Ejemplo n.º 1
jclass GetClassRef(JNIEnv* aEnv, const char* aClassName)
    // First try the default class loader.
    auto classRef = Class::LocalRef::Adopt(aEnv, aEnv->FindClass(aClassName));

    if ((!classRef || aEnv->ExceptionCheck()) && sClassLoader) {
        // If the default class loader failed but we have an app class loader, try that.
        // Clear the pending exception from failed FindClass call above.
        classRef = Class::LocalRef::Adopt(aEnv, jclass(
                aEnv->CallObjectMethod(sClassLoader, sClassLoaderLoadClass,
                                       StringParam(aClassName, aEnv).Get())));

    if (classRef && !aEnv->ExceptionCheck()) {
        return classRef.Forget();

            ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "Gecko",
            ">>> FATAL JNI ERROR! FindClass(\"%s\") failed. "
            "Does the class require a newer API version? "
            "Or did ProGuard optimize away something it shouldn't have?",
    MOZ_CRASH("Cannot find JNI class");
    return nullptr;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool TestCommandHandle::Parse(const char* params)
  static const std::string argCount   = "count";
  static const std::string argDepth   = "depth";
  static const std::string argFile    = "file";
  static const std::string argGain    = "gain";
  static const std::string argNoClear = "noclear";
  static const std::string argPrint   = "print";
  static const std::string argSkip    = "skip";
  static const std::string argTime    = "time";

  noClear    = false;
  printBoard = false;
  maxCount   = 0;
  maxDepth   = 0;
  minGain    = 0;
  skipCount  = 0;
  maxTime    = 0;
  fileName   = "";

  bool invalid = false;
  while (!invalid && params && *NextWord(params)) {
    if (HasParam(argNoClear,  noClear,    params) ||
        HasParam(argPrint,    printBoard, params) ||
        NumberParam(argCount, maxCount,   params, invalid) ||
        NumberParam(argDepth, maxDepth,   params, invalid) ||
        NumberParam(argGain,  minGain,    params, invalid) ||
        NumberParam(argSkip,  skipCount,  params, invalid) ||
        NumberParam(argTime,  maxTime,    params, invalid) ||
        StringParam(argFile,  fileName,   params, invalid))
    Output() << "Unexpected token: " << params;
    return false;
  if (invalid) {
    Output() << "usage: " << Usage();
    return false;

  if (fileName.empty()) {
    fileName = _TEST_FILE;

  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool PerftCommandHandle::Parse(const char* params)
  static const std::string argCount = "count";
  static const std::string argDepth = "depth";
  static const std::string argEpd   = "epd";
  static const std::string argFile  = "file";
  static const std::string argLeafs = "leafs";
  static const std::string argSkip  = "skip";

  count    = 0;
  skip     = 0;
  maxDepth = 0;
  maxLeafs = 0;
  fileName = "";

  bool epd = false;
  bool invalid = false;
  while (!invalid && params && *NextWord(params)) {
    if (HasParam(argEpd,      epd,      params) ||
        NumberParam(argCount, count,    params, invalid) ||
        NumberParam(argSkip,  skip,     params, invalid) ||
        NumberParam(argDepth, maxDepth, params, invalid) ||
        NumberParam(argLeafs, maxLeafs, params, invalid) ||
        StringParam(argFile,  fileName, params, invalid))
    Output() << "Unexpected token: " << params;
    return false;
  if (invalid) {
    Output() << "usage: " << Usage();
    return false;

  if (epd && fileName.empty()) {
    fileName = _TEST_FILE;

  return true;