Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Adds a symbol to the debug info manager.
 * @returns VBox status.
 * @param   pVM             VM Handle.
 * @param   ModuleAddress   Module address. Use 0 if no module.
 * @param   SymbolAddress   Symbol address
 * @param   cbSymbol        Size of the symbol. Use 0 if info not available.
 * @param   pszSymbol       Symbol name.
VMMR3DECL(int) DBGFR3SymbolAdd(PVM pVM, RTGCUINTPTR ModuleAddress, RTGCUINTPTR SymbolAddress, RTUINT cbSymbol, const char *pszSymbol)
     * Validate.
    if (!pszSymbol || !*pszSymbol)
        AssertMsgFailed(("No symbol name!\n"));

     * Lazy init.
    if (!pVM->dbgf.s.fSymInited)
        int rc = dbgfR3SymLazyInit(pVM);
        if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
            return rc;

    if (SymAddSymbol(pVM, ModuleAddress, (char *)(void *)pszSymbol, SymbolAddress, cbSymbol, 0))
        return VINF_SUCCESS;
    return win32Error(pVM);
    /** @todo module lookup. */
    return dbgfR3SymbolInsert(pVM, pszSymbol, SymbolAddress, cbSymbol, NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 *           symbol_read_symtable
 * Read a symbol file into the hash table.
void symbol_read_symtable(const char* filename, unsigned long offset)
    dbg_printf("No longer supported\n");

#if 0
/* FIXME: have to implement SymAddSymbol in dbghelp, but likely we'll need to link
 * this with an already loaded module !! 
    FILE*       symbolfile;
    unsigned    addr;
    char        type;
    char*       cpnt;
    char        buffer[256];
    char        name[256];

    if (!(symbolfile = fopen(filename, "r")))
        WINE_WARN("Unable to open symbol table %s\n", filename);

    dbg_printf("Reading symbols from file %s\n", filename);

    while (1)
        fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), symbolfile);
        if (feof(symbolfile)) break;

        /* Strip any text after a # sign (i.e. comments) */
        cpnt = strchr(buffer, '#');
        if (cpnt) *cpnt = '\0';

        /* Quietly ignore any lines that have just whitespace */
        for (cpnt = buffer; *cpnt; cpnt++)
            if (*cpnt != ' ' && *cpnt != '\t') break;
        if (!*cpnt || *cpnt == '\n') continue;

        if (sscanf(buffer, "%lx %c %s", &addr, &type, name) == 3)
            if (value.addr.off + offset < value.addr.off)
                WINE_WARN("Address wrap around\n");
            value.addr.off += offset;
            SymAddSymbol(current_process->handle, BaseOfDll,
                         name, addr, 0, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    virtual void NotifyFunctionEmitted(const Function &F, void *Code,
                                       size_t Size, const EmittedFunctionDetails &Details)
#if defined(_OS_WINDOWS_) && defined(_CPU_X86_64_)
        jl_in_stackwalk = 1;
        uintptr_t catchjmp = (uintptr_t)Code+Size;
        *(uint8_t*)(catchjmp+0) = 0x48;
        *(uint8_t*)(catchjmp+1) = 0xb8; // mov RAX, QWORD PTR [...]
        *(uint64_t*)(catchjmp+2) = (uint64_t)&_seh_exception_handler;
        *(uint8_t*)(catchjmp+10) = 0xff;
        *(uint8_t*)(catchjmp+11) = 0xe0; // jmp RAX
        PRUNTIME_FUNCTION tbl = (PRUNTIME_FUNCTION)((catchjmp+12+3)&~(uintptr_t)3);
        uint8_t *UnwindData = (uint8_t*)((((uintptr_t)&tbl[1])+3)&~(uintptr_t)3);
        RUNTIME_FUNCTION fn = {0,(DWORD)Size+13,(DWORD)(intptr_t)(UnwindData-(uint8_t*)Code)};
        tbl[0] = fn;
        UnwindData[0] = 0x09; // version info, UNW_FLAG_EHANDLER
        UnwindData[1] = 4;    // size of prolog (bytes)
        UnwindData[2] = 2;    // count of unwind codes (slots)
        UnwindData[3] = 0x05; // frame register (rbp) = rsp
        UnwindData[4] = 4;    // second instruction
        UnwindData[5] = 0x03; // mov RBP, RSP
        UnwindData[6] = 1;    // first instruction
        UnwindData[7] = 0x50; // push RBP
        *(DWORD*)&UnwindData[8] = (DWORD)(catchjmp-(intptr_t)Code);
        DWORD mod_size = (DWORD)(size_t)(&UnwindData[8]-(uint8_t*)Code);
        if (!SymLoadModuleEx(GetCurrentProcess(), NULL, NULL, NULL, (DWORD64)Code, mod_size, NULL, SLMFLAG_VIRTUAL)) {
            static int warned = 0;
            if (!warned) {
                JL_PRINTF(JL_STDERR, "WARNING: failed to insert function info for backtrace\n");
                warned = 1;
        else {
            if (!SymAddSymbol(GetCurrentProcess(), (ULONG64)Code, F.getName().data(), (DWORD64)Code, mod_size, 0)) {
                JL_PRINTF(JL_STDERR, "WARNING: failed to insert function name into debug info\n");
            if (!RtlAddFunctionTable(tbl,1,(DWORD64)Code)) {
                JL_PRINTF(JL_STDERR, "WARNING: failed to insert function stack unwind info\n");
        jl_in_stackwalk = 0;

        FuncInfo tmp = {&F, Size, std::string(), std::string(), tbl, Details.LineStarts};
        FuncInfo tmp = {&F, Size, std::string(F.getName().data()), std::string(), Details.LineStarts};
        info[(size_t)(Code)] = tmp;
Ejemplo n.º 4
BOOLEAN SymWAddSymbol(IN PCHAR pszSymbolName, IN ULONG64 uSymbolAddress, IN ULONG uOffset, IN ULONG uBitPosition, IN ULONG uBitLength)
    return SymAddSymbol(pszSymbolName, uSymbolAddress, uOffset, uBitPosition, uBitLength);