Ejemplo n.º 1
static void
thunar_uca_provider_child_watch (GPid     pid,
                                 gint     status,
                                 gpointer user_data)
  ThunarUcaProvider *uca_provider = THUNAR_UCA_PROVIDER (user_data);
  ThunarVfsMonitor  *monitor;
  ThunarVfsPath     *path;


  /* verify that we still have a valid child_watch_path */
  if (G_LIKELY (uca_provider->child_watch_path != NULL))
      /* determine the corresponding ThunarVfsPath */
      path = thunar_vfs_path_new (uca_provider->child_watch_path, NULL);
      if (G_LIKELY (path != NULL))
          /* schedule a changed notification on the path */
          monitor = thunar_vfs_monitor_get_default ();
          thunar_vfs_monitor_feed (monitor, THUNAR_VFS_MONITOR_EVENT_CHANGED, path);
          g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (monitor));

          /* release the ThunarVfsPath */
          thunar_vfs_path_unref (path);

  /* need to cleanup */
  g_spawn_close_pid (pid);

Ejemplo n.º 2
static void
thunar_uca_provider_child_watch_destroy (gpointer  user_data,
                                         GClosure *closure)
  ThunarUcaProvider *uca_provider = THUNAR_UCA_PROVIDER (user_data);
  GClosure          *child_watch;

  /* leave if the closure is not the one we're watching */
  if (uca_provider->child_watch == closure
      || closure == NULL)
      /* reset child watch and path */
      if (G_UNLIKELY (uca_provider->child_watch != NULL))
          child_watch = uca_provider->child_watch;
          uca_provider->child_watch = NULL;

          g_closure_invalidate (child_watch);
          g_closure_unref (child_watch);

      g_free (uca_provider->child_watch_path);
      uca_provider->child_watch_path = NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void
thunar_uca_provider_child_watch_destroy (gpointer user_data)
  ThunarUcaProvider *uca_provider = THUNAR_UCA_PROVIDER (user_data);

  /* reset child watch id and path */
  g_free (uca_provider->child_watch_path);
  uca_provider->child_watch_path = NULL;
  uca_provider->child_watch_id = -1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void
thunar_uca_provider_finalize (GObject *object)
  ThunarUcaProvider *uca_provider = THUNAR_UCA_PROVIDER (object);

  /* give up maintaince of any pending child watch */
  thunar_uca_provider_child_watch_destroy (uca_provider, NULL);

  /* drop our reference on the model */
  g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (uca_provider->model));

  (*G_OBJECT_CLASS (thunar_uca_provider_parent_class)->finalize) (object);
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void
thunar_uca_provider_finalize (GObject *object)
  ThunarUcaProvider *uca_provider = THUNAR_UCA_PROVIDER (object);
  GSource           *source;

  /* give up maintaince of any pending child watch */
  if (G_UNLIKELY (uca_provider->child_watch_id >= 0))
      /* reset the callback function to g_spawn_close_pid() so the plugin can be
       * safely unloaded and the child will still not become a zombie afterwards.
       * This also resets the child_watch_id and child_watch_path properties.
      source = g_main_context_find_source_by_id (NULL, uca_provider->child_watch_id);
      g_source_set_callback (source, (GSourceFunc) g_spawn_close_pid, NULL, NULL);

  /* drop our reference on the model */
  g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (uca_provider->model));

  (*G_OBJECT_CLASS (thunar_uca_provider_parent_class)->finalize) (object);
Ejemplo n.º 6
static GList*
thunar_uca_provider_get_file_actions (ThunarxMenuProvider *menu_provider,
                                      GtkWidget           *window,
                                      GList               *files)
  GtkTreeRowReference *row;
  ThunarUcaProvider   *uca_provider = THUNAR_UCA_PROVIDER (menu_provider);
  ThunarUcaContext    *uca_context = NULL;
  GtkTreeIter          iter;
  GtkAction           *action;
  GList               *actions = NULL;
  GList               *paths;
  GList               *lp;
  gchar               *stock_id;
  gchar               *tooltip;
  gchar               *label;
  gchar               *name;

  paths = thunar_uca_model_match (uca_provider->model, files);
  for (lp = g_list_last (paths); lp != NULL; lp = lp->prev)
      /* try to lookup the tree iter for the specified tree path */
      if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter (GTK_TREE_MODEL (uca_provider->model), &iter, lp->data))
          /* determine the label, tooltip and stock-id for the item */
          gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (uca_provider->model), &iter,
                              THUNAR_UCA_MODEL_COLUMN_NAME, &label,
                              THUNAR_UCA_MODEL_COLUMN_STOCK_ID, &stock_id,
                              THUNAR_UCA_MODEL_COLUMN_DESCRIPTION, &tooltip,

          /* generate a unique action name */
          name = g_strdup_printf ("ThunarUca::action-%d", ++uca_provider->last_action_id);

          /* create the new action with the given parameters */
          action = gtk_action_new (name, label, tooltip, stock_id);

          /* grab a tree row reference on the given path */
          row = gtk_tree_row_reference_new (GTK_TREE_MODEL (uca_provider->model), lp->data);
          g_object_set_qdata_full (G_OBJECT (action), thunar_uca_row_quark, row,
                                   (GDestroyNotify) gtk_tree_row_reference_free);

          /* allocate a new context on-demand */
          if (G_LIKELY (uca_context == NULL))
            uca_context = thunar_uca_context_new (window, files);
            uca_context = thunar_uca_context_ref (uca_context);
          g_object_set_qdata_full (G_OBJECT (action), thunar_uca_context_quark, uca_context, (GDestroyNotify) thunar_uca_context_unref);

          /* connect the "activate" signal */
          g_signal_connect_data (G_OBJECT (action), "activate", G_CALLBACK (thunar_uca_provider_activated),
                                 g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (uca_provider)), (GClosureNotify) g_object_unref,

          /* add the action to the return list */
          actions = g_list_prepend (actions, action);

          /* cleanup */
          g_free (stock_id);
          g_free (tooltip);
          g_free (label);
          g_free (name);

      /* release the tree path */
      gtk_tree_path_free (lp->data);
  g_list_free (paths);

  return actions;