Ejemplo n.º 1
action_gui GUI_whichbutton(int x, int y, SDL_Surface * pscreen, struct vdIn *videoIn)
    int nbutton, retval;
    FIXED scaleh = TO_FIXED(pscreen->h) / (videoIn->height + 32);
    int nheight = FROM_FIXED(scaleh * videoIn->height);
    if (y < nheight)
        return (A_VIDEO);
    nbutton = FROM_FIXED(scaleh * 32);
    /* 8 buttons across the screen, corresponding to 0-7 extand to 16*/
    retval = (x * 16) / (pscreen->w);
    /* Bottom half of the button denoted by flag|0x10 */
    if (y > (nheight + (nbutton / 2)))
        retval |= 0x10;
    return ((action_gui) retval);
void Effects_Buffer::apply_config()
    int i;

    if ( !bufs_size )

    s.treble = TO_FIXED( config_.treble );

    bool echo_dirty = false;

    fixed_t old_feedback = s.feedback;
    s.feedback = TO_FIXED( config_.feedback );
    if ( !old_feedback && s.feedback )
        echo_dirty = true;

    // delays
    for ( i = stereo; --i >= 0; )
        long delay = config_.delay [i] * sample_rate() / 1000 * stereo;
        delay = max( delay, long (max_read * stereo) );
        delay = min( delay, long (echo_size - max_read * stereo) );
        if ( s.delay [i] != delay )
            s.delay [i] = delay;
            echo_dirty = true;

    // side channels
    for ( i = 2; --i >= 0; )
        chans [i+2].cfg.vol = chans [i].cfg.vol = config_.side_chans [i].vol * 0.5f;
        chans [i+2].cfg.pan = chans [i].cfg.pan = config_.side_chans [i].pan;

    // convert volumes
    for ( i = chans.size(); --i >= 0; )
        chan_t& ch = chans [i];
        ch.vol [0] = TO_FIXED( ch.cfg.vol - ch.cfg.vol * ch.cfg.pan );
        ch.vol [1] = TO_FIXED( ch.cfg.vol + ch.cfg.vol * ch.cfg.pan );
        if ( ch.cfg.surround )
            ch.vol [0] = -ch.vol [0];


    // set side channels
    for ( i = chans.size(); --i >= 0; )
        chan_t& ch = chans [i];
        ch.channel.left  = chans [ch.cfg.echo*2  ].channel.center;
        ch.channel.right = chans [ch.cfg.echo*2+1].channel.center;

    bool old_echo = !no_echo && !no_effects;

    // determine whether effects and echo are needed at all
    no_effects = true;
    no_echo    = true;
    for ( i = chans.size(); --i >= extra_chans; )
        chan_t& ch = chans [i];
        if ( ch.cfg.echo && s.feedback )
            no_echo = false;

        if ( ch.vol [0] != TO_FIXED( 1 ) || ch.vol [1] != TO_FIXED( 1 ) )
            no_effects = false;
    if ( !no_echo )
        no_effects = false;

    if (    chans [0].vol [0] != TO_FIXED( 1 ) ||
            chans [0].vol [1] != TO_FIXED( 0 ) ||
            chans [1].vol [0] != TO_FIXED( 0 ) ||
            chans [1].vol [1] != TO_FIXED( 1 ) )
        no_effects = false;

    if ( !config_.enabled )
        no_effects = true;

    if ( no_effects )
        for ( i = chans.size(); --i >= 0; )
            chan_t& ch = chans [i];
            ch.channel.center = &bufs [2];
            ch.channel.left   = &bufs [0];
            ch.channel.right  = &bufs [1];

    mixer.bufs [0] = &bufs [0];
    mixer.bufs [1] = &bufs [1];
    mixer.bufs [2] = &bufs [2];

    if ( echo_dirty || (!old_echo && (!no_echo && !no_effects)) )

void Effects_Buffer::assign_buffers()
    // assign channels to buffers
    int buf_count = 0;
    for ( int i = 0; i < (int) chans.size(); i++ )
        // put second two side channels at end to give priority to main channels
        // in case closest matching is necessary
        int x = i;
        if ( i > 1 )
            x += 2;
        if ( x >= (int) chans.size() )
            x -= (chans.size() - 2);
        chan_t& ch = chans [x];

        int b = 0;
        for ( ; b < buf_count; b++ )
            if (    ch.vol [0] == bufs [b].vol [0] &&
                    ch.vol [1] == bufs [b].vol [1] &&
                    (ch.cfg.echo == bufs [b].echo || !s.feedback) )

        if ( b >= buf_count )
            if ( buf_count < bufs_max )
                bufs [b].vol [0] = ch.vol [0];
                bufs [b].vol [1] = ch.vol [1];
                bufs [b].echo    = ch.cfg.echo;
                // TODO: this is a mess, needs refinement
                dprintf( "Effects_Buffer ran out of buffers; using closest match\n" );
                b = 0;
                fixed_t best_dist = TO_FIXED( 8 );
                for ( int h = buf_count; --h >= 0; )
#define CALC_LEVELS( vols, sum, diff, surround ) \
					fixed_t sum, diff;\
					bool surround = false;\
						fixed_t vol_0 = vols [0];\
						if ( vol_0 < 0 ) vol_0 = -vol_0, surround = true;\
						fixed_t vol_1 = vols [1];\
						if ( vol_1 < 0 ) vol_1 = -vol_1, surround = true;\
						sum  = vol_0 + vol_1;\
						diff = vol_0 - vol_1;\
                    CALC_LEVELS( ch.vol,       ch_sum,  ch_diff,  ch_surround );
                    CALC_LEVELS( bufs [h].vol, buf_sum, buf_diff, buf_surround );

                    fixed_t dist = abs( ch_sum - buf_sum ) + abs( ch_diff - buf_diff );

                    if ( ch_surround != buf_surround )
                        dist += TO_FIXED( 1 ) / 2;

                    if ( s.feedback && ch.cfg.echo != bufs [h].echo )
                        dist += TO_FIXED( 1 ) / 2;

                    if ( best_dist > dist )
                        best_dist = dist;
                        b = h;

        //dprintf( "ch %d->buf %d\n", x, b );
        ch.channel.center = &bufs [b];
Ejemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	struct tap tapfile;
	struct wav wavfile;
	FILE *infile;
	long pulse;
	long i;
	fixedpoint len, accum;
	long channels[2];
	int wave[2];
	int sample;
	getopts(argc, argv);
	if (invert) {
		wave[0] = LOW;
		wave[1] = HIGH;
	} else {
		wave[0] = HIGH;
		wave[1] = LOW;
	if (optind == argc) {
		infile = stdin;
	} else if (optind == argc - 1) {
		if (!strcmp(argv[optind], "-")) {
			infile = stdin;
		} else {
			infile = fopen(argv[optind], "rb");
			if (!infile) {
				return 1;
	} else {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: too many arguments\n", argv0);
		return 1;
	if (tap_read_header(&tapfile, infile)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: error reading TAP file\n", argv0);
		return 1;
	wavfile.SampleRate = samplerate;
	wavfile.BitsPerSample = 8;
	wavfile.NumChannels = 1;
	if (wav_write_header(&wavfile, stdout)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: error writing WAV file\n", argv0);
		return 1;
	filter_init(&lowpass_filter, lowpass_freq, wavfile.SampleRate);
#if 0
	/* put one initial sample so the first pulse is recognized */
	channels[0] = wave[1];
	wav_put_sample(&wavfile, channels);
	accum = TO_FIXED(1.5);
	accum = TO_FIXED(2);
	while ((pulse = tap_get_pulse(&tapfile)) >= 0) {
		//fprintf(stderr, "pulse: %6ld (%04lx)\n", pulse, pulse);
		//if (pulse < 8*256)
		len = TO_FIXED(((double)pulse * samplerate / PAL_MHZ / speed / 1000000));

		if (len < TO_FIXED(2)) {
			fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning: pulse length (%ld) is less than 2 samples\n", argv0, pulse);
#if 0
		accum = FIXED_F(len + accum);
		len += accum;
		accum = FIXED_F(len);
#if 0
		fprintf(stderr, "%ld.%03ld 0.%03ld \n",
		        FIXED_F(len) * 1000 / FIXED_ONE,
		        FIXED_F(accum) * 1000 / FIXED_ONE);
		for (i = 0; i < FIXED_I(len) / 2 - 1; ++i) {
			channels[0] = filter_lowpass(&lowpass_filter, wave[0]) << 16;
			wav_put_sample(&wavfile, channels);
		for (; i < FIXED_I(len) - 2; ++i) {
			channels[0] = filter_lowpass(&lowpass_filter, wave[1]) << 16;
			wav_put_sample(&wavfile, channels);
#if 0
		channels[0] = FIXED_MUL(wave[1], accum) +
		              FIXED_MUL(wave[0], FIXED_ONE - accum);
		wav_put_sample(&wavfile, channels);
		sample = FIXED_MUL(wave[1], accum);
		channels[0] = filter_lowpass(&lowpass_filter, sample) << 16;
		wav_put_sample(&wavfile, channels);
		sample -= wave[1];
		channels[0] = filter_lowpass(&lowpass_filter, sample) << 16;
		wav_put_sample(&wavfile, channels);
	return 0;