// Main program
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	pArgc = &argc;
	pArgv = argv;

	shrQAStart(argc, argv);

    // Start logs 
	cExecutableName = argv[0];
    shrSetLogFileName ("oclSobelFilter.txt");
    shrLog("%s Starting (Using %s)...\n\n", argv[0], clSourcefile); 

    // Get command line args for quick test or QA test, if provided
    bNoPrompt = (bool)shrCheckCmdLineFlag(argc, (const char**)argv, "noprompt");
    bQATest   = (bool)shrCheckCmdLineFlag(argc, (const char**)argv, "qatest");

    // Menu items
    if (!(bQATest))

    // Find the path from the exe to the image file 
    cPathAndName = shrFindFilePath(cImageFile, argv[0]);
    oclCheckErrorEX(cPathAndName != NULL, shrTRUE, pCleanup);
    shrLog("Image File\t = %s\nImage Dimensions = %u w x %u h x %u bpp\n\n", cPathAndName, uiImageWidth, uiImageHeight, sizeof(unsigned int)<<3);

    // Initialize OpenGL items (if not No-GL QA test)
    shrLog("%sInitGL...\n\n", bQATest ? "Skipping " : "Calling "); 
    if (!(bQATest))
        InitGL(&argc, argv);

    //Get the NVIDIA platform if available, otherwise use default
    char cBuffer[1024];
    bool bNV = false;
    shrLog("Get Platform ID... ");
    ciErrNum = oclGetPlatformID(&cpPlatform);
    oclCheckErrorEX(ciErrNum, CL_SUCCESS, pCleanup);
    ciErrNum = clGetPlatformInfo (cpPlatform, CL_PLATFORM_NAME, sizeof(cBuffer), cBuffer, NULL);
    oclCheckErrorEX(ciErrNum, CL_SUCCESS, pCleanup);
    shrLog("%s\n\n", cBuffer);
    bNV = (strstr(cBuffer, "NVIDIA") != NULL);

    //Get the devices
    shrLog("Get Device Info...\n");
    cl_uint uiNumAllDevs = 0;
    GpuDevMngr = new DeviceManager(cpPlatform, &uiNumAllDevs, pCleanup);

    // Get selected device if specified, otherwise examine avaiable ones and choose by perf
    cl_int iSelectedDevice = 0;
    if((shrGetCmdLineArgumenti(argc, (const char**)argv, "device", &iSelectedDevice)) || (uiNumAllDevs == 1)) 
        // Use 1 selected device
        GpuDevMngr->uiUsefulDevCt = 1;  
        iSelectedDevice = CLAMP((cl_uint)iSelectedDevice, 0, (uiNumAllDevs - 1));
        GpuDevMngr->uiUsefulDevs[0] = iSelectedDevice;
        GpuDevMngr->fLoadProportions[0] = 1.0f;
        shrLog("  Using 1 Selected Device for Sobel Filter Computation...\n"); 
        // Use available useful devices and Compute the device load proportions
        ciErrNum = GpuDevMngr->GetDevLoadProportions(bNV);
        oclCheckErrorEX(ciErrNum, CL_SUCCESS, pCleanup);
        if (GpuDevMngr->uiUsefulDevCt == 1)
            iSelectedDevice = GpuDevMngr->uiUsefulDevs[0];
        shrLog("    Using %u Device(s) for Sobel Filter Computation\n", GpuDevMngr->uiUsefulDevCt); 

    //Create the context
    cxGPUContext = clCreateContext(0, uiNumAllDevs, GpuDevMngr->cdDevices, NULL, NULL, &ciErrNum);
    oclCheckErrorEX(ciErrNum, CL_SUCCESS, pCleanup);

    // Allocate per-device OpenCL objects for useful devices
    cqCommandQueue = new cl_command_queue[GpuDevMngr->uiUsefulDevCt];
    ckSobel = new cl_kernel[GpuDevMngr->uiUsefulDevCt];
    cmDevBufIn = new cl_mem[GpuDevMngr->uiUsefulDevCt];
    cmDevBufOut = new cl_mem[GpuDevMngr->uiUsefulDevCt];
    szAllocDevBytes = new size_t[GpuDevMngr->uiUsefulDevCt];
    uiInHostPixOffsets = new cl_uint[GpuDevMngr->uiUsefulDevCt];
    uiOutHostPixOffsets = new cl_uint[GpuDevMngr->uiUsefulDevCt];
    uiDevImageHeight = new cl_uint[GpuDevMngr->uiUsefulDevCt];

    // Create command queue(s) for device(s)     
    for (cl_uint i = 0; i < GpuDevMngr->uiUsefulDevCt; i++) 
        cqCommandQueue[i] = clCreateCommandQueue(cxGPUContext, GpuDevMngr->cdDevices[GpuDevMngr->uiUsefulDevs[i]], 0, &ciErrNum);
        oclCheckErrorEX(ciErrNum, CL_SUCCESS, pCleanup);
        shrLog("  CommandQueue %u, Device %u, Device Load Proportion = %.2f, ", i, GpuDevMngr->uiUsefulDevs[i], GpuDevMngr->fLoadProportions[i]); 
        oclPrintDevName(LOGBOTH, GpuDevMngr->cdDevices[GpuDevMngr->uiUsefulDevs[i]]);  

    // Allocate pinned input and output host image buffers:  mem copy operations to/from pinned memory is much faster than paged memory
    szBuffBytes = uiImageWidth * uiImageHeight * sizeof (unsigned int);
    cmPinnedBufIn = clCreateBuffer(cxGPUContext, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE | CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR, szBuffBytes, NULL, &ciErrNum);
    oclCheckErrorEX(ciErrNum, CL_SUCCESS, pCleanup);
    cmPinnedBufOut = clCreateBuffer(cxGPUContext, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE | CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR, szBuffBytes, NULL, &ciErrNum);
    oclCheckErrorEX(ciErrNum, CL_SUCCESS, pCleanup);
    shrLog("\nclCreateBuffer (Input and Output Pinned Host buffers)...\n"); 

    // Get mapped pointers for writing to pinned input and output host image pointers 
    uiInput = (cl_uint*)clEnqueueMapBuffer(cqCommandQueue[0], cmPinnedBufIn, CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_WRITE, 0, szBuffBytes, 0, NULL, NULL, &ciErrNum);
    oclCheckErrorEX(ciErrNum, CL_SUCCESS, pCleanup);
    uiOutput = (cl_uint*)clEnqueueMapBuffer(cqCommandQueue[0], cmPinnedBufOut, CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_READ, 0, szBuffBytes, 0, NULL, NULL, &ciErrNum);
    oclCheckErrorEX(ciErrNum, CL_SUCCESS, pCleanup);
    shrLog("clEnqueueMapBuffer (Pointer to Input and Output pinned host buffers)...\n"); 

    // Load image data from file to pinned input host buffer
    ciErrNum = shrLoadPPM4ub(cPathAndName, (unsigned char **)&uiInput, &uiImageWidth, &uiImageHeight);
    oclCheckErrorEX(ciErrNum, shrTRUE, pCleanup);
    shrLog("Load Input Image to Input pinned host buffer...\n"); 

    // Read the kernel in from file
    cPathAndName = shrFindFilePath(clSourcefile, argv[0]);
    oclCheckErrorEX(cPathAndName != NULL, shrTRUE, pCleanup);
    cSourceCL = oclLoadProgSource(cPathAndName, "// My comment\n", &szKernelLength);
    oclCheckErrorEX(cSourceCL != NULL, shrTRUE, pCleanup);
    shrLog("Load OpenCL Prog Source from File...\n"); 

    // Create the program object
    cpProgram = clCreateProgramWithSource(cxGPUContext, 1, (const char **)&cSourceCL, &szKernelLength, &ciErrNum);
    oclCheckErrorEX(ciErrNum, CL_SUCCESS, pCleanup);

    // Build the program with 'mad' Optimization option
#ifdef MAC
    char *flags = "-cl-fast-relaxed-math -DMAC";
    char *flags = "-cl-fast-relaxed-math";

    ciErrNum = clBuildProgram(cpProgram, 0, NULL, flags, NULL, NULL);
    if (ciErrNum != CL_SUCCESS)
        // On error: write out standard error, Build Log and PTX, then cleanup and exit
        shrLogEx(LOGBOTH | ERRORMSG, ciErrNum, STDERROR);
        oclLogBuildInfo(cpProgram, oclGetFirstDev(cxGPUContext));
        oclLogPtx(cpProgram, oclGetFirstDev(cxGPUContext), "oclSobelFilter.ptx");

    // Determine, the size/shape of the image portions for each dev and create the device buffers
    unsigned uiSumHeight = 0;
    for (cl_uint i = 0; i < GpuDevMngr->uiUsefulDevCt; i++)
        // Create kernel instance
        ckSobel[i] = clCreateKernel(cpProgram, "ckSobel", &ciErrNum);
        oclCheckErrorEX(ciErrNum, CL_SUCCESS, pCleanup);
        shrLog("clCreateKernel (ckSobel), Device %u...\n", i); 

        // Allocations and offsets for the portion of the image worked on by each device
        if (GpuDevMngr->uiUsefulDevCt == 1)
            // One device processes the whole image with no offset 
            uiDevImageHeight[i] = uiImageHeight; 
            uiInHostPixOffsets[i] = 0;
            uiOutHostPixOffsets[i] = 0;
            szAllocDevBytes[i] = uiDevImageHeight[i] * uiImageWidth * sizeof(cl_uint);
        else if (i == 0)
            // Multiple devices, top stripe zone including topmost row of image:  
            // Over-allocate on device by 1 row 
            // Set offset and size to copy extra 1 padding row H2D (below bottom of stripe)
            // Won't return the last row (dark/garbage row) D2H
            uiInHostPixOffsets[i] = 0;
            uiOutHostPixOffsets[i] = 0;
            uiDevImageHeight[i] = (cl_uint)(GpuDevMngr->fLoadProportions[GpuDevMngr->uiUsefulDevs[i]] * (float)uiImageHeight);     // height is proportional to dev perf 
            uiSumHeight += uiDevImageHeight[i];
            uiDevImageHeight[i] += 1;
            szAllocDevBytes[i] = uiDevImageHeight[i] * uiImageWidth * sizeof(cl_uint);
        else if (i < (GpuDevMngr->uiUsefulDevCt - 1))
            // Multiple devices, middle stripe zone:  
            // Over-allocate on device by 2 rows 
            // Set offset and size to copy extra 2 padding rows H2D (above top and below bottom of stripe)
            // Won't return the first and last rows (dark/garbage rows) D2H
            uiInHostPixOffsets[i] = (uiSumHeight - 1) * uiImageWidth;
            uiOutHostPixOffsets[i] = uiInHostPixOffsets[i] + uiImageWidth;
            uiDevImageHeight[i] = (cl_uint)(GpuDevMngr->fLoadProportions[GpuDevMngr->uiUsefulDevs[i]] * (float)uiImageHeight);     // height is proportional to dev perf 
            uiSumHeight += uiDevImageHeight[i];
            uiDevImageHeight[i] += 2;
            szAllocDevBytes[i] = uiDevImageHeight[i] * uiImageWidth * sizeof(cl_uint);
            // Multiple devices, last boundary tile:  
            // Over-allocate on device by 1 row 
            // Set offset and size to copy extra 1 padding row H2D (above top of stripe)
            // Won't return the first row (dark/garbage rows D2H 
            uiInHostPixOffsets[i] = (uiSumHeight - 1) * uiImageWidth;
            uiOutHostPixOffsets[i] = uiInHostPixOffsets[i] + uiImageWidth;
            uiDevImageHeight[i] = uiImageHeight - uiSumHeight;                              // "leftover" rows 
            uiSumHeight += uiDevImageHeight[i];
            uiDevImageHeight[i] += 1;
            szAllocDevBytes[i] = uiDevImageHeight[i] * uiImageWidth * sizeof(cl_uint);
        shrLog("Image Height (rows) for Device %u = %u...\n", i, uiDevImageHeight[i]); 

        // Create the device buffers in GMEM on each device
        cmDevBufIn[i] = clCreateBuffer(cxGPUContext, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, szAllocDevBytes[i], NULL, &ciErrNum);
        oclCheckErrorEX(ciErrNum, CL_SUCCESS, pCleanup);
        cmDevBufOut[i] = clCreateBuffer(cxGPUContext, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, szAllocDevBytes[i], NULL, &ciErrNum);
        oclCheckErrorEX(ciErrNum, CL_SUCCESS, pCleanup);
        shrLog("clCreateBuffer (Input and Output GMEM buffers, Device %u)...\n", i); 

        // Set the common argument values for the Median kernel instance for each device
        int iLocalPixPitch = iBlockDimX + 2;
        ciErrNum = clSetKernelArg(ckSobel[i], 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void*)&cmDevBufIn[i]);
        ciErrNum |= clSetKernelArg(ckSobel[i], 1, sizeof(cl_mem), (void*)&cmDevBufOut[i]);
        ciErrNum |= clSetKernelArg(ckSobel[i], 2, (iLocalPixPitch * (iBlockDimY + 2) * sizeof(cl_uchar4)), NULL);
        ciErrNum |= clSetKernelArg(ckSobel[i], 3, sizeof(cl_int), (void*)&iLocalPixPitch);
        ciErrNum |= clSetKernelArg(ckSobel[i], 4, sizeof(cl_uint), (void*)&uiImageWidth);
        ciErrNum |= clSetKernelArg(ckSobel[i], 6, sizeof(cl_float), (void*)&fThresh);        
        oclCheckErrorEX(ciErrNum, CL_SUCCESS, pCleanup);
        shrLog("clSetKernelArg (0-4), Device %u...\n\n", i); 

    // Set common global and local work sizes for Median kernel
    szLocalWorkSize[0] = iBlockDimX;
    szLocalWorkSize[1] = iBlockDimY;
    szGlobalWorkSize[0] = shrRoundUp((int)szLocalWorkSize[0], uiImageWidth); 

    // init running timers
    shrDeltaT(0);   // timer 0 used for computation timing 
    shrDeltaT(1);   // timer 1 used for fps computation

    // Start main GLUT rendering loop for processing and rendering, 
    // or otherwise run No-GL Q/A test sequence
    if (!(bQATest))

Ejemplo n.º 2
// Main program
int main(int argc, char** argv) 
    numParticles = NUM_PARTICLES;
    uint gridDim = GRID_SIZE;

	pArgc = &argc;
	pArgv = argv;

    shrQAStart(argc, argv);

    // Start logs and timers
	cExecutableName = argv[0];
    shrSetLogFileName ("oclParticles.txt");
    shrLog("%s Starting...\n\n", argv[0]); 

    // check command line flags and parameters
    if (argc > 1) 
        shrGetCmdLineArgumenti(argc, (const char**)argv, "n", (int*)&numParticles);
        shrGetCmdLineArgumenti(argc, (const char**)argv, "grid", (int*)&gridDim);
        bQATest = shrCheckCmdLineFlag(argc, (const char**)argv, "qatest");
        bNoPrompt = shrCheckCmdLineFlag(argc, (const char**)argv, "noprompt");

    // Set and log grid size and particle count, after checking optional command-line inputs
    gridSize.x = gridSize.y = gridSize.z = gridDim;
    shrLog(" grid: %d x %d x %d = %d cells\n", gridSize.x, gridSize.y, gridSize.z, gridSize.x * gridSize.y * gridSize.z);
    shrLog(" particles: %d\n\n", numParticles);

    // initialize GLUT and GLEW
        InitGL(&argc, argv);

    // initialize OpenCL
    startupOpenCL(argc,(const char**)argv);

    // init simulation parameters and objects
    initParticleSystem(numParticles, gridSize);

    // Init timers 
    shrDeltaT(0);  // timer 0 is for processing time measurements
    shrDeltaT(1);  // timer 1 is for fps measurement   

    // Start main GLUT rendering loop for processing and rendering, 
	// or otherwise run No-GL Q/A test sequence

    // Normally unused return path
    shrQAFinish(argc, (const char **)argv, QA_PASSED);
// Main Program
int main(int argc, char** argv) 
    pArgc = &argc;
    pArgv = argv;

    shrQAStart(argc, argv);

    // start logs 
    cExecutableName = argv[0];
    shrSetLogFileName ("oclPostProcessGL.txt");
    shrLog("%s Starting...\n\n", argv[0]); 

    // process command line arguments
    if (argc > 1) 
        bQATest   = shrCheckCmdLineFlag(argc, (const char**)argv, "qatest");
        bNoPrompt = shrCheckCmdLineFlag(argc, (const char**)argv, "noprompt");
    shrLog(" Image Width = %d, Image Height = %d, Blur Radius = %d\n\n", image_width, image_height, blur_radius);

    // init GL
        InitGL(&argc, argv);

        // create pbo
        // create texture for blitting onto the screen
        createTexture(&tex_screen, image_width, image_height);        

        bGLinterop = shrTRUE;

    // init CL
    if( initCL(argc, (const char**)argv) != 0 ) 
        return -1;

    // init fps timer
    shrDeltaT (1);

    // Create buffers and textures, 
    // and then start main GLUT rendering loop for processing and rendering, 
	// or otherwise run No-GL Q/A test sequence
    shrLog("\n%s...\n", bQATest ? "No-GL test sequence" : "Standard GL Loop"); 

		"\t(right click mouse button for Menu)\n"
		"\t[   ] : Toggle Post-Processing (blur filter) ON/OFF\n"
		"\t[ p ] : Toggle Processing (between GPU or CPU)\n"
		"\t[ a ] : Toggle OpenGL Animation (rotation) ON/OFF\n"
		"\t[+/=] : Increase Blur Radius\n"
		"\t[-/_] : Decrease Blur Radius\n"
		"\t[Esc] - Quit\n\n"
