Ejemplo n.º 1
std::string Variables::evaluate(const std::string &expr) const
    std::size_t opPos;
    std::string result = expr;

    opPos = expr.find_first_of("+-");

    if (opPos != std::string::npos)
        long op1, op2, value;
        try {
            op1 = std::stol(expr.substr(0, opPos));
        } catch (...) {
            throw TemplateException("Non-numeric operand 1 found in expression '" + expr + "'", false);

        try {
            op2 = std::stol(expr.substr(opPos+1));
        } catch (...) {
            throw TemplateException("Non-numeric operand 2 found in expression '" + expr + "'", false);
        if (expr[opPos] == '-')
            value = op1 - op2;
            value = op1 + op2;

        if (value < 0)
            throw TemplateException("Result of expression '" + expr + "' is negative, only >0 results allowed", false);

        result = std::to_string(value);
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
std::string Variable::getValue(size_t idx) const
    // If no value assigned yet, throw an exception
    if (m_values.empty())
        std::string msg = "Attempt to get value of uninitialized input '" + m_name + "'";
        throw TemplateException(msg, false);

    // If there is only one value, then it's a single value input, so just return the first index regardless
    if (m_values.size() == 1)
        idx = 0;

    // Otherwise, make sure the requested index is in range
    else if (idx >= m_values.size())
        std::string msg = "Attempt to get value out of range (" + std::to_string(idx) + "), size = " + std::to_string(m_values.size()) + " for '" + m_name +"'";
        throw TemplateException(msg, false);

    return m_values[idx];
Ejemplo n.º 3
std::shared_ptr<Variable> variableFactory(const std::string &type, const std::string &name)
    std::shared_ptr<Variable> pInput;
    if (type == "string")
        pInput = std::make_shared<Variable>(name);
    else if (type == "iprange")
        pInput = std::make_shared<IPAddressRangeVariable>(name);
    else if (type == "ipaddress")
        pInput = std::make_shared<IPAddressVariable>(name);
    else if (type == "hostname")
        pInput = std::make_shared<HostNameVariable>(name);
        throw TemplateException("Invalid input type '" + type + "'");
    return pInput;
Ejemplo n.º 4
std::shared_ptr<Variable> Variables::getVariable(const std::string &name, bool throwIfNotFound) const
    std::shared_ptr<Variable> pRetVar;
    std::string varName = name;

    // Accept both a regular string or a {{name}} string for the input name
    std::size_t bracesStartPos = name.find("{{");
    if (bracesStartPos != std::string::npos)
        std::size_t bracesEndPos = findClosingDelimiter(name, bracesStartPos,"{{", "}}");
        varName = name.substr(bracesStartPos + 2, bracesEndPos - bracesStartPos - 2);

    for (auto &pVar: m_variables)
        if (pVar->getName() == varName)
            pRetVar = pVar;

    if (!pRetVar && throwIfNotFound)
        throw TemplateException("Unable to find variable, name = '" + name + "'.");
    return pRetVar;
Ejemplo n.º 5
	TokenFor::TokenFor(wstring expr)
		std::vector<wstring> elements ;
		boost::split(elements, expr, boost::is_space()) ;
		if (elements.size() != 4u)
			throw TemplateException("Invalid syntax in for statement") ;
		m_val = elements[1] ;
		m_key = elements[3] ;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void Variables::add(const std::shared_ptr<Variable> pVariable)
    for (auto &pVar: m_variables)
        if (pVar->getName() == pVariable->getName())
            throw TemplateException("Variable '" + pVariable->getName() + "' is a duplicate.", true);

Ejemplo n.º 7
void HostNameVariable::addValue(const std::string &value) {

    std::string hostname = trim(value);
    bool isValid = true;

    if (hostname.empty())
        throw TemplateException("Hostname is empty", false);

Ejemplo n.º 8
std::size_t Variables::findClosingDelimiter(const std::string &input, std::size_t startPos, const std::string &openDelim, const std::string &closeDelim) const
    std::size_t curPos = startPos + openDelim.length();
    std::size_t openPos, closePos;
    unsigned depth = 1;

        closePos = input.find(closeDelim, curPos);
        openPos = input.find(openDelim, curPos);

        if (closePos == std::string::npos)
            throw TemplateException("Missing closing delimiter '" + closeDelim + "' string = '" + input + "'", false);

        if (openPos != std::string::npos && closePos > openPos)
            curPos = openPos + openDelim.length();
           if (--depth > 0)
               if (openPos != std::string::npos)
                   curPos = openPos + openDelim.length();
                   curPos = closePos + closeDelim.length();
    } while (depth > 0);

    return closePos;
void IPAddressVariable::addValue(const std::string &value) {

    std::string ipAddr = trim(value);
    bool isValid = true;

    // Figure out what this def entails. Look at the number of parts. If one part, just
    // save it.
    std::vector<std::string> addressParts = splitString(ipAddr, ".");
    if (addressParts.size() == 4)
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4 && isValid; ++i)
                int num = std::stoi(addressParts[i]);
                if (num <= 0 || num > 255)
                    isValid = false;
            catch (...)
                isValid = false;
        isValid = false;

    if (!isValid)
        throw TemplateException("Invalid IP address '" + ipAddr + "' specified", false);

Ejemplo n.º 10
	// Data classes
	wstring Data::getvalue()
		throw TemplateException("Data item is not a value") ;
Ejemplo n.º 11
	token_vector & Token::get_children()
		throw TemplateException("This token type cannot have children") ;
Ejemplo n.º 12
	void Token::set_children( token_vector &children )
		throw TemplateException("This token type cannot have children") ;
Ejemplo n.º 13
	data_map& Data::getmap()
		throw TemplateException("Data item is not a dictionary") ;
Ejemplo n.º 14
	data_list& Data::getlist()
		throw TemplateException("Data item is not a list") ;
Ejemplo n.º 15
	void TokenEnd::gettext( std::wostream &, data_map &)
		throw TemplateException("End-of-control statements have no associated text") ;
Ejemplo n.º 16
std::string Variables::doValueSubstitution(const std::string &value) const
    // A value has the form {{name}}[{{index}}] where name and index can be simple strings and the index is optional
    // Or {{name}}.size which will return the size of the variable name (number of entries)
    std::string varName, result = value;
    std::size_t index;

    std::size_t bracesStartPos = result.find("{{");
    bool done = bracesStartPos == std::string::npos;

    while (!done)
        index = m_curIndex;
        std::size_t bracesEndPos = findClosingDelimiter(result, bracesStartPos,"{{", "}}");
        varName = result.substr(bracesStartPos + 2, bracesEndPos - bracesStartPos - 2);

        // If there is an index defined, evaluate it and update the index to be used for the final value
        std::size_t bracketStartPos = result.find('[');
        std::size_t sizePos = result.find(".size");

        if (bracketStartPos != std::string::npos && sizePos != std::string::npos)
            throw TemplateException("Both [] and .size may not appear in a variable");

        if (bracketStartPos != std::string::npos)
            std::size_t bracketEndPos = findClosingDelimiter(result, bracketStartPos, "[", "]");  //  result.find(']');
            std::string indexStr = result.substr(bracketStartPos+1, bracketEndPos - bracketStartPos - 1);
            varName = result.substr(bracesStartPos + 2, bracketStartPos - bracesStartPos - 2);
            try {
                index = std::stoul(evaluate(doValueSubstitution(indexStr)));
            } catch (...) {
                throw TemplateException("Non-numeric count found for index value", false);

        if (sizePos != std::string::npos)
            result = std::to_string(getVariable(varName, true)->getNumValues());
            std::string substitueValue = doValueSubstitution(getVariable(varName, true)->getValue(index));
            std::string newResult = result.substr(0, bracesStartPos);
            newResult += substitueValue;
            newResult += result.substr(bracesEndPos + 2);
            result = newResult;

        bracesStartPos = result.find("{{");
        done = bracesStartPos == std::string::npos;

    // This should NOT have a [] in it

    return evaluate(result);