Ejemplo n.º 1
 *  \brief Print a string directly to the output stream of a module.
 *  \param xModId            Input. The module associated with the target output stream.
 *  \param pcStringToDisplay Input. The string to print.
void v_shell_Print_String_To_Requester_Stream( eModId xModId,
                                               const signed portCHAR *pcStringToDisplay )
   switch( xModId )
      case SYS_MODID_USB:
         TRACE_COM2((char *)"Unimplemented stream redirection (from fscmds to USB)");
      default: // SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN
         TRACE_COM2((char *) "Unexpected stream redirection");
Ejemplo n.º 2
/*! \brief Release a system mutex.
 *  \param xSemaphore   A handle to the semaphore being released.
 *  \return pdTRUE if the semaphore was released. pdFALSE if an error occurred.
portBASE_TYPE x_supervisor_SemaphoreGive( xSemaphoreHandle xSemaphore )
   if( ( 0 != u8IsMaintenanceRequired ) && ( false == bOutOfMaintenance ) )
      // If we have to enter in the maintenance mode, do not release the mutex.
      // => this mutex is now the property of the supervisor.

      // If all mutexes have been acquired, switch to maintenance mode.
      if( ( SUPERVISOR_MAINTENANCE_NBMUTEX_TOTAKE +1 ) == u8IsMaintenanceRequired )
         fat_cache_flush(); // Flush the FAT cache.
         nav_reset();       // Reset all file system navigators. We will mount
                            // the com1shell default drive when we'll leave the
                            // maintenance mode.
         // Switch to maintenance mode.
         xSemaphoreGive( xUSBMutex );

         // If the USB clock is frozen, unfreeze it so that we can write in the
         // USB registers. The USB clock is frozen if a "Device Suspend" event
         // occurred (no more USB activity detected) (cf. usb_general_interrupt()).
         if(true == Is_usb_clock_frozen())
         // If it is not already detached, physically detach the USB device.
         if(false == Is_usb_detached())
         vTaskDelay(500); // Wait 500ms
         Usb_attach();     // Reconnect the device.

         bIsInMaintenance = true;
         u8IsMaintenanceRequired = 0;
         TRACE_COM2( "Entering maintenance mode");
         vMMI_SetUserMenuMode( eUserMenuWaitHost, pdTRUE );
      return( pdTRUE );
      return( xSemaphoreGive( xSemaphore ) );
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * \brief Release the semaphores and change the MMI user menu mode.
static void prv_v_common_leave_UsbDevice_mode( void )
   // Take the USB mutex.
   xSemaphoreGive( xUSBMutex ); // Release it in case the USB module didn't
   // Then take it back.
   // NOTE: we have to use xSemaphoreTake() rather than x_supervisor_xSemaphoreTake()
   // or we'll get a rejection(cf x_supervisor_xSemaphoreTake() implementation).
   if( pdFALSE == xSemaphoreTake( xUSBMutex, 0 ) )
      TRACE_COM2( "Unexpected SemaphoreTake( xUSBMutex ) failure!!!" );

   // Release all system mutexes except the xUSBMutex.
   xSemaphoreGive( xLOGMutex );
   xSemaphoreGive( xSHELLFSMutex );
   xSemaphoreGive( xCFGMutex );
   xSemaphoreGive( xWEBMutex );

   vMMI_SetUserMenuMode(eUserMenuIdle, pdTRUE);
Ejemplo n.º 4
/*! \brief WEB server main task
 *         check for incoming connection and process it
portTASK_FUNCTION( vBasicWEBServer, pvParameters )
  struct netconn  *pxHTTPListener, *pxNewConnection;
  portCHAR        token[6];
  portSHORT       TaskIdx;
  portLONG        err_count;

  /* initialize current nb connection */
  sCurrentNbHTTPConn = 0;
  vSemaphoreCreateBinary( xMutexNbHTTPConn );

  x_default_page_len = strlen( pcDefaultPage );

  /* HTTP configuration. */
  // Get the xCFGMutex.
  if( pdFALSE == x_supervisor_SemaphoreTake( xCFGMutex, 0 ) )
    // Failed to get the CFG mutex, use the default HTTP config.
    webHttpPort = webHTTP_PORT;
  // Mutex has been taken
    // get the field value for port number
    if (config_file_get_value(HTTP_CONFIG_FILE, "port" , token) >= 0)
      sscanf(token, "%u", &webHttpPort);
    // if it does not exist, use the default value
      webHttpPort = webHTTP_PORT;
    // Release the xCFGMutex.
    x_supervisor_SemaphoreGive( xCFGMutex );

  // Create a new tcp connection handle
  pxHTTPListener = netconn_new( NETCONN_TCP );
  netconn_bind(pxHTTPListener, NULL, webHttpPort );
  netconn_listen( pxHTTPListener );
  // Loop forever
  for( ;; )
#if ( (LWIP_VERSION) == ((1U << 24) | (3U << 16) | (2U << 8) | (LWIP_VERSION_RC)) )
    /* Wait for a first connection. */
    pxNewConnection = netconn_accept(pxHTTPListener);
    while(netconn_accept(pxHTTPListener, &pxNewConnection) != ERR_OK)
		vTaskDelay( webSHORT_DELAY );
    if(pxNewConnection != NULL)
      /* read the nb of connection, no need to use Mutex */
      while( webHTTP_NB_CONN == sCurrentNbHTTPConn )
        vTaskDelay( webSHORT_DELAY );

      // Take the xWEBMutex if there are no active connections.
      if( 0 == sCurrentNbHTTPConn )
         if( pdFALSE == x_supervisor_SemaphoreTake( xWEBMutex, 0 ) )
            prvweb_SendErrorPage( pxNewConnection, 503, "", "AVR32 UC3 Web server under maintenance." );
            // Close the connection.
            vTaskDelay( 50 );
            err_count = 4;
            while( netconn_close( pxNewConnection ) != ERR_OK )
               if (--err_count == 0) break;
               vTaskDelay( webSHORT_DELAY );
            err_count = 4;
            while( netconn_delete( pxNewConnection ) != ERR_OK )
               if (--err_count == 0) break;
               vTaskDelay( webSHORT_DELAY );

      // Find an available spot in the tTaskHandle[] array.
      // We're sure to find one because sCurrentNbHTTPConn < webHTTP_NB_CONN.
      TaskIdx = 0;
      while( NULL != tTaskHandle[TaskIdx] ) TaskIdx++;

      while( xSemaphoreTake(xMutexNbHTTPConn , portMAX_DELAY ) != pdTRUE );
      // Release the mutex.
      xSemaphoreGive( xMutexNbHTTPConn );

      // TRACE_COM2( "nb http conn:%d",sCurrentNbHTTPConn );

      if( xTaskCreate( prvweb_ProcessSingleConnection,
                                ( signed portCHAR * )"WCONN",
                                webHTTP_CONNECTION_STACK_SIZE, pxNewConnection,
                                &tTaskHandle[TaskIdx] ) != pdPASS)
          TRACE_COM2( "xTaskCreate() alloc error" );

          /* delete connection */
          err_count = 4;
          while( netconn_close( pxNewConnection ) != ERR_OK )
            if (--err_count == 0) break;
            vTaskDelay( webSHORT_DELAY );
          err_count = 4;
          while( netconn_delete( pxNewConnection ) != ERR_OK )
            if (--err_count == 0) break;
            vTaskDelay( webSHORT_DELAY );

          while( xSemaphoreTake(xMutexNbHTTPConn , portMAX_DELAY ) != pdTRUE );
          // Release the xWEBMutex if there are no active connections.
          if( 0 == sCurrentNbHTTPConn )
             x_supervisor_SemaphoreGive( xWEBMutex );
          // Release the mutex.
          xSemaphoreGive( xMutexNbHTTPConn );
      }// end if task not created
    }// end if new connection

  }// end infinite loop
Ejemplo n.º 5
 *  \brief The switch-to-maintenance-mode command: initiate the process to \n
 *         switch to maintenance mode.
 *         Format: maintain
 *  \note  This function must be of the type pfShellCmd defined by the shell module.
 *  \param xModId         Input. The module that is calling this function.
 *  \param FsNavId        Ignored.
 *  \param ac             Ignored.
 *  \param av             Ignored.
 *  \param ppcStringReply Input/Output. The response string.
 *                        If Input is NULL, no response string will be output.
 *                        Else a malloc for the response string is performed here;
 *                        the caller must free this string.
 *  \return the status of the command execution.
eExecStatus e_supervisor_switch_to_maintenance_mode( eModId xModId,
                              signed short FsNavId,
                              int ac, signed portCHAR *av[],
                              signed portCHAR **ppcStringReply )
   if( NULL != ppcStringReply )
      *ppcStringReply = NULL;

   if( ( false == bIsInMaintenance )
       && ( 0 == u8IsMaintenanceRequired ) )
   {   // We're not in maintenance mode.
      // Initiate the process of switching to maintenance mode.
      if( 0 == u8IsMaintenanceRequired )   u8IsMaintenanceRequired++;

      // Take all maintenance mutex except the USB mutex.
      if( true == x_supervisor_SemaphoreTake( xLOGMutex, 0 ) )       u8IsMaintenanceRequired++;
      if( true == x_supervisor_SemaphoreTake( xWEBMutex, 0 ) )       u8IsMaintenanceRequired++;
      if( true == x_supervisor_SemaphoreTake( xSHELLFSMutex, 0 ) )   u8IsMaintenanceRequired++;
      if( true == x_supervisor_SemaphoreTake( xCFGMutex, 0 ) )       u8IsMaintenanceRequired++;

      // If all mutexes have been acquired, switch to maintenance mode.
      if( ( SUPERVISOR_MAINTENANCE_NBMUTEX_TOTAKE +1 ) == u8IsMaintenanceRequired )
         fat_cache_flush(); // flush the FAT cache.
         nav_reset();       // Reset all file system navigators. We will mount
                            // the com1shell default drive when we'll leave the
                            // maintenance mode.
         // Switch to maintenance mode.
         xSemaphoreGive( xUSBMutex );

         // If the USB clock is frozen, unfreeze it so that we can write in the
         // USB registers.
         if(true == Is_usb_clock_frozen())
         // If it is not akready detached, physically detach the USB device.
         if(false == Is_usb_detached())
         vTaskDelay(500); // Wait 500ms
         Usb_attach();     // Reconnect the device.

         bIsInMaintenance = true;
         u8IsMaintenanceRequired = 0;
         TRACE_COM2( "Entering maintenance mode");
         vMMI_SetUserMenuMode( eUserMenuWaitHost, pdTRUE );
      // ELSE: we'll switch to maintenance mode in x_supervisor_SemaphoreGive()
      // (when the mutex(es) that we couldn't get will be released).
      NAKED_TRACE_COM2( "Won't go to maintenance mode:"CRLF"bIsInMaintenance=%d u8CurrentUsbRole=%d u8IsMaintenanceRequired=%d", bIsInMaintenance, u8CurrentUsbRole, u8IsMaintenanceRequired );
