Ejemplo n.º 1
void TigerFileBase::SetupVersion()

    char        aszRecordHead[6];

    VSIFSeek( fpPrimary, 0, SEEK_SET );
    VSIFRead( aszRecordHead, 1, 5, fpPrimary );
    aszRecordHead[5] = '\0';
    nVersionCode = atoi(aszRecordHead+1);
    VSIFSeek( fpPrimary, 0, SEEK_SET );

    nVersion = TigerClassifyVersion( nVersionCode );
Ejemplo n.º 2
int OGRTigerDataSource::Create( const char *pszNameIn, char **papszOptionsIn )

    VSIStatBufL      stat;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Try to create directory if it doesn't already exist.            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( VSIStatL( pszNameIn, &stat ) != 0 )
        VSIMkdir( pszNameIn, 0755 );

    if( VSIStatL( pszNameIn, &stat ) != 0 || !VSI_ISDIR(stat.st_mode) )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                  "%s is not a directory, nor can be directly created as one.",
                  pszNameIn );
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Store various information.                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    pszPath = CPLStrdup( pszNameIn );
    pszName = CPLStrdup( pszNameIn );
    bWriteMode = true;

    SetOptionList( papszOptionsIn );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Work out the version.                                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//    nVersionCode = 1000; /* census 2000 */

    nVersionCode = 1002; /* census 2002 */
    if( GetOption("VERSION") != nullptr )
        nVersionCode = atoi(GetOption("VERSION"));
        nVersionCode = std::max(0, std::min(9999, nVersionCode));
    nVersion = TigerClassifyVersion(nVersionCode);

    return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int OGRTigerDataSource::Open( const char * pszFilename, int bTestOpen,
                              char ** papszLimitedFileList )

    pszName = CPLStrdup( pszFilename );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Is the given path a directory or a regular file?                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    VSIStatBufL stat;

    if( VSIStatExL( pszFilename, &stat,
                    VSI_STAT_EXISTS_FLAG | VSI_STAT_NATURE_FLAG ) != 0
        || (!VSI_ISDIR(stat.st_mode) && !VSI_ISREG(stat.st_mode)) )
        if( !bTestOpen )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                   "%s is neither a file or directory, Tiger access failed.\n",
                      pszFilename );

        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Build a list of filenames we figure are Tiger files.            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char **papszFileList = nullptr;
    if( VSI_ISREG(stat.st_mode) )
        char       szModule[128];

        if( strlen(CPLGetFilename(pszFilename)) == 0 )
            return FALSE;

        pszPath = CPLStrdup( CPLGetPath(pszFilename) );

        strncpy( szModule, CPLGetFilename(pszFilename), sizeof(szModule)-1 );
        /* Make sure the buffer is 0 terminated */
        szModule[sizeof(szModule)-1] = '\0';

        /* And now remove last character of filename */
        szModule[strlen(szModule)-1] = '\0';

        papszFileList = CSLAddString( papszFileList, szModule );
        char **candidateFileList = VSIReadDir( pszFilename );

        pszPath = CPLStrdup( pszFilename );

        for( int i = 0;
             candidateFileList != nullptr && candidateFileList[i] != nullptr;
             i++ )
            size_t nCandidateLen = strlen(candidateFileList[i]);

            if( papszLimitedFileList != nullptr
                && CSLFindString(papszLimitedFileList,
                                 CPLGetBasename(candidateFileList[i])) == -1 )

            if( nCandidateLen > 4
                && candidateFileList[i][nCandidateLen-4] == '.'
                && candidateFileList[i][nCandidateLen-1] == '1')
                char       szModule[128];

                snprintf( szModule, sizeof(szModule), "%s",
                          candidateFileList[i] );
                const size_t nLen = strlen(szModule);
                if( nLen )
                    szModule[nLen-1] = '\0';

                papszFileList = CSLAddString(papszFileList, szModule);

        CSLDestroy( candidateFileList );

        if( CSLCount(papszFileList) == 0 )
            if( !bTestOpen )
                CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                          "No candidate Tiger files (TGR*.RT1) found in\n"
                          "directory: %s",
                          pszFilename );
            return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Loop over all these files trying to open them.  In testopen     */
/*      mode we first read the first 80 characters, to verify that      */
/*      it looks like an Tiger file.  Note that we don't keep the file  */
/*      open ... we don't want to occupy a lot of file handles when      */
/*      handling a whole directory.                                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    papszModules = nullptr;

    for( int i = 0; papszFileList && papszFileList[i] != nullptr; i++ )
        if( bTestOpen || i == 0 )
            char *l_pszFilename = BuildFilename( papszFileList[i], "1" );

            VSILFILE *fp = VSIFOpenL( l_pszFilename, "rb" );
            CPLFree( l_pszFilename );

            if( fp == nullptr )

            char szHeader[500] = {};
            if( VSIFReadL( szHeader, sizeof(szHeader)-1, 1, fp ) < 1 )
                VSIFCloseL( fp );

            VSIFCloseL( fp );

            char *pszRecStart = szHeader;
            szHeader[sizeof(szHeader)-1] = '\0';

            bool bIsGDT = false;

            if( STARTS_WITH_CI(pszRecStart, "Copyright (C)")
                && strstr(pszRecStart,"Geographic Data Tech") != nullptr )
                bIsGDT = true;

                while( *pszRecStart != '\0'
                       && *pszRecStart != 10
                       && *pszRecStart != 13 )

                while( *pszRecStart == 10 || *pszRecStart == 13 )

            if( pszRecStart[0] != '1' )

            if( !isdigit(pszRecStart[1]) || !isdigit(pszRecStart[2])
                || !isdigit(pszRecStart[3]) || !isdigit(pszRecStart[4]) )

            nVersionCode = atoi(TigerFileBase::GetField( pszRecStart, 2, 5 ));
            nVersion = TigerClassifyVersion( nVersionCode );
            nVersion = TigerCheckVersion( nVersion, papszFileList[i] );

            CPLDebug( "OGR", "Tiger Version Code=%d, Classified as %s ",
                      nVersionCode, TigerVersionString(nVersion) );

            if(    nVersionCode !=  0
                && nVersionCode !=  2
                && nVersionCode !=  3
                && nVersionCode !=  5
                && nVersionCode != 21
                && nVersionCode != 24
                && pszRecStart[3]  != '9'
                && pszRecStart[3]  != DIGIT_ZERO
                && !bIsGDT )

            // we could (and should) add a bunch more validation here.

        papszModules = CSLAddString( papszModules, papszFileList[i] );

    CSLDestroy( papszFileList );

    nModules = CSLCount( papszModules );

    if( nModules == 0 || papszModules == nullptr )
        if( !bTestOpen )
            if( VSI_ISREG(stat.st_mode) )
                CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                          "No TIGER/Line files (TGR*.RT1) found in\n"
                          "directory: %s",
                          pszFilename );
                CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                          "File %s does not appear to be a TIGER/Line .RT1 file.",
                          pszFilename );

        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Do we have a user provided version override?                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char *pszRequestedVersion =
            CPLGetConfigOption( "TIGER_VERSION", nullptr );
    if( pszRequestedVersion != nullptr )

        if( STARTS_WITH_CI(pszRequestedVersion, "TIGER_") )
            int iCode = 1;  // Used after for.

            for( ; iCode < TIGER_Unknown; iCode++ )
                if( EQUAL(TigerVersionString((TigerVersion)iCode),
                          pszRequestedVersion) )
                    nVersion = (TigerVersion) iCode;

            if( iCode == TIGER_Unknown )
                CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                          "Failed to recognise TIGER_VERSION setting: %s",
                          pszRequestedVersion );
                return FALSE;

            CPLDebug( "OGR", "OVERRIDE Tiger Version %s ",
                      TigerVersionString(nVersion) );
            nVersionCode = atoi(pszRequestedVersion);
            nVersion = TigerClassifyVersion( nVersionCode );

            CPLDebug( "OGR",
                      "OVERRIDE Tiger Version Code=%d, Classified as %s ",
                      nVersionCode, TigerVersionString(nVersion) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the layers which appear to exist.                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    // RT1, RT2, RT3
    AddLayer( new OGRTigerLayer( this,
                                 new TigerCompleteChain( this,
                                                         papszModules[0]) ));

    /* should we have kept track of whether we encountered an RT4 file? */
    // RT4
    AddLayer( new OGRTigerLayer( this,
                                 new TigerAltName( this,
                                                   papszModules[0]) ));

    // RT5
    AddLayer( new OGRTigerLayer( this,
                                 new TigerFeatureIds( this,
                                                      papszModules[0]) ));

    // RT6
    AddLayer( new OGRTigerLayer( this,
                                 new TigerZipCodes( this,
                                                    papszModules[0]) ));
    // RT7
    AddLayer( new OGRTigerLayer( this,
                                 new TigerLandmarks( this,
                                                     papszModules[0]) ));

    // RT8
    AddLayer( new OGRTigerLayer( this,
                                 new TigerAreaLandmarks( this,
                                                     papszModules[0]) ));

    // RT9
    if (nVersion < TIGER_2002) {
      AddLayer( new OGRTigerLayer( this,
                                   new TigerKeyFeatures( this,
                                                         papszModules[0]) ));

    // RTA, RTS
    AddLayer( new OGRTigerLayer( this,
                                 new TigerPolygon( this,
                                                   papszModules[0]) ));

    // RTB
    if (nVersion >= TIGER_2002) {
      AddLayer( new OGRTigerLayer( this,
                                   new TigerPolygonCorrections( this,
                                                                papszModules[0]) ));

    // RTC
    AddLayer( new OGRTigerLayer( this,
                                 new TigerEntityNames( this,
                                                       papszModules[0]) ));

    // RTE
    if (nVersion >= TIGER_2002) {
      AddLayer( new OGRTigerLayer( this,
                                   new TigerPolygonEconomic( this,
                                                             papszModules[0]) ));

    // RTH
    AddLayer( new OGRTigerLayer( this,
                                 new TigerIDHistory( this,
                                                     papszModules[0]) ));

    // RTI
    AddLayer( new OGRTigerLayer( this,
                                 new TigerPolyChainLink( this,
                                                       papszModules[0]) ));

    // RTM
    AddLayer( new OGRTigerLayer( this,
                                 new TigerSpatialMetadata( this,
                                                           papszModules[0] ) ) );

    // RTP
    AddLayer( new OGRTigerLayer( this,
                                 new TigerPIP( this,
                                               papszModules[0]) ));

    // RTR
    AddLayer( new OGRTigerLayer( this,
                                 new TigerTLIDRange( this,
                                                     papszModules[0]) ));

    // RTT
    if (nVersion >= TIGER_2002) {
      AddLayer( new OGRTigerLayer( this,
                                   new TigerZeroCellID( this,
                                                        papszModules[0]) ));

    // RTU
    if (nVersion >= TIGER_2002) {
      AddLayer( new OGRTigerLayer( this,
                                   new TigerOverUnder( this,
                                                       papszModules[0]) ));

    // RTZ
    AddLayer( new OGRTigerLayer( this,
                                 new TigerZipPlus4( this,
                                                     papszModules[0]) ));

    return TRUE;