknown");
		d->error->setPlainText( s.lastError().isEmpty() ? tr("Unknown error") : s.lastError() );
		d->info->setText( tr(
			"Signature status is displayed unknown if you don't have all validity confirmation service "
			"certificates and/or certificate authority certificates installed into your computer. "
			"<a href='http://www.id.ee/index.php?id=35941'>Additional information</a>.") );
	if( d->error->toPlainText().isEmpty() && d->info->text().isEmpty() )
		d->tabWidget->removeTab( 0 );
		d->buttonBox->addButton( QDialogButtonBox::Help );
	d->title->setText( c.toString( c.showCN() ? "CN serialNumber" : "GN SN serialNumber" ) + "\n" + status );
	setWindowTitle( c.toString( c.showCN() ? "CN serialNumber" : "GN SN serialNumber" ) + " - " + status );

	const QStringList l = s.locations();
	d->signerCity->setText( l.value( 0 ) );
	d->signerState->setText( l.value( 1 ) );
	d->signerZip->setText( l.value( 2 ) );
	d->signerCountry->setText( l.value( 3 ) );

	Q_FOREACH( const QString &role, s.roles() )
		QLineEdit *line = new QLineEdit( role, d->signerRoleGroup );
		line->setReadOnly( true );
		d->signerRoleGroupLayout->addRow( line );

	// Certificate info
	QTreeWidget *t = d->signatureView;
	t->header()->setResizeMode( 0, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents );
	addItem( t, tr("TSL URL"), qApp->confValue( Application::TSLUrl ).toString() );
	addItem( t, tr("Signer's computer time (UTC)"), DateTime( s.signTime() ).toStringZ( "dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss" ) );
	addItem( t, tr("Signature method"), s.signatureMethod() );
	addItem( t, tr("Container format"), s.parent()->mediaType() );
	if( s.type() != DigiDocSignature::DDocType )
		addItem( t, tr("Signature format"), s.profile() );
	if( !s.policy().isEmpty() )
		#define toVer(X) (X)->toUInt() - 1
		QStringList ver = s.policy().split( "." );
		if( ver.size() >= 3 )
			addItem( t, tr("Signature policy"), QString("%1.%2.%3").arg( toVer(ver.end()-3) ).arg( toVer(ver.end()-2) ).arg( toVer(ver.end()-1) ) );
			addItem( t, tr("Signature policy"), s.policy() );
	addItem( t, tr("Signed file count"), QString::number( s.parent()->documentModel()->rowCount() ) );
	addItem( t, tr("Signer Certificate issuer"), c.issuerInfo( QSslCertificate::CommonName ) );
	if( !s.spuri().isEmpty() )
		addItem( t, "SPUri", s.spuri() );

	// OCSP info
	switch( s.type() )
	case DigiDocSignature::TSType:
		addItem( t, tr("Signature Timestamp"), DateTime( s.tsaTime().toLocalTime() ).toStringZ( "dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss" ));
		addItem( t, tr("Signature Timestamp") + " (UTC)", DateTime( s.tsaTime() ).toStringZ( "dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss" ) );
		addItem( t, tr("TSA Certificate issuer"), SslCertificate(s.tsaCert()).issuerInfo( QSslCertificate::CommonName ) );
	} //Fall through to OCSP info
	case DigiDocSignature::DDocType:
	case DigiDocSignature::TMType:
		SslCertificate ocsp = s.ocspCert();
		addItem( t, tr("OCSP Certificate issuer"), ocsp.issuerInfo( QSslCertificate::CommonName ) );
		addItem( t, tr("OCSP time"), DateTime( s.ocspTime().toLocalTime() ).toStringZ( "dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss" ) );
		addItem( t, tr("OCSP time") + " (UTC)", DateTime( s.ocspTime() ).toStringZ( "dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss" ) );
		addItem( t, tr("Hash value of signature"), SslCertificate::toHex( s.ocspNonce() ) );
	default: break;
Ejemplo n.º 10
bool AccessCert::download( bool noCard )
	if( noCard )
		QDesktopServices::openUrl( QUrl( "http://www.sk.ee/toend/" ) );
		return false;

	QMessageBox d( QMessageBox::Information, tr("Server access certificate"),
		tr("Hereby I agree to terms and conditions of validity confirmation service and "
		   "will use the service in extent of 10 signatures per month. If you going to "
		   "exceed the limit of 10 signatures per month or/and will use the service for "
		   "commercial purposes, please refer to IT support of your company. Additional "
		   "information is available from <a href=\"http://www.sk.ee/kehtivuskinnitus\">"
		   "http://www.sk.ee/kehtivuskinnitus</a> or phone 1777"),
		QMessageBox::Help, m_parent );
	d.addButton( tr("Agree"), QMessageBox::AcceptRole );
	if( QLabel *label = d.findChild<QLabel*>() )
		label->setOpenExternalLinks( true );
	if( d.exec() == QMessageBox::Help )
		QDesktopServices::openUrl( QUrl( "http://www.sk.ee/kehtivuskinnitus" ) );
		return false;

	QScopedPointer<SSLConnect> ssl( new SSLConnect() );
	ssl->setPKCS11( Application::confValue( Application::PKCS11Module ), false );
	ssl->setCard( qApp->signer()->token().card() );

	bool retry = false;
		retry = false;
		if( ssl->flags() & TokenData::PinLocked )
			showWarning( tr("Error downloading server access certificate!\nPIN1 is blocked" ) );
			return false;
		ssl->waitForFinished( SSLConnect::AccessCert );
		switch( ssl->error() )
		case SSLConnect::PinCanceledError:
			return false;
		case SSLConnect::PinInvalidError:
			showWarning( ssl->errorString() );
			retry = true;
			if( !ssl->errorString().isEmpty() )
				showWarning( tr("Error downloading server access certificate!\n%1").arg( ssl->errorString() ) );
				return false;
	while( retry );

	QByteArray result = ssl->result();

	if( result.isEmpty() )
		showWarning( tr("Empty result!") );
		return false;

	QDomDocument domDoc;
	if( !domDoc.setContent( QString::fromUtf8( result ) ) )
		showWarning( tr("Error parsing server access certificate result!") );
		return false;

	QDomElement e = domDoc.documentElement();
	QDomNodeList status = e.elementsByTagName( "StatusCode" );
	if( status.isEmpty() )
		showWarning( tr("Error parsing server access certificate result!") );
		return false;

	switch( status.item(0).toElement().text().toInt() )
	case 1: //need to order cert manually from SK web
		QDesktopServices::openUrl( QUrl( "http://www.sk.ee/toend/" ) );
		return false;
	case 2: //got error, show message from MessageToDisplay element
		showWarning( tr("Error downloading server access certificate!\n%1")
			.arg( e.elementsByTagName( "MessageToDisplay" ).item(0).toElement().text() ) );
		return false;
	default: break; //ok

	QString cert = e.elementsByTagName( "TokenData" ).item(0).toElement().text();
	if ( cert.isEmpty() )
		showWarning( tr("Error reading server access certificate - empty content!") );
		return false;

	QString path = QDesktopServices::storageLocation( QDesktopServices::DataLocation );
	if ( !QDir( path ).exists() )
		QDir().mkpath( path );

	QFile f( QString( "%1/%2.p12" ).arg( path, SslCertificate( qApp->signer()->token().cert() ).subjectInfo( "serialNumber" ) ) );
	if ( !f.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly|QIODevice::Truncate ) )
		showWarning( tr("Failed to save server access certificate file to %1!\n%2")
			.arg( f.fileName() )
			.arg( f.errorString() ) );
		return false;
	f.write( QByteArray::fromBase64( cert.toLatin1() ) );

	Application::setConfValue( Application::PKCS12Cert, m_cert = f.fileName() );
	Application::setConfValue( Application::PKCS12Pass, m_pass = e.elementsByTagName( "TokenPassword" ).item(0).toElement().text() );
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void CKey::setCert( const QSslCertificate &c )
	cert = c;
	recipient = SslCertificate(c).friendlyName();