int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret; unsigned char passhash[TPM_HASH_SIZE]; /* hash of parent key password */ unsigned char datahash[TPM_HASH_SIZE]; /* hash of data file */ unsigned char sig[4096]; /* resulting signature */ uint32_t siglen; /* signature length */ unsigned char *passptr; FILE *sigfile; TPM_setlog(0); /* turn off verbose output */ ParseArgs(argc, argv); if ((keyhandle == 0) || (message == NULL) || (sigfilename == NULL)) { printf("Missing parameter\n"); printUsage(); } /* ** use the SHA1 hash of the password string as the Key Authorization Data */ if (keypass != NULL) { TSS_sha1(keypass,strlen(keypass),passhash); passptr = passhash; } else passptr = NULL; /* ** hash the message */ TSS_sha1(message,strlen(message),datahash); ret = TPM_Sign(keyhandle, /* Key Handle */ passptr, /* key Password */ datahash,sizeof (datahash), /* data to be signed, length */ sig,&siglen); /* buffer to receive sig, int to receive sig length */ if (ret != 0) { printf("Error %s from TPM_Sign\n",TPM_GetErrMsg(ret)); exit(1); } sigfile = fopen(sigfilename, "wb"); if (sigfile == NULL) { printf("Unable to open output file '%s'\n", sigfilename); exit(4); } ret = fwrite(sig,1,siglen,sigfile); if (ret != (int)siglen) { printf("I/O Error while writing output file '%s'\n", sigfilename); exit(5); } fclose(sigfile); exit(0); }
uint32_t TPM_HashPubKey(keydata * pubkey, unsigned char *digest) { STACK_TPM_BUFFER(buffer) uint32_t len = TPM_WriteKeyPub(&buffer, pubkey); if ((len & ERR_MASK) == 0) TSS_sha1(buffer.buffer, len, digest); return len; }
static uint32_t swapOutKey(uint32_t handle) { unsigned char labelhash[20]; char *filename = createKeyFilename(handle); STACK_TPM_BUFFER(context); uint32_t ret = 0; if (NULL == filename) { ret = ERR_MEM_ERR; } #if 0 printf("Swapping OUT key with handle %08x\n",handle); #endif TSS_sha1("KEY",3,labelhash); if (ret == 0) { ret = TPM_SaveContext(handle, TPM_RT_KEY, (char *)labelhash, &context); } if (ret == 0) { FILE * f = fopen(filename, "w+"); if (f) { fwrite(context.buffer, context.used, 1, f); fclose(f); } else { ret = ERR_BAD_FILE; } } if (ret == 0) { ret = TPM_EvictKey(handle); #if 0 printf("Evicted key with handle 0x%08x\n",handle); } else { printf("DID NOT Evicted key with handle 0x%08x\n",handle); #endif } #if 0 if (ret == 0) { printf("Swapped out key with handle %08x.\n",handle); } else { printf("Could NOT swap out key with handle %08x.\n",handle); } #endif return ret; }
uint32_t TPM_HashCMKAuth(TPM_CMK_AUTH * auth, unsigned char *hash) { STACK_TPM_BUFFER(buffer) uint32_t len; uint32_t ret = TPM_WriteCMKAuth(&buffer, auth); if (ret & ERR_MASK) return ret; len = ret; TSS_sha1(buffer.buffer, len, hash); return 0; }
uint32_t TPM_HashPCRComposite(TPM_PCR_COMPOSITE * comp, unsigned char * digest) { int len; struct tpm_buffer *buffer = TSS_AllocTPMBuffer(comp->pcrValue.size + sizeof(TPM_PCR_COMPOSITE)); if (NULL != buffer) { len = TPM_WritePCRComposite(buffer, comp); TSS_sha1(buffer->buffer, len, digest); TSS_FreeTPMBuffer(buffer); } else { return ERR_MEM_ERR; } return 0; }
uint32_t TPM_HashMSAComposite(TPM_MSA_COMPOSITE * comp, unsigned char *digest) { uint32_t ret = 0; struct tpm_buffer *buffer = TSS_AllocTPMBuffer(comp->MSAlist * TPM_HASH_SIZE + TPM_U32_SIZE); if (buffer) { uint32_t len = TPM_WriteMSAComposite(buffer, comp); TSS_sha1(buffer->buffer, len, digest); TSS_FreeTPMBuffer(buffer); } else ret = ERR_MEM_ERR; return ret; }
/* * Validate the signature over a PCR composite structure. * Returns '0' on success, an error code otherwise. */ uint32_t TPM_ValidatePCRCompositeSignature(TPM_PCR_COMPOSITE *tpc, unsigned char *antiReplay, pubkeydata *pk, struct tpm_buffer *signature, uint16_t sigscheme) { uint32_t ret; RSA *rsa; /* openssl RSA public key */ TPM_QUOTE_INFO tqi; STACK_TPM_BUFFER (ser_tqi); STACK_TPM_BUFFER(response); STACK_TPM_BUFFER (ser_tpc); /* ** Convert to an OpenSSL RSA public key */ rsa = TSS_convpubkey(pk); ret = TPM_GetCapability(TPM_CAP_VERSION, NULL, &response); if (ret != 0) { RSA_free(rsa); return ret; } memcpy(&(tqi.version), response.buffer, response.used); memcpy(&(tqi.fixed), "QUOT", 4); memcpy(&(tqi.externalData), antiReplay, TPM_NONCE_SIZE); ret = TPM_WritePCRComposite(&ser_tpc, tpc); if ((ret & ERR_MASK)) { RSA_free(rsa); return ret; } /* create the hash of the PCR_composite data for the quoteinfo structure */ TSS_sha1(ser_tpc.buffer, ser_tpc.used, tqi.digestValue); ret = TPM_WriteQuoteInfo(&ser_tqi, &tqi); if ((ret & ERR_MASK)) { RSA_free(rsa); return ret; } ret = TPM_ValidateSignature(sigscheme, &ser_tqi, signature, rsa); RSA_free(rsa); return ret; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret = 0; unsigned char *passptr1; char * password = NULL; unsigned char passhash1[20]; /* hash of password */ int i = 1; TPM_setlog(0); while (i < argc) { if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-pwdk")) { i++; if (i >= argc) { printf("Parameter missing!\n"); usage(); } password = argv[i]; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-v")) { TPM_setlog(1); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-h")) { usage(); } else { printf("\n%s is not a valid option\n", argv[i]); usage(); } i++; } if (password != NULL) { TSS_sha1(password,strlen(password),passhash1); passptr1 = passhash1; } else { printf("Missing parameter -pwdk\n"); exit(-1); } ret = TPM_RevokeTrust(passptr1); if (0 != ret) { printf("Error %s from TPM_RevokeTrust\n", TPM_GetErrMsg(ret)); } exit(ret); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { uint32_t startOrdinal = -1; int ret; int verbose = FALSE; TPM_COUNTER_VALUE counter; int i = 1; char * keypass = NULL; unsigned char keyAuth[TPM_HASH_SIZE]; unsigned char * keyAuthPtr = NULL; uint32_t keyhandle = -1; STACK_TPM_BUFFER(signature); unsigned char digest[TPM_DIGEST_SIZE]; unsigned char ordinalDigest[TPM_DIGEST_SIZE]; unsigned char antiReplay[TPM_NONCE_SIZE]; TPM_setlog(0); TSS_gennonce(antiReplay); while (i < argc) { if (!strcmp("-s",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { sscanf(argv[i],"%d",&startOrdinal); } else { printf("Missing parameter for -s.\n"); usage(); } } else if (!strcmp("-h",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { sscanf(argv[i],"%x",&keyhandle); } else { printf("Missing parameter for -h.\n"); usage(); } } else if (!strcmp("-p",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { keypass = argv[i]; } else { printf("Missing parameter for -p.\n"); usage(); } } else if (!strcmp("-v",argv[i])) { verbose = TRUE; TPM_setlog(1); } else { printf("\n%s is not a valid option\n", argv[i]); usage(); } i++; } (void)verbose; if (-1 == (int)startOrdinal || -1 == (int)keyhandle) { printf("Missing command line parameter.\n"); usage(); } if (NULL != keypass) { TSS_sha1(keypass,strlen(keypass),keyAuth); keyAuthPtr = keyAuth; } ret = TPM_GetAuditDigestSigned(keyhandle, FALSE, keyAuthPtr, antiReplay, &counter, digest, ordinalDigest, &signature); if (0 != ret) { printf("Error %s from GetAuditDigestSigned.\n", TPM_GetErrMsg(ret)); } else { TPM_SIGN_INFO tsi; STACK_TPM_BUFFER(tsi_ser); STACK_TPM_BUFFER(serial); STACK_TPM_BUFFER(ctr_ser); pubkeydata pubkey; RSA *rsa; i = 0; printf("AuditDigest : "); while (i < (int)sizeof(digest)) { printf("%02X",digest[i]); i++; } printf("\n"); i = 0; printf("OrdinalDigest : "); while (i < (int)sizeof(digest)) { printf("%02X",ordinalDigest[i]); i++; } printf("\n"); ret = TPM_GetPubKey(keyhandle, keyAuthPtr, &pubkey); if (ret != 0) { printf("Could not get public key of signing key.\n"); exit(-1); } rsa = TSS_convpubkey(&pubkey); if (!rsa) { printf("Could not convert public key.\n"); exit(-1); } tsi.tag = TPM_TAG_SIGNINFO; memcpy(tsi.fixed, "ADIG", 4); memcpy(tsi.replay, antiReplay, sizeof(antiReplay)); /* D4=ordinalDigest */ TPM_WriteCounterValue(&ctr_ser, &counter); memcpy(&serial.buffer[0], digest, sizeof(digest)); memcpy(&serial.buffer[sizeof(digest)], ctr_ser.buffer, ctr_ser.used); memcpy(&serial.buffer[sizeof(digest)+ctr_ser.used], ordinalDigest, sizeof(ordinalDigest)); serial.used = sizeof(digest) + ctr_ser.used + sizeof(ordinalDigest); = serial.used; = serial.buffer; ret = TPM_WriteSignInfo(&tsi_ser, &tsi); if ((ret & ERR_MASK)) { printf("Error serializing TPM_SIGN_INFO.\n"); exit(-1); } ret = TPM_ValidateSignature(TPM_SS_RSASSAPKCS1v15_SHA1, &tsi_ser, &signature, rsa); if (ret != 0) { printf("Error validating signature.\n"); exit(-1); } printf("Signature verification successful.\n"); } exit(ret); }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { uint32_t ret = 0; int i = 0; int verbose = FALSE; uint32_t migkeyhandle = 0; char * filename = NULL; unsigned char * buffer = NULL; unsigned char keypasshash[TPM_HASH_SIZE]; char * keypass = NULL; uint16_t migscheme = TPM_MS_MIGRATE; unsigned char * keyhashptr = NULL; i = 1; TPM_setlog(0); while (i < argc) { if (!strcmp("-if",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { filename = argv[i]; } else { printf("Missing mandatory parameter for -if.\n"); usage(); } } else if (!strcmp("-hp",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { sscanf(argv[i],"%x",&migkeyhandle); } else { printf("Missing mandatory parameter for -hp.\n"); usage(); } } else if (!strcmp("-pwdp",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { keypass = argv[i]; } else { printf("Missing mandatory parameter for -pwdp.\n"); usage(); } } else if (!strcmp("-rewrap",argv[i])) { migscheme = TPM_MS_REWRAP; } else if (!strcmp("-v",argv[i])) { verbose = TRUE; TPM_setlog(1); } else if (!strcmp("-h",argv[i])) { usage(); } else { printf("\n%s is not a valid option\n", argv[i]); usage(); } i++; } if (0 == migkeyhandle || NULL == filename) { printf("Missing mandatory parameter.\n"); usage(); } if (NULL != keypass) { TSS_sha1(keypass,strlen(keypass),keypasshash); keyhashptr = keypasshash; } else { keyhashptr = NULL; } buffer = readFile(filename); if (NULL != buffer) { int offset = 0; unsigned char * encblob = NULL; uint32_t encsize = 0; unsigned char * rndblob = NULL; uint32_t rndsize = 0; uint32_t keysize = 0; unsigned char * keyblob = NULL; unsigned char * outblob = NULL; uint32_t outblen; keydata newkey; STACK_TPM_BUFFER( tb ); rndsize = LOAD32(buffer,offset); offset += 4; rndblob = &buffer[offset]; offset += rndsize; encsize = LOAD32(buffer,offset); offset += 4; encblob = &buffer[offset]; offset += encsize; keysize = LOAD32(buffer,offset); offset += 4; keyblob = &buffer[offset]; offset += keysize; SET_TPM_BUFFER(&tb, keyblob, keysize); TSS_KeyExtract(&tb, 0,&newkey); outblob = malloc(encsize); if (NULL == outblob) { printf("Error allocating memory for decrypted blob.\n"); exit(-1); } outblen = encsize; if (TPM_MS_REWRAP == migscheme || 0 == rndsize) { memcpy(newkey.encData.buffer, encblob, encsize); newkey.encData.size = outblen; ret = 0; } else { ret = TPM_ConvertMigrationBlob(migkeyhandle, keyhashptr, rndblob, rndsize, encblob, encsize, outblob, &outblen); if (0 == ret) { memcpy(newkey.encData.buffer, outblob, outblen); newkey.encData.size = outblen; } else { printf("ConvertMigrationBlob returned '%s' (0x%x).\n", TPM_GetErrMsg(ret), ret); } } if (0 == ret) { uint32_t newhandle; ret = TPM_LoadKey(migkeyhandle, keyhashptr, &newkey, &newhandle); if (0 == ret) { printf("Successfully loaded key into TPM.\n" "New Key Handle = %08X\n", newhandle); } else { printf("LoadKey returned '%s' (0x%x).\n", TPM_GetErrMsg(ret), ret); } } } return ret; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret = 0; TPM_BOOL reset = TRUE; unsigned char *passptr1; char * password = NULL; unsigned char passhash1[20]; /* hash of password */ pubkeydata pubek; int i = 1; TPM_setlog(0); while (i < argc) { if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-pwdk")) { i++; if (i >= argc) { printf("Parameter missing for -pwdk option!\n"); usage(); } reset = FALSE; password = argv[i]; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-v")) { TPM_setlog(1); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-h")) { usage(); } else { printf("\n%s is not a valid option\n",argv[i]); usage(); } i++; } if (password != NULL) { TSS_sha1(password,strlen(password),passhash1); passptr1 = passhash1; } else { passptr1 = NULL; } ret = TPM_CreateRevocableEK(reset, passptr1, &pubek); if (0 != ret) { printf("Error %s from TPM_CreateRevocableEK\n", TPM_GetErrMsg(ret)); } else { EVP_PKEY *pkey = NULL; /* OpenSSL public key */ FILE * keyfile; RSA * rsa; /* ** convert the returned public key to OpenSSL format and ** export it to a file */ rsa = TSS_convpubkey(&pubek); if (rsa == NULL) { printf("Error from TSS_convpubkey\n"); exit(-3); } OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms(); pkey = EVP_PKEY_new(); if (pkey == NULL) { printf("Unable to create EVP_PKEY\n"); exit(-4); } ret = EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(pkey,rsa); if (ret == 0) { printf("Unable to assign public key to EVP_PKEY\n"); exit(-5); } keyfile = fopen("pubek.pem","wb"); if (keyfile == NULL) { printf("Unable to create public key file\n"); exit(-6); } ret = PEM_write_PUBKEY(keyfile,pkey); if (ret == 0) { printf("Unable to write public key file\n"); exit(-7); } printf("pubek.pem successfully written\n"); printf("Pubek keylength %d\nModulus:",pubek.pubKey.keyLength); for(i=0;i<(int)pubek.pubKey.keyLength;i++){ if(!(i%16)) printf("\n"); printf("%02X ",pubek.pubKey.modulus[i]); } printf("\n"); fclose(keyfile); EVP_PKEY_free(pkey); ret = 0; } exit(ret); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { uint32_t ret = 0; int verbose = FALSE; char * filename = NULL; char *out_filename = NULL; int i = 1; char *ownerpass = NULL; unsigned char ownerpasshash[TPM_HASH_SIZE]; unsigned char *ownerHashPtr = NULL; struct stat _stat; TPM_setlog(0); while (i < argc) { if (!strcmp("-o",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { ownerpass = argv[i]; } else { printf("Missing parameter for -o.\n"); usage(); exit(-1); } } else if (!strcmp("-v",argv[i])) { verbose = TRUE; TPM_setlog(1); } else if (!strcmp("-?",argv[i])) { usage(); exit(0); } else { break; } i++; } if (i + 1 < argc) { filename = argv[i]; i++; out_filename = argv[i+1]; } else { printf("Missing parameter: filename(s)\n"); usage(); exit(-1); } if (NULL != ownerpass) { TSS_sha1(ownerpass, strlen(ownerpass), ownerpasshash); ownerHashPtr = ownerpasshash; } if (0 == stat(filename, &_stat)) { unsigned char *blob = malloc(_stat.st_size); uint32_t blobSize = _stat.st_size; unsigned char outBlob[1024]; uint32_t outBlobSize = sizeof(outBlob); FILE *f; if (NULL == blob) { printf("Could not allocate memory!\n"); exit(-1); } f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (NULL == f) { printf("Could not open file for reading.\n"); exit(-1); } if (blobSize != fread(blob, 1, blobSize, f)) { printf("Could not read the file.\n"); fclose(f); exit(-1); } fclose(f); ret = TPM_Delegate_UpdateVerification(blob, blobSize, ownerHashPtr, outBlob,&outBlobSize); if ( ret != 0) { printf("Error '%s' from Delegate_UpdateVerification.\n", TPM_GetErrMsg(ret)); exit(-1); } else { printf("Successfully loaded the blob.\n"); f = fopen(out_filename, "wb"); if (NULL != f) { if (outBlobSize != fwrite(outBlob, 1, outBlobSize, f)) { fclose(f); printf("Error, could not write to file!\n"); exit(-1); } else { printf("Successfully wrote blob to file.\n"); } fclose(f); } } } else { printf("Error, file %s not accessible.\n",filename); } exit(ret); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret; uint32_t parhandle; /* handle of parent key */ unsigned char passhash[TPM_HASH_SIZE]; /* hash of parent key password */ unsigned char datahash[TPM_HASH_SIZE]; /* hash of data file */ unsigned char sig[4096]; /* resulting signature */ uint32_t siglen; /* signature length */ unsigned char *passptr; char *indata; FILE *sigfile; int nxtarg; nxtarg = ParseArgs(argc, argv); if (argc < (nxtarg + 3) ) usage(); TPM_setlog(0); /* turn off verbose output */ /* ** convert parent key handle from hex */ ret = sscanf(argv[nxtarg+0],"%x",&parhandle); if (ret != 1) { printf("Invalid argument '%s'\n",argv[nxtarg+0]); exit(2); } /* ** use the SHA1 hash of the password string as the Key Authorization Data */ if (keypass != NULL) { TSS_sha1(keypass,strlen(keypass),passhash); passptr = passhash; } else passptr = NULL; /* ** read and hash the message */ indata = argv[nxtarg+1]; if (indata == NULL) { printf("Unable to get input data'\n"); exit(-2); } TSS_sha1(indata,strlen(indata),datahash); ret = TPM_Sign(parhandle, /* Key Handle */ passptr, /* key Password */ datahash,sizeof (datahash), /* data to be signed, length */ sig,&siglen); /* buffer to receive sig, int to receive sig length */ if (ret != 0) { printf("Error %s from TPM_Sign\n",TPM_GetErrMsg(ret)); exit(1); } sigfile = fopen(argv[nxtarg+2],"wb"); if (sigfile == NULL) { printf("Unable to open output file '%s'\n",argv[nxtarg+2]); exit(4); } ret = fwrite(sig,1,siglen,sigfile); if (ret != (int)siglen) { printf("I/O Error while writing output file '%s'\n",argv[nxtarg+2]); exit(5); } fclose(sigfile); exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { char * ownerpass = NULL; char * counterpass = NULL; unsigned char * passptr1 = NULL; unsigned char * passptr2 = NULL; unsigned char passhash1[20]; unsigned char passhash2[20]; uint32_t ret; int i = 0; uint32_t id = -1; i = 1; TPM_setlog(0); while (i < argc) { if (!strcmp("-ix",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { id = atoi(argv[i]); } else { printf("Missing mandatory parameter for -ix.\n"); usage(); } } else if (!strcmp("-pwdc",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { counterpass = argv[i]; } else { printf("Missing parameter for -pwdc.\n"); usage(); } } else if (!strcmp("-pwdo",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { ownerpass = argv[i]; } else { printf("Missing parameter for -pwdo.\n"); usage(); } } else if (!strcmp("-v",argv[i])) { TPM_setlog(1); } else if (!strcmp("-h",argv[i])) { usage(); } else { printf("\n%s is not a valid option\n",argv[i]); usage(); } i++; } if ((NULL == counterpass && NULL == ownerpass) || (int)id < 0) { printf("Input parameter missing!\n"); usage(); } if (NULL != ownerpass) { TSS_sha1(ownerpass,strlen(ownerpass),passhash1); passptr1 = passhash1; } else { passptr1 = NULL; } if (NULL != counterpass) { TSS_sha1(counterpass,strlen(counterpass),passhash2); passptr2 = passhash2; } else { passptr2 = NULL; } if (counterpass != NULL) { ret= TPM_ReleaseCounter(id, passptr2); if (0 != ret) { printf("Got error '%s' (0x%x) from TPM_ReleaseCounter.\n", TPM_GetErrMsg(ret), ret); } } else { ret = TPM_ReleaseCounterOwner(id, passptr1); if (0 != ret) { printf("Got error '%s' (0x%x) from TPM_ReleaseCounterOwner.\n", TPM_GetErrMsg(ret), ret); } } if (0 == ret) { printf("Successfully released the counter.\n"); } return ret; }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { char * counterpass = NULL; unsigned char * passptr1 = NULL; unsigned char passhash1[20]; uint32_t ret; int i = 0; uint32_t id = 0xffffffff; unsigned char buffer[10]; i = 1; TPM_setlog(0); while (i < argc) { if (!strcmp("-ix",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { id = atoi(argv[i]); } else { printf("Missing mandatory parameter for -ix.\n"); usage(); exit(-1); } } else if (!strcmp("-pwdc",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { counterpass = argv[i]; } else { printf("Missing parameter for -pwdc.\n"); usage(); exit(-1); } } else if (!strcmp("-v",argv[i])) { TPM_setlog(1); } else if (!strcmp("-h",argv[i])) { usage(); exit(-1); } else { printf("\n%s is not a valid option\n",argv[i]); usage(); exit(-1); } i++; } if (NULL == counterpass || id == 0xffffffff) { printf("Input parameters wrong or missing!\n"); usage(); exit(-1); } printf("Using counterpass: %s\n",counterpass); TSS_sha1(counterpass,strlen(counterpass),passhash1); passptr1 = passhash1; /* * increment a counter */ for (i = 0 , ret = TPM_RETRY ; (ret == TPM_RETRY) && (i < 7) ; i++) { ret = TPM_IncrementCounter(id, passptr1, buffer); /* must be able to increment once every 5 seconds */ if (ret == TPM_RETRY) { #ifdef TPM_POSIX sleep(1); #endif #ifdef TPM_WINDOWS Sleep(1000); #endif } } if (0 != ret) { printf("Got error '%s' (0x%x) from TPM_IncrementCounter.\n", TPM_GetErrMsg(ret), ret); } else { printf("Value of the counter: "); i = 0; while (i < (int)sizeof(buffer)){ printf("%02x",buffer[i]); i++; } printf("\n"); } if (ret > 255) { ret = -1; } return ret; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { uint32_t ret; STACK_TPM_BUFFER(resp); int index = 0; STACK_TPM_BUFFER( subcap );; TPM_setlog(0); /* turn off verbose output */ ParseArgs(argc, argv); while ((int)matrx[index].cap != -1) { if (cap == matrx[index].cap) { break; } index++; } if (-1 == (int)matrx[index].cap) { printf("Unknown or unsupported capability!\n"); exit(-1); } subcap.used = 0; if (matrx[index].subcap_size > 0) { if ((int)scap == -1) { printf("Need subcap parameter for this capability!\n"); exit(-1); } if (0 == prepare_subcap(cap, &subcap, scap)) { if (2 == matrx[index].subcap_size) { STORE16(subcap.buffer,0,scap); subcap.used = 2; } else if (matrx[index].subcap_size >= 4) { STORE32(subcap.buffer,0,scap); subcap.used = 4; } } } #if 0 /* This was for VTPM extensions and needs retest */ if (cap == TPM_CAP_MFR) { int idx2 = 0; while ((int)mfr_matrix[idx2].cap != -1) { if (mfr_matrix[idx2].cap == scap) { break; } idx2++; } if (mfr_matrix[idx2].subcap_size > 0) { uint32_t used = subcap.used + mfr_matrix[idx2].subcap_size; while (subcap.used < used) { if (argc <= nxtarg) { printf("Need one more parameter for this " "capability!\n"); exit(-1); } if (!strncmp("0x",argv[nxtarg],2)) { sscanf(argv[nxtarg],"%x",&sscap); } else { sscanf(argv[nxtarg],"%d",&sscap); } nxtarg++; if (2 == matrx[index].subcap_size) { STORE16(subcap.buffer, subcap.used,sscap); subcap.used += 2; } else if (matrx[index].subcap_size >= 4) { STORE32(subcap.buffer, subcap.used,sscap); subcap.used += 4; } } } } #endif if (0 == sikeyhandle) { ret = TPM_GetCapability(cap, &subcap, &resp); if (0 != ret) { printf("TPM_GetCapability returned %s.\n", TPM_GetErrMsg(ret)); exit(ret); } } else { unsigned char antiReplay[TPM_HASH_SIZE]; unsigned char signature[2048]; uint32_t signaturelen = sizeof(signature); pubkeydata pubkey; RSA * rsa; unsigned char sighash[TPM_HASH_SIZE]; unsigned char * buffer = NULL; unsigned char * sigkeyhashptr = NULL; unsigned char sigkeypasshash[TPM_HASH_SIZE]; if (NULL != sikeypass) { TSS_sha1(sikeypass,strlen(sikeypass),sigkeypasshash); sigkeyhashptr = sigkeypasshash; } TSS_gennonce(antiReplay); ret = TPM_GetPubKey(sikeyhandle, sigkeyhashptr, &pubkey); if (0 != ret) { printf("Error while trying to access the signing key's public key.\n"); exit(-1); } rsa = TSS_convpubkey(&pubkey); ret = TPM_GetCapabilitySigned(sikeyhandle, sigkeyhashptr, antiReplay, cap, &subcap, &resp, signature, &signaturelen); if (0 != ret) { printf("TPM_GetCapabilitySigned returned %s.\n", TPM_GetErrMsg(ret)); exit(ret); } buffer = malloc(resp.used+TPM_NONCE_SIZE); if (NULL == buffer) { printf("Could not allocate buffer.\n"); exit(-1); } memcpy(&buffer[0], resp.buffer, resp.used); memcpy(&buffer[resp.used], antiReplay, TPM_NONCE_SIZE); TSS_sha1(buffer, resp.used+TPM_NONCE_SIZE, sighash); free(buffer); ret = RSA_verify(NID_sha1, sighash,TPM_HASH_SIZE, signature,signaturelen, rsa); if (1 != ret) { printf("Error: Signature verification failed.\n"); exit(-1); } } if (0 == resp.used) { printf("Empty response.\n"); } else { if (-1 == (int)scap) { printf("Result for capability 0x%x is : ",cap); } else { printf("Result for capability 0x%x, subcapability 0x%x is : ",cap,scap); } if (TYPE_BOOL == matrx[index].result_size) { if (resp.buffer[0] == 0) { printf("FALSE\n"); } else { printf("TRUE\n"); } } else if (TYPE_UINT32 == matrx[index].result_size) { uint32_t rsp; rsp = LOAD32(resp.buffer,0); printf("0x%08X = %d\n",rsp,rsp); } else if (TYPE_UINT32_ARRAY == matrx[index].result_size) { int i = 0; printf("\n"); while (i+3 < (int)resp.used) { uint32_t rsp = LOAD32(resp.buffer,i); i+=4; if (TPM_CAP_NV_LIST == cap) { /* don't zero extend, grep needs the exact value for test suite */ printf("%d. Index : %d = 0x%x.\n", i/4, rsp, rsp); } else if (TPM_CAP_KEY_HANDLE == cap) { printf("%d. keyhandle : %d.\n", i/4, rsp); } else { printf("%d. item : %d.\n", i/4, rsp); } } } else if (TYPE_STRUCTURE == matrx[index].result_size) { switch(cap) { case TPM_CAP_FLAG: { if (scap == TPM_CAP_FLAG_PERMANENT) { TPM_PERMANENT_FLAGS pf; STACK_TPM_BUFFER(tb) TSS_SetTPMBuffer(&tb, resp.buffer, resp.used); ret = TPM_ReadPermanentFlags(&tb, 0, &pf, resp.used); if ( ( ret & ERR_MASK ) != 0 || ret > resp.used) { printf("ret=%x, responselen=%d\n",ret,resp.used); printf("Error parsing response!\n"); exit(-1); } printf("\n"); showPermanentFlags(&pf, resp.used); } else if (scap == TPM_CAP_FLAG_VOLATILE) { TPM_STCLEAR_FLAGS sf; STACK_TPM_BUFFER(tb); TSS_SetTPMBuffer(&tb, resp.buffer, resp.used); ret = TPM_ReadSTClearFlags(&tb, 0, &sf); if ( ( ret & ERR_MASK ) != 0 || ret > resp.used) { printf("ret=%x, responselen=%d\n",ret,resp.used); printf("Error parsing response!\n"); exit(-1); } printf("\n"); showVolatileFlags(&sf); } } break; case TPM_CAP_KEY_HANDLE: { uint16_t num = LOAD16(resp.buffer, 0); uint32_t i = 0; uint32_t handle; printf("\n"); while (i < num) { handle = LOAD32(resp.buffer,2+i*4); printf("%d. handle: 0x%08X\n", i, handle); i++; } } break; case TPM_CAP_NV_INDEX: { //char scratch_info[256]; unsigned char scratch_info[256]; uint32_t scratch_info_len; TPM_NV_DATA_PUBLIC ndp; uint32_t i, c; STACK_TPM_BUFFER(tb) TSS_SetTPMBuffer(&tb, resp.buffer, resp.used); ret = TPM_ReadNVDataPublic(&tb, 0, &ndp); if ( ( ret & ERR_MASK) != 0) { printf("Could not deserialize the TPM_NV_DATA_PUBLIC structure.\n"); exit(-1); } printf("permission.attributes : %08X\n",(unsigned int)ndp.permission.attributes); printf("ReadSTClear : %02X\n",ndp.bReadSTClear); printf("WriteSTClear : %02X\n",ndp.bWriteSTClear); printf("WriteDefine : %02X\n",ndp.bWriteDefine); printf("dataSize : %08X = %d",(unsigned int)ndp.dataSize, (unsigned int)ndp.dataSize); c = 0; for (i = 0; i < ndp.pcrInfoRead.pcrSelection.sizeOfSelect*8; i++) { if (ndp.pcrInfoRead.pcrSelection.pcrSelect[(i / 8)] & (1 << (i & 0x7))) { if (!c) printf("\nRead PCRs selected: "); else printf(", "); printf("%d", i); c++; } } if (c) { char pcrmap[4], *pf; memcpy(pcrmap, ndp.pcrInfoRead.pcrSelection.pcrSelect, ndp.pcrInfoRead.pcrSelection.sizeOfSelect); // printf("\npcrmap: %02x%02x%02x%02x\n", pcrmap[0], pcrmap[1], // pcrmap[2], pcrmap[3]); ret = TSS_GenPCRInfo(*(uint32_t *)pcrmap, scratch_info, &scratch_info_len); printf("\nRead PCR Composite: "); for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) printf("%02x", ndp.pcrInfoRead.digestAtRelease[i] & 0xff); printf("\n"); #if 1 pf = &scratch_info[5]; printf("\nCurrent PCR composite: "); for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) //printf("%02x", scratch_info.digestAtRelease[i] & 0xff); printf("%02x", pf[i] & 0xff); printf("\n"); #endif if (!ret) { printf("Matches current TPM state: "); if (!memcmp(&scratch_info[5], &ndp.pcrInfoRead.digestAtRelease, 20)) { printf("Yes\n"); } else { printf("No\n"); } } } c = 0; for (i = 0; i < ndp.pcrInfoWrite.pcrSelection.sizeOfSelect*8; i++) { if (ndp.pcrInfoWrite.pcrSelection.pcrSelect[(i / 8)] & (1 << (i & 0x7))) { if (!c) printf("\nWrite PCRs selected: "); else printf(", "); printf("%d", i); c++; } } if (c) { printf("\nWrite PCR Composite: "); for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) printf("%02x", ndp.pcrInfoWrite.digestAtRelease[i] & 0xff); printf("\n"); } } break; case TPM_CAP_HANDLE: { uint16_t num = LOAD16(resp.buffer, 0); uint16_t x = 0; while (x < num) { uint32_t handle = LOAD32(resp.buffer, sizeof(num)+4*x); printf("%02d. 0x%08X\n",x,handle); x++; } } break; case TPM_CAP_VERSION_VAL: { int i = 0; TPM_CAP_VERSION_INFO cvi; STACK_TPM_BUFFER(tb) TSS_SetTPMBuffer(&tb, resp.buffer, resp.used); ret = TPM_ReadCapVersionInfo(&tb, 0, &cvi); if ( ( ret & ERR_MASK) != 0) { printf("Could not read the version info structure.\n"); exit(-1); } printf("\n"); printf("major : 0x%02X\n",cvi.version.major); printf("minor : 0x%02X\n",cvi.version.minor); printf("revMajor : 0x%02X\n",cvi.version.revMajor); printf("revMinor : 0x%02X\n",cvi.version.revMinor); printf("specLevel : 0x%04X\n",cvi.specLevel); printf("errataRev : 0x%02X\n",cvi.errataRev); printf("VendorID : "); while (i < 4) { printf("%02X ",cvi.tpmVendorID[i]); i++; } printf("\n"); /* Print vendor ID in text if printable */ for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) { if (isprint(cvi.tpmVendorID[i])) { if (i == 0) { printf("VendorID : "); } printf("%c", cvi.tpmVendorID[i]); } else { break; } } printf("\n"); printf("[not displaying vendor specific information]\n"); } break; #if 0 /* kgold: I don't think these are valid cap values */ case TPM_CAP_FLAG_PERMANENT: { TPM_PERMANENT_FLAGS pf; STACK_TPM_BUFFER(tb) TSS_SetTPMBuffer(&tb, resp.buffer, resp.used); if (resp.used == 21) { ret = TPM_ReadPermanentFlagsPre103(&tb, 0, &pf); } else { ret = TPM_ReadPermanentFlags(&tb, 0, &pf); } if ( ( ret & ERR_MASK ) != 0 || ret > resp.used) { printf("ret=%x, responselen=%d\n",ret,resp.used); printf("Error parsing response!\n"); exit(-1); } printf("\n"); showPermanentFlags(&pf, resp.used); } break; case TPM_CAP_FLAG_VOLATILE: { TPM_STCLEAR_FLAGS sf; STACK_TPM_BUFFER(tb); TSS_SetTPMBuffer(&tb, resp.buffer, resp.used); ret = TPM_ReadSTClearFlags(&tb, 0, &sf); if ( ( ret & ERR_MASK ) != 0 || ret > resp.used) { printf("ret=%x, responselen=%d\n",ret,resp.used); printf("Error parsing response!\n"); exit(-1); } printf("\n"); showVolatileFlags(&sf); } break; #endif case TPM_CAP_DA_LOGIC: { uint32_t ctr; TPM_BOOL lim = FALSE; TPM_DA_INFO dainfo; TPM_DA_INFO_LIMITED dainfo_lim; STACK_TPM_BUFFER(tb); TSS_SetTPMBuffer(&tb, resp.buffer, resp.used); ret = TPM_ReadDAInfo(&tb, 0, &dainfo); if ( ( ret & ERR_MASK) != 0 || ret > resp.used) { ret = TPM_ReadDAInfoLimited(&tb, 0, &dainfo_lim); if ( (ret & ERR_MASK ) != 0 || ret > resp.used) { printf("ret=%x, responselen=%d\n",ret,resp.used); printf("Error parsing response!\n"); exit(-1); } else { lim = TRUE; } } printf("\n"); if (lim) { printf("State : %d\n",dainfo_lim.state); printf("Actions : 0x%08x\n",dainfo_lim.actionAtThreshold.actions); ctr = 0; while (ctr < dainfo_lim.vendorData.size) { printf("%02x ",(unsigned char)dainfo_lim.vendorData.buffer[ctr]); ctr++; } } else { printf("State : %d\n",dainfo.state); printf("currentCount : %d\n",dainfo.currentCount); printf("thresholdCount : %d\n",dainfo.thresholdCount); printf("Actions : 0x%08x\n",dainfo.actionAtThreshold.actions); printf("actionDependValue : %d\n",dainfo.actionDependValue); #if 0 ctr = 0; while (ctr < dainfo_lim.vendorData.size) { printf("%02x ",(unsigned char)dainfo_lim.vendorData.buffer[ctr]); ctr++; } #endif } } break; } } else if (TYPE_VARIOUS == matrx[index].result_size) { switch(cap) { case TPM_CAP_MFR: switch (scap) { case TPM_CAP_PROCESS_ID: { uint32_t rsp; rsp = LOAD32(resp.buffer,0); printf("%d\n",rsp); } break; } break; /* TPM_CAP_MFR */ default: /* Show booleans */ if (scap == TPM_CAP_PROP_OWNER || scap == TPM_CAP_PROP_DAA_INTERRUPT ) { if (0 == resp.buffer[0]) { printf("FALSE\n"); } else { printf("TRUE\n"); } } else /* check for array of 4 UINTs */ if (scap == TPM_CAP_PROP_TIS_TIMEOUT /* || scap == TPM_CAP_PROP_TIMEOUTS */) { int i = 0; while (i < 4) { uint32_t val = LOAD32(resp.buffer,i * 4); printf("%d ", val); i++; } printf("\n"); } else /* check for TPM_STARTUP_EFFECTS */ if (scap == TPM_CAP_PROP_STARTUP_EFFECT) { TPM_STARTUP_EFFECTS se = 0; ret = TPM_ReadStartupEffects(resp.buffer, &se); if ( ( ret & ERR_MASK ) != 0 ) { printf("Could not read startup effects structure.\n"); exit(-1); } printf("0x%08X=%d\n", (unsigned int)se, (unsigned int)se); printf("\n"); printf("Startup effects:\n"); printf("Effect on audit digest: %s\n", (se & (1 << 7)) ? "none" : "active"); printf("Audit Digest on TPM_Startup(ST_CLEAR): %s\n", ( se & (1 << 6)) ? "set to NULL" : "not set to NULL" ); printf("Audit Digest on TPM_Startup(any) : %s\n", ( se & (1 << 5)) ? "set to NULL" : "not set to NULL" ); printf("TPM_RT_KEY resource initialized on TPM_Startup(ST_ANY) : %s\n", (se & ( 1 << 4)) ? "yes" : "no"); printf("TPM_RT_AUTH resource initialized on TPM_Startup(ST_STATE) : %s\n", (se & ( 1 << 3)) ? "yes" : "no"); printf("TPM_RT_HASH resource initialized on TPM_Startup(ST_STATE) : %s\n", (se & ( 1 << 2)) ? "yes" : "no"); printf("TPM_RT_TRANS resource initialized on TPM_Startup(ST_STATE) : %s\n", (se & ( 1 << 1)) ? "yes" : "no"); printf("TPM_RT_CONTEXT session initialized on TPM_Startup(ST_STATE): %s\n", (se & ( 1 << 0)) ? "yes" : "no"); } else /* check for array of 3 UINTs */ if (scap == TPM_CAP_PROP_DURATION) { int i = 0; while (i < 4*3) { uint32_t val = LOAD32(resp.buffer,i); printf("%d ", val); i+= 4; } printf("\n"); } else /* check for TPM_COUNT_ID */ if (scap == TPM_CAP_PROP_ACTIVE_COUNTER) { uint32_t val = LOAD32(resp.buffer,0); printf("0x%08X=%d",val,val); if (0xffffffff == val) { printf(" (no counter is active)"); } printf("\n"); } else { /* just a single UINT32 */ printf("%ld=0x%08lX.\n", (long)LOAD32(resp.buffer, 0), (long)LOAD32(resp.buffer, 0)); } } } } printf("\n"); exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { uint32_t ordinal = -1; int ret; int verbose = FALSE; int i = 1; unsigned char ownerAuth[TPM_DIGEST_SIZE]; char * ownerpass = NULL; TPM_BOOL auditState = TRUE; TPM_setlog(0); while (i < argc) { if (!strcmp("-o",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { sscanf(argv[i],"%d",&ordinal); } else { printf("Missing parameter for -o.\n"); usage(); exit(-1); } } else if (!strcmp("-p",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { ownerpass = argv[i]; } else { printf("Missing parameter for -p.\n"); usage(); exit(-1); } } else if (!strcmp("-d",argv[i])) { auditState = FALSE; } else if (!strcmp("-v",argv[i])) { verbose = TRUE; TPM_setlog(1); } else if (!strcmp("-h",argv[i])) { usage(); exit(-1); } else { printf("\n%s is not a valid option\n",argv[i]); usage(); exit(-1); } i++; } if (-1 == (int)ordinal || NULL == ownerpass) { printf("Missing mandatory parameter.\n"); usage(); exit(-1); } TSS_sha1(ownerpass,strlen(ownerpass),ownerAuth); ret = TPM_SetOrdinalAuditStatus(ordinal, auditState, ownerAuth); if (ret != 0) { printf("SetOrdinalAuditStatus returned error %s.\n", TPM_GetErrMsg(ret)); } exit(ret); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret; struct stat sbuf; unsigned char databuff[65535]; /* data read work buffer */ unsigned char datahash[20]; /* hash of data file */ unsigned char digest[20]; SHA_CTX sha; FILE *datafile; const char *datafilename = NULL; FILE *sigfile; const char *sigfilename = NULL; FILE *keyfile; const char *kfilename = NULL; EVP_PKEY *pkey; RSA *rsa; uint16_t sigscheme = TPM_SS_RSASSAPKCS1v15_SHA1; int plain; unsigned char padded[4096]; unsigned char plainarray[4096]; TPM_SIGN_INFO tsi; STACK_TPM_BUFFER(tsi_ser); STACK_TPM_BUFFER(signature); int i; for (i=1 ; i<argc ; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-ss")) { i++; if (i < argc) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "info")) { sigscheme = TPM_SS_RSASSAPKCS1v15_INFO; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "der")) { sigscheme = TPM_SS_RSASSAPKCS1v15_DER; } else { printf("Bad parameter for -ss\n"); printUsage(); } } else { printf("Missing parameter for -ss\n"); printUsage(); } } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-if") == 0) { i++; if (i < argc) { datafilename = argv[i]; } else { printf("-if option needs a value\n"); printUsage(); exit(2); } } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-is") == 0) { i++; if (i < argc) { sigfilename = argv[i]; } else { printf("-is option needs a value\n"); printUsage(); } } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-ik") == 0) { i++; if (i < argc) { kfilename = argv[i]; } else { printf("-ik option needs a value\n"); printUsage(); exit(2); } } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-h")) { printUsage(); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-v")) { TPM_setlog(1); } else { printf("\n%s is not a valid option\n", argv[i]); printUsage(); } } if ((datafilename == NULL) || (sigfilename == NULL) || (kfilename == NULL)) { printf("Missing parameter\n"); printUsage(); } /* ** read and hash the data file */ datafile = fopen(datafilename,"rb"); if (datafile == NULL) { printf("Unable to open data file '%s'\n",datafilename); exit(2); } SHA1_Init(&sha); for (;;) { ret = fread(databuff,1,sizeof databuff,datafile); if (ret < 0) { printf("I/O Error while reading data file '%s'\n",datafilename); exit(3); } SHA1_Update(&sha,databuff,ret); if (ret < (int)sizeof(databuff)) break; } fclose(datafile); SHA1_Final(datahash,&sha); /* ** get size of signature file */ stat(sigfilename,&sbuf); signature.used = (int)sbuf.st_size; sigfile = fopen(sigfilename,"rb"); if (sigfile == NULL) { printf("Unable to open signature file '%s'\n",sigfilename); exit(4); } /* ** read the signature file */ ret = fread(signature.buffer,1,signature.used,sigfile); if (ret != (int)signature.used) { printf("I/O Error while reading signature file '%s'\n",sigfilename); exit(5); } fclose(sigfile); /* ** read the key file */ keyfile = fopen(kfilename,"rb"); if (keyfile == NULL) { printf("Unable to open public key file '%s'\n",kfilename); exit(6); } pkey = PEM_read_PUBKEY(keyfile,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (pkey == NULL) { printf("I/O Error while reading public key file '%s'\n",kfilename); exit(7); } rsa = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(pkey); if (rsa == NULL) { printf("Error while converting public key \n"); exit(8); } switch (sigscheme) { default: case TPM_SS_RSASSAPKCS1v15_SHA1: ret = RSA_verify(NID_sha1,datahash,20, signature.buffer,signature.used, rsa); if (ret != 1) { printf("Verification Failed\n"); exit(100); } break; case TPM_SS_RSASSAPKCS1v15_DER: plain = RSA_public_decrypt(signature.used, signature.buffer, plainarray, rsa, RSA_NO_PADDING); if (plain == -1) { printf("Verification (DER) had an error\n"); exit(100); } ret = RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_type_1(padded,plain,datahash,sizeof(datahash)); if (ret != 1) { printf("Could not add the padding.\n"); exit(100); } if (memcmp(padded, plainarray, plain) != 0) { printf("Verfication (DER) failed.\n"); exit(100); } break; case TPM_SS_RSASSAPKCS1v15_INFO: // the nonce is the digest of the hashed data!! TSS_sha1(datahash, 20, digest); tsi.tag = TPM_TAG_SIGNINFO; memcpy(tsi.fixed,"SIGN",4); = TPM_HASH_SIZE; = datahash; memcpy(tsi.replay, digest, TPM_HASH_SIZE); /* need to calcualte the digest of the TPM_SIGN_INFO structure */ ret = TPM_WriteSignInfo(&tsi_ser, &tsi); if ((ret & ERR_MASK)) { printf("Could not serialize TPM_SIGN_INFO structure.\n"); exit(100); } ret = TPM_ValidateSignature(sigscheme, &tsi_ser, &signature, rsa); if (ret != 0) { printf("Verification (INFO) failed.\n"); exit(-1); } break; } RSA_free(rsa); EVP_PKEY_free(pkey); exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret; unsigned char hashpass1[TPM_HASH_SIZE]; /* hash of new key password */ unsigned char hashpass2[TPM_HASH_SIZE]; /* hash of migration password */ keydata k; /* keydata structure for input key parameters */ keydata q; /* keydata structure for resulting key */ RSA *rsa; /* OpenSSL format Public Key */ FILE *keyfile; /* output file for public key */ FILE *blbfile; /* output file for encrypted blob */ EVP_PKEY *pkey = NULL; /* OpenSSL public key */ char filename[256]; /* file name string of public key file */ unsigned char blob[4096]; /* area to hold key blob */ uint32_t bloblen; /* key blob length */ unsigned char *aptr1 = NULL; unsigned char *aptr2 = NULL; int nxtarg; TPM_setlog(0); /* turn off verbose output */ /* ** parse command line */ nxtarg = ParseArgs(argc, argv); (void)nxtarg; if ((digestfilename == NULL) || (keyname == NULL) || (parhandle == 0)) { printf("Missing parameter\n"); printUsage(); } if (-1 == readHMACandDigest(digestfilename, migAuthApproval, migAuthDigest)) { printf("Error reading from file %s.\n", digestfilename); exit(-1); } /* ** convert parent key handle from hex */ /* ** use the SHA1 hash of the password string as the Parent Key Authorization Data */ if (parpass != NULL) { TSS_sha1(parpass,strlen(parpass),hashpass1); aptr1 = hashpass1; } /* ** use the SHA1 hash of the password string as the Key Authorization Data */ if (keypass != NULL) { TSS_sha1(keypass,strlen(keypass),hashpass2); aptr2 = hashpass2; } /* ** initialize new key parameters */ k.v.tag = TPM_TAG_KEY12; k.keyFlags = TPM_MIGRATABLE | TPM_MIGRATEAUTHORITY; if (keypass != NULL) k.authDataUsage = 1; /* key requires authorization (password) */ else k.authDataUsage = 0; /* key requires no authorization (password) */ k.encData.size = 0; /* no private key specified here */ = TPM_ALG_RSA; /* key algorithm 1 = RSA */ if (keytype == 's') { k.keyUsage = TPM_KEY_SIGNING; /* key Usage - 0x0010 = signing */ = TPM_ES_NONE; /* encryption scheme 1 = NONE - signing key */ = TPM_SS_RSASSAPKCS1v15_SHA1; /* signature scheme RSA/SHA1 */ } else if (keytype == 'd') { k.keyUsage = TPM_KEY_SIGNING; /* key Usage - 0x0010 = signing */ = TPM_ES_NONE; /* encryption scheme 1 = NONE - signing key */ = TPM_SS_RSASSAPKCS1v15_DER; /* signature scheme RSA/DER */ } else if (keytype == 'i') { k.keyUsage = TPM_KEY_SIGNING; /* key Usage - 0x0010 = signing */ = TPM_ES_NONE; /* encryption scheme 1 = NONE - signing key */ = TPM_SS_RSASSAPKCS1v15_INFO; /* signature scheme RSA/INFO */ } else if (keytype == 'e') { k.keyUsage = TPM_KEY_STORAGE; /* key Usage - 0x0011 = encryption */ = TPM_ES_RSAESOAEP_SHA1_MGF1; /* encryption scheme 3 RSA */ = TPM_SS_NONE; /* signature scheme NONE */ } else if (keytype == 'b') { k.keyUsage = TPM_KEY_BIND; /* key Usage - 0x0014 = bind */ = TPM_ES_RSAESOAEP_SHA1_MGF1; /* encryption scheme 3 RSA */ = TPM_SS_NONE; /* signature scheme none */ } else if (keytype == 'l') { k.keyUsage = TPM_KEY_LEGACY; /* key Usage - 0x0015 = legacy */ = TPM_ES_RSAESOAEP_SHA1_MGF1; /* encryption scheme 3 RSA */ = TPM_SS_RSASSAPKCS1v15_SHA1; /* signature scheme RSA/SHA1 */ } else if (keytype == 'm') { k.keyUsage = TPM_KEY_MIGRATE; /* key Usage - 0x0016 = migration */ = TPM_ES_RSAESOAEP_SHA1_MGF1; /* encryption scheme 3 RSA */ = TPM_SS_NONE; /* signature scheme RSA/SHA1 */ } else { printUsage(); } = keysize; /* RSA modulus size 2048 bits */ = 2; /* required */ = 0; /* RSA exponent - default 0x010001 */ = 0; /* key not specified here */ = 0; /* no PCR's used at this time */ /* ** create and wrap an asymmetric key and get back the ** resulting keydata structure with the public and encrypted ** private keys filled in by the TPM */ bloblen = sizeof(blob); ret = TPM_CMK_CreateKey(parhandle, aptr1, aptr2, &k, migAuthApproval, migAuthDigest, &q, blob, &bloblen); if (ret != 0) { printf("Error %s from TPM_CMK_CreateKey\n", TPM_GetErrMsg(ret)); exit(-2); } sprintf(filename,"%s.key",keyname); blbfile = fopen(filename,"wb+"); if (blbfile == NULL) { printf("Unable to create key file\n"); exit(-3); } ret = fwrite(blob,1,bloblen,blbfile); if (ret != (int)bloblen) { printf("I/O Error writing key file\n"); exit(-4); } fclose(blbfile); /* ** convert the returned public key to OpenSSL format and ** export it to a file */ rsa = TSS_convpubkey(&(; if (rsa == NULL) { printf("Error from TSS_convpubkey\n"); exit(-5); } OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms(); pkey = EVP_PKEY_new(); if (pkey == NULL) { printf("Unable to create EVP_PKEY\n"); exit(-6); } ret = EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(pkey,rsa); if (ret == 0) { printf("Unable to assign public key to EVP_PKEY\n"); exit(-7); } sprintf(filename,"%s.pem",keyname); keyfile = fopen(filename,"wb"); if (keyfile == NULL) { printf("Unable to create public key file\n"); exit(-8); } ret = PEM_write_PUBKEY(keyfile,pkey); if (ret == 0) { printf("I/O Error writing public key file\n"); exit(-9); } fclose(keyfile); EVP_PKEY_free(pkey); exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret; unsigned char pass1hash[20]; unsigned char pass2hash[20]; keydata srk; RSA *rsa; /* OpenSSL format Public Key */ FILE *keyfile; /* output file for public key */ EVP_PKEY *pkey = NULL; /* OpenSSL public key */ if (argc < 2) { printf("Usage: takeown <owner password> [<storage root key password>]\n"); exit(1); } TPM_setlog(0); /* turn off verbose output */ /* ** use the SHA1 hash of the password string as the Owner Authorization Data */ TSS_sha1((unsigned char*)argv[1],strlen(argv[1]),pass1hash); /* ** use the SHA1 hash of the password string as the SRK Authorization Data */ if (argc > 2) { TSS_sha1((unsigned char *)argv[2],strlen(argv[2]),pass2hash); ret = TPM_TakeOwnership12(pass1hash,pass2hash,&srk); } else { TSS_sha1((unsigned char *)"SRK PWD",8,pass2hash); /* hard code for tpmdiag */ ret = TPM_TakeOwnership12(pass1hash,pass2hash,&srk); } if (ret != 0) { printf("Error %s from TPM_TakeOwnership\n",TPM_GetErrMsg(ret)); exit(2); } /* ** convert the returned public key to OpenSSL format and ** export it to a file */ rsa = TSS_convpubkey(&(; if (rsa == NULL) { printf("Error from TSS_convpubkey\n"); exit(3); } OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms(); pkey = EVP_PKEY_new(); if (pkey == NULL) { printf("Unable to create EVP_PKEY\n"); exit(4); } ret = EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(pkey,rsa); keyfile = fopen("srk.pem","wb"); if (keyfile == NULL) { printf("Unable to create public key file\n"); exit(5); } ret = PEM_write_PUBKEY(keyfile,pkey); if (ret == 0) { printf("Unable to write public key file\n"); exit(6); } fclose(keyfile); EVP_PKEY_free(pkey); exit(0); }
/* * Have the TPM seal(encrypt) the trusted key, possibly based on * Platform Configuration Registers (PCRs). AUTH1 for sealing key. */ static int tpm_seal(struct tpm_buf *tb, uint16_t keytype, uint32_t keyhandle, const unsigned char *keyauth, const unsigned char *data, uint32_t datalen, unsigned char *blob, uint32_t *bloblen, const unsigned char *blobauth, const unsigned char *pcrinfo, uint32_t pcrinfosize) { struct osapsess sess; struct tpm_digests *td; unsigned char cont; uint32_t ordinal; uint32_t pcrsize; uint32_t datsize; int sealinfosize; int encdatasize; int storedsize; int ret; int i; /* alloc some work space for all the hashes */ td = kmalloc(sizeof *td, GFP_KERNEL); if (!td) return -ENOMEM; /* get session for sealing key */ ret = osap(tb, &sess, keyauth, keytype, keyhandle); if (ret < 0) goto out; dump_sess(&sess); /* calculate encrypted authorization value */ memcpy(td->xorwork, sess.secret, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE); memcpy(td->xorwork + SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE, sess.enonce, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE); ret = TSS_sha1(td->xorwork, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE * 2, td->xorhash); if (ret < 0) goto out; ret = tpm_get_random(TPM_ANY_NUM, td->nonceodd, TPM_NONCE_SIZE); if (ret != TPM_NONCE_SIZE) goto out; ordinal = htonl(TPM_ORD_SEAL); datsize = htonl(datalen); pcrsize = htonl(pcrinfosize); cont = 0; /* encrypt data authorization key */ for (i = 0; i < SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE; ++i) td->encauth[i] = td->xorhash[i] ^ blobauth[i]; /* calculate authorization HMAC value */ if (pcrinfosize == 0) { /* no pcr info specified */ ret = TSS_authhmac(td->pubauth, sess.secret, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE, sess.enonce, td->nonceodd, cont, sizeof(uint32_t), &ordinal, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE, td->encauth, sizeof(uint32_t), &pcrsize, sizeof(uint32_t), &datsize, datalen, data, 0, 0); } else { /* pcr info specified */ ret = TSS_authhmac(td->pubauth, sess.secret, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE, sess.enonce, td->nonceodd, cont, sizeof(uint32_t), &ordinal, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE, td->encauth, sizeof(uint32_t), &pcrsize, pcrinfosize, pcrinfo, sizeof(uint32_t), &datsize, datalen, data, 0, 0); } if (ret < 0) goto out; /* build and send the TPM request packet */ INIT_BUF(tb); store16(tb, TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH1_COMMAND); store32(tb, TPM_SEAL_SIZE + pcrinfosize + datalen); store32(tb, TPM_ORD_SEAL); store32(tb, keyhandle); storebytes(tb, td->encauth, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE); store32(tb, pcrinfosize); storebytes(tb, pcrinfo, pcrinfosize); store32(tb, datalen); storebytes(tb, data, datalen); store32(tb, sess.handle); storebytes(tb, td->nonceodd, TPM_NONCE_SIZE); store8(tb, cont); storebytes(tb, td->pubauth, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE); ret = trusted_tpm_send(TPM_ANY_NUM, tb->data, MAX_BUF_SIZE); if (ret < 0) goto out; /* calculate the size of the returned Blob */ sealinfosize = LOAD32(tb->data, TPM_DATA_OFFSET + sizeof(uint32_t)); encdatasize = LOAD32(tb->data, TPM_DATA_OFFSET + sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(uint32_t) + sealinfosize); storedsize = sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(uint32_t) + sealinfosize + sizeof(uint32_t) + encdatasize; /* check the HMAC in the response */ ret = TSS_checkhmac1(tb->data, ordinal, td->nonceodd, sess.secret, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE, storedsize, TPM_DATA_OFFSET, 0, 0); /* copy the returned blob to caller */ if (!ret) { memcpy(blob, tb->data + TPM_DATA_OFFSET, storedsize); *bloblen = storedsize; } out: kfree(td); return ret; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned char passhash1[20]; char * ownerpass = NULL; char * filename = NULL; int ret; int verbose = FALSE; TPM_MSA_COMPOSITE msaList = {0, NULL}; unsigned char migAuthDigest[TPM_DIGEST_SIZE]; unsigned char hmac[TPM_DIGEST_SIZE]; char * msa_list_filename = NULL; int i = 1; TPM_setlog(0); while (i < argc) { if (!strcmp("-pwdo",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { ownerpass = argv[i]; } else { printf("Missing parameter for -pwdo.\n"); usage(); exit(-1); } } else if (!strcmp("-of",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { filename = argv[i]; } else { printf("Missing parameter for -of.\n"); usage(); exit(-1); } } else if (!strcmp("-msa",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { msa_list_filename = argv[i]; } else { printf("Missing parameter for -msa.\n"); usage(); exit(-1); } } else if (!strcmp("-ik",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { if (0 != addKeyToMSAList(&msaList,argv[i])) { exit(-1); } } else { printf("Missing parameter for -ik.\n"); usage(); exit(-1); } } else if (!strcmp("-v",argv[i])) { verbose = TRUE; TPM_setlog(1); } else if (!strcmp("-h",argv[i])) { usage(); exit(-1); } else { printf("\n%s is not a valid option\n",argv[i]); usage(); exit(-1); } i++; } (void)verbose; if (NULL == ownerpass || msaList.MSAlist == 0 || NULL == filename) { printf("Missing argument.\n"); usage(); exit(-1); } if (NULL != ownerpass) { TSS_sha1(ownerpass,strlen(ownerpass),passhash1); } TPM_HashMSAComposite(&msaList, migAuthDigest); ret = TPM_CMK_ApproveMA(migAuthDigest, passhash1, hmac); if (0 != ret) { printf("CMK_ApproveMA returned error '%s' (%d).\n", TPM_GetErrMsg(ret), ret); } else { FILE * f = fopen(filename, "wb+"); if (f != NULL) { if (TPM_DIGEST_SIZE == fwrite(hmac, 1, TPM_DIGEST_SIZE, f) && TPM_DIGEST_SIZE == fwrite(migAuthDigest, 1, TPM_DIGEST_SIZE, f) ) { printf("Successfully wrote HMAC and digest to %s.\n", filename); } fclose(f); } else { printf("Could not open file %s for writing.\n", filename); } } if (NULL != msa_list_filename) { struct tpm_buffer * buffer = TSS_AllocTPMBuffer(sizeof(msaList) + msaList.MSAlist * TPM_HASH_SIZE); if (NULL != buffer) { uint32_t len = TPM_WriteMSAComposite(buffer, &msaList); FILE * f = fopen(msa_list_filename, "wb"); if (NULL != f) { fwrite(buffer->buffer,len,1, f); printf("Successfully wrote msa list to %s.\n", msa_list_filename); fclose(f); } else { printf("Could not open file %s for writing.\n", msa_list_filename); } TSS_FreeTPMBuffer(buffer); } } exit(ret); }
static int check_tpm(void) { unsigned char keybuf[TPM_MAX_KEY_SIZE]; unsigned char pcrvalue[TPM_AUTH_SIZE]; unsigned char srkauth[TPM_AUTH_SIZE]; uint32_t ret, srk_handle; unsigned int keylen; keydata k, key; int tpmfp; /* check /dev/tpm0 */ if ((tpmfp = open("/dev/tpm0", O_RDWR)) < 0) { printf("Unable to open /dev/tpm0\n"); exit(-1); } close(tpmfp); /* try a TPM_Reset (should work even if TPM disabled) */ if((ret=TPM_Reset())){ printf("TPM_Reset failed, error %s\n", TPM_GetErrMsg(ret)); exit(-2); } /* check if TPM enabled with TPM_PcrRead */ if((ret=TPM_PcrRead(0L,pcrvalue))){ printf("TPM_PcrRead failed, error %s\n", TPM_GetErrMsg(ret)); exit(-3); } /* check if TPM already has default IBM CSS owner */ srk_handle=TPM_SRK_HANDLE; TSS_sha1((unsigned char *)SRKPASS,8,srkauth); k.keyflags = 0; k.authdatausage = 0; /* key requires no password */ k.privkeylen = 0; /* no private key specified here */ = 0x00000099; /* BOGUS ALG */ k.keyusage = 0x0014; /* key Usage - 0x0014 = bind */ = 0x0003; /* encryption scheme 3 RSA */ = 0x0001; /* signature scheme none */ = 2048; /* RSA modulus size 2048 bits */ = 2; /* required */ = 0; /* RSA exponent - default 0x010001 */ = 0; /* key not specified here */ = 0; /* no PCR's used at this time */ ret=TPM_CreateWrapKey(srk_handle,srkauth, NULL,NULL, &k,&key,keybuf,&keylen); if(ret==TPM_AUTHFAIL){ printf("TPM already has unknown owner\n"), exit(-4); } if(ret==TPM_BAD_KEY_PROPS){ printf("TPM is already IBM CSS managed\n"); return(0); } if(ret==TPM_NOSRK){ printf("TPM is already owned\n"); return(1); } printf("Unexpected return code %d\n",ret); exit(-5); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret; struct stat sbuf; unsigned char keyblob[4096]; unsigned int keyblen; unsigned char outblob[4096]; unsigned int outblen; unsigned int handle; unsigned char filename[256]; unsigned char filename2[256]; unsigned char parphash[20]; unsigned char newphash[20]; unsigned char keyphash[20]; unsigned char *passptr1; FILE *outfile; FILE *ainfile; keydata key; unsigned char *keypass; unsigned char *newpass; unsigned char *keyname; unsigned char *parhndl; int nxtarg; nxtarg = ParseArgs(argc, argv); if (argc < (nxtarg + 4)) usage(); TPM_setlog(0); parhndl = argv[nxtarg + 0]; keyname = argv[nxtarg + 1]; keypass = argv[nxtarg + 2]; newpass = argv[nxtarg + 3]; /* ** convert parent key handle from hex */ ret = sscanf(parhndl, "%x", &handle); if (ret != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid argument '%s'\n", parhndl); exit(2); } /* * use SHA1 hash of password string as Parent Key Authorization */ if (parpass != NULL) { TSS_sha1(parpass, strlen(parpass), parphash); passptr1 = parphash; } else passptr1 = NULL; /* ** use SHA1 hash of password string as Key Authorization Data */ TSS_sha1(keypass, strlen(keypass), keyphash); /* ** use SHA1 hash of password string as New Authorization Data */ TSS_sha1(newpass, strlen(newpass), newphash); /* ** read the key blob */ ainfile = fopen(keyname, "r"); if (ainfile == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open key file\n"); exit(3); } stat(keyname, &sbuf); keyblen = (int) sbuf.st_size; ret = fread(keyblob, 1, keyblen, ainfile); if (ret != keyblen) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to read key file\n"); exit(4); } fclose(ainfile); TSS_KeyExtract(keyblob, &key); ret = TPM_ChangeAuth(handle, passptr1, keyphash, newphash, &key); if (ret != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error %s from TPM_ChangeAuth\n", TPM_GetErrMsg(ret)); exit(5); } ret = TPM_BuildKey(outblob, &key); if ((ret & ERR_MASK) != 0) return ret; outblen = ret; sprintf(filename2, "", keyname); sprintf(filename, "%s", keyname); ret = rename(filename, filename2); if (ret != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to rename old key file\n"); exit(6); } outfile = fopen(filename, "w"); if (outfile == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create new key file\n"); exit(7); } ret = fwrite(outblob, 1, outblen, outfile); if (ret != outblen) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to write new key file\n"); exit(8); } fclose(outfile); exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned char nonce[TPM_NONCE_SIZE]; unsigned char digest[TPM_DIGEST_SIZE]; unsigned char calcdigest[TPM_DIGEST_SIZE]; uint32_t ret; struct keydata key; STACK_TPM_BUFFER(serKeyData) uint32_t serKeySize; char * pubKeyFile = NULL; uint32_t buffersize; char * buffer = NULL; int index = 1; if (argc >= 3 && 0 == strcmp(argv[index],"-v")) { TPM_setlog(1); index++; } else { TPM_setlog(0); } if (index >= argc) { usage(); exit(-1); } pubKeyFile = argv[index]; if (NULL == pubKeyFile) { usage(); exit(-1); } TSS_gennonce(nonce); ret = TPM_ReadKeyfile(pubKeyFile, &key); if ( ( ret & ERR_MASK ) != 0 ) { printf("Error - could not read key file.\n"); exit (-1); } ret = TPM_WriteKeyPub(&serKeyData, &key); if ( ( ret & ERR_MASK ) != 0 ) { exit (-1); } serKeySize = ret; ret = TPM_ReadManuMaintPub(nonce, digest); if ( 0 != ret ) { printf("Error %s from ReadManuMainPub.\n", TPM_GetErrMsg(ret)); exit(ret); } /* * Now check the digest against the serialized public key * and the hash. */ buffersize = serKeySize + sizeof(nonce); buffer = malloc(buffersize); if (NULL == buffer) { exit (-1); } memcpy(buffer, serKeyData.buffer, serKeySize); memcpy(&buffer[serKeySize], nonce, sizeof(nonce)); TSS_sha1(buffer, buffersize, calcdigest); free(buffer); if (0 == memcmp(calcdigest, digest, sizeof(digest))) { printf("The same public key is in the TPM.\n"); ret = 0; } else { printf("Another public key is in the TPM.\n"); ret = -1; } exit(ret); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { uint32_t ret = 0; char * filename = NULL; int i; char *ownerPassword = NULL; const char *ownerAuthFilename = NULL; unsigned char ownerAuth[TPM_HASH_SIZE]; unsigned char *ownerHashPtr = NULL; struct stat _stat; uint32_t index = 0xffffffff; TPM_setlog(0); for (i=1 ; i<argc ; i++) { if (!strcmp("-pwdo",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { ownerPassword = argv[i]; } else { printf("Missing parameter for -pwdo.\n"); usage(); } } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-pwdof") == 0) { i++; if (i < argc) { ownerAuthFilename = argv[i]; } else { printf("Missing parameter for -pwdo.f\n"); usage(); } } else if (!strcmp("-row",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { if (1 != sscanf(argv[i], "%x", &index)) { printf("Could not parse the -row value.\n"); usage(); } } else { printf("Missing argument after -row\n"); usage(); } } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-if") == 0) { i++; if (i < argc) { filename = argv[i]; } else { printf("-if option needs a value\n"); } } else if (!strcmp("-v",argv[i])) { TPM_setlog(1); } else if (!strcmp("-h",argv[i])) { usage(); } else { printf("\n%s is not a valid option\n", argv[i]); usage(); } } if (index == 0xfffffff) { printf("Missing the -row parameter!\n"); usage(); } if (filename == NULL) { printf("Missing the -if parameter!\n"); usage(); } if ((ownerPassword != NULL) && (ownerAuthFilename != NULL)) { printf("\nCannot have -pwdo and -pwdof arguments\n"); usage(); } /* use the SHA1 hash of the password string as the Owner Authorization Data */ if (ownerPassword != NULL) { TSS_sha1((unsigned char *)ownerPassword, strlen(ownerPassword), ownerAuth); ownerHashPtr = ownerAuth; } /* get the ownerAuth from a file */ else if (ownerAuthFilename != NULL) { unsigned char *buffer = NULL; uint32_t buffersize; ret = TPM_ReadFile(ownerAuthFilename, &buffer, &buffersize); if ((ret & ERR_MASK)) { printf("Error reading %s.\n", ownerAuthFilename); exit(-1); } if (buffersize != sizeof(ownerAuth)) { printf("Error reading %s, size %u should be %lu.\n", ownerAuthFilename, buffersize, (unsigned long)sizeof(ownerAuth)); exit(-1); } memcpy(ownerAuth, buffer, sizeof(ownerAuth)); ownerHashPtr = ownerAuth; free(buffer); } if (0 == stat(filename, &_stat)) { unsigned char *blob = malloc(_stat.st_size); uint32_t blobSize = _stat.st_size; FILE *f; if (NULL == blob) { printf("Could not allocate memory!\n"); exit(-1); } f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (NULL == f) { printf("Could not open file for reading.\n"); exit(-1); } if (blobSize != fread(blob, 1, blobSize, f)) { printf("Could not read the file.\n"); fclose(f); exit(-1); } fclose(f); ret = TPM_Delegate_LoadOwnerDelegation(index, ownerHashPtr, blob, blobSize); if ( ret != 0) { printf("Error '%s' from Delegate_LoadOwnerDelegation.\n", TPM_GetErrMsg(ret)); exit(-1); } else { printf("Successfully loaded the blob.\n"); } } else { printf("Error, file %s not accessible.\n",filename); } exit(ret); }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { char * ownerpass = NULL; char * counterpass = NULL; uint32_t parhandle; /* handle of parent key */ unsigned char * passptr1 = NULL; unsigned char * passptr2 = NULL; unsigned char passhash1[20]; unsigned char passhash2[20]; uint32_t ret; int i = 0; uint32_t label = 0xffffffff; uint32_t counterId = 0; unsigned char counterValue[TPM_COUNTER_VALUE_SIZE]; i = 1; TPM_setlog(0); while (i < argc) { if (!strcmp("-pwdo",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { ownerpass = argv[i]; } else { printf("Missing parameter for -pwdo\n"); usage(); } } else if (!strcmp("-la",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { label = atoi(argv[i]); } else { printf("Missing parameter for -la\n"); usage(); } } else if (!strcmp("-pwdc",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { counterpass = argv[i]; } else { printf("Missing parameter for -pwdc\n"); usage(); } } else if (!strcmp("-v",argv[i])) { TPM_setlog(1); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-h")) { usage(); } else { printf("\n%s is not a valid option\n",argv[i]); usage(); } i++; } if ((ownerpass == NULL) || (counterpass == NULL) || (label == 0xffffffff)) { printf("Input parameters wrong or missing!\n"); usage(); } printf("Using ownerpass : %s\n",ownerpass); printf("Using counterpass: %s\n",counterpass); /* * convert parent key handle from hex */ parhandle = 0x00000000; TSS_sha1(ownerpass,strlen(ownerpass),passhash1); passptr1 = passhash1; TSS_sha1(counterpass,strlen(counterpass),passhash2); passptr2 = passhash2; /* * Create a counter */ ret = TPM_CreateCounter(parhandle, passptr1, label, passptr2, &counterId, counterValue); if (0 != ret) { printf("Got error %s (0x%x) from TPM_CreateCounter.\n", TPM_GetErrMsg(ret), ret); } else { printf("New counter id: %d\n",counterId); i = 0; printf("Counter start value: "); while (i < TPM_COUNTER_VALUE_SIZE) { printf("%02X",counterValue[i]); i++; } printf("\n"); } return ret; }
uint32_t TPM_Seal(uint32_t keyhandle, unsigned char *pcrinfo, uint32_t pcrinfosize, unsigned char *keyauth, unsigned char *dataauth, unsigned char *data, unsigned int datalen, unsigned char *blob, unsigned int *bloblen) { unsigned char seal_fmt[] = "00 C2 T l l % @ @ l % o %"; uint32_t ret; int i; unsigned char tpmdata[TPM_MAX_BUFF_SIZE]; osapsess sess; unsigned char encauth[TPM_HASH_SIZE]; unsigned char pubauth[TPM_HASH_SIZE]; unsigned char xorwork[TPM_HASH_SIZE * 2]; unsigned char xorhash[TPM_HASH_SIZE]; unsigned char dummyauth[TPM_HASH_SIZE]; unsigned char nonceodd[TPM_NONCE_SIZE]; unsigned char c; uint32_t ordinal; uint32_t pcrsize; uint32_t datsize; uint32_t keyhndl; uint16_t keytype; unsigned char *passptr1; unsigned char *passptr2; int sealinfosize; int encdatasize; int storedsize; memset(dummyauth, 0, sizeof dummyauth); /* check input arguments */ if (data == NULL || blob == NULL) return ERR_NULL_ARG; if (pcrinfosize != 0 && pcrinfo == NULL) return ERR_NULL_ARG; if (keyhandle == 0x40000000) keytype = 0x0004; else keytype = 0x0001; if (keyauth == NULL) passptr1 = dummyauth; else passptr1 = keyauth; if (dataauth == NULL) passptr2 = dummyauth; else passptr2 = dataauth; /* Open OSAP Session */ ret = TSS_OSAPopen(&sess, passptr1, keytype, keyhandle); if (ret != 0) return ret; /* calculate encrypted authorization value */ memcpy(xorwork, sess.ssecret, TPM_HASH_SIZE); memcpy(xorwork + TPM_HASH_SIZE, sess.enonce, TPM_HASH_SIZE); TSS_sha1(xorwork, TPM_HASH_SIZE * 2, xorhash); /* generate odd nonce */ TSS_gennonce(nonceodd); /* move Network byte order data to variables for hmac calculation */ ordinal = htonl(0x17); datsize = htonl(datalen); keyhndl = htonl(keyhandle); pcrsize = htonl(pcrinfosize); c = 0; /* encrypt data authorization key */ for (i = 0; i < TPM_HASH_SIZE; ++i) encauth[i] = xorhash[i] ^ passptr2[i]; /* calculate authorization HMAC value */ if (pcrinfosize == 0) { /* no pcr info specified */ ret = TSS_authhmac(pubauth, sess.ssecret, TPM_HASH_SIZE, sess.enonce, nonceodd, c, TPM_U32_SIZE, &ordinal, TPM_HASH_SIZE, encauth, TPM_U32_SIZE, &pcrsize, TPM_U32_SIZE, &datsize, datalen, data, 0, 0); } else { /* pcr info specified */ ret = TSS_authhmac(pubauth, sess.ssecret, TPM_HASH_SIZE, sess.enonce, nonceodd, c, TPM_U32_SIZE, &ordinal, TPM_HASH_SIZE, encauth, TPM_U32_SIZE, &pcrsize, pcrinfosize, pcrinfo, TPM_U32_SIZE, &datsize, datalen, data, 0, 0); } if (ret != 0) { TSS_OSAPclose(&sess); return ret; } /* build the request buffer */ ret = TSS_buildbuff(seal_fmt, tpmdata, ordinal, keyhndl, TPM_HASH_SIZE, encauth, pcrinfosize, pcrinfo, datalen, data, sess.handle, TPM_NONCE_SIZE, nonceodd, c, TPM_HASH_SIZE, pubauth); if ((ret & ERR_MASK) != 0) { TSS_OSAPclose(&sess); return ret; } /* transmit the request buffer to the TPM device and read the reply */ ret = TPM_Transmit(tpmdata, "Seal"); if (ret != 0) { TSS_OSAPclose(&sess); return ret; } /* calculate the size of the returned Blob */ sealinfosize = LOAD32(tpmdata, TPM_DATA_OFFSET + TPM_U32_SIZE); encdatasize = LOAD32(tpmdata, TPM_DATA_OFFSET + TPM_U32_SIZE + TPM_U32_SIZE + sealinfosize); storedsize = TPM_U32_SIZE + TPM_U32_SIZE + sealinfosize + TPM_U32_SIZE + encdatasize; /* check the HMAC in the response */ ret = TSS_checkhmac1(tpmdata, ordinal, nonceodd, sess.ssecret, TPM_HASH_SIZE, storedsize, TPM_DATA_OFFSET, 0, 0); if (ret != 0) { TSS_OSAPclose(&sess); return ret; } /* copy the returned blob to caller */ memcpy(blob, tpmdata + TPM_DATA_OFFSET, storedsize); *bloblen = storedsize; TSS_OSAPclose(&sess); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret; char *ownpass = NULL; char *newpass = NULL; unsigned char ownphash[TPM_HASH_SIZE]; unsigned char newphash[TPM_HASH_SIZE]; int i; TPM_setlog(0); for (i=1 ; i<argc ; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-pwdo")) { i++; if (i < argc) { ownpass = argv[i]; } else { printf("Missing parameter to -pwdo\n"); printUsage(); } } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-pwdn")) { i++; if (i < argc) { newpass = argv[i]; } else { printf("Missing parameter to -pwdn\n"); printUsage(); } } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-own") == 0) { ownflag = 1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-h")) { printUsage(); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-v")) { TPM_setlog(1); } else { printf("\n%s is not a valid option\n", argv[i]); printUsage(); } } if ((ownpass == NULL) || (newpass == NULL)) { printf("Missing password argument\n"); exit(2); } /* ** use the SHA1 hash of the password string as the TPM Owner Password */ TSS_sha1((unsigned char*)ownpass,strlen(ownpass),ownphash); /* ** use the SHA1 hash of the password string as the New Authorization Data */ TSS_sha1((unsigned char*)newpass,strlen(newpass),newphash); if (ownflag) { ret = TPM_ChangeOwnAuth(ownphash,newphash); if (ret != 0) { printf("Error %s from TPM_ChangeOwnAuth\n",TPM_GetErrMsg(ret)); exit(1); } } else { ret = TPM_ChangeSRKAuth(ownphash,newphash); if (ret != 0) { printf("Error %s from TPM_ChangeSRKAuth\n",TPM_GetErrMsg(ret)); exit(1); } } exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret; /* general return value */ uint32_t keyhandle = 0; /* handle of quote key */ unsigned int pcrmask = 0; /* pcr register mask */ unsigned char passhash1[TPM_HASH_SIZE]; /* hash of key password */ unsigned char data[TPM_HASH_SIZE];/* nonce data */ STACK_TPM_BUFFER(signature); pubkeydata pubkey; /* public key structure */ RSA *rsa; /* openssl RSA public key */ unsigned char *passptr; TPM_PCR_SELECTION selection; TPM_PCR_INFO_SHORT s1; TPM_QUOTE_INFO2 quoteinfo; STACK_TPM_BUFFER( serQuoteInfo ) uint32_t pcrs; int i; uint16_t sigscheme = TPM_SS_RSASSAPKCS1v15_SHA1; TPM_BOOL addVersion = FALSE; STACK_TPM_BUFFER(versionblob); static char *keypass = NULL; TPM_setlog(0); /* turn off verbose output from TPM driver */ for (i=1 ; i<argc ; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i],"-hk") == 0) { i++; if (i < argc) { /* convert key handle from hex */ if (1 != sscanf(argv[i], "%x", &keyhandle)) { printf("Invalid -hk argument '%s'\n",argv[i]); exit(2); } } else { printf("-hk option needs a value\n"); printUsage(); } } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-pwdk")) { i++; if (i < argc) { keypass = argv[i]; } else { printf("Missing parameter to -pwdk\n"); printUsage(); } } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-bm") == 0) { i++; if (i < argc) { /* convert key handle from hex */ if (1 != sscanf(argv[i], "%x", &pcrmask)) { printf("Invalid -bm argument '%s'\n",argv[i]); exit(2); } } else { printf("-bm option needs a value\n"); printUsage(); } } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-vinfo")) { addVersion = TRUE; printf("Adding version info.\n"); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-h")) { printUsage(); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-v")) { TPM_setlog(1); } else { printf("\n%s is not a valid option\n", argv[i]); printUsage(); } } if ((keyhandle == 0) || (pcrmask == 0)) { printf("Missing argument\n"); printUsage(); } memset(&s1, 0x0, sizeof(s1)); /* ** Parse and process the command line arguments */ /* get the SHA1 hash of the password string for use as the Key Authorization Data */ if (keypass != NULL) { TSS_sha1((unsigned char *)keypass,strlen(keypass),passhash1); passptr = passhash1; } else { passptr = NULL; } /* for testing, use the password hash as the test nonce */ memcpy(data,passhash1,TPM_HASH_SIZE); ret = TPM_GetNumPCRRegisters(&pcrs); if (ret != 0) { printf("Error reading number of PCR registers.\n"); exit(-1); } if (pcrs > TPM_NUM_PCR) { printf("Library does not support that many PCRs.\n"); exit(-1); } memset(&selection, 0x0, sizeof(selection)); selection.sizeOfSelect = pcrs / 8; for (i = 0; i < selection.sizeOfSelect; i++) { selection.pcrSelect[i] = (pcrmask & 0xff); pcrmask >>= 8; } /* ** perform the TPM Quote function */ ret = TPM_Quote2(keyhandle, /* key handle */ &selection, /* specify PCR registers */ addVersion, /* add Version */ passptr, /* Key Password (hashed), or null */ data, /* nonce data */ &s1, /* pointer to pcr info */ &versionblob, /* pointer to TPM_CAP_VERSION_INFO */ &signature); /* buffer to receive result, int to receive result length */ if (ret != 0) { printf("Error '%s' from TPM_Quote2\n",TPM_GetErrMsg(ret)); exit(ret); } /* ** Get the public key and convert to an OpenSSL RSA public key */ ret = TPM_GetPubKey(keyhandle,passptr,&pubkey); if (ret != 0) { printf("Error '%s' from TPM_GetPubKey\n",TPM_GetErrMsg(ret)); exit(ret); } rsa = TSS_convpubkey(&pubkey); /* ** fill the quote info structure and calculate the hashes needed for verification */ quoteinfo.tag = TPM_TAG_QUOTE_INFO2; memcpy(&(quoteinfo.fixed),"QUT2",4); quoteinfo.infoShort = s1; memcpy(&(quoteinfo.externalData),data,TPM_NONCE_SIZE); unsigned char *corey_ptr = (unsigned char *)"einfo; unsigned int x; printf("quote info: \n"); for (x=0;x<128;x++) { if (x != 0 && x % 16 == 0) printf("\n"); printf("%02x ", corey_ptr[x]); } printf("\n"); /* create the hash of the quoteinfo structure for signature verification */ ret = TPM_WriteQuoteInfo2(&serQuoteInfo, "einfo); if ( ( ret & ERR_MASK ) != 0) { exit(-1); } printf("serquoteinfo: \n"); for (x=0;x<128;x++) { if (x != 0 && x % 16 == 0) printf("\n"); printf("%02x ", serQuoteInfo.buffer[x]); } printf("\n"); /* append version information if given in response */ if (addVersion) { printf("addversion is called\n"); memcpy(serQuoteInfo.buffer + serQuoteInfo.used, versionblob.buffer, versionblob.used); serQuoteInfo.used += versionblob.used; } ret = TPM_ValidateSignature(sigscheme, &serQuoteInfo, &signature, rsa); if (ret != 0) { printf("Verification failed\n"); } else { printf("Verification succeeded\n"); } RSA_free(rsa); exit(ret); }