Ejemplo n.º 1
static void test(StrLen name)
  String file_name=StringCat(name,".txt");
  String src_file_name=StringCat("../../../HCore/files/",name,".ddl");
Ejemplo n.º 2
BiostrucAnnotSetPtr LIBCALL VASTBsAnnotSetGet (Int4 uid)
   AsnIoPtr aip = NULL;
   AsnTypePtr atp = NULL;
   Char path[PATH_MAX];
   Char compath[PATH_MAX];
   Char tempfile[PATH_MAX];
   Char pcId[20];    
   Int2 iFileExists = 0;
   BiostrucAnnotSetPtr pbsa = NULL;
   int iAvail = 1;
   FILE *pipe;

   sprintf(pcId, "%ld", (long) uid);
   path[0] = '\0';
   StringCpy(path, database);
   StringCat(path, pcId);
   StringCat(path, ".bas");

   compath[0] = '\0';
   sprintf(compath, "%s -d -c %s.gz ", gunzip, path);
   pipe = popen(compath, "rb");

   if (pipe == NULL) {
       ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL,0,0, "VASTBsAnnotSetGet failed: Can't find gunzip in path.\n");
       return NULL;

   aip = AsnIoNew(ASNIO_BIN_IN, pipe, NULL, NULL, NULL);
   iFileExists = FileLength(path);
   if (iFileExists == 0)
        return NULL;
    aip = AsnIoOpen(path, "rb");

    if (aip) 
       pbsa = BiostrucAnnotSetAsnRead(aip, NULL);
       AsnIoClose (aip);


    if (!pbsa) return NULL;  
    return pbsa;
Ejemplo n.º 3
Bool WordFormUnderstand1(LexEntry *le, char *suffix, int stemlen)
  int		maxcount;
  Obj		*maxcon;
  char		word2[PHRASELEN], feat[PHRASELEN], *maxlinkfeat1, *maxlefeat1;
  WordFormRule	*wfr, *maxwfr;
  IndexEntry	*ie;
  LexEntryToObj	*leo;

  maxcount = INTNEGINF;
  maxcon = NULL;
  maxlinkfeat1 = maxlefeat1 = NULL;
  maxwfr = NULL;
  memcpy(word2, le->srcphrase, stemlen);
  for (wfr = WordFormGetRules(suffix, le->features); wfr; wfr = wfr->next) {
    word2[stemlen] = TERM;
    StringCat(word2, wfr->suffix2, PHRASELEN);
    for (ie = IndexEntryGet(word2, LexEntryLangHt(wfr->lefeat2)); ie;
         ie = ie->next) {
      if (!FeatureCompatLexEntry(ie->lexentry->features, wfr->lefeat2)) {
      for (leo = ie->lexentry->leo; leo; leo = leo->next) {
        if (!WordFormLinkIsCompat(leo->features, wfr->linkfeat2)) continue;
        if (wfr->count > maxcount) {
          maxwfr = wfr;
          maxcount = wfr->count;
          maxcon = leo->obj;
          maxlinkfeat1 = wfr->linkfeat1;
          maxlefeat1 = wfr->lefeat1;
  if (maxcount > WORDFORM_COUNT_THRESH) {
    Dbg(DBGLEX, DBGDETAIL, "%d %s.%s%s -> %s.%s%s",
        maxwfr->suffix2, maxwfr->linkfeat2, maxwfr->lefeat2,
        maxwfr->suffix1, maxwfr->linkfeat1, maxwfr->lefeat1);
    Dbg(DBGLEX, DBGDETAIL, "====%s//%s.%s%s/",
        M(maxcon), le->srcphrase, maxlinkfeat1, le->features);
    StringCpy(feat, maxlinkfeat1, FEATLEN);
    StringCat(feat, maxlefeat1, FEATLEN);
    LexEntryLinkToObj(le, maxcon, feat, LexEntryLangHt(le->features), NULL,
                      0, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void SQVM::Raise_ParamTypeError(SQInteger nparam,SQInteger typemask,SQInteger type)
	SQObjectPtr exptypes = SQString::Create(_ss(this), "", -1);
	SQInteger found = 0;
	for(SQInteger i=0; i<16; i++)
		SQInteger mask = 0x00000001 << i;
		if(typemask & (mask)) {
			if(found>0) StringCat(exptypes,SQString::Create(_ss(this), "|", -1), exptypes);
			found ++;
			StringCat(exptypes,SQString::Create(_ss(this), IdType2Name((SQObjectType)mask), -1), exptypes);
	Raise_Error("parameter %d has an invalid type '%s' ; expected: '%s'", nparam, IdType2Name((SQObjectType)type), _stringval(exptypes));
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* Returns a concatenation of all stack contents */
SLRI_SSGetWholeString(SLRI_SStackPtr ssp)
  SLRI_SStackItemPtr ssipCurr = NULL;
  CharPtr wholeString = NULL;

  if (ssp == NULL) {
    ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR, 0, 0, "SLRI_SSGetWholeString: stack pointer is NULL");

  if (SLRI_SSIsEmpty(ssp)) {

  wholeString = MemNew((ssp->totalStackSize + 1) * sizeof(Char));

  /* Initialize wholeString with first item */
  StringCpy(wholeString, ssp->bottom->string);

  /* Cycle through rest of stack to get remaining items */
  ssipCurr = ssp->bottom->next;
  while (ssipCurr != NULL) {
    StringCat(wholeString, ssipCurr->string);
    ssipCurr = ssipCurr->next;

Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Return *largestP     = the largest int N such that the name prefix.N
 *                        is in the directory dir.  0 if no such name
 *        *fileListP    = list of all files in the directory dir,
 *                        excluding '.' and '..'
static void AnalyzeStateDir(
    char *dir, char *prefix, int *largestP, ListOfString **fileListP)
    DIR *dp;
    struct dirent *dirp;
    int prefixLen = strlen(prefix);
    int largest = 0;
    int cur;
    char *curName;
    ListOfString *fileList = NULL;
    dp = opendir(dir);
    assert(dp != NULL);
    while((dirp = readdir(dp)) != NULL) {
        if(!strcmp(dirp->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(dirp->d_name, "..")) {
        curName = StringCat(dir, dirp->d_name);
        fileList = ListOfString_AppendElement(fileList, curName);
        if(!strncmp(dirp->d_name, prefix, prefixLen)
                && (dirp->d_name)[prefixLen] == '.') {
            cur = strtol(dirp->d_name + prefixLen + 1, NULL, 10);
            if(cur > largest) {
                largest = cur;
    assert(closedir(dp) >= 0);
    *largestP = largest;
    *fileListP = fileList;
Ejemplo n.º 7
WordFormRule *WordFormGetRules(char *suffix1, char *lefeat1)
  char	index[PHRASELEN];
  StringCpy(index, suffix1, PHRASELEN);
  StringCat(index, lefeat1, PHRASELEN);
  return((WordFormRule *)HashTableGet(WordFormHt, index));
Ejemplo n.º 8
static TFileEntry * FindPatchEntry(TMPQArchive * ha, TFileEntry * pFileEntry)
    TFileEntry * pPatchEntry = pFileEntry;
    TFileEntry * pTempEntry;
    char szFileName[MAX_PATH+1];

    // Can't find patch entry for a file that doesn't have name
    if(pFileEntry->szFileName != NULL && pFileEntry->szFileName[0] != 0)
        // Go while there are patches
        while(ha->haPatch != NULL)
            // Move to the patch archive
            ha = ha->haPatch;
            szFileName[0] = 0;

            // Prepare the prefix for the file name
            if(ha->pPatchPrefix && ha->pPatchPrefix->nLength)
                StringCopy(szFileName, _countof(szFileName), ha->pPatchPrefix->szPatchPrefix);
            StringCat(szFileName, _countof(szFileName), pFileEntry->szFileName);

            // Try to find the file there
            pTempEntry = GetFileEntryExact(ha, szFileName, 0, NULL);
            if(pTempEntry != NULL)
                pPatchEntry = pTempEntry;

    // Return the found patch entry
    return pPatchEntry;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void TsToString(Ts *ts, int show_nonspecific, int maxlen,
                /* RESULTS */ char *out)
  struct tm *tms;
  *out = TERM;
  if (ts->flag & TSFLAG_TOD) {
    TodToString((Tod)ts->unixts, maxlen, out);
    StringCat(out, "tod", maxlen);
  } else if (ts->flag & TSFLAG_DUR) {
    DurToString((Tod)ts->unixts, maxlen, out);
  } else if (ts->unixts == UNIXTSNA) {
    if (show_nonspecific) StringCpy(out, "na", maxlen);
  } else if (ts->unixts == UNIXTSNEGINF) {
    if (show_nonspecific) StringCpy(out, "-Inf", maxlen);
  } else if (ts->unixts == UNIXTSPOSINF) {
    if (show_nonspecific) StringCpy(out, "Inf", maxlen);
  } else {
    if (NULL == (tms = localtime(&ts->unixts))) {
      StringCpy(out, "error", maxlen);
    } else {
      sprintf(out, "%.4d%.2d%.2dT%.2d%.2d%.2d", 1900+tms->tm_year, tms->tm_mon+1,
              tms->tm_mday, tms->tm_hour, tms->tm_min, tms->tm_sec);
  if (ts->cx != ContextRoot) {
    ContextNameToString(ts->cx, StringEndOf(out));
Ejemplo n.º 10
extern void ExportBadgesDialog (
  DialoG d,
  ValNodePtr PNTR head

  Char        buf [128], tmp [32];
  DoC         doc;
  IntBadgPtr  ibp;
  Int2        k, numItems;
  SscBadgPtr  sbp;

  sbp = (SscBadgPtr) GetObjectExtra (d);
  if (sbp == NULL || head == NULL) return;

  doc = sbp->badglog;
  GetDocParams (doc, &numItems, NULL);
  for (k = 1; k <= numItems; k++) {
    ibp = GetBadgInfo (sbp, k);
    if (ibp == NULL) continue;
    if (StringHasNoText (ibp->name)) continue;
    buf [0] = '\0';
    ExportDocCell (doc, k, 1, buf);
    TabToCol (buf, 22);
    ExportDocCell (doc, k, 3, tmp);
    StringCat (buf, tmp);
    ValNodeCopyStr (head, k + 100, buf);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 * Initialize the process by reading environment variables and files
static void Initialize(void)
    char *temp;
    ListOfString *fileList;
    int stateDirLen;
     * Process miscellaneous parameters from the initial environment.
    checkpointThreshold =
    cartHoldSeconds =
     * Create an empty in-memory shopping cart data structure.
    cartTablePtr = &cartTable;
    Tcl_InitHashTable(cartTablePtr, TCL_STRING_KEYS);
     * Compute the state directory name from the initial environment
     * variables.
    stateDir = getenv(STATE_DIR_VAR);
    stateDirLen = Strlen(stateDir);
    assert(stateDirLen > 0);
    if(stateDir[stateDirLen - 1] == '/') {
        stateDir[stateDirLen - 1] = '\000';
    fcgiProcessId = getenv(PID_VAR);
    if(fcgiProcessId != NULL) {
        stateDir = StringCat4(stateDir, ".", fcgiProcessId, "/");
    } else {
        stateDir = StringCat(stateDir, "/");
     * Read the state directory to determine the current
     * generation number and a list of files that may
     * need to be deleted (perhaps left over from an earlier
     * system crash).  Recover the current generation
     * snapshot and log (either or both may be missing),
     * populating the in-memory shopping cart data structure.
     * Take a checkpoint, making the current log empty.
    AnalyzeStateDir(stateDir, SNP_PREFIX, &generation, &fileList);
    snapshotPath = MakePath(stateDir, SNP_PREFIX, generation);
    logPath = MakePath(stateDir, LOG_PREFIX, generation);
    numLogRecords = RecoverFile(logPath);
     * Clean up stateDir without removing the current snapshot and log.
    while(fileList != NULL) {
        char *cur = ListOfString_Head(fileList);
        if(strcmp(snapshotPath, cur) && strcmp(logPath, cur)) {
        fileList = ListOfString_RemoveElement(fileList, cur);
Ejemplo n.º 12
static void Cn3D_ExportPDB(IteM i)
    PDNMS pdnmsThis = NULL;
    PMSD pmsdThis = NULL;
    Char pcSavestr[60];
    Char pcSavename[32];
    CharPtr Cn3D_pcPDBName;
    GrouP g, g2, g3, g4;
    GrouP gMS;
    ButtoN b;

    if (Cn3D_Export_InUse)
        Cn3D_Export_InUse = TRUE;

    pdnmsThis = GetSelectedModelstruc();
    if (!pdnmsThis) {
        Cn3D_Export_InUse = FALSE;
    pmsdThis = (PMSD) pdnmsThis->data.ptrvalue;

    Cn3D_wPDBSave = ModalWindow(-20, -13, -10, -10, NULL);

    /* set up a group encolosing structures - models selection lists and - "info strings" */
    Cn3D_pcPDBName = StringSave(GetStrucStrings(pdnmsThis, PDB_ACC));
    sprintf(pcSavestr, "Save %s As a PDB Formatted File ...",
    g = HiddenGroup(Cn3D_wPDBSave, 0, 3, NULL);
    SetGroupMargins(g, 10, 10);
    SetGroupSpacing(g, 10, 5);
    StaticPrompt(g, pcSavestr, 0, 0, systemFont, 'l');
    g2 = HiddenGroup(g, 2, 0, NULL);
    SetGroupMargins(g2, 10, 10);
    SetGroupSpacing(g2, 10, 5);
    StringNCpy(pcSavename, Cn3D_pcPDBName, 8);
    StringCat(pcSavename, ".pdb");
    Cn3D_tPDBSave =
        DialogText(g2, pcSavename, 18, (TxtActnProc) Cn3D_PDBEnableProc);

    Cn3D_bPDBBrowse =
        PushButton(g2, " browse...", (BtnActnProc) Cn3D_PDBBrowseProc);
    g3 = HiddenGroup(g, 2, 0, NULL);
    gMS = Cn3D_ModelSelect(g3, FALSE); /* no vector models for PDB files saves */
    g4 = HiddenGroup(g3, 0, 2, NULL);
    SetGroupMargins(g4, 10, 10);
    SetGroupSpacing(g4, 10, 5);
    Cn3D_bPDBOk = PushButton(g4, "OK", Cn3D_ExportPDBNow);
    b = PushButton(g4, "Cancel", Cn3D_CancelPDB);
    /* disable appropriate stuff here */

Ejemplo n.º 13
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 14
NLM_EXTERN Boolean get_synonym(ValNodePtr head, CharPtr syn)

	if(head == NULL)
	  return FALSE;

	StringCpy(syn, head->data.ptrvalue);
	head = head->next;

	   StringCat(syn, "  ");
	   StringCat(syn, head->data.ptrvalue);
	   head = head->next;

	return TRUE;

Ejemplo n.º 15
* MakePromptVal()
static CharPtr
/*FCN*/MakePromptVal (
  StringCpy ( promptVal, "Current style: " );
  StringCat ( promptVal, Nlm_GetMuskStyleName(Nlm_GetMuskCurrentSt()) );
  promptVal[40] = 0;
  return &(promptVal[0]);
} /* End of MakePromptVal() */
Ejemplo n.º 16
ObjToLexEntry *WordFormGenerate1(LexEntry *le, char *suffix1, char *linkfeat1,
                                 char *lefeat2, char *linkfeat2, int stemlen,
                                 Obj *con)
  int		maxcount;
  char		word2[PHRASELEN], feat[FEATLEN];
  WordFormRule	*wfr, *maxwfr;
  HashTable	*ht;
  LexEntry	*new_le;

  maxcount = INTNEGINF;
  maxwfr = NULL;
  for (wfr = WordFormGetRules(suffix1, le->features); wfr; wfr = wfr->next) {
    if (!FeatureCompatLexEntry(lefeat2, wfr->lefeat2)) continue;
    if (!WordFormLinkIsCompat(linkfeat1, wfr->linkfeat1)) continue;
    if (!WordFormLinkIsCompat(linkfeat2, wfr->linkfeat2)) continue;
    if (wfr->count > maxcount) {
      maxcount = wfr->count;
      maxwfr = wfr;
  if (maxwfr && (maxcount > WORDFORM_COUNT_THRESH)) {
    memcpy(word2, le->srcphrase, stemlen);
    word2[stemlen] = TERM;
    StringCat(word2, maxwfr->suffix2, PHRASELEN);

    Dbg(DBGLEX, DBGDETAIL, "rule <%d> <%s>.<%s><%s> -> <%s>.<%s><%s>",
        maxwfr->suffix1, maxwfr->linkfeat1, maxwfr->lefeat1,
        maxwfr->suffix2, maxwfr->linkfeat2, maxwfr->lefeat2);
    Dbg(DBGLEX, DBGDETAIL, "suggest new word ====%s//%s.%s%s/",
        M(con), word2, maxwfr->linkfeat2, maxwfr->lefeat2);

    ht = LexEntryLangHt(maxwfr->lefeat2);
    new_le = LexEntryNewWord(word2, maxwfr->lefeat2, con, ht);
    StringCpy(feat, maxwfr->linkfeat2, FEATLEN);
    StringCat(feat, maxwfr->lefeat2, FEATLEN);
    return(LexEntryLinkToObj(new_le, con, feat, ht, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL));
Ejemplo n.º 17
DocUid LIBCALL MMDBEvalPDB(CharPtr str)
  Entrez2BooleanReplyPtr  e2br;
  Entrez2IdListPtr        e2id;
  Entrez2RequestPtr       e2rq;
  Entrez2ReplyPtr         e2ry;
  Char                    tmp [61];
  Uint4                   uid = 0;

  if (str == NULL) return 0;

  StringNCpy_0 (tmp, str, sizeof (tmp) - 10);
  if (StringStr (tmp, "[ACCN]") == NULL) {
    StringCat (tmp, " [ACCN]");

  e2rq = EntrezCreateBooleanRequest (TRUE, FALSE, "Structure", tmp,
                                     0, 0, NULL, 1, 0);
  if (e2rq == NULL) return 0;
  e2ry = EntrezSynchronousQuery (e2rq);
  e2rq = Entrez2RequestFree (e2rq);
  if (e2ry == NULL) return 0;
  e2br = EntrezExtractBooleanReply (e2ry);
  if (e2br == NULL) return 0;

  if (e2br->count > 0) {
    e2id = e2br->uids;
    if (e2id != NULL && e2id->num > 0 && e2id->uids != NULL) {
      BSSeek (e2id->uids, 0, SEEK_SET);
      uid = Nlm_BSGetUint4 (e2id->uids);

  Entrez2BooleanReplyFree (e2br);

  return uid;
   LinkSetPtr plsLink = NULL;
   DocUid duUID = 0;
   if ((!str)) return (DocUid) 0;
   plsLink = EntrezTLEvalString(str, (DocType) TYP_ST,  
			  (DocField) FLD_ACCN,  NULL, NULL);  
   if (plsLink != NULL && plsLink->num > 0 && plsLink->uids != NULL)
	   duUID = plsLink->uids[0];

   return duUID;
Ejemplo n.º 18
Archivo: z29.c Proyecto: thektulu/lout
{ OBJECT stack[20];  int i;
  static FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF], *sname;
  if( x == nilobj )  return AsciiToFull("<nilobj>");
  assert( enclosing(x) != nilobj, "FullSymName: enclosing(x) == nilobj!" );
  for( i = 0;  enclosing(x) != nilobj && i < 20;  i++ )
  { stack[i] = x;
    x = enclosing(x);
  StringCopy(buff, STR_EMPTY);
  for( i--;  i > 0;  i-- )
  { sname = SymName(stack[i]);
    if( StringLength(sname)+StringLength(str)+StringLength(buff) >= MAX_BUFF )
      Error(29, 8, "full name of symbol is too long", FATAL, &fpos(x));
    StringCat(buff, sname);
    StringCat(buff, str);
  sname = SymName(stack[0]);
  if( StringLength(sname) + StringLength(buff) >= MAX_BUFF )
    Error(29, 9, "full name of symbol is too long", FATAL, &fpos(x));
  StringCat(buff, sname);
  return buff;
} /* end FullSymName */
Ejemplo n.º 19
FULL_CHAR *DebugInnersNames(OBJECT inners)
{ static FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF];
  OBJECT link, y, z;
  StringCopy(buff, STR_EMPTY);
  if( inners != nilobj )
  { for( link = Down(inners);  link != inners;  link = NextDown(link) )
    { Child(y, link);
      if( link != Down(inners) )  StringCat(buff, STR_SPACE);
      switch( type(y) )

        case RECEIVING:
        case UNATTACHED:
	  assert( Down(y) != y, "DebugInnersNames: UNATTACHED!");
	  Child(z, Down(y));
          StringCat(buff, SymName(actual(z)));

        case PRECEDES:
        case GALL_PREC:
        case DEAD:
	  StringCat(buff, Image(type(y)));

	  assert1(FALSE, "DebugInnersNames:", Image(type(y)));
  return buff;
} /* end DebugInnersNames */
Ejemplo n.º 20
Boolean LIBCALL IsVASTData(Int4 uid)
   AsnIoPtr aip = NULL;
   AsnTypePtr atp = NULL;
   Char path[PATH_MAX];
   Char pcId[30];

   sprintf(pcId, "%ld", (long) uid);
   path[0] = '\0';
   StringCpy(path, database);
   StringCat(path, pcId);
   StringCat(path, ".bas");

   StringCat(path, ".gz");
   if (FileLength(path) != 0)
     return TRUE;

   if (FileLength(path) != 0)
     return TRUE;
   return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 21
// all strings are null terminated. Assumes enough space in Result
VOID StringReplaceAllOccurrences(LPTSTR Str, LPTSTR ToReplace, LPTSTR Replacement, LPTSTR Result)
	TCHAR svChar;
	INT ToReplaceLen = StringLen(ToReplace);
	INT ReplacementLen = StringLen(Replacement);

	Result[0] = TEXT('\0');	
	for(;;) {
		p = StringSearchString(Str,ToReplace);
		if (p==NULL) {
		svChar = *p;
		Str = (p+ToReplaceLen);

Ejemplo n.º 22
NLM_EXTERN CONN VecScreenOpenConnection (
  CharPtr query

  return QUERY_OpenUrlQuery ("www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov", 80,
                             query, "vecscreenapp",
                             30, eMIME_T_NcbiData, eMIME_Fasta, eENCOD_Url,
                             fHTTP_UrlDecodeInput | fHTTP_UrlEncodeOutput);

  StringCat (query, "\n");
  return QUERY_OpenServiceQuery ("VecScreen", query, 30);
Ejemplo n.º 23
static void Checkpoint(void)
    char *tempSnapshotPath, *newLogPath, *newSnapshotPath;
     * Close the current log file.
    if(logFile != NULL) {
     * Create a new snapshot with a temporary name.
    tempSnapshotPath = StringCat(stateDir, TMP_SNP_NAME);
     * Ensure that the new log file doesn't already exist by removing it.
    newLogPath = MakePath(stateDir, LOG_PREFIX, generation);
     * Commit by renaming the snapshot.  The rename atomically
     * makes the old snapshot and log obsolete.
    newSnapshotPath = MakePath(stateDir, SNP_PREFIX, generation);
    rename(tempSnapshotPath, newSnapshotPath);
     * Clean up the old snapshot and log.
    snapshotPath = newSnapshotPath;
    logPath = newLogPath;
     * Open the new, empty log.
    logFile = fopen(logPath, "a");
    numLogRecords = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 24
Boolean MyOpenLL_GO(CharPtr name, Boolean Create)
   Char pathdatab[PATH_MAX];

    /*find path name of database (see NCBI toolkit corelib 
    and file "prebind.ini" in windows directory)*/
    pathdatab[0] = '\0';
    GetAppParam("dbxref", "databases", "path", NULL, pathdatab, (size_t)PATH_MAX * (sizeof(Char)));
    StringCat(pathdatab, name);
    /*printf("%s\n", pathdatab);*/

    if (Create == FALSE)
      /*open the datafile or return error*/
        pD4LL_GO = d4open(&codeBase, pathdatab);
       if (pD4LL_GO == NULL) return FALSE;
      /*open the datafile or create the datafile or return error*/
        pD4LL_GO = d4open(&codeBase, pathdatab);
        if (pD4LL_GO == NULL) 
            pD4LL_GO = d4create(&codeBase, pathdatab, fieldInfo_GO, tagInfo_GO);
       if (codeBase.errorCode) return FALSE;

    /*assign the field pointers*/
    pF4LL_NP_GO  = d4field(pD4LL_GO, "NP_GO" );
    pF4LL_GOID = d4field(pD4LL_GO, "GO_ID"    );
    pF4LL_PMID = d4field(pD4LL_GO, "PMID"    );
    pF4LL_EVICODE = d4field(pD4LL_GO, "EVICODE"    );

    /*assign the tag pointers*/
    pT4LL_NP_GO = d4tag(pD4LL_GO, "NP_TAG_GO");
    pT4LL_GOID = d4tag(pD4LL_GO, "GOID_TAG");
    pT4LL_PMID = d4tag(pD4LL_GO, "PMID_TAG");

    return TRUE;

Ejemplo n.º 25
static void Cn3D_GifSaveProc(IteM i)
    Char fname[PATH_MAX];
    Char defname[32];
    PDNMS pdnmsThis = GetSelectedModelstruc();

    fname[0] = '\0';
    defname[0] = '\0';

    if (pdnmsThis == NULL)
                     pdnmsThis ? GetStrucStrings(pdnmsThis,
                                                 PDB_ACC) : "cn3d",
                     sizeof(defname) - 4);
    StringCat(defname, ".gif");

    if (GetOutputFileName(fname, sizeof(fname), defname)) {
        SaveImageGIF(Nlm_GetViewerImage3D(Cn3D_v3d), fname);
Ejemplo n.º 26
static void Cn3D_PNGSaveProc(IteM i)
    Char fname[PATH_MAX];
    Char defname[32];
    PDNMS pdnmsThis = GetSelectedModelstruc();

    fname[0] = '\0';
    defname[0] = '\0';

    if (pdnmsThis == NULL)
                     pdnmsThis ? GetStrucStrings(pdnmsThis,
                                                 PDB_ACC) : "cn3d",
                     sizeof(defname) - 4);
    StringCat(defname, ".png");

    if (GetOutputFileName(fname, sizeof(fname), defname)) {
Ejemplo n.º 27
void WordFormRuleAdd(char *suffix1, char *lefeat1, char *linkfeat1,
                     char *suffix2, char *lefeat2, char *linkfeat2,
                     LexEntry *le1, LexEntry *le2)                     
  char	index[PHRASELEN];
  WordFormRule	*wfr;
  wfr = CREATE(WordFormRule);
  wfr->count = 1;
  wfr->suffix1 = suffix1;
  wfr->lefeat1 = lefeat1;
  wfr->linkfeat1 = linkfeat1;
  wfr->suffix2 = suffix2;
  wfr->lefeat2 = lefeat2;
  wfr->linkfeat2 = linkfeat2;
  StringCpy(index, suffix1, PHRASELEN);
  StringCat(index, lefeat1, PHRASELEN);
  wfr->example1 = le1;
  wfr->example2 = le2;
  wfr->next = (WordFormRule *)HashTableGet(WordFormHt, index);
  HashTableSetDup(WordFormHt, index, wfr);
Ejemplo n.º 28
/* create always true for this one */
Boolean LIBCALL OpenLL_GONoidx(CharPtr name)
    Char pathdatab[PATH_MAX];
    /*find path name of database (see NCBI toolkit corelib 
    and file "prebind.ini" in windows directory)*/
    pathdatab[0] = '\0';
    GetAppParam("dbxref", "databases", "path", NULL, pathdatab, (size_t)PATH_MAX * (sizeof(Char)));
    StringCat(pathdatab, name);
    /* open RESULT without index */
    pD4LL_GO = d4open(&codeBase, pathdatab );
    /*assign the field pointers*/
    pF4LL_NP_GO  = d4field(pD4LL_GO, "NP_GO" );
    pF4LL_GOID = d4field(pD4LL_GO, "GO_ID"    );
    pF4LL_PMID = d4field(pD4LL_GO, "PMID"    );
    pF4LL_EVICODE = d4field(pD4LL_GO, "EVICODE"    );
    return TRUE;

Ejemplo n.º 29
*   Nlm_DayTimeStr(buf, date, time)
*   	fills buffer with formatted date and/or time
*   	date requires a 13 character buffer
*       time requeres a 10 character buffer
*   	data and time takes 23
*       eg.   "Jan 28, 1988 12:59 PM"
NLM_EXTERN Nlm_Boolean LIBCALL  Nlm_DayTimeStr (Nlm_CharPtr buf, Nlm_Boolean nlm_date, Nlm_Boolean nlm_time)

	Nlm_DayTime dt;
	char localbuf[30];
	int pm;

	buf[0] = '\0';

	if ( ! Nlm_GetDayTime(&dt))
		return FALSE;

	if (nlm_date)
		sprintf (localbuf, "%s %d, %d", NCBI_months [dt.tm_mon],
                    dt.tm_mday, dt.tm_year + 1900);
		StringCpy (buf, localbuf);
	if (nlm_time)
		pm = 1;
		if (dt.tm_hour == 0)
			dt.tm_hour = 12;
			pm = 0;
		else if (dt.tm_hour < 12)
			pm = 0;
		else if (dt.tm_hour > 12)
			dt.tm_hour -= 12;

	    sprintf (localbuf, "%3d:%2d %s", dt.tm_hour, dt.tm_min, ampm[pm]);
		if (dt.tm_min < 10)
			localbuf[4] = '0';
		StringCat (buf, localbuf);
	return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 30
static CharPtr PrintBadgTable (
  DoC d,
  Int2 item,
  Pointer data

  Char        buf [256];
  IntBadgPtr  ibp;
  Int2        reason;
  SscBadgPtr  sbp;

  sbp = (SscBadgPtr) GetObjectExtra (d);
  if (sbp == NULL || item < 1 || item > 127) return NULL;
  ibp = GetBadgInfo (sbp, item);
  if (ibp == NULL) return NULL;

  buf [0] = '\0';

  if (StringDoesHaveText (ibp->name)) {
    StringCat (buf, ibp->name);
  } else {
    StringCat (buf, " ");

  StringCat (buf, "\t");
  reason = (Int2) ibp->reason;
  if (reason > 0 && reason <= 18) {
    StringCat (buf, reasonLabel [reason]);
  } else {
    StringCat (buf, " ");

  StringCat (buf, "\n");
  return StringSave (buf);