Ejemplo n.º 1
char * GetAfniWebDownloader(void)
   static char *ate=NULL;
   ate = getenv("AFNI_WEB_DOWNLOADER");

   if( ate ) return ate;
   /* else, hunt */
   if( ate == NULL ) if (THD_find_executable( "curl" )) ate = "curl -O -f" ;
   if( ate == NULL ) ate = THD_find_executable( "wget" )   ;

Ejemplo n.º 2
char * GetAfniImageViewer(void)
   static char *ate=NULL;
   ate = getenv("AFNI_IMAGE_VIEWER");

   if( ate ) return ate;
   /* else, hunt */
   if( ate == NULL ) ate = THD_find_executable( "Preview" )   ;
   if( ate == NULL ) ate = THD_find_executable( "aiv" )   ;

Ejemplo n.º 3
char * GetAfniWebBrowser(void)
   static char *awb=NULL;
   awb = getenv("AFNI_WEB_BROWSER") ;
#ifdef DARWIN
   if( awb == NULL ) awb = "open" ;  /* for Mac OS X */
   if( awb == NULL ) awb = THD_find_executable( "chrome" )   ;
   if( awb == NULL ) awb = THD_find_executable( "firefox" )  ;
   if( awb == NULL ) awb = THD_find_executable( "mozilla" )  ;
   if( awb == NULL ) awb = THD_find_executable( "netscape" ) ;
   if( awb == NULL ) awb = THD_find_executable( "opera" )    ;
Ejemplo n.º 4
char * GetAfniTextEditor(void)
   char *ate=NULL;
   ate = getenv("AFNI_GUI_EDITOR");
   if( ate == NULL ) ate = THD_find_executable( "nedit" )   ;
   if( ate == NULL ) ate = THD_find_executable( "kedit" )   ;
   if( ate == NULL ) ate = THD_find_executable( "gedit" )   ;
   if( ate == NULL ) ate = THD_find_executable( "kwrite" )   ;
#ifdef DARWIN
   if( ate == NULL ) ate = "open -t" ;  /* for Mac OS X */
Ejemplo n.º 5
char * GetAfniPDFViewer(void)
   static char *ate=NULL;
   ate = getenv("AFNI_PDF_VIEWER");

   if( ate ) return ate;
   /* else, hunt */
   if( ate == NULL ) ate = THD_find_executable( "Preview" )   ;
   if( ate == NULL ) ate = THD_find_executable( "evince" )   ;
   if( ate == NULL ) ate = THD_find_executable( "acroread" )   ;
   if( ate == NULL ) ate = GetAfniWebBrowser()   ; /* last resort? */

Ejemplo n.º 6
int mri_write_png( char *fname , MRI_IMAGE *im )  /* 11 Dec 2006 */
   char *pg , *pgfilt ;
   FILE *fp ;

   if( fname == NULL || *fname == '\0' || im == NULL ) return 0 ;
   if( im->kind != MRI_rgb && im->kind != MRI_byte   ) return 0 ;

   if( STRING_HAS_SUFFIX_CASE(fname,".jpg") ){  /* 07 Dec 2007 */
     RETURN( mri_write_jpg(fname,im) ) ;

   pg = THD_find_executable( "pnmtopng" ) ; if( pg == NULL ) return 0 ;
   pgfilt = (char *)malloc( sizeof(char)*(strlen(pg)+strlen(fname)+32) ) ;
   sprintf( pgfilt , "%s -compression 9 > %s" , pg , fname ) ;
#ifndef CYGWIN
   signal( SIGPIPE , SIG_IGN ) ;
   fp = popen( pgfilt , "w" ) ;
   if( fp == NULL ){ free((void *)pgfilt); return 0; }

   if( im->kind == MRI_rgb ){
     fprintf(fp,"P6\n%d %d\n255\n" , im->nx,im->ny ) ;
     fwrite( MRI_RGB_PTR(im), sizeof(byte), 3*im->nvox, fp ) ;
   } else if( im->kind == MRI_byte ){
     fprintf(fp,"P5\n%d %d\n255\n" , im->nx,im->ny ) ;
     fwrite( MRI_BYTE_PTR(im), sizeof(byte), im->nvox, fp ) ;
   (void) pclose(fp) ; free((void *)pgfilt) ; return 1 ;
Ejemplo n.º 7
/*! Find afni's bin directory if it exists.
    If not, NULL is returned.  If it exists, a pointer to the path is returned.
    Do free it with free()
char * THD_abindir (byte withslash) 
   char *afr = NULL, *af=NULL;
   int  nn = 0, N_afni=strlen("afni");
   THD_string_array *elist=NULL;
   if (!(elist = get_elist()) ||
       !(af = THD_find_executable("afni"))) {
      ERROR_message("Could not find afni, we're doomed daddy!");
   /* remove afni from the end to get the path */
   nn = strlen(af);
   if (strcmp(af+nn-N_afni,"afni")) {
      ERROR_message("This should not be (%s)!", af+nn-N_afni);
   afr = strdup(af);
   /* remove slash */
   while ( (nn=strlen(afr)-1) && afr[nn] == '/') 
      afr[nn] = '\0';

   if (withslash) {
      afr[nn] = '/'; afr[nn+1]='\0';
Ejemplo n.º 8
void view_prog_help(char *prog)
   char *viewer=NULL, *hname=NULL;
   char *progname=NULL;
   if (!prog) return;
   if (!(progname = THD_find_executable(prog))) {
      ERROR_message("Could not find executable %s.\n",
   if (!(viewer = GetAfniTextEditor())) {
      ERROR_message("No GUI editor defined, and guessing game failed.\n"
              "Set AFNI_GUI_EDITOR in your .afnirc for this option to work.\n"); 
   hname = get_updated_help_file(0, 0, progname, -1);
   if (hname[0]=='\0') { /* failed, no help file ... */
      ERROR_message("No help file for %s\n", progname);
   if (!(view_text_file(hname))) {
      ERROR_message("Failed to view %s\n", hname);
Ejemplo n.º 9
char *web_prog_help_link(char *prog, int style)
   char *progname=NULL;
   static char weblinka[10][1024]={""}, *weblink;
   static int n;
   ++n; if (n>9) n = 0;
   weblink = (char *)weblinka[n]; weblink[0]='\0';
   if (!prog) return(weblink);
   if (!strcmp(prog,"ALL")) {
      if (style == 0) {
      } else {
         /* Nothing yet, return old */
   } else {
      if (!(progname = THD_find_executable(prog))) {
         ERROR_message("Could not find executable %s.\n",

      if (style == 0) {
      } else {
         /* Nothing yet, return old */
Ejemplo n.º 10
int mri_write_jpg( char *fname , MRI_IMAGE *im )  /* 15 Apr 2005 */
   char *pg , *jpfilt, *eee ;
   FILE *fp ;
   int jpeg_compress;

   if( fname == NULL || *fname == '\0' || im == NULL ) return 0 ;
   if( im->kind != MRI_rgb && im->kind != MRI_byte   ) return 0 ;

   if( STRING_HAS_SUFFIX_CASE(fname,".png") ){  /* 07 Dec 2007 */
     RETURN( mri_write_png(fname,im) ) ;

   pg = THD_find_executable( "cjpeg" ) ;
   if( pg == NULL ) return 0 ;
   /* user environment variable compression quality - mod 5/10/2006 drg */
   eee = my_getenv("AFNI_JPEG_COMPRESS");
     jpeg_compress = strtod(eee, NULL);
     if((jpeg_compress<=0) || (jpeg_compress>100)) jpeg_compress = 95;
   else jpeg_compress = 95;

   jpfilt = (char *)malloc( sizeof(char)*(strlen(pg)+strlen(fname)+32) ) ;
   sprintf( jpfilt , "%s -quality %d > %s" , pg , jpeg_compress, fname ) ;
#ifndef CYGWIN
   signal( SIGPIPE , SIG_IGN ) ;
   fp = popen( jpfilt , "w" ) ;
   if( fp == NULL ){ free((void *)jpfilt); return 0; }

   if( im->kind == MRI_rgb ){
     fprintf(fp,"P6\n%d %d\n255\n" , im->nx,im->ny ) ;
     fwrite( MRI_RGB_PTR(im), sizeof(byte), 3*im->nvox, fp ) ;
   } else if( im->kind == MRI_byte ){
     fprintf(fp,"P5\n%d %d\n255\n" , im->nx,im->ny ) ;
     fwrite( MRI_BYTE_PTR(im), sizeof(byte), im->nvox, fp ) ;
   (void) pclose(fp) ; free((void *)jpfilt) ; return 1 ;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void AFNI_display_hist( Widget w )
#define NBUF 1024
   static char *cmd=NULL ;
   char buf[NBUF+1] , *all=NULL ;
   int nbuf         , nall=0 ;
   FILE *fp ;

   /*-- get the path to the command to run --*/

   if( cmd == NULL ){
     char *pg = THD_find_executable("afni_history") ;
     if( pg == NULL || *pg == '\0' ){
       (void)MCW_popup_message( w ,
                                  " \n"
                                  " Can't find afni_history \n"
                                  " program in your PATH!!! \n" ,
                                MCW_USER_KILL | MCW_TIMER_KILL ) ;
       XtSetSensitive(w,False) ; return ;
     cmd = (char *)calloc( sizeof(char) , (64+strlen(pg)) ) ;
     sprintf(cmd,"%s -reverse",pg) ;

   /*-- open a pipe to read from the command --*/

   fp = popen( cmd , "r" );
   if( fp == NULL ){
     (void)MCW_popup_message( w ,
                              " \n"
                              " Can't run afni_history\n"
                              " program for some reason!\n" ,
                                MCW_USER_KILL | MCW_TIMER_KILL ) ;
     return ;

   /*-- read the first bunch of data fromt the pipe --*/

   nbuf = fread( buf , 1 , NBUF , fp ) ;
   if( nbuf < 16 || *buf == '\0' ){
     (void)MCW_popup_message( w ,
                              " \n"
                              " afni_history program\n"
                              " fails to give output!\n" ,
                              MCW_USER_KILL | MCW_TIMER_KILL ) ;
     return ;

   /*-- store this initial string in 'all' --*/

   buf[nbuf] = '\0' ; all = strdup(buf) ; nall = strlen(all) ;

   /*-- loop: read buffer, copy into 'all', until nothing left to read --*/

     nbuf = fread( buf , 1 , NBUF , fp ) ;
     if( nbuf <= 0 ){ pclose(fp); break; }  /* read failed ==> done */
     buf[nbuf] = '\0' ;
     all = realloc( all , nall+nbuf+2 ) ;
     strcat(all,buf) ; nall = strlen(all) ;
   } while(1) ;

   /*-- display results in a window, and exeunt omnes --*/

   (void)new_MCW_textwin( w , all , 1 ) ;

   free(all) ; return ;
Ejemplo n.º 12
char * AFNI_make_update_script(void)
   char *pg_ftp , *pg_afni , *pg_gzip , *pg_tar ;
   char hbuf[4096], fname[128], adir[4096], *cpt, cwd[4096] ;
   FILE *fp ;
   static char sname[4096] ;

   pg_ftp  = THD_find_executable("ftp" ); if( pg_ftp  == NULL ) return NULL;
   pg_afni = THD_find_executable("afni"); if( pg_afni == NULL ) return NULL;
   pg_gzip = THD_find_executable("gzip");
      if( pg_gzip == NULL ) pg_gzip = THD_find_executable("pigz") ;
      if( pg_gzip == NULL ) return NULL;
   pg_tar  = THD_find_executable("tar" ); if( pg_tar  == NULL ) return NULL;

   strcpy(adir,pg_afni) ;                /* extract name of AFNI directory */
   cpt = THD_trailname(adir,0) ;
   *cpt = '\0' ;
   if( strlen(adir) <= 0 ) return NULL ; /* no AFNI directory? */

   strcpy( cwd , adir ) ;                /* try to write a test file there */
   strcat( cwd , "afni_qadgop" ) ;
   fp = fopen( cwd , "a" ) ;
   if( fp == NULL ) return NULL ;        /* can't write to AFNI directory? */
   fclose(fp) ; remove(cwd) ;

   getcwd( cwd , 4096 ) ;   /* get current directory for later use */
   chdir( adir ) ;          /* switch to AFNI directory for this work */

   /* write a script to get and install the binary archive via FTP */

   gethostname( hbuf , 4096 ) ;
   strcpy( fname , SHSHSH(SHOWOFF) ) ; strcat( fname , ".tgz" ) ;
   fp = fopen( SNAME , "w" ) ; if( fp == NULL ){ chdir(cwd); return NULL; }
   fprintf( fp ,
            "echo '++ FTP-ing %s from afni.nimh.nih.gov'\n"
            "%s -n afni.nimh.nih.gov << EEEEE\n"   /* FTP to get file */
            "user anonymous AFNI_UPDATER@%s\n"
            "cd tgz\n"
            "get %s\n"
            "echo '++ Unpacking %s'\n"
            "%s -dc %s | %s xf -\n"      /* uncompress and untar .tgz file */
            "/bin/rm -f %s\n"            /* delete .tgz file */
            "echo '++ Moving files'\n"
            "/bin/mv -f %s/* .\n"        /* move untar-ed files up to here */
            "/bin/rm -rf %s\n"           /* remove any directory leftovers */
            "echo '++ Finished'\n" ,
            fname ,                 /* filename to get (for 'FTP-ing' echo) */
            pg_ftp ,                /* FTP program */
            hbuf ,                  /* hostname, for FTP password */
            fname ,                 /* filename to get (for FTP) */
            fname ,                 /* ditto (for 'Unpacking' echo) */
            pg_gzip, fname, pg_tar, /* GZIP program, filename, TAR program */
            fname ,                 /* filename to delete */
            SHSHSH(SHOWOFF) ,       /* directory to copy up */
            SHSHSH(SHOWOFF)         /* directory to delete */
          ) ;
   fclose( fp ) ;
   chmod( SNAME , S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR ) ; /* mark as executable */

   /* get back to current working directory, then leave */

   chdir(cwd) ;
   sprintf(sname,"%s%s",adir,SNAME) ; return sname ;