Ejemplo n.º 1
/* Monitor timesteps and use interpolation to output at integer multiples of 0.1 */
static PetscErrorCode Monitor(TS ts,PetscInt step,PetscReal t,Vec X,void *ctx)
  PetscErrorCode    ierr;
  const PetscScalar *x;
  PetscReal         tfinal, dt;
  User              user = (User)ctx;
  Vec               interpolatedX;

  ierr = TSGetTimeStep(ts,&dt);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = TSGetDuration(ts,NULL,&tfinal);CHKERRQ(ierr);

  while (user->next_output <= t && user->next_output <= tfinal) {
    ierr = VecDuplicate(X,&interpolatedX);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = TSInterpolate(ts,user->next_output,interpolatedX);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = VecGetArrayRead(interpolatedX,&x);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"[%.1f] %D TS %.6f (dt = %.6f) X % 12.6e % 12.6e\n",
    ierr = VecRestoreArrayRead(interpolatedX,&x);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    ierr = VecDestroy(&interpolatedX);CHKERRQ(ierr);
    user->next_output += 0.1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: ex4.c Proyecto: 00liujj/petsc
PetscErrorCode Monitor(TS ts,PetscInt step,PetscReal time,Vec global,void *ctx)
  VecScatter     scatter;
  IS             from,to;
  PetscInt       i,n,*idx,nsteps,maxsteps;
  Vec            tmp_vec;
  PetscErrorCode ierr;
  PetscScalar    *tmp;
  PetscReal      maxtime;
  Data           *data  = (Data*)ctx;
  PetscReal      tfinal = data->tfinal;

  if (time > tfinal) PetscFunctionReturn(0);

  ierr = TSGetTimeStepNumber(ts,&nsteps);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  /* display output at selected time steps */
  ierr = TSGetDuration(ts, &maxsteps, &maxtime);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  if (nsteps % 10 != 0 && time < maxtime) PetscFunctionReturn(0);

  /* Get the size of the vector */
  ierr = VecGetSize(global,&n);CHKERRQ(ierr);

  /* Set the index sets */
  ierr = PetscMalloc1(n,&idx);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  for (i=0; i<n; i++) idx[i]=i;

  /* Create local sequential vectors */
  ierr = VecCreateSeq(PETSC_COMM_SELF,n,&tmp_vec);CHKERRQ(ierr);

  /* Create scatter context */
  ierr = ISCreateGeneral(PETSC_COMM_SELF,n,idx,PETSC_COPY_VALUES,&from);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = ISCreateGeneral(PETSC_COMM_SELF,n,idx,PETSC_COPY_VALUES,&to);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecScatterCreate(global,from,tmp_vec,to,&scatter);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecScatterBegin(scatter,global,tmp_vec,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecScatterEnd(scatter,global,tmp_vec,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);CHKERRQ(ierr);

  ierr = VecGetArray(tmp_vec,&tmp);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"At t[%D] =%14.2e u= %14.2e at the center \n",nsteps,(double)time,(double)PetscRealPart(tmp[n/2]));CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecRestoreArray(tmp_vec,&tmp);CHKERRQ(ierr);

  ierr = PetscFree(idx);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = ISDestroy(&from);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = ISDestroy(&to);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecScatterDestroy(&scatter);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecDestroy(&tmp_vec);CHKERRQ(ierr);
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* Monitor timesteps and use interpolation to output at integer multiples of 0.1 */
static PetscErrorCode Monitor(TS ts,PetscInt step,PetscReal t,Vec X,void *ctx)
  PetscErrorCode    ierr;
  const PetscScalar *x;
  PetscReal         tfinal, dt, tprev;
  User              user = (User)ctx;

  ierr = TSGetTimeStep(ts,&dt);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = TSGetDuration(ts,NULL,&tfinal);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = TSGetPrevTime(ts,&tprev);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecGetArrayRead(X,&x);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"[%.1f] %D TS %.6f (dt = %.6f) X % 12.6e % 12.6e\n",(double)user->next_output,step,(double)t,(double)dt,(double)PetscRealPart(x[0]),(double)PetscRealPart(x[1]));CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"t %.6f (tprev = %.6f) \n",(double)t,(double)tprev);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecGetArrayRead(X,&x);CHKERRQ(ierr);
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: tsf.c Proyecto: Kun-Qu/petsc
void PETSC_STDCALL  tsgetduration_(TS ts,PetscInt *maxsteps,PetscReal *maxtime, int *__ierr ){
*__ierr = TSGetDuration(
	(TS)PetscToPointer((ts) ),maxsteps,maxtime);