Ejemplo n.º 1
void TM_ILI9341_DrawFilledCircle(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t r, uint16_t color)

	int16_t f = 1 - r;
	int16_t ddF_x = 1;
	int16_t ddF_y = -2 * r;
	int16_t x = 0;
	int16_t y = r;

    TM_ILI9341_DrawPixel(x0, y0 + r, color);
    TM_ILI9341_DrawPixel(x0, y0 - r, color);
    TM_ILI9341_DrawPixel(x0 + r, y0, color);
    TM_ILI9341_DrawPixel(x0 - r, y0, color);
    TM_ILI9341_DrawLine(x0 - r, y0, x0 + r, y0, color);

    while (x < y) {
        if (f >= 0) {
            ddF_y += 2;
            f += ddF_y;
        ddF_x += 2;
        f += ddF_x;

        TM_ILI9341_DrawLine(x0 - x, y0 + y, x0 + x, y0 + y, color);
        TM_ILI9341_DrawLine(x0 + x, y0 - y, x0 - x, y0 - y, color);

        TM_ILI9341_DrawLine(x0 + y, y0 + x, x0 - y, y0 + x, color);
        TM_ILI9341_DrawLine(x0 + y, y0 - x, x0 - y, y0 - x, color);

Ejemplo n.º 2
void TM_ILI9341_DrawFilledBrokenCircle (int poX, int poY, int r, uint16_t color)
    //int poX = -100;
    // int poY = 120;
    //int r = 150;

    int x = -r, y = 0, err = 2-2*r, e2;
        uint8_t draw = 1;
        int x_min_x = poX-x;
        if (poX-x < 0)
            draw = 0;
        //x_min_x = 0;

        int y_min_y = poY-y;
        if (poY-y < 0)
            y_min_y  = 0;

        int x_plus_x = poX+x;
        if (x_plus_x > 320)
            draw = 0;
        //x_plus_x = 320;

        int hght = y_min_y+2*y;
        if (hght > 240)
            hght = 240;

        if (draw)
            //drawVerticalLine(poX-x, poY-y, 2*y, color);
            TM_ILI9341_DrawLine(x_min_x, y_min_y, x_min_x, hght, color);
            //drawVerticalLine(poX+x, poY-y, 2*y, color);
            if (x_plus_x > 0)
                TM_ILI9341_DrawLine(x_plus_x, y_min_y, x_plus_x, hght, color);
        e2 = err;
        if (e2 <= y)
            err += ++y*2+1;
            if (-x == y && e2 <= x) e2 = 0;
        if (e2 > x) err += ++x*2+1;
    while (x <= 0);

Ejemplo n.º 3
int main(void) {
	/* Initialize system */
	/* Initialize ILI9341 */
	/* Rotate LCD for 90 degrees */
	/* Fill lcd with color */
	/* Draw white circle */
	TM_ILI9341_DrawCircle(60, 60, 40, ILI9341_COLOR_GREEN);
	/* Draw red filled circle */
	TM_ILI9341_DrawFilledCircle(60, 60, 35, ILI9341_COLOR_RED);
	/* Draw blue rectangle */
	TM_ILI9341_DrawRectangle(120, 20, 220, 100, ILI9341_COLOR_BLUE);
	/* Draw black filled circle */
	TM_ILI9341_DrawFilledRectangle(130, 30, 210, 90, ILI9341_COLOR_BLACK);
	/* Draw line with custom color 0x0005 */
	TM_ILI9341_DrawLine(10, 120, 310, 120, 0x0005);
	/* Put string with black foreground color and blue background with 11x18px font */
	TM_ILI9341_Puts(65, 130, "STM32F4 Discovery", &TM_Font_11x18, ILI9341_COLOR_BLACK, ILI9341_COLOR_BLUE2);
	/* Put string with black foreground color and blue background with 11x18px font */
	TM_ILI9341_Puts(60, 150, "ILI9341 LCD Module", &TM_Font_11x18, ILI9341_COLOR_BLACK, ILI9341_COLOR_BLUE2);
	/* Put string with black foreground color and red background with 11x18px font */
	TM_ILI9341_Puts(45, 229, "stm32f4-discovery.com", &TM_Font_7x10, ILI9341_COLOR_BLACK, ILI9341_COLOR_ORANGE);

	while (1) {
Ejemplo n.º 4
void printGraphsLCD(int* accelData, int analogIn) {
	// Only draw if it is time to do so
	//if (TM_DELAY_Time() > 1) {
		TM_ILI9341_Puts(30, 60, lcdstr, &TM_Font_11x18, ILI9341_COLOR_YELLOW, ILI9341_COLOR_BLACK);

		// Draw 3 accel graphs on top half of the screen
		int ax = 80 + accelData[0]*40/4096;
		int ay = 80 + accelData[1]*40/4096;
		int az = 80 + accelData[2]*40/4096;
		axprev = ax;
		ayprev = ay;
		azprev = az;
		// Draw vertical line
		// Draw strain graph on bottom half
		int strain = 180 + analogIn*140/4096;
		strainprev = strain;
		// Move x coord
		if(xpix > 239) {
			xpix = 1;
			// Clear whole screen
		// Reset timer
	//	TM_DELAY_SetTime(0);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void TM_ILI9341_DrawFilledRectangle(uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t color)
	for (; y0 < y1; y0++) {
		TM_ILI9341_DrawLine(x0, y0, x1, y0, color);
Ejemplo n.º 6
void TM_ILI9341_DrawRectangle(uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t color) {
	TM_ILI9341_DrawLine(x0, y0, x1, y0, color); //Top
	TM_ILI9341_DrawLine(x0, y0, x0, y1, color);	//Left
	TM_ILI9341_DrawLine(x1, y0, x1, y1, color);	//Right
	TM_ILI9341_DrawLine(x0, y1, x1, y1, color);	//Bottom
Ejemplo n.º 7
void ekran(int nr){
	case 1:
		//Rotate LCD for 90 degrees
		//FIll lcd with color
		//Draw white circle
		//TM_ILI9341_DrawCircle(0, 0, 10, ILI9341_COLOR_GREEN);
		//Draw red filled circle
		TM_ILI9341_DrawFilledCircle(60, 40, 35, ILI9341_COLOR_RED);
		//Draw blue rectangle
		//TM_ILI9341_DrawRectangle(120, 20, 220, 100, ILI9341_COLOR_BLUE);
		//Draw black filled rectangle
		TM_ILI9341_DrawFilledRectangle(70, 200, 160, 240, ILI9341_COLOR_RED);
		TM_ILI9341_Puts(85, 215, "START", &TM_Font_11x18, ILI9341_COLOR_BLACK, ILI9341_COLOR_RED);
		//Draw line with custom color 0x0005
		TM_ILI9341_DrawLine(20, 120, 220, 120, 0x0005);
		//Put string with black foreground color and blue background with 11x18px font
		TM_ILI9341_Puts(40, 110, " STEP DRIVER ", &TM_Font_11x18, ILI9341_COLOR_BLACK, ILI9341_COLOR_ORANGE);
		//Put string with black foreground color and blue background with 11x18px font
		TM_ILI9341_Puts(10, 140, "Press START to begin", &TM_Font_11x18, ILI9341_COLOR_BLACK, ILI9341_COLOR_ORANGE);
		//Put string with black foreground color and red background with 11x18px font
		TM_ILI9341_Puts(1, 310, "LB", &TM_Font_7x10, ILI9341_COLOR_BLACK, ILI9341_COLOR_ORANGE);
	case 2:
		//Rotate LCD for 90 degrees
		//FIll lcd with color
		//Draw blue rectangle
		//TM_ILI9341_DrawRectangle(120, 20, 220, 100, ILI9341_COLOR_BLUE);
		//Draw black filled rectangle
		TM_ILI9341_DrawFilledRectangle(10, 10, 50, 210, ILI9341_COLOR_WHITE);
		TM_ILI9341_DrawFilledRectangle(70, 10, 110, 210, ILI9341_COLOR_WHITE);
		TM_ILI9341_DrawFilledRectangle(130, 10, 170, 210, ILI9341_COLOR_WHITE);
		TM_ILI9341_DrawFilledRectangle(10, 220, 50, 260, ILI9341_COLOR_RED);
		TM_ILI9341_Puts(15, 230, "STOP", &TM_Font_7x10, ILI9341_COLOR_BLACK, ILI9341_COLOR_RED);
		TM_ILI9341_DrawFilledRectangle(70, 220, 110, 260, ILI9341_COLOR_RED);
		TM_ILI9341_Puts(75, 230, "STOP", &TM_Font_7x10, ILI9341_COLOR_BLACK, ILI9341_COLOR_RED);
		TM_ILI9341_DrawFilledRectangle(130, 220, 170, 260, ILI9341_COLOR_RED);
		TM_ILI9341_Puts(135, 230, "STOP", &TM_Font_7x10, ILI9341_COLOR_BLACK, ILI9341_COLOR_RED);
		TM_ILI9341_DrawFilledRectangle(10, 270, 50, 310, ILI9341_COLOR_YELLOW);
		TM_ILI9341_Puts(15, 280, "CW", &TM_Font_7x10, ILI9341_COLOR_BLACK, ILI9341_COLOR_YELLOW);
		TM_ILI9341_DrawFilledRectangle(70, 270, 110, 310, ILI9341_COLOR_YELLOW);
		TM_ILI9341_Puts(75, 280, "CW", &TM_Font_7x10, ILI9341_COLOR_BLACK, ILI9341_COLOR_YELLOW);
		TM_ILI9341_DrawFilledRectangle(130, 270, 170, 310, ILI9341_COLOR_YELLOW);
		TM_ILI9341_Puts(135, 280, "CW", &TM_Font_7x10, ILI9341_COLOR_BLACK, ILI9341_COLOR_YELLOW);
		TM_ILI9341_DrawFilledRectangle(180, 100, 235, 125, ILI9341_COLOR_BLUE);
		TM_ILI9341_Puts(185, 105, "FULL", &TM_Font_11x18, ILI9341_COLOR_WHITE, ILI9341_COLOR_BLUE);
		TM_ILI9341_DrawFilledRectangle(180, 130, 235, 155, ILI9341_COLOR_WHITE);
		TM_ILI9341_Puts(185, 135, "1/2", &TM_Font_11x18, ILI9341_COLOR_BLACK, ILI9341_COLOR_WHITE);
		TM_ILI9341_DrawFilledRectangle(180, 160, 235, 185, ILI9341_COLOR_WHITE);
		TM_ILI9341_Puts(185, 165, "1/4", &TM_Font_11x18, ILI9341_COLOR_BLACK, ILI9341_COLOR_WHITE);
		TM_ILI9341_DrawFilledRectangle(180, 190, 235, 215, ILI9341_COLOR_WHITE);
		TM_ILI9341_Puts(185, 195, "1/8", &TM_Font_11x18, ILI9341_COLOR_BLACK, ILI9341_COLOR_WHITE);
		TM_ILI9341_DrawFilledRectangle(180, 220, 235, 245, ILI9341_COLOR_WHITE);
		TM_ILI9341_Puts(185, 225, "1/16", &TM_Font_11x18, ILI9341_COLOR_BLACK, ILI9341_COLOR_WHITE);
		TM_ILI9341_DrawFilledRectangle(180, 260, 235, 315, ILI9341_COLOR_MAGENTA);
		TM_ILI9341_Puts(185, 280, "DOWN", &TM_Font_11x18, ILI9341_COLOR_BLACK, ILI9341_COLOR_MAGENTA);
		//Rotate LCD for 90 degrees
		//FIll lcd with color
		//Draw white circle
		//TM_ILI9341_DrawCircle(0, 0, 10, ILI9341_COLOR_GREEN);
		//Draw red filled circle
		TM_ILI9341_DrawFilledCircle(60, 60, 35, ILI9341_COLOR_RED);
		//Draw blue rectangle
		//TM_ILI9341_DrawRectangle(120, 20, 220, 100, ILI9341_COLOR_BLUE);
		//Draw black filled rectangle
		TM_ILI9341_DrawFilledRectangle(120, 200, 220, 230, ILI9341_COLOR_RED);