void AAbilitySystemDebugHUD::DrawWithBackground(UFont* InFont, const FString& Text, const FColor& TextColor, EAlignHorizontal::Type HAlign, float& OffsetX, EAlignVertical::Type VAlign, float& OffsetY, float Alpha)
	float SizeX, SizeY;
	Canvas->StrLen(InFont, Text, SizeX, SizeY);

	const float PosX = (HAlign == EAlignHorizontal::Center) ? OffsetX + (Canvas->ClipX - SizeX) * 0.5f :
		(HAlign == EAlignHorizontal::Left) ? Canvas->OrgX + OffsetX :
		Canvas->ClipX - SizeX - OffsetX;

	const float PosY = (VAlign == EAlignVertical::Center) ? OffsetY + (Canvas->ClipY - SizeY) * 0.5f :
		(VAlign == EAlignVertical::Top) ? Canvas->OrgY + OffsetY :
		Canvas->ClipY - SizeY - OffsetY;

	const float BoxPadding = 5.0f;

	const float X = PosX - BoxPadding;
	const float Y = PosY - BoxPadding;
	const float Z = 0.1f;
	FCanvasTileItem TileItem(FVector2D(X, Y), FVector2D(SizeX + BoxPadding * 2.0f, SizeY + BoxPadding * 2.0f), FLinearColor(0.75f, 0.75f, 0.75f, Alpha));

	FLinearColor TextCol(TextColor);
	TextCol.A = Alpha;
	FCanvasTextItem TextItem(FVector2D(PosX, PosY), FText::FromString(Text), GEngine->GetSmallFont(), TextCol);

	OffsetY += 25;
/** draws high score */
void APlatformerHUD::DrawHighscore()
	const FText Highscore = LOCTEXT("Highscore", "High score");
	const float SizeX = Canvas->ClipX * 0.4f;
	const float SizeY = 1000 * UIScale;
	const float DrawX = (Canvas->ClipX - SizeX) / 2.0f;
	const float DrawY = (Canvas->ClipY - SizeY) / 2.0f;

	DrawBorder(DrawX, DrawY,  SizeX, SizeY, 1.0f, BlueBorder);

	const float TextScale = 1.4f;
	const float TextMargin = 0.03f;
	float StrSizeX, StrSizeY;
	Canvas->StrLen(HUDFont, Highscore.ToString(), StrSizeX, StrSizeY);
	StrSizeX = StrSizeX * TextScale * UIScale;
	StrSizeY = StrSizeY * TextScale * UIScale;

	FCanvasTextItem TextItem( FVector2D( (Canvas->ClipX - StrSizeX) / 2.0f, DrawY + SizeY * TextMargin ), 
		Highscore, HUDFont, FLinearColor::White );
	TextItem.Scale = FVector2D( TextScale * UIScale, TextScale * UIScale );
	TextItem.EnableShadow( FLinearColor::Transparent );
	Canvas->DrawItem( TextItem );

	const float BorderSize = BlueBorder.LeftBorder->Resource->GetSizeX() * UIScale;
	FCanvasTileItem TileItem(FVector2D(  DrawX + BorderSize, DrawY + SizeY * TextMargin + StrSizeY ), BlueBorder.TopBorder->Resource, 
		FVector2D( SizeX - 2* BorderSize, BlueBorder.TopBorder->Resource->GetSizeY() * UIScale ),
		FVector2D(0,0),FVector2D((SizeX - 2* BorderSize) / BlueBorder.TopBorder->Resource->GetSizeX() * UIScale,1), FLinearColor::White);
	TileItem.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;

	const float StartY = DrawY + SizeY * TextMargin*3 + StrSizeY * TextScale * UIScale;

	const float ColWidths[] = {70*UIScale, 340*UIScale, 200*UIScale};
	const float TotalWidth = ColWidths[0]+ColWidths[1]+ColWidths[2];

	for (int32 i=0; i < 10; i++ )
		FText Texts[] = { FText::Format(FText::FromString("{0}."), FText::AsNumber(i+1)),
			FText::FromString(UPlatformerBlueprintLibrary::DescribeTime(HighscoreTimes[i], false)),
			FText::FromString(HighscoreNames[i]) };
		float Offset = 0;
		for (uint8 column=0; column < 3; column++)
			TextItem.Text = Texts[column]; 
			Canvas->StrLen(HUDFont, TextItem.Text.ToString(), StrSizeX, StrSizeY);
			StrSizeX = StrSizeX * TextScale * UIScale;
			StrSizeY = StrSizeY * TextScale * UIScale;
			TextItem.Position = FVector2D((Canvas->ClipX - TotalWidth) / 2.0f + Offset + ColWidths[column] - StrSizeX, StartY + i * StrSizeY);
			Canvas->DrawItem( TextItem );
			Offset += ColWidths[column];


Ejemplo n.º 3
void UReporterGraph::DrawBackground(UCanvas* Canvas)
    FVector2D Min = FVector2D(GraphScreenSize.Min.X * Canvas->SizeX, Canvas->SizeY - GraphScreenSize.Min.Y * Canvas->SizeY);
    FVector2D Max = FVector2D(GraphScreenSize.Max.X * Canvas->SizeX, Canvas->SizeY - GraphScreenSize.Max.Y * Canvas->SizeY);

    FCanvasTileItem TileItem(Min, GWhiteTexture, Max-Min, BackgroundColor);
    TileItem.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;
    Canvas->DrawItem(TileItem, Min);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void AHUD::DrawRect(FLinearColor Color, float ScreenX, float ScreenY, float Width, float Height)
	if (IsCanvasValid_WarnIfNot())	
		FCanvasTileItem TileItem( FVector2D(ScreenX, ScreenY), GWhiteTexture, FVector2D( Width, Height ), Color );
		TileItem.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;
		Canvas->DrawItem( TileItem );		
Ejemplo n.º 5
void ATheHUD::DrawMaterial(UCanvas* Canvas, UMaterialInterface* Material, float ScreenX, float ScreenY, 
  float ScreenW, float ScreenH, float MaterialU, float MaterialV, float MaterialUWidth, float MaterialVHeight)
  FCanvasTileItem TileItem( FVector2D( ScreenX, ScreenY ), Material->GetRenderProxy(0), 
    FVector2D( ScreenW, ScreenH ) * 1.f, FVector2D( MaterialU, MaterialV ), 
    FVector2D( MaterialU + MaterialUWidth, MaterialV + MaterialVHeight ) );
	TileItem.Rotation = FRotator(0, 0, 0);
	TileItem.PivotPoint = FVector2D::ZeroVector;
	Canvas->DrawItem( TileItem );
Ejemplo n.º 6
void ATheHUD::DrawMaterial(UCanvas* Canvas, UMaterialInterface* Material, float ScreenX, float ScreenY, 
  float ScreenW, float ScreenH, float MaterialU, float MaterialV, float MaterialUWidth, float MaterialVHeight, 
  float Scale, bool bScalePosition, float Rotation, FVector2D RotPivot)
  FCanvasTileItem TileItem( FVector2D( ScreenX, ScreenY ), Material->GetRenderProxy(0), 
    FVector2D( ScreenW, ScreenH ) * Scale, FVector2D( MaterialU, MaterialV ), 
    FVector2D( MaterialU + MaterialUWidth, MaterialV + MaterialVHeight ) );
	TileItem.Rotation = FRotator(0, Rotation, 0);
	TileItem.PivotPoint = RotPivot;
	Canvas->DrawItem( TileItem );
Ejemplo n.º 7
void AHUD::DrawMaterialSimple(UMaterialInterface* Material, float ScreenX, float ScreenY, float ScreenW, float ScreenH, float Scale, bool bScalePosition)
	if (IsCanvasValid_WarnIfNot() && Material)
		FCanvasTileItem TileItem( FVector2D( ScreenX, ScreenY ), Material->GetRenderProxy(0), FVector2D( ScreenW, ScreenH ) * Scale );
		if (bScalePosition)
			TileItem.Position *= Scale;
		Canvas->DrawItem( TileItem );
Ejemplo n.º 8
void AGameHUD::DrawTexture(UTexture2D* Texture)
	float TextureWidth = Texture->GetSurfaceWidth();
	float TextureHeight = Texture->GetSurfaceHeight();

	const FVector2D CanvasCenter(Canvas->ClipX / 2, Canvas->ClipY / 2);
	const FVector2D DrawPosition(CanvasCenter.X - (TextureWidth / 2), CanvasCenter.Y - (TextureHeight / 2));

	FCanvasTileItem TileItem(DrawPosition, Texture->Resource, FLinearColor::White);
	TileItem.BlendMode = ESimpleElementBlendMode::SE_BLEND_Translucent;

Ejemplo n.º 9
void AHUD::DrawMaterial(UMaterialInterface* Material, float ScreenX, float ScreenY, float ScreenW, float ScreenH, float MaterialU, float MaterialV, float MaterialUWidth, float MaterialVHeight, float Scale, bool bScalePosition, float Rotation, FVector2D RotPivot)
	if (IsCanvasValid_WarnIfNot() && Material)
		FCanvasTileItem TileItem( FVector2D( ScreenX, ScreenY ), Material->GetRenderProxy(0), FVector2D( ScreenW, ScreenH ) * Scale, FVector2D( MaterialU, MaterialV ), FVector2D( MaterialU+MaterialUWidth, MaterialV +MaterialVHeight) );
		TileItem.Rotation = FRotator(0, Rotation, 0);
		TileItem.PivotPoint = RotPivot;
		if (bScalePosition)
			TileItem.Position *= Scale;
		Canvas->DrawItem( TileItem );
Ejemplo n.º 10
void AFPSHUD::DrawHUD()
	// Draw very simple crosshair
	// find center of the Canvas
	const FVector2D Center(Canvas->ClipX * 0.5f, Canvas->ClipY * 0.5f);
	// offset by half the texture's dimensions so that the center of the texture aligns with the center of the Canvas
	const FVector2D CrosshairDrawPosition((Center.X - (CrosshairTex->GetSurfaceWidth() * 0.5)),
		(Center.Y - (CrosshairTex->GetSurfaceHeight() * 0.5f)));
	// draw the crosshair
	FCanvasTileItem TileItem(CrosshairDrawPosition, CrosshairTex->Resource, FLinearColor::White);
	TileItem.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void AStrategyHUD::DrawHealthBar(AActor* ForActor, float HealthPercentage, int32 BarHeight, int32 OffsetY) const
	FBox BB = ForActor->GetComponentsBoundingBox();
	FVector Center = BB.GetCenter();
	FVector Extent = BB.GetExtent();
	FVector2D Center2D = FVector2D(Canvas->Project(FVector(Center.X,Center.Y,Center.Z + Extent.Z)));
	float ActorExtent = 40;
	if (Cast<APawn>(ForActor) != NULL)
		AStrategyChar* StrategyChar = Cast<AStrategyChar>(ForActor);
		if( ( StrategyChar != NULL ) && ( StrategyChar->GetCapsuleComponent() != NULL ) )
			ActorExtent = StrategyChar->GetCapsuleComponent()->GetScaledCapsuleRadius();
	else if (Cast<AStrategyBuilding>(ForActor) != NULL)
		Center2D = FVector2D(Canvas->Project(ForActor->GetActorLocation()));
		ActorExtent = 60;

	FVector Pos1 = Canvas->Project(FVector(Center.X,Center.Y - ActorExtent*2, Center.Z + Extent.Z));
	FVector Pos2 = Canvas->Project(FVector(Center.X,Center.Y + ActorExtent*2, Center.Z + Extent.Z));
	float HealthBarLength = (Pos2-Pos1).Size2D();

	AStrategyPlayerController* MyPC = GetPlayerController();
	IStrategyTeamInterface* ActorTeam = Cast<IStrategyTeamInterface>(ForActor);
	UTexture2D* HealthBarTexture = EnemyTeamHPTexture;

	if (ActorTeam != NULL && MyPC != NULL && ActorTeam->GetTeamNum() == MyPC->GetTeamNum())
		HealthBarTexture = PlayerTeamHPTexture;
	float X = Center2D.X - HealthBarLength/2;
	float Y = Center2D.Y + OffsetY;
	FCanvasTileItem TileItem( FVector2D( X, Y ), HealthBarTexture->Resource, FVector2D( HealthBarLength * HealthPercentage,  BarHeight ), FLinearColor::White );
	TileItem.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;
	TileItem.UV1 = FVector2D(HealthPercentage, 1.0f);

	Canvas->DrawItem( TileItem );
	//Fill the rest of health with gray gradient texture
	X = Center2D.X-HealthBarLength/2 + HealthBarLength * HealthPercentage;
	Y = Center2D.Y + OffsetY;
	TileItem.Position = FVector2D( X, Y );
	TileItem.Texture = BarFillTexture->Resource;
	TileItem.UV1 = FVector2D(1.0f, 1.0f);
	TileItem.Size = FVector2D( HealthBarLength * (1.0f - HealthPercentage), BarHeight );
	TileItem.SetColor(FLinearColor(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f));
	Canvas->DrawItem( TileItem );	
Ejemplo n.º 12
void AHUD::DrawTextureSimple(UTexture* Texture, float ScreenX, float ScreenY, float Scale, bool bScalePosition)
	if (IsCanvasValid_WarnIfNot() && Texture)
		FCanvasTileItem TileItem( FVector2D( ScreenX, ScreenY ), Texture->Resource, FLinearColor::White );
		if (bScalePosition)
			TileItem.Position *= Scale;
		// Apply the scale to the size (which will have been setup from the texture in the constructor).
		TileItem.Size *= Scale;
		TileItem.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;
		Canvas->DrawItem( TileItem );
Ejemplo n.º 13
void AHUD::DrawTexture(UTexture* Texture, float ScreenX, float ScreenY, float ScreenW, float ScreenH, float TextureU, float TextureV, float TextureUWidth, float TextureVHeight, FLinearColor Color, EBlendMode BlendMode, float Scale, bool bScalePosition, float Rotation, FVector2D RotPivot)
	if (IsCanvasValid_WarnIfNot() && Texture)
		FCanvasTileItem TileItem( FVector2D( ScreenX, ScreenY ), Texture->Resource, FVector2D( ScreenW, ScreenH ) * Scale, FVector2D( TextureU, TextureV ), FVector2D( TextureU + TextureUWidth, TextureV + TextureVHeight ), Color );
		TileItem.Rotation = FRotator(0, Rotation, 0);
		TileItem.PivotPoint = RotPivot;
		if (bScalePosition)
			TileItem.Position *= Scale;
		TileItem.BlendMode = FCanvas::BlendToSimpleElementBlend( BlendMode );
		Canvas->DrawItem( TileItem );
void UFontThumbnailRenderer::Draw(UObject* Object, int32 X, int32 Y, uint32 Width, uint32 Height, FRenderTarget*, FCanvas* Canvas)
    UFont* Font = Cast<UFont>(Object);
    if (Font != nullptr &&
            Font->Textures.Num() > 0 &&
            Font->Textures[0] != nullptr)
        FCanvasTileItem TileItem( FVector2D( X, Y ), Font->Textures[0]->Resource, FLinearColor::White );
        TileItem.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;
        if (Font->ImportOptions.bUseDistanceFieldAlpha)
            TileItem .BlendMode = SE_BLEND_TranslucentDistanceField;

        Canvas->DrawItem( TileItem );
Ejemplo n.º 15
 * This is the main drawing pump.  It will determine which hud we need to draw (Game or PostGame).  Any drawing that should occur
 * regardless of the game state should go here.
void AStrategyHUD::DrawHUD()
	if (bBlackScreenActive)
		FCanvasTileItem TileItem( FVector2D( 0.0f, 0.0f ), FVector2D( Canvas->ClipX,Canvas->ClipY ), FLinearColor( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ) );
		TileItem.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;
		Canvas->DrawItem( TileItem );

	if ( GEngine && GEngine->GameViewport )
		FVector2D ViewportSize;
		UIScale = ViewportSize.X / 2048.0f;

	bool bConsoleOpen = false;

	AStrategyGameState const* const MyGameState = GetWorld()->GetGameState<AStrategyGameState>();
	if (MyGameState)
		//Builds the widgets if they are not yet built

		if (MyGameState->IsGameActive())

		if (IsPauseMenuUp())
			/*FCanvasTileItem TileItem( FVector2D( 0.0f, 0.0f ), FVector2D( Canvas->ClipX,Canvas->ClipY ), FLinearColor( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.25f ) );
			TileItem.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;
			Canvas->DrawItem( TileItem );*/

		if (SelectedActor.IsValid())
			ActionGridPos = FVector2D(Canvas->Project(SelectedActor->GetActorLocation())) / UIScale - (MyHUDMenuWidget->ActionButtonsWidget->GetDesiredSize())/2;
Ejemplo n.º 16
void AHUD::DrawSafeZoneOverlay()
	const int32 DebugSafeZoneMode = GSafeZoneVisualizationModeCVar.GetValueOnGameThread();

	if ((DebugSafeZoneMode > 0) && (DebugCanvas != nullptr))
		FDisplayMetrics Metrics;

		const FMargin SafeMargin = (DebugSafeZoneMode == 1) ?
			FMargin(Metrics.TitleSafePaddingSize.X, Metrics.TitleSafePaddingSize.Y) :
			FMargin(Metrics.ActionSafePaddingSize.X, Metrics.ActionSafePaddingSize.Y);

		const float UnsafeZoneAlpha = GSafeZoneVisualizationAlphaCVar.GetValueOnGameThread();
		const FLinearColor UnsafeZoneColor(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f, UnsafeZoneAlpha);

		const float Width = DebugCanvas->SizeX;
		const float Height = DebugCanvas->SizeY;

		const float HeightOfSides = Height - SafeMargin.GetTotalSpaceAlong<Orient_Vertical>();

		FCanvasTileItem TileItem(FVector2D::ZeroVector, GWhiteTexture, UnsafeZoneColor);
		TileItem.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;

		// Top bar
		TileItem.Position = FVector2D::ZeroVector;
		TileItem.Size = FVector2D(Width, SafeMargin.Top);

		// Bottom bar
		TileItem.Position = FVector2D(0.0f, Height - SafeMargin.Bottom);
		TileItem.Size = FVector2D(Width, SafeMargin.Bottom);

		// Left bar
		TileItem.Position = FVector2D(0.0f, SafeMargin.Top);
		TileItem.Size = FVector2D(SafeMargin.Left, HeightOfSides);

		// Right bar
		TileItem.Position = FVector2D(Width - SafeMargin.Right, SafeMargin.Top);
		TileItem.Size = FVector2D(SafeMargin.Right, HeightOfSides);
Ejemplo n.º 17
void AStrategyHUD::DrawLives() const
	AStrategyGameState const* const MyGameState = GetWorld()->GetGameState<AStrategyGameState>();
	AStrategyBuilding_Brewery const* const Brewery = MyGameState ? MyGameState->GetPlayerData(EStrategyTeam::Player)->Brewery.Get() : NULL;

	uint8 const Lives = Brewery ? Brewery->GetNumberOfLives() : 0;

	float const TextureDrawWidth = LivesTexture->GetSurfaceWidth() * UIScale;
	float const TextureDrawHeight =  LivesTexture->GetSurfaceHeight() * UIScale;

	FCanvasTileItem TileItem(FVector2D(0,0), LivesTexture->Resource, 
							 FVector2D(TextureDrawWidth, TextureDrawHeight), FLinearColor::White );
	TileItem.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;
	for (int32 i=0; i < Lives; i++)
		TileItem.Position = FVector2D(Canvas->ClipX - Lives*TextureDrawWidth + i*TextureDrawWidth, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 18
void AFPS_MultiplayerHUD::DrawHUD()
    // Draw very simple crosshair
    // find center of the Canvas
    const FVector2D Center(Canvas->ClipX * 0.5f, Canvas->ClipY * 0.5f);
    // offset by half the texture's dimensions so that the center of the texture aligns with the center of the Canvas
    const FVector2D CrosshairDrawPosition( (Center.X - (CrosshairTex->GetSurfaceWidth() * 0.5) + 10),
                                          (Center.Y - (CrosshairTex->GetSurfaceHeight() * 0.5f) + 15) );
    // draw the crosshair
    FCanvasTileItem TileItem( CrosshairDrawPosition, CrosshairTex->Resource, FLinearColor::White);
    TileItem.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;
    Canvas->DrawItem( TileItem );
    GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, TEXT("Test 1"));
    AFPS_MultiplayerGameMode* GameMode = Cast<AFPS_MultiplayerGameMode>(UGameplayStatics::GetGameMode(this));
        GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, TEXT("Test 2"));
        if(GameMode->LastManStanding == true)
            GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, TEXT("Test 3"));

            FVector2D ScreenDimensions = FVector2D(Canvas->SizeX, Canvas->SizeY);
            FVector2D GameOverSize;
            GetTextSize(TEXT("GAME OVER"), GameOverSize.X, GameOverSize.Y, HUDFont);
            DrawText(TEXT("GAME OVER"), FColor::White, (ScreenDimensions.X - GameOverSize.X) / 2.0f, (ScreenDimensions.Y - GameOverSize.Y) / 2.0f, HUDFont);

void APlatformerHUD::DrawHighscoreEntryPrompt()
	const float SizeX = 90 * UIScale;
	const float SizeY = 90 * UIScale;
	const float DrawX = (Canvas->ClipX - SizeX*3) / 2.0f;
	const float DrawY = (Canvas->ClipY - SizeY) / 2.0f;

	const float UVL = 90.0f/128.0f;
	const float TextScale = 1.8f;

	FCanvasTileItem TileItem(FVector2D(DrawX+SizeX*CurrentLetter, DrawY), UpButtonTexture->Resource, 
		FVector2D( SizeX, SizeY ),
		FVector2D(0,0),FVector2D(UVL,UVL), FLinearColor::White);
	TileItem.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;
	if (HighScoreName[CurrentLetter] < 'Z')

	if (HighScoreName[CurrentLetter] > 'A')
		TileItem.Position = FVector2D(DrawX+SizeX*CurrentLetter,DrawY+SizeY*2);
		TileItem.Texture = DownButtonTexture->Resource;


	FCanvasTextItem TextItem(FVector2D(DrawX, DrawY), FText(), HUDFont, FLinearColor::White);
	TextItem.Scale = FVector2D(TextScale * UIScale, TextScale * UIScale);
	TextItem.EnableShadow( FLinearColor::Transparent );

	float StrSizeX, StrSizeY;
	float Offset = 0;

	for (int32 i = 0; i < HighScoreName.Num(); i++)
		TextItem.Text = FText::FromString(FString::Chr(HighScoreName[i]));
		Canvas->StrLen(HUDFont, TextItem.Text.ToString(), StrSizeX, StrSizeY);
		Canvas->StrLen(HUDFont, TextItem.Text.ToString(), StrSizeX, StrSizeY);
		Canvas->StrLen(HUDFont, TextItem.Text.ToString(), StrSizeX, StrSizeY);
		StrSizeX = StrSizeX * TextScale * UIScale;
		StrSizeY = StrSizeY * TextScale * UIScale;
		TextItem.Position = FVector2D(DrawX+Offset+(SizeX-StrSizeX)/2.0f, DrawY + SizeY);

		DrawBorder(DrawX + Offset, DrawY + SizeY,  SizeX, SizeY, 0.4f, CurrentLetter == i ? BlueBorder : RedBorder);
		AddHitBox(FVector2D(DrawX + Offset,DrawY + SizeY),TileItem.Size,FName(TEXT("Letter"),i),true,255);

		Canvas->DrawItem( TextItem );
		Offset += SizeX;

	const float ButtonWidth = 200 * UIScale;
	TextItem.Text = LOCTEXT("OK", "OK");
	Canvas->StrLen(HUDFont, TextItem.Text.ToString(), StrSizeX, StrSizeY);
	StrSizeX = StrSizeX * TextScale * UIScale;
	StrSizeY = StrSizeY * TextScale * UIScale;
	TextItem.Position = FVector2D((Canvas->ClipX - StrSizeX) / 2.0f, DrawY + SizeY*4);

	DrawBorder((Canvas->ClipX - ButtonWidth) / 2.0f, DrawY + SizeY*4,  ButtonWidth, SizeY, 0.4f, BlueBorder);
	AddHitBox(FVector2D((Canvas->ClipX - ButtonWidth) / 2.0f,DrawY + SizeY*4),FVector2D(ButtonWidth,SizeY),FName("OK"),true,255);
	Canvas->DrawItem( TextItem );
Ejemplo n.º 20
void FCanvasItemTestbed::Draw( class FViewport* Viewport, class FCanvas* Canvas )
	bTestState = !bTestState;

	if( !bShowTestbed )

	// A little ott for a testbed - but I wanted to draw several lines to ensure it worked :)
	if( TestLine.bTestSet == false )
		TestLine.bTestSet = true;
		TestLine.LineStart.X = FMath::FRandRange( 0.0f, Viewport->GetSizeXY().X );
		TestLine.LineStart.Y = FMath::FRandRange( 0.0f, Viewport->GetSizeXY().Y );
		TestLine.LineEnd.X = FMath::FRandRange( 0.0f, Viewport->GetSizeXY().X );
		TestLine.LineEnd.Y  = FMath::FRandRange( 0.0f, Viewport->GetSizeXY().Y );
		TestLine.LineMove.X = FMath::FRandRange( 0.0f, 32.0f );
		TestLine.LineMove.Y = FMath::FRandRange( 0.0f, 32.0f );
		TestLine.LineMove2.X = FMath::FRandRange( 0.0f, 32.0f );
		TestLine.LineMove2.Y = FMath::FRandRange( 0.0f, 32.0f );
		TestLine.LineStart += TestLine.LineMove;
		TestLine.LineEnd += TestLine.LineMove2;
		if( TestLine.LineStart.X < 0 )
			TestLine.LineMove.X = -TestLine.LineMove.X;
		if( TestLine.LineStart.Y < 0 )
			TestLine.LineMove.Y = -TestLine.LineMove.Y;
		if( TestLine.LineEnd.X < 0 )
			TestLine.LineMove2.X = -TestLine.LineMove2.X;
		if( TestLine.LineEnd.Y < 0 )
			TestLine.LineMove2.Y = -TestLine.LineMove2.Y;
		if( TestLine.LineStart.X > Viewport->GetSizeXY().X )
			TestLine.LineMove.X = -TestLine.LineMove.X;
		if( TestLine.LineStart.Y > Viewport->GetSizeXY().Y )
			TestLine.LineMove.Y = -TestLine.LineMove.Y;
		if( TestLine.LineEnd.X > Viewport->GetSizeXY().X )
			TestLine.LineMove2.X = -TestLine.LineMove2.X;
		if( TestLine.LineEnd.Y > Viewport->GetSizeXY().Y )
			TestLine.LineMove2.Y = -TestLine.LineMove2.Y;
	// Text
	float CenterX = 0.0f;
	float YTest = 16.0f;
	FCanvasTextItem TextItem( FVector2D( CenterX, YTest ), LOCTEXT( "stringhere", "String Here" ), GEngine->GetSmallFont(), FLinearColor::Red );	
	TextItem.Draw( Canvas );
	// Shadowed text
	TextItem.Position.Y += TextItem.DrawnSize.Y;
	TextItem.Scale.X = 2.0f;
	TextItem.EnableShadow( FLinearColor::Green, FVector2D( 2.0f, 2.0f ) );
	TextItem.Text = LOCTEXT( "Scaled String here", "Scaled String here" );
	TextItem.Draw( Canvas );

	TextItem.Position.Y += TextItem.DrawnSize.Y;;
	TextItem.Text = LOCTEXT( "CenterdStringhere", "CenterdStringhere" );
	TextItem.Scale.X = 1.0f;
	TextItem.bCentreX = true;
	TextItem.Draw( Canvas );

	// Outlined text
	TextItem.Position.Y += TextItem.DrawnSize.Y;
	TextItem.Text = LOCTEXT( "ScaledCentredStringhere", "Scaled Centred String here" );	
	TextItem.OutlineColor = FLinearColor::Black;
	TextItem.bOutlined = true;
	TextItem.Scale = FVector2D( 2.0f, 2.0f );
	TextItem.SetColor( FLinearColor::Green );
	TextItem.Text = LOCTEXT( "ScaledCentredOutlinedStringhere", "Scaled Centred Outlined String here" );	
	TextItem.Draw( Canvas );
	// a line
	FCanvasLineItem LineItem( TestLine.LineStart, TestLine.LineEnd );
	LineItem.Draw( Canvas );

	// some boxes
	FCanvasBoxItem BoxItem( FVector2D( 88.0f, 88.0f ), FVector2D( 188.0f, 188.0f ) );
	BoxItem.SetColor( FLinearColor::Yellow );
	BoxItem.Draw( Canvas );

	BoxItem.SetColor( FLinearColor::Red );
	BoxItem.Position = FVector2D( 256.0f, 256.0f );
	BoxItem.Draw( Canvas );

	BoxItem.SetColor( FLinearColor::Blue );
	BoxItem.Position = FVector2D( 6.0f, 6.0f );
	BoxItem.Size = FVector2D( 48.0f, 96.0f );
	BoxItem.Draw( Canvas );
	// Triangle
	FCanvasTriangleItem TriItem(  FVector2D( 48.0f, 48.0f ), FVector2D( 148.0f, 48.0f ), FVector2D( 48.0f, 148.0f ), GWhiteTexture );
	TriItem.Draw( Canvas );

	// Triangle list
	TArray< FCanvasUVTri >	TriangleList;
	FCanvasUVTri SingleTri;
	SingleTri.V0_Pos = FVector2D( 128.0f, 128.0f );
	SingleTri.V1_Pos = FVector2D( 248.0f, 108.0f );
	SingleTri.V2_Pos = FVector2D( 100.0f, 348.0f );
	SingleTri.V0_UV = FVector2D::ZeroVector;
	SingleTri.V1_UV = FVector2D::ZeroVector;
	SingleTri.V2_UV = FVector2D::ZeroVector;
	TriangleList.Add( SingleTri );
	SingleTri.V0_Pos = FVector2D( 348.0f, 128.0f );
	SingleTri.V1_Pos = FVector2D( 448.0f, 148.0f );
	SingleTri.V2_Pos = FVector2D( 438.0f, 308.0f );
	TriangleList.Add( SingleTri );

	FCanvasTriangleItem TriItemList( TriangleList, GWhiteTexture );
	TriItemList.SetColor( FLinearColor::Red );
	TriItemList.Draw( Canvas );
// 	FCanvasNGonItem NGon( FVector2D( 256.0f, 256.0f ), FVector2D( 256.0f, 256.0f ), 6, GWhiteTexture, FLinearColor::White );
// 	NGon.Draw( Canvas );
// 	FCanvasNGonItem NGon2( FVector2D( 488, 666.0f ), FVector2D( 256.0f, 256.0f ), 16, GWhiteTexture, FLinearColor::Green );
// 	NGon2.Draw( Canvas );

	// Texture
	UTexture* SelectedTexture = GEditor->GetSelectedObjects()->GetTop<UTexture>();	
	if( SelectedTexture )
		// Plain tex
		FCanvasTileItem TileItem( FVector2D( 128.0f,128.0f ), SelectedTexture->Resource, FLinearColor::White );
		TileItem.Draw( Canvas );
		TileItem.Size = FVector2D( 32.0f,32.0f );
		TileItem.Position = FVector2D( 16.0f,16.0f );
		TileItem.Draw( Canvas );

		// UV 
		TileItem.Size = FVector2D( 64.0f,64.0f );
		TileItem.UV0 = FVector2D( 0.0f, 0.0f );
		TileItem.UV1 = FVector2D( 1.0f, 1.0f );
		TileItem.Position = FVector2D( 256.0f,16.0f );
		TileItem.Draw( Canvas );

		// UV 
		TileItem.Size = FVector2D( 64.0f,64.0f );
		TileItem.UV0 = FVector2D( 0.0f, 0.0f );
		TileItem.UV1 = FVector2D( 1.0f, -1.0f );
		TileItem.Position = FVector2D( 356.0f,16.0f );
		TileItem.Draw( Canvas );

		// UV 
		TileItem.Size = FVector2D( 64.0f,64.0f );
		TileItem.UV0 = FVector2D( 0.0f, 0.0f );
		TileItem.UV1 = FVector2D( -1.0f, 1.0f );
		TileItem.Position = FVector2D( 456.0f,16.0f );
		TileItem.Draw( Canvas );

		// UV 
		TileItem.Size = FVector2D( 64.0f,64.0f );
		TileItem.UV0 = FVector2D( 0.0f, 0.0f );
		TileItem.UV1 = FVector2D( -1.0f, -1.0f );
		TileItem.Position = FVector2D( 556.0f,16.0f );
		TileItem.Draw( Canvas );

		// Rotate top/left pivot
		TileItem.Size = FVector2D( 96.0f,96.0f );
		TileItem.UV0 = FVector2D( 0.0f, 0.0f );
		TileItem.UV1 = FVector2D( 1.0f, 1.0f );
		TileItem.Position = FVector2D( 400.0f,264.0f );
		TileItem.Rotation.Yaw = TestLine.Testangle;
		TileItem.Draw( Canvas );

		// Rotate center pivot
		TileItem.Size = FVector2D( 128.0f, 128.0f );
		TileItem.UV0 = FVector2D( 0.0f, 0.0f );
		TileItem.UV1 = FVector2D( 1.0f, 1.0f );
		TileItem.Position = FVector2D( 600.0f,264.0f );
		TileItem.Rotation.Yaw = 360.0f - TestLine.Testangle;
		TileItem.PivotPoint = FVector2D( 0.5f, 0.5f );
		TileItem.Draw( Canvas );

		TestLine.Testangle = FMath::Fmod( TestLine.Testangle + 2.0f, 360.0f );

		// textured tri
		FCanvasTriangleItem TriItemTex(  FVector2D( 48.0f, 48.0f ), FVector2D( 148.0f, 48.0f ), FVector2D( 48.0f, 148.0f ), FVector2D( 0.0f, 0.0f ), FVector2D( 1.0f, 0.0f ), FVector2D( 0.0f, 1.0f ), SelectedTexture->Resource  );
		TriItem.Texture = GWhiteTexture;
		TriItemTex.Draw( Canvas );

		// moving tri (only 1 point moves !)
		TriItemTex.Position = TestLine.LineStart;
		TriItemTex.Draw( Canvas );
Ejemplo n.º 21
void AStrategyHUD::DrawMiniMap()
	const AStrategyPlayerController* const PC = Cast<AStrategyPlayerController>(PlayerOwner);
	AStrategyGameState const* const MyGameState = GetWorld()->GetGameState<AStrategyGameState>();

	// @todo, clean this up
	if (PC && MyGameState && MyGameState->MiniMapCamera.IsValid())
		const float BaseRotation = 270;
		UTexture* MiniMapTexture = Cast<UTexture>(MyGameState->MiniMapCamera->GetCaptureComponent2D()->TextureTarget);
		const float MapWidth = (MyGameState->MiniMapCamera->MiniMapWidth - MiniMapMargin) * UIScale;
		const float MapHeight = (MyGameState->MiniMapCamera->MiniMapHeight - MiniMapMargin) * UIScale;
		const FVector WorldCenter = MyGameState->WorldBounds.GetCenter();
		const FVector WorldExtent = MyGameState->WorldBounds.GetExtent();
		const FRotator RotOrg = MyGameState->MiniMapCamera->GetCaptureComponent2D()->GetComponentRotation();
		const FRotationMatrix RotationMatrix(FRotator(0,BaseRotation-RotOrg.Roll,0));
		const FVector2D Offset(MiniMapMargin * UIScale + (MapWidth/2.0f), Canvas->ClipY - (MapHeight/2.0f) - MiniMapMargin * UIScale );

		if (MiniMapTexture)
			FCanvasTileItem MapTileItem( FVector2D( 0.0f, 0.0f), FVector2D( 0.0f, 0.0f ), FLinearColor::White );
			MapTileItem.Texture = MiniMapTexture->Resource;
			MapTileItem.Size = FVector2D( MapWidth, MapHeight );
			MapTileItem.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Opaque;
			Canvas->DrawItem( MapTileItem, FVector2D( MiniMapMargin * UIScale, Canvas->ClipY - MapHeight - MiniMapMargin * UIScale ) );
		FCanvasTileItem TileItem( FVector2D( 0.0f, 0.0f), FVector2D( 0.0f, 0.0f ), FLinearColor::White );
		TileItem.Size = FVector2D( 6 * UIScale, 6 * UIScale );
		for (FConstPawnIterator Iterator = GetWorld()->GetPawnIterator(); Iterator; ++Iterator)
			AStrategyChar* TestChar = Cast<AStrategyChar>(*Iterator);
			if (TestChar != NULL && TestChar->GetHealth() > 0 )
				AStrategyAIController* AIController = Cast<AStrategyAIController>(TestChar->Controller);
				if (AIController != NULL && AIController->IsLogicEnabled())
					FLinearColor DrawColor;
					if (PC != NULL && TestChar->GetTeamNum() == PC->GetTeamNum())
						DrawColor = FColor( 49, 137, 253, 255);
						DrawColor = FColor( 242, 114, 16, 255);
					const FVector CenterRelativeLocation = RotationMatrix.TransformPosition(TestChar->GetActorLocation() - WorldCenter);
					const FVector2D MiniMapPoint = FVector2D(CenterRelativeLocation.X / WorldExtent.X, CenterRelativeLocation.Y / WorldExtent.Y);
					TileItem.SetColor( DrawColor );
					Canvas->DrawItem( TileItem, FVector2D( Offset.X + MiniMapPoint.X * (MapWidth/2.0f), Offset.Y + MiniMapPoint.Y * (MapHeight/2.0f) ) );

		ULocalPlayer* MyPlayer =  Cast<ULocalPlayer>(PC->Player);
		FVector2D ScreenCorners[4] = { FVector2D(0, 0), FVector2D(Canvas->ClipX, 0), FVector2D(Canvas->ClipX, Canvas->ClipY), FVector2D(0, Canvas->ClipY) };
		const FPlane GroundPlane = FPlane(FVector(0, 0, MyGameState->WorldBounds.Max.Z), FVector::UpVector);
		for (int32 i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			FVector RayOrigin, RayDirection;
			FStrategyHelpers::DeprojectScreenToWorld(ScreenCorners[i], MyPlayer, RayOrigin, RayDirection);
			const FVector GroundPoint = FStrategyHelpers::IntersectRayWithPlane(RayOrigin, RayDirection, GroundPlane);
			const FVector CenterRelativeLocation = RotationMatrix.TransformPosition(GroundPoint - WorldCenter);
			MiniMapPoints[i] = FVector2D(CenterRelativeLocation.X / WorldExtent.X, CenterRelativeLocation.Y / WorldExtent.Y);
void AGameplayDebuggerReplicator::DrawMenu(UGameplayDebuggerBaseObject::FPrintContext& DefaultContext, UGameplayDebuggerBaseObject::FPrintContext& OverHeadContext)
	const float OldX = DefaultContext.CursorX;
	const float OldY = DefaultContext.CursorY;

	const UGameplayDebuggerModuleSettings* GameplayDebuggerSettings = UGameplayDebuggerModuleSettings::StaticClass()->GetDefaultObject<UGameplayDebuggerModuleSettings>();
	const float MenuStartX = GameplayDebuggerSettings->MenuStart.X;
	const float MenuStartY = GameplayDebuggerSettings->MenuStart.Y;

	if (DefaultContext.Canvas != nullptr)
		UFont* OldFont = DefaultContext.Font.Get();
		DefaultContext.Font = GEngine->GetMediumFont();

		TArray<float> CategoriesWidth;

		APlayerController* const MyPC = Cast<APlayerController>(LocalPlayerOwner);

		FString KeyDesc = ActivationKeyName != ActivationKeyDisplayName ? FString::Printf(TEXT("(%s key)"), *ActivationKeyName) : TEXT("");
		FString HeaderDesc;
		if (UGameplayDebuggerModuleSettings::StaticClass()->GetDefaultObject<UGameplayDebuggerModuleSettings>()->UseAlternateKeys())
			HeaderDesc = FString::Printf(TEXT("{LightBlue}Tap {white}%s %s {LightBlue}to close, {white}Alt + number {LightBlue}to toggle categories, use {white}+ {LightBlue}or {white}- {LightBlue}to select active line with categories"), *ActivationKeyDisplayName, *KeyDesc);
			HeaderDesc = FString::Printf(TEXT("{LightBlue}Use {white}%s %s{LightBlue} to close, {white}Numpad numbers {LightBlue}to toggle categories or use {white}+ {LightBlue}and {white}- {LightBlue}to select active line with categories"), *ActivationKeyDisplayName, *KeyDesc);

		FString DefaultMenu;
			DefaultMenu += FString::Printf(TEXT(" {white}[Tab]: %s%s  "), DebugCameraController.IsValid() ? TEXT("{Green}") : TEXT("{LightBlue}"), TEXT("Debug Camera"));
			DefaultMenu += FString::Printf(TEXT(" {white}[Ctrl+Tab]: %s%s  "), GEngine && GEngine->bEnableOnScreenDebugMessages ? TEXT("{Green}") : TEXT("{LightBlue}"), TEXT("DebugMessages"));
			const AHUD* GameHUD = MyPC ? MyPC->GetHUD() : nullptr;
			DefaultMenu += FString::Printf(TEXT(" {white}[Ctrl+Tilde]: %s%s  "), GameHUD && GameHUD->bShowHUD ? TEXT("{Green}") : TEXT("{LightBlue}"), TEXT("GameHUD"));
			KeyDesc = UGameplayDebuggerModuleSettings::StaticClass()->GetDefaultObject<UGameplayDebuggerModuleSettings>()->GetInputConfiguration().SelectPlayer.Key.GetFName().ToString();
			const bool SelectedPlayer = MyPC && MyPC->GetPawnOrSpectator() && LastSelectedActorToDebug == MyPC->GetPawnOrSpectator();
			DefaultMenu += FString::Printf(TEXT(" {white}[%s]: %sPlayer  "), *KeyDesc, SelectedPlayer ? TEXT("{Green}") : TEXT("{LightBlue}"));

		FString MenuString = HeaderDesc + TEXT("\n") + DefaultMenu + TEXT("\n");
		const int32 NumberOfLines = Categories.Num() / 10 + 1;
		for (int32 LineIndex = 0; LineIndex < NumberOfLines; ++LineIndex)
			const int32 ItemsInLine = FMath::Clamp(Categories.Num() - LineIndex * 10, 0, 10);
			for (int32 MenuItemIndex = 0; MenuItemIndex < ItemsInLine; ++MenuItemIndex)
				const int32 i = LineIndex * 10 + MenuItemIndex;

				const bool bIsActive = IsCategoryEnabled(Categories[i].CategoryName);
				const bool bIsDisabled = LastSelectedActorToDebug == nullptr;
				const FString CategoryColor = bIsDisabled ? (bIsActive ? TEXT("DarkGreen") : TEXT("LightGrey")) : (bIsActive ? TEXT("Green") : TEXT("LightBlue"));
				if (CurrentMenuLine == LineIndex)
					MenuString += FString::Printf(TEXT("   {white}%d:{%s}%s "), MenuItemIndex, *CategoryColor, *Categories[i].CategoryName);
					MenuString += FString::Printf(TEXT("   {%s}%s "), *CategoryColor, *Categories[i].CategoryName);
			MenuString += TEXT(" \n");
		float MenuWidth, MenuHeight;
		UGameplayDebuggerBaseObject::CalulateStringSize(DefaultContext, nullptr, MenuString, MenuWidth, MenuHeight);
		MaxMenuWidth = FMath::Max(MaxMenuWidth, MenuWidth+4);
		MenuHeight += 4;

		FCanvasTileItem TileItem(FVector2D(0, 0), GWhiteTexture, FVector2D(MaxMenuWidth, MenuHeight), FColor(0, 0, 0, 30));
		TileItem.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;
		UGameplayDebuggerBaseObject::DrawItem(DefaultContext, TileItem, MenuStartX, MenuStartY);

		float CharWidth, CharHeight;
		UGameplayDebuggerBaseObject::CalulateStringSize(DefaultContext, nullptr, TEXT("X"), CharWidth, CharHeight);
		TileItem = FCanvasTileItem(FVector2D(0, 0), GWhiteTexture, FVector2D(MaxMenuWidth, CharHeight), FColor(0, 0, 0, 50));
		TileItem.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;
		UGameplayDebuggerBaseObject::DrawItem(DefaultContext, TileItem, MenuStartX, MenuStartY + 2 + (CurrentMenuLine+2) * CharHeight);
		UGameplayDebuggerBaseObject::PrintString(DefaultContext, MenuString, MenuStartX + 2, MenuStartY + 2);

		DefaultContext.Font = OldFont;

	if (LastSelectedActorToDebug == nullptr)
		UGameplayDebuggerBaseObject::PrintString(DefaultContext, "{red}No Pawn selected - waiting for data to replicate from server. {green}Press and hold ' to select Pawn \n");

	if (DebugCameraController.IsValid())
		ADebugCameraController* DebugCamController = DebugCameraController.Get();
		if (DebugCamController != nullptr)
			FVector const CamLoc = DebugCamController->PlayerCameraManager->GetCameraLocation();
			FRotator const CamRot = DebugCamController->PlayerCameraManager->GetCameraRotation();

			FString HitString;
			FCollisionQueryParams TraceParams(NAME_None, true, this);
			FHitResult Hit;
			bool bHit = GetWorld()->LineTraceSingleByChannel(Hit, CamLoc, CamRot.Vector() * 100000.f + CamLoc, ECC_Pawn, TraceParams);
			if (bHit && Hit.GetActor() != nullptr)
				HitString = FString::Printf(TEXT("{white}Under cursor: {yellow}'%s'"), *Hit.GetActor()->GetName());
				DrawDebugLine(GetWorld(), Hit.Location, Hit.Location + Hit.Normal*60.f, FColor::White, /*bPersistentLines =*/ false, /*LifeTime =*/ -1.f, /*DepthPriority =*/ 0, /*Thickness =*/ 3.f);
				HitString = FString::Printf(TEXT("Not actor under cursor"));

			UGameplayDebuggerBaseObject::PrintString(DefaultContext, FColor::White, HitString/*, MenuStartX, MenuStartY + 40*/);

	DefaultContext.CursorX = OldX;
	DefaultContext.CursorY = OldY;
Ejemplo n.º 23
void FEdMode::DrawHUD(FEditorViewportClient* ViewportClient,FViewport* Viewport,const FSceneView* View,FCanvas* Canvas)
    // Render the drag tool.
    ViewportClient->RenderDragTool( View, Canvas );

    // Let the current mode tool draw a HUD if it wants to
    FModeTool* tool = GetCurrentTool();
    if( tool )
        tool->DrawHUD( ViewportClient, Viewport, View, Canvas );

    if (ViewportClient->IsPerspective() && GetDefault<ULevelEditorViewportSettings>()->bHighlightWithBrackets)
        DrawBrackets( ViewportClient, Viewport, View, Canvas );

    // If this viewport doesn't show mode widgets or the mode itself doesn't want them, leave.
    if( !(ViewportClient->EngineShowFlags.ModeWidgets) || !ShowModeWidgets() )

    // Clear Hit proxies
    const bool bIsHitTesting = Canvas->IsHitTesting();
    if ( !bIsHitTesting )

    // Draw vertices for selected BSP brushes and static meshes if the large vertices show flag is set.
    if ( !ViewportClient->bDrawVertices )

    const bool bLargeVertices		= View->Family->EngineShowFlags.LargeVertices;
    const bool bShowBrushes			= View->Family->EngineShowFlags.Brushes;
    const bool bShowBSP				= View->Family->EngineShowFlags.BSP;
    const bool bShowBuilderBrush	= View->Family->EngineShowFlags.BuilderBrush != 0;

    UTexture2D* VertexTexture = GetVertexTexture();
    const float TextureSizeX		= VertexTexture->GetSizeX() * ( bLargeVertices ? 1.0f : 0.5f );
    const float TextureSizeY		= VertexTexture->GetSizeY() * ( bLargeVertices ? 1.0f : 0.5f );

    // Temporaries.
    TArray<FVector> Vertices;

    for ( FSelectionIterator It( *Owner->GetSelectedActors() ) ; It ; ++It )
        AActor* SelectedActor = static_cast<AActor*>( *It );
        checkSlow( SelectedActor->IsA(AActor::StaticClass()) );

        if( bLargeVertices )
            FCanvasItemTestbed::bTestState = !FCanvasItemTestbed::bTestState;

            // Static mesh vertices
            AStaticMeshActor* Actor = Cast<AStaticMeshActor>( SelectedActor );
            if( Actor && Actor->GetStaticMeshComponent() && Actor->GetStaticMeshComponent()->StaticMesh
                    && Actor->GetStaticMeshComponent()->StaticMesh->RenderData )
                FTransform ActorToWorld = Actor->ActorToWorld();
                const FPositionVertexBuffer& VertexBuffer = Actor->GetStaticMeshComponent()->StaticMesh->RenderData->LODResources[0].PositionVertexBuffer;
                for( uint32 i = 0 ; i < VertexBuffer.GetNumVertices() ; i++ )
                    Vertices.AddUnique( ActorToWorld.TransformPosition( VertexBuffer.VertexPosition(i) ) );

                FCanvasTileItem TileItem( FVector2D( 0.0f, 0.0f ), FVector2D( 0.0f, 0.0f ), FLinearColor::White );
                TileItem.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;
                for( int32 VertexIndex = 0 ; VertexIndex < Vertices.Num() ; ++VertexIndex )
                    const FVector& Vertex = Vertices[VertexIndex];
                    FVector2D PixelLocation;
                        const bool bOutside =
                            PixelLocation.X < 0.0f || PixelLocation.X > View->ViewRect.Width() ||
                            PixelLocation.Y < 0.0f || PixelLocation.Y > View->ViewRect.Height();
                        if( !bOutside )
                            const float X = PixelLocation.X - (TextureSizeX/2);
                            const float Y = PixelLocation.Y - (TextureSizeY/2);
                            if( bIsHitTesting )
                                Canvas->SetHitProxy( new HStaticMeshVert(Actor,Vertex) );
                            TileItem.Texture = VertexTexture->Resource;

                            TileItem.Size = FVector2D( TextureSizeX, TextureSizeY );
                            Canvas->DrawItem( TileItem, FVector2D( X, Y ) );
                            if( bIsHitTesting )
                                Canvas->SetHitProxy( NULL );

        AActor* SelectedActor = GetFirstSelectedActorInstance();
        if (SelectedActor != NULL)
            FEditorScriptExecutionGuard ScriptGuard;

            const int32 HalfX = 0.5f * Viewport->GetSizeXY().X;
            const int32 HalfY = 0.5f * Viewport->GetSizeXY().Y;

            UClass* Class = SelectedActor->GetClass();
            TArray<FPropertyWidgetInfo> WidgetInfos;
            GetPropertyWidgetInfos(Class, SelectedActor, WidgetInfos);
            for(int32 i=0; i<WidgetInfos.Num(); i++)
                FString WidgetName = WidgetInfos[i].PropertyName;
                FName WidgetValidator = WidgetInfos[i].PropertyValidationName;
                int32 WidgetIndex = WidgetInfos[i].PropertyIndex;
                bool bIsTransform = WidgetInfos[i].bIsTransform;

                FVector LocalPos = FVector::ZeroVector;
                    FTransform LocalTM = GetPropertyValueByName<FTransform>(SelectedActor, WidgetName, WidgetIndex);
                    LocalPos = LocalTM.GetLocation();
                    LocalPos = GetPropertyValueByName<FVector>(SelectedActor, WidgetName, WidgetIndex);

                FTransform ActorToWorld = SelectedActor->ActorToWorld();
                FVector WorldPos = ActorToWorld.TransformPosition(LocalPos);

                UFunction* ValidateFunc = NULL;
                FString FinalString;
                if(WidgetValidator != NAME_None &&
                        (ValidateFunc = SelectedActor->FindFunction(WidgetValidator)) != NULL)
                    SelectedActor->ProcessEvent(ValidateFunc, &FinalString);

                const FPlane Proj = View->Project( WorldPos );

                //do some string fixing
                const uint32 VectorIndex = WidgetInfos[i].PropertyIndex;
                const FString WidgetDisplayName = WidgetInfos[i].DisplayName + ((VectorIndex != INDEX_NONE) ? FString::Printf(TEXT("[%d]"), VectorIndex) : TEXT(""));
                FinalString = FinalString.IsEmpty() ? WidgetDisplayName : FinalString;

                if(Proj.W > 0.f)
                    const int32 XPos = HalfX + ( HalfX * Proj.X );
                    const int32 YPos = HalfY + ( HalfY * (Proj.Y * -1.f) );
                    FCanvasTextItem TextItem( FVector2D( XPos + 5, YPos), FText::FromString( FinalString ), GEngine->GetSmallFont(), FLinearColor::White );
                    Canvas->DrawItem( TextItem );
void FTextureEditorViewportClient::Draw(FViewport* Viewport, FCanvas* Canvas)
	if (!TextureEditorPtr.IsValid())
	UTexture* Texture = TextureEditorPtr.Pin()->GetTexture();
	FVector2D Ratio = FVector2D(GetViewportHorizontalScrollBarRatio(), GetViewportVerticalScrollBarRatio());
	FVector2D ViewportSize = FVector2D(TextureEditorViewportPtr.Pin()->GetViewport()->GetSizeXY().X, TextureEditorViewportPtr.Pin()->GetViewport()->GetSizeXY().Y);
	FVector2D ScrollBarPos = GetViewportScrollBarPositions();
	int32 YOffset = (Ratio.Y > 1.0f)? ((ViewportSize.Y - (ViewportSize.Y / Ratio.Y)) * 0.5f): 0;
	int32 YPos = YOffset - ScrollBarPos.Y;
	int32 XOffset = (Ratio.X > 1.0f)? ((ViewportSize.X - (ViewportSize.X / Ratio.X)) * 0.5f): 0;
	int32 XPos = XOffset - ScrollBarPos.X;

	const UTextureEditorSettings& Settings = *GetDefault<UTextureEditorSettings>();

	Canvas->Clear( Settings.BackgroundColor );

	// Get the rendering info for this object
	FThumbnailRenderingInfo* RenderInfo = GUnrealEd->GetThumbnailManager()->GetRenderingInfo(Texture);

	// If there is an object configured to handle it, draw the thumbnail
	if (RenderInfo != NULL && RenderInfo->Renderer != NULL)
		UTexture2D* Texture2D = Cast<UTexture2D>(Texture);
		UTextureCube* TextureCube = Cast<UTextureCube>(Texture);
		UTextureRenderTarget2D* TextureRT2D = Cast<UTextureRenderTarget2D>(Texture);
		UTextureRenderTargetCube* RTTextureCube = Cast<UTextureRenderTargetCube>(Texture);

		// Fully stream in the texture before drawing it.
		if (Texture2D)

		// Figure out the size we need
		uint32 Width, Height;
		TextureEditorPtr.Pin()->CalculateTextureDimensions(Width, Height);

		TRefCountPtr<FBatchedElementParameters> BatchedElementParameters;

		if (GMaxRHIFeatureLevel >= ERHIFeatureLevel::SM4)
			if (TextureCube || RTTextureCube)
				BatchedElementParameters = new FMipLevelBatchedElementParameters((float)TextureEditorPtr.Pin()->GetMipLevel(), false);
			else if (Texture2D)
				float MipLevel = (float)TextureEditorPtr.Pin()->GetMipLevel();
				bool bIsNormalMap = Texture2D->IsNormalMap();
				bool bIsSingleChannel = Texture2D->CompressionSettings == TC_Grayscale || Texture2D->CompressionSettings == TC_Alpha;
				BatchedElementParameters = new FBatchedElementTexture2DPreviewParameters(MipLevel, bIsNormalMap, bIsSingleChannel);
			else if (TextureRT2D)
				float MipLevel = (float)TextureEditorPtr.Pin()->GetMipLevel();
				BatchedElementParameters = new FBatchedElementTexture2DPreviewParameters(MipLevel, false, false);
				// Default to treating any UTexture derivative as a 2D texture resource
				float MipLevel = (float)TextureEditorPtr.Pin()->GetMipLevel();
				BatchedElementParameters = new FBatchedElementTexture2DPreviewParameters(MipLevel, false, false);

		// Draw the background checkerboard pattern in the same size/position as the render texture so it will show up anywhere
		// the texture has transparency
		if (Settings.Background == TextureEditorBackground_CheckeredFill)
			Canvas->DrawTile( 0.0f, 0.0f, Viewport->GetSizeXY().X, Viewport->GetSizeXY().Y, 0.0f, 0.0f, (Viewport->GetSizeXY().X / CheckerboardTexture->GetSizeX()), (Viewport->GetSizeXY().Y / CheckerboardTexture->GetSizeY()), FLinearColor::White, CheckerboardTexture->Resource);
		else if (Settings.Background == TextureEditorBackground_Checkered)
			Canvas->DrawTile( XPos, YPos, Width, Height, 0.0f, 0.0f, (Width / CheckerboardTexture->GetSizeX()), (Height / CheckerboardTexture->GetSizeY()), FLinearColor::White, CheckerboardTexture->Resource);

		float Exposure = FMath::Pow(2.0f, (float)TextureEditorViewportPtr.Pin()->GetExposureBias());

		FCanvasTileItem TileItem( FVector2D( XPos, YPos ), Texture->Resource, FVector2D( Width, Height ), FLinearColor(Exposure, Exposure, Exposure) );
		TileItem.BlendMode = TextureEditorPtr.Pin()->GetColourChannelBlendMode();
		TileItem.BatchedElementParameters = BatchedElementParameters;
		Canvas->DrawItem( TileItem );

		// Draw a white border around the texture to show its extents
		if (Settings.TextureBorderEnabled)
			FCanvasBoxItem BoxItem( FVector2D(XPos, YPos), FVector2D(Width , Height ) );
			BoxItem.SetColor( Settings.TextureBorderColor );
			Canvas->DrawItem( BoxItem );
Ejemplo n.º 25
	* Helper function to create an unwrapped 2D image of the cube map ( longitude/latitude )
	* This version takes explicitly passed properties of the source object, as the sources have different APIs.
	* @param	TextureResource		Source FTextureResource object.
	* @param	AxisDimenion		axis length of the cube.
	* @param	SourcePixelFormat	pixel format of the source.
	* @param	BitsOUT				Raw bits of the 2D image bitmap.
	* @param	SizeXOUT			Filled with the X dimension of the output bitmap.
	* @param	SizeYOUT			Filled with the Y dimension of the output bitmap.
	* @return						true on success.
	* @param	FormatOUT			Filled with the pixel format of the output bitmap.
	bool GenerateLongLatUnwrap(const FTextureResource* TextureResource, const uint32 AxisDimenion, const EPixelFormat SourcePixelFormat, TArray<uint8>& BitsOUT, FIntPoint& SizeOUT, EPixelFormat& FormatOUT)
		TRefCountPtr<FBatchedElementParameters> BatchedElementParameters;
		BatchedElementParameters = new FMipLevelBatchedElementParameters((float)0, true);
		const FIntPoint LongLatDimensions(AxisDimenion * 2, AxisDimenion);

		// If the source format is 8 bit per channel or less then select a LDR target format.
		const EPixelFormat TargetPixelFormat = CalculateImageBytes(1, 1, 0, SourcePixelFormat) <= 4 ? PF_B8G8R8A8 : PF_FloatRGBA;

		UTextureRenderTarget2D* RenderTargetLongLat = NewObject<UTextureRenderTarget2D>();
		RenderTargetLongLat->ClearColor = FLinearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
		RenderTargetLongLat->InitCustomFormat(LongLatDimensions.X, LongLatDimensions.Y, TargetPixelFormat, false);
		RenderTargetLongLat->TargetGamma = 0;
		FRenderTarget* RenderTarget = RenderTargetLongLat->GameThread_GetRenderTargetResource();

		FCanvas* Canvas = new FCanvas(RenderTarget, NULL, 0, 0, 0, GMaxRHIFeatureLevel);

		// Clear the render target to black
		Canvas->Clear(FLinearColor(0, 0, 0, 0));

		FCanvasTileItem TileItem(FVector2D(0.0f, 0.0f), TextureResource, FVector2D(LongLatDimensions.X, LongLatDimensions.Y), FLinearColor::White);
		TileItem.BatchedElementParameters = BatchedElementParameters;
		TileItem.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Opaque;

		int32 ImageBytes = CalculateImageBytes(LongLatDimensions.X, LongLatDimensions.Y, 0, TargetPixelFormat);


		bool bReadSuccess = false;
		switch (TargetPixelFormat)
			case PF_B8G8R8A8:
				bReadSuccess = RenderTarget->ReadPixelsPtr((FColor*)BitsOUT.GetData());
			case PF_FloatRGBA:
					TArray<FFloat16Color> FloatColors;
					bReadSuccess = RenderTarget->ReadFloat16Pixels(FloatColors);
					FMemory::Memcpy(BitsOUT.GetData(), FloatColors.GetData(), ImageBytes);
		// Clean up.
		RenderTargetLongLat = NULL;
		delete Canvas;

		SizeOUT = LongLatDimensions;
		FormatOUT = TargetPixelFormat;
		if (bReadSuccess == false)
			// Reading has failed clear output buffer.

		return bReadSuccess;
void AGameplayDebuggingHUDComponent::DrawEQSData(APlayerController* PC, class UGameplayDebuggingComponent *DebugComponent)
	PrintString(DefaultContext, TEXT("\n{green}EQS {white}[Use + key to switch query]\n"));

	if (DebugComponent->EQSLocalData.Num() == 0)

	const int32 EQSIndex = DebugComponent->EQSLocalData.Num() > 0 ? FMath::Clamp(DebugComponent->CurrentEQSIndex, 0, DebugComponent->EQSLocalData.Num() - 1) : INDEX_NONE;
	if (!DebugComponent->EQSLocalData.IsValidIndex(EQSIndex))

		int32 Index = 0;
		PrintString(DefaultContext, TEXT("{white}Queries: "));
		for (auto CurrentQuery : DebugComponent->EQSLocalData)
			if (EQSIndex == Index)
				PrintString(DefaultContext, FString::Printf(TEXT("{green}%s, "), *CurrentQuery.Name));
				PrintString(DefaultContext, FString::Printf(TEXT("{yellow}%s, "), *CurrentQuery.Name));
		PrintString(DefaultContext, TEXT("\n"));

	auto& CurrentLocalData = DebugComponent->EQSLocalData[EQSIndex];

	/** find and draw item selection */
	int32 BestItemIndex = INDEX_NONE;
		APlayerController* const MyPC = Cast<APlayerController>(PlayerOwner);
		FVector CamLocation;
		FVector FireDir;
		if (!MyPC->GetSpectatorPawn())
			FRotator CamRotation;
			MyPC->GetPlayerViewPoint(CamLocation, CamRotation);
			FireDir = CamRotation.Vector();
			FireDir = DefaultContext.Canvas->SceneView->GetViewDirection();
			CamLocation = DefaultContext.Canvas->SceneView->ViewMatrices.ViewOrigin;

		float bestAim = 0;
		for (int32 Index = 0; Index < CurrentLocalData.RenderDebugHelpers.Num(); ++Index)
			auto& CurrentItem = CurrentLocalData.RenderDebugHelpers[Index];

			const FVector AimDir = CurrentItem.Location - CamLocation;
			float FireDist = AimDir.SizeSquared();

			FireDist = FMath::Sqrt(FireDist);
			float newAim = FireDir | AimDir;
			newAim = newAim / FireDist;
			if (newAim > bestAim)
				BestItemIndex = Index;
				bestAim = newAim;

		if (BestItemIndex != INDEX_NONE)
			DrawDebugSphere(World, CurrentLocalData.RenderDebugHelpers[BestItemIndex].Location, CurrentLocalData.RenderDebugHelpers[BestItemIndex].Radius, 8, FColor::Red, false);
			int32 FailedTestIndex = CurrentLocalData.RenderDebugHelpers[BestItemIndex].FailedTestIndex;
			if (FailedTestIndex != INDEX_NONE)
				PrintString(DefaultContext, FString::Printf(TEXT("{red}Selected item failed with test %d: {yellow}%s {LightBlue}(%s)\n")
					, FailedTestIndex
					, *CurrentLocalData.Tests[FailedTestIndex].ShortName
					, *CurrentLocalData.Tests[FailedTestIndex].Detailed
				PrintString(DefaultContext, FString::Printf(TEXT("{white}'%s' with score %3.3f\n\n"), *CurrentLocalData.RenderDebugHelpers[BestItemIndex].AdditionalInformation, CurrentLocalData.RenderDebugHelpers[BestItemIndex].FailedScore));

	PrintString(DefaultContext, FString::Printf(TEXT("{white}Timestamp: {yellow}%.3f (%.2fs ago)\n")
		, CurrentLocalData.Timestamp, PC->GetWorld()->GetTimeSeconds() - CurrentLocalData.Timestamp
	PrintString(DefaultContext, FString::Printf(TEXT("{white}Query ID: {yellow}%d\n")
		, CurrentLocalData.Id

	PrintString(DefaultContext, FString::Printf(TEXT("{white}Query contains %d options: "), CurrentLocalData.Options.Num()));
	for (int32 OptionIndex = 0; OptionIndex < CurrentLocalData.Options.Num(); ++OptionIndex)
		if (OptionIndex == CurrentLocalData.UsedOption)
			PrintString(DefaultContext, FString::Printf(TEXT("{green}%s, "), *CurrentLocalData.Options[OptionIndex]));
			PrintString(DefaultContext, FString::Printf(TEXT("{yellow}%s, "), *CurrentLocalData.Options[OptionIndex]));
	PrintString(DefaultContext, TEXT("\n"));

	const float RowHeight = 20.0f;
	const int32 NumTests = CurrentLocalData.Tests.Num();
	if (CurrentLocalData.NumValidItems > 0 && GetDebuggingReplicator()->EnableEQSOnHUD )
		// draw test weights for best X items
		const int32 NumItems = CurrentLocalData.Items.Num();

		FCanvasTileItem TileItem(FVector2D(0, 0), GWhiteTexture, FVector2D(Canvas->SizeX, RowHeight), FLinearColor::Black);
		FLinearColor ColorOdd(0, 0, 0, 0.6f);
		FLinearColor ColorEven(0, 0, 0.4f, 0.4f);
		TileItem.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;

		// table header		
			DefaultContext.CursorY += RowHeight;
			const float HeaderY = DefaultContext.CursorY + 3.0f;
			DrawItem(DefaultContext, TileItem, 0, DefaultContext.CursorY);

			float HeaderX = DefaultContext.CursorX;
			PrintString(DefaultContext, FColor::Yellow, FString::Printf(TEXT("Num items: %d"), CurrentLocalData.NumValidItems), HeaderX, HeaderY);
			HeaderX += ItemDescriptionWidth;

			PrintString(DefaultContext, FColor::White, TEXT("Score"), HeaderX, HeaderY);
			HeaderX += ItemScoreWidth;

			for (int32 TestIdx = 0; TestIdx < NumTests; TestIdx++)
				PrintString(DefaultContext, FColor::White, FString::Printf(TEXT("Test %d"), TestIdx), HeaderX, HeaderY);
				HeaderX += TestScoreWidth;

			DefaultContext.CursorY += RowHeight;

		// valid items
		for (int32 Idx = 0; Idx < NumItems; Idx++)
			TileItem.SetColor((Idx % 2) ? ColorOdd : ColorEven);
			DrawItem(DefaultContext, TileItem, 0, DefaultContext.CursorY);

			DrawEQSItemDetails(Idx, DebugComponent);
			DefaultContext.CursorY += RowHeight;
		DefaultContext.CursorY += RowHeight;

	// test description
	PrintString(DefaultContext, TEXT("All tests from used option:\n"));
	for (int32 TestIdx = 0; TestIdx < NumTests; TestIdx++)
		FString TestDesc = FString::Printf(TEXT("{white}Test %d = {yellow}%s {LightBlue}(%s)\n"), TestIdx,

		PrintString(DefaultContext, TestDesc);

void AGameplayDebuggingHUDComponent::DrawMenu(const float X, const float Y, class UGameplayDebuggingComponent* DebugComponent)
	const float OldX = DefaultContext.CursorX;
	const float OldY = DefaultContext.CursorY;

	UGameplayDebuggingControllerComponent*  GDC = GetDebuggingReplicator()->FindComponentByClass<UGameplayDebuggingControllerComponent>();
	if (DefaultContext.Canvas != NULL)
		TArray<FDebugCategoryView> Categories;

		UFont* OldFont = DefaultContext.Font;
		DefaultContext.Font = GEngine->GetMediumFont();

		TArray<float> CategoriesWidth;
		float TotalWidth = 0.0f, MaxHeight = 0.0f;

		FString ActivationKeyDisplayName = TEXT("'");
		FString ActivationKeyName = TEXT("Apostrophe");

		APlayerController* const MyPC = Cast<APlayerController>(PlayerOwner);
		if (GDC)
			ActivationKeyDisplayName = GDC->GetActivationKey().Key.GetDisplayName().ToString();
			ActivationKeyName = GDC->GetActivationKey().Key.GetFName().ToString();

		const FString KeyDesc = ActivationKeyName != ActivationKeyDisplayName ? FString::Printf(TEXT("(%s key)"), *ActivationKeyName) : TEXT("");
		FString HeaderDesc = FString::Printf(TEXT("Tap %s %s to close, use Numpad numbers to toggle categories"), *ActivationKeyDisplayName, *KeyDesc);

		float HeaderWidth = 0.0f;
		CalulateStringSize(DefaultContext, DefaultContext.Font, HeaderDesc, HeaderWidth, MaxHeight);

		for (int32 i = 0; i < Categories.Num(); i++)
			Categories[i].Desc = FString::Printf(TEXT("%d:%s "), i, *Categories[i].Desc);

			float StrHeight = 0.0f;
			CalulateStringSize(DefaultContext, DefaultContext.Font, Categories[i].Desc, CategoriesWidth[i], StrHeight);
			TotalWidth += CategoriesWidth[i];
			MaxHeight = FMath::Max(MaxHeight, StrHeight);

			static FString KeyShortcut = GDC->DebugCameraBind.GetInputText().ToString();
			const int32 DebugCameraIndex = Categories.Add(FDebugCategoryView());
			Categories[DebugCameraIndex].Desc = FString::Printf(TEXT(" %s[%s]: %s  "), GDC && GDC->GetDebugCameraController().IsValid() ? TEXT("{Green}") : TEXT("{White}"), *KeyShortcut, TEXT("Debug Camera"));
			float StrHeight = 0.0f;
			CalulateStringSize(DefaultContext, DefaultContext.Font, Categories[DebugCameraIndex].Desc, CategoriesWidth[DebugCameraIndex], StrHeight);
			TotalWidth += CategoriesWidth[DebugCameraIndex];
			MaxHeight = FMath::Max(MaxHeight, StrHeight);
			static FString KeyShortcut = GDC->OnScreenDebugMessagesBind.GetInputText().ToString();
			const int32 DebugCameraIndex = Categories.Add(FDebugCategoryView());
			Categories[DebugCameraIndex].Desc = FString::Printf(TEXT(" %s[%s]: %s  "), GEngine && GEngine->bEnableOnScreenDebugMessages ? TEXT("{Green}") : TEXT("{White}"), *KeyShortcut, TEXT("DebugMessages"));
			float StrHeight = 0.0f;
			CalulateStringSize(DefaultContext, DefaultContext.Font, Categories[DebugCameraIndex].Desc, CategoriesWidth[DebugCameraIndex], StrHeight);
			TotalWidth += CategoriesWidth[DebugCameraIndex];
			MaxHeight = FMath::Max(MaxHeight, StrHeight);
			static FString KeyShortcut = GDC->GameHUDBind.GetInputText().ToString();
			const AHUD* GameHUD = MyPC ? MyPC->GetHUD() : NULL;
			const int32 DebugCameraIndex = Categories.Add(FDebugCategoryView());
			Categories[DebugCameraIndex].Desc = FString::Printf(TEXT(" %s[%s]: %s  "), GameHUD && GameHUD->bShowHUD ? TEXT("{Green}") : TEXT("{White}"), *KeyShortcut, TEXT("GameHUD"));
			float StrHeight = 0.0f;
			CalulateStringSize(DefaultContext, DefaultContext.Font, Categories[DebugCameraIndex].Desc, CategoriesWidth[DebugCameraIndex], StrHeight);
			TotalWidth += CategoriesWidth[DebugCameraIndex];
			MaxHeight = FMath::Max(MaxHeight, StrHeight);

		TotalWidth = FMath::Max(TotalWidth, HeaderWidth);

		FCanvasTileItem TileItem(FVector2D(10, 10), GWhiteTexture, FVector2D(TotalWidth + 20, MaxHeight + 20), FColor(0, 0, 0, 20));
		TileItem.BlendMode = SE_BLEND_Translucent;
		DrawItem(DefaultContext, TileItem, MenuStartX, MenuStartY);

		PrintString(DefaultContext, FColorList::LightBlue, HeaderDesc, MenuStartX + 2.f, MenuStartY + 2.f);

		float XPos = MenuStartX + 20.f;
		for (int32 i = 0; i < Categories.Num(); i++)
			const bool bIsActive = GameplayDebuggerSettings(GetDebuggingReplicator()).CheckFlag(Categories[i].View) ? true : false;
			const bool bIsDisabled = Categories[i].View == EAIDebugDrawDataView::NavMesh ? false : (DebugComponent && DebugComponent->GetSelectedActor() ? false: true);

			PrintString(DefaultContext, bIsDisabled ? (bIsActive ? FColorList::DarkGreen  : FColorList::LightGrey) : (bIsActive ? FColorList::Green : FColorList::White), Categories[i].Desc, XPos, MenuStartY + MaxHeight + 2.f);
			XPos += CategoriesWidth[i];
		DefaultContext.Font = OldFont;

	if ((!DebugComponent || !DebugComponent->GetSelectedActor()) && GetWorld()->GetNetMode() == NM_Client)
		PrintString(DefaultContext, "\n{red}No Pawn selected - waiting for data to replicate from server. {green}Press and hold ' to select Pawn \n");

	if (GDC && GDC->GetDebugCameraController().IsValid())
		ADebugCameraController* DebugCamController = GDC->GetDebugCameraController().Get();
		if (DebugCamController != NULL)
			FVector const CamLoc = DebugCamController->PlayerCameraManager->GetCameraLocation();
			FRotator const CamRot = DebugCamController->PlayerCameraManager->GetCameraRotation();

			FString HitString;
			FCollisionQueryParams TraceParams(NAME_None, true, this);
			FHitResult Hit;
			bool bHit = GetWorld()->LineTraceSingleByChannel(Hit, CamLoc, CamRot.Vector() * 100000.f + CamLoc, ECC_Pawn, TraceParams);
			if (bHit && Hit.GetActor() != nullptr)
				HitString = FString::Printf(TEXT("{white}Under cursor: {yellow}'%s'"), *Hit.GetActor()->GetName());
				DrawDebugLine(GetWorld(), Hit.Location, Hit.Location + Hit.Normal*30.f, FColor::White);
				HitString = FString::Printf(TEXT("Not actor under cursor"));

			PrintString(DefaultContext, FColor::White, HitString, MenuStartX, MenuStartY + 40);

	DefaultContext.CursorX = OldX;
	DefaultContext.CursorY = OldY;