Ejemplo n.º 1
void smeMAP_Render(smeMap* map, s16 x, s16 y, u16 w, u16 h)
    u16 mx = smeMOD(x, map->Width);
    u16 my = smeMOD(y, map->Height);
    u16 px = smeMOD(x, smePLAN_WIDTH);
    u16 py = smeMOD(y, smePLAN_HEIGHT);
    u16 mxs[6];
    u16 pxs[6];    
    u16 nx = 0;
    smeMAP_Slice(mxs, pxs, &nx, mx, px, w, map->Width, smePLAN_WIDTH);
    u16 mys[6];
    u16 pys[6];    
    u16 ny = 0;
    smeMAP_Slice(mys, pys, &ny, my, py, h, map->Height, smePLAN_HEIGHT);
    u16 i, j;
    for (j=0 ; j<ny ; j+=2)
        u16 hs = pys[j+1];
        for (i=0 ; i<nx ; i+=2)
            u16 ws = pxs[i+1];
            VDP_setMapEx(VDP_PLAN_A, map->PlaneA->Data, TILE_ATTR(0, 0, 0, 0), pxs[i], pys[j], mxs[i], mys[j], ws, hs); 
            VDP_setMapEx(VDP_PLAN_B, map->PlaneB->Data, TILE_ATTR(1, 1, 0, 0), pxs[i], pys[j], mxs[i], mys[j], ws, hs); 
Ejemplo n.º 2
//Character selection menu
//@Fix glitchy BG screen and display of Arrow
void ChrselMenu()
    Sprite sprites[1];  //Sprite struct

    DrawBG(0);          //Cls
    DrawBG(8);          //Draw "How many players" BG
    InitMenu(1,0,0,3,_FALSE);   //Init a 2 item Menu

    //Setup the arrow sprite
    SPR_init(16);   //Sprite tile cache of 16 tiles

    // !@ Screws up
    SPR_initSprite(&sprites[0], &SPR_Arrow, 271, 266, TILE_ATTR(MISCPAL,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE));      //Init the Arrow Sprite
    VDP_setPalette(MISCPAL, SPR_Arrow.palette->data);                                              //Init pal OBJPAL to Arrow pal

    echo_play_sfx(SFX_13);              //"How many players are going to play today?"
    JOY_setEventHandler( &BtnHMenu );   //Setup joy handler to HMenu type
    //While no items are selected
    while (SItem==0)
        //If 1 player hilighted
        if ((HItem==1) && (Trig==_FALSE))
            SPR_setPosition(&sprites[0],271,266);   //Set new arrow position
            SPR_update(sprites, 1);                 //Update it
            SPR_setPosition(&sprites[0],311, 266);
            SPR_update(sprites, 1);


    //@Toggle amt of players as appropriately
    if (SItem==1)

    SPR_setPosition(&sprites[0],-128, -128);    //@Kill sprite
    SPR_update(sprites, 1);                     //Update it
    SPR_end;                                    //Kill sprite engine

    echo_wait_sfx(SFX_10);                      //"Let us play some hockey!"
Ejemplo n.º 3
void explosion_terrain_new ( u16 x, u16 y )
   u16 aux = _find();
   u16 sprite = sd_new();

   expTerrains[aux].timeout = EXPLOSION_TERRAIN_COUNTER;
   expTerrains[aux].sprite  = sprite;

   SPR_initSprite(&sprites[sprite], &leo, x*8*2, y*8*2, TILE_ATTR(PAL3, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE));
   SPR_setAnim(&sprites[sprite], EXPLOSION_TERRAIN_SPRITE_POS );
Ejemplo n.º 4
frameSprite_* getFrameSprite(unsigned char *image8bpp, int wi, int x, int y, int w, int h)
    int i, j;
    int p, pal;
    int index;
    unsigned int tile[8];
    frameSprite_* result;
    tileset_* tileset;

    // get palette for this sprite
    pal = getTile(image8bpp, tile, 0, 0, wi * 8);
    // error retrieving tile --> return NULL
    if (pal == -1) return NULL;

    // allocate tileset
    tileset = createTileSet(malloc(w * h * 32), 0);

    for(i = 0; i < w; i++)
        for(j = 0; j < h; j++)
            p = getTile(image8bpp, tile, i + x, j + y, wi * 8);

            // error retrieving tile --> return NULL
            if (p == -1)
                return NULL;
            // different palette in VDP same sprite --> error
            if (p != pal)
                printf("Error: Sprite at position (%d,%d) of size [%d,%d] reference different palette.", x, y, w, h);
                return NULL;

            index = addTile(tile, tileset, FALSE);
            // error adding new tile --> return NULL
            if (index == -1)
                return NULL;

    // allocate result
    result = malloc(sizeof(frameSprite_));
    // always first index as we
    result->ind = 0;
    result->attr = TILE_ATTR(pal, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
    // initialized afterward
    result->x = 0;
	result->y = 0;
    result->w = w;
    result->h = h;
	result->tileset = tileset;

    return result;