Ejemplo n.º 1
 * sout_MuxDeleteStream:
void sout_MuxDeleteStream( sout_mux_t *p_mux, sout_input_t *p_input )
    int i_index;

    if( p_mux->b_waiting_stream
     && block_FifoCount( p_input->p_fifo ) > 0 )
        /* We stop waiting, and call the muxer for taking care of the data
         * before we remove this es */
        p_mux->b_waiting_stream = false;
        p_mux->pf_mux( p_mux );

    TAB_FIND( p_mux->i_nb_inputs, p_mux->pp_inputs, p_input, i_index );
    if( i_index >= 0 )
        p_mux->pf_delstream( p_mux, p_input );

        /* remove the entry */
        TAB_REMOVE( p_mux->i_nb_inputs, p_mux->pp_inputs, p_input );

        if( p_mux->i_nb_inputs == 0 )
            msg_Warn( p_mux, "no more input streams for this mux" );

        block_FifoRelease( p_input->p_fifo );
        es_format_Clean( &p_input->fmt );
        free( p_input );
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: record.c Proyecto: AsamQi/vlc
static int Del( sout_stream_t *p_stream, sout_stream_id_t *id )
    sout_stream_sys_t *p_sys = p_stream->p_sys;

    if( !p_sys->p_out )
        OutputStart( p_stream );

    if( id->p_first )
        block_ChainRelease( id->p_first );

    assert( !id->id || p_sys->p_out );
    if( id->id )
        sout_StreamIdDel( p_sys->p_out, id->id );

    es_format_Clean( &id->fmt );

    TAB_REMOVE( p_sys->i_id, p_sys->id, id );

    if( p_sys->i_id <= 0 )
        if( !p_sys->p_out )
            p_sys->b_drop = false;

    free( id );

    return VLC_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * sout_MuxAddStream:
sout_input_t *sout_MuxAddStream( sout_mux_t *p_mux, es_format_t *p_fmt )
    sout_input_t *p_input;

    if( !p_mux->b_add_stream_any_time && !p_mux->b_waiting_stream )
        msg_Err( p_mux, "cannot add a new stream (unsupported while muxing "
                        "to this format). You can try increasing sout-mux-caching value" );
        return NULL;

    msg_Dbg( p_mux, "adding a new input" );

    /* create a new sout input */
    p_input = malloc( sizeof( sout_input_t ) );
    if( !p_input )
        return NULL;
    p_input->p_fmt  = p_fmt;
    p_input->p_fifo = block_FifoNew();
    p_input->p_sys  = NULL;

    TAB_APPEND( p_mux->i_nb_inputs, p_mux->pp_inputs, p_input );
    if( p_mux->pf_addstream( p_mux, p_input ) < 0 )
        msg_Err( p_mux, "cannot add this stream" );
        TAB_REMOVE( p_mux->i_nb_inputs, p_mux->pp_inputs, p_input );
        block_FifoRelease( p_input->p_fifo );
        free( p_input );
        return NULL;

    return p_input;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static vlm_media_instance_t *libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance( libvlc_instance_t *p_instance,
                                                            char *psz_name, int i_minstance_idx,
                                                            libvlc_exception_t *p_exception )
    vlm_t *p_vlm;
    vlm_media_instance_t **pp_minstance;
    vlm_media_instance_t *p_minstance;
    int i_minstance;
    int64_t id;

    VLM_RET(p_vlm, NULL);

    if( vlm_Control( p_vlm, VLM_GET_MEDIA_ID, psz_name, &id ) ||
        vlm_Control( p_vlm, VLM_GET_MEDIA_INSTANCES, id, &pp_minstance, &i_minstance ) )
        libvlc_exception_raise( p_exception, "Unable to get %s instances", psz_name );
        return NULL;
    p_minstance = NULL;
    if( i_minstance_idx >= 0 && i_minstance_idx < i_minstance )
        p_minstance = pp_minstance[i_minstance_idx];
        TAB_REMOVE( i_minstance, pp_minstance, p_minstance );
    while( i_minstance > 0 )
        vlm_media_instance_Delete( pp_minstance[--i_minstance] );
    TAB_CLEAN( i_minstance, pp_minstance );
    return p_minstance;
    libvlc_exception_raise( p_exception, "VLM has been disabled in this libvlc." );
    return VLC_EGENERIC;
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: vlm.c Proyecto: Aakash-729/vlc
static vlm_media_instance_t *
libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance( libvlc_instance_t *p_instance,
                               const char *psz_name, int i_minstance_idx )
    vlm_t *p_vlm;
    vlm_media_instance_t **pp_minstance;
    vlm_media_instance_t *p_minstance;
    int i_minstance;
    int64_t id;

    VLM_RET(p_vlm, NULL);

    if( vlm_Control( p_vlm, VLM_GET_MEDIA_ID, psz_name, &id ) ||
        vlm_Control( p_vlm, VLM_GET_MEDIA_INSTANCES, id, &pp_minstance,
                     &i_minstance ) )
        libvlc_printerr( "%s: media instances not found", psz_name );
        return NULL;
    p_minstance = NULL;
    if( i_minstance_idx >= 0 && i_minstance_idx < i_minstance )
        p_minstance = pp_minstance[i_minstance_idx];
        TAB_REMOVE( i_minstance, pp_minstance, p_minstance );
    while( i_minstance > 0 )
        vlm_media_instance_Delete( pp_minstance[--i_minstance] );
    TAB_CLEAN( i_minstance, pp_minstance );
    return p_minstance;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Unsubscribe from the message queue.
 * This function waits for the message callback to return if needed.
void msg_Unsubscribe (msg_subscription_t *sub)
    msg_bank_t *bank = libvlc_bank (sub->instance);

    vlc_rwlock_wrlock (&bank->lock);
    TAB_REMOVE (bank->i_sub, bank->pp_sub, sub);
    vlc_rwlock_unlock (&bank->lock);
    free (sub);
Ejemplo n.º 7
static void Del( sout_stream_t *p_stream, sout_stream_id_sys_t *p_es )
    sout_stream_sys_t *p_sys = (sout_stream_sys_t *)p_stream->p_sys;

    if( p_es->id != NULL )
        sout_StreamIdDel( p_stream->p_next, p_es->id );

    TAB_REMOVE( p_sys->i_es_num, p_sys->pp_es, p_es );
    es_format_Clean( &p_es->fmt );
    free( p_es );
Ejemplo n.º 8
/** rtsp must be locked */
void RtspClientDel( rtsp_stream_t *rtsp, rtsp_session_t *session )
    int i;
    TAB_REMOVE( rtsp->sessionc, rtsp->sessionv, session );

    for( i = 0; i < session->trackc; i++ )
        rtp_del_sink( session->trackv[i].id, session->trackv[i].fd );

    free( session->trackv );
    free( session );
Ejemplo n.º 9
static int Del( sout_stream_t *p_stream, sout_stream_id_t *p_es )
    sout_stream_sys_t *p_sys = (sout_stream_sys_t *)p_stream->p_sys;
    sout_stream_id_t *id = p_es->id;

    TAB_REMOVE( p_sys->i_es_num, p_sys->pp_es, p_es );
    free( p_es );

    if ( id != NULL )
        return p_stream->p_next->pf_del( p_stream->p_next, id );
        return VLC_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 * Unsubscribe from the message queue.
 * This function waits for the message callback to return if needed.
void msg_Unsubscribe (msg_subscription_t *sub)
    msg_bank_t *bank = libvlc_bank (sub->instance);

    /* TODO: flush support? */
    vlc_cancel (sub->thread);
    vlc_mutex_lock (&bank->lock);
    TAB_REMOVE (bank->i_sub, bank->pp_sub, sub);
    vlc_mutex_unlock (&bank->lock);

    vlc_join (sub->thread, NULL);

    /* Free dangling (not flushed) messages. */
    /* NOTE: no locking, only this thread can refer to the subscription now. */
    while (sub->begin != sub->end)
        msg_Release (sub->items[sub->begin]);
        if (++sub->begin == VLC_MSG_QSIZE)
            sub->begin = 0;
    free (sub);
static vout_thread_t *RequestVout( input_resource_t *p_resource,
                                   vout_thread_t *p_vout,
                                   video_format_t *p_fmt, unsigned dpb_size,
                                   bool b_recycle )
    vlc_assert_locked( &p_resource->lock );

    if( !p_vout && !p_fmt )
        if( p_resource->p_vout_free )
            msg_Dbg( p_resource->p_vout_free, "destroying useless vout" );
            vout_CloseAndRelease( p_resource->p_vout_free );
            p_resource->p_vout_free = NULL;
        return NULL;

    if( p_fmt )
        /* */
        if( !p_vout && p_resource->p_vout_free )
            msg_Dbg( p_resource->p_parent, "trying to reuse free vout" );
            p_vout = p_resource->p_vout_free;

            p_resource->p_vout_free = NULL;
        else if( p_vout )
            assert( p_vout != p_resource->p_vout_free );

            vlc_mutex_lock( &p_resource->lock_hold );
            TAB_REMOVE( p_resource->i_vout, p_resource->pp_vout, p_vout );
            vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_resource->lock_hold );

        /* */
        vout_configuration_t cfg = {
		// sunqueen modify start
/*            .vout       =*/ p_vout,
/*            .input      =*/ VLC_OBJECT(p_resource->p_input),
/*            .change_fmt =*/ true,
/*            .fmt        =*/ p_fmt,
/*            .dpb_size   =*/ dpb_size,
		// sunqueen modify end
        p_vout = vout_Request( p_resource->p_parent, &cfg );
        if( !p_vout )
            return NULL;

        DisplayVoutTitle( p_resource, p_vout );

        vlc_mutex_lock( &p_resource->lock_hold );
        TAB_APPEND( (vout_thread_t **), p_resource->i_vout, p_resource->pp_vout, p_vout );			// sunqueen modify
        vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_resource->lock_hold );

        return p_vout;
Ejemplo n.º 12
static vout_thread_t *RequestVout( input_resource_t *p_resource,
                                   vout_thread_t *p_vout,
                                   video_format_t *p_fmt, unsigned dpb_size,
                                   bool b_recycle )
    vlc_assert_locked( &p_resource->lock );

    if( !p_vout && !p_fmt )
        if( p_resource->p_vout_free )
            msg_Dbg( p_resource->p_vout_free, "destroying useless vout" );
            vout_CloseAndRelease( p_resource->p_vout_free );
            p_resource->p_vout_free = NULL;
        return NULL;

    assert( p_resource->p_input );
    if( p_fmt )
        /* */
        if( !p_vout && p_resource->p_vout_free )
            msg_Dbg( p_resource->p_parent, "trying to reuse free vout" );
            p_vout = p_resource->p_vout_free;

            p_resource->p_vout_free = NULL;
        else if( p_vout )
            assert( p_vout != p_resource->p_vout_free );

            vlc_mutex_lock( &p_resource->lock_hold );
            TAB_REMOVE( p_resource->i_vout, p_resource->pp_vout, p_vout );
            vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_resource->lock_hold );

        /* */
        vout_configuration_t cfg = {
            .vout       = p_vout,
            .input      = VLC_OBJECT(p_resource->p_input),
            .change_fmt = true,
            .fmt        = p_fmt,
            .dpb_size   = dpb_size,
        p_vout = vout_Request( p_resource->p_parent, &cfg );
        if( !p_vout )
            return NULL;

        DisplayVoutTitle( p_resource, p_vout );

        vlc_mutex_lock( &p_resource->lock_hold );
        TAB_APPEND( p_resource->i_vout, p_resource->pp_vout, p_vout );
        vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_resource->lock_hold );

        return p_vout;
        assert( p_vout );

        vlc_mutex_lock( &p_resource->lock_hold );
        TAB_REMOVE( p_resource->i_vout, p_resource->pp_vout, p_vout );
        const int i_vout_active = p_resource->i_vout;
        vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_resource->lock_hold );

        if( p_resource->p_vout_free || i_vout_active > 0 || !b_recycle )
            if( b_recycle )
                msg_Dbg( p_resource->p_parent, "detroying vout (already one saved or active)" );
            vout_CloseAndRelease( p_vout );
            msg_Dbg( p_resource->p_parent, "saving a free vout" );
            vout_Flush( p_vout, 1 );
            vout_FlushSubpictureChannel( p_vout, -1 );

            vout_configuration_t cfg = {
                .vout       = p_vout,
                .input      = NULL,
                .change_fmt = false,
                .fmt        = NULL,
                .dpb_size   = 0,
            p_resource->p_vout_free = vout_Request( p_resource->p_parent, &cfg );
        return NULL;
static vout_thread_t *HoldVout( input_resource_t *p_resource )
    /* TODO FIXME: p_resource->pp_vout order is NOT stable */
    vlc_mutex_lock( &p_resource->lock_hold );

    vout_thread_t *p_vout = p_resource->i_vout > 0 ? p_resource->pp_vout[0] : NULL;
    if( p_vout )
        vlc_object_hold( p_vout );

    vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_resource->lock_hold );

    return p_vout;
Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: http.c Proyecto: cobr123/qtVlc
 * HandlerCallback:
 * call the external handler and parse vlc macros if Content-Type is HTML
int  HandlerCallback( httpd_handler_sys_t *p_args,
                          httpd_handler_t *p_handler, char *_p_url,
                          uint8_t *_p_request, int i_type,
                          uint8_t *_p_in, int i_in,
                          char *psz_remote_addr, char *psz_remote_host,
                          uint8_t **_pp_data, int *pi_data )
    VLC_UNUSED(p_handler); VLC_UNUSED(_p_in);
    char *p_url = (char *)_p_url;
    char *p_request = (char *)_p_request;
    char **pp_data = (char **)_pp_data;
    char *p_in = (char *)_p_in;
    int i_request = p_request != NULL ? strlen( p_request ) : 0;
    char *p;
    int i_env = 0;
    char **ppsz_env = NULL;
    char *psz_tmp;
    size_t i_buffer;
    char *p_buffer;
    char *psz_cwd, *psz_file = NULL;
    int i_ret;

    /* Create environment for the CGI */
    TAB_APPEND( i_env, ppsz_env, strdup("GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1") );
    TAB_APPEND( i_env, ppsz_env, strdup("SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1") );
    TAB_APPEND( i_env, ppsz_env, strdup("SERVER_SOFTWARE=VLC "VERSION) );

    switch( i_type )
    case HTTPD_MSG_GET:
        TAB_APPEND( i_env, ppsz_env, strdup("REQUEST_METHOD=GET") );
    case HTTPD_MSG_POST:
        TAB_APPEND( i_env, ppsz_env, strdup("REQUEST_METHOD=POST") );
    case HTTPD_MSG_HEAD:
        TAB_APPEND( i_env, ppsz_env, strdup("REQUEST_METHOD=HEAD") );

    if( i_request )
        if( -1==asprintf( &psz_tmp, "QUERY_STRING=%s", p_request ) )
            psz_tmp = NULL;
        TAB_APPEND( i_env, ppsz_env, psz_tmp );

        if( -1==asprintf( &psz_tmp, "REQUEST_URI=%s?%s", p_url, p_request ) )
            psz_tmp = NULL;
        TAB_APPEND( i_env, ppsz_env, psz_tmp );
        if( -1==asprintf( &psz_tmp, "REQUEST_URI=%s", p_url ) )
            psz_tmp = NULL;
        TAB_APPEND( i_env, ppsz_env, psz_tmp );

    if( -1==asprintf( &psz_tmp, "SCRIPT_NAME=%s", p_url ) )
        psz_tmp = NULL;
    TAB_APPEND( i_env, ppsz_env, psz_tmp );

#define p_sys p_args->file.p_intf->p_sys
    if( -1==asprintf( &psz_tmp, "SERVER_NAME=%s", p_sys->psz_address ) )
        psz_tmp = NULL;
    TAB_APPEND( i_env, ppsz_env, psz_tmp );

    if( -1==asprintf( &psz_tmp, "SERVER_PORT=%u", p_sys->i_port ) )
        psz_tmp = NULL;
    TAB_APPEND( i_env, ppsz_env, psz_tmp );
#undef p_sys

    p = getenv( "PATH" );
    if( p != NULL )
        if( -1==asprintf( &psz_tmp, "PATH=%s", p ) )
            psz_tmp = NULL;
        TAB_APPEND( i_env, ppsz_env, psz_tmp );

#ifdef WIN32
    p = getenv( "windir" );
    if( p != NULL )
        if( -1==asprintf( &psz_tmp, "SYSTEMROOT=%s", p ) )
            psz_tmp = NULL;
        TAB_APPEND( i_env, ppsz_env, psz_tmp );

    if( psz_remote_addr != NULL && *psz_remote_addr )
        if( -1==asprintf( &psz_tmp, "REMOTE_ADDR=%s", psz_remote_addr ) )
            psz_tmp = NULL;
        TAB_APPEND( i_env, ppsz_env, psz_tmp );

    if( psz_remote_host != NULL && *psz_remote_host )
        if( -1==asprintf( &psz_tmp, "REMOTE_HOST=%s", psz_remote_host ) )
            psz_tmp = NULL;
        TAB_APPEND( i_env, ppsz_env, psz_tmp );

    if( i_in )
        p = p_in;
        for ( ; ; )
            if( !strncasecmp( p, "Content-Type: ", strlen("Content-Type: ") ) )
                char *end = strchr( p, '\r' );
                if( end == NULL )
                *end = '\0';
                if( -1==asprintf( &psz_tmp, "CONTENT_TYPE=%s", p ) )
                    psz_tmp = NULL;
                TAB_APPEND( i_env, ppsz_env, psz_tmp );
                *end = '\r';
            if( !strncasecmp( p, "Content-Length: ",
                              strlen("Content-Length: ") ) )
                char *end = strchr( p, '\r' );
                if( end == NULL )
                *end = '\0';
                if( -1==asprintf( &psz_tmp, "CONTENT_LENGTH=%s", p ) )
                    psz_tmp = NULL;
                TAB_APPEND( i_env, ppsz_env, psz_tmp );
                *end = '\r';

            p = strchr( p, '\n' );
            if( p == NULL || p[1] == '\r' )
                p = NULL;

    psz_file = strrchr( p_args->file.file, DIR_SEP_CHAR );
    if( psz_file != NULL )
        if( -1==asprintf( &psz_tmp, "SCRIPT_FILENAME=%s", psz_file ) )
            psz_tmp = NULL;
        TAB_APPEND( i_env, ppsz_env, psz_tmp );

        TAB_APPEND( p_args->p_association->i_argc,
                    p_args->p_association->ppsz_argv, psz_file );

    TAB_APPEND( i_env, ppsz_env, NULL );

    TAB_APPEND( p_args->p_association->i_argc, p_args->p_association->ppsz_argv,
                NULL );

    psz_tmp = strdup( p_args->file.file );
    p = strrchr( psz_tmp, DIR_SEP_CHAR );
    if( p != NULL )
        *p = '\0';
        psz_cwd = psz_tmp;
        free( psz_tmp );
        psz_cwd = NULL;

    i_ret = vlc_execve( p_args->file.p_intf, p_args->p_association->i_argc,
                        p_args->p_association->ppsz_argv, ppsz_env, psz_cwd,
                        (char *)p_in, i_in, &p_buffer, &i_buffer );
    TAB_REMOVE( p_args->p_association->i_argc, p_args->p_association->ppsz_argv,
                NULL );
    TAB_REMOVE( p_args->p_association->i_argc, p_args->p_association->ppsz_argv,
                psz_file );
    free( psz_cwd );
    while( i_env )
        TAB_REMOVE( i_env, ppsz_env, ppsz_env[0] );

    if( i_ret == -1 )
        Callback404( (httpd_file_sys_t *)p_args, pp_data, pi_data );
        return VLC_SUCCESS;
    p = p_buffer;
    while( strncasecmp( p, "Content-Type: text/html",
                        strlen("Content-Type: text/html") ) )
        p = strchr( p, '\n' );
        if( p == NULL || p[1] == '\r' )
            p = NULL;

    if( p == NULL )
        *pp_data = p_buffer;
        *pi_data = i_buffer;
        ParseExecute( (httpd_file_sys_t *)p_args, p_buffer, i_buffer,
                      p_request, pp_data, pi_data );

        free( p_buffer );

    return VLC_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 * Run: main loop
static void Run( intf_thread_t *p_intf )
    intf_sys_t     *p_sys = p_intf->p_sys;
    struct timeval  timeout;
    char           *psz_password;

    psz_password = config_GetPsz( p_intf, "telnet-password" );

    while( !p_intf->b_die )
        fd_set fds_read, fds_write;
        int    i_handle_max = 0;
        int    i_ret, i_len, fd, i;

        /* if a new client wants to communicate */
        fd = net_Accept( p_intf, p_sys->pi_fd, p_sys->i_clients > 0 ? 0 : -1 );
        if( fd > 0 )
            telnet_client_t *cl;

            /* to be non blocking */
#if defined( WIN32 ) || defined( UNDER_CE )
                unsigned long i_dummy = 1;
                ioctlsocket( fd, FIONBIO, &i_dummy );
            fcntl( fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK );
            cl = malloc( sizeof( telnet_client_t ));
            cl->i_tel_cmd = 0;
            cl->fd = fd;
            cl->buffer_write = NULL;
            cl->p_buffer_write = cl->buffer_write;
            Write_message( cl, NULL, "Password: \xff\xfb\x01", WRITE_MODE_PWD );

            TAB_APPEND( p_sys->i_clients, p_sys->clients, cl );

        /* to do a proper select */
        FD_ZERO( &fds_read );
        FD_ZERO( &fds_write );

        for( i = 0 ; i < p_sys->i_clients ; i++ )
            telnet_client_t *cl = p_sys->clients[i];

            if( cl->i_mode == WRITE_MODE_PWD || cl->i_mode == WRITE_MODE_CMD )
                FD_SET( cl->fd , &fds_write );
                FD_SET( cl->fd , &fds_read );
            i_handle_max = __MAX( i_handle_max, cl->fd );

        timeout.tv_sec = 0;
        timeout.tv_usec = 500*1000;

        i_ret = select( i_handle_max + 1, &fds_read, &fds_write, 0, &timeout );
        if( i_ret == -1 && errno != EINTR )
            msg_Warn( p_intf, "cannot select sockets" );
            msleep( 1000 );
        else if( i_ret <= 0 )

        /* check if there is something to do with the socket */
        for( i = 0 ; i < p_sys->i_clients ; i++ )
            telnet_client_t *cl = p_sys->clients[i];

            if( FD_ISSET(cl->fd , &fds_write) && cl->i_buffer_write > 0 )
                i_len = send( cl->fd , cl->p_buffer_write ,
                              cl->i_buffer_write , 0 );
                if( i_len > 0 )
                    cl->p_buffer_write += i_len;
                    cl->i_buffer_write -= i_len;
            else if( FD_ISSET( cl->fd, &fds_read) )
                int i_end = 0;
                int i_recv;

                while( (i_recv=recv( cl->fd, cl->p_buffer_read, 1, 0 )) > 0 &&
                       cl->p_buffer_read - cl->buffer_read < 999 )
                    switch( cl->i_tel_cmd )
                    case 0:
                        switch( *(uint8_t *)cl->p_buffer_read )
                        case '\r':
                        case '\n':
                            *cl->p_buffer_read = '\n';
                            i_end = 1;
                        case TEL_IAC: // telnet specific command
                            cl->i_tel_cmd = 1;
                    case 1:
                        switch( *(uint8_t *)cl->p_buffer_read )
                        case TEL_WILL: case TEL_WONT:
                        case TEL_DO: case TEL_DONT:
                            cl->i_tel_cmd = 0;
                    case 2:
                        cl->i_tel_cmd = 0;
                        cl->p_buffer_read -= 2;

                    if( i_end != 0 ) break;

                if( cl->p_buffer_read - cl->buffer_read == 999 )
                    Write_message( cl, NULL, "Line too long\r\n",
                                   cl->i_mode + 2 );

                if( i_recv == 0  || ( i_recv == -1 &&  errno != EAGAIN && errno != 0 ) )
                    net_Close( cl->fd );
                    TAB_REMOVE( p_intf->p_sys->i_clients ,
                                p_intf->p_sys->clients , cl );
                    free( cl );

        /* and now we should bidouille the data we received / send */
        for( i = 0 ; i < p_sys->i_clients ; i++ )
            telnet_client_t *cl = p_sys->clients[i];

            if( cl->i_mode >= WRITE_MODE_PWD && cl->i_buffer_write == 0 )
               // we have finished to send
               cl->i_mode -= 2; // corresponding READ MODE
            else if( cl->i_mode == READ_MODE_PWD &&
                     *cl->p_buffer_read == '\n' )
                *cl->p_buffer_read = '\0';
                if( strcmp( psz_password, cl->buffer_read ) == 0 )
                    Write_message( cl, NULL, "\xff\xfc\x01\r\nWelcome, "
                                   "Master\r\n> ", WRITE_MODE_CMD );
                    /* wrong password */
                    Write_message( cl, NULL,
                                   "\r\nWrong password.\r\nPassword: "******"logout", 6 ) ||
                    !strncmp( cl->buffer_read, "quit", 4 )  ||
                    !strncmp( cl->buffer_read, "exit", 4 ) )
                    net_Close( cl->fd );
                    TAB_REMOVE( p_intf->p_sys->i_clients ,
                                p_intf->p_sys->clients , cl );
                    free( cl );
                else if( !strncmp( cl->buffer_read, "shutdown", 8 ) )
                    msg_Err( p_intf, "shutdown requested" );
                    p_intf->p_vlc->b_die = VLC_TRUE;
                    vlm_message_t *message;

                    /* create a standard string */
                    *cl->p_buffer_read = '\0';

                    vlm_ExecuteCommand( p_sys->mediatheque, cl->buffer_read,
                                        &message );
                    Write_message( cl, message, NULL, WRITE_MODE_CMD );
                    vlm_MessageDelete( message );
Ejemplo n.º 15
 * Add:
static sout_stream_id_sys_t * Add( sout_stream_t *p_stream, const es_format_t *p_fmt )
    sout_stream_sys_t *p_sys = p_stream->p_sys;
    sout_stream_id_sys_t  *id;
    int i;

    /* search a compatible output */
    for( i = 0; i < p_sys->i_id; i++ )
        id = p_sys->id[i];
        if( id->b_used )

        if( id->fmt.i_cat != p_fmt->i_cat || id->fmt.i_codec != p_fmt->i_codec )

        if( id->fmt.i_cat == AUDIO_ES )
            audio_format_t *p_a = &id->fmt.audio;
            if( p_a->i_rate != p_fmt->audio.i_rate ||
                    p_a->i_channels != p_fmt->audio.i_channels ||
                    p_a->i_blockalign != p_fmt->audio.i_blockalign )
        else if( id->fmt.i_cat == VIDEO_ES )
            video_format_t *p_v = &id->fmt.video;
            if( p_v->i_width != p_fmt->video.i_width ||
                    p_v->i_height != p_fmt->video.i_height )

        /* */
        msg_Dbg( p_stream, "reusing already opened output" );
        id->b_used = true;
        id->b_streamswap = true;
        return id;

    /* destroy all outputs from the same category */
    for( i = 0; i < p_sys->i_id; i++ )
        id = p_sys->id[i];
        if( !id->b_used && id->fmt.i_cat == p_fmt->i_cat )
            TAB_REMOVE( p_sys->i_id, p_sys->id, id );
            sout_StreamIdDel( p_stream->p_next, id->id );
            es_format_Clean( &id->fmt );
            free( id );

            i = 0;

    msg_Dbg( p_stream, "creating new output" );
    id = malloc( sizeof( sout_stream_id_sys_t ) );
    if( id == NULL )
        return NULL;
    es_format_Copy( &id->fmt, p_fmt );
    id->b_streamswap     = false;
    id->b_used           = true;
    id->id               = sout_StreamIdAdd( p_stream->p_next, &id->fmt );
    if( id->id == NULL )
        free( id );
        return NULL;
    TAB_APPEND( p_sys->i_id, p_sys->id, id );

    return id;