Ejemplo n.º 1
SOCKET MakeConnection(UINT ipaddr, short port)
  struct sockaddr sockAddr;
  struct in_addr inaddr;
  inaddr.s_addr = ipaddr;
  char* p = inet_ntoa(inaddr);
  if (p == NULL)
    return INVALID_SOCKET;
  string host = p;

  if (ipaddr == 0 || host == "")
  { // special case to ease local testing
    host = "localhost";

  if (MakeSockAddr(host.c_str(), port, &sockAddr))
    sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    if (sd != INVALID_SOCKET)
      int rc = connect(sd, &sockAddr, sizeof(sockAddr));
      if (rc >= 0)
          if (Sys_IsSSLEnabled())
              rc = ssl_connect(sd);
        printf("Connect fails: %i\n", Sys_GetLastError());
      if (rc < 0)
        Sys_LogError("connect fails");
        sd = INVALID_SOCKET;

  return sd;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Purpose: Called to setup the game UI
void CGameUI::Start()
	// determine Steam location for configuration
	if ( !FindPlatformDirectory( m_szPlatformDir, sizeof( m_szPlatformDir ) ) )

	if ( IsPC() )
		// setup config file directory
		char szConfigDir[512];
		Q_strncpy( szConfigDir, m_szPlatformDir, sizeof( szConfigDir ) );
		Q_strncat( szConfigDir, "config", sizeof( szConfigDir ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );

		Msg( "Steam config directory: %s\n", szConfigDir );

		g_pFullFileSystem->AddSearchPath(szConfigDir, "CONFIG");
		g_pFullFileSystem->CreateDirHierarchy("", "CONFIG");

		// user dialog configuration
		vgui::system()->SetUserConfigFile("InGameDialogConfig.vdf", "CONFIG");

		g_pFullFileSystem->AddSearchPath( "platform", "PLATFORM" );

	// localization
	g_pVGuiLocalize->AddFile( "Resource/platform_%language%.txt");
	g_pVGuiLocalize->AddFile( "Resource/vgui_%language%.txt");

	Sys_SetLastError( SYS_NO_ERROR );

	if ( IsPC() )
		g_hMutex = Sys_CreateMutex( "ValvePlatformUIMutex" );
		g_hWaitMutex = Sys_CreateMutex( "ValvePlatformWaitMutex" );
		if ( g_hMutex == NULL || g_hWaitMutex == NULL || Sys_GetLastError() == SYS_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE )
			// error, can't get handle to mutex
			if (g_hMutex)
			if (g_hWaitMutex)
			g_hMutex = NULL;
			g_hWaitMutex = NULL;
			Error("Steam Error: Could not access Steam, bad mutex\n");
		unsigned int waitResult = Sys_WaitForSingleObject(g_hMutex, 0);
		if (!(waitResult == SYS_WAIT_OBJECT_0 || waitResult == SYS_WAIT_ABANDONED))
			// mutex locked, need to deactivate Steam (so we have the Friends/ServerBrowser data files)
			// get the wait mutex, so that Steam.exe knows that we're trying to acquire ValveTrackerMutex
			waitResult = Sys_WaitForSingleObject(g_hWaitMutex, 0);
			if (waitResult == SYS_WAIT_OBJECT_0 || waitResult == SYS_WAIT_ABANDONED)
				Sys_EnumWindows(SendShutdownMsgFunc, 1);

		// Delay playing the startup music until two frames
		// this allows cbuf commands that occur on the first frame that may start a map
		m_iPlayGameStartupSound = 2;

		// now we are set up to check every frame to see if we can friends/server browser
		m_bTryingToLoadFriends = true;
		m_iFriendsLoadPauseFrames = 1;
// Purpose: Called to setup the game UI
void CGameUI::Start(struct cl_enginefuncs_s *engineFuncs, int interfaceVersion, IBaseSystem *system)
//	TRACE_FUNCTION("CGameUI::Start");
//	m_pMaster = NULL;

	// copy the engine interface
//	memcpy(&gEngfuncs, engineFuncs, sizeof(gEngfuncs));
//	engine = &gEngfuncs;

	// set SystemWrapper for demo player
//	g_pSystemWrapper = system;

	// load mod info

	// Determine Tracker location.
	// ...If running with Steam, Tracker is in a well defined location relative to the game dir.  Use it if there.
	// ...Otherwise get the tracker location from the registry key
	if (FindPlatformDirectory(m_szPlatformDir, sizeof(m_szPlatformDir)))
		// add the tracker directory to the search path
		// add localized version first if we're not in english
		char language[128];
		if (vgui::system()->GetRegistryString("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Valve\\Steam\\Language", language, sizeof(language)))
			if (strlen(language) > 0 && stricmp(language, "english"))
				char path[256];
				sprintf(path, "platform_%s", language);
				vgui::filesystem()->AddSearchPath(path, "PLATFORM");
		vgui::filesystem()->AddSearchPath("platform", "PLATFORM");

		// setup config file directory
		char szConfigDir[512];

		strcpy(szConfigDir, m_szPlatformDir);
		strcat(szConfigDir, "config");

		// make sure the path exists
		_finddata_t findData;
		long findHandle = _findfirst(steamPath, &findData);
		if (steamPath && findHandle != -1)
			// put the config dir directly under steam
			_snprintf(szConfigDir, sizeof(szConfigDir), "%s/config", steamPath);
			// we're not running steam, so just put the config dir under the platform
			_snprintf(szConfigDir, sizeof(szConfigDir), "%sconfig", m_szPlatformDir);

		// add the path
		vgui::filesystem()->AddSearchPath(szConfigDir, "CONFIG");
		// make sure the config directory has been created

		vgui::ivgui()->DPrintf("Platform config directory: %s\n", szConfigDir);

		// user dialog configuration
		vgui::system()->SetUserConfigFile("InGameDialogConfig.vdf", "CONFIG");

		// localization
		vgui::localize()->AddFile(vgui::filesystem(), "Resource/platform_%language%.txt");
		vgui::localize()->AddFile(vgui::filesystem(), "Resource/vgui_%language%.txt");

		//!! hack to work around problem with userinfo not being uploaded (and therefore *Tracker field) 
		//!! this is done to make sure the *tracker userinfo field is set before we connect so that it
		//!! will get communicated to the server
		//!! this needs to be changed to a system where it is communicated to server when known but not before
		//!! addendum: this may very happen now with the platform changes; needs to be tested before this code
		//!! can be removed
			// get the last known userID from the registry and set it in our userinfo string
			HKEY key;
			DWORD bufSize = sizeof(m_szPlatformDir);
			unsigned int lastUserID = 0;
			bufSize = sizeof(lastUserID);
			if (ERROR_SUCCESS == g_pVCR->Hook_RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Valve\\Tracker", 0, KEY_READ, &key))
				g_pVCR->Hook_RegQueryValueEx(key, "LastUserID", NULL, NULL, (unsigned char *)&lastUserID, &bufSize);

				// close the registry key
			if (lastUserID)
				char buf[32];
				sprintf(buf, "%d", lastUserID);
				engine->PlayerInfo_SetValueForKey("*tracker", buf);

	// task bar - needs to be first thing created
	g_pTaskbar = new CTaskbar(staticPanel,"TaskBar");

//	vgui::surface()->SetWorkspaceInsets( 0, 0, 0, g_pTaskbar->GetTall() );

	// Start loading tracker
	if (m_szPlatformDir[0] != 0)
		vgui::ivgui()->DPrintf2("Initializing platform...\n");

		// open a mutex

		// primary mutex is the platform.exe name
		char szExeName[sizeof(m_szPlatformDir) + 32];
		sprintf(szExeName, "%splatform.exe", m_szPlatformDir);
		// convert the backslashes in the path string to be forward slashes so it can be used as a mutex name
		for (char *ch = szExeName; *ch != 0; ch++)
			*ch = tolower(*ch);
			if (*ch == '\\')
				*ch = '/';

		g_hMutex = Sys_CreateMutex("ValvePlatformUIMutex");
		g_hWaitMutex = Sys_CreateMutex("ValvePlatformWaitMutex");
		if (g_hMutex == NULL || g_hWaitMutex == NULL || Sys_GetLastError() == SYS_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE)
			// error, can't get handle to mutex
			if (g_hMutex)
			if (g_hWaitMutex)
			g_hMutex = NULL;
			g_hWaitMutex = NULL;
			Error("Tracker Error: Could not access Tracker, bad mutex\n");
		unsigned int waitResult = Sys_WaitForSingleObject(g_hMutex, 0);
		if (!(waitResult == SYS_WAIT_OBJECT_0 || waitResult == SYS_WAIT_ABANDONED))
			// mutex locked, need to close other tracker

			// get the wait mutex, so that tracker.exe knows that we're trying to acquire ValveTrackerMutex
			waitResult = Sys_WaitForSingleObject(g_hWaitMutex, 0);
			if (waitResult == SYS_WAIT_OBJECT_0 || waitResult == SYS_WAIT_ABANDONED)
				Sys_EnumWindows(SendShutdownMsgFunc, 1);
		m_bTryingToLoadTracker = true;
		// now we are set up to check every frame to see if we can Start tracker


	// start mp3 playing
	//engine->pfnClientCmd("mp3 loop media/gamestartup.mp3\n");

	// SRC version
	//engine->ClientCmd("loop media/gamestartup.mp3\n");

Ejemplo n.º 4
extern int main ( int argc, char *argv[] ) {

   * Register self.                                                         *

   Sys_RegisterThread ( ) ;

   * Set a default exception filter.                                        *


   * Start the main block (for constructors/destructors).                   *


   * Get the initial file path for loading files from command-line.         *

   char InitialPath [CCHMAXPATH] ;
   _fullpath ( InitialPath, ".", sizeof(InitialPath) ) ;
   strcat ( InitialPath, "\\" ) ;

   * Determine the home directory.                                          *

   char Drive [_MAX_DRIVE+1], Dir[_MAX_DIR+1], Fname[_MAX_FNAME+1], Ext[_MAX_EXT+1] ;
   strupr ( argv[0] ) ;
   _fullpath ( HomePath, argv[0], sizeof(HomePath) ) ;
   _splitpath ( HomePath, Drive, Dir, Fname, Ext ) ;
   if ( Dir[strlen(Dir)-1] == '\\' )
      Dir[strlen(Dir)-1] = 0 ;
   strcpy ( HomePath, Drive ) ;
   strcat ( HomePath, Dir ) ;

   _chdrive ( Drive[0] - 'A' + 1 ) ;
   _chdir ( "\\" ) ;
   _chdir ( Dir ) ;

   * Set the C RunTime Library error message file handle.                   *

   #ifdef __DEBUG_ALLOC__
      Log ( "Escriba::main: Program started." ) ;
      _set_crt_msg_handle ( fileno(Logfile) ) ;
      #ifdef DEBUG
         Log ( "Escriba::main: Program started." ) ;
      #endif // DEBUG
   #endif // __DEBUG_ALLOC__

   * Determine if another instance of this program is present.              *
   *   If so, pass the command-line information to it.                      *

   #ifdef DEBUG
      Log ( "Escriba::main: Checking for another instance already loaded." ) ;
   #endif // DEBUG

   PublicMemory Memory ( MEMORY_NAME, sizeof(SHARED_MEMORY), TRUE ) ;
   if ( NOT Memory.QueryCreated() ) {

      // Get the main instance's window handle.  Wait up to 20 seconds if necessary.
      HWND MainWindow = ((SHARED_MEMORY*)Memory.QueryMemory())->MainWindow ;
      clock_t LastClock = clock ( ) ;
      while ( MainWindow == 0 ) {
         if ( ( ( clock() - LastClock ) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC ) > 20 ) {
            Log ( "ERROR: Unable to get previous instance window handle." ) ;
            return ( 1 ) ;
         } /* endif */
         DosSleep ( 100 ) ;
         MainWindow = ((SHARED_MEMORY*)Memory.QueryMemory())->MainWindow ;
      } /* endwhile */

      // If any command-line parameters were given . . .
      if ( argc > 1 ) {

         // Build a command-line string.
         char Parms [512] = { 0 } ;
         int ParmLength = 0 ;
         while ( --argc ) {
            strcpy ( Parms+ParmLength, *(++argv) ) ;
            ParmLength += strlen(*argv) + 1 ;
         } /* endwhile */
         Parms[++ParmLength] = 0 ;

         // Get the original process's ID.
         PID Process ;
         TID Thread ;
         if ( !WinQueryWindowProcess ( MainWindow, &Process, &Thread ) ) {
            char Message [512] ;
            Log ( "ERROR: Unable to query window process.  %s", InterpretWinError(0,Message) ) ;
            return ( 1 ) ;
         } /* endif */

         // Allocate shared memory to hold the current path.
         PVOID Memory1 ;
         APIRET Status = DosAllocSharedMem ( &Memory1, 0, strlen(InitialPath)+1, fALLOC | OBJ_GIVEABLE | OBJ_GETTABLE) ;
         if ( Status ) {
            Log ( "ERROR: Unable to allocate shared memory.  Status %d.", Status ) ;
            return ( 1 ) ;
         } /* endif */
         strcpy ( PCHAR(Memory1), InitialPath ) ;

         // Allocate shared memory to hold the command-line.
         PVOID Memory2 ;
         Status = DosAllocSharedMem ( &Memory2, 0, ParmLength, fALLOC | OBJ_GIVEABLE | OBJ_GETTABLE) ;
         if ( Status ) {
            Log ( "ERROR: Unable to allocate shared memory.  Status %d.", Status ) ;
            return ( 1 ) ;
         } /* endif */
         memcpy ( Memory2, Parms, ParmLength ) ;

         // Make both shared memory blocks available to the original process.
         Status = DosGiveSharedMem ( Memory1, Process, PAG_READ | PAG_WRITE ) ;
         DosFreeMem ( Memory1 ) ;
         if ( Status ) {
            Log ( "ERROR: Unable to give shared memory.  Status %d.", Status ) ;
            return ( 1 ) ;
         } /* endif */
         Status = DosGiveSharedMem ( Memory2, Process, PAG_READ | PAG_WRITE ) ;
         DosFreeMem ( Memory2 ) ;
         if ( Status ) {
            Log ( "ERROR: Unable to give shared memory.  Status %d.", Status ) ;
            return ( 1 ) ;
         } /* endif */

         // Pass the information to the original process.
         Sys_PostMessage ( MainWindow, WM_LOAD_FILE, MPFROMP(Memory1), MPFROMP(Memory2) ) ;

      } /* endif */

      // Bring the previous instance to the fore.
      Sys_SetActiveWindow ( MainWindow ) ;

      // We're outta here . . .
      return ( 0 ) ;

   } /* endif */

   * If the ISPELL environment variable isn't set, set it to the current    *
   *   directory, before we change it.  This assumes that the current       *
   *   directory is also the directory to which Escriba (and ISPELL) was    *
   *   installed.  This is true with the basic installation.                *

   #ifdef DEBUG
      Log ( "Escriba::main: Setting ISPELL environment variable." ) ;
   #endif // DEBUG

      char *p = getenv ( "ISPELL" ) ;
      if ( p == 0 ) {
         static char SetString [_MAX_PATH+10] ;
         sprintf ( SetString, "ISPELL=%s", HomePath ) ;
         _putenv ( SetString ) ;
      } /* endif */

   * Get application language module.                                       *

   #ifdef DEBUG
      Log ( "Escriba::main: Loading default language." ) ;
   #endif // DEBUG

   char DefaultLanguage [80] = { 0 } ;

   { /* startblock */
      Profile IniFile ( PSZ(PROGRAM_NAME), 0, HomePath ) ;
      if ( IniFile.QueryHandle() ) 
         IniFile.GetString ( "Language", DefaultLanguage, sizeof(DefaultLanguage) ) ;
         strcpy ( DefaultLanguage, "English" ) ;
   } /* endblock */

   Library = Language_Create ( PROGRAM_NAME, REVISION, IDS_TITLE1, DefaultLanguage ) ;
   if ( Library == 0 ) {
      Process Proc ( PROGRAM_NAME, HWND_DESKTOP, 0 ) ;
      Debug ( HWND_DESKTOP, "ERROR: Unable to find language module for %s, %s, %s.", PROGRAM_NAME, REVISION, DefaultLanguage ) ;
      return ( 1 ) ;
   } /* endif */

   LibraryHandle = Library->QueryHandle() ;

   * Get the program title.                                                 *

   ResourceString Title ( Library->QueryHandle(), IDS_TITLE ) ;

   * Determine the default codepage.                                        *

   #ifdef DEBUG
      Log ( "Escriba::main: Determining codepage to use." ) ;
   #endif // DEBUG

   PUSHORT pCodePage = Library->QueryCodepages() ;
   while ( *pCodePage ) {
      if ( !DosSetProcessCp ( *pCodePage ) )
         break ;
      pCodePage ++ ;
   } /* endwhile */

   if ( *pCodePage == 0 ) {
      ResourceString Format ( Library->QueryHandle(), IDS_WARNING_BADCODEPAGE ) ;
      CHAR Message [200] ;
      sprintf ( Message, PCHAR(Format), *Library->QueryCodepages() ) ;
      Log ( "%s", Message ) ;
      MessageBox ( HWND_DESKTOP, HWND_DESKTOP, PSZ(Message),
      return ( 1 ) ;
   } /* endif */
   * Initialize the process with an extra-large message queue.              *

   #ifdef DEBUG
      Log ( "Escriba::main: Connecting to PM." ) ;
   #endif // DEBUG

   Process Proc ( PCHAR(Title), HWND_DESKTOP, Library->QueryHandle(), 100, *pCodePage ) ;
   if ( Proc.QueryAnchor() == 0 ) 
      return ( 1 ) ;

   * Register the custom control classes.                                   *

   #ifdef DEBUG
      Log ( "Escriba::main: Registering custom control classes." ) ;
   #endif // DEBUG

   RegisterControls ( Proc.QueryAnchor() ) ;

   * Open up debug timer.                                                   *

   #ifdef DEBUG
      Log ( "Escriba::main: Opening debug timer." ) ;
   #endif // DEBUG

   OpenTimer ( ) ;

   * Open the registration library, if it is present.                       *

   #ifdef DEBUG
      Log ( "Escriba::main: About to open registration file." ) ;
   #endif // DEBUG

   char *RegistrationName = PROGRAM_NAME"R" ;
   Module *pRegistration = new Module ( RegistrationName, FALSE ) ;
   if ( pRegistration->QueryHandle() == 0 )
      RegistrationName = "PLUMAR" ;
   delete pRegistration, pRegistration = 0 ;

   Module Registration = Module ( RegistrationName, FALSE ) ;

   * Load any extenders (except spell-check).                               *

   #ifdef DEBUG
      Log ( "Escriba::main: About to load extenders." ) ;
   #endif // DEBUG

   AddonList.Build ( DefaultLanguage ) ;

   * Get the country information.                                           *

   #ifdef DEBUG
      Log ( "Escriba::main: About to get country information." ) ;
   #endif // DEBUG

   GetCountryInfo ( 0, 0 ) ;

   * Set any language-specific globals.                                     *

   #ifdef DEBUG
      Log ( "Escriba::main: About to set language-specific globals." ) ;
   #endif // DEBUG

   ResourceString AllGraphicFiles ( LibraryHandle, IDS_ALL_GRAPHICS ) ;
   GraphicTypeList[0] = PSZ ( AllGraphicFiles ) ;

   * Check for command-line options and remove them from the argument list. *

   #ifdef DEBUG
      Log ( "Escriba::main: About to parse the command line." ) ;
   #endif // DEBUG

   ResourceString ResetCommand ( Library->QueryHandle(), IDS_PARMS_RESET ) ;
   BOOL Reset = FALSE ;

// ResourceString PrintCommand ( Library->QueryHandle(), IDS_PARMS_PRINT ) ;
// BOOL Print = FALSE ;

   ResourceString TrapCommand ( Library->QueryHandle(), IDS_PARMS_TRAP ) ;
   BOOL Trap = FALSE ;

   int i = 1 ;
   char **p = argv + 1 ;
   while ( i < argc ) {
      if ( **p == '-' ) {
         if ( !stricmp ( (*p)+1, PCHAR(ResetCommand) ) ) {
            Reset = TRUE ;
//       } else if ( !stricmp ( (*p)+1, PCHAR(PrintCommand) ) ) {
//          Print = TRUE ;
         } else if ( !stricmp ( (*p)+1, PCHAR(TrapCommand) ) ) {
            Trap = TRUE ;
         } else {
            Debug ( HWND_DESKTOP, "ERROR: Invalid command-line parameter '%s'.", (*p)+1 ) ;
            return ( 1 ) ;
         } /* endif */
         for ( int j=i+1; j<argc; j++ ) {
            argv[j-1] = argv[j] ;
         } /* endfor */
         argv[j] = 0 ;
         argc -- ;
         continue ;
      } /* endif */
      i ++ ;
      p ++ ;
   } /* endwhile */

   * Create the help instance.                                              *

   #ifdef DEBUG
      Log ( "Escriba::main: About to create the help instance." ) ;
   #endif // DEBUG

   _splitpath ( Library->QueryName(), Drive, Dir, Fname, Ext ) ;
   char HelpFileName [CCHMAXPATH] ;
   sprintf ( HelpFileName, "%s.hlp", Fname ) ;

   ResourceString HelpTitle ( Library->QueryHandle(), IDS_HELPTITLE ) ;

   Help = new HelpWindow ( Proc.QueryAnchor(), 0, ID_MAIN, PSZ(HelpFileName), PSZ(HelpTitle) ) ;

   if ( Help->QueryHandle() == 0 ) {
      ERRORID Error = Sys_GetLastError ( Proc.QueryAnchor() ) ;
      ResourceString Format ( Library->QueryHandle(), IDS_ERROR_CREATEHELP ) ;
      CHAR Message [200] ;
      sprintf ( Message, PCHAR(Format), Error ) ;
      Log ( "%s", Message ) ;
   } /* endif */

   * Open/create the profile file.  Reset if requested.                     *

   #ifdef DEBUG
      Log ( "Escriba::main: About to open profile file." ) ;
   #endif // DEBUG

   Profile2 IniFile ( PSZ(PROGRAM_NAME), Proc.QueryAnchor(), Library->QueryHandle(),
      IDD_PROFILE_PATH, Help, Reset ) ;

   if ( IniFile.QueryHandle() == 0 ) {
      ResourceString Message ( Library->QueryHandle(), IDS_ERROR_PRFOPENPROFILE ) ;
      Log ( "%s", PSZ(Message) ) ;
      CloseTimer() ;
      return ( 2 ) ;
   } /* endif */

   * Get profile data. Try the OS2.INI first, then try for private INI.     *
   *   If obtained from OS2.INI, erase it afterwards and resave it.         *

   #ifdef DEBUG
      Log ( "Escriba::main: About to get profile data." ) ;
   #endif // DEBUG

   INIDATA IniData ( Registration.QueryHandle() ) ;
   IniFile.GetIniData ( IniData ) ;

   if ( IniData.Language [0] == 0 ) 
      strcpy ( IniData.Language, DefaultLanguage ) ;

   * Activate the spell checker, if it is present.                          *

   #ifdef DEBUG
      Log ( "Escriba::main: About to open the default dictionary." ) ;
   #endif // DEBUG

   char SpellerPath [ CCHMAXPATH ] = { 0 } ;
   if ( getenv ( "ISPELL" ) ) {
      strcpy ( SpellerPath, getenv ( "ISPELL" ) ) ;
      strcat ( SpellerPath, "\\" ) ;
   } /* endif */
   strcat ( SpellerPath, "ISPELLER.DLL" ) ;
   Dictionary *Speller = new Dictionary ( SpellerPath, DefaultLanguage ) ;
   if ( Speller->QueryLibrary() == 0 ) {
      #ifdef DEBUG
         Log ( "Escriba::main: Could not find spellchecker.  Will try again through LIBPATH." ) ;
      #endif // DEBUG
      delete Speller, Speller = 0 ;
      Speller = new Dictionary ( "ISPELLER", DefaultLanguage ) ;
   } /* endif */
   if ( Speller->Available() ) {
      #ifdef DEBUG
         Log ( "Escriba::main: Adding dictionary object to extension list." ) ;
      #endif // DEBUG
      AddonList.Add ( Speller ) ;
   } else {
      #ifdef DEBUG
         Log ( "Escriba::main: Dictionary object could not be fully created." ) ;
      #endif // DEBUG
      delete Speller, Speller = 0 ;
   } /* endif */

   * Create the frame window.                                               *

   #ifdef DEBUG
      Log ( "Escriba::main: About to create the frame window." ) ;
   #endif // DEBUG

   FRAMECDATA FrameControlData ;
   FrameControlData.cb = sizeof(FrameControlData) ;
   FrameControlData.flCreateFlags =
      ( Trap ? 0 : FCF_SIZEBORDER | FCF_MINMAX ) ;
   FrameControlData.hmodResources = USHORT ( Library->QueryHandle() ) ;
   FrameControlData.idResources = ID_MAIN ;

   Window Frame ( HWND_DESKTOP, WC_FRAME, PSZ(Title),
      IniData.Animate ? WS_ANIMATE : 0,
      0, 0, 0, 0, HWND_DESKTOP, HWND_TOP, ID_MAIN,
      &FrameControlData, NULL ) ;

   if ( Frame.QueryHandle() == 0 ) {
      ERRORID Error = Sys_GetLastError ( Proc.QueryAnchor() ) ;
      ResourceString Format ( Library->QueryHandle(), IDS_ERROR_CREATEFRAME ) ;
      CHAR Message [200] ;
      sprintf ( Message, PCHAR(Format), Error ) ;
      Log ( "%s", Message ) ;
      CloseTimer() ;
      return ( 3 ) ;
   } /* endif */

   * Associate the help instance with the frame window.                     *

   Help->Associate ( Frame.QueryHandle() ) ;

   * Register the client window class.                                      *

   if ( !WinRegisterClass ( Proc.QueryAnchor(), PSZ(CLASS_NAME),
      MessageProcessor, CS_MOVENOTIFY, sizeof(PVOID) ) ) {
      ERRORID Error = Sys_GetLastError ( Proc.QueryAnchor() ) ;
      ResourceString Format ( Library->QueryHandle(), IDS_ERROR_WINREGISTERCLASS ) ;
      CHAR Message [200] ;
      sprintf ( Message, PCHAR(Format), CLASS_NAME, Error ) ;
      Log ( "%s", Message ) ;
      MessageBox ( HWND_DESKTOP, HWND_DESKTOP, PSZ(Message),
      CloseTimer() ;
      return ( 4 ) ;
   } /* endif */

   * Build the presentation parameters for the main window.                 *

   COLOR BackColor = IniData.fMainColors[0] ? IniData.MainColors[0] :
   ULONG ByteCounts[] = { sizeof(BackColor) } ;
   PUCHAR Params[] = { PUCHAR(&BackColor) } ;

   PPRESPARAMS PresParams = BuildPresParams ( sizeof(Ids)/sizeof(Ids[0]),
     Ids, ByteCounts, Params ) ;

   * Create client window.  If this fails, destroy frame and return.        *

   #ifdef DEBUG
      Log ( "Escriba::main: About to create the client window." ) ;
   #endif // DEBUG

   PARMS Parms ;
   Parms.Filler = 0 ;
   Parms.Library = Library ;
   Parms.Registration = & Registration ;
   Parms.IniFile = & IniFile ;
   Parms.IniData = & IniData ;
   Parms.Speller = Speller ;
   Parms.InitialPath = InitialPath ;
   Parms.argc = argc ;
   Parms.argv = argv ;
   Parms.Trap = Trap ;

   Window Client ( Frame.QueryHandle(), PSZ(CLASS_NAME), PSZ(""), WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS,
      0, 0, 0, 0, Frame.QueryHandle(), HWND_BOTTOM, FID_CLIENT, &Parms, PresParams ) ;

   free ( PresParams ) ;

   if ( Client.QueryHandle() == 0 ) {
      ERRORID Error = Sys_GetLastError ( Proc.QueryAnchor() ) ;
      ResourceString Format ( Library->QueryHandle(), IDS_ERROR_CREATECLIENT ) ;
      CHAR Message [200] ;
      sprintf ( Message, PCHAR(Format), Error ) ;
      Log ( "%s", Message ) ;
      MessageBox ( HWND_DESKTOP, HWND_DESKTOP, PSZ(Message),
      CloseTimer ( ) ;
      return ( 5 ) ;
   } /* endif */

   ((SHARED_MEMORY*)Memory.QueryMemory())->MainWindow = Client.QueryHandle() ;

   * Wait for and process messages to the window's queue.  Terminate        *
   *   when the WM_QUIT message is received.                                *

   #ifdef DEBUG
      Log ( "Escriba::main: About to enter the main message loop." ) ;
   #endif // DEBUG

   Sys_ProcessMessages ( Proc.QueryAnchor() ) ;

   * Discard all that had been requested of the system.                     *

   #ifdef DEBUG
      Log ( "Escriba::main: About to close the HR Timer." ) ;
   #endif // DEBUG

   CloseTimer ( ) ;

   * Invoke nearly all the destructors.                                     *

   #ifdef DEBUG
      Log ( "Escriba::main: Invoking most destructors." ) ;
   #endif // DEBUG

   } /* Invoke all destructors except the global ones. */

   * Invoke the remaining destructors.                                      *

   #ifdef DEBUG
      Log ( "Escriba::main: Clearing the addon list." ) ;
   #endif // DEBUG

   AddonList.Clear ( ) ;

   #ifdef DEBUG
      Log ( "Escriba::main: Clearing the file type list." ) ;
   #endif // DEBUG

   ClearFileTypeList ( ) ;

   #ifdef DEBUG
      Log ( "Escriba::main: Clearing the graphic type list." ) ;
   #endif // DEBUG

   ClearGraphicTypeList ( ) ;

   #ifdef DEBUG
      Log ( "Escriba::main: Destroying the help instance." ) ;
   #endif // DEBUG

   if ( Help ) delete Help ;

   #ifdef DEBUG
      Log ( "Escriba::main: Destroying the language library instance." ) ;
   #endif // DEBUG

   if ( Library ) delete Library ;

   * Check to see if any memory remains allocated.                          *

   #ifdef __DEBUG_ALLOC__
      Log ( "Escriba::main: Checking the heap." ) ;
      _dump_allocated ( 64 ) ;
      Log ( "Escriba::main: Program ended." ) ;
      fclose ( Logfile ) ;
      #ifdef DEBUG
         Log ( "Escriba::main: Program ended." ) ;
      #endif // DEBUG
   #endif // __DEBUG_ALLOC__

   * Discard the exception filter.                                          *


   * Terminate the process.                                                 *

   return ( 0 ) ;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void Profile::Copy ( Profile &Source ) {

   #ifdef __OS2__

      // If either profile isn't really open, return w/o doing anything at all.
      if ( !Handle || !Source.IsReady() ) {
         Log ( "Profile::Copy: Either the source or the target handle is invalid." ) ;
         return ;
      } /* endif */

      // Find out how much memory is needed to get the entire list of keys for this application.
      ULONG KeyListSize ;
      if ( !PrfQueryProfileSize ( Source.Handle, Source.QueryName(), 0, &KeyListSize ) ) {
         ERRORID Error = Sys_GetLastError ( 0 ) ;
         Log ( "Profile::Copy: Unable to query for the list of defined keys.  Status %08X.", Error ) ;
         return ;
      } /* endif */

      // Allocate memory to hold the key list.
      char *KeyList = new char [ ++KeyListSize ] ;
      if ( !KeyList ) {
         Log ( "Profile::Copy: Unable to allocate memory for the key list." ) ;
         return ;
      } /* endif */

      // Fetch the list of keys.
      if ( !PrfQueryProfileData ( Source.Handle, Source.QueryName(), 0, KeyList, &KeyListSize ) ) {
         ERRORID Error = Sys_GetLastError ( 0 ) ;
         Log ( "Profile::Copy: Unable to query for the key list.  Status %08X.", Error ) ;
         delete [] KeyList ;
         return ;
      } /* endif */

      // Scan the key list, copying the data to the new profile.
      char *Key = KeyList ;
      while ( *Key ) {
         ULONG ItemSize ;
         if ( !PrfQueryProfileSize ( Source.Handle, Source.QueryName(), Key, &ItemSize ) ) 
            break ;
         char *Item = new char [ ItemSize ] ;
         if ( !Item ) 
            break ;
         if ( !PrfQueryProfileData ( Source.Handle, Source.QueryName(), Key, Item, &ItemSize ) )  {
            delete [] Item ;
            break ;
         } /* endif */
         if ( !PrfWriteProfileData ( Handle, Name, Key, Item, ItemSize ) ) {
            delete [] Item ;
            break ;
         } /* endif */
         Key += strlen(Key) + 1 ;
      } /* endwhile */
      // Release the memory for the key list.
      delete [] KeyList ;

   #else // __NT__

      // We're not going to implement this one for now, as the only reason for it was
      //   to convert from MemSize 3.31's INI file to MemSize 4.00's file, and the Win32
      //   version had no version before 4.00.
      Source.QueryName ( ) ;

   #endif // __OS2__ vs __NT__

} /* endmethod */