Ejemplo n.º 1
int yylex(void) {

  int l;
  char *yytext;

  if (!scan_init) {

  if (next_token) {
    l = next_token;
    next_token = 0;
    return l;

  l = yylook();

  /*   Printf(stdout, "%s:%d:::%d: '%s'\n", cparse_file, cparse_line, l, Scanner_text(scan)); */

  if (l == NONID) {
    last_id = 1;
  } else {
    last_id = 0;

  /* We got some sort of non-white space object.  We set the start_line
     variable unless it has already been set */

  if (!cparse_start_line) {
    cparse_start_line = cparse_line;

  /* Copy the lexene */

  switch (l) {

  case NUM_INT:
  case NUM_FLOAT:
  case NUM_ULONG:
  case NUM_LONG:
  case NUM_BOOL:
    if (l == NUM_INT)
      yylval.dtype.type = T_INT;
    if (l == NUM_FLOAT)
      yylval.dtype.type = T_DOUBLE;
    if (l == NUM_ULONG)
      yylval.dtype.type = T_ULONG;
    if (l == NUM_LONG)
      yylval.dtype.type = T_LONG;
    if (l == NUM_UNSIGNED)
      yylval.dtype.type = T_UINT;
    if (l == NUM_LONGLONG)
      yylval.dtype.type = T_LONGLONG;
    if (l == NUM_ULONGLONG)
      yylval.dtype.type = T_ULONGLONG;
    if (l == NUM_BOOL)
      yylval.dtype.type = T_BOOL;
    yylval.dtype.val = NewString(Scanner_text(scan));
    yylval.dtype.bitfield = 0;
    yylval.dtype.throws = 0;
    return (l);

  case ID:
    yytext = Char(Scanner_text(scan));
    if (yytext[0] != '%') {
      /* Look for keywords now */

      if (strcmp(yytext, "int") == 0) {
	yylval.type = NewSwigType(T_INT);
	return (TYPE_INT);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "double") == 0) {
	yylval.type = NewSwigType(T_DOUBLE);
	return (TYPE_DOUBLE);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "void") == 0) {
	yylval.type = NewSwigType(T_VOID);
	return (TYPE_VOID);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "char") == 0) {
	yylval.type = NewSwigType(T_CHAR);
	return (TYPE_CHAR);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "wchar_t") == 0) {
	yylval.type = NewSwigType(T_WCHAR);
	return (TYPE_WCHAR);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "short") == 0) {
	yylval.type = NewSwigType(T_SHORT);
	return (TYPE_SHORT);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "long") == 0) {
	yylval.type = NewSwigType(T_LONG);
	return (TYPE_LONG);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "float") == 0) {
	yylval.type = NewSwigType(T_FLOAT);
	return (TYPE_FLOAT);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "signed") == 0) {
	yylval.type = NewSwigType(T_INT);
	return (TYPE_SIGNED);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "unsigned") == 0) {
	yylval.type = NewSwigType(T_UINT);
	return (TYPE_UNSIGNED);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "bool") == 0) {
	yylval.type = NewSwigType(T_BOOL);
	return (TYPE_BOOL);

      /* Non ISO (Windows) C extensions */
      if (strcmp(yytext, "__int8") == 0) {
	yylval.type = NewString(yytext);
	return (TYPE_NON_ISO_INT8);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "__int16") == 0) {
	yylval.type = NewString(yytext);
	return (TYPE_NON_ISO_INT16);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "__int32") == 0) {
	yylval.type = NewString(yytext);
	return (TYPE_NON_ISO_INT32);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "__int64") == 0) {
	yylval.type = NewString(yytext);
	return (TYPE_NON_ISO_INT64);

      /* C++ keywords */
      if (cparse_cplusplus) {
	if (strcmp(yytext, "and") == 0)
	  return (LAND);
	if (strcmp(yytext, "or") == 0)
	  return (LOR);
	if (strcmp(yytext, "not") == 0)
	  return (LNOT);
	if (strcmp(yytext, "class") == 0)
	  return (CLASS);
	if (strcmp(yytext, "private") == 0)
	  return (PRIVATE);
	if (strcmp(yytext, "public") == 0)
	  return (PUBLIC);
	if (strcmp(yytext, "protected") == 0)
	  return (PROTECTED);
	if (strcmp(yytext, "friend") == 0)
	  return (FRIEND);
	if (strcmp(yytext, "virtual") == 0)
	  return (VIRTUAL);
	if (strcmp(yytext, "operator") == 0) {
	  int nexttok;
	  String *s = NewString("operator ");

	  /* If we have an operator, we have to collect the operator symbol and attach it to
             the operator identifier.   To do this, we need to scan ahead by several tokens.
             Cases include:

             (1) If the next token is an operator as determined by Scanner_isoperator(),
                 it means that the operator applies to one of the standard C++ mathematical,
                 assignment, or logical operator symbols (e.g., '+','<=','==','&', etc.)
                 In this case, we merely append the symbol text to the operator string above.

             (2) If the next token is (, we look for ).  This is operator ().
             (3) If the next token is [, we look for ].  This is operator [].
	     (4) If the next token is an identifier.  The operator is possibly a conversion operator.
                      (a) Must check for special case new[] and delete[]

             Error handling is somewhat tricky here.  We'll try to back out gracefully if we can.

	  nexttok = Scanner_token(scan);
	  if (Scanner_isoperator(nexttok)) {
	    /* One of the standard C/C++ symbolic operators */
	    yylval.str = s;
	    return OPERATOR;
	  } else if (nexttok == SWIG_TOKEN_LPAREN) {
	    /* Function call operator.  The next token MUST be a RPAREN */
	    nexttok = Scanner_token(scan);
	    if (nexttok != SWIG_TOKEN_RPAREN) {
	      Swig_error(Scanner_file(scan),Scanner_line(scan),"Syntax error. Bad operator name.\n");
	    } else {
	      yylval.str = s;
	      return OPERATOR;
	  } else if (nexttok == SWIG_TOKEN_LBRACKET) {
	    /* Array access operator.  The next token MUST be a RBRACKET */
	    nexttok = Scanner_token(scan);
	    if (nexttok != SWIG_TOKEN_RBRACKET) {
	      Swig_error(Scanner_file(scan),Scanner_line(scan),"Syntax error. Bad operator name.\n");	      
	    } else {
	      yylval.str = s;
	      return OPERATOR;
	  } else if (nexttok == SWIG_TOKEN_ID) {
	    /* We have an identifier.  This could be any number of things. It could be a named version of
               an operator (e.g., 'and_eq') or it could be a conversion operator.   To deal with this, we're
               going to read tokens until we encounter a ( or ;.  Some care is needed for formatting. */
	    int needspace = 1;
	    int termtoken = 0;
	    const char *termvalue = 0;

	    while (1) {

	      nexttok = Scanner_token(scan);
	      if (nexttok <= 0) {
		Swig_error(Scanner_file(scan),Scanner_line(scan),"Syntax error. Bad operator name.\n");	      
	      if (nexttok == SWIG_TOKEN_LPAREN) {
		termtoken = SWIG_TOKEN_LPAREN;
		termvalue = "(";
              } else if (nexttok == SWIG_TOKEN_CODEBLOCK) {
                termtoken = SWIG_TOKEN_CODEBLOCK;
                termvalue = Char(Scanner_text(scan));
              } else if (nexttok == SWIG_TOKEN_LBRACE) {
                termtoken = SWIG_TOKEN_LBRACE;
                termvalue = "{";
              } else if (nexttok == SWIG_TOKEN_SEMI) {
		termtoken = SWIG_TOKEN_SEMI;
		termvalue = ";";
              } else if (nexttok == SWIG_TOKEN_STRING) {
		termtoken = SWIG_TOKEN_STRING;
                termvalue = Swig_copy_string(Char(Scanner_text(scan)));
	      } else if (nexttok == SWIG_TOKEN_ID) {
		if (needspace) {
		  Append(s," ");
	      } else {
		needspace = 0;
	    yylval.str = s;
	    if (!rename_active) {
	      String *cs;
	      char *t = Char(s) + 9;
	      if (!((strcmp(t, "new") == 0)
		    || (strcmp(t, "delete") == 0)
		    || (strcmp(t, "new[]") == 0)
		    || (strcmp(t, "delete[]") == 0)
		    || (strcmp(t, "and") == 0)
		    || (strcmp(t, "and_eq") == 0)
		    || (strcmp(t, "bitand") == 0)
		    || (strcmp(t, "bitor") == 0)
		    || (strcmp(t, "compl") == 0)
		    || (strcmp(t, "not") == 0)
		    || (strcmp(t, "not_eq") == 0)
		    || (strcmp(t, "or") == 0)
		    || (strcmp(t, "or_eq") == 0)
		    || (strcmp(t, "xor") == 0)
		    || (strcmp(t, "xor_eq") == 0)
		    )) {
		/*              retract(strlen(t)); */

		/* The operator is a conversion operator.   In order to deal with this, we need to feed the
                   type information back into the parser.  For now this is a hack.  Needs to be cleaned up later. */
		cs = NewString(t);
		if (termtoken) Append(cs,termvalue);
		return COPERATOR;
	    if (termtoken)
              Scanner_pushtoken(scan, termtoken, termvalue);
	    return (OPERATOR);
	if (strcmp(yytext, "throw") == 0)
	  return (THROW);
	if (strcmp(yytext, "try") == 0)
	  return (yylex());
	if (strcmp(yytext, "catch") == 0)
	  return (CATCH);
	if (strcmp(yytext, "inline") == 0)
	  return (yylex());
	if (strcmp(yytext, "mutable") == 0)
	  return (yylex());
	if (strcmp(yytext, "explicit") == 0)
	  return (EXPLICIT);
	if (strcmp(yytext, "export") == 0)
	  return (yylex());
	if (strcmp(yytext, "typename") == 0)
	  return (TYPENAME);
	if (strcmp(yytext, "template") == 0) {
	  yylval.ivalue = cparse_line;
	  return (TEMPLATE);
	if (strcmp(yytext, "delete") == 0) {
	  return (DELETE_KW);
	if (strcmp(yytext, "using") == 0) {
	  return (USING);
	if (strcmp(yytext, "namespace") == 0) {
	  return (NAMESPACE);
      } else {
	if (strcmp(yytext, "class") == 0) {
	  Swig_warning(WARN_PARSE_CLASS_KEYWORD, cparse_file, cparse_line, "class keyword used, but not in C++ mode.\n");
	if (strcmp(yytext, "complex") == 0) {
	  yylval.type = NewSwigType(T_COMPLEX);
	  return (TYPE_COMPLEX);
	if (strcmp(yytext, "restrict") == 0)
	  return (yylex());

      /* Misc keywords */

      if (strcmp(yytext, "extern") == 0)
	return (EXTERN);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "const") == 0)
	return (CONST_QUAL);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "static") == 0)
	return (STATIC);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "struct") == 0)
	return (STRUCT);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "union") == 0)
	return (UNION);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "enum") == 0)
	return (ENUM);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "sizeof") == 0)
	return (SIZEOF);

      if (strcmp(yytext, "typedef") == 0) {
	yylval.ivalue = 0;
	return (TYPEDEF);

      /* Ignored keywords */

      if (strcmp(yytext, "volatile") == 0)
	return (VOLATILE);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "register") == 0)
	return (REGISTER);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "inline") == 0)
	return (yylex());

      /* SWIG directives */
    } else {
      if (strcmp(yytext, "%module") == 0)
	return (MODULE);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "%insert") == 0)
	return (INSERT);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "%name") == 0)
	return (NAME);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "%rename") == 0) {
	rename_active = 1;
	return (RENAME);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "%namewarn") == 0) {
	rename_active = 1;
	return (NAMEWARN);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "%includefile") == 0)
	return (INCLUDE);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "%val") == 0) {
	Swig_warning(WARN_DEPRECATED_VAL, cparse_file, cparse_line, "%%val directive deprecated (ignored).\n");
	return (yylex());
      if (strcmp(yytext, "%out") == 0) {
	Swig_warning(WARN_DEPRECATED_OUT, cparse_file, cparse_line, "%%out directive deprecated (ignored).\n");
	return (yylex());
      if (strcmp(yytext, "%constant") == 0)
	return (CONSTANT);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "%typedef") == 0) {
	yylval.ivalue = 1;
	return (TYPEDEF);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "%native") == 0)
	return (NATIVE);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "%pragma") == 0)
	return (PRAGMA);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "%extend") == 0)
	return (EXTEND);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "%fragment") == 0)
	return (FRAGMENT);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "%inline") == 0)
	return (INLINE);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "%typemap") == 0)
	return (TYPEMAP);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "%feature") == 0) {
        /* The rename_active indicates we don't need the information of the 
         * following function's return type. This applied for %rename, so do
         * %feature. 
        rename_active = 1;
	return (FEATURE);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "%except") == 0)
	return (EXCEPT);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "%importfile") == 0)
	return (IMPORT);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "%echo") == 0)
	return (ECHO);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "%apply") == 0)
	return (APPLY);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "%clear") == 0)
	return (CLEAR);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "%types") == 0)
	return (TYPES);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "%parms") == 0)
	return (PARMS);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "%varargs") == 0)
	return (VARARGS);
      if (strcmp(yytext, "%template") == 0) {
      if (strcmp(yytext, "%warn") == 0)
	return (WARN);
    /* Have an unknown identifier, as a last step, we'll do a typedef lookup on it. */

    /* Need to fix this */
    if (check_typedef) {
      if (SwigType_istypedef(yytext)) {
	yylval.type = NewString(yytext);
	return (TYPE_TYPEDEF);
    yylval.id = Swig_copy_string(yytext);
    last_id = 1;
    return (ID);
  case POUND:
    return yylex();
    return (l);
Ejemplo n.º 2
int yylex(void) {

    int   l;

    if (!scan_init) {

    if (next_token) {
      l = next_token;
      next_token = 0;
      return l;
    /*    Printf(stdout,"%d\n", last_id);*/
    l = yylook();

    if (l == NONID) {
      last_id = 1;
    } else {
      last_id = 0;
    yytext[yylen]= 0;
    Printf(stdout,"%d  '%s' %d\n", l, yytext, last_id);

    /* We got some sort of non-white space object.  We set the start_line
       variable unless it has already been set */

    if (!cparse_start_line) {
      cparse_start_line = cparse_line;

    /* Copy the lexene */

    yytext[yylen] = 0;
    switch(l) {

    case NUM_INT:
    case NUM_FLOAT:
    case NUM_ULONG:
    case NUM_LONG:
    case NUM_UNSIGNED:
    case NUM_LONGLONG:
      if (l == NUM_INT) yylval.dtype.type = T_INT;
      if (l == NUM_FLOAT) yylval.dtype.type = T_DOUBLE;
      if (l == NUM_ULONG) yylval.dtype.type = T_ULONG;
      if (l == NUM_LONG) yylval.dtype.type = T_LONG;
      if (l == NUM_UNSIGNED) yylval.dtype.type = T_UINT;
      if (l == NUM_LONGLONG) yylval.dtype.type = T_LONGLONG;
      if (l == NUM_ULONGLONG) yylval.dtype.type = T_ULONGLONG;
      yylval.dtype.val = NewString(yytext);
      yylval.dtype.bitfield = 0;
      yylval.dtype.throws = 0;
    case ID:

	if (yytext[0] != '%') {
	  /* Look for keywords now */
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"int") == 0) {
	    yylval.type = NewSwigType(T_INT);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"double") == 0) {
	    yylval.type = NewSwigType(T_DOUBLE);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"void") == 0) {
	    yylval.type = NewSwigType(T_VOID);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"char") == 0) {
	    yylval.type = NewSwigType(T_CHAR);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"short") == 0) {
	    yylval.type = NewSwigType(T_SHORT);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"long") == 0) {
	    yylval.type = NewSwigType(T_LONG);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"float") == 0) {
	    yylval.type = NewSwigType(T_FLOAT);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"signed") == 0) {
	    yylval.type = NewSwigType(T_INT);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"unsigned") == 0) {
	    yylval.type = NewSwigType(T_UINT);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"bool") == 0) {
	    yylval.type = NewSwigType(T_BOOL);
	  /* C++ keywords */
	  if (cparse_cplusplus) {
	    if (strcmp(yytext,"class") == 0) return(CLASS);
	    if (strcmp(yytext,"private") == 0) return(PRIVATE);
	    if (strcmp(yytext,"public") == 0) return(PUBLIC);
	    if (strcmp(yytext,"protected") == 0) return(PROTECTED);
	    if (strcmp(yytext,"friend") == 0) return(FRIEND);
	    if (strcmp(yytext,"virtual") == 0) return(VIRTUAL);
	    if (strcmp(yytext,"operator") == 0) {
	      String *s = NewString("operator");
	      int c;
	      int state = 0;
	      int sticky = 0;
	      int isconversion = 0;
	      int count = 0;
	      while ((c = nextchar())) {
		if (((c == '(') || (c == ';')) && state) {
		if (!isspace(c)) {
		  if ((!state) && (isalpha(c))) isconversion = 1;
		  if (!state && !sticky) Putc(' ',s);
		  sticky = 0;
		  state = 1;
		} else {
		  if (!sticky) Putc(' ',s);
		  sticky = 1;
	      yylval.str = s;
	      while(Replaceall(s,"[ ", "["));
	      if (isconversion) {
		String *ns = Swig_symbol_string_qualify(s,0);
		yylval.str = ns;
	      if (isconversion && !rename_active) {
		char *t = Char(s) + 9;
		if (!((strcmp(t,"new") == 0) || (strcmp(t,"delete") == 0) 
		      || (strcmp(t,"new[]") == 0) || (strcmp(t,"delete[]") == 0))) {
		  /*		  retract(strlen(t));*/
		  return COPERATOR;
	    if (strcmp(yytext,"throw") == 0) return(THROW);
	    if (strcmp(yytext,"try") == 0) return (yylex());
	    if (strcmp(yytext,"catch") == 0) return (CATCH);
	    if (strcmp(yytext,"inline") == 0) return(yylex());
	    if (strcmp(yytext,"mutable") == 0) return(yylex());
	    if (strcmp(yytext,"explicit") == 0) return(yylex());
	    if (strcmp(yytext,"export") == 0) return(yylex());
	    if (strcmp(yytext,"typename") == 0) return (TYPENAME);
	    if (strcmp(yytext,"template") == 0) {
	      yylval.ivalue = cparse_line;
	    if (strcmp(yytext,"delete") == 0) {
	    if (strcmp(yytext,"using") == 0) {
	    if (strcmp(yytext,"namespace") == 0) {
	  } else {
	    if (strcmp(yytext,"class") == 0) {
	      Swig_warning(WARN_PARSE_CLASS_KEYWORD,cparse_file,cparse_line, "class keyword used, but not in C++ mode.\n");
	  /* Objective-C keywords */
	  if ((ObjC) && (yytext[0] == '@')) {
	    if (strcmp(yytext,"@interface") == 0) return (OC_INTERFACE);
	    if (strcmp(yytext,"@end") == 0) return (OC_END);
	    if (strcmp(yytext,"@public") == 0) return (OC_PUBLIC);
	    if (strcmp(yytext,"@private") == 0) return (OC_PRIVATE);
	    if (strcmp(yytext,"@protected") == 0) return (OC_PROTECTED);
	    if (strcmp(yytext,"@class") == 0) return(OC_CLASS);
	    if (strcmp(yytext,"@implementation") == 0) return(OC_IMPLEMENT);
	    if (strcmp(yytext,"@protocol") == 0) return(OC_PROTOCOL);
	  /* Misc keywords */
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"extern") == 0) return(EXTERN);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"const") == 0) return(CONST);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"static") == 0) return(STATIC);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"struct") == 0) return(STRUCT);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"union") == 0) return(UNION);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"enum") == 0) return(ENUM);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"sizeof") == 0) return(SIZEOF);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"typedef") == 0) {
	    yylval.ivalue = 0;
	  /* Ignored keywords */
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"volatile") == 0) return(VOLATILE);
	  /* SWIG directives */
	} else {
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"%module") == 0) return(MODULE);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"%insert") == 0) return(INSERT);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"%name") == 0) return(NAME);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"%rename") == 0) {
	    rename_active = 1;
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"%namewarn") == 0) {
	    rename_active = 1;
	    return (NAMEWARN);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"%includefile") == 0) return(INCLUDE);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"%val") == 0) {
	    Swig_warning(WARN_DEPRECATED_VAL, cparse_file, cparse_line, "%%val directive deprecated (ignored).\n");
	    return (yylex());
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"%out") == 0) {
	    Swig_warning(WARN_DEPRECATED_OUT, cparse_file, cparse_line, "%%out directive deprecated (ignored).\n");
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"%constant") == 0) return(CONSTANT);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"%typedef") == 0) {
	    yylval.ivalue = 1;
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"%native") == 0) return(NATIVE);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"%pragma") == 0) return(PRAGMA);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"%extend") == 0) return(EXTEND);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"%fragment") == 0) return(FRAGMENT);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"%inline") == 0) return(INLINE);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"%typemap") == 0) return(TYPEMAP);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"%feature") == 0) return(FEATURE);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"%except") == 0) return(EXCEPT);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"%importfile") == 0) return(IMPORT);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"%echo") == 0) return(ECHO);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"%apply") == 0) return(APPLY);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"%clear") == 0) return(CLEAR);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"%types") == 0) return(TYPES);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"%parms") == 0) return(PARMS);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"%varargs") == 0) return(VARARGS);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"%template") == 0) return (SWIGTEMPLATE);
	  if (strcmp(yytext,"%warn") == 0) return(WARN);
	/* Have an unknown identifier, as a last step, we'll do a typedef lookup on it. */

        /* Need to fix this */
	if (check_typedef) {
	  if (SwigType_istypedef(yytext)) {
	    yylval.type = NewString(yytext);
	yylval.id = Swig_copy_string(yytext);
	last_id = 1;
    case POUND:
      return yylex();