// Called when the game starts or when spawned
void AZombieCharacter::BeginPlay()

	ParticleSystemComponent->SetRelativeLocation(FVector(90, 0, 40));
	AudioComponent->SetRelativeLocation(FVector(90, 0, 40));
	//Stats initialization
	StatsInit(MinHealth, MaxHealth, MinDamage, MaxDamage);
	CurrentSpeed = FMath::RandRange(MinSpeed, MaxSpeed);

	bHasDot = false;
	bHasSlow = false;

	InitialMaxWalkSpeed = CurrentSpeed;
	GetCharacterMovement()->MaxWalkSpeed = CurrentSpeed;

	//Animations initialization
	ZAnimInstance = Cast<UZombieAnimInstance>(GetMesh()->GetAnimInstance());
	ZAnimInstance->Speed = CurrentSpeed;

	//Setting up the player reference for future use
	OurCharacter = Cast<AZombieController>(GetController())->GetTarget();

	if(AlphaReductionCurveFloat && DeathMaterialInstance)
		//Binds the functions for the progress and the finished function on the timeline
		FOnTimelineFloat TimelineFunctionProgress;

		TimelineFunctionProgress.BindUFunction(this, FName("HandleTimelineProgress"));

		FOnTimelineEvent CompletedTimelineEvent;
		CompletedTimelineEvent.BindUFunction(this, FName("Destroy"));
		AlphaReductionTimeline.AddInterpFloat(AlphaReductionCurveFloat, TimelineFunctionProgress);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void StatsInitGame(void)
#ifndef USE_C_CORE
	uint32_t reason;
	uint32_t area;
	for (area = 0; area < TRANSLATION_REGION_COUNT; area++)
		Stats.TranslationBytesFlushed[area] = 0;
		Stats.TranslationBytesPeak[area] = 0;
		for (reason = 0; reason < CACHE_FLUSH_REASON_COUNT; reason++)
			Stats.TranslationFlushCount[area][reason] = 0;
	for (area = 0; area < METADATA_AREA_COUNT; area++)
		for (reason = 0; reason < METADATA_CLEAR_REASON_COUNT; reason++)
			Stats.MetadataClearCount[area][reason] = 0;
	Stats.PartialFlushCount = 0;
	Stats.SoundBufferUnderrunCount = 0;
	Stats.InSoundBufferUnderrun = 0;
	Stats.TotalEmulatedFrames = 0;
	Stats.TotalRenderedFrames = 0;
	Stats.ARMOpcodesDecoded = 0;
	Stats.ThumbOpcodesDecoded = 0;
	Stats.ThumbROMConstants = 0;
	Stats.BlockReuseCount = 0;
	Stats.BlockRecompilationCount = 0;
	Stats.OpcodeReuseCount = 0;
	Stats.OpcodeRecompilationCount = 0;
	Stats.WrongAddressLineCount = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int ThreadPoolInit(ThreadPool *tp, ThreadPoolAttr *attr)
	int retCode = 0;
	int i = 0;

	if (!tp) {
		return EINVAL;

	retCode += ithread_mutex_init(&tp->mutex, NULL);
	retCode += ithread_mutex_lock(&tp->mutex);

	retCode += ithread_cond_init(&tp->condition, NULL);
	retCode += ithread_cond_init(&tp->start_and_shutdown, NULL);
	if (retCode) {
		return EAGAIN;
	if (attr) {
		tp->attr = *attr;
	} else {
	if (SetPolicyType(tp->attr.schedPolicy) != 0) {

	retCode += FreeListInit(
		&tp->jobFreeList, sizeof(ThreadPoolJob), JOBFREELISTSIZE);
	retCode += ListInit(&tp->highJobQ, CmpThreadPoolJob, NULL);
	retCode += ListInit(&tp->medJobQ, CmpThreadPoolJob, NULL);
	retCode += ListInit(&tp->lowJobQ, CmpThreadPoolJob, NULL);
	if (retCode) {
		retCode = EAGAIN;
	} else {
		tp->persistentJob = NULL;
		tp->lastJobId = 0;
		tp->shutdown = 0;
		tp->totalThreads = 0;
		tp->busyThreads = 0;
		tp->persistentThreads = 0;
		tp->pendingWorkerThreadStart = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < tp->attr.minThreads; ++i) {
			retCode = CreateWorker(tp);
			if (retCode) {


	if (retCode) {
		/* clean up if the min threads could not be created */

	return retCode;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Function: ThreadPoolInit
 *  Description:
 *      Initializes and starts ThreadPool. Must be called first.
 *      And only once for ThreadPool.
 *  Parameters:
 *      tp  - must be valid, non null, pointer to ThreadPool.
 *      minWorkerThreads - minimum number of worker threads
 *                         thread pool will never have less than this
 *                         number of threads.
 *      maxWorkerThreads - maximum number of worker threads
 *                         thread pool will never have more than this
 *                         number of threads.
 *      maxIdleTime      - maximum time that a worker thread will spend
 *                         idle. If a worker is idle longer than this
 *                         time and there are more than the min
 *                         number of workers running, than the
 *                         worker thread exits.
 *      jobsPerThread    - ratio of jobs to thread to try and maintain
 *                         if a job is scheduled and the number of jobs per
 *                         thread is greater than this number,and
 *                         if less than the maximum number of
 *                         workers are running then a new thread is
 *                         started to help out with efficiency.
 *      schedPolicy      - scheduling policy to try and set (OS dependent)
 *  Returns:
 *      0 on success, nonzero on failure.
 *      EAGAIN if not enough system resources to create minimum threads.
 *      INVALID_POLICY if schedPolicy can't be set
 *      EMAXTHREADS if minimum threads is greater than maximum threads
int ThreadPoolInit( ThreadPool *tp, ThreadPoolAttr *attr )
	int retCode = 0;
	int i = 0;
	//printf("%s, %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);

	assert( tp != NULL );
	if( tp == NULL ) {
		return EINVAL;
#ifdef WIN32
	//printf("%s, %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);

	retCode += ithread_mutex_init( &tp->mutex, NULL );
	assert( retCode == 0 );

	retCode += ithread_mutex_lock( &tp->mutex );
	assert( retCode == 0 );

	retCode += ithread_cond_init( &tp->condition, NULL );
	assert( retCode == 0 );

	retCode += ithread_cond_init( &tp->start_and_shutdown, NULL );
	assert( retCode == 0 );
	//printf("%s, %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);

	if( retCode != 0 ) {
		return EAGAIN;

	if( attr ) {
		tp->attr = ( *attr );
	} else {
		TPAttrInit( &tp->attr );
	//printf("%s, %d, minthreads: %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, tp->attr.minThreads);

	if( SetPolicyType( tp->attr.schedPolicy ) != 0 ) {
		ithread_mutex_unlock( &tp->mutex );
		ithread_mutex_destroy( &tp->mutex );
		ithread_cond_destroy( &tp->condition );
		ithread_cond_destroy( &tp->start_and_shutdown );
	//printf("%s, %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);

	retCode += FreeListInit(
		&tp->jobFreeList, sizeof( ThreadPoolJob ), JOBFREELISTSIZE );
	assert( retCode == 0 );

	StatsInit( &tp->stats );

	retCode += ListInit( &tp->highJobQ, CmpThreadPoolJob, NULL );
	assert( retCode == 0 );

	retCode += ListInit( &tp->medJobQ, CmpThreadPoolJob, NULL );
	assert( retCode == 0 );

	retCode += ListInit( &tp->lowJobQ, CmpThreadPoolJob, NULL );
	assert( retCode == 0 );
	//printf("%s, %d, retcode is %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, retCode);

	if( retCode != 0 ) {
		retCode = EAGAIN;
		//printf("%s, %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
	} else {
	//printf("%s, %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
		tp->persistentJob = NULL;
		tp->lastJobId = 0;
		tp->shutdown = 0;
		tp->totalThreads = 0;
		tp->persistentThreads = 0;
		//printf("%s, %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
		for( i = 0; i < tp->attr.minThreads; ++i ) {
			if( ( retCode = CreateWorker( tp ) ) != 0 ) {
				//printf("%s, %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);

	//printf("%s, %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);

	ithread_mutex_unlock( &tp->mutex );

	if( retCode != 0 ) {
		// clean up if the min threads could not be created
		ThreadPoolShutdown( tp );
	//printf("%s, %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);

	return retCode;